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Chapter 16

As Jess settled into the booth across from her, Stasia laughed, “Why do you look so guilty?”

“I still feel bad about this morning. If I’d known you were with Lance, I wouldn’t have screamed, if I hadn’t screamed, you and Lance wouldn’t have been all embarrassed, and the guys wouldn’t all be feeling like crap...just like me.”

“Jess, it’s done and over with...there is nothing to stress about, you have to learn that, with this group, you lay it all out on the table right then and there, and once you hash it out, it’s over. I have quickly adapted that same attitude. When you are around the same six people constantly, you can’t waist time being angry.”

“Alright, so I’m forgiven?”

“You’ve been forgiven, since I yelled at you. You are going to the airport with Lance and I tonight right?”

“Yeah...where are you going this time?”

“New York, Lance is taping ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’ and I have a meeting with the people from Planet Hollywood. We leave there the day after tomorrow, go to Washington DC for the egg thing, then to Orlando for rehearsals for three weeks, back to Mississippi for five days before the tour starts. So there you go, that’s what I’ll be doing, how about you?”

“God! How do you keep track of it? I don’t know what I’m doing tonight, let alone four weeks from now. How in the world do you keep track of the flights, and cities and dates?”

Stasia grinned and tapped her temple, “I’m just brilliant...brilliant enough to use the scheduler on my computer.” She grinned.

“Now I know your big secret. Would you do me a favor? E-mail your schedule to me once a month or week or whatever, so I can keep track of you.”

“Sure, I can give you my tentative schedule for the next three months, it will probably change some, but it will at least give you a rough outline to work off of.”

“You have a rough outline for the next three months?”

“We have to, we’ll be on the tour, so that is completely packed, so...everything else has to be planned out well in advance.”

“You have really taken on a lot here haven’t you? Stasia, when you told me about this job, I had no clue what it really meant. When you called me about those contracts, I had no idea, until I looked at them, how serious Lance is about this whole thing...the company, I mean.”

“I tried to explain that to you, but you were too worried that I was making the biggest mistake of my life, that you didn’t take the time to realize I never would have taken this job if I hadn’t researched it and really felt that it was the right thing for me to do. Jess, I seriously love this job. I am having a blast, I’m doing everything I want to do to run this company properly and I really think that there is a ton of potential for growth.”

“I should know better than to ever second guess you. I’ll catch on one of these days. God, how long have we been friends now? Three years...four years, something like are the most important person, outside of Brent of course, in my life. I am so thrilled to see you this happy, honestly...I don’t remember the last time I have seen you this happy...but it has been a long time.”

“Jess, we both know that I changed after Noah and Nik died...I know it, I just never knew how to get back to myself again, I felt like I had lost everything in life when they died. You never gave up on me. I’m not sure what it was that gave me back that excitement for life...who knows, maybe it’s the job, maybe it’s being surrounded by music all of the time, maybe it’s the knowledge that I am trying something I never in a million years thought I’d be doing, maybe it’s...”

“Maybe it’s Lance?”

“What?” Stasia’s head snapped up from her coffee cup.

“I said, maybe it’s Lance.” Jess smiled at her friend, “I just told you we’ve been friends for a long time, and that I know you well.”

I thought the point of that whole thing was SHOULD know me well, but that you goofed up. Why would it be Lance?”

“Stop flipping out on me, I just meant that you guys have gotten pretty close, which is a good thing. I happen to know that you don’t sleep in people’s rooms if you don’t care about them. I don’t know what happened last night, and you don’t have to tell me...although if anything good happened, and I found out about it after the fact I will kill you...but Lance seems to bring out a spark in you that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.”

“Harry is a good friend...and we are...close.”

“SOMETHING DID HAPPEN! I wasn’t sure...but your eyes just ratted you out.”

Stasia flushed and cleared her throat, “Um, Jess...”

“Last night you guys hooked up...that’s why Lance got so angry...WE WERE RIGHT!”

“Shut up Jess.”

“I’M RIGHT! If you don’t give me details...I am going to go get some of the guys to help drag it out of you.”

“You can’t tell can’t tell anyone...I’m not sure what is going to happen, and I don’t want everyone knowing about...whatever is going on with us.”

“What is going on? You didn’t....did you?”

“NO! We kissed, a lot, and that’s it. We talked about it, and I have no clue what we decided, which is very confusing, but...well that’s it.”

“Confused how? How was the kiss?”

“I’m just not sure what Harry and I are, I work for him, and now, I’ve made out with him. I would never kiss Josh...”

“Because Josh looks NOTHING like Lance, who is a full on hottie by the way.”

“ have a point there. He is a hottie isn’t he?”

“Who’s a’re talking about me in all of my studly glory aren’t you?” Chris was standing at the side of the table.

