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Chapter 21

He pulled to covers up around her, and rolled onto his side so he could look at her. “I wanted to ask you to stay here with me, but I was afraid. Especially after you asked me if I thought things were going too quickly.” He whispered.

“I want to sleep in your arms, I want to know what it’s like to wake up with you, really wake up with you. The last time we woke up together, it was to Jess screaming like a crazy woman, it’s not exactly the best way to wake up with someone you love.” She closed her eyes and whispered, “Do you think less of me?”

He lightly kissed her forehead, he moved down and kissed her closed eyelids, her cheeks and when he finally reached her lips, he whispered against, “There is nothing wrong with sleeping in the same bed. There is nothing I want more right now than to hold you. I know that we aren’t ready for...”

Her eyelids fluttered open and she silenced his lips with her fingertips. “I love you.” She removed her fingertips from his lips, and kissed him. “Please hold me.”

“I’ll hold you forever if you want me to. Do you want me to put a t-shirt on? Would that make you feel more comfortable?”

She was grateful for the darkness, because if it hadn’t been so dark, he would have seen the blush and evil grin that took over her face momentarily. “No, it’s fine. It’s not as if I’ve never seen you without a shirt.” She answered a little too quickly. They both laughed.

They shifted until they were both comfortable. Lance settled back into his pillows, and slipped his arm under her, she rested her cheek on his shoulder, and her hand on his chest. He covered her hand with his and they snuggled tighter into one another. He kissed the top of her head and whispered, “I love you.” into her hair.

He could feel her eyelashes fluttering against his chest. He leaned his head back a little, “What is it?”

“May I ask you a question I have no right asking, and which might make you think less of me?”

“What’s wrong Darlin’?”

“Lance, have you ever had another woman in this bed with you?” He cleared his throat and then chuckled.

“Anastasia, you are the first woman I have ever had in my bed.” He cupped her chin and tipped it up so he could look into her eyes. “You are the first woman I have ever WANTED in my bed.”

She could see in his eyes that he was telling the truth. “I didn’t realize that you were...umm...”

“Darlin’ I didn’t say that I was...are you sure that you want to have this conversation?”

“, I don’t want to have this conversation.” She rested her cheek down again, and he could feel her grin slightly. “I’m sorry I asked that.” She whispered.

“Well I have to say, I wasn’t expecting it, but I understand why you would ask.” He leaned back into the pillows a little so he could see her silhouette of her face in the darkness. “When I said I had never loved anyone the way I love you, I meant it.”

He could see the gentle movement of her eyelashes as she blinked. “Harry, you have made me understand what love means. I have never felt as special as I do at this moment or any moment I spend with you.” She was watching the expression on his face. She was having a hard time reading him, because his face was masked by a shadow.

“You are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.” He slowly shifted his weight, until he was almost laying on top of her. He was careful to keep most of his weight off of her, and as the moon moved out from behind the dark cloud cover, and flooded the room in a soft white glow, he whispered, “I love you.” His voice was raw with emotion.

Her eyes filled with tears, and she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and she pulled him with all of her strength down on to her chest. Her hand spread across his cheek, and she felt his muscles tighten instinctively when her other was splayed across his bare back.

He ran his hand down her side, she moaned when is strong hand caressed then smooth skin of her leg. She slid her leg over his and pulled his body tighter against her. He was slowly running his thumb over her lips as she whispered, “I love you.”

He slowly lowered his head, “I know you do. That is the most incredible part, I know you do.” Their lips finally met, and they both lost themselves in the kiss.

The shrill sound of the alarm clock broke through the peaceful slumber that had fallen over him only three short hours before. His arm slowly slid out from under the warm covers, and violently slammed down on top of the offending appliance. His arm quietly slipped back under the covers and nestled back in the warm spot it occupied across the small of her back.

She hadn’t moved while the alarm was shrieking. As he gently replaced his arm she quietly sighed and moved more fully against his side and her leg moved to cover one of his legs. Her hair was spread out across his pillow and his chest, and the feel of it against his naked chest was quickly making him warm. At this point in time, he didn’t care it he missed rehearsals today or for the next week, he didn’t want to move out of the bed or away from her.

He was staring at her hand, or where her had should be, right now all he could see was his own pajama sleeve resting softly on his stomach. He smiled at the vision of her standing in front of him the night before. The sleeves of his pajama top hanging well below her hands. Her perfect legs fidgeting because of her nerves at the thought of approaching him as he was laying in his bed. His smile grew when he thought of the way she had pulled him to her, slipping her shapely leg over his.

The room was glowing with the warm pink of early morning. His head shifted quietly on his pillow to face the clock. It was 4:30, they had to leave the house in half an hour. He hated the thought of waking her, for a moment he even considered carrying her onto the plane the way Justin carried Jonathon.

His fingers lightly ran through her hair, and he enjoyed the sound of her deep rhythmic breathing. He mentally cursed himself for what he was about to do, but he took a deep breath and started to whisper her name.

“I don’t want to move.” She mumbled sleepily against his chest. “By the way...I’m awake.”

“Good morning. Did you get any sleep?” He kissed the top of her head.

“Good morning. A little.” She yawned. “Do I want to know what time it is?”

“No, you don’t. It’s later than it should be. We have to leave in half an hour.”

