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Chapter 10

Carson leaned closer to Stasia, so he could hear what she was saying. “Stasia, how long have you been with Free Lance?”

“A few weeks, it depends on whether or not you count the week I spent on the beach in Hawaii.”

“I’d count it if you had to put up with this group.” He laughed.

She smiled warmly at him, “You like them don’t you?”

“Yeah, don’t let it leak out, but I like them a lot. They are a great group of guys, you are going to like working with Lance, he is a great guy.”

Stasia looked up at Lance, who grinned at her, “Yeah he is.”

Carson smirked, “I have to admit, Lance has great taste in employees.”

Stasia blushed, “Thanks.” As the appetizers were placed on the table, Stasia and Carson were laughing at a story Jess was telling, about an attorney she had made cry that morning.

Lance looked up at the sound of Stasia’s laughter, he was getting used to that sound. He liked it. He was very pleased to see Stasia and Carson getting along so well. In the music world, Carson was a very good friend to have. It was nice having girls around, they made the mood a little lighter. He was trying very hard to hear what Carson was saying, without looking like he was listening in.

“Stasia, MTV could use you. We could get rid of Dave down there and hire you.” He raised his voice so Dave could hear, Dave promptly rolled his eyes.

“I have no desire to be in the spotlight - I am completely content to stay behind the scenes.”

“I saw your first TV appearance, looks like you all had a blast at Big Bear.”

“I had a blast, but I wish I would have noticed the camera. I should be keeping a lower profile.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it, Johnny’s press release explained the situation - you’ll have fans of your own in no time. Anyone around these guys regularly, has fans, just ask Dani - but then again, she has fans in her own right.”

I’m not sure about that...I can see it now...’Hey, aren’t you Stasia Blake? Don’t you balance the books for Lance? Can I have your autograph?’ YEAH! That’ll be the day.” She rolled her eyes and laughed.

Carson smirked again, “You’ll be surprised.”

She shifted the subject a little, “So I was surprised to hear we were having dinner with you and Dave - from what I’ve seen on TRL - N SYNC isn’t exactly your favorite group.”

He laughed, “You got cut right to the chase don’t you?” He shook his head a little, “Musically, no, I mean I respect their vocal talents, but they don’t perform my favorite type of music. But personally, they really are some of my favorite guys, I sat in a bar a few months ago with Chris, Joey and Kid Rock for hours. I don’t think anyone would believe that if you told them. Out of all of the quote unquote, boy bands, these are the only guys I respect, as people. They are just flat out good people, you know what I mean?” Stasia nodded, and Carson continued, “Now don’t let this information get out on the street, because I’ll deny it, I have my reputation to protect.” He winked at her.

“Oh, don’t worry - your secret is safe with me!”

I think you are going to be good for this group, maybe they will start to behave a little better with you around all of the time.”

“I doubt it! If anything, they may get worse, I tend to be a bad influence.”

“I can’t see that happening! Not you!”

“Let’s see, in a few weeks time, I’ve had a physical altercation on Jive’s jet. I’ve rolled down a mountain with all five of them. Chris and I have chased Lance all over a rest area. I’ve seen all five of them in their underwear. I’ve brought a third dog into the mix, and Lance had to pull Jess and I apart in the hallway today - all in all, I may be more than they bargained for.”

“Busy week, huh?” Carson smiled, she was going to be just fine.

“What can I say? I multi-task!” She smiled at him, and he noticed an eyelash, laying on her cheek.

“Hold still.” He gently reached over and removed the eyelash with his fingertip. He was looking into her eyes, “Your eyes are an amazing color.” His attention was diverted, when Lance began choking on his water. JC smacked him firmly on the back a few times.

“You OK buddy?”

“I’m fine, stop hitting me.”

“You had a little trouble swallowing there, was it the water or the eyelash?”

Lance shot him a very dirty look, “Shut up.”

“ just can’t drink, I can accept that.” Lance leveled a look at JC that shut him up. But when JC turned away from Lance, he was met square on by Jess’s smiling face. He raised an eyebrow at her. She looked over at Lance, then at Stasia and back to JC, she nodded her head slightly.

