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Chapter 15

The air was chilly, and there was a slight breeze. Stasia pulled her hands up into the sleeves of her big wool sweater. She was walking the quiet city streets, taking in the welcome sight of spring flowers and trees budding, ready for their new bright green leaves to burst open. She smiled, and thought of herself as those leaves, ready to burst. She was trying to sort out her feelings about Lance, and what had happened on the bus earlier. As soon as they had gotten to the hotel, she dropped off her luggage, and left for this walk. When she had left, the sun had been falling quickly in the late afternoon sky, she had watched the sky put on its light show, it had turned from gray blue to pink, then red, and now it was black, the street lights were on and the stars were starting to appear.

Ron was following her at a distance, she needed to clear her head, not to have a companion. She had tried hard to get him to allow her to go out by herself, but he wouldn’t hear of it, so he was walking as quietly as possible. He had to laugh at her attempts to be alone. She had begged, then pleaded...briefly tried yelling, then quickly apologized. Ron had no clue what was on her mind, but he knew that this walk, which they had been on for two hours now, seemed to be helping.

She wandered into a little park, and a smile touched her lips when she saw the fountain lit brightly at its center. She stood and stared at the water shooting into the air, and splashing down at the base, remembering the fountain she and Lance had sat near last night. It felt like it had been weeks ago, not just a matter of hours. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed.

What was she doing? She had kissed Lance, and not just a peck on the cheek, she had ‘sucked face’ with him. She laughed at his words again. They had talked about it, but she wasn’t sure what they had decided. Apparently they had decided that making out was OK, because they had done it most of the way to the hotel.

Kissing Lance had made her feel completely alive for the first time in years. Garret was right, part of her heart was dead...or had been dead...and he had never been able to reach that part of her heart, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized that Garret had helped kill other parts of her heart. And now Lance...Lance understood what it was to be afraid that the awful things a person said about you, and they way you love. Lance understood what it was like to protect your heart. Lance understood what it was like to doubt your own ability to love, and be there for someone, the way you desperately wanted to be. Lance understood her feelings about wanting to have that one all encompassing, once in a lifetime, passionate, love of your life. Stasia rolled her head from side to side. Lance understood her.

When they had been talking about what was happening between them, they had neglected to discuss one very important issue. Neither one of them had the ability to be part of a casual hook up. Intimacy, both physical and emotional, meant far too much to both of them. If the feelings weren’t there, the actions couldn’t be there either. That is where her confusion really came in, she and Lance had taken the actions...she knew in her heart what that meant for her. As frightening as it was for her to admit to herself, the emotions were there, but they had said that they weren’t. They both denied that it was anything deeper than, ‘what we want to do’.

What was Lance thinking? What was Lance feeling? What did Lance honestly want? What was going to happen if one of them freaked out? What would they do if they decided not to be physical again? What would happen if they decided TO BE physical? What would he think if he could hear her thoughts? Why was this so exciting and so scary? What was there to be frightened about?

She sat on the edge of the fountain and watched the water as it pounded against itself. When the spray hit the pool at the base and rippled to the wall, where it sloshed up, almost escaping, but never quite making it out onto the ledge she where was sitting. She pushed her hand out of her sleeve, and placed her fingertips on the surface of the water, and watched as the ripples changed when they hit her fingers. She was lost in her thoughts. She was in a world of her own.

She was pulled away from her thoughts when the shrill of her cell phone broke the silence. She had forgotten to turn off the ringer. She cursed herself silently. “Anastasia Blake.”

“Where in the hell are you?”

“Jess, I’m in the park.”

“What park? Stasia, you left almost three hours ago. Are you OK?”

“I’m fine, I’m just thinking...and I was feeling restless.”

“Yeah, well now you have all of us feeling restless. When are you going to be back? Do you want me to come to you?”

“No. I’ll be back in a little while. Bye Jess.” She flipped the phone shut and sighed, it was time to go back. She stood and looked at Ron, sitting quietly on a bench, watching her. “Hey big Fella. Feel like heading back?”

