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Chapter 1

December 23, 1999, Birmingham, Michigan

“Anastasia, the partners are ready for you in the main conference room.”

Stasia looked at her phone as if it was going to bite her, she held down the intercom button and said, “Thank you Cindy, I’m on my way.”

She looked at the paperwork in front of her hoping that at the last minute, the numbers would change, but it hadn’t happened, she dreaded what she was about to tell the partners.

Stasia stood up, straightened her suit, picked up the folder she had been looking at and started down the hall. Past several secretaries, open office doors where young associate attorneys were working away on cases that they hoped would make their careers. She walked past the small conference room where she could see Jessica Clegg moving in for the kill on the defendant whose deposition she was taking, Jess knew the guy was lying, and she wasn’t about to tolerate it. Stasia had to chuckle, this guy had no idea what he was in for.

Jessica was one of the youngest attorneys in the firm, and she was sure to make partner within the next year. Jess amazed Stasia, she had the best instincts when it came to reading people, which was one of the reasons she loved her. They had been working together for three years, since Jess had started as a clerk to Jack Barnett the Senior Partner at Barnett & Adams. When Jess started, Stasia had been at the firm a year already, as the office manager and personal assistant to Josh Adams, Jack’s partner. Stasia had taken to Jess right away, and they became friends very quickly, she liked how smart she was, Jess knew more as a law student, than most attorneys knew after practicing for years.

She stopped in front of the door to the conference room, where she knew Jack and Josh were waiting for the annual report. She took a deep breath, attempted to put a smile on her face, and walked into the room. “Good afternoon boys.”

“Well hello there Stasia, have a seat and we’ll go over those numbers you were concerned about.” Josh said as he motioned to a chair.

Stasia sat across from the two men, and placed her file on the table in front of her. As she glanced around at the room they were sitting in, she grinned, this room was designed to intimidate the opposition. The rows of old legal texts, the dark cherry table that stretched the length of the room, surrounded by high back chairs, that seemed to get more and more uncomfortable with each passing second, especially if you had something to be uncomfortable about.

“Stasia, it isn’t often that you call Josh and I into a meeting about the books, needless to say, we are a little concerned.”

Stasia sighed, rubbed her temples and began, “Well, you are both aware of the fact that when John Gross left in October, he took a number of clients with him. A number of clients, who we obviously weren’t counting on losing.”

Josh nodded, “Go on.”

“One of the problems with firing John, which needed to be done, is the fact that he has been doing his very best to make sure that we aren’t getting referrals from any of the people he deals with regularly. Those referrals were a huge part of our monthly income, and without them, we are in trouble.”

“What kind of trouble are we talking about here?” Jack looked concerned, if there was one thing he knew about Stasia, it was the fact that she never overreacted to a situation, no matter how bleak.

“Jack, unless we let some of the staff go, Barnett & Adams is going to have to close its doors completely, by March, if we are lucky to last that long.”

Josh stared at her open mouthed. “It can’t possibly be at that point, John couldn’t have taken that much business with him when he left.”

“Face it guys, when you found out about his dirty deals and fired him, every client he had made one of those deals for, left with him and they took their friends with them, which is great morally...but not great economically .”

Stasia opened her file and turned it for the two men to look at. “Here are the numbers for October, the last month we had John’s clients on the books. And here are the numbers for November, with his clients you see the difference? We took a loss for the first time in the four years I’ve been here.”

“John’s clients supplied several of the associates with work as well, right now we have at least four attorneys and four secretaries, that are really not doing much. You know I am the last person in the world to advocate letting people go, but honestly, I don’t see any way around it.”

Jack spoke in a quiet voice, “You have never led us astray before Stasia, which is why this is hitting Josh and I so hard. If you think this is the only way to get back on our feet, we trust you.”

After two hours of discussions, the three of them had decided on the list of eight employees, who were going to be fired. Stasia felt sick. As she got up and started to gather her paperwork, she looked at Jack and then at Josh and whispered, “I am so sorry.” With that, she left the conference room.

As she slowly made her way to her small office, she couldn’t look any of her co-workers in the face, she felt guilty because, at her suggestion, eight of these people were going to be fired, today.