JC, in turn looked at Stasia, then at Lance he turned back to Jess and raised his eyebrow again. She shrugged a little, then an evil smile slid across her face, she looked back at Stasia and said, “That is a good idea JC.”

Stasia turned to look at her, “What is?”

“Oh, just a love song he’s working on, I think it sounds like a good idea.”

“Well thank you for your input Jess. I have that gut feeling about this, I think it could be amazing.”

Stasia turned to JC, “I have learned, ALWAYS go with your gut, it’s normally the right thing to do. I’m sure if your gut is telling you it will be great, it will be.” She smiled at him.

JC and Jess both laughed, “Stasia, I hope you’re right.”

“Trust me, I am.” She turned back to her conversation with Carson and Lance, who had become very interested in their discussion after his little choking incident.

Jess smiled, “You heard the girl, go with your gut instinct.”

“I think I will.”

Five days later, Stasia was shocked to see JC waiting with Justin at 6:00 am, for their morning run. The morning run was becoming her time to hang out with Justin, he was so sweet and caring. He had tried to talk to Morgan about the Britney situation, but every time he said Britney’s name, Morgan hung up on him, which Stasia thought was very funny. Morgan felt very strongly about the situation, and she was driving her point home.

“Well good morning JC! What made you decide to join our little group?”

He bent to pet Jake, “Oh, I could use the exercise, plus I was curious as to what you two talk about every morning.”

Justin rolled his eyes, “He thinks we have some hot heavy thing going on in the morning, no one believes that I have been getting up early, just to run.”

“So they have us figured out? Darn, I thought we had hidden our affair quite nicely.” She grabbed Justin’s hand and they walked, swinging their arms to the elevator.

They were on there was back to the hotel when JC looked down at Stasia, “Hey, can I ask you a favor.”

She turned her flushed face up at him, Chicago was cold. She had worn her thickest sweatshirt, but she was still chilled, New York had been hot compared to the wind coming off of Lake Michigan right now, they should have stayed in closer to the buildings for some shelter. “Sure, name it.” Her words were carried on the puff of air, coming out of her mouth. “GOD! I can see my breath, it’s SO cold. Let’s pick up the pace boys...I need my coffee. Sorry, JC...favor...ask away.” They all picked up the pace, and Jay and Dre groaned behind them.

“Well, it February, and this month we have this thing we have to go to, and I asked Lyn, but she can’t go, so I was thinking you could go with me.” He looked over her head at Justin who was smiling broadly back at him.

“I’d be honored, where are we going?” He loved that, she didn’t even know what he’d asked her to do, but she was willing to do it, because her friend needed help.

“The Grammy’s” Stasia stopped dead in her tracks. Jay ran right smack into her, he hadn’t anticipated her stop. Jake made a little choking sound when his leash was pulled tight. Justin and JC both turned around to look at her, they were jogging in place, smiling brightly.

“The Grammy’ in the Grammy Awards? Not going to your Grammy’s house?”

“I don’t call my grandma Grammy. Yes, the Grammy Awards. Is that a problem?”

“ problem. When is it again?” She began running again.

“Next week. Dani will be with us, and Jive will set you up with the stylist we are using, so you and I don’t totally clash or anything.”

“Next week? A stylist? Oh owe me! I bet I have to wear make-up don’t I?”

JC and Justin laughed loudly, “I don’t know. If you want to wear make-up...that’s a little out of my league.”

One week later, Dani put both hands firmly on Stasia’s shoulders, “SIT STILL! We are almost done. If you would hold still this would go a lot faster.” Stasia stilled, and gave Dani a very pathetic look. “Oh don’t make that face at me, you are going to look amazing. The dress is perfect for you, the hair turned out perfect, and if I do say so myself, the make-up looks damn good!”

She stepped back to look at her handy work. “Wow, they aren’t going to recognize you. Look at yourself.” She stepped aside so Stasia could see herself in the mirror.

“I don’t recognize myself.”

