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Chapter 23

Stasia’s leg was bouncing a hundred miles an hour, next to her, Dani’s fingers were drumming rapidly on the arm of the sofa they were sitting on. Morgan was busy biting her nails down to the quick, Angela was giggling uncontrollably at absolutely nothing, and Lyn was sitting with her hands calmly folder in her lap talking to JC’s sister Heather.

Diane turned back to look at the five women, sitting in a row, showing how nervous they were for their loved ones. She laughed and nudged Stacy who rolled her eyes, leaned over the back of the couch she was sitting on, and put a hand on Stasia’s knee to stop the bouncing. “Are you going to make it? I think you may drill a hole in the floor with that bouncing.”

“What? Me? I’m fine...I’m not nervous at all...I’m totally cool.” She followed Morgan’s lead and began biting her nails until Stacy swatted at her hand.

“You’re getting to be as bad as Lance! You should get a drink of water or something.” Stacy laughed when Stasia folded her hands in her lap and started chewing her lip. “Girl, you are gonna bite your own lip off.” She decided she needed to change the subject, “So, where is Jake tonight?”

“Sleeping in his climate controlled bunk on the bus, I swear he is spoiled rotten. If I won’t give him his way, he goes to Lance, who ALWAYS caves in...sometimes I think he is worse than having a child around. He really is the sweetest dog on earth though.”

Dani elbowed her, “Hey! I heard that!”

“Sorry Dani, he is honestly one of the three sweetest dogs on earth.”

They laughed, and Stasia almost swallowed her own tongue when the lights lowered and the screams grew to a deafening level. Stacy quickly turned in her seat to face the stage. Stasia wasn’t quite sure when it happened or how, but she looked down at her hand and it was clasped tightly in Dani’s, Morgan was hold Dani’s other hand and one of Angela’s who was also holding Lyn’s hand. This was the part of the show Stasia was not crazy about, honestly, none of the girls were crazy about the guys they love being suspended from the rafters above the stage. She turned to look at Dani, who’s eyes were shut tightly. As soon as the guys touched down on the stage, Stasia said, “They’re down. We can watch now.” Dani squeezed her hand and they watched every move carefully, they listened to every note, they enjoyed every second of the concert.

The minute ‘Bye Bye Bye’ ended, security ushered everyone out of the VIP area and escorted them to the buses. They guys were already loaded onto their buses, and Stasia was completely shocked when Ron lead her to Lance’s bus instead of her own. It was her understanding that they were always to leave the venue on separate buses. When she and Dani boarded, Lance and Chris were waiting, and the questions started flying before the bus had an opportunity to start moving. “How was it? How did we look? Did you see my moves in Cowboy? Was the crowd excited? Did the lasers look good? Did you see Justin slip during Just Got Paid?”

The dogs felt the excitement in the air because they were all running up and down the aisle, Lonnie and Ron were doing their best to get out of the middle of the insanity, but Lance was hugging Stasia and spinning her, Chris and Dani were both bouncing up and down.

“Let us by before we shove our way past.” Lonnie moaned.

The four young people stepped aside and the two brothers made their way to the livingroom and shut the door behind them. The front of the bus erupted in laughter and Ron rolled his eye and groaned, “This is going to be a long night.”

Lance and Stasia flopped down on one couch, Dani and Chris sat facing them. They all looked out the windows at the fans lining the fence to get a glimpse of the objects of their obsession. Chris turned on all of the interior lights so that the fans could see into the bus, Lance and Chris both waved, Lance froze when he saw a girl holding a sign that read Lance, that BITCH Anastasia can’t love you the way I can! Lance was praying that Stasia hadn’t seen it but when he turned to look at her, he saw the flash of pain in her eyes, but she quickly looked at him and smiled. He looked at the sign again and then turned to Stasia and a sly grin slid across his face. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” She raised an eyebrow at him.

He offered her a hand and she took it, in one quick motion, he pulled her to her feet, his arms went tightly around her back, and his head bent down and he kissed her soundly on the lips. Chris and Dani both clapped and cheered. Dani yelled, “You show them Lance!”