She lifted her cheek off of his chest, and wiggled up his side until she could rest her head on the pillow next to him. “Plenty of time. I can be showered and ready to walk out the door in ten minutes, which means ‘I’ can lay here for another twenty.” She shut her eyes, and the corners of her mouth curved up very slightly.

I can be showered and ready in ‘I’ can lay here another twenty-five.” He chuckled as the corners of her mouth fell. He kissed the tip of her nose and a bright smile crossed her face.

He rolled onto his side and draped his arm across her waist. The fluffy white comforter surrounded them like a cloud. He was nuzzling up next to her when she suddenly rolled out form under his arm, and out of the bed all together. As she was hopping out of the bed, he caught a glimpse of her entire leg, before she pulled the pajama top down.

He leaned up on his elbow and raised an eyebrow at her, “What are you doing Millie?” He watched as she padded across the room, with one of her big white sock only half on.

“The sun is coming up, I want to watch it.” She turned to face him, with her best puppy dog face. “Come with me.” She lowered her head a little and her hair fell in shining waves over her shoulders.

He groaned as he threw back the covers and followed her out on to the balcony. She stood with her hands resting on the railing, trying to push her foot back into her sock, without using her hands. He stepped up behind her and his arms went around her waist. His chin was on her shoulder and she tilted her head to lean her temple against his.

She looked down at the muscular arms wrapped around her waist, and her thoughts drifted to the night before, when she had felt the warmth of his skin against her palm. His chest was surprisingly smooth, his skin was remarkably soft she had felt his skin before, but it still shocked her. She moved her hands from the railing, to slide up and down his arms.

It was still cool, and the flesh of his bare arms felt cold under her fingertips. She was still warm, because she was enveloped in his strong embrace. “You’re cold.”

“Uh uh. I’m fine.” His arms tightened around her waist. “I love you.”

“It was better than I thought it would be.”

“The sunrise here has always been beautiful.” He sighed happily.

She turned in him arms to look deeply into his eyes, “I wasn’t talking about the sunrise, although, you’re right, it was beautiful. I was talking about waking up in your arms.”

“Oh MAN! This is the best way to wake up!” His head dipped down and his lips claimed hers in a deep kiss. He pulled back, and looked at her curiously, “How would you feel about starting to book two bedroom suites in the hotels?”

She grinned, “Hey, you’re the boss.”

“Shut up Millie.”

“Why don’t you shut me up?” He was happy to accept her challenge.

Stasia was sitting on the couch at the back of the rehearsal room, with her laptop open on her lap, reading glasses on top of her head. She was talking to Jamie on her cell phone about the monthly invoices. Lyn was sitting next to her grading papers, she had driven over to Johnny’s compound after her students had left for the day.

Stasia pulled her glasses off of her head and slid them onto her nose as she looked at the column of numbers Jamie was currently referring to. “Uh huh. I agree. OK, Jamie...that’s all I need. Thanks. I’ll talk to you later.”

Lyn didn’t even look up from her stack of papers, “How was the big date last night?”

“Perfect. Lyn, can I tell you how incredible he is? Did you hear what he did?”

“Stasia, we ALL knew what the plan was. What did you think of Dani’s little joke?”

“She’s dead.”

“I figured as much.”

“How was school today?”

“I had a frustrating day. Some days, I feel like I’ve really reached them...others, I wonder why they even bother coming to school. Today was the latter.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Did you know I considered becoming a teacher?” Stasia brought up a new document and started making changes.

“You would make a great teacher. I’ve seen you with the guys brothers and sisters, you have a special touch with kids.”

“Yeah, special touch with numbers got me this job, which I think is a good thing.” She laughed.

They both looked up as Wade stopped the music again. “Lance, the thrust is on ‘cowboy baby’. You do know how to thrust don’t you? Cause looking at what you’re doing, it looks like I’m asking you to grind up on your grandmother. Let’s back it up and start again.”

He hit play, and the guys exploded in perfect unison, when they reached the thrust, Lyn and Stasia looked at one another, Lance was stiff to say the least. “LANCE! Come on! Loosen up! Just do a few thrusts.”

Everyone in the room turned to watch Chris, who was holding his breath. He finally burst out laughing, “Lance wouldn’t know a thrust if it bit him on the butt! Lance...thrust...YEAH RIGHT!”

“Shut up Chris!” Lance shot him an evil look as he pulled on a handful of his own hair.

Wade counted off the moves, and went through the motions with Lance in front of the mirror. He still looked more like he had thrown out his back, than a sexually charged, pelvic thrusting pop star. The other four guys were watching and laughing at Lance’s frustrations.

When the music ended again, Lance look completely frustrated. Stasia felt horrible for him, so she decided to interrupt. “Harry, I’m sorry, I know you’re right in the middle of this, but I have to tell you something important. Can I talk to you quickly?”

Lance looked at Wade and then at Stasia, “Of course.”

Wade rolled his eyes. “Lance, if having your girlfriend here is going to hold up rehearsals, maybe she should work in another room. We don’t exactly have time for her little problems.”

Joey reacted quickly, “Shut up Wade. Stasia belongs here. Go get a drink or something...then you can teach him how to thrust his pelvis like a man.”