Stasia and Jess both started giggling. “How long have you been standing there Chris?”

“I got here at Chris is a hottie isn’t he?”

“ caught us! Dani is going to kill me.” Stasia rolled her eyes.

“Oh don’t worry, she knows women can’t help themselves when it comes to this bod.” He ran his hands over his chest while wiggling his hips back and forth.

“So what can we do for you studly?”

“I figured you guys had lost track of time, because the vans are getting ready to leave...and you aren’t on either one of them.”

She looked down at her watch, “Man! I did lose track of time. I’ve got to run upstairs and get my computer. I’ll meet you guys outside.” She jumped up and ran out the door.

Ron was waiting for her in the hall when she dashed off of the elevator. “I know! I’m late! I just need to grab my computer, and I’ll be ready.” She slipped her keycard into the door and stopped in her tracks. “Oh my God.” She looked around and could not stop the smile on her face. Every possible surface was covered with tulips. There was a card laying in the middle of the bed. She picked it up and her breath caught.

Millie, I’m not sure what to say except that, I guess I get the whole firework thing now. I don’t know where this whole thing is going, but I am willing to figure it out with you. And so it goes... Harry

She held the card to her chest and spun around laughing. She turned when she heard the familiar, deep voice behind her. “Rumor has it, tulips are your favorite.”

“Jess comes in handy from time to time. How did you get half of Holland in here while I ate breakfast?” She ran her fingertips over the flowers on the desk.

“I have my connections.” He walked over to her. “Millie, I know we said we were just going with it, but I really wanted to do that OK?”

“It’s fine. Thank you, thank you so much. You didn’t have to do this, but I am glad you wanted to.”

“Millie, we need to talk about this whole thing again. We are going to be traveling alone for a few days, maybe we will be able to sort some of this out. How does dinner tonight in New York sound?”

“It sounds good.” She took a step closer to him, and just as he was about to kiss her, her phone rang.

“I’m really starting to think we should get rid of your phone.”

She rested her head against his chest, “I agree completely.” She pulled the phone out of her pocket. “Anastasia Blake.”

“Hi Sweetie, it’s Mary Grant.”

“Hi Mary. What can I do for you?”

“I was checking things out, and I found out that you are scheduled to be in DC in two days.”

“Yes we are.”

“Is there any way you can squeeze in a stop at my office? I’d like to talk to you and Mr. Bass.” Stasia smiled.

She held her hand over the phone, “She wants us to go to her office when we’re in Washington. Do you mind?”

“Whatever she needs us to do...we’ll do, get a time from her.”

“Sure, we can make it. What time do you want us to be there?”

“Will 3:30 conflict with your plans?”

“No actually that will be perfect.”

“OK, I’ll get clearance set up for you.”

“OH! Mary we’ll have...”

“Lonnie and Ron with you, I know.”

“I don’t want to know how you know that...but Ok.”

“I’ll see you in a few days, take care Stasia.” The phone clicked in her ear.

“She knows Lonnie and Ron’s is frightening what the FBI can find out in a very short about of time. Now, what exactly were you saying when my phone rang?”

He lowered his head, and his lips were slightly parted, Stasia tilted her head back slightly, his arms went around her, and his phone rang. “We are getting rid of these stupid things.” He pulled his phone out, “Hello...Ron, you’re out in the hall...why are you calling me?...FINE, we are on our way.”

“He’s right. We’re holding up the entire group, we should go, it’s not as if we won’t have another opportunity let’s go.” She blushed and he took her computer bag from her.

“You are such a slave driver...always making me go do my rude!”

Lance, Stasia, Jess, Lonnie and Ron were running with airport security, the photo shoot had run long, and now they were late getting to the airport. Jess and Stasia were chattering about wedding plans and dates, the next time they were going to get together, when Stasia was going to be able to see Brent next, they were double checking phone numbers and Stasia’s itinerary.

“OK, Jess, I’ve got to leave you here at the gate. I want you to call me as soon as you land so I know you’re home safely. Give my love to Brent and Josh. Tell Josh I’ll call him soon.” Lance took her bags from her, so she could hug Jess. Her arms wrapped tightly around her friend. “I love you Jess.”

“I love you too.” She leaned in and whispered, “Take it slow with him, and I have a very good feeling that it will work out for the best. He cares a lot about you. As he should.” She kissed Stasia’s cheek, turned on here heel and ran to her gate waving back.

She reclaimed her bags from Lance, and they started to jog through the crowded airport again. He looked down at her head bobbing up and down next to him, “You OK?”

“I will be, it’s just hard saying good-bye to her, she is the closest thing I have to family.” They ran through another security checkpoint and were flagged on through, security was very aware of their presence.

