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Chapter 17

Stasia was hopping up and down on one foot, trying to fasten her shoe. She was happy with the way her hair and make-up had turned out, she was starting to learn how to apply her own make-up, it had only taken two calls to Dani. Now all she had to do was put on her jewelry and her dress and she would be ready to go.

She finally got her shoe fastened, quickly put on her diamond stud earrings, her bracelet and then looked at the dress laying on the bed. She had to smile, it was very similar to the dress she wore to the Oscars. This one was black, with the same strapless top, the waist was a little lower, and had a sweet little bow that laid flat at her natural waist, the dress was fitted to the middle of her hips then flared into a full ball gown skirt. She was happy that they hadn’t sent a flashy dress for her to wear...she thought this one was a little to full for the occasion, but there was nothing anyone could do at this point.

She stepped into her dress, and tried to pull the zipper up, it wouldn’t budge. “Crap.” Jake bounced across the bed to see what was going on. She pulled on it a little hard. “CRAP!” The zipper would not budge. “I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!”

She walked to the door, clutching the dress to her chest, she stuck her head out into the hall and looked both ways. Lance’s door was closed, Ron and Lonnie’s door was closed, but Justin’s door was open a little. She dashed across the hall, holding the dress up in the front, and closed in the back.

Justin was standing in front of the mirror trying to tie his tie, and Jonathon was laying on his stomach on the bed, with his little chin propped up on his hands watching his brother with great interest. Stasia burst into the room and begged, “JUSTIN! YOU HAVE TO GET THIS DRESS TO ZIP!”

He took one look at her and thought, ‘Lance should see this!’ She looked adorable, helpless and panicked. “Calm down. We’ll get you into that dress.” He steered her by the shoulders to stand facing the mirror, he took the zipper in one hand and the fabric around it in the other, all the while, looking into her eyes in the mirror. “This would be easier if I could look at the zipper, but it’s way too low.” He smirked at her.

“Thank you for being a gentleman....but right now, I could care less...just get it to zip.”

He wiggled the zipper a little, and it moved a little, but not all the way. “MAN!” He worked on it a little more and suddenly it gave, it slid into place and the both let out their breath. “I was starting to think we were going to have to sew you into that thing...and you don’t want Lance and I sewing you into anything.”

She spun around and hugged him, “THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!” She kissed his cheek and then wiped her lipstick off.

“I don’t suppose you can tie a tie?” He looked at her hopefully. “I can’t get it to look right.”

“Of course I can tie a tie...I had a brother, and I went to Catholic School.” She took the fabric between her fingers, and made quick work of tying a perfect knot. “There you go sir.”

He looked in the mirror over her shoulder and smiled, “Is there anything you can’t do?”

“You’ve seen me play basketball.” She laughed.

“Good’re awful! BUT...” He had to duck when she tried to punch his shoulder. “You get MAJOR points for still playing.”

“Well thanks, we’ll have to golf one day...then I can teach you a thing or two.”

“Not likely...I’m as good a golfer as I am a basketball player. Stasia, you stick to the business stuff, I’ll handle the sports.”

“ soon as we get to Orlando.”

“If you insist on embarrassing yourself, I won’t stop you.” He shook his head at her.

“OH shush! I have to go get my purse, and find Lance. Are you ready? We should be in the car already.” She ran back across the hall holding her skirt up. She grabbed the wrap that was in the bag with the dress, and her purse and walked out as Justin and Lance were both walking out of their rooms. “WOW! Look at you two! How lucky am I?”

“No where near as lucky as we are.” Lance smiled at her.

Stasia blushed, “Thank you.”

She sent Jake across the hall for Jonathon to play with. Jay was going to watch the younger Timberlake for the night, and he didn’t look overly thrilled about watching a little boy and a little dog. She quickly kissed Jonathon’s forehead, Jay’s cheek and Jake’s nose then ran out into the hall again. “Let’s roll boys!”

Each of them offered her an arm and she gladly took them. They were all shocked when they walked out of the hotel, and they were met by a lot of press. Cameras were flashing all around them. They smiled and walked quickly to the car. “How the heck did they know we were here? This wasn’t scheduled as far as the press knew, we were supposed to be in Orlando tonight, what happened?” Justin looked out the window as they pulled away.

