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Chapter 19

By the time Morgan, Lyn and Angela got to the apartment there were at least twenty-five reporters camped out in front of the security gate. They were shouting, and ringing the buzzer. It took a while but Stasia finally reached her snapping point when she saw a reporter trying to scale the wall surrounding their small yard. “OK, I’ve had enough.” She picked up the phone and called security. “Hi, this is Stasia Blake at 1906 Longmeadow Court. We have a group of reporters outside our security gate. I was wondering if security could do anything to get them to move out of the complex...really?...yes, right outside OUR gate...yes inside the first set of gates...oh, I see...thank you very much...we appreciate it...thank you.”

She grinned, “The security guy is flipping out, he’d like to know how they got inside the complex...which is actually a good question.” Then she straightened her Pajama bottoms and added, “Did you guys have trouble getting through the first gate?”

Morgan shook her head, “No, the first gate is up.” She shrugged and shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth, “I didn’t think much of it, but now that you mention it, it’s never been up before.”

“That is one of the reasons Chris and I chose this complex. He wanted to make sure it wouldn’t be easy to get back here. I’m telling you Stasia, the press never freaked out about me like this, you sure are special.”

“Why thank you! I’ve always thought I was pretty special. Now I’m getting the attention I deserve.”

Lyn rolled her eyes and laughed, “If you aren’t careful, your ego is going to be as big as Justin’s.”

Morgan laughed and said, “HEY! I don’t pick on your scrawny best friend...leave my egotistical best friend alone.”

“So, Mor...what was up with you and Justin? You disappeared for a while, I was a little surprised to see you at the Oscars.” Angela was laying on the floor, eating pizza. “Can I ask why we are eating again? We finished dinner, what two hours ago?”

“Oh who cares? Girls eat. As for Justin...he was being stupid and blind and I care about him too much to watch him be like that, so I refused to talk to him until he started using his head again.”

Angela snickered, “A little upset about Britney, Mor?”

“Funny Ang.” She rolled her eyes. “You have to know Britney was using him...I seriously don’t have anything against her personally, but when it comes to wanting Justin around so you will have a camera around, I won’t put up with it.”

“So what happened?”

“I tried to talk to him about it, and he wouldn’t listen at all, wouldn’t even let me explain, so I told him I would not speak to him until she wasn’t a part of his personal life. I realize she is always going to be part of his business life...and the press will always fuel the rumors about them, but he has to protect his heart from people like her.”

“So he isn’t seeing her anymore?”

“No, they really are just friends.”

“So he listened, that’s good.”

“Well I had some help.” Morgan smiled over at Stasia.

Angela laughed, “Stasia? Ha! She is partially responsible for Joe and I being together now.”

“I am NOT! Joe told me he loved you before I suggested the place you met, and Justin knew you were right, Mor, he was just being stubborn. Then you were being stubborn, he had broken up with Britney two weeks before you agreed to talk to him, I just mediated the first conversation. You guys give me too much credit.”

Dani slipped off of the couch and onto the floor, “You have been such a good influence on all of the guys. You are like the logical sister they have on the road. They all look at you like their sister...well not ALL of them...Lance apparently doesn’t see you as a sister.”

“I should hope not!” Stasia laughed.

“SO DISH! How on Earth did you to end up telling each other you were in love...I mean we all knew it was going to happen, but the two of you seemed to be fighting it, then BAM! You are not only together, but you are going public.” Angela rested her chin on her fist, and settled in for the story.

“We weren’t going to lie about it, but we weren’t going to go public they day after we said, ‘I love you’ for the first time. We didn’t really have a choice about that.”

“That sucks. Do you have any idea who did it?” Morgan put another handful of popcorn in her mouth.

“No, but we are positive it’s the same person who has been sending me those freaky letters.”

Lyn stopped drinking her wine, “Wait a minute...what letters?”

“You don’t know about those? I assumed JC told you about that. Well, I’ve been getting threats in the mail, it started right after I moved and they haven’t stopped.”

“Do they say why?”

“I’m just lucky I guess.” Stasia threw her legs over the arm of her chair.

“OK...enough stalkers...get to the good out...I want details...NOW!” Angela was bouncing.