Lance shot Joey a look as he walked over to Stasia. She held up a folder, and whispered something directly into his ear. JC noticed the flush that came over Lance’s face, and chuckled when he saw his friend’s jaw fall open. Stasia smiled evilly, tucked the folder under her arm, and walked silently back to the couch.

Lance looked at the guys where they were leaning against the mirror. “Let’s do Cowboy from the top.”

“Whole lot of pelvic thrust in this...obviously, I don’t have a problem with that, but are you sure you want to go there?” Justin teased as he took his place in line.

Wade started the music, and when they got to the first thrust, Lance put the other four guys to shame. His move was so suggestive, and so completely masculine and animalistic, that Lyn’s red pen fell out of her hand and rolled across the floor. “Oh my GOD!” She whispered to Stasia. “I never thought Lance, our little Southern Baptist Momma’s boy, could move like THAT! What did you SAY to him?”

“Nothing.” Her eyes were wide, and locked with Lance’s as he stared at her in the mirror.

Wade turned to face Stasia, “You know that crap I said about you going somewhere else? Well ignore me...I’m an idiot.”

She looked over the rim of her glasses. “I know.” She put a pen between her teeth and typed away on her computer.

Dani blew through the door two hours later carrying an armload of carry out food. “Who’s hungry?” She saw Stasia look up from her computer and she squeaked. “Hey girl! How was your night?”

Stasia carefully moved her computer to the table next to her. She slowly rose to her feet, and when Dani saw the look in her eyes, she began walking backwards. “Now was a joke...I wasn’t suggested that you would actually...Stasia...please don’t look at me like that.”

The guys were watching the two women face off and Joey said, “I’ve got twenty bucks on Stay-A.”

Stasia began walking faster, toward her friend, “” Dani looked around at the faces in the room for help.

Justin looked at Lance and Chris as he ran a towel over his face and neck, “What’s up with those two?” He took a swallow of water.

“Dani packed for Stasia yesterday.” Lance took a long drink from his own water bottle.

“And?” Joey was enjoying the spectacle unfolding before his eyes. He sat on the floor, leaned back on his elbows, and crossed his legs at the ankles.

Chris nudged Joey with his elbow, “Dani may have forgotten to pack pajamas, and she MAY have remembered to pack a note in the bag saying something about not needing pajamas.”

JC’s jaw dropped, “You are kidding me! She didn’t pack STASIA’S pajamas. Stasia is the one person who would not find that joke at all amusing. She takes her pajamas very seriously. Not to mention the fact that she takes her privacy twice as seriously.’re not going to have a girlfriend left when this is over with.” He walked over to sit next to Lyn on the couch.

Dani was trying hard to figure out the best way around being beaten to death, she settled on She dropped the carry out bags in a heap in the floor, and she sprinted for the door.

“HEY! Don’t abuse dinner!” Joey crawled across the floor to retrieve the bags. “JC...Chinese.”

Chris looked at Lance, “You going to stop it?”

Lance shrugged, “I don’t”

“No way. Stasia is dangerous when she’s mad...and I’ve never seen her this mad before.”

Stasia quickly caught up to Dani and dragged her back into the room in a headlock, her tone was very calm, “Now...Dani...I understand that you were trying to be funny. The problem is, you were not funny. See, Lance and I are just starting his whole relationship. Don’t you think that this particular joke was a little...early?” She bent over to look at Dani’s face.

“I see your point...I may have jumped the gun. Ah...sorry?” Dani mumbled against Stasia’s arm.

Chris looked at Lance again, “Dude...will you do something? See, the thing is, I sort of like Dani, and I don’t want to watch Stasia kill her.” He popped another piece of sweet and sour pork into his mouth.

“Alright...I’ll call her off...but Dani deserves this.” Lance pushed up off of the floor and walked over to Stasia. “Millie, are you hungry? We have Chinese. And Dani is turning a little blue.”

Stasia looked down at Dani’s face. “She’s not REALLY blue yet. Any almond chicken?” She shifted her weight and stuck out her hip, with Dani’s cheek still pressed against it.

“Yes, we have almond chicken.” He laughed because he could practically see the debate going on in her head. He leaned down and lightly kissed her neck, “I think she’s learned her lesson.” His lip moved against the sensitive skin behind her jawbone.

She immediately released Dani and slid her arm through his. “That was cheating.”

“And your little comment this morning wasn’t?” He winked at her and helped her to the floor next to him.

“OK, we’re even.” She grinned. He held up a piece of chicken on his fork for her. She took it and smiled.

Dani sat down next to Chris, as far away from Stasia as possible. “Sorry Stasia.”

“I’ll live...sorry about the whole headlock thing, but you deserved it.” She chewed another piece of chicken.

“I know.” Dani stole Chris’s carton, and started in on the sweet and sour pork. “How does my hair look now?”

“Really cute! Did you get a trim today?” The guys all rolled their eyes, they could not understand how the two women had been locked in a classic wrestling move two minutes before, and were now discussing haircuts.

“Yes, as a matter of fact I did.” She wrinkled her nose at Chris and then punched his arm.

“WHAT?” He looked completely shocked.

Joey leaned over, “Just shut up and say you’re sorry.”

“But I didn’t do anything!”

“That’s the didn’t NOTICE anything either.” Justin smacked the back of his head.