They got to the gate, were seated on the plane immediately, and when she had Jake settled under the seat in front of her and settled back in her seat, Lance finally spoke again. “Not anymore, Millie.”

“Not anymore what?” She looked at him, confused.

“Jess isn’t your only family anymore. You are one of us’re part of my family...and you’re part of this insane NSYNC family.” He laughed at himself, “That sounded totally cheesy didn’t it?”

“A little, but the thought was not lost on me. I really do feel like I belong. That is such a welcome feeling.”

She looked down when she heard Jake shifting in his carrier, he was becoming very good at traveling. She had found a carrier exactly the right size for planes...technically, he was bigger than he should be to fly in the cabin, but there was no way she was ever going to let him be treated like a piece of luggage, so while he was a little cramped, at least she could keep an eye on him.

“I still can’t believe he never barks...that is so strange.”

“I know, but it’s also a blessing...when he does bark, I know that something is really going on, no dog who cried wolf with Jake.”

He laughed, “No I guess not.” Lance rested his head back against the seat and closed his eyes. She looked over at him, he had such a strong profile, everything about Lance was strong. That was one of the things she liked about of the many things she liked about him. She rested her head back and closed her eyes, but she had an eerie feeling that she was being watched, she opened her eyes and looked around.

She was sitting next to the window, Lance was next to her, his eyes still closed. Lonnie and Ron were just across the aisle, looking at some paperwork. The flight attendant quietly making her way down the aisle checking that everyone had their seatbelt fastened. Stasia shook her head a little, she had no idea why she had thought she was being watched there didn’t seem to be anyone around who had even taken an interest in her. That was the nice thing about being the youngest people sitting in first class, generally first class flier didn’t notice anything going on around them, they minded their own business.

She rested her head back and closed her eyes again, she jumped a little when she felt a palm against her cheek, urging her head to rest on Lance’s shoulder. His soft voice asked, “Is that more comfortable?”

“Mmmhmmm.” She shifted a little and was dozing off when she heard the hushed whispers. She couldn’t make out what was being said, but she had that feeling she was being watched again. This time, she didn’t move her head at all, she just opened her eyes. Two heads dropped down below the seat backs in front of them.

She gently tapped Lance’s leg, “I better move, we’ve been noticed.” She whispered.

His hand rested on her cheek again, “I don’t care.” Came his sleepy answer.

“Harry...You don’t need this.” His hand got heavier, “OK, who am I to argue?”

“You can’t help’s like a hobby.” He moved his hand from her cheek to her hand where it was on the armrest.

Ron elbowed Lonnie and pointed across the aisle. Lonnie smiled, “It’s about time. She’s been with us almost five months, I was getting sick of waiting.” The brothers laughed quietly.

When Stasia’s eyes opened the cabin was basically dark, Lance had his overhead light on, but directed away from her face. He was reading some information about the tour. When he felt her move she smiled down at her, “Hey.”

She yawned, “Hey. What are you looking at?”

“The tour budget, can you believe what this is going to cost?” He pointed at the total at the end of her page.

“Geeze! Are they building the stage out of solid gold?”Her sarcasm never stopped. He was always amused by her flat delivery and cutting humor.

“It looks that way doesn’t it?”

They were talking very quietly, their heads close together. They were on a very late flight, which was flying from one coast to the other, so most of the passengers were either sleeping or reading, so they didn’t want their talking to disturb anyone else. They both caught the movement out of the corners of their eyes. The two heads popped up over the seats in front of them again.

Stasia smiled and said, “Hello.”

One of the head disappeared, the other leaned over towards them further. The head that disappeared was whispering, “SIT DOWN!”

“Shh!” The woman leaning over them tried to quiet the teenager next to her. “Hello. My daughter, Becky here, seems to think that you are a singer that she likes. May I ask if that’s true?”

Lance smiled graciously, “Well it all depends on which singers she likes.”

There was a squeal from the seat in front of Stasia.

“She showed me this picture. And it certainly looks like you two.” She held out the very familiar copy of Entertainment Weekly, and there on the page, Lance and Stasia were smiling back at themselves.

Becky’s head popped up again. “Lance?” She squeaked.

“Hi Becky. This is...”

“Anastasia Blake....she works for you...all of the fan sites say she’s nice...and that she’s been on dates with all of you guys.”

Stasia choked and then smiled, “I wouldn’t go that far. We are all friends, we have to spend a lot of time together, so that’s the real can post that on your fan site...if you have one.”

Becky turned red. “Um...yeah I do. Would you autograph this for me?” She took the magazine from her mother.

Lance took it and chuckled when Stasia instantly produced a pen for him, he wasn’t sure who she was always so totally prepared for every possibility. He signed the bottom of the picture with a little note and handed it back to Becky. “There you go.”