“Well, we just sort of...figured it out. He is so that he’s not being a jerk.” She laughed and shook her head.

“So you guys are getting closer, he takes you to the ballroom, you guys say you love each other, and then you have your first kiss.”

Stasia turned beat red. “Not exactly our first kiss.”

“WHEN WAS THE FIRST KISS?” Lyn was excited now.

Stasia looked over at Dani, “OH MY GOD! IT WAS ON THE BUS WASN’T IT?”

“Um...yeah.” She giggled, “Can I tell you what a good kisser he is!”

There was a round of squeals. “So on the bus...with me right above you...Jess right below you...and Chris right across from you...You and Lance were making out like a couple of high school kids.”

“Pretty much. That was our first kiss, then we had this big stupid conversation about how we didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. Then we hooked up a few more times. I knew I was in love with him, but there was no way I was EVER going to admit that. Then, he pulled out the song and the eyes and the flowers and the most unbelievable conversation I’ve ever had.”

Dani looked up at the clock, “Your show is about to start! Can we watch?”

Stasia rolled her eyes, “MY show? Not quite! But yeah, we can watch...I’m curious as to how they edited it.”

Dani turned on the TV and Making The Video was ending. “He’s pretty cool...He had the hots for you.” She said as Carson’s picture came on the screen.

“He did not have the hots for me.”

“Sure...keep telling yourself that, whatever helps you sleep at night.”

“Shut up Dani!”

“I’m just saying.”


“Ok...ok...ok...The show is starting anyway.”

“Hi, I’m Carson Daly and welcome to this special expanded edition of MTV News. Today I sat down with NSYNC to talk about a trip Justin Timberlake and Lance Bass took to Washington D.C., to the White House for the Easter Egg roll and dinner, and to ask about the relationship that has developed between Lance and Anastasia Blake of Free Lance Entertainment Group. I met with Lance, Stasia and the rest of NSYNC today in Florida, and this is how that conversation went down:

“So Lance, you were in Washington with Justin right?”

“Yeah, I was there, it was an honor to be invited to the White House.”

“Lance, you took Anastasia Blake with you to the egg roll and to dinner didn’t you?”

“Yes I did.”

“I have to ask you about Anastasia.”

“She prefers Stasia.”

“I’m sorry, I have to ask you about Stasia.”

“Go ahead, what is it you’d like to know about her? As a matter of fact, you can ask her yourself if you’d like.”

“You’re saying that you guys don’t mind if Stasia joins the interview?”

“Not at all. Would you mind joining us?”

“Now, Lance, back in January, Jive released a statement saying that Stasia was an employee of Free Lance Entertainment Group, and a friend of the group, is that still true?”

“Carson, things have changed, a lot.”

“What do you mean things have changed a lot?”

“Well Carson, my relationship with Stasia has changed considerably. It has developed into something more. Stasia and I are together now.”

“So are you saying that the press release back in January was inaccurate? It stated that there was nothing romantic happening between Stasia and any member of NSYNC.”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. At the time of the press release, there was nothing romantic between Stasia and I, we have just recently discussed how our feelings had changed, and the fact that we were feeling more than friendship towards on another. This is actually very recent, but we wanted to make sure our fans know that Stasia and I have nothing to hide, we are together, but like I said, this is very new to the two of us.”

“It’s interesting that you say that. Because we have some audio, and some pictures we want to show you, apparently from last night in Washington D.C., then I’d like to get your reaction.”

The taped conversation from the ballroom was run completely, along with all of the pictures. Stasia was surprised that they ran everything, except Lance singing to her, she was wondering if the person who had taped it, had gotten that part of the night on tape, there were no pictures either.

“That was a very emotional conversation. So what is your reaction to that?”

“My reaction is that I’m angry. I can’t believe there is a person who would take my friends most private moment and send it in to a TV station. I can tell you for sure, that no N Sync fan did this. This is just someone out to embarrass my friends, two very private people.”