“Hey, I can sit out here all night if you want to.” He watched her approach, and he wasn’t sure if the walk had helped as much as he had originally thought.

“Let's go. I can’t sit in a park all night...I’ll get hungry.” Ron laughed, and stood up as his phone rang. He shrugged and flipped it open, “Yeah?” Stasia laughed. “Hey Lonnie...Yeah, she’s fine...standing right next to me...yeah...I know...WE NEEDED SOME AIR!...When we get there.” He pushed the end button and grinned at her. “Brothers!”

“I know...I know.” They started back to the hotel when her phone rang again, “What the heck do they want now?” Ron rolled his eyes and shrugged. “Anastasia Blake...Hi Diane...I’m outside, Ron and I went for a walk...uh huh...when?...who got it?...uh huh...where?...OK...don’t touch it...I’ll call Mary as soon as we get back to the hotel...I’ll talk to Lance...OK...what does this one say?” She stopped walking, as fear shot through her entire body. “Oh God. OK. I’ll call you when we get back to the hotel. OK, thanks Diane.” Stasia looked from her phone to Ron’s face.

“You got another letter didn’t you?”

She nodded her head slowly. “Yeah. There’s no mistaking this’s a threat.”

He pulled her by the arm into a coffee shop, as he flipped his phone open. He quickly dialed and said, “Hey, it’s me. Get a car out here to pick us up now. We’re at Java Juniors...I have no clue what street it’s on...just get someone here now.” He flipped the phone shut and said, “I think we’ve walked enough tonight.”

Three minutes later, a white van pulled around the corner at a really high speed, and jammed on it’s brakes right in front of the door they were standing in. Lonnie and Dre jumped out and ran toward them, “What’s up?”

“They got another letter in Mississippi, and this one IS threatening.” Ron said and he steered Stasia toward the van.

The ride back to the hotel was quiet, and Stasia had time to think about the letter, she was getting more and more frightened by the minute. When the pulled up to the rear of the hotel and she got out, surrounded by three huge bodyguards, she wondered how she could have been so completely happy four hours ago, laying in Lance’s arms, and now she was completely terrified.

When the elevator doors opened on their floor, they were met by Jay who started asking questions right away. “Did someone attack her?”

“No. She’s ok right now.”

Most of the doors along the hall were open, she could hear Justin’s music playing loudly. JC’s voice drifted out of Joey’s room where they were discussing some sports score. She heard Dani and Jess giggling about something, and Chris complaining about women, as he listened to their conversation. Lance was bouncing out of his door when Stasia and the four bodyguards approached. He had been on his way to Chris’s room, but when he saw the looks on the guards faces and the pure terror in Stasia’s eyes he panicked.

He ran forward, “What the hell happened out there?” His voice was loud and filled the entire hallway. Stasia looked up into his eyes, that deep booming voice, brought her the first bit of comfort she had felt since Diane read the letter to her.

“Lance calm down. She is OK, she’s spooked, but nothing happened to her.”

Stasia heard the rustle if movement behind her, as her friends ran out into the hallway. “What’s going on?” Justin asked, he was holding his phone in his hand. “Morgan, I have to call you back.” He threw the phone back into his room and ran over to stand next to Jess who was visibly shaking.

“Well then WHAT SPOOKED HER RON?” Lance’s words were angry. Her cheeks were pink from the cool night air, but the rest of her color had drained from her face. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly to his chest.

“Your momma called, there‘s another letter in Mississippi...this one freaked her out.”

“OK, Millie, come with me.”He whispered into her hair. Then he turned, “Jess, Dani, you too.” Lance slowly walked to his room, his arms still tightly around her. He helped her sit on the bed, he pulled off her shoes, then pulled back the covers and helped her lay down. She curled up on her side and Jess and Dani both sat on the bed with her. “Millie, where’s your key card?”

“It’s right here.” She reached into her pocket, and handed him the card.

He walked straight out his door, and next door to her room. He flipped on the lights and spotted her computer bag right away. He opened the bag, pulled out her address book, found Mary’s card and went straight back to his room. He held the card out to her and she nodded at him.