“Let’s get into our dresses, we are running late.” Dani, ran to the bathroom to put on her dress, Stasia picked up the dress that she had picked out with the stylist, she was rethinking the decision, this was not something she would normally wear, but it was too late now, she had no choice, this was the dress. She slipped out of her robe, stepped into the dress, and pulled up the zipper. She was bent over slipping her shoe on when Dani emerged from the bathroom. “OH MY GOD STASIA! THEY ARE GOING TO DIE!” Stasia straightened, and looked at Dani.

“I think I’m going to throw up.”

“Don’t you dare! We don’t have time for that.” She tossed Stasia’s purse to her, then grabbed her hand. “Let’s go!”

They got to Johnny’s suite, where everyone was gathering Dani turned to her and said, “You wait here, I want to see their faces when you walk in.” She walked through the door and said, “Hey boys.” They all said she looked beautiful. “Are you guys ready?”

“For what babe?” Chris asked.

“For Stasia.” She smiled sweetly, “She looks OK.”

JC stepped forward, “You left my date out in the hall? Nice Dani. I’ll go get her.”

“You stay put.” She walked over to the door, and tried to pull Stasia through.

At that point, Lance stepped up next to JC and whispered. “A hundred bucks says your date has on khaki and a ponytail.” JC rolled his eyes. “Face it JC, she is as conservative as they come. A hundred bucks...ponytail.” He elbowed JC.

Stasia shouted from the hall, “If I look like a fool...DANI DID THIS TO ME!” Dani pulled her arm harder, and Stasia stepped into the open door.

All five guys let out their breath at once. Joey and Chris snapped their heads and looked at each other. Justin whistled, shook his head and whistled again. JC tried to regain his composure, but he felt a bead of sweat starting at his temple. Lance shook his head as if he was trying to clear his vision, he actually ran his hand over his face, then shook his head again.

Stasia was standing before them in a fitted, steel gray gown. It was cut straight across the top, high on her chest, it had very thin spaghetti straps that came off of the corners of the top, her toned arms and shoulders were tanned and she had on a simple diamond bracelet. Her hair was down, and straight, none of them had ever noticed how long, or shinny it was. Her make-up was simple, and her eyes were sparkling. She had completed the look with a pair of diamond stud earrings. She licked her lips, then bit the bottom lip. No one had said anything yet, she was starting to get worried.

Dani looked around the room and smiled, “Show them the back.” She clapped her hands together.

Stasia turned, and Joey punched Chris in the arm, then bit his fist. The back of the dress, was not there, the spaghetti straps met at the small of her back, where the dress plunged to a dangerously low V. Her back was perfectly toned and tanned. And there was a slit up to the middle of her thigh in the back, showing her very shapely legs, when she walked. She was wear very high strappy sandals, in the same steel gray as the dress. She looked amazing.

JC looked at Lance, smirked and said, “Too conservative huh? You owe me a hundred dollars.”

“Shows you what I know. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. He slapped it into JC’s open hand.

JC stepped forward and said, “Stasia, you look unbelievable! Amazing. You are...WOW!”

Joey walked over and said, “Stasia, honey, dump this dud, come with me tonight. You and that dress deserve to have a night to remember.”

“Sorry, JC asked first.”

Justin walked up and took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Truly striking. Who made that dress?”

She grinned at him, then giggled. “Ralph Lauren.”

“Remind me to send him a Thank You note.” He winked at her.

Chris sauntered over and said, “Dani who?” As he reached out and took Dani’s hand tenderly in his own.

Lance was still standing in the same place, his mouth was open a little, and he had a soft smile on his face, his eyes were dancing as he watched her stand in front of the group, blushing slightly.

Johnny walked in the room, talking on his cell phone, he stopped short and said, “Gotta go.” He clicked the phone off, and slowly walked over to the group gathered around Stasia. “Stasia?”

“Hi Johnny.”

“You are a vision.” He grinned then laughed, “I’m going to have to do damage control again after people see you and this dress.”

“Thank you.” She blushed deeper.

Johnny cleared his throat, “OK troops, let’s roll. Stasia, Dani, JC, Chris and Lance you are in the first car. The rest of you are with me in the second car. Let’s move, and remember to stay close to security.”