“I guess I’m hurt, that someone would invade Lance and Stasia’s privacy. I know we are expected to give a lot to our fans, but this is the most intimate conversation they could have stolen. Justin is right, if people knew anything about Lance or Stasia, they would know that these two aren’t the type who get excited about their first words of love being broadcast all over the world. ”

“I’m so angry, I think it’s funny. I know that sounds stupid, but if I don’t laugh about this...I’ll end up hitting someone.” He shook his head, “I’d also like to know where this person was hiding, and why he didn’t offer us a seat next to him. But seriously, the only thing I can do is laugh, because if I let my emotions get the best of me, I will say something I regret. It’s just not fair to them. But I think our boy has some very smooth moves.”

“I have to agree with JC, I’m hurt. I have a hard time believing that our fans will find this the huge news story that the press will make it out to be. I guess we give our fans a lot of credit, I know that they will be happy that Lance and Stasia are happy, the way that we were all happy when they told us last night. It hurts my heart to see these pictures, and to hear those words, Lance and Stasia were speaking from the one another. You can hear the emotion in their voices...those are not emotions that should have to be shared with the world. ” Everyone was a little shocked at Chris’s very serious approach to the situation. Normally, he would have been the first person to crack a joke, but in this, his first reaction was to try to protect his younger friends.

“What about you? What do you think?”

“I think someone violated our privacy. I’m embarrassed that the entire world is listening to my girlfriend and I kiss, and say that we love each other. I am embarrassed that the entire world is seeing pictures of us kissing, which is very intimate for us. Stasia and I are not the type of people who are into public affection. We will always be looking over our shoulders now, which is sad. Even when we think we are alone in a room, trying to express our inner most feeling, we will wonder if there is someone hiding around the corner. This person turned one of the best nights of my life into a news story. I think that’s sad. I wish I could turn back time, and keep this special for her. When you realize you love someone, you want to protect them from everything bad. The problem is, this person turned something wonderful, into something bad. I guess I’m defensive of her, because, I have grown accustom to having people follow me and take pictures of me, but that comes along with my job, I knew that. But Stasia didn’t ask to be in the public eye, as a matter of fact, she would avoid it at all costs if she could. I’m very upset someone did this to her.”

“How do you feel? How does it feel to hear that conversation and to see those pictures?”

“At first, I was scared. It’s very frightening to know that there was someone in the room with us. But I have to admit, I’m not happy...glad. I’m glad because, even though it wasn’t this person’s intention, they have given me a wonderful gift. The gift of memories. Last night flew by like a dream for me. My head was spinning, and my heart was soaring, so it’s hard for me to picture the whole night in my head. So many people forget what happened when they first told their significant other that they were in love. But now, because of this person, I can hear Lance’s words whenever I want. I can hear the first time he said, ‘I love you’ over and over again. When I need support, and we can’t be together, I can still hear his words. I can look at these pictures and relive the moment I found out that Lance loved me, the way I loved him. I can see the way we looked at one another, I can see the love in our eyes. How many people have that? I choose to look at this as a blessing, because this will help me remember the most incredible night of my life. And if I don’t look at it that way, I have to be afraid. I would have to be afraid of truly speaking my heart, and then this person would have gotten exactly what they wanted. And I refuse to be afraid to love Lance, I refuse to be afraid to tell Lance I love him.”

“Thank you for letting me ask you about this. I realize that this tape and these pictures came out of nowhere for you guys. I appreciate your honesty. Stasia, I would like to thank you for joining us, and giving us your take on the situation.”

Lyn and Morgan were both crying. “Oh my God Stasia! That’s the most incredible thing I have ever heard in my life.” Lyn was wiping her eyes on her sleeve.

Dani had her hand over her mouth. “ and Lance were made for each other.”

“I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I love him more than I thought was possible. I seriously love him with all of my heart.”

Angela jumped up off of the floor, and hugged Stasia, “I am so happy for you! You were sure told that stupid stalker!”

“Thanks Ang.”

Dani passed around a box of tissues, “We are such a bunch of girls!”

Justin moved Jon’s head off of his leg and onto a pillow so could get up off of the couch. “Carson, I thought you would have cut more out of that.”

“I didn’t want to cut any of it, you guys were totally open and I wanted your fans to see it that way.”