His lips left hers and she placed her palms on his chest to steady herself, they could hear the crowd begin to cheer, the girl with the sign turned and walked away, into the middle of the crowd. Lance held her to his chest as the bus lurched forward and said, “Call my girlfriend a bitch huh?”

“I cannot believe you did that! Did you see the photographers?”

“They are always going to be around, so...I just did it, I went with an impulse.”

“Yeah well...good impulse, but try to curb those impulses next time. The fans hate me already, let’s not make matters worse.”

“If they could see what’s about to happen they’d really hate you.”

“DUDE! We are still here!” Chris covered Dani’s eyes with his hand, and then leaned back so he could get a better view.

“NOTHING is going to happen...I repeat...NOTHING is going to happen.” Stasia looked at him evilly.

“Sure, I believe you...whatever you say Stay-A.” He teased.

“Chris, I am begging you here, do NOT get her started. I do NOT want her all wound up, she needs to get some sleep.”

“I’m not starting anything...SHE started it!” He pointed at Stasia, who Lance had to catch around the waist to stop her from pouncing on Chris.

He dragged her towards the bunks, lifted her up and threw her into his bunk. “You stay put, I’m going to not hurt Chris while I’m in there.”

“I don’t know why I have to sit in the bunk, while he gets to do whatever he wants.” She flopped back down on his pillow.

“Millie, Stay put...I mean it.” He kissed her and closed the curtain.

As soon as the water started running, she noticed the curtain move, she quietly reached out and grabbed a handful of hair. Ten minutes later, she heard the wonderful sound of Lance’s laughter fill the bunk area. “Hi Chris.” The hair in her hand shifted a little.

“Hey Lance.”

“What are you doing there Chris?”


“Dani, what is Chris doing?” He pulled back the curtain and his laughter started again when he saw Stasia, curled up on her side with a handful of Chris’s hair and her other hand holding up her book calmly reading.

“He was going to terrorize Stasia, but she caught him before he could do any damage. If you look in the empty bunk under Stasia, you will find shaving cream, and some other implements of terror.”

“Thank a lot Babe.” Chris shot her a truly evil look.

“You deserve it.” She stuck her tongue out at him and rolled hers eyes dramatically.

Dani was right, the bottom bunk had a can of shaving cream, water balloons and a super soaker.

Lance jumped up into his bunk, snuggled up behind Stasia, picked up his own book, leaned out of the bunk and said, “Night Dani. Night Chris.” He pulled the curtain shut.

Dani sang out, “Night Lance, night Stasia.” She leaned down, kissed the top of Chris’s head right next to Stasia’s hand. “Night Babe.” She climbed up into his bunk.

“Um Stasia?” Chris whined.


“You going to let go of my head?”

“Uh uh.”



“OK, I was just wondering. Night.”

“Night Chris.”

Lance leaned over Stasia, looked at Chris’s hair still tightly gripped in her hand and whispered against her neck sending chills down her spine, “How long you going to keep him there?”

“A while...unless you can think of some other plan...” She closed her eyes to the sensations his breath on her neck was creating.

“No...your plan sounds good...let me know if your hand get tired.” He kissed her neck.

“OK, thanks Harry.” She rolled into his chest a little and softly kissed his waiting lips.

“Any time. How the book?”

“Good. How’s yours?”

“Good thanks. Did we get the the final details for the talent search firmed up today?”

“Yes. We are ready to roll. Your mom will be with us on Mother’s Day when you do the kick off. It should be a lot of fun and I’ve already made arrangements for you two to go to lunch together, I’ll meet you at the venue.”

“You aren’t going to lunch with us?”

“No as soon as the launch is done, I’m going to fly up to Michigan, it’s just a short flight.”

“You’re going to do another there and back in the same day trip? Are you sure you want to do that?”

“I need to...I haven’t missed Mother’s Day yet...I’ll be in and out. Jess and Brent are going to meet Ron and I at the airport, take me to the cemetery, then take Ron and I back to the airport. We have a rental car reservation, we will go from the airport to the venue and be there in time for the show, where I will sit with your mom.”

“Are you sure you can handle all of that in one day. Do you want me to go with you?”

“You can’t you have too much to do, I will take you with me when we’re in Detroit for the show there...if you still want to go.”