“I have no clue. Maybe Jive sent out a notice or something...I guess it’s good for them when their artists are having dinner at the White House.” Lance shrugged.

They arrived at the White House, they were introduced to the entire First Family, had several photos taken with the Clintons and were seated for dinner.

Stasia was finding it very hard to believe that she was sitting in a dining room in the White House. Lance was watching her look around at her surroundings, with wide-eyed innocence. The look on her face was so endearing, that her reached under the table and took her hand in his, she gave it a little squeeze and smiled at him.

They ate dinner, laughing and talking with the people at their table, all of whom were impressed with the trio of energetic, knowledgeable young people. All three of them were passionate about what they were doing. They were all very active in fundrasing and children’s charities. When Lance asked Stasia to dance, and Justin asked a single woman also seated at their table to dance. The people left seated at the table discussed how impressive all three of them were.

Lance and Stasia were gliding across the dance floor when Justin’s partner commented, “They make a beautiful couple. Have they been together very long?”

He smiled at his friends, “They aren’t least they aren’t together YET.”

“They should be. They practically glow when they are near one another. That’s not something you see everyday.”

“I know. I have a feeling it’s just a matter of time.”

“From the looks of it...not a lot of time.”

“I hope you’re right...I hope you’re right.”

They all returned to the table at the same time. The woman and Stasia talked quietly for quite a while, before it was time for them to leave. Everyone at the table wished them well, and assured Justin and Lance that they would buy the new CD as soon as possible.

They were laughing about their new demographic as the car roll up to the hotel. There were more reporters and they all seemed to know where they had been. “How was the White House Justin?”

“Did the President say he liked your music?”

“Why were you invited for dinner?”

“Will you be performing for him soon?”

They smiled and waved, but did not stop to answer questions. When they were safely inside, Justin said, “I’m going to call Johnny and find out how they found us.”

“That’s a good idea J. We’ll be up in a little while.” Lance smiled at the younger man, who turned without question. Lance guided Stasia to a ballroom, with nothing in it but a grand piano and a small table for two near the piano. “I set this up this afternoon.” He smiled down at her shocked expression.

“What’s going on?”

“I thought this would be a good time to start your piano lessons.” He took her hand and led her to the bench, where they sat side by side.

He smiled at her and she raised her eyebrows, “Now? You want to do this now?”

“You already helped me do my laundry...I’m late on holding up my end of the bargain.” His fingers went to the keyboard, he closed his eyes, and began to play.

Stasia turned to look at his profile when she recognized the first few notes of the song. Lance was totally absorbed in playing, but she almost fell backward off of the bench when he began singing in his unbelievable voice. She had never heard the song sung by someone with a voice as deep as Lance’s, but it sounded perfect to her.

In every heart there is a room

A sanctuary safe and strong

To heal the wounds from lovers past

Until a new one comes along

His voice was filled with emotion, Stasia had goose bumps, and she was suddenly choked up.

I spoke to you in cautious tones

You answered me with no pretense

And still I feel I said too much

My silence is my self defense

His eyes opened, and he turned to look deeply into her eyes, and it was at that moment, Stasia realized he wasn’t just singing a song he knew she liked, he was singing THIS song, a song she had explained the significance of to him, TO her.

And every time I've held a rose

It seems I only felt the thorns

And so it goes, and so it goes

And so will you soon I suppose

She put her hand up to her mouth, to stop her gasp. He knew what this song meant to her, and that is exactly why he was singing it.

But if my silence made you leave

Then that would be my worst mistake

So I will share this room with you

And you can have this heart to break

Lance was watching the emotion wash over her face, she knew what he was trying to say, and she was struggling with what that meant. He was praying that this wasn’t a huge mistake

And this is why my eyes are closed

It's just as well for all I've seen

And so it goes, and so it goes

And you're the only one who knows

She closed her eyes tightly. It hit her so hard, she didn’t know what to do. The truth of the situation, hit her full force and took her breath away. They felt the same way about one another. She was not the only one who cared deeply, she was not the only one who wanted to find out what could happen, if they let it.