“Hit me again...I DARE you.” He rubbed his head. “I vote we stop hitting each other on the head.”

“I second the motion.” Joey’s hand shot up.

Lance smacked Joey at exactly the same time Justin smacked Chris. “Hey! There is a motion on the table.” Joey whined.

“I vote we DON’T carry that motion.” Justin laughed.

Lance finished chewing his chicken, “Second.”

“I agree.” JC yelled from the couch where Lyn was showing him the essays her class had written, one of them was about him. “So you’re saying the assignment was to write about who they admire most in the world?”

“That was the assignment. Elizabeth is very musical, and YOU apparently are her inspiration.”

“And they don’t know we’re...friends.” He glanced over at the rest of the group sitting on the floor. They were still debating the no hitting motion.

“No they have no idea I know you.”

“Wow. That...means a lot to me. How would you feel about me meeting her?”

“I think she’d have a heart attack. She is a very special little girl. How would you feel about meeting my whole class?”

“And what do I get in exchange?” He smiled.

“The happy feeling of seeing joy on their faces.”

“What else?”

Her eyes narrowed, “What else do you want from me?”

“I’ll get back to you on that.”

“I don’t even want to know! Hey...guys...what is this I hear about chicken?”

Stasia jumped up, “Almond or general’s?” She held out the two containers.

“OH! General’s!” Lyn took the container.

JC laughed at her, “Did you just change the subject?”

She got up and walked over to join the group, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She flopped down between Stasia and Joey.

Wade slowly walked toward the circle of friend sitting on the floor. Stasia glanced up at him, smiled and patted the floor. He sat down and said, “So you have to tell me what you said to him, so I can get the same results when you’re not around.”

“Trust me. You DO NOT want to know what I said to him. And TRUST me, you most certainly don’t want to say it yourself.”

“Oh...I see. Well sorry about the attitude I threw at you. You really helped me out. Thanks.”

“Any time.”

(May 5, 2000 5:45am)

Lance pulled into the parking lot at Jive’s building, and glanced over at Stasia who had dozed off immediately after he’d pick her and Jake up. Jake was sleeping soundly in her lap. Her face was turned slightly toward him.

Every time he watched her sleep, it amazed him that she was in love with him. Fans lined the fence surrounding the parking lot where the buses were parked and waiting to be loaded. He ran a fingertip along her jaw, “Millie, we’re here.”

“Harry...explain why we’re driving to Mississippi one more time. The concert isn’t until the ninth.” She yawned and stretched.

“This is the official start of the tour. Think of it this way, we get to stay at home tonight.”

“I was thinking about that.” She looked at him sideways as they were getting out of the car.

The crowded cheered when they saw him, and Lance waved. “What were you thinking?” He took her bag from her and waited while Stasia tucked Jake under her arm.

“How would you like some company tonight Birthday Boy?” Her cheeks blushed.

“Besides the four clowns and security.”

“Mmm hmm.”

“I’d say what time are you coming over?”

“I’ll be there as soon as I switch out some of my clothes. I’ll have my pajamas this time.”

“Damn.” He teased.

“What would your fans think?” She jogged quickly toward Dani. “I am so excited you are coming along! You at Chris are still staying at my house right?”

“Yes...I take it, you aren’t?”

Stasia blushed and giggled, “Um, no...I’ll be at Lance’s tonight it’s his birthday you know.”

“I wish you could see your own face right now.”

“Shut up. Where are the kids?”

“With Chris, on the bus.”

The guys all walked along the fence and signed autographs. A young girl, around ten thanked Lance for his autograph. “Thank you so much!” He smiled at her, “Is that Anastasia over there?”

His smile grew and he said, “Yes it is.”

“Can I meet her?”

“Stasia? Sure.” He ran over to where Stasia was standing. “Millie, there is a little girl who would like to meet you. Do you mind?”

“Not at all, which one?”

He took her hand and led her over to the fence. Stasia smiled at the girl, “Hi! I’m Stasia. What’s your name?”

“I’m Christa!” The girl bounced up and down. “Who’s that?” She point at Jake.

“This little guy is Jake.” Stasia bent down and picked him up.

Christa pushed her fingers through the links in the fence to pet Jake’s head. “He’s SO cute!”

“Thank you.”

“So you’re Lance’s girlfriend right?”

Lance slipped his arm around her waist, “Yes, I’m his girlfriend.” She smiled up at him and he gave her side a little squeeze.

“That is SO cool!”

“Thank you! He’s very special, I’m very lucky.”

“Yes you are.” Lance teased.

“I know.” She smiled sweetly.

“Oh I see how it is, making me look bad in front of the fans.” He hugged her tightly.

“Yeah, that’s how it is.” She teased back.

Lance noticed Johnny waving everyone to the buses. “We’ve got to go. Johnny is calling us over.”

Stasia smiled warmly at the girl on the other side of the fence. “It was great meeting you Christa. Have a great day.”

“Thank you! Have a great tour Lance. Bye Stasia!”

They waved to Christa and the other fans as the walked over to join the rest of the group. Lance bent down to pick up Jake, “Hey buddy. You want to ride with the kids and I?” He looked over at Stasia, “I’d like it if you came on board with us at the first rest stop too...I know Dani will be coming over.”