The everyone else was still standing in the hallway watching Lance take charge of the situation. He was great under pressure, but they had never seen him like this. He was a man on a mission, and that mission was to protect Stasia, and make sure she felt protected. He walked back out into the hall, while dialing his own phone. “Lonnie, Ron...she goes NOWHERE alone....right?”

“You know we’d die for her Lance.”

He nodded, and held the phone up to his ear, “Momma?”

“Lance Darling. Is Stasia back?”

“Yeah, I just wanted to let you know she’s safe. Momma, what does this one say?”

“Lance, it’s awful.”

“Momma, read it to me.”

“It says: Anastasia, My little celebrity. It’s time. You have been around long enough. I’ll see you soon. That’s the whole this horrible black writing.”

“Oh God. Momma she told you not to touch it right?” Lance felt like he was going to be sick, he had honestly started to think they had been overreacting before, now he felt that they had under reacted. “OK...I’m going to go talk to Stasia, she should be talking to that woman at the FBI right now. I’ll call you when I know something.” He didn’t even wait for his mother to say good-bye before he hung up.

The guys all followed Lance into his room, where Stasia was sitting up in the bed, dialing the phone. It rang once, “Mary Grant.”

Stasia took a deep breath, “Mary, this is Stasia Blake.”

“Well hit Sweetie! What’s up? I doubt you’re calling me just to chat.”

“No, I’m not...I wish I were...but I’m calling because I got another letter.”

“OK. What does the freak have to say this time?”

“It says: Anastasia, My little celebrity. It’s time. You have been around long enough. I’ll see you soon. That’s it...apparently it is the same handwriting.”

“OK, Sweetie, here’s what’s going to happen. I am sending an agent to pick up the letter at the office. Then, we are going to track down this nut...and put him in jail. Sound OK to you?”

“Sounds great to me. I’ll let everyone at the office know that they should be expecting someone.”

“Don’t you let this upset you too badly...I checked out your security guys.” Stasia looked up at Lonnie, Ron, Jay and Dre who were all standing near the door. “They are honestly the best in the business. You are in very good hands.”

“I know that. Thanks Mary.”

“Don’t thank me, I’m just doing my job. Now go do something fun, and let us take care of this.”

“OK, good-bye Mary.”

“Bye Sweetie.”

She looked up and saw seven very worried, very concerned faces. “She said they are going to find whoever is doing this, and that I shouldn’t worry...we have the best security in the business.” The guards all looked at one another. Lonnie spoke up, “We’re going to go talk about how to tighten things up around here.” They all turned to leave at the same time.

Stasia jumped out of the bed and ran after them, “GUYS!” When they stopped, she hugged each of them, and kissed Ron’s cheek. “Thank you...for everything.” They all smiled, but none of them said a word, they walked away down the hall.

She walked back into the room and smiled. “I’m OK. I swear to you...I’m OK. It just freaked me out.”

JC was the first to realize that she had been frightened to death, until she had seen Lance. As soon as she had seen him and heard his voice, she had visibly relaxed. He wondered if either one of them had realized it. He saw the fear in Lance’s eyes when he thought something had happened to her.

Stasia laughed, “Um....guys...Is anyone else hungry?”

“She’s fine!” Jess smacked Stasia’s back.

They ordered room service, and sat around on the floor in the hall, listening to music and talking for a while. When they all started yawning, JC was the first to get up. “It’s 11:30, and I’m beat...I’ve gotta get some sleep, we’ve got a photo shoot tomorrow. Don’t we Lance?”

“Yeah...10:00...vans are leaving at 9:00.”

“OK...Stasia...are we running tomorrow?”

Everyone, except Stasia answered in unison, “NO!”

“ there or be square.”

“OK...see you then.” He walked to his room and shut the door.



“Do not mimic me! Do you really think it’s smart to be outside running around when there is a wacko on the lose?”

“Mary said not to worry and I will not be alone. I am not about to do something stupid. But I am not going to stop living my life because of this person....then he wins...or she wins...or WHATEVER!”

“You want to run...we run.” Justin stood up, kissed the top of her head, and went to his room.