Lance had been quiet the whole time the show was on. “I know I’ve said this already, but Carson, I will find a way to thank you.” He was surrounded by the guys who had been willing to fight for him today, “You guys all know you are brothers to me, but today, you went above and beyond the call of duty. You could have let Stasia and I handle this on our own.”

Chris rolled onto his back on the floor, “No we couldn’t...someone attacks you, someone attacks Stasia...they are attacking us too. Lance, you know, when things are bad, we stand together.”

Lance considered Chris’s comment carefully, “I know we’ve always done that in the past, but this was just me and Stasia, you didn’t have to get involved. It means a lot to me that you are behind us on this.”

“Shut up Lance, you would be the first person to stand up for any of us.” Justin threw a pillow from the couch at him.

“Daddy says it’s rude to say shut up.”Joey teased.

Justin shot him and evil look. Then looked down at Jonathon sleeping soundly on the couch. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw the little form, breathing heavily in his sleep. If it weren’t for his straight hair, Jon could easily pass for Justin at his age.

Carson laughed, “I’m not sure I want to become better friends with you guys...I’m a little frightened by the way you interact.”

Justin rolled his eyes, “Watch what you say about us...or we’ll sick Stasia and her cat-like ninja moves on you.”

The guys all burst out laughing, and Carson looked confused, “What the hell are cat-like ninja moves?”

“Oh you have to see it to understand...but you know how she comes off as a little and ladylike? Don’t buy’s all an act, she could kick our butts any day of the week. She has pinned Lance and me.” Justin shook his head at the memory, “I didn’t even see it coming...did you Lance?”

“Are you kidding me? I was sitting there, minding my own business, then...out of ninja moves! I was flat on my back in less than a second.” He was smiling brightly.

“At least she didn’t hurl herself through the air at you, I had all one hundred pounds of her hurled through the air at me...and I had to deal with this fool at the same time.” He kicked Chris in the side.


Carson laughed, “Oh GOD!”

“You ARE old.”



Chris sprung up off of the floor, and wrapped his arms around Justin’s legs, pulling him very carefully, so he wouldn’t wake Jonathon up. Justin’s entire body went stiff. “HA! Learned that from Jon today.” Chris slammed his weight down on his waist, and Justin buckled.


They rolled right over Joey who just ignored them and kept playing Jon’s Pokemon game. “Dude! Pikachu is slow!” They knocked over a table, and bumped into Carson’s chair.

Carson looked up at JC and Lance who were talking about the interview, “Um...guys...should I?” He pointed at the two men rolling around Justin’s den.

JC glanced over, “Huh? ignore them...they’ll stop eventually, if you try to stop them, you’ll just get sucked saw the Snowed In footage.”

“Oh yeah...I forgot about all of you rolling down the mountain.”

Joey was trying to see over the heap flipping over him, “OOF!” He smacked Chris’s butt down out of his sight line and continued to play his game. “Lance...Lance...”

“Yeah Joe?”

“Remind me to buy this game.”

“OK Joe.”


“Sure Joe.”

Carson was laughing hard, “I cannot believe you guys.” He realized that the rolling had stopped. “Are they done?”

Lance glanced over, “Maybe, you never know, until they are off of the floor.”

JC looked at his watch, “God! It got late. We have rehearsal early tomorrow, and I need to sleep. Lance have you slept at all today?”

“No, not since...ah...Washington I think...J did I sleep on the plane?”

“Uh were making smochie faces at Stasia.”

“Shut up.”

“My Daddy says it’s rude to say shut up.”

“Your Momma!”

“Now Chris! This did not involve you...WHY did you go and bring my Momma into this?” Justin pinned him to the floor, and began poking him hard, right between the eyes. “That was not a good idea.”

Lance got up and stretched, “Carson, have you had enough of this mess? I can take you back to the hotel if you want.”

“Yeah, I’m ready. Thanks Lance.”

JC walked out with them, “Lance, Stasia said she’d bring Lyn with her to the studio, it just dawned on me when did she have her car brought here?”

“That’s a good question...I bet she didn’t even think about it. Why don’t we swing by the apartment, I can leave this car for her and you can drop me that ok?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

When they pulled up to the complex, there were four guards at the first gate, one of the guards leaned in the window, “Can I help you?”