“Sure, we’ve got quite a bit of work to get done before we get back to Mississippi. I need to make some calls too, I need to talk to the Planet Hollywood people, I need to talk to Jamie...I have to talk to your momma and Stacy....geeze, I guess I better get on the phone.”

“Do you want me to make any of those calls for you?” He looked down at her.

“You’re kidding right? NO I don’t want you to make any calls for me...Harry, are you forgetting why I’m here? I have a job to do, my job is to make your life easier, I make your life easier by taking care of these details for you.”

“OK I get it. You are here to serve me.” He jumped just in time to miss the blow she tried to deliver to his arm. “Ha...missed me.”

“That won’t happen again.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “So Jake is going with you?”

“Do you mind? After’s my Birthday...”

“You’re going to be playing that card all day aren’t you? But yes, you can hang out with Jake.”

“Thanks Millie, I’m needing my animal fix.” He scratched Jake behind the ears.

They reached their friends, just as Stasia’ phone began ringing. “Anastasia Blake.”

“You know, just because you are all important now, doesn’t mean you have a right to ignore your best friend. You do realize I’m getting married in four months right? When exactly were you planning on coming home to help me plan, like you promised?”

“Good morning to you too, Jess.” Stasia closed her eyes tightly.

“Oh don’t try to play all innocent with me. I get one phone call...over a week say, ‘Lance and I are together, we are going to be on MTV today, I have to go, love you...bye.’ And that’s it. Stasia, what the hell have you been doing? Am I just supposed to stay tuned to MTV to keep up with your life?”

Stasia ran her hand over her face, “Jess, with the tour starting, we’ve had a lot of work to do, and I’ve been working on getting this talent search ready to go. We have completely rewritten several contracts, and I’ve been dealing with a bunch of idiots out in California, who didn’t understand the contract they signed. We took a quick trip to Mississippi, and that’s it. I haven’t had time to breath, let alone sit down and chat with you the way I’d like to.”

“Mississippi?” She knew she was in trouble now. “When did you go to Mississippi? Why did you go? How long were you there?”

“Um...Lance and I went last week, we were there over night, for dinner.”

“What the hell do you mean you went to Mississippi for dinner? You have got to be kidding me.”

“No, I’m dead serious. Jess, I’m sorry I haven’t called, but I’ve been thinking about you a lot. Before I forget, I need you to fax me a list of bride’s maids. I want to start talking to them about your shower.”

“Oh, so you still want to be in my wedding? I’m shocked you think you’ll have time for the little people.” Jess knew that was uncalled for, especially the biting tone she had used, but she missed her friend and wanted to drive her point home, she was not at all prepared for Stasia’s response.

“Hold on just minute Jessica!” Lance turned away from his conversation with JC to face her when he heard the anger in her voice. “I can’t believe you had the nerve to say that. You should know by now how important you are to me, and if you don’t, THAT’S NOT MY FAULT. If you have changed your mind about me being your Maid of Honor, I think you should let me” Lance was watching her eyes very carefully, and when he saw them turn almost black, he knew she was thoroughly pissed off.

“That’s not how I meant it.” Jess’s voice was tentative.

“Oh? It’s not? You could have fooled me. You know you shouldn’t have said it, if you were trying to hurt me. Mission accomplished. I have to go. We’re leaving now.”

“Stasia, please don’t hang up angry.”

“Jess it’s too late for that. I’ll talk to you when I cool off some.” She hit ‘end’ and as soon and she’d flipped the phone closed, it rang again. “Harry, will you please tell her, I’ll talk to her later?”

“Millie are you sure you want me...” He saw that her eyes had changed from the cold black of anger, to the liquid silver of hurt. “Never mind, hand me the phone.” She did, and then walked a few feet away to collect her thoughts. Joey who had been watching the whole scene unfold, followed her.

Lance hit the button and said, “Hello?”

“Lance? Is that you? Where is Stasia? I HAVE to talk to her.” She was pleading, and his heart went out to her.

“Yeah Jess, it’s me. I’m sorry, but she doesn’t want to talk to you right now, but she said she’d call you later. I’m sorry Jess.”

“Not nearly as sorry as I am. Do you know what I just said to her?”

“No...and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” He knew how important Jess was to Stasia, and he was going to do anything he could to help.

“Lance, I said I was shocked she still wanted to be in my wedding, and that I was shocked she thought she’d have time for the little people.” She practically whispered. Lance’s eyes closed and he sighed.

“Jess, I understand you miss her, do you honestly think she doesn’t miss you? Do you know what she did all day yesterday?”

“No, how could I?”

“She was on the phone to Michigan all day, calling restaurants and having them fax menus and information for your wedding shower. Did you know she has a huge file folder labeled ‘Jess’s Wedding Stuff’?”


“Can you try to give her a break? She really is trying. I’ll try to make sure she has more time to talk to you, you are all the family she has left you know. That’s how she thinks of you, as her family.”

“That’s how I think of her too.”

“I know. She’ll call later...I’m sure of it.”



“Please tell her I love her.”

He smiled slightly, “I will, don’t forget she loves you too.”

“I won’t. Bye.”

“Bye.” He turned off the phone, and started to walk over to her, but when he saw her talking to Joey, he thought better of it, and took Jake out to the field one more time.

“Hey Stay-A?” Joey quietly approached her.