So I would choose to be with you

That's if the choice were mine to make

But you can make decisions too

And you can have this heart to break

Tears started rolling down her cheeks. She wiped them away with her fingertips. Her breathing was rapid, and her heart was beating in her ears.

And so it goes, and so it goes

And you're the only one who knows

His voice trailed off, and his hands stilled on the piano keys. He looked at his hands, where they rested on the keys, afraid to look up at her again. Afraid to see rejection in her eyes. He knew he had to look at her, he knew he had to find out if she felt the same way. He had to know.

Lance slowly lifted his head, and turned to face Stasia. He was not prepared to see the tears rolling down her cheeks. “Millie?”

“Oh God. I can’t do this.” She stood and started running toward the door, Lance quickly caught up and caught her arm.

He was very gentle, but he didn’t let go. “NO! Please don’t leave...I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done’s just that I...I had to let you know...that I...”

She interrupted him, “Please don’t! Lance, we can’t do this. You don’t understand...I am afraid of what I’m feeling...I care about you more than I should...I know we can’t be together...I know that...but...”

He let go of her arm, and took her hand and led her to the little table, he held out her chair, then sat across from her. “Why can’t we be together?” He was so calm and in control, and she was quickly becoming an emotional wreck.

“Because of your career. Because I work for you. Because I am too old for you. Because I’m not sure I can love you the way you should be loved. Because...because I am afraid I have already lost control!” She stood up and began pacing, her skirt rustling as she walked around him.

He stood and walked over to her, he put his hands on her bare shoulders to stop her pacing. “ANASTASIA! STOP!” She looked up at him - straight into his eyes, and in his eyes she saw the truth. “Stasia, I don’t care that you work WITH me, right now, I don’t care if you work for the Pope. I don’t care about the affect this could have on my career. How could being with you hurt my career? You make me happier than I have ever been, that’s good for my career. I don’t care at all about your age - that’s just silly. I’m not worried about you not being able to love me the way I deserve to be loved, because you already do! And as for your control, I hope you never get it back. The only thing I care about at this moment in time is the woman standing in front me. The woman I fell in love with, without realizing it was happening. The woman that makes me feel alive. The woman, I need to know how you feel about me.” He looked deeply into her eyes.

She looked away. “ don’t need this...”

He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger. He said firmly, “I didn’t ask if I needed this...I asked how you feel. I don’t want you to do or say anything you don’t want to, but I want to know what you’re thinking. I want to know what you’re feeling.”

He held her chin, so her eyes couldn’t leave his. She swallowed hard and then whispered. “I’m in love with you.” Her eyes closed, and the tears started again.

He pulled her tightly against his chest. “Stasia, please don’t cry. I love you. God, that sounds so strange. Anastasia...”

She leaned back against his arms, and a smile slowly spread across her face, “”

His head dipped down, and when his lips touched hers, his arms tightened around her back, her arms went around his neck, they held one another tighter than they ever had. His lips moved firmly against hers and when her lips parted for him, his control snapped. He kissed her with a hunger that he didn’t even know he had. She matched his hunger, they were clutching at each other. They were breathing heavily.

Stasia’s head was spinning and her heart was soaring. She knew that this was exactly what she wanted, this was exactly what she needed. In the middle of a deserted ball room, in a hotel in Washington D.C., Stasia felt like she had come home, she knew that she was where she was supposed to be, she was in Lance’s arms.

Lance could not recall a moment in time that he had ever been as happy as he was at that moment. He was in love, and his love was returned. He had offered his heart, and Stasia had offered hers in return. They had fought the fear, and the pain in their pasts, and had decided to trust one another with their hearts.

He pulled back to look at her, her eyes were shining like he had never seen them before. He had never seen anything so stunning in his life. In her eyes, he saw everything that he had ever wanted. Lance saw love.

He smiled, and she reached up and touched his lips. “I love you.” He pulled her against his chest, and he spun around, lifting her feet off of the floor.

“I have waited my entire life to hear you say that.” He was still spinning.

She threw her head back and laughed, the happiest, most heart-warming laugh he had ever heard. “You’re entire life? I’m not sure about that.” She rested her forehead against his.