“Stasia...I would like to make an appointment for tomorrow.” Joey said quietly.

She rubbed his hand and said, “You just tell me when and where, and I’ll be there Joe.” He nodded, kissed her cheek and walked down the hall.

Dani nudged Chris with her elbow. He moaned. Stasia wasn’t quite sure when he had fallen asleep, but it was shortly after they ate. “Chris...let’s go!”

“Lead the way Babe.” He said, eyes still closed. She took his hand and they left together.

Jess smiled at Stasia, “I’m going to go get ready for bed...I’ll be bunking in your room tonight...I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

“OK...I’ll meet you in my room in five.” Jess walked into her room, leaving Stasia and Lance sitting alone in the hall, “Harry...thanks for helping me calm down earlier.”

He stood up, and offered her his hands. She accepted them and he pulled her to her feet. He rested his hands on her tiny hips and his chin on top of her head. “You scared me there for a minute Millie.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” She rested her cheek on his firm chest, and listened to his heart beating in his chest.

“Go get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.” He bent his head down and lightly kissed her lips before turning and walking into his room.

Stasia sat bolt upright in bed, breathing heavily, with her heart pounding in her ears. She’d had a nightmare and she had woken up just as she was about to see the face of the man who had been chasing her. Jake was curled up in a tight ball next to her, snoring quietly. She looked at Jess sleeping in the other bed. She laid back down, but couldn’t seem to fall back asleep, she tossed and turned, and Jake huffed at her a few times. She looked at the clock and sighed, it was 2:30. She crawled out from under the covers, grabbed her book off of the nightstand, slipped her feet into her slippers, and went out into the hall. She noticed Jay, who was sitting in a chair at one end of the hall reading a newspaper, and Dre who was reading at the other end near the door to the stairwell. As she was about to sit down on the floor, she noticed a light coming from under Lance’s door. She tapped lightly, so if he was sleeping with the light on, she wouldn’t wake him.

When the door opened Stasia felt herself flush. Lance was standing there wearing nothing but navy blue pajama bottoms. His feet were bare, and the pants were riding low on his hips, she could see the waistband of his boxers sticking out of the top of the pants. She had seen him changing shirts at photo shoots, but she had never gotten a good look at his chest before, now she was getting the full view, and liked what she was seeing. “Hi Harry.”

He stepped aside and she walked into the room. As she walked past, he could smell her shampoo, she must have showered before she went to bed. He was grinning down at her little form. She had on powder blue pajama bottoms with clouds on them, with a fitted white tank top. Her hair was down, and hanging halfway down her back. She still had some of her tan from Hawaii, and he was noticing once again how toned her arms were. She was so small, he always had the urge to just pull her into his arms. Never in a million years did he think he would have found cloud pajamas and VW slippers sexy, but right now...that’s exactly what he was thinking. “Hi Millie.” He sat down in a chair and motioned for her to do the same. “What are you doing up?”

She sat, threw her book on the table next to her, pulled her legs up and tucked them under her, which was difficult considering how bulky her slippers were. Lance smiled and shook his head when he saw the slippers causing her trouble. She rolled her eyes at him, “I had a nightmare, couldn’t fall back asleep, went out into the hall to read, and noticed your light on.”


“Yeah, a guy chasing me...go figure.” She laughed sarcastically.

His eyes searched her face, “I wonder where you got an idea like that. What are you reading there?”

She reached over to pick up the book, and her shirt slid up a little exposing a band of flat stomach, she was holding out the book for him to look at, and all he could do was stare at her bellybutton. He shook his head and glanced at the book, “A Separate Peace, I think I read that in high school.”

“So did I, and five hundred times since then. It’s one of my favorite books.” He took the book from her hand and looked at it more closely. The edges of the pages were so worn, that they felt smooth to his fingers. The binding was taped together, and one of the corners had been chewed on. He pointed to the corner and raised an eyebrow. “Jake.”

“Have you ever thought of getting a new copy?”

“You can’t buy it in hardcover anymore.”

“I see.” He set the book down carefully and smiled at her, “Aren’t you tired?”