She took a deep breath before plastering on a fake smile and turning to face him, “Yeah Joe?”

“Who do you think you’re fooling with that face?” He put his arm around her shoulder and they walked together. “What happened with Jess? You sounded pretty angry back there.”

“I haven’t been able to call her for a little while, so when I asked her for some stuff for the wedding she said, ‘Oh, so you still want to be in my wedding? I’m shocked you think you’ll have time for the little people.’ Joe, I don’t think she could have said anything more hurtful. What does she mean, ‘little people’? I she is the most important person in my life...along with you guys of course.” She slipped her arm around his waist.

“Of course. Stasia, can I give you a little advice?” He looked down at her face.

“Any time, right now, I might even listen.” She smiled weakly.

“Remember how you felt when that girl asked you for your autograph the first time? I remember you saying, ‘Why would she want MY autograph? I’m nobody important.’ And remember how Stacy and Ford tried to explain to you how people would want your autograph just because you are near us regularly?”

“Yeah, but what does that have to do with this situation?”

“You felt weird when you were suddenly in the spotlight, you felt weird the first time you saw your own picture up on an NSYNC web site, but you had all of us around to help you deal with it, because we’ve all been there. We understand. But as confusing as it is for all of us to be asked for our autograph, or a picture or to see ourselves on the internet, it is twice as confusing for the people who love us. In Jess’s eyes you have gone from being plain old Stasia, who used to tease her and hang out and go to dinner and the movies with her, to Anastasia Blake, from Free Lance Entertainment, who just also happens to be the girlfriend of Lance Bass, pop star extraordinaire.”

“I still don’t think I’m important. I just work for a famous person...who I also just” She looked up at him.

“Sounds a little strange, doesn’t it? Give her a chance to get used to this lifestyle and schedule, give yourself a chance to get used to it, and to figure out when you two can talk. We’ll fly her some shows and stuff and when you can fly up to Michigan. We all have to juggle a lot, but you are better at this than any of us.”

“I know she misses me...but ‘little people’?”


“I know...let it go.”

“Yeah...let it go.” He pulled her against his side. “It’s not easy being part of this, but I happen to think that you are a very important part of our family now, you’ve sort of...completed our circle.”

“If you were any’d just be a big pile of sugar.”

“Don’t tell the guys...they would never let me live it down.”

“Your secret is safe.” He scooped her up, and threw her over his shoulder, and walked over to the rest of the group.

JC laughed and said, “Hey Joe, have you seen Stasia? We were looking for her, but she seems to have disappeared.”

Joey turned around in a circle, with Stasia beating on his back. “No, I’m not sure where she went. Did you look on the bus?”


Justin walked around Joey, “Did you hear something? I thought I heard something, but it must have been the wind or something.”

“Come on Joe, buddy...pal...old friend of mine...PUT ME DOWN!”

Lance walked back from the field with Chris, Dani and the dogs. He raised an eyebrow at Joey who laughed and said, “I found a stray, I know how much you like to take care of strays. You interested?”

“I might be...this one seems a little feisty though...I’m not sure I could handle her.”

“None of us think you can handle her.” Chris patted him on the back.

Joey flipped her down off of his shoulders and dumped her unceremoniously into Lance’s waiting arms. “I’m going to give it one hell of an effort.” He kissed the top of her head as he set her down in front of him, and rested his arms around her waist.

Johnny joined the group of young people and said, “It’s time to saddle up. Girls, you are going to have to switch buses later, Jive is not thrilled with the idea of their squeaky clean boys bunking with their girlfriends...but what they don’t know, won’t hurt them. We’ll be stopping in twenty-five minutes.”

“We know the drill Johnny...although all of us are riding on Lance and Chris’s bus, we’re going to have a mobile birthday party.”

“I don’t want to know.” He shook his head at Justin.

Everyone boarded their buses and settled in for the trip. Stasia hopped up in her bunk so she could arrange her blankets and pillows. Lance was was nice having some of her own things on the bus, this was going to be her third home for a while.

She thought about her cozy little house in Mississippi, and the airy apartment she and Dani were sharing in Orlando. She had grown to love both places, she really did feel at home in both spaces, and now, this bus was where she was going to spend the bulk of her time.

“Stasia, what did you get Lance for his birthday?”

“Wouldn’t you just love to know?”

“Oh come on! I won’t tell I swear.” Dani was laying on her stomach, looking straight across the aisle into Stasia’s bunk.

“Nope...I’m not saying a word.” Stasia stuck her tongue out at her.

“Are you going to let him open it on the bus with the other guys...or is it a PRIVATE gift that he has to open later...when you’re alone.” She winked at her friend.

“DANIELLE...I thought you learned your lesson last we need to have a little refresher course?” She pounded her fist into her palm a few times.

“OK...subject dropped.”

The buses pulled into a rest stop half an hour after they left Orlando. Stasia and Dani gathered the things that they would need, took the cake they had made together the night before, out of the refrigerator.

The guys were all laying around in the lounge, when Stasia and Dani boarded the bus, Joey lifted his head, and his eyes bugged out, “IS THAT CAKE?”

Dani smiled, “Why, yes Joe, it is. This is the cake Stasia and I stayed up half the night slaving over last night.”

“You two made me a cake?” Lance sat up straight so he could get a better look at the cake.