“You doubt me?” He bent his head and kissed her neck.

She laughed and sighed, “NOPE! I wouldn’t doubt you.”

He set her on the ground, and then teased, “Kiss the neck...I have to remember that one...kiss the neck, get my way.”

“You can only use this power for must never use it for evil.”

He laughed like she had never heard him laugh before. “Every time you open your mouth, I love you a little more.”

“Well then you’re in trouble...because as you know, I can talk a lot.”

“See there you go again...just when I think I love you as much as humanly possible, you make me love you more.” He took her hand and led her back to the table. “Now, will you sit down?”

“YES SIR!” She sat obediently. He reached under the table and pulled out the biggest bouquet of tulips she had ever seen. “Oh Lance!” She kissed him gently.

He reached down again and music filled the air. He stood and held out his hand. “May I have this dance?”

“You may have as many as you’d like.”

“I’d like them all.”

“They’re yours.”

They danced for a long time just enjoying being together, really being together. They laughed, and talked about everything that came to mind. It wasn’t until Stasia frowned, and looked up at him, that the reality of the situation hit.

“What’s wrong?” He laid his palm against her cheek, and she leaned her head into it.

“I don’t want to hide from the world, I feel like going up to the room and screaming, ‘I love Lance Bass’ at the top of my lungs, but I know I can’t, I know that I can’t hold your hand, or hug you in public. I know I have to keep my mouth shut.”

“I refuse to lie to our fans. I refuse to lie to you, it would be a lie if I didn’t hug you when I came off stage after a good show, just because there is a camera there. I have no intention of hiding this. What we have to do, is rally the troops.”

“Rally the troops?”

He took her hand, picked up the tulips laying across the table, handed them to her, he picked up the small radio from under the table. He grabbed her hand again and they ran toward the door. They were laughing when they got out into hallway, where Lonnie and Ron were sitting outside of the door. Lance looked at Lonnie on the way by, “Hey Lon, I convinced her that she loves me.”

Lonnie and Ron both laughed, and followed the pair to the elevators. When they reached their floor, he pulled her to Justin’s door. He lightly tapped, so he wouldn’t wake Jonathon. When the door opened, Lance said, “Come with us.”

Justin picked up Jake, and brought him across the hall to Stasia’s door. They all walked in and Lance threw the radio on the bed. Stasia and Lance were both glowing. Neither one of them had changed and both of them were flushed and their lips were swollen.

Lance picked up the phone, and dialed quickly. “Chris? It’s Lance. Hold on.” He pressed the button for another line. “Joey, hey it’s Lance, stop making out with Angela for a second, and hold on.” The third line found JC in bed. “JC, I know you didn’t want to be woken up...but think of it this way, Justin has to be on a plane with us at 5:00 in the morning.” He hit another button and then said, “Is everyone still there?”

They all answered in unison, “Yeah.”

JC yawned, “Lance, buddy this better be good.” Justin turned when he thought he heard a noise come out of his room, he saw Lonnie go in to check on Jonathon so he turned his attention back to Lance.

Lance held out his hand, and Stasia took it. Justin laughed, “Whoa!”

“WHAT! WHAT’S GOING ON?” Chris was shouting.

“Guys, Stasia and I need to talk to you.”

“You DO?” Joey sounded excited.

“We have made a decision that could affect you guys. Guys, I told Stasia I love her tonight, and after I stopped her from running out of the room. She actually seemed happy about it.”

After a round of, “Way to go buddy.” and “FINALLY” JC spoke up.

“Lance, I realize you wanted to rub this in our faces, you did get an incredible girl, but this could have waited until we see you tomorrow.”

“Oh fine, don’t share in our joy, JC!” Stasia shot at the phone.

“You tell him Millie.” Lance kissed her forehead.

“Guys. I have to give Lance credit, you should see how hot Stasia looks. If he hadn’t told her he loved her, I would have.”

“Did you take pictures dude?” Joey asked.

“No, but the nine billion photographers outside did.”

“Guys, thanks for putting up with my crap tonight. Good night.”

“We’ll see you in Orlando tomorrow.” Stasia smiled, and hugged Lance’s arm.