She threw the file on her desk, shut the door, sat down in the chair behind her desk and slammed her forehead down on top of the mountain of paperwork in front of her.

Her door burst open, and Jess came charging in with a huge grin on her face. She flopped down in one of the chairs across the desk from Stasia. “Stasia my dear, I ate that guy alive! You are gonna be so proud of me when you hear this! So, He’s sitting there, trying to look me in the face and lie, right?”


“So I look him square in the eye and say, ‘Buddy, I may be young, but I’m not stupid’”


“So then he says, ‘I never said you were stupid’, and I said, ‘Well you must be thinking that if you think I’m going to fall for this line you’re trying to feed me’ Then he looked at his good for nothing attorney and STARTED TO CRY! I love it! He...”


“What the heck is wrong with you? First, your door is shut, which I assumed was a mistake, because you never close your door. And then you scream at me, just when I’m getting to the good part of my story...why do you look like you’re going to be sick? What’s wrong?”

“This day is not going very well. It’s 2:30 and I don’t see things getting better until...until I don’t know when.”

Just then Jack appeared at Stasia’s door, “Jessica, may I have a word with Stasia? Alone.”

Jess gave Stasia a confused look, got up and walked out of the office without a word.

“Stasia, Josh and I discussed this mess further after you left, and we decided that as the office manager, we feel it would be best for you to inform the employees who are being let go. We think they’ll take it best from you.”

“What? Why me? Jack, you can’t ask this of me!”

“I just did, this is your responsibility now. I’ll have Cindy send Bill back here.” With that, he turned on his heal and walked out of her office.

No more than two minutes later, Bill stuck his head in the door, “Hey Stasia! What are you up to? Cindy buzzed me a told me to come see you. What’s the deal with that? Did you forget how to use your own intercom?” he laughed.

“Bill, come in, and close the door.”

Twenty minutes later, Bill left her office, looking very pale, he walked to his own office and quietly shut the door.

Stasia went through the same horrible scene seven times after Bill left her office. Each person stared at her blankly. Each person asked why. Each one of them said they understood. And each person looked on the verge of tears when they walked out her door.

She got up from her chair, walked down the hall, past offices and desks where eight people were slowly loading their personal belongings into boxes. She reached Josh’s office, knocked lightly on the open door and stepped into the dark space. Josh was sitting behind his desk looking out the window at the street below. People were rushing up and down with last minute Christmas packages under their arms. Stasia called out quietly, “Josh”

Without turning around, he asked, “Are you done?”


“I feel like the Grinch who stole Christmas.”

“Josh, you know as well as I do, none of this is your fault. Forcing me to be the Angel of Death is another matter.”

“I’m sorry Stasia, I couldn’t face them.”

“I know, I understand, but I still don’t like it.”

He sighed heavily, “Stasia, you are so young. What? Twenty-five now?”

She walked the rest of the way into the office and sat on the arm of his client chair. “Yeah, until tomorrow.”

“Oh God. I’m sorry, I completely forgot. But my point is, you are young, this isn’t going to be the worst day you’ve ever had. And unfortunately, I know for a fact this isn’t the worst day you’ve ever had. You know I look at you like family, I’m so sorry I caused you pain today, but you have always been stronger than me, which is why I hired you in the first place. I could never have done what you did today, and deep down, you know that.”

She nodded her head, got up and shut his door on the way out. She knew he was right, she’d seen much worse days, and he could never have handled the reactions of the poor people she had talked to today.

She made her way to Jess’s office, walked in and shut the door.

“What the hell is going on around here today? Bill said YOU fired him! People are cleaning out their offices all over the place! Josh looks like his dog died, Jack is gone already, and you look like you are about to cry. Oh, Stasia.” She walked around the desk and hugged her friend.

“Jess, why did they make me do this? Two days before Christmas, and I fire eight people. Jess, SIX of them have kids. Merry Christmas! You're fired!”

“This is not your fault.” She ran a hand through her blonde hair and helped Stasia into a chair.

“It IS my fault! Had I managed this firm’s finances better, none of them would be packing right now. Had I figured out John was so slimy earlier, I could have planned our spending better.”

“You found out the jerk was making dirty deals, you went to Josh, he fired him. You did everything correctly, and you know it.”