“I guess so, but every time I close my eyes...the guy is there waiting for me.” She sighed, “If I get sleepy enough, I’ll be able to fall least I hope so.”

“You know you’re safe right? It’s just a dream...he can’t hurt you.”

“I know, I never said it was rational...I know the guys would NEVER let anything happen to me, but laying there, listening to Jake snore, staring at the ceiling...I have nothing to do but think.” She looked down, and then her tired, frightened eyes met his again, “Lance why would someone say they want to kill me?” He cringed at her words. She hadn’t called him anything other than Harry since the laundry mat. He loved the way his name sounded when she said it, but he hated the fear in her voice.

He slid out of the chair and knelt in front of her, he took her hand in his and with his other hand, he cupped her cheek and whispered, “Stasia, I don’t know why someone would say that. Anyone who has ever met, hell, who has ever been in the same room as you, could never hurt a hair on your head.” He pushed back her hair. She looked into his eyes and touched his cheek. “I swear to you, I will do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure you are safe. If I have any say in the matter, I won’t let you out of my sight.”

“Thank you.” She saw the look of fear in his eyes, and something JC had told her came to mind. “Lance, you know this isn’t your fault right?”

He stood up and walked across the room. “I wish I knew you were right. I wish I knew, that being with us, hadn’t put you in danger. I wish I knew that this wasn’t some crazed fan.” He turned to look at her.

Stasia slowly stood and walked to him. She placed her arms around his waist, and held him tightly. She looked up into his eyes, “This isn’t your fault. I know that.” He looked away, and she put her palm on his cheek and turned his face back to hers. “Don’t you dare blame yourself.” His arms tightened around her shoulders.

This tiny little girl was doing her best to comfort him. Her hands were rubbing up and down his back. She turned her head and kissed the middle of his chest, which was the highest she could reach. He laughed, “Do you want me to pull a chair over here for you to stand on?”

“OH, now your funny. Just a second ago, you’re being Mr., look who’s a comedian!”

“Hey! I’m still Mr. Sensitive, but you are making it difficult.”

“How am I making it difficult?”

“First of all...have you taken a good look at yourself this evening?”

“DON’T even go there! HELLO! Where is your shirt? Do you think it’s easy to carry on a conversation with you looking like that?”

He grinned evilly, “You like that huh?”

“Shut up.”

“I’m not done yet! Then, if they way you are looking isn’t bad enough...there’s the way you smell.”

“Nope...that one doesn’t fly either...I can’t smell half as good as you do.” She had an amazing twinkle in her eyes.

“Is that so? about, you feel completely amazing in my arms...and when you put your arms around me, I totally forgot what I was upset about?”

“That one doesn’t work either, I seem to have the same problem, when I walked in here, I was frightened about something, now I’m standing here in your arms, and all I can think about is what it felt like when your lips were touching mine earlier.”

“How did feel?”

“Amazing. If felt amazing.”

“Why thank you.”

“Oh, the comedian is back.”

“He never left. So my lips are amazing?”

“I never said your lips were amazing...I said they FELT amazing.”

“Ouch!” He laughed and kissed the top of her head.

“Is that it?” She leaned back against his arms, and smiled brightly.

“Oh, earning your nickname are you?”

“Which nickname would that be?”


“That one is my favorite.” She ran her fingertip down his chest.

“Mine too.” His head dipped down, and his lips brushed against her neck.

“OH! Now wait just one minute, just because they call me Feisty doesn’t mean anything for you buddy?” She smiled at him when he looked at her completely shocked.

“That’s not what I meant at all! I swear!”

“Stop freaking out...I was kidding!” She yawned and rested her cheek on his chest. She sighed, “This is the most relaxed I’ve felt since I got that call from your mom.”

“I’m glad.” His arms tightened around her and he kissed the top of her head again, then he leaned down to kiss her cheek, she turned to face him, and that was it. They had the same look in their eyes. Neither one of them could stand there and flirt any longer. He put his hand on the back of her head, and pulled her lips toward his own. She didn’t struggle, her arms went around his neck, and there lips met. Stasia tangled her hands in his hair, and he held her tightly against his chest, he actually picked her up off of the floor, and hugged her to his chest, so he could have a better angle kissing her.