When Lance turned off the speakerphone, Justin said good night and went back to his room laughing about Lance having to make a grand announcement and brag to the world.

Stasia and Lance stood in her room. Their hands laced together. Their eyes locked. Their feelings finally out in the open. They stood there enjoying every second that passed. Lance looked over at the clock, and groaned.

“It’s almost three...we have to leave for the airport in half an hour. I’m going to go change. Come down to my room when you’re ready. We’ll get something to eat out of the vending machine. What can I say, I take good care of my woman.”

She hugged him tightly, “Yes you do.”

He walked slowly out of the room, not wanting to leave her for the ten minutes it would take for them to change.

When the door closed, she jumped up on the bed while dialing her cell phone.


“JESS!” She was bouncing, her skirt billowing out like a parachute. “JESS!”

“Stasia? Are you Ok? What’s wrong?”

“We said we love each other. He loves me. LANCE LOVES ME. Jess, I love him too. Jess, we said it...out loud. It was amazing. He rocked my world.”

“YOU ARE KIDDING ME! YOU ARE DATING A POP STAR! Stasia, this is unreal. Lance is the sweetest guy in the world. You’re bouncing on the bed aren’t you?”

“Uh huh.” Stasia kept bouncing, she stopped short when she heard Justin laugh. “Hi Justin. Jess, I’ve got to go.”

“Stasia, call me when you get to Orlando later.”

“I will. I love you Jess.”

Justin caught Stasia by the waist. “Lance will kill me if I let you break your neck right after he went through all of the effort to catch you.” He set her on the floor. “Are you going to come back to Orlando with us, or should we leave you here to jump on the bed?”

“Give me two minutes, and I’ll be ready to rock and roll.”

“OK, I’ll meet you in Lance’s room, I don’t want to wake up Jon, until I absolutely have to.”

“OK, can you just take him out of bed still sleeping?”

“I’m going to try.”

She ran around, gathered her things threw a change of clothes on her bed and tried to unzip the dress, “Damn it.” She shrugged her shoulders, grabbed her stuff and Jake took a final look around the room, and ran down the hall to Lance’s room. She knocked and when he answered the door in jeans and a sweater, he laughed. “OK, I realize the dress has great memories, but, won’t you be uncomfortable on the plane like that?”

“The zipper is stuck, Justin had to zip it for me earlier, but if anyone is going to unzip me, I thought you were the better choice.” She flashed her most evil grin.

“God give me strength. Come here.” She turned her back to him, and he pulled on the zipper until it finally gave way. “OK, you’re free.”

She took her clothes and went into the bathroom. When she emerged, in jeans and a sweater, with her hair in a ponytail he smiled and said, “Hey there.” He kissed her and as Justin walked in the room carrying Jonathon, sleeping in his arms, he whispered, “I didn’t know about the birthmark.”

Her eyes flew open, her jaw dropped, and her hand instinctively covered the spot, low on her hip where her birthmark was. He smiled and helped her pick up her bags, and walked out the door. “I can’t believe you!”

“It’s not my fault your zipper goes so low.” He put his arm around her shoulders and they all crammed into the elevator together.

They boarded Jive’s jet, and settled in, Jonathon had not opened his eyes once. Stasia sat on one side of him, Justin on the other, to prop him up long enough to be seat belted for take off.

Stasia was looking over the schedule for the week. “I almost forgot you two have an interview with Carson today about the White House, egg roll thing. He’s going to tape it, while they’re taping the All Access footage. Remember to take a change of clothes so you can look presentable.”

Justin answered, “Yes dear.” He rolled his eyes then closed them and rested his head back.

They captain walked in, and Stasia smiled brightly. “Captain Elkins!”

“Well hi there Little Lady! I hope you aren’t here to disrupt my flight again.” He held out his hand and she shook it warmly.

“No, I can control these two all by myself.” She introduced Lance and Justin. “Not to mention we have our security with us this time.” She introduced Lonnie, Jay and Ron.

“Well, I’m glad to have you back. Sit back and relax, I assure you Peter is no longer with us, so you will have an uneventful flight if I have anything to say about it.”

An older woman introduced herself as Claire, the flight attendant. She reminded them to turn off their cell phones, which they all did immediately.