“Umm...yeah, I’m here to see Anastasia Blake.”

“OH YOU ARE! I see, and do you have a TV camera with you?”

“No...I’m her boyfriend.”

“OH SURE! Buddy, every other guy here tonight is her boyfriend. Ms. Blake is not expecting any visitors tonight.”

“I know she’s not expecting me, but I need to see her.”

“Tough luck buddy!”

“Oh for God’s sake! Carson, hand me my phone please.” Carson handed Lance his phone, which he turned on then hit a speed dial number, “Millie? Thank goodness you’re still up! I’m out here at the security gate, and they won’t let me back. JC and I realized you need a car tomorrow, and don’t have one...yeah...he’s out here too...we’re going to leave my car.” He was quiet for a moment then handed his phone to the security guard.

“I don’t care who you say you are. You could have set this up ahead of time...I’m not opening this gate. Well fine then!” He handed the phone back to Lance. “If that was actually Ms. Blake, she’ll be right out. As if that was Ms. Blake...HA!”

Lance rolled his eyes then glanced at Carson, who was doing his very best to keep from laughing. “Oh I can’t wait for you to get a girlfriend who is locked up in her apartment.” Carson couldn’t hold back anymore his laughter filled the car.

Lance joined in on the laughter when he saw her tiny form, lit by his headlights, stomping towards the her pajamas, with a trench coat, and running shoes. Lyn jogging to keep up with her, in a similar outfit. Lance’s phone rang, “Tell me I’m not looking at Stasia and Lyn in their pajamas stomping in our direction.” JC was laughing.

“That is exactly what you are looking at. I have a feeling a new security guard is in big trouble.”

“Lyn doesn’t look much happier...this guard is going to have hell to pay. Bye buddy.” They turned off their phones off so that they could watch the scene unfold in front of them.

Stasia marched straight up to Lance’s car. “Hi. Who do I need to talk to?”

“Millie, you don’t have to talk to anyone, you’re here now we can come’re going to talk to him anyway aren’t you?” Carson was gasping for air.

“OF COURSE I’M GOING TO TALK TO HIM! Harry! You are not just some wacko off of the street! Did you tell him who you are?”


“Unbelievable! Excuse me...sir...can I talk to you?”

The guard walked over, “Um...hi Ms. you know these people?”

“Yes I know these men, I TOLD YOU THAT ON THE PHONE!”

“Miss, I had no way of knowing that it was really you...I’m real sorry...but we are just trying to keep the press out.”

“I understand that, but Lance has been here several times have all met him.”

“I’ll tell you what we can do, I’ll give him a resident sticker for his window, that way they won’t stop him at all.”

“That is a very good idea, thank you...and thanks for doing such a good job...but next time, why don’t you call us...that way you will know it’s either me or Dani.”

“Ok, I just didn’t want to disturb you at this hour. It’s very late.”

“Thank you Chad, I appreciate every thing you and your team have done for me tonight.”

“It’s our pleasure...if you can wait a minute...I’ll get that resident sticker for you.”

“That would be great.” He jogged over to the security booth, and she walked over to Lance’s window. “I behaved myself.”

“I noticed that, I’ve very proud of you Millie! Want a ride?”

“No...I rather enjoy walking around at night, in my pajamas and trench coat. Hey Carson. Have fun with the boys tonight?”

“It was interesting.”

“Chris and Justin?” She looked at Lance who rolled his eyes and nodded. “ might have been better off hanging out with all of us crying.”

“You cried?” Lance looked at her sideways.

“Nope...but they all did...CARSON made them cry.”

“How did I make them cry?”

“They cried after YOU played the tape of our conversation...they’re such girls!”

“Well you aren’t exactly butch you know.” Carson laughed.

Chad walked back over to her with three resident stickers, “I thought that you might need a few extra, I know a lot of your friends come and go quickly, so here you go.”

“Thank you Chad! I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Night Ms. Blake...sorry about the confusion Mr. Bass.”

“Thanks for doing such a great job protecting Stasia.” Lance extended his hand out the window.

Chad shook his hand vigorously, “We are happy to do it. You take care.”