“ can’t have a birthday without a cake.”

“Oh no? Then why did you?” JC raised an eyebrow at her.

“Jess has a huge mouth...I didn’t have a cake, because she threatened to make it...and Jess can’t exactly cook...she can make eggs...that is the extent of her ability. And that’s what she did, she made me eggs and took me out for a piece of cake.”

“I year, you are getting a big old cake, and we are all going to be there to help you eat it.”

“No you won’ will be with your you should be. Hey, I understand Christmas eve is not the best day to throw a Birthday party. Enough about my is all about Harry. How’s it going?” She ran her hand through his hair and his eyes automatically closed.

“So far so good, you could make it better though.”

“You name it Birthday Boy.”

“Here.” He pulled her down into his lap. “That’s better.” He kissed her cheek.

“You are so easy to please.”

“I know it.”

She lowered her voice and said, “Harry, I’m going to have to fly up to Michigan tomorrow. You are booked solid, so I only booked two seats, for Ron and I. I can’t leave things with Jess like this.”

“I know, I figured you’d be going some time this week. Are you staying long?”

“We’ll be back tomorrow night, I have a meeting the following morning at the office...which reminds I have an office or should I be using the conference room?”

“Darlin’ you have the office next to mine. Which reminds ME...Momma and Stacy have arranged for a decorator to meet with you on Friday.”

“Why on Earth do I need to meet with a decorator? Does the office have a desk? That’s all I need.”

“Your office should reflect your personality, and it will.”

“Not necessary.”

“Why do you fight me, every time I try to do something nice for you?”

“I’m just not used to having nice things done for me. Keep trying, maybe I’ll get used to it.” She teased.

“I had not intention of stopping. You, my love, are going to be spoiled rotten.” He kissed her neck and smiled against her skin when she giggled.

Stasia drove up Lance’s long driveway and smiled when she saw Joey and Chris in the front yard throwing a football. She parked, climbed out pulling her hair into a ponytail as she jogged over to the guys. “Over here.” She clapped and held up her hands.

Chris rolled his eyes and lightly tossed the football to her. She caught it easily and threw it back to him, in the perfect spiral. He grunted under the power of the pass. “Damn girl! Where did you learn how to throw a football like that? You throw better than your boyfriend.”

“HEY! I heard that!” Lance ran up. “Let me see that arm of yours Millie?”

Chris threw the ball to her and she threw it to Lance who smiled, “How about a little game...Millie is obviously on my team.”

They quickly chose sides and started a game. Joey, Lance, Stasia, Lonnie and Ron were on one team. Jay, Dre, Chris, JC and Justin were on the other. Dani laid on the grass, laughing and taking pictures. Much to everyone surprise, Stasia’s team won the game.

Lance watched her proudly, as she bounced over to where Dani was laying gracefully. He smiled at the contrast in the two women. They were both beautiful, Stasia, with her wind blown hair and flushed pink cheeks. Dani with her perfectly styled hair and flawless make-up. Stasia’s jeans and t-shirt were grass stained. Dani’s skirt and blouse still look freshly pressed. The main difference was that while Dani never exploited her striking good looks, she knew she was beautiful. Stasia on the other hand, had no clue she was unbelievably beautiful.

They didn’t look like they would be friends, but some how, it worked. He smiled when Stasia threw her head back, laughing. He noticed Chris was watching the two girls interact as well. He walked over and said, “What are you thinking about Old Man?”

“I was just trying to figure out how you and I got so damn lucky.”

“I don’t know, but we have a lot to be thankful for.”

“I know it.” He patted the younger man on the back, “I know it.”

Everyone was standing on the front porch of Lance’s house, waving as Diane, Jim, Stacy and Ford backed out of the drive. They had eaten an enormous dinner, laughed and heard stories about Lance as a little boy growing up. They had all given Lance his birthday gifts, and watched happily as he opened them.

Stasia had given him a sweater they had seen while shopping in Orlando. He had been so funny, pulling it on right away and modeling for everyone. Stasia had laughed hysterically, because she was the only one who knew, that the sweater wasn’t his only gift, but she had no intention of having him open the remainder of his gifts in front of the entire group.

Shortly after the Bass’s left, the group began going in their own directions, Stasia gave her car and house keys to Dani, so she and Chris could go, relax and watch a movie. Justin went outside with JC to shoot baskets, and Joey went to his room to call Angela.

Lance and Stasia were curled up on the couch, looking over the big pile of gifts stacked around them. “Quite a haul you made here.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

“I sure did. I love my sweater by the way.” His arms pulled her tighter.

“I know it’s only 10:00, but I was thinking we could go up to you mind?”

“ beautiful girlfriend want to goto I mind? Umm...NO!” He stood up and pulled her to her feet. They made their way up the stairs to his room and he closed the door quietly behind them. He smiled at the sight of her suitcases stacked neatly in the corner of his room, next to his own. He grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms and went into the bathroom as she dug through her suitcase.

When he walked out of the bathroom, his breath caught in his throat. “Well hi.”

She was sitting in the middle of his bed, wearing the pajama top that belonged with the pants he was wearing. Her hair was down, and her legs were tucked underneath her body. She had three gifts laying on the bed next to her. “Hi!” Her eyes were dancing and she had the most beautiful smile on her face.