The flight went very well, they landed in Orlando without incident, and were in the limo quickly. As they rode toward Justin’s house he sighed, “I’m going to have to wake him up to change his clothes and take him to rehearsal. I hate doing that. I hate sending him back home tired, but he’s here for the next three days, he has to be up when I’m up.” He ran a hand over Jonathon’s little head.

“I’ll tell you what. You get what you need, get back in the limo with Lance, you two go to his house, pick up his car and drive to rehearsal together. I will stay here until Jon wakes up, I’ll give him a bath and some breakfast. Then I will bring him over with me. My schedule is clear until this afternoon for the most part. Although, you’ll have to let Ron or I drive your car.”

He looked horrified for a minute, swallowed hard, then said, “OK. You will have to take the Mercedes...are you OK with that?”

She raised her eyebrows evilly, “I’m fine with that.”

“OH GOD! Please don’t hurt my car.”

“I will deliver your car, and your brother, unharmed.”

“You better.” He eyed her.

When they had left. Stasia checked on Jon, then laid down in the guest room to get some rest. Forty-five minutes later, she woke up, showered, changed her clothes and wandered down stairs to Justin’s kitchen. There was nothing but cereal, so she got out a bowl and the milk, trying to be quiet, so she didn’t wake Ron who was sleeping in the living room.

As she was hopping up on a stool next to the counter. Jonathon wandered in, rubbing his eyes with a little fist. “Hi.”

“Hi yourself.” She picked him up and sat him on the stool next to hers. “Would you like some cereal?”

“Uh huh.”

She made a bowl of cereal, when they had finished eating, she took him upstairs, gave him a bath, put clean clothes on him, and was tying his shoes when he asked, “Do you like Lance?”

“Yes I do. I like Lance a lot.” She smiled.

“You look at Lance like Mommy looks at Daddy.”

“I think you’re right.” She tapped the toe of his shoe. “Ready to go see what Justin is doing?”

“YEAH!” He went running to the door.

She woke Ron, grabbed Jonathon’s activity bag, and her bag. They climbed into the car, and when she was sure he was safely belted in, they were on their way. As she drove up to the studio, she smiled at the sight of Lance’s car.

She moved the seat back so Justin would be able to get in his car after rehearsal, gathered the bags from the back seat, took Jonathon’s hand, and made her way into the building. When she entered the rehearsal room she was so happy to see Justin drop to his knees and scoop up Jonathon.

“She didn’t hurt you. How’s my car buddy?”

Jonathon laughed, “It’s good Justin.”

“Thanks Stasia.”

“You know I’ll do this any day.” She set all of the bags down, and started walking over to the couch at the back of the room with her computer.

Lance stopped her halfway across the room and kissed her quickly, “Hi.”

“Hi.” She smiled at him.

They guys began hooting and clapping.

Stasia bowed dramatically at the waist, “Thank you...thank you very much.”

Johnny walked in and smiled, “Hey Stasia. Rumor has it you had an exciting trip.”

Lance slid his arm around her waist. “I guess you could say that.”

“I came down to ask why the heck Carson Daly is calling for Lance on my line upstairs?”

“I have no idea. I turned my phone off on the plane, and haven’t turned it back on because we were rehearsing. I’ll call him, when we’re done.”

“He said it’s an emergency, and that you need to call him as soon as possible. He sounded...I don’t know...upset.”

Stasia tossed Lance his cell phone, and when he turned it on he said, “MAN! I have 35 missed calls.” He glanced at his watch, it’s only 9:00 in the morning.” He was completely confused when he realized all 35 calls were from Carson.

Stasia realized her phone was off as well, when she hit the power button her brow furrowed, she held the display for Lance to see, “I’ve got 30 missed calls, and they’re all for him.”

Lance dialed quickly. “Hey Carson, it’s Lance Bass. What’s up?” He was quiet for a minute, then he looked a little pale. “When?” Everyone in the room exchanged confused looks, then looked to Stasia, who shrugged.

Johnny started leaving the room, and Lance stepped forward to grab his arm. He held up his index finger. “Today?” He closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You are going to be here at what time?” He looked at his watch again. “OK. Thanks Carson. I owe you one.” He hit the power button on the phone, and looked at the faces around him. His gaze landed squarely on Stasia.