Stasia climbed into the back seat, “HEY! Where did Lyn go?”

Lance glanced in the rearview mirror, “She's already in JC’s car.

“OK...let’s go.”

As they pulled through the gate, a news truck turned around the corner and was heading toward them. “Yeah, I think it’s time to go.”

They all got out of the cars in the driveway, inside the second set of gates, Lance handed her his keys and kissed her on the forehead. “Ok, I don’t want to keep you up any longer...neither one of us has slept in the last day and a half. Good night Millie.” He bent his head down and kissed her lightly on the lips. There was a bright flash and he pulled back, “Damn it!”

Carson walked quickly over to the wall, “Dude! What are you doing? Back off and leave them alone.” He put his hand over the lens of the camera. The photographer slid down off of the wall.

Carson walked back over, “Lance, I’m sorry, but we better go...he’ll be back quickly.”

“I know you’re right. Good night Millie! I love you.” He kissed her quickly then he and Carson climbed into JC’s car.

Stasia pulled up at the studio, with Lyn, talking on the phone to Jamie in Mississippi, juggling a try of coffee cups, her computer and several file folders. Lyn had the other tray of coffee cups, and as the two of them burst through the studio door, all of the guys turned to see what the commotion was. Joey ran over to take Stasia’s tray of coffee cups, he laughed when he noticed each lid was neatly labeled. “YOU LOVE US! YOU REALLY LOVE US!” He kissed the top of her head, then started calling out names, “Wade...plain old coffee...straight up! JC same as Wade. Lance...latte. Justin, here’s your mocha. Chris...mocha with big fruit! Stasia this one is yours...and Lyn has the rest...HEY! Where’s mine?”

“I’ve got it over here Joe.” Lyn held out a cup for him.

Lance walked over to Stasia and raised an eyebrow she mouthed, ‘Jamie’ and he took the phone from her hand.

“Hey Jamie, I’m sorry to interrupt, but I have to talk to Stasia quickly, can we call you back?”

“HI LANCE! Sure you can call back later...I was just telling her about all of the calls, she said to just say Free Lance has no further comment. Is that right?”

“Jamie, you never have to double check an instruction from Stasia...yes that’s what you should tell them...we have no further comment.” He turned the phone off and smiled down at her grateful face, “Am I your hero now?” He quickly kissed her lips.

“YES! She was in the middle of...’OH MY GOD! I saw you and Lance kissing and WOW! And you got to talk to Carson...and you looked pretty...I like that dress...where did you get that dress...did you like it...’” She was silenced when he kissed her again.

“I get the point Darlin’, you forget, I’ve talked to Jamie.”

“OK...I have a few things to say here...number one, you can shut me up like that any day...I may have to babble more often...number two, Darlin’?”

“Sorry about that, it just sort of slipped out.” He was blushing as he took her bag and walked with her over to the table in the corner of the dance studio.

“Did I say that I minded? just surprised me.” She quickly bounced up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Do you have time to go over some paperwork before Wade tries to kill you?’

“Sure, what have you got?”

They settled in and she spread out some files, when they had been in the corner for twenty minutes, with their head close together. JC finally came over quietly, “Guys, we really don’t want to break up this little make out session, but we’ve been waiting to start for a while.”

“Make out session, we’re working!” Stasia shot him a dirty look as she took off her reading glasses.

“That’s not what it looked like, but whatever you say.” He tugged playfully on her ponytail.

Stasia leveled an evil look at him, “Don’t make me break out the cat-like ninja moves on you JC.”

He raised his hands in surrender, “I can’t take the ninja moves today. I’ll be nice.”

“That’s what I thought.” Lance was grinning at her. She just shrugged her shoulders and put her reading glasses back on.

After several hours of dancing, the guys were ready to drop. Chris started begging, “” He collapsed in a heap on the floor.

“Chris! Come on! Let’s just finish Digital Get Down.”


“If we break for lunch, will you be alive later?”


“OK, two what you have to do...TWO HOURS GUYS!”