“Thanks Jess, but I’m going home. I need to lay on the couch, watch old movies, and eat...a lot. Are you going to be in at all tomorrow?”

“Christmas Eve, no, not even I am crazy enough to be here Christmas Eve. I don’t expect you to be here either.”

“I’m just going to work a half day.”

“Sure, as if you have the ability to work just half a day.”

“Shut up Jess.” Stasia smiled, knowing Jess was completely right.

The rain started the very second Stasia stepped out onto the street.

“Great, the perfect ending to the perfect day!” She ran to her car, dropped her keys getting them out of her purse, dropped her briefcase as she bent to pickup the keys and hit her head on the side view mirror as she stood up.

Stasia finally got home after fighting rush hour traffic, which was worse because of the holidays. She pulled into her parking space and ran to her door. Her wet hair was sticking to her cheek, and her coat didn’t seem to be keeping out any of the wet or the cold.

She stepped into her little apartment, dropped her purse, briefcase and coat on the floor in front of the door. As she made her way toward the bedroom, she kicked off her heels and unbuttoned her jacket. She realized Jake had not met her at the door. Wonderful! He was already angry with her for being late. “Jake! Honey, where are you.”

There was no response.

“Jake, it’s not my fault, I’m sorry I’m so late.”

She flipped on the bedroom light, Jake rolled over on the bed. “Come on honey, you can’t be mad at me.”

He looked at Stasia, who looked back pitifully. He quickly jumped up into her lap and licked her face.

“That’s better! I missed you! How’s the puppy today?” He was going to be three in January...which meant she’d had him almost two years...was it that long already?

Stasia picked up the phone from the nightstand beside the bed, dialed, and waited for the person on the other end to pick up. “Hello?”

“Hi, it’s me, can you come over?”

“Yeah, I guess...I’ll be there in a while.” With that the phone clicked in her ear.

She got up from the bed, put on her favorite khaki pants and a blue sweater. She dug around in the bottom of her closet for a pair of boots, when she found them, slipped them on, grabbed her raincoat and Jake’s leash. Jake began to do a little dance by the door as she attached his leash to his collar. The two of them headed down the block to the dog park. After a fifteen minute stroll around the park in the rain, Jake was pulling her in the direction of their apartment. As they approached, she saw the familiar car parked in front of her building. She unlocked the door, bent down and wiped Jake’s paws on his towel, dried his fur a bit, and then let him go.

“ANASTASIA! Why would you let this wet mutt jump all over me?”

“Garret, he’s just trying to say hello.” She walked over to the couch where he sat, leaned over to kiss him, and he moved away.

“What’s wrong Garret?”

“Anastasia, I can’t take this anymore, you work too much, you drag that damn dog with you everywhere you go, and with January coming up, I can’t deal with you being depressed for the entire month again this year.”


“Face it, you are depressing to be with, and I for one don’t need that in my life. You are never going to be able to have a relationship, because you are never going to open your heart to anyone. I thought I could deal with that, but you know what, I want to be with someone who is warm. Someone with a heart.”

“Garret, you know I care about you, but you’re right, you deserve to be with someone who has the ability to love you the way you need to be loved, I deserve the same thing. We are just mismatched. I understand how you feel, and I agree with you.”

“So that’s it? You don’t even want to try?”

“Try what? If you are hoping I will beg you to stay, don’t bother. You’ve basically made up your mind, and I AGREE WITH YOU.” She refused to let him see her crack, he had said and done some very hurtful things before, things Stasia had ignored because she wanted to have someone love her, but he only loved the “picture” they made together.

Garret got up, threw the key to her apartment on the table, and grinned at her, “You’re not going to find someone else willing to put up with your baggage. When I walk out this door, you’ll be alone.”

“Good bye Garret.”

He turned and walked out the door, she slammed it behind him.

She curled up in the corner of the couch, Jake jumped in her lap, she looked into his little face and the tears began to fall. Jake was the only one who had seen her cry in the last two years. With everything that had happened in her life, he was the only one she trusted with her tears, because there were times she felt she was crying for both of them. He tried to lick away her tears and nuzzled against her neck.