“What’s wrong?” She looked confused and frightened.

He took her hand and led her over to the couch. He sat down next to her, and didn’t let go of her hand. They guys walked over to stand around them, Justin had Jon perched on his hip. “We have a problem. Potentially, a big problem.” He looked down at their hands, laced together, and closed his eyes. “Guys, someone taped Stasia and I last night.”

“What?” All of the color drained from her face, and her eyes searched his face searching for and explanation. “What do you mean someone taped us?”

“Oh God, I’m so sorry. Stasia, I’m so sorry. In the ballroom, someone taped our conversation.”

“But why?” She didn’t understand why anyone would violate their privacy like that.

“I don’t know why. Stasia, I’m so sorry. They sent an audio tape, and over a hundred still photos to MTV. Carson is supposed to blind side us with it today during the interview about our trip to the White House. MTV knows you’ll be here, so they are hoping to catch us off guard. Thank God Carson like us...or you...because he didn’t want to spring this on us.”

Stasia looked at his face, he looked devastated. She was confused, and felt violated, but she was not about to roll over and play dead for some photographer who was just looking for the cover of the Enquirer. She sat up straight, squeezed his hand and said, “So, what’s done is done. We said we didn’t want to hide, and now we have no choice. Carson has given us the upper hand. I suggest we take full advantage of it. How do we do that?” She looked at Lance, and then at the other faces around her, “Guys...ideas...they would be very helpful right now...Johnny?”

They were all stunned. First of all they were stunned that someone could and would tape what had happened between Lance and Stasia. Then they were stunned because, after giving herself a moment to feel sorry for herself, Stasia had pulled it together, and was ready to fight back. She was looking at each of them expectantly.

Johnny ran his hand through his hair. “She’s right. We have to strike first. We don’t want the fans to think we were trying to hide this.”

Lance sighed, “Guys, I’m sorry.”

Chris smacked him hard on the back of the head. “Shut up. Unless you made the tape yourself, you have nothing to be sorry for. Now, I have an idea.” He sat down on the floor and the other guys followed suit. “The way I figure it, it’s one thing to screw with Lance, but it’s totally another thing to try to screw with Stay-A. This has ticked me off. You two,” He pointed to Lance and Justin, “are expected to be interviewed later. I think we all sit in on it. You know, all the crap about, if we do stuff alone, it’s for the good of the group, we’re here to support you guys going to D.C. and all that garbage.”

“OK, I think that makes sense.” JC nodded his head. “I see where you’re going with this Chris, then, Carson is going to have to lead into asking Lance about his relationship with Stasia, who we have sitting at the back of the room, we get Carson to tell the camera man to film her, then turn back to Lance.”

Joey nodded and smiled, “When he says, ‘Lance, about your relationship with Anastasia Blake.’ or whatever, Lance smiles and says, ‘Yeah, we just decided to hook up.’ but you say it in your polite Lance speak.”

It was Justin’s turn now, “Then, no matter what he plays for you to hear, you can react. He can have Stasia come over and you two address his questions.”

Lance looked into Stasia’s eyes, “What do you think?”

A grin slowly slid across her face. “I think, we all make a great team. Johnny what do you think about this?”

“I think it’s the best way to do damage control. You know Jive is going to have something to say about this. I better call them.”

Stasia looked at Lance, “Have you talked to your family about this? And we’re going to have to give the office a heads up, I have a feeling the phone is going to start ringing.”

“I better call Momma and Stacy, they’ll take care of talking to Jamie. Come on, I have a feeling they are going to want to talk to you too.” He stood, offered her his hand, pulled her up and they walked out of the room together.

They all ran home to change their clothes and prepare for war. Stasia was elected to call Carson and explain the plan to him. He was happy with what they decided, because there was no way for MTV to think he had tipped off the group, all he had to do was ask the question the right way.

Lance drove Stasia to the apartment she was sharing with Dani in Orlando. While she was changing her clothes, and doing her hair, he sat on the couch thinking. It dawned on him that either someone had been following them in Washington, or someone from the hotel had to be in on the whole plan. Justin’s words from the night before came back to him.