The guys began to scatter immediately. Chris sprung up off of the floor and made a break for the door. Justin and Joey ran right into one another trying to get to their car keys. JC jogged over to Lyn, where she was sitting on the couch. Lance ran over, grabbed Stasia’s hand and dragged her out the door behind the rest of the group, she was laughing and trying to grab her bag and phone, “Leave it...he may change his mind if we are in the room...we need to evacuate! Move Millie! MOVE!”

“I’m coming...just let me grab my...”

“ are going to lunch NOW!” He was moving fast and she wasn’t having any trouble keeping up.

Stasia was in hysterics by the time she noticed JC dragging Lyn the same way Lance was dragging her. “Harry, we’re out of the studio...we’re can slow down now.”

When they were out in the parking lot everyone gathered to decide where they were going to eat. Ron walked up next to Stasia and tapped her on the shoulder, “Did you forget something?”


“Stasia, you forget to tell me you were can’t do that, I NEED to know where you are at ALL times, I thought you understood that.”

Lance turned, “Ron, this time it is totally my fault...I’m sorry...I better get Lonnie too.”

“YEAH YOU BETTER GET LONNIE TOO!” Lonnie’s voice was angry.

“Hey Lon...see what happened here is...”

“Shut up Lance, Stasia still isn’t used to security...YOU ARE...ever hear of leading by example? I catch you two outside without us again...and a stalker will be the least of your worries...GOT IT?”

“Yes.” They answered together.

Ron looked at her very sternly, “I don’t even want to know how you got here today...we are starting fresh...right now...but like Lon said...I find out you are ANYWHERE without me...there will be hell to pay little lady.”

Justin pointed and laughed, “What are you laughing at Junior? Where is Jay?” Ron shot him a dirty look. Justin stopped laughing.

“I was just going to find him.”

“I bet you were. Guys, it’s been a while since we were all on are all forgetting how important security is...and this tour is going to be twice as big, with twice as many fans, so we are going to have a meeting tonight to discuss the new security measures...and it is mandatory.”

Lance and Stasia looked at each other, and Lance wasn’t about to change his plans...he had put a lot of effort into setting up their date, and he was not about to change those plans. “Lonnie, I’m sorry, but you and Ron are going to have to do it this afternoon, or tomorrow, because we all have plans tonight.”

“I can’t believe you have the nerve to tell me to reschedule this Lance.”

“Honestly, neither do I, and you know I would never ask you to do this if it wasn’t very important.” Lance was looking at him desperately.

“Everyone, at the studio at 7:00 tomorrow exceptions.”

“OK! Thanks Lon.”

“ better not make me sorry.”

“I swear I won’t...but I do need to talk to you later...I guess you’ll be around.”

“Um...yeah...that’s what you pay me be around.”

The rest of the guys had decided where to eat while Lance and Stasia were getting their lecture. JC shouted out his window, “Follow us. See you there.”

Ron and Lonnie climbed in the back seat of Lance’s car and he and Stasia got in the front. Lance followed closely behind JC’s Jeep. He was watching the road carefully, and it dawned on him that Stasia was being very quiet. He glanced over at her and decided to leave her alone.

Stasia was staring out the window with a wistful look on her face. She couldn’t keep the slight smile that was touching her lips. For some strange reason, the moment she got into the car, and watched Lance settle into his seat, and turn the key in the ignition, an overwhelming feeling of joy came over her. She was completely content for the first time in a very long time.

She was reflecting back and the last several months. They had flown by, like a beautiful fairy tale. It didn’t seem that this could actually be her life. She had been excited at the prospect of moving to Mississippi. She had loved Diane and Stacy. They had made her feel welcome from the first second they laid eyes on her.

And then there were the guys, and the people that surrounded them. The inner circle. The club. The family. They opened their arms and enveloped her in the warmth of that tight knit group. There was just something about these people, something that let her know she was where she belonged.

She pulled her gaze away from the window, and to her boyfriend. She smile grew at the thought...her BOYFRIEND. The amazing man sitting next to her, in a car, in Florida. The man who had slowly let her into his life, the man who she had tried to NOT love. The man she felt connected to on a level she didn’t understand. Her feelings for Lance seemed to go deeper than her understanding of love.