The guys left the Grammy’s empty handed, but no one seemed too upset, they were just thrilled to be there. As they were walking out of the Awards, JC was on her right, with her arm linked through his, and Lance was on her left. They were almost to the limo, when she heard someone call her name. They all stopped and looked around.

“STASIA!” it was a girl around fifteen years old.

Stasia took a step toward the girl, she didn’t recognize her. “Yes?”

“I saw you on MTV, can I have your autograph?” JC and Lance both laughed.

“You want my autograph?” The girl pushed an autograph book and a pen towards her. Stasia looked at JC and Lance who both nodded and smiled.

Stasia wrote out a little note and then smiled at the girl. “May I have you autograph?” The girl looked at her strangely. “You are the first person to ever ask me for my autograph, I’d like to remember this.” The girl smiled, wrote out a note to Stasia, tore the page out of her book and handed it to her. “Thank you, I will never forget you.” Lonnie walked over and motioned for Stasia to start moving again, she nodded and followed him.

When they were in the limo on the way to the after party, she looked at Lance and said, “What’s today’s date?”

“Um...the 16th I think.”



“I owe your sister dinner and a chick flick. She bet me that someone would want my autograph within three is the last day.”

They walked into the after party, which was full of record executives. After they had been there for a few hours, Lance walked up to her and asked her to come with him, he wanted to introduce her to a few people. She was introduced to very important executive from Sony records and his wife. They talked for several minutes, until the woman look at Stasia and then at Lance, “You two are far to young and beautiful to spend the night talking to us old people. I’ll tell you what, you two go dance, and I’ll make sure you have a meeting with my husband the next time you are in LA.” She looked at her husband who laughed and nodded.

Lance looked down at Stasia and said, “Would you like to dance, Stasia?”

“Sure” He put his hand on the small of her back to guide her to the dance floor and she got goose bumps, even though his hand was soft, and warm and barely touching her back.

Lance on the other hand felt as if electricity had shot up his arm when he had touched the smooth skin on her back. When they had reached the dance floor, the song that had been playing ended, and Billy Joel’s ‘And So It Goes’ began to play. It was such a slow song that once Lance pulled Stasia against his strong chest, they barely swayed back and forth.

“I love this song, it has to be one of my favorites.” She sighed. “The lyrics ring so true for me.”

Lance listened quietly for a little while then he looked down into her eyes. “It’s beautiful.” The dance floor began to get crowded, so he pulled her a little closer. He glanced at her tiny hand resting in his own and said, “You should play piano, you’ve got long fingers.”

She looked at her other hand, where it was resting on his shoulder, she held it up a little bit, and splayed her fingers, “I’ve always wanted to learn, I just never had the time.”

“Tell you what, I teach you what I know...then you have to go to JC, who is much better than me.”

Her eyes lit up, “I’d really like that a lot Lance. But I should tell you, I don’t even read music.”

“Not at all?” He looked at her, “I may have bitten off more than I can chew here.”

She shook her head, “A bunch of dots on paper to me, it’s basically meaningless.” She frowned a little, “I have no talent to teach you. I can do your laundry.” She smiled brightly.

He threw his head back and laughed loudly. “Don’t even offer, I may take you up on that!”

The song ended, and they stood there for a moment. He nudged her a little, and said, “Wanna go again?”

“I would like that very much.” He had been dancing with his hand resting on her hip, he slid it around to the small of her back and she took a step closer.

“Can I ask a really strange question...actually two questions?”

“Go right ahead.”

“Why don’t you wear your hair down? It looks nice.”

She laughed, “Honestly, I have no clue, it has become a habit to pull it up, Dani lectured me for an hour about it today. What’s your second question?”

“Do you know that you look beautiful tonight? Flawless.”

She felt her cheeks get hot, and she looked down.

They both turned at the sound a voice next to them, “May I cut in?” Carson grinned down at Stasia, then offered his hand to Lance who shook it.

Lance took a step back and Carson stepped in. Stasia smiled at Lance and he said, “I’ll see you in a little while.”

When Lance had left, Carson looked down at her and raised his eyebrow in question, “What’s up there?”

“Where?” She looked around to see what he was talking about.