Becky turned to Stasia, “Will you sign it his?”

“On one give me the address for your web site so we can check it out. Do you have a guest book?”

“OH MY GOD! YES! Do you think you could post a message in it?”

“I can’t make any promises...but I’ll try.” Stasia took the magazine wrote a little note and signed her name. “There! Now write the address down here for me.” Stasia handed her a piece of Free Lance notepaper and the pen. “Thanks.”

“I’m going to tell all of my friends how cool you guys are! I bought the album the first day and I love it! And Lance, you are way cuter than Justin! And Stasia you are prettier in are real pretty in the picture, but I hope I look like you one day. And...”

“Becky! You got your autographs, now leave these poor people alone, they look like they are trying to work. Say thank you and sit down!” Her mother said firmly.

“Thank you!” She sat down in her seat and they laughed when they could still hear her chattering at lightning speed.

“A hundred bucks says by the time we get to the hotel, and checked into our rooms, that picture is scanned and there is a blow by blow account of our conversation and what we were wearing up on her site.” Stasia whispered.

“Not even teeny boppers move that fast, you have yourself a bet.” He held out his hand and they shook on it.

By the time they got to their rooms, and said good night it was 3:30 in the morning, they were both exhausted. Stasia set her computer bag down on the desk, and grinned evilly. She plugged her computer into the wall, and the phone jack. The computer quickly booted up, and she typed in the web address Becky had given her. She started laughing hysterically when the site loaded, and there was their picture, autographs and all.

She walked next door and knocked on Lance’s door. When he pulled it open she smiled evilly and took his hand, she led him into her room and pointed at the computer. “Damn! Knowing you is getting expensive.” He pulled a hundred dollars out of his pocket and held it out to her.

“What the heck does that mean?” She looked at him with curious eyes.

“I bet JC your Grammy dress was going to be khaki.”

She burst into a fit of laughter again, “MAN! You had good odds on that...sorry to let you down on that.”

“I’m glad you have a good sense of humor...a lot of people would have been offended by that...” He looked at his hands, “Maybe you should be...I’m sorry Millie.”

“OK! Enough! I am well aware of the fact that I am a very conservative’s a style...not a matter of life or death for me. RELAX!” She thought for a second, “Hey didn’t we have a dinner date for tonight? Why was it neither one of us realized we would be getting here at this hour?”

“Ah...we weren’t thinking clearly?”

“I guess not. Harry, we both need some rest, but I think we have a lot to talk about. We can’t do it tonight, because it’s too late and like I said, we need our rest. We are both busy all day tomorrow, and I don’t want to get into this when your Momma is going to be here for the a long talk when we get to Washington?”

“You’re right. But Millie, I meant what that note said...I have no clue what is happening, but I want to find out.”

He bent his head until his lips were hovering right above hers, “Is this ok?” He waited for her answer.

She was staring at his lips, they were slightly parted, and they looked so soft that she wanted to touch them. “Oh yeah! It’s more than OK.” She leaned up on her tiptoes, and their lips met.

Stasia’s senses exploded again. She was shocked that, even though he had kissed her before, her entire body responded every time he touched her, let alone put those remarkable lips on hers. The pressure of the kiss grew stronger, and they tripped over one another, trying to move to the bed, without breaking the contact they had both been waiting for all day. They fell back on the bed, and landed on Jake who yipped, and jumped down off of the bed. They didn’t stop to look at him, so he jumped up on an easy chair, and fell back to sleep.

Lance rolled onto his back, and brought her onto his chest, he realized how small and light she was. She was delicate. She was soft, with just enough of a hard edge to make things interesting. But he was well aware that the hard edge was there to protect the very big, very loving, very caring heart. A heart she was willing to share a piece of with him, and at that moment, with her laying in his arms, kissing him the way he had always wanted to be kissed, he realized he wanted to give her a piece of his heart too.

Her hair was falling around their faces, forming a silky curtain around them. He buried his fingers in it, and moved her head, so he could kiss the hallow of her throat. She moaned and reached to touch his cheek. She felt the stubble starting to come in on his normally clean-shaven face, it felt rough, but in an exciting way.

She bent her neck to kiss his earlobe, and he half laughed, half growled, deep in his chest. One of his hands, began running up and down her back. He was trying to absorb her, everything about her, her optimism, her energy, her ability to read people, her ability to listen, her ability to care, her willingness to help anyone at any time, her sense of humor, her brilliant business mind, her love for simple things, her generosity, her fears, her tears and her soul, he want her to be a part of him.