“Ok Jake, you’re right, he’s not worth crying about. I’m done, let’s feed you, and call Jess...she’ll badmouth him for me. I hate that she was right about him, I’m never going to hear the end of this.”

Stasia and Jake got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, picking up the phone on her way there. As she picked up Jake’s bowl, she dialed Jess’s number. After the first ring Jess picked up, “Yeah?”

“Very nice. Yeah? What if I were your mother?”

“Stasia...welcome to the 90's...Caller-ID...If I thought you were my mother, I would have let the machine pick up.”

“Jess, you need to come over and bring the emergency kit.”

“You broke up with the jerk? I’m on my way, I’ll bring the kit.”

“Thanks, the door is open.”


Stasia hung up and walked back to the bedroom, she pulled of the clothes she’d put on less than an hour before. She got out her favorite pajamas, the ones with the clouds all over them, then pulled the comforter off her bed and dragged it into the living room. As she was settling in, Jess walked in the door.

“OK! I’ve got the emergency kit! Let’s run through the checklist before I take off my coat, in case I’ve forgotten something.”

Stasia chuckled, “Ok, do you have my chocolate-chocolate chip ice cream?”


“An Affair To Remember?”


“Plain potato chips?”


“Funny, Sleepless In Seattle?”

“Got it.”


“Wearing ‘em.”

“Bad attitude about Garret?”

“Oh yeah! Got it!”

“Well then, I think we’re all set. Should we eat, then guy bash, then watch the videos?”

“Nope. Guy bash while eating, then watch videos?”

When Sleepless in Seattle ended, it was 2:15 in the morning, Jake was curled up between the two women with only his nose sticking out from under the comforter. Jess blew her nose for the hundredth time and Stasia giggled at her. “I assume you’re staying tonight Jess?”

“Um, yeah...I’m in no condition to drive.”

“Jess, I need a change. There are just too many bad memories here.”

“Oh Stasia, I don’t want you to go anywhere...what would I do without you? This sucks - I can’t lose you now, I need you. BUT honestly, I wouldn’t be a friend if I tried to stop you, I understand why you want to leave.”

“You know you are the best friend I’ve ever had.”

“Of course.”

“Shut up Jess.”

“Why do you always say that?”she grinned evilly.

“I don’t know where to start...or where I should go...”

“We’ll think about it tomorrow. Let’s get some rest, you realize I’m not letting you go into the office today, right?”

“I know...good night Jess.”

They both stayed right where they were, two friends curled up on the couch, knowing this was one of the last times they would be able to do this. When Stasia made up her mind, there was no changing it, and this time, Jess knew she shouldn’t even try. It wouldn’t be fair.

One ray of sunlight was streaming in through the narrow space between the blinds and the window frame, directly into Stasia’s eye, 'Nice way to wake up’ she thought.

Jess was already up and making breakfast for both of them. “I took Jake out already. He’s going to miss me.”

Stasia rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she walked into the kitchen and hugged her friend. “We are both going to miss you.”

“Hey you aren’t gone yet, we are acting as if you are leaving in an hour. I’m not letting you go anywhere until I know you have a good job, and place to live. So, let’s not talk about it right now.”

The friends sat down at the small dining room table. Jess placed a plate in front of Stasia, who started to laugh, on her plate, was a face smiling up at her...eggs for eyes, a grape for a nose and toast cut on the diagonal for a smiling mouth.

“What am I, four years old?”

“No, as a matter of fact, you are twenty-six.” she grinned evilly.

“After the day I had yesterday, I’d forgotten.”

“You wish you’d forgotten...old lady.”

“Shut up Jess.”

“You are eight days!”

“Let’s eat, before I kill you...but if I kill you, who would defend me? Oh, that would be a problem...I suppose Josh could do it.”

“Funny...very funny.”

After breakfast they each showered and dressed, Jess loved digging through Stasia’s closet. She was very conservative, and Jess could still not believe that one person owned this many pairs of khaki pants, Stasia had more khaki pants then the GAP did. When Jess found a pair of jeans she almost passed out...”Can I wear these?”

“Sure, why not?”

“Well I thought you may have some strange attachment to them, seeing as I’ve never seen you wear jeans...I thought maybe there were religious reasons. I’m also stealing this Michigan State sweatshirt.”