She was totally lost in the heat of this kiss. She had realized quickly, that they were completely compatible in this area. His lips were moving hungrily over hers. She was clutching at his bare shoulders, and trying not to completely lose herself in the moment. She pulled her head back a little, “Your arms are going to get tired.”

He bent his head down to kiss her neck. “I don’t care.” He spoke against the sensitive skin, his lips were devouring.

“Put me down.” She whispered to his temple, which she placed several small kisses on as he looked at her.

“I really would rather not.” He moved to her earlobe.

“Put me down.”

Reluctantly, he set her on the floor, and leaned down to kiss her again. She put her hand on his chest, and shoved him back a little. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to force anything.” He said quietly, breathing heavily.

She smiled and shoved him again, this time he took a step back, and the backs of his legs hit the bed. His eyes grew wide, and she laughed at him. “NO! That is not what I am suggesting...It’s just that we learned the first time around, this is easier on both of us, if our height isn’t an issue.” She pushed him again, and he sat down hard on the edge of the bed. She stood between his legs, and for the first time, she kissed him. As they got used to the new position, Lance pulled her down on his lap, so he could hold her against his chest. Her nails gently raked up and down his back, and he moaned. He could feel her pleased smile, and that made him smile, she loved getting a reaction out of him, and he LOVED having a reaction to her. He was trying to shift his weight, when he fell back on the bed, pulling her down with him. “I’m sorry are you OK?”

“I’m fine.” She shifted so she was laying next to him, she yawned, and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m getting sleepy.”

“So sleep.”

“I can’t sleep here.” She snuggled closer to his side.

“I’ll tell you what, if you fall asleep here, I will personally carry you to your room. How does that sound to you?” He kissed her forehead.

“Silly. I can just walk to my room right now.” Her eyelids were getting heavy.

“ what you want.” He grinned as her breathing deepened.

She had just started breathing very deeply, and he was enjoying watching her sleep, when she inhaled sharply, and her eyes flew open. “OH GOD! Not again!”

“Was the man chasing you again?”

She nodded her head and covered her face with her hands. “I know it’s only a dream, but tonight, it just feels so real.”

“I know it does. I’m so sorry Millie.” He pulled back the covers and she crawled under them without arguing at all. Lance climbed in next to her, and pulled her against his side. “I will be here all night to protect are perfectly safe. Get some sleep.”

She was asleep again in seconds, he laid there listening to her for a long time before sleep finally got the better of him. They slept the rest of the night, in exactly the same position, Lance on his back, Stasia sleeping on her side, with her head and her hand on his chest, his strong arms wrapped around her. Neither one of them had ever slept more soundly.

Lance and Stasia were both pulled from their sleep by a scream. They tripped over one another and the blankets running for the door, when Lance pulled it open, and he and Stasia ran out into the hallway together, all of the guys, who were running out of their own rooms stopped.

The door the Stasia’s room was standing open, and Jess was frantically telling Ron something. Lance and Stasia didn’t notice everyone staring at them, as they ran into the next room. “Jess, what’s wrong?” Stasia grabbed her friend by the shoulders.

Jess leveled angry eyes on Stasia, “Where have you been? I woke up and you were gone, and security hadn’t seen you, I thought you had been kidnapped while I was sleeping.”

Stasia hugged her friend, “Jess, I woke up in the middle of the night, I couldn’t sleep, so I took my book out into the hall to read, Lance’s light was on so I knocked, we talked, and I fell asleep there. No one can get to me on a completely secure floor, our security is here, hotel security is here...they guys are all just down the hall. I just didn’t want to turn on a light and bug you. I dozed off it’s as simple as that.”

“I swear to God if you ever do that to me again, I’ll kill you myself! Have you ever heard of a note Anastasia?”

“I’m sorry, I should have left a note, but how was I supposed to know I would fall asleep in Lance’s room?”

“I don’t know. Sleeping with Lance again huh?”