She was lost in their warm, tender world again. She wasn’t aware of where she was or why she was there. The only thing she knew at all was the way Lance was making her feel. He made her feel complete. That thought frightened her, she wasn’t sure that she could give him everything he deserved. But she wanted to try, she wanted that more than anything she had ever wanted in her life.

The kiss changed, there was no longer the animal hunger that had started it, as they were both making their own realizations, the kiss had become tender and passionate. They were giving in to their feelings, they were throwing away their fears.

Lance rolled them on to their sides and pulled his head back so he could look at her. When her eyes opened, and met his, the most incredible warmth filled his heart. He smiled tenderly and whispered. “You were right.”

She ran a fingertip along his jaw and down his throat. “About what?”

“The fireworks.” He pushed a strand of hair back away from her face.

“I know...but never expected them like this.”

“Neither did I. Neither did I.” He closed his eyes and growled angrily when her phone rang. “Who in the hell is that? It’s almost four in the morning.”

“I have no must be an emergency.” He saw the fear in her eyes and reached for her hand. “Hello?”

“Please tell me you were awake.”

“Joey? Yeah I was awake.” Lance’s jaw dropped when she said his name.

“Stasia, I had to call...right when I got home...I had to tell you...she loves me. She said she always has, she said she knows what she’s getting into, she knows that there will be rumors and she says it’s worth it, because she wants me. SHE...WANTS...ME!”

“OH! JOE! I am so happy for you! So how did you tell her? Did you take her to the school? Did you do candles and flowers and music?”

“I did exactly what you told me to do. It was perfect Stasia, there were so many memories, there were so many emotions...I was sweating like a pig! When we walked into the classroom, and I took off the blindfold...did I tell you I blindfolded her? Anyway...I took it off, and she started crying, I thought I had screwed up...and I was going to blame you.”

She laughed, “Of course.”

“But then she said she had waited so long for me to figure out that I loved her, she said she had prayed that some day I would feel the way she had felt all along. Stasia...SHE LOVES ME!” He had screamed that so loud that Lance had heard him clearly.

Lance mouthed, ‘Angela?’ When Stasia nodded and smiled he threw his hands in the air and said, “Finally!”

Joey heard him and asked, “Is Lance still with you?”

“Yeah, he’s sitting right next to me. Joe, he’s happy for you too.”

“OK, I’m going to bed...I think I may actually have some good dreams tonight. Sweet dreams Stasia. Say hi to Lance for me.”

“I will...good night Joe.” She turned off the phone, Lance took it from her hand and made sure the power was completely off. “He said to say hi.”

“I cannot believe he called at this hour to tell you she loves him...I could have told you that this morning.”

“I did tell him this morning. That’s why he called me. Joey has had a lot on his mind lately, not the least of which was how he was feeling about Angela.”

“As much as I don’t want to do this...I’m going back to my room. We both need to sleep. I will see you in a few hours. Good night Millie.” He kissed her forehead.

“Good night Harry. I will not see you until I get to the studio after my meeting with the Planet Hollywood people. Good luck and I will be there as soon as I can be to cheer you on.”

“I’ll be looking for you.”

When Stasia and Ron walked into the studio after her meeting, she quickly found Diane who was sitting in the audience. “Hi there.”

Diane hugged her tightly. “Well hi there yourself! I’ve been looking for you! How did the meeting go?”

“It went very well, Planet Hollywood is on board for the talent search. How’s this going?” She looked down at the stage floor and noticed Lance was still sitting on the panel, behind the contestant who was in the ‘hot seat’. He looked up and he smiled brightly, she smiled and waved. When she motioned to the hot seat, he shook his head and shrugged. She gave him the thumbs up and he laughed a little.

“He’s frustrated...after this guy’s just Lance and Ray Romano. Lance will be upset if he’s last up.”

Stasia smiled at Diane, “He won’t be.”

Diane looked at the young woman sitting next to her, and her heart swelled. She already loved Stasia, and now it was starting to look like her son did as well. Diane put her arm around Stasia’s shoulders and hugged her to her side. “Here they go...a fastest finger question with two people...this is interesting.”

When Lance won...Stasia and Diane clapped loudly and cheered. It was late, three shows had all been taped in one day, Lance was one of the last two contestants, so the studio had emptied a little. She was proud of him, he was nervous, and struggled with a few questions, but he did well and had won a lot of money for his charity.

Stasia, Diane and Lance went to a late dinner after the taping and then Diane left for the airport. Stasia went to bed because Lance had gone in the car with his mother and Lonnie. She was exhausted because they really hadn’t had much sleep in the last few days.

When her alarm went off at 4:30, she climbed out of bed, jumped in the shower, and dressed before it dawned on her that in a few hours, she was going to meet the President. “Holy cow! Jake, I’m going to meet the President.” Jake cocked his head at her and she laughed, “You don’t really care do you?” Jake laid down on his back so she would scratch his stomach. She knelt next to him and scratched him. “Is that better?” He licked her hand.