“How the heck did they know we were here? This wasn’t scheduled as far as the press knew, we were supposed to be in Orlando tonight, what happened?”

He grabbed Stasia’s address book off of the table, he dialed quickly and was relieved to hear the voice on the other end, “Mary Grant.”

“Ms. Grant, this is Lance Bass.”

“Is Stasia OK?” She sounded concerned.

“She’s fine, but I thought you should know what has happened since we met yesterday.”

“It hasn’t even been 24 hours yet. I’m hoping that not a lot has happened.”

“I don’t know where to start. OK, first, someone tipped of the press that we were in town last night. They shouldn’t have known we were there, because our official schedule had us back in Orlando last night. Then, Stasia and I had a very private moment, and someone took pictures and taped our conversation, they have already sent the tape and pictures to MTV, who is planning on airing them today.”

“A private moment?”

“We told each other we loved each other last night...someone taped the whole thing.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. But you are sure your label didn’t tip off the press?”

“I’m positive, we had Justin’s little brother with us at the hotel, it’s in our contract that our families must be provided extra security if the press is going to be alerted to our location. Not to mention, the dinner invitation wasn’t even made until the day before. As a matter of fact, they set up an interview about it for today, so we can get the exposure on the whole White House thing.”

“I see. I’m going to see what I can find out.”

“I just thought you should know that someone got in what was supposed to be a secure room, where Stasia was, with security outside the door all night.”

“Thanks Lance. I want all the information you come up with along the way. I’ll be in touch.”

“OK. Bye.” He was hanging up as Stasia walked out of the bedroom, putting her earring in.

“Who was that?” She looked at him curiously.

“Mary. I just filled her in on what happened.”

“I hadn’t thought of that. Good idea.” She adjusted her cardigan sweater. She had on a black skirt and tights, her twin set was gray with black trim. She had chosen to wear her hair down, and held back by a black headband. She was wearing make-up, because she knew she was going to be on camera in a few hours.

“There’s the preppy I love.” He pulled her down on his lap and kissed her. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“I don’t really have a choice. But yes, I’m ready and who ever did this, doesn’t know what they’re in for.” She kissed him. “Now that I know that we’re fighting this together...really together...I’m not as frightened.”

“I don’t ever want you to be frightened again. I’ll fight whoever I have to, to keep you safe and happy.” He held her tightly to his chest.

She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Let’s go fight the dragon.”

They got up together, and Lance stopped her as they were about to walk out the door, “I love you.”

She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed him. “I love you too.”

When they pulled up at the studio, all of the other guys were already there, as was the MTV crew. He smiled at her and they walked in together. Stasia took her place on the couch, sitting behind Carson, and facing the guys. Lance and Justin were sitting in front, on a couch that had been brought in for the interview. The other three were sitting on stools behind them.

As soon as the cameras started rolling, Stasia noticed the cameraman shooting footage of her. She didn’t react, she just sat and listened to Justin talk about the trip to Washington D.C.

Carson cleared his throat, “So Lance, you were in Washington with Justin right?”

“Yeah, I was there, it was an honor to be invited to the White House.”

“Lance, you took Anastasia Blake with you to the egg roll and to dinner didn’t you?”

Lance smiled, “Yes I did.”

“I have to ask you about Anastasia.”

Chris interrupted, “She prefers Stasia.” His eyes met hers and she laughed.

“I’m sorry, I have to ask you about Stasia.”

“Go ahead, what is it you’d like to know about her? As a matter of fact, you can ask her yourself if you’d like.”

“You’re saying that you guys don’t mind if Stasia joins the interview?” Carson asked with a shocked expression.

JC answered for the group, “Not at all.” He looked at Stasia, “Would you mind joining us?”

She shook her head, and Lance and Justin moved to the ends of the couch to make room for her. She sat between them.

“Now, Lance, back in January, Jive released a statement saying that Stasia was an employee of Free Lance Entertainment Group, and a friend of the group, is that still true?”

Lance looked affectionately down at Stasia and said, “Carson, things have changed, a lot.”

~Chapter Eighteen~