In the beginning, she wasn’t sure if he was repulsed by her, but now, she knew, in the deepest, most sheltered part of her heart, that this man loved her the way she had never believed she would be loved.

Lance leaned over slightly and lightly touched her hand, “Millie, what are you thinking about? You look a million miles away.” She smiled at the words she had once used with him.

“I never left this car.” She looked down at their hands, Lance’s fingertips were caressing the back of her hand. Chills shot up her arm. “So where are we going tonight?”

“Can’t tell you that.” He smiled.

“How am I going to know what to wear?”

“What are the chances you own a dress?” He was trying not to laugh, he knew very well that she NEVER cared about what she was going to wear. She would have gone to the Oscars in khakis and a sweater if she’d had a say in the matter.

“Funny. What kind of dress?” She was trying hard to get him to reveal something.

“I don’t know...a regular out to dinner dress.”

“You are no help!” She huffed and crossed her arms.

“Dani will help you pick out a dress...or whatever...doesn’t have to be a dress...that was just a suggestion...she knows where we’re going...and she also knows she will die if she tells don’t even go there.” He was having fun, little miss planner, couldn’t plan for this night, and it was driving her crazy. “Oh, and you have to be ready fairly early. I’m picking you up at ready.”

“FIVE? Harry, it’s 2:00 now...nothing like advanced notice.”

“I asked you last night...that’s advanced. Lonnie,’ll have to be ready then too.”

“Whatever you say Romeo...I’m not wearing a tie.”

You don’t have to. Just be ready and at Stasia’s by 5:00.”

“You suck.” She frowned at him.

He smiled over at her, “I know I do.”

Stasia came flying through the door at 3:45, “DANI! HELP!” Ron followed her and laughed at her antics. She threw her bag and files on the table as she sprinted by, “DANI! WHERE ARE YOU?”

“In your room.” Dani giggled at the crazed look in Stasia’s eyes as she tripped into her bedroom. “Hi. How was your day?”

“Shut up Dani! Where am I going?” She looked at the clothes laid out on her bed and pointed, “This is ok?”

“It’s perfect....hope you don’t mind me going through your stuff.”

“Not at all.” She went into the bathroom and brushed through her hair. “Looks like I’ll wear it down...what do you think?”

“He likes it down.” Dani smiled.

Stasia snatched up the dress that was neatly laid out on her bed, next to a necklace, a pair of earrings, a cardigan sweater Stasia had forgotten she owned and a pair of shoes. She dashed back into the bathroom she came out a few minutes later, zipping the dress. “Where am I going?”

“Here are your shoes.” She handed the simple high-heeled sandals across the bed.

“Thanks. Where am I going?”

“Want me to do the necklace for you? Where did you get this...I’ve always loved diamond solitaire pendants.”

“Noah gave it to me for my eighteenth birthday. The earrings were for my twentieth.” She stood before a full-length mirror. Her thoughts drifted back to the night she turned eighteen, and her brother had stood behind her, looking into a mirror just like this one, and put that necklace on her for the first time. Her fingers touched the stone, where it was resting, the same way they had that night.

“Happy Birthday Stay. I hope you like it.”

“ shouldn’t have spent so much.”

“I hate it when you call me are the only little sister I have, I can afford to spoil you.” He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, “We have to stick together, we’re all the family we’ve got, and now you’re all grown up. What am I going to do when you meet the guy who is going to take you away from us?”

“Guys don’t like me...I scare them...or maybe you scare them. Either way, they’re afraid.”

“One day, you’ll find one who sees how special you are and he won’t let go if he’s smart. Trust me, he’s out there.”

“Whatever Ark...when I’m 80 and still alone...I’m going to be sitting in my rocker on the front porch, and I’m going to say ‘I told you so.’”

“I have a feeling I’ll be the one saying ‘I told you so.’ You are becoming a beautiful woman Stay. Mom would be so proud.”

Dani rested her hand on Stasia’s shoulder, “Are you OK?”

“I haven’t been this good in a long time.” She walked over and picked up the sweater from the bed and tied it around her shoulders. “Where am I going?”

Dani went running out of the room when the doorbell rang, “SAVED BY THE BELL!”

~Chapter Twenty~