“I would really like that.”

Chris shifted his weight to relieve some of the cramping in his legs from being crouched down. He yawned, and moved again. Stasia yanked on his hair. “I’m not trying to get away, just trying to get the feeling back in my legs.”

“You have no feeling in your legs?”

“Not really.”

“OK...this is how this is all going to go down. Listen VERY carefully Christopher. I am going to let go of your head. You are going to go STRAIGHT to the bathroom where you are going to shower. Once you are done with that shower, you are going to get dressed, and go directly to your bunk. You will kiss your beautiful, and infinitely patient, girlfriend good night. You will then go to sleep. You will NOT at anytime, deviate from this plan. You will NOT get near either me or Lance with ANY of your little implements of terror. If you should happen to mess up ANY ASPECT of this plan. I will unleash a smack down on you unlike any you have ever seen.” She pulled his head up and under the curtain. She looked him square in the eye, and very seriously said, “Do you understand EVERYTHING I just told you?”


“Do you understand that NO ONE will be able to save you...not Lance...not Dani...not even the two huge men in the other room? I will kick your butt from here to next Tuesday, and I don’t give a damn if you have a show tomorrow night.”


“OK. Go.” She released his head, and he ran straight for the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, he emerged, went straight to his bunk, they heard him kiss Dani, and Stasia and Lance curled up tightly and started to drift off to sleep. Stasia turned against Lance, kissed his jaw, whispered, “I love you.” She sighed when his arms tightened around her. The moment they had both just fallen asleep, a water balloon landed between them.

In one quick movement, Stasia flung herself over Lance and out of the bunk. She reached into Chris’s bunk and pulled him out by the ears. He was on his stomach, on the floor in less than five seconds. Stasia knelt on the small of his back, slipped one arm under his neck, pulled his head back, the other arm went around his legs and she pulled them back until his feet were almost touching his head. Lance and Dani watched the two people fighting on the floor below them.

“OW! OW! OOOOOWWWWW!” Chris tried hard to squirm away from her, but she was much stronger than she appeared, and she easily kept him pinned.

She released his head and laughed when it smacked down on the floor. “Bet that hurt.” Chris groaned.

With her free hand, she reached into the dogs bunk and pulled out Jake’s leather leash. She used the leash to tie his feet together, very tightly. “OUCH! THAT HURTS!”

Ron stuck his head out of the livingroom. “You OK Stasia?”

“Fine. Get some rest.”

“OK. Good night.”

“Good night.”

“RON!!! A little help here?”

“Sorry dude. I’m paid to protect her...not you...and whatever it is that you did, I’m sure she’s going easy on you. Hey Stasia...where’d you learn to tie that knot?”

“Girl Scouts.” Stasia pulled one of his arms back and made quick work of tying that tightly to his feet. He struggled hard when she grabbed for his other arm, but she pressed her elbow between his shoulder blades. She tied his arm, got up off of the floor, walked into the bathroom, got a towel and helped Lance dry the bunk. When she was done with that she said, “Harry...can I grab a t-shirt out of your bag for you?”

“Please. You should just grab one of mine for yourself bag in buried right now, it will be easier.”


“Um...Stay-A...I’m still laying on the floor here and I’m all tied up.”

She ignored him and pulled out the t-shirts. She tossed one to Lance then went in the bathroom and changed her own shirt. Chris had rolled onto his side and she used his hip to step back up into the bunk. Lance reached out of the bunk and turned off the overhead lights.

“GUYS! You can’t leave me here all night!”

“We can...and we will.” Lance yawned.

“Dani...BABE! Help me out!”

“You did this to yourself. Sleep well.”


“Leave us out of this!” Lonnie’s voice came through the door.

“What if I have to go to the bathroom?”

“Then you have a problem...don’t you?”

JC, Justin, Lyn and Morgan quietly boarded the bus, being careful not to frighten their friends. Justin led the way down the aisle, and when he stopped short, each person crashed into the back of the person in front of him or her.

JC leaned over Justin’s shoulder to see why he stopped short. “What the...”

Morgan pushed her way up to see what the excitement was all about, “This has Stasia’s name all over it.”