“Shut up Jess.”

Jess looked beyond Stasia to Lance, and the other guys beyond him, “So Lance...where’s your shirt?”

“SHUT UP JESS!” Stasia’s eyes flashed with anger and her cheeks flushed.

“It’s an honest question, my best friend ‘accidentally’ falls a sleep in a guy’s room, and he conveniently isn’t wearing a shirt. All I’m saying looks a little odd.”


“Now that you mention it Jess, Lance doesn’t exactly look well rested.” Joey’s voice said from the doorway.

“And did anyone notice the red spot on his chest is just about the same size as the red spot on her cheek?” Justin offered.

Chris did a little dance, “There was a hook-up...there was a hook-up...they were getting busy!”

“Lance, buddy...Moving UP in the world!” JC chuckled.

“All of you, SHUT UP!”

Lance turned to face the guys standing behind him, “I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU!” They all stopped laughing. “You know I don’t care what you say about me, but HOW COULD you make assumptions like that about Stasia. You are all WAY OUT OF LINE!” He was glaring.

“Lance, she knows we’re just kidding.” Chris said seriously.

“I don’t care, would you make a comment like that to Stacy? How would you feel if I made a comment like that about Janine?” His eyes leveled on Joey. “Or should we talk about Heather and Molly?” He turned to JC and Chris, “We all have KNOW!” He turned to face Stasia, “Millie, I’m sorry. Can you...” He motioned to the chair next to her.

She didn’t even wait for him to finish his sentence, she leaned over and grabbed his sweatshirt off the chair next to her. “Sure.” She tossed it to him and he pulled it over his head.

“Stay-a, I’m sorry.” Chris looked at the other guys, “We’re all sorry. You know that we would NEVER really think anything have higher standards than Lance can meet...we know that.”

“Nice apology.” Lance rolled his eyes.

“No, seriously, you’re right Lance...we’ve made Stasia one of the guys...sometimes we forget she ISN’T a guy. How in the hell we can miss it, I’m not sure...but we didn’t think. Stasia, we are actually sorry for embarrassing you.” Justin looked sad.

“Guys, I know you were kidding, it’s’s just...that...I don’t know, that’s just a sensitive issue. It’s hard being one of the very few women around here all of the time. It’s hard enough to be credible, without people thinking I got here by sleeping with my boss.” She turned to Jess, who took a step back when she saw the look on Stasia’s face, “You, JESSICA, of all people, should know what I’m talking about. Does any of this sound familiar, Miss Youngest Female Senior Associate? I seem to recall you sitting in my office venting about some unfair accusations when you moved up through the firm as quickly as you did.”

“Stasia, you know I would NEVER do or say something to intentionally hurt you, or your credibility. And your right, I do know better.” She looked down at her feet. “Stasia...I...”

“I love you too Jess.” She looked around the room, took a deep breath and said, “So! Good morning everyone! I believe we have a photo shoot to get ready for...and I’m hungry.”

They all laughed, “I hear ya sista!” Justin called as he started walking back to his room.

Everyone went to get ready, Stasia and JC decided to skip their run, which made security very happy.

An hour and a half later, Stasia walked out of her room and bumped into Joey on her way out the door. “Geeze! Hey Joe! When do you want to talk?”

“Hey you. Um...wanna eat breakfast with me? We can talk now...I know you and Lance are flying to New York tonight...then Orlando?”

“Nope...then DC for that egg hunt...roll...whatever at the White House. THEN Orlando. Things have really kicked into high gear haven’t they?”

“Just wait for the may make you rethink your career choice. So what do you say to breakfast?”

“Sure let’s go.”

They were standing in front of Lance’s door, which pulled open and Lance was hopping on one foot, tying his shoe. “Hi guys, what’s up?”

“Joe and I are going to go have a talk over breakfast. What are you up to?”

“Joe, can I steal her for one second to give her the tickets for our flight tonight so I don’t lose them?”

“Sure, I’ll go get my shoes on, and met you right back here in five.” He walked off.

Stasia followed Lance into his room and gave him an odd look, “I already have the tickets Harry.”