“With you and the Bass boy.”

“LANCE and I? Nothing, Carson, I am SIX years older than him.”


“AND I work for him.”

“So what?”

“So that is just not a good idea.”

“So would you like to go to dinner with me the next time you are in New York?”

“We won’t be in New York for a while.” JC’s voice came over her head. Carson turned Stasia so they were facing JC and Dani dancing next to them.

“I’m sorry Carson, but he’s right, we won’t be in New York again until the album is released. But thank you for the invitation.”

“It’s an open invitation.” He ran his hand up and down her back. He looked at Dani and smiled, “Hey Dani, I haven’t talked to you in ages, how are you?”

“I’m great Carson, I’d love to catch up with you, JC would you mind if Stasia and I traded places. I haven’t been able to talk to Carson in a long time.”

“If you must.” JC smiled at Dani, who winked up at him.

When Stasia stepped into JC’s arms she said, “I feel like I haven’t seen you all night! How are you? Oh, and thanks.”

“For what?”

“Helping me with Carson, I didn’t know how to bow out gracefully. He is really sweet, but I’m not exactly in the best position to be dating someone.” She looked at his knowing eyes, “No one understands that better than you guys do they? Dating isn’t easy for you is it?”

“No, when you are never in the same place for more than three days, it can be a challenge. But I have a funny feeling that when the time is right, it will just work.”

“I have a feeling you’re right.”

When they finally got back to the hotel, Stasia was sleeping with her head on JC’s shoulder. He gently touched her shoulder, “Stasia.”

“Are we there yet?” She asked without opening her eyes.

“We just pulled up. Put on your happy face, because there are a bunch of fans and press outside.”

She lifted her head, ran her hand through her hair, and gave him a big cheesy grin. “How’s that?”

“Um...a little scary...take it down a notch.”

She gave him a very warm, genuine smile and said, “Thank you for bringing me with you tonight. I had so much fun, this is the best date I’ve had in years.” She kissed his cheek.

“It was honestly a pleasure. I don’t mean this to be insulting in anyway, but I swear, having you around is great, because it’s like having my sister around.”

“I don’t think that’s insulting at all, I feel the same way.” She leaned closer and lowered her voice, “And I told you, I like Lyn, a lot.”

“So do I.” He kissed the top head. She was like his sister, Heather could read him like a book too.

Lonnie opened the limo door, Lance was the first out, he held his hand down for Stasia, who placed her hand in his and stepped out. JC followed her. She slid one arm through JC’s and one through Lance’s. Chris stepped out, and helped Dani exit. A politely ask if he could get a picture of them and they agreed. The five of them stood, with their arms around one another, Stasia and Dani in front of the guys, smiling. The photographer snapped a few shots and thanked them.

Two weeks later, Lance knocked on Stasia’s hotel room door. When she pulled it open, he held up a copy of Entertainment Weekly. “Look at pages 28 and 29.”

She turned to page 28, and slowly raised her head to look him in the eyes. “That’s us.”

He smiled, “Very good, you know who we are.” There was a picture of Lance and Stasia dancing at the party after the Grammy’s. She was smiling up at him and the caption read, ‘Lance Bass of N Sync and Free Lance Entertainment with Anastasia, also of Free Lance Entertainment.

She turned to then next page, and there a picture of Stasia, Lance, JC, Chris and Dani. They all looked so happy and she smiled at him. “This is so cool.”

“I have a copy for you, and one for you to send to Jess.”

“You are a doll!” She hugged him, he was stiff for a second, and then his arms went around her and held her tightly to his chest. She smelled really good. She always wore the same perfume, and he liked it. She pulled back and said, “This is so sweet! Thanks Lance!”

He pulled on her ponytail, “I see this is back” He teased.

“Oh shut up.” She grinned at him.

“That is one of your favorite phrases isn’t?”

“I use it way too much. Thanks for noticing.”

“So, what are you up to?”

“Well, Chris and Dani took Jake with them to the park, so I am going three blocks North to the coffee shop slash laundry there is a business man who was using his head.” She patted the duffle bag sitting on her bed. “Do you have anything you need washed?”