At 5:00 there was a quiet tap on her door, she was expecting Lonnie, but Lance was standing there smiling. “Ready for the eggs?”

“Yes I am.” She clicked Jake’s leash into place, and grabbed her bags.

They were walking down the hall when Lance smiled at her. “We have an issue Millie.”

“What’s wrong?” She turned to his quickly.

“I had to change our flight from Washington to Orlando.”

“Why? What’s going on?”

“After we meet with Mary...we have something else we have to do.”

“Want to clue me in here Harry?”

“We have dinner plans.”


“We are going to a black tie dinner at the White House. Justin will be there too. We are all flying out at 5:00am tomorrow. I figure when the President asks you to go.”


“Jive is going to have two tuxes, and one of the dress Ralph Lauren sent before the Oscars on the plane before we leave this morning...I have been assured our clothes will fit...let’s hope so.”

“I can’t believe this is my life.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“I’ll let you know when I figure out if Cinderella can get herself ready for the ball. All of this other black tie stuff...I’ve had help...If I go to this thing looking like a’s not my fault...A LITTLE ADVANCED NOTICE WOULD BE NICE!”

“If I’d had advanced notice...I would have told you...I swear.”

They landed in Washington D.C. and were driven straight to the White House. When they had cleared security, the instantly saw Justin across the lawn. He waved and then bent over. Stasia and Lance looked at one another and shrugged as they walked through the crowd of children and parents playing. As they got closer to Justin, they saw why he had bent down, standing next to him, holding Justin’s hand with one tiny hand, and an egg with the other, was Jonathon.

Stasia dropped to her knees and he ran into her open arms. “HI Little Man!” She kissed his little cheek and he pushed against her.

“HI Stay-A! NO MORE KISSING!” He hugged her tightly, she picked him up and swung him around.

“That is a very nice egg you have there. Where can I get one of those?”

She set him down and he took her hand and started pulling her over to the area where you could decorate your own egg. She waved at Lance and Justin and went with Jonathon to paint an egg.

She had so much fun all morning that her face hurt from smiling. She loved watching Lance and Justin with the kids around them, they took time and talked to as many people as they could. As they were visiting children and talking with the adults around them, Stasia and Jonathon we busy painting eggs. Jonathon decided that they needed to paint eggs for Justin and Lance, because they were busy.

“What should we put on Justin’s egg?” She asked the tiny version of Justin sitting on her lap.

“It has to be blue.” He answered after giving her question some careful thought.

“OK, just blue?”

“Can you make a basketball?”

“I can sure try. Will you help me?”

“Yes. That’s what I with a basketball. Let’s do that.” His tongue stuck out of the corner of his mouth in concentration. He carefully painted the egg light blue, and set it aside to dry. He turned in her lap and asked, “What about Lance?”

“Well Jonathon, I’m not sure. Let’s think about it. What does Lance like?”

“Um...he likes music...and horses...and being outside and stuff.” He looked hopefully at her.

“I think I have an idea. May I work on Lance’s egg?”

“Yes!” He quickly grabbed an egg and handed it to her, along with a paintbrush. “Here!”

“Thanks! I think we can work on Justin’s basketball now.” She picked up the blue egg and handed it to him. “ we go.” She helped him paint an orange circle on the blue background then they painted the lines on the ball. “How does that look?”

“Real good. He’s gonna like it.” A broad smile spread across his face. “Now you do Lance’s.”

“Alright.” She took a tray of paint and asked Jonathon to hold the egg for her. After ten minutes of painting, she smiled down at the boy in her lap and asked, “Will Lance like this?”

“YES!” He hugged her tightly around the neck. “Stay-A you are real nice.”

“I think you’re real nice too Jonathon!” They gathered the eggs and went off to find Justin and Lance. As they approached the lawn where the children were running and laughing, Stasia looked down at the little hand held tightly in hers and she smiled, children had the most incredible way of taking things down to the base level, a level Stasia wished she could see things from more frequently.

“Lance is real nice too. I’m happy he’s here too...he let’s me play with his computer and stuff.” Lance and Justin were standing under a tree, near the edge of the lawn, Lonnie and Jay weren’t far away. Justin was watching Lance and laughed to himself, Stasia had not been out of his line of sight all morning. Lance had been completely taken with her since they got back from Mississippi. Lance hadn’t told anyone what had happened, and as far as Justin knew, neither had Stasia, but that was definitely when things had changed between the two of them.

He had to try to find out what was going on, everyone wanted to know and he had one day, alone with the two of them to find out. “Hey, Lance?”