“I know. I just wanted to say that, this morning...well that’s not the way I thought we were going to wake up.” He grinned evilly, leaned down and kissed her. “OK, I’m done...go have breakfast with Joey.” He laughed at the shocked look on her face. “If you don’t get out of here, I’ll do it again.” She sat down in the chair next to him.

“OK.” They both laughed, she stood up, they kissed quickly, and she went down to breakfast with Joey.

They were sitting in the dining room, looking at the menu, when she looked over the top of hers at him. “What’s up Joe?”

“I have a problem. I want your opinion.”

“OK...I’m sure we can fix whatever the problem is.” She looked into his eyes and smiled warmly.

“Stasia, is it fair to tell to tell someone you love them, when you can’t be there to show them? Is it fair to ask someone to love you, and wait until you are done doing your thing? Is it fair to want them to wait for put their life on hold?”

“Joe, when you have the life that you have, it is probably the most difficult decision you will ever have to make. The decision to ask someone to understand what being Joey Fatone means but to love the Joe we all know. But Joe, in this case...I happen to know who we are talking about, and I happen to know she loves the Joe I know. Joey...she has already given you her heart. She is waiting for YOU to realize it’s yours for the taking. Have you ever seen the way she looks at you? Have you ever noticed that she NEVER believes the CRAP they print about you? Have you ever noticed the way her face lights up when she sees you, and falls when you leave? Joe...she already loves you. It’s not going to be easy. You know that, but give HER the choice.”

His eyes were sad, “The last thing I ever wanted to do was drag her into this insanity. Stasia it isn’t fair to ask someone to understand that I’m never going to be around. But I can’t lie...I love her.”

Stasia took his hands in hers, “I KNOW THAT! But does Angela? Have you given her the chance to make up her own mind? Why do you feel like you have to decide this alone...why can’t you decide what to do together.” Her thoughts went to her conversations with Lance, “I can’t promise that talking about it will clear things up for you, but it can’t hurt to let her know. love her...TELL HER!”

He ran his hands over his face, “I have to don’t I?”

She nodded, “You have to let her know how you feel...then, you have to let her make her own decision.”

“You couldn’t tell her for me?” He slammed his head down on the table.

“NO. Joe, is this the first time you’ve told someone you love them?”

“’s the first time I’ve told Angela I love her. Which is a lot more important.”

Stasia squeezed his hands tightly, “Joey, I couldn’t be happier.” She looked into his eyes, “You do realize this is a good thing...right?”

“Um...yeah, I think so...I think I’ll feel better after I talk to her. Should I go call her?”

“NO! You do not tell the love of your life, that you love them, for the first time, on the phone. Joe, you are going to be in Orlando tonight...DO IT RIGHT! You have the ability to do this the way every girl dreams DO IT RIGHT!”

“What? With flowers and stuff?”

Stasia threw her hands in the air and rolled her eyes. “JOE! Flowers are a start, but COME ON! You have one of the most incredible voices in music...use it...get dressed up, take her out...better yet! Take her somewhere special from when you first met...OR WHERE YOU FIRST MET! YES! THAT’S IT! Where did you meet?”

“In Government class in high school. OH YEAH! Real romantic!”

“It is, if you get in there at night, set up a picnic dinner, with candles and your flowers, and music and most importantly...YOU! Tell her to get all dressed up and be waiting for you. You take her there, she is amazed at how sweet and thoughtful you are.”

He started grinning, “Stasia...that’s actually pretty think she’d like it?”

“I know she’d like it...because I would like it...and it was my I suggest that you get on the phone and start pulling some strings? You guys are famous for your string should be pretty simple for you to get into the school. If you need anything else...let me know...I have a few strings I could pull myself.”

Joey jumped up from the table, kissed her square on the lips, “Stasia! You are the best! I’m going to do it now.” He ran out the door.

She laughed and then sighed, “Guess I’m eating alone.”

“Not if you don’t want to. Mind if I sit?”

“Be my guest.” She smiled and took a sip of her coffee. Once again, this looked like it was going to be an eventful day.

~Chapter Sixteen~