“What have you got there?” He slowly crossed the space between them.

“I have your real gifts here.”

He sat down next to her and smiled brightly, “My real gifts? What’s wrong with my sweater? I happen to LOVE my sweater.”

“That was a real gift, but these are the gifts I wanted to give you, without everyone staring at us.” She reached out and lightly touched his cheek. “So which one do you want to open first?”

“Does it matter?” He looked excitedly at the packages.

“Nope, you can open them in any order.” She bounced up and sat back on her heels. Lance selected a flat, rectangular box, wrapped in solid red paper with a navy and red striped bow. “Good choice.” She smiled.

“Good to hear!” He untied the ribbon and tore the paper open quickly. He gently lifted the cover off of the box and pushed back the tissue paper. His eyes flew up to hers and she smiled.

“Hey, why not turn a negative, into a positive?” She bounced forward and kissed his cheek.

He reached into the box and pulled out the plain silver frame, holding a black and white photo of Stasia standing in his arms, staring up into his eyes. He was looking down at her tenderly, with his hand resting gently on her cheek. Her hand was laying flat against his chest. This was a picture of the moment after they had said they loved each other for the first time. He looked remarkably handsome, strong and masculine. Stasia looked beautiful, small next to his strong size and completely in love. “This is one of the pictures from MTV?”

“Mmm hmm. Carson got it for me. He sent me several he thought we would like. Do you like it?” She looked at him hopefully.

“Of course I like it, GOD! I knew you looked beautiful, but I didn’t realize just HOW beautiful you looked at that moment.”

“OK...stop being sweet and open another one.” She slid a box across the covers and waited for him to open it.

He picked up the medium sized, perfectly square box, this one wrapped in bright blue paper, with a bright plaid ribbon. “This one is very light.”

“I know.” She grinned evilly.

He made quick work of opening the package, he pushed back the tissue paper and his eyes grew wide, “Oh my goodness.” He pulled the small pillow out of the box. He ran his fingertips over the navy blue stitching.

So I would choose to be with you
That's if the choice were mine to make
But you can make decisions too
And you can have this heart to break

And so it goes, and so it goes
And you're the only one who knows

“I cannot believe you did this! When did you find the time?” He stared up at her in awe.

“Umm...I found the time here and there...I can be quick when I need to be.”

“No one has ever done anything like this for me.”

She giggled, “I’m sorry...but I’m somewhat happy to here that.”

“You are too cute!” He pulled her to sit next to him.

“OK...last one.” She handed him a small box.

He looked up at her and saw she was suddenly nervous, “I can’t believe you did all of this for me, this is too much.”

“Open the box Harry.” She nudged his arm and began chewing on her bottom lip.

When he opened the box he was shocked to find a very nice watch. “You have gone too far. Millie, this is too much.” He held the watch up and took a closer look at it.

“Well, I didn’t buy the’s actually very special to was Noah’s.”

“Stasia, I can’t...this is YOURS.”

She moved to sit directly in front and hold his hands, “Lance, it is because of you, and your help, that I am able to even look at Noah’s things. He would love for you to have this. He always wanted me to find someone special enough to bring into my heart, and our little family...someone that he would approve of.” She placed her hands on either side of his face and held his eyes locked with hers, “Noah would have approved of you the second he met you. I...LOVE...YOU. And it would mean a lot to ME if you would wear this watch and think of me when you look at it.”

“You are amazing. I love you so much it almost hurts.” He hugged her to his chest and kissed her neck and ear, moving around to her cheek, and finally her lips. “I love you...I love you...I love you! I will wear this proudly.” He leaned back so she could watch him put it on.

“I love you too.”

Lance put the picture on the night stand next to his bed, next to his clock, where it would be the first thing he saw every morning. He walked over to where his bags were waiting to be loaded onto the bus, and put the pillow in his bag of things for the bus. He slowly walked back to the bed and pulled her up to stand on her knees. “No one has ever given me gifts with more though or emotion behind them. You are the most...most...amazing creature I have ever met.”

She turned her face away, and he placed a palm on her cheek to bring her eyes back to his, they were like liquid mercury. The tears that were threatening to spill from her eyes frightened him, “What’s wrong?” his voice was barely a whisper.

“Before you, I never knew what it meant to be loved, I didn’t know what being in love would do to me. I feel so...special, it’s overwhelming. I think they are tears of joy.” She had a very confused look in her eyes.

He pulled her into a tight embrace, “It appears we have opened and emotional floodgate. You have brought feeling up in me that I didn’t even know existed. I want you to know that no matter what happens from here on out, we are going to face it together, the good, the bad and the ugly. You Anastasia, are my heart.”

She drew in a ragged breath. “Why is it when you say my doesn’t sound like I’m in trouble?” She smiled weakly.

“Because it is impossible for you to be in trouble with me.” He kissed her softly, and noticed the time on his new watch. He held it out for her to see, “Is this time right?”

“Yes, I had a new battery put in.”

“Well then little lady, you crawl under these covers, you have an early flight, you need to get your rest.”

They climbed under the covers together, Lance held her tightly. “Millie...did you tell Jess you were coming?”

“No.” She yawned against his cheek.

“She is going to flip out.”

“I know.”

~Chapter Twenty-two~