Lance looked over and smiled, “Yeah J? Sorry I was daydreaming.”

“No you weren’t. You were watching Stasia, which is totally cool, she has been playing with Jon all morning. He loves her, although I think he’d love anyone who let him talk to Picachu on the phone.”

“A lot of people love Stasia.”

“She’s the best big sister I’ve ever had. She saved my butt with Morgan. I still have no clue what she said, but it worked.”

“Yeah, she worked her magic on and Joey and Angela the other day. He called at 4:00 in the morning to thank her for her advice.”

“Joe finally asked Angela out? It’s about time.”

“No, even better, he finally told her he loves her. I believe she said, she has loved him since day one. It seems everyone knew that but Joe.”

“Sort of like you and Stasia.” Justin smiled and then thought, ‘’s worth a shot.’

“No Justin, not at all like Stasia and I. We are both well aware of our feelings. We just happen to be deathly afraid of what that means.”

Justin’s jaw dropped. He never in a million years thought that Lance and Stasia know what was going on between them. “If you know that you two have something, why aren’t you together.”

“I guess we’re both gun shy.” He looked down at the ground and kicked a rock with his toe before he blushed and smiled. “She is the best kisser.”

“YOU KISSED HER! Go Lance!” Justin smacked him on the back.

“I wouldn’t get so excited, dude. We have a date to discuss what’s up with us. I know how I’m feeling, but I have no clue what’s going on in her head, but GOD...I want to know.”

“So where is the problem? You talk to her, say, ‘Stasia...Baby! end.’ Then she says, ‘Lance...Honey! You’re right! Let’s live happily ever after.’ Then you do.”

“I can’t do that, I have to be careful...we are both scared.”

“LANCE! Stop it! Stasia is NOT Danielle...and you sure as hell ARE NOT Garret. Don’t over think this, go with your heart. I sound like Stasia...but she’s right 99% of the time.”

“What about the other 1% of the time?”

“That’s when she’s sleeping.”

Lance laughed and nodded his head in agreement. It was at the moment Jonathon came running over dragging Stasia by the hand, with Ron right behind them.

“There they are Stay-A! I found ‘em!”

Justin bent down to scoop up his little brother, “You found us Buddy! What do you have there?” He pointed to the basket Jonathon was clutching in his hand.

“We made eggs for you guys ‘cause you were talkin’ to EVERYBODY and didn’t make your own.”

“Which one is mine?” Justin asked excitedly.

Jon’s hand dove into the basket and he pulled out the egg for Justin. “This one!” He gave it to his big brother, with an expectant look on his little face.

Justin’s face lit up and he hugged Jon tightly. “This is so cool buddy! Thanks!”

“Stay-A helped...a lot.”

“Well thanks Stay-A.”

“It was fun, thanks for letting me steal Jon.”

“Like I said before, you can have him whenever you want!” He tickled his brother as he set him down. “Do you have one in there for Lance too, buddy?”

“Uh huh.” He dug around again and pulled out an egg, then he tugged on Stasia’s hand. He whispered to her and she smiled. He handed her the egg and she took a step toward Lance.

“Here you go, Harry.” She gave him the egg. And her hand lingered in his for a second.

Lance turned the egg in his hand and his eyes locked with hers. “Is this my house?” He held the egg out for Justin to see.

“Um...dude, I think it’s safe to say that’s your looks like she took a picture of it. You PAINTED this Stasia?”

She nodded her head.

“Thank you so much! This is amazing.” He turned the egg around a few times, and cupped it in his palm. “Thank you.”

Stasia had her back to the lawn where most of the people were gathered, she raised her eyebrow when both Lance and Justin straightened and Justin pulled Jonathon to stand a little taller. Lance gave her a look that told her to turn around.

“Hello there. Are you folks having fun?”

“Yes, Mr. President, we are. Thank you very much for inviting us sir.” Lance held out his hand, and the President shook it.

“I should be thanking you Mr. Bass, and you, Mr. Timberlake. You have made a lot of people happy by being here this morning. I understand you will be back for dinner tonight as well.”

“Yes we will, again, thank you for inviting us. May I introduce you to Anastasia Blake and Jonathon Timberlake.”

“Miss Blake.” He shook her hand.

“It’s an honor to be here sir.”

Not at all.” He smiled and then bent at the waist. “Mr. Timberlake it’s an honor to meet you.” Jonathon turned to Justin, handed him his eggs and the basket that had been holding them. Then turned back to the President.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Prez-dent.” He looked over at Stasia to make sure he was right, she smiled and nodded.

They all laughed and the President excused himself and told them he looked forward to seeing them that night.

Lonnie walked over and tapped his watch, “Lance, Stasia...we have another appointment.”