“Help yourself. Religious reasons? Jess, we’re both Catholic.”

“You know I will. Hey, I’ve got some last minute Christmas shopping to do, wanna come along?”

“You want me to go to a mall with you on Christmas Eve? ON MY BIRTHDAY? No thanks!”

“Well, I have to pick up your Christmas just came in yesterday. I swear, I ordered it months ago but there was a problem, and it just came wanna go now?”

“Ok...I’ll go...but only because I’m getting something out of this deal.”

“Oh I have to bribe you to get you to go out with me? Thanks for the huge ego boost!”

“Come on Jess, you know I love ya!”

Jess looked at her friend, it was funny, Stasia had no idea how pretty she was. She was standing in front of the mirror on the dresser pulling on the cardigan sweater that completed her black twin set. Her perfectly tailored khaki pants just hit the top of her black loafers. Her light brown hair was pulled into a high ponytail and tied with a black scarf with small red and yellow flowers on it. Stasia never wore make-up, it was too much of a hassle for her. “Hey Stasia?”


“Have I ever told you how preppy you are?”

“Not today.”

“Do you own a pair of sweat pants?”

“Yes, and you’ve seen me wear the gym...remember?”

“God! Stasia that does NOT count!”

“Drop it...lets you need shoes or are you going to wear your slippers...I can’t believe you drove over here in slippers!”

“I’m just going to grab your sneakers...I hate going out with you, you always make me look like a slob.”

“I do not.”

“Let’s go, preppy.”

“I’m hot on your heels, you big slob.”

The two girls walked out to Jess’s car, Stasia put on her seatbelt, and started playing with the radio.

Jess laughed at Stasia, “I don’t even get to choose the music in my own car?”

“Nope, I’m not sure what I’m in the mood to her yet. Plus, it’s my birthday, I should have the honor of picking the music on my birthday.”

“Hey! That was Winter Wonderland! How about some Christmas tunes?”

“JESS! How could you? As if it’s not bad enough to have my birthday on Christmas Eve, my best friend wants to make me listen to Christmas know how I feel about that!”

“Sorry. I didn’t think before I spoke...always a stupid stunt around you! How could I forget the stories about never being able to have a party on your Birthday? Or gifts wrapped in Christmas paper. I suppose it was hard to make a big deal about Stasia’s big day...that actually does suck. Huh, never really thought about it before.”

“Enough drama! I was just saying I don’t want to listen to Christmas music in the car today. But here we go! A little Motown! Stevie Wonder. Gotta love this guy!”

Jess laughed and headed toward Birmingham, with its quaint little downtown area full of little speciality shops. The shop they were heading to was one block away from their office. Stasia was going to love this! Jess was so proud of herself, Stasia was difficult to shop for because she would be gracious and thankful if you gave her a rock. She would say she had never seen a rock like this one and that she loved it, and she would be telling you the complete truth. This gift had taken so much thought and care to pull off, especially since Jess had to steal part of it from Stasia’s apartment when she wasn’t home.

“Where are we going? I thought you had to go to the mall.”

“You said mall...I never said mall. I said shopping. Shopping does not necessarily mean mall.”

“Do you know what parking is going to be like today? Birmingham is going to be a zoo.”

“I’ll park at the office, the shop is only a block from there. Then we can have lunch at Sweet Lorraine’s on the way home, you love their chocolate cake.”

Jess pulled her car into its space, she was so proud of her covered parking space. Jack had given it to her when she had won her first large case, it was a sign of her capability as an attorney. Stasia was the only person in the world who completely understood the significance of a stupid parking space. The day Jack gave it to her, Stasia had decorated it with balloons and streamers, then they had gone out for the best dinner they could afford.

“Let’s go. We’ve got to get your gift before the place closes, everything is closing early today, because Birthday.”

“Funny, nice save.”

They pulled their coats tighter around them and walked out onto the street, people were rushing around in all directions. Children were pointing at windows, making last minute adjustments to their Christmas lists, men were rushing into the jewelry store hoping for last minute inspiration and women were carrying shopping bags, no doubt containing sweaters for their husbands. The only card shop in the downtown area was packed to the gills. Jess grabbed Stasia’s arm and pulled her into the photo shop.