Justin kicked Chris with his toe, “Dude, why are you hog tied on the floor?”


“I heard that.”

“Guys....get me out of here...I’ll give you anything you name it...just HELP!”

JC crouched down next to Chris, “What EXACTLY did you do?”


“Liar.” Stasia’s voice was full of laughter.

Dani swung her legs out of the bunk, and leaned down to look at Chris. “What he meant to say is...he got caught trying to spring a surprise attack on Stasia, she held him by the hair for...what about an hour?”

Stasia pushed the curtain back on the bunk she and Lance were sharing, leaned her elbows near the edge of the bunk and propped her chin on her hands. “Yeah...about that.” Her eyes were bright, and everyone was staring at her.

“So for about an hour, she read her book while she held on to his hair. So after about an hour she let him go...she said he was to take a shower and get dressed then go to bed, and get some sleep. She TOLD him that if he did anything to her or Lance...she would kick his butt.”

“Actually, I said I would unleash a smack down on him unlike any he had ever seen.” Stasia corrected.

“Right...then she asked him if he understood four times...AND HE SAID four times. SO...she let him go, he took the shower, got in bed then threw a water balloon across the landed right between she kicked his butt and hog tied him. He’s been like that all night.”

JC patted his shoulder, “She warned you.” He stood up and walked away. “We were coming to get you guys for breakfast. You coming?”

“Sure.” Lance jumped down, helped Stasia down and after they had both put on their sneakers, they followed the rest of the group off of the bus with Dani close behind them.

Stasia smacked herself on the head. “RON and LONNIE!” She ran back on the bus, and brought the guards back out with her seconds later.

She looked at Lance, “Five more minutes and I’ll go get him.”

“You are too much.” He kissed the top of her head.

True to her word, five minutes later, she climbed back on the bus. “Hi.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m not talking to you.” He rolled to face the opposite direction.

“Yes you are.” She squatted down and began untiing him. “I DID warn you.”


“I know that.” She looked at him thoughtfully. “But I also wrestled a plate of bacon and eggs away from Joey for you.”

“You did?” He looked at her out of the corner of his eye as she released his ankles.

“Mmm hmm.” She rubbed his shoulders. “Stiff?”

“Ah...YEAH!” He gave her a hurt look.

“Are we still friends?” She bumped him with her shoulder.

“I GUESS so...but only cause you and I are the only old people...and the only dog owners...and...well, I sort of like you... but only sort of.” He bumped her back.

“Well OK then. Hey...later you and I can pick on Justin...would that make you feel better?”

“Tag team him? Old person style?” His eyes began to twinkle and he rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

“OH YEAH!” She rolled up to her feet and helped him stand. “Come on grandpa, let’s go check out what Arkansas has to offer.

He squatted down to tie his shoe and she jumped on his back joking around, when he grabbed her legs and straightened up, she squealed. “Chris! Put me down.”

“When we get to the table, I will deposit you in your chair. Hold on...we’re off...and our food is getting cold!” He ran down the aisle, and off of the bus. There were several teenaged girls standing on the other side of the fence, and they screamed wildly when they saw Chris. He galloped over to the fence and waved. “Have you guys met my friend Stay-A? She’s better friends with Lance though!”

Stasia’s heart stopped when she saw the same girl from the venue last night, holding up the same sign. She must have driven through the night, following the buses. The blonde girl glaring at her, held the sign up higher. Stasia tried to slide off of Chris’s back, but he would not let go of her. “Chris...come on!”

“Nope! Stop squirming!” He bounced, and she landed higher on his back. He turned at the sound of laughter behind them, and saw Lance and Dani walking over. “HI GUYS!” He and Stasia both laughed when Lance bent down and Dani jumped onto his back.

“HI yourself! Running around with my woman on your back huh?” Lance ran up next to Chris.

“I’m holding her for ransom.”

“What do I have to do to get her back?”

“I’ll trade you. I’ll give you Stay-A if you give me that hottie you’ve got there.”

Lance looked over his shoulder at Dani. “You Ok with that hottie?”

“I suppose so.” Dani giggled. Both men released the women on their backs. Stasia and Dani quietly switched places, Stasia