Stasia glanced at her own watch and nodded. “Thanks Lonnie. Justin, we’ll see you at the hotel. We’re all coming back here together right?”

“I’ll be waiting. Have fun guys.”

When the limo pulled up in front of FBI Headquarters, Stasia looked over at Lance and smiled. “You are going to like Mary.”

“I’m sure I will.” He offered her his hand as they got out of the car.

They walked into the building, and were met at security by an agent, who asked them what the nature of their business was.

“We are here to see Mary Grant. She is expecting us.”

“I’ll ring her office. You did say Mary GRANT?”

“Yes, Mary there a problem?”

“No...I’ll ring her.” He turned to a phone and dialed four numbers, spoke for a second, and then hung up. “She’ll be right here. She wants to show you to her office on her own.” He handed them security badges.

Lonnie and Ron were looking around like kids in a candy store. They were asking the agent all sorts of questions. Lance and Stasia were laughing at the two of them.

“STASIA!” They turned to Mary’s voice.

“Mary! Hello! This is Lance Bass.”

“Sweetie, you’d have to be living under a rock lately to not know who this is! It’s nice to meet you.” Lance shook her hand and shook it.

“Stasia speaks very highly of you Ms. Grant.”

“Well thank you. Do your friends want to come a long or did they want to talk to that agent longer?”

Stasia turned to Ron and Lonnie, “Do you two want to come with us or stay here in the lobby?”

“We can come?” Ron’s face lit up.

Mary led the way through the halls, they took an elevator to a lower level, and Mary patiently answered all of the questions Ron and Lonnie threw at her. When they reached her office door. Stasia and Lance looked at one another with wide eyes.

“Mary? You are the head of the Behavioral Sciences Unit?” Stasia asked in awe.

“Didn’t I tell you that Sweetie? Yes, I’m what they called in the old days...a profiler.”

“You’re not just A are the head profiler.”

“Yep. Come on in and sit down.”

For an office below ground level it was remarkably bright and airy. They all sat around a long conference table and Mary threw down a huge file. Lance held out Stasia’s chair then sat next to her.

“’s why I wanted you to come in.” Mary leafed through the file and pulled out several pieces of paper. “Stasia, these are the notes delivered to your office, and photos of your old apartment. As you can tell, they were all written by the same person, which in my line of work is a good thing. It means that we are probably only looking for one freak, as opposed to a group of freaks.”

“How serious do you really think this is Ms. Grant?” Lance asked after he looked at the papers on the table.

“Call me Mary. And until we got the photos, I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but after having all of the information, we need to take this seriously.”

“OK, you tell us what we need to do to keep this Little One safe, and we’ll do it.” Ron said very seriously.

“I think that you are doing what you can do right now, it is my understanding that Stasia goes nowhere without security. It is also my understanding that Ron, you are her main guard?”

“That’s right.” He nodded.

“Since I have a few connections,” she smiled, “I am going to see to it that anything the bureau can do to help speed things along, when it comes to locating this guy, will be done. Stasia, I need you to think of anyone who could be angry with you.”

Stasia looked at Lance and shrugged, she looked back at Mary, “I don’t know.”

“Have you had any arguments with anyone at all?”

“Stasia...the guy on the plane...what was his name?”

“Oh! Yeah...I got Peter fired...but he had issues, we can get information on him from was their jet.”

“That’s good...anyone else?” Mary wrote a note on a legal pad.

“Well, there’s Bill...but he wouldn’t do this. But then again, I never thought he’d steal.” Lance said quietly Stasia reached over and took his hand. “I can give you all the information you need on him.”

“OK. Anyone else?”

“The only other person I can think of that would be at all upset with me is Garret.” He squeezed her hand.

“OK, this gives us a starting point, and Stasia, Sweetie, after checking things out a little, I realize you have been through quite enough in your life...we are going to put a stop to this as soon as possible.”

“Thank you Mary.”

“Now you kids get out of here and get ready for your big dinner.”

“How did you know...oh never mind! Thank you Mary!”

They left and Stasia wasn’t sure if she felt better or worse...she had never been asked to compile a list of people who might be willing to threaten to kill her. It was an odd feeling that there someone she knew, or had met at some point, wanted her dead.

When they got in the limo, Lance hugged her tightly and said, “You are going to be fine, I promise you.”

“I hope you’re right. But now I have to worry about getting dressed and ready for dinner at the White House, when I haven’t seen or tried on the dress yet.”

“I have a funny feeling you are going to look amazing. I guess they sent, and stuff...I don’t know what...and stuff is...but they told me all we have to do is put the stuff on and we’ll be fine...we won’t embarrass Jive.”

“I hope you’re right.”

~Chapter Seventeen~