“Got me a picture frame, huh?”

“NO! Now be quiet and behave yourself while I get my package.” Jess walked to the counter where the man greeted her with a warm smile.

“I’ve been expecting you Miss Clegg. I’m so sorry about the delay, but I did promise you I’d have it in by Christmas. I wrapped it up the way you requested.”

“Thank you so much Mr. Billings. I’m sorry this all turned out to be so complicated.” With that, Jess turned and grabbed Stasia’s arm again. “Let’s go before you break an $8,000.00 camera.”

“You knock over ONE display in ONE store and you never live it down! I haven’t done that in years!”

“Can I run up to the office to get a file? As much as I don’t want to, I’m going to end up working some this weekend.”

“Sure, actually I want to talk to Josh about leaving, I want to warn him ahead of time. I owe him all the advance notice I can give him. I saw his car when we pulled in.”

The two of them walked up the stairs to the office, which took up the entire second floor of one full city block. The lobby was dark, and they could see a few office lights on as they started down the hall towards their own offices. Josh’s light was on so Stasia knocked lightly on his open door and walked in.

“Hi Josh.”

“Stasia, why are you here today? You should be at home eating Birthday cake. I can’t believe you’ve been with us for four years. You started just after your Birthday didn’t you? It has been an interesting four years hasn’t it?”

“Yes, interesting. I need to talk to you, Josh.”

“You’re leaving us, aren’t you?”


“This has been a long time in coming. You haven’t needed this job in a long time. I know the only reason you have stayed was because you knew we needed you. Where are you going? What do you want to do?”

“Honestly, I’m not sure yet. I just wanted to tell you, I’m going to start looking, I need a change. But I had to tell you, you have been so good to me, Josh, you are the closest thing I have ever had to a father.”

He got up and walked around his desk. He pulled her into a big bear hug. “I love you like my own child Stasia, if you ever need anything, you only have to ask.”

“I know that. Thank you.”

Josh walked back over to his desk, grabbed his Rolodex and started to flip through the cards looking for a number. “If I’m sending you off into the big bad world, I’m sending you to someone I know will take good care of you.” He pulled a card out, picked up the phone and started to dial a number.

“Josh...who are you calling?”

“My niece, she and her kids, well actually her son, just started a little family business, and they can use all of the competent help they can get.”

At that moment Josh said into the phone, “Hey there Sweetpea! Uncle Josh here.”

“I’m fine, I want to talk to you about a job with your little company. No, I don’t want to be in house counsel. I want to send you the best office manager and personal assistant I’ve ever had. She can fill you in on the details...the sooner, the better. Ok, thank you Sweetpea, I knew I could count on you. All our love to the family.”

“Josh? What was that all about?”

“That was my niece. You are flying down on the 27th to meet her. How do you feel about the South?"

“The South? I’ve never really spent any time in the South.”

“Well, you’ll love it, you’ll love them, and they’ll love you. Actually, this is a really good match, I should do this for a living.”

“I don’t know how to thank you for this.”

“You don’t have to. Like I said, if I can’t keep an eye on you, I’m sending you to my family who will keep an eye on you.”

Stasia walked over and hugged Josh tightly. “Thank you.”

“Promise me we won’t loose touch.”

“I promise, you are not getting rid of me that easily.”

Stasia let go of Josh and walked out of his office, down the hall to Jess’s office, where her friend was talking to someone on the phone. As she walked in the door, Jess held up one finger and continued to listen to the person on the other end. “Uh huh. Yeah. I know. I’m an awful child, yeah, not coming home for Christmas. Mom, you know this year we are going to Brent’s parents. Every other year, that’s the deal Mom. Mom, I’m going to miss you too, but I’ll see you this weekend. I know. I love you Mom. Stasia sends her love. Bye.”

Jess ran a hand through her hair, “I feel so bad.”

“I know. Hey, Jess, I think Josh just got me a job down south somewhere.”

“Excuse me?”

“Down south. I don’t even know where, and honestly, I don’t really care. This may be exactly what I need.”

“Josh? Josh got you a job? How is that possible? I left the two of you alone for twenty minutes, and he got you a job?”