“I do. Would you mind some company?”

“Lance Bass, the MEGA STAR, wants to do his laundry with me? Wow!” She nudged him with her elbow.

“Justin is the mega star, I’m just a super star.”

He told her he’d meet her at the elevator in ten minutes. He went to him room to gather his laundry. When he walked out of his room, she was standing there waiting, large bag slung over her shoulder. “Where’s Lonnie?”

“SHHHH!” He flapped his arm at her, telling her to lower her voice. He pulled his hat and sunglasses out, put them on and grinned, “I’m sneaking out, and you are helping me.”

“You look like the Unibomber.”

“As long as I don’t look like Lance.”

They walked three blocks to ‘Clean Caffeine’, They were laughing at the name as they walked through the door. Stasia staked out three washing machines, and went to buy detergent and fabric softener, when she returned, Lance was stuffing the entire contents of his bag into one of the washers. “What are you doing?”

“Laundry. Why do you ask?”

“That is an interesting technique you have there. You do realize that all of your clothes are going to come out of there gray, right?”

“Gary? Why?”

“Lance, you need to sort this stuff. Here.”

She opened all three washers, and began throwing his clothes into different machines. She measured out soap and fabric softener for each machine. “There you go, now your whites will stay white, and you darks will stay dark.”

“Hey, Stasia, what about your clothes.” He pointed to her still full bag on the floor.

“Oh...well...I’ll just put mine in after yours, there aren’t any empty machines left.”

“Can we just do it together? Do you mind? Twice the work in half the time.”

“Well, you have a point there.”

He grabbed her bag, and began sorting her clothes into the machines, until he reached in and pulled out a black lace bra. They both turned beat red, he quickly shoved it back in the bag, “OK...yeah...I’ll get coffee, you finish here. That is the plan.” He shoved the bag at her and walked up to the counter to order coffee.

“Oh God.” She finished sorting her clothes, and started the machines.

“Here you go.” He held out her latte.

They sat for two hours while their clothes making up conversations for the people around them. It all started when Lance was watching an older couple load their clothes into a dryer and he asked Stasia if she thought the old man still told his wife she was hot. Stasia had burst out laughing, but quickly sobered. “I bet he does. That would be quite a conversation to over hear wouldn’t it?”

“Oh YEAH! ‘Mildred, you are as hot as the day I married you.’” He smiled at Stasia.

“Oh Harold! You flatterer you!”

“Mildred, it’s the God’s honest truth. I still want your body.”

“OK! YUCK LANCE!” She looked at him.

“Lance, Lance who. I’m Harold.”

“Harold! You are just being fresh. Now calm down, or no prune stew for you.”

“Mildred, after six children, I would think you wouldn’t be shy about this. You know what I need.”

Stasia laughed so hard she couldn’t breath. “Harold, you stud you! Come get me!”

Lance threw his arm around her shoulders, and pulled her against his chest. She was laughing and squirming, so when he tried to pretend to kiss her, his lips actually did touch Stasia’s. She froze in his arms. “Sorry about that.”

“No problem. It was an accident.”

He helped her sit up right, when the older couple walked over to them. The woman smiled at them, “I forced my husband to come over here to say hello to you two. When I saw you laughing and whispering to one another, it reminded me of the two of us. I just wanted to thank you for the happy memory. Oh, I’m Mildred, and this is my husband Harry.” Stasia and Lance looked at one another, their eyes were wide.

Lance stood up and shook Harry’s hand, “It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Lance and this is Stasia.” They talked to Mildred and Harry for a little while, until the older couple had finished their laundry, and left.

“MILDRED AND HARRY!” Stasia said in amazement when the couple walked out.

“Freaky...very, VERY freaky.”

Their attention was drawn to another couple in their early twenties, both of them were dressed in all black, the man had a mohawk, the girl had a tattoo on her face. “Let’s do them!” Stasia ventured, so that is how they spent the evening, making up conversations for all of the people around them.

Lance walked Stasia to her door and said, “Night Mildred.”

She smiled, and said, “Night Harold.”

She was still giggling when she shut the door.

~Chapter Eleven~