“With his niece.”

“I’m happy for you. Really angry with Josh, and sad for myself. We need cake. Let’s get out of here.”

They walked down the hall, said good-bye and Merry Christmas to Josh and left the office. As they made their way onto the street, Jess spoke quietly to Stasia. “Will you please spend the night at my house tonight? I really don’t want you to be alone on Christmas morning.”

“No Jess, I can’t do that, I have a lot to do to prepare for my trip, I have three days to find out where the heck I’m going, pack, and find someone to take Jake when I go down to meet Josh’s niece.”

“Jake stays with me, you know that. Why do you even pretend that you would put him in a kennel? You know I would never let that happen.”

“Thanks, I know this is hard on you. This is all happening very quickly, and you being supportive means more to me than you will ever know.”

Jess put her arm around Stasia’s shoulders, they laughed and made their way down the street to the restaurant. They were both determined to enjoy every last second they had to spend together.

Stasia put her key into the lock and heard Jake run to the door, she smiled at Jess, who rolled her eyes.

“You look like a proud parent.”

“I am proud. How many dogs do you know of that not only recognize their owner’s keys in the lock, but don’t bark insanely when their owner gets home. Only my Jake. He just wants to kiss me and welcome me home.”

As they walked in, Jess pulled a gift from behind her back. It was a perfect, cube shaped box, each side of the box was wrapped with a different birthday paper. It had brightly colored ribbons, none of which were red or green, Stasia smiled and laughed.

“You're the best! I love it Jess!”

“How do you know you love it? You haven’t even opened it.”

Stasia tore open the paper, lifted the lid off the box, and started laughing. In the box, was a gold....rock. They had a pact about Birthday gifts, they had to be under $10.00, and they had to make you laugh. This one worked!

“It’s pyrite.” Jess grinned

“Jess, this is the best! You got me my very own fool’s gold! It’s perfect!”

“I have to give you your Christmas gift now too, I hate doing this on your Birthday, but I won’t see you tomorrow.”

“Hang on, let me grab yours first.”

Stasia ran into the bedroom, and came back with a small box wrapped in red paper, with a plaid ribbon tied around it.

“Even your gift wrap is preppy! I love this!”

“Open it.”

Jess unwrapped the package and opened the small velvet box. Inside, she found a pair of beautiful antique earrings. She had seen them when she and Stasia were in a little antique shop months ago. She loved them that day, but wasn’t sure if she should buy them, they were a little expensive. When they went back to get them a week later, they were gone, and Stasia had lectured her about going with your gut instinct and buying antiques when you see them.


“Yep, you wanted them.”

“Thank you Stasia! I’ll wear them all the time! Now open yours.”

Jess handed Stasia a large flat box wrapped in gold paper, with a beautiful gold bow tied on it. Stasia looked at Jess curiously.

“You’ll never know if you don’t open it.”

Stasia carefully pulled off the paper and lifted the lid off the box. The inside was lined with gold tissue paper, which she carefully pushed aside. Her breath caught in her throat.

“Oh God Jess. How did you do this?” She asked as she stared at the last picture taken of Stasia, her mother, her brother and her sister-in-law.

“Do you remember the night you were showing me all of your photo albums? You were very upset that this picture had been damaged, since it was the last one you had. Well, I talked your landlord into letting me in so I could steal it. Mr. Billings restored it, and I had it framed for you. Do you like it?”

“Jess, I love it. I don’t know what to say.”

“As long as you like it, you don’t have to say anything.”

An hour later, Jess left after hugging Stasia tightly and making one last attempt at getting her to spend the night at her house. As Stasia shut the door, she bent to pick up Jake.

“Jake honey, I am a very lucky girl. I have Jess, I have Josh and most importantly, I have you.” She kissed his wet little nose.

“There are some big changes in store for the two of us, again. Are you ready little man?”

Jake licked Stasia’s nose, and she laughed. “No matter what happens, we’ve got each other! Let’s get you some food.”

She set Jake down and walked to the kitchen, she had a good feeling about meeting Josh’s niece. She had a good feeling about her future, the world was at her fingertips, and for once, she had every intention of taking a firm hold on the world.

~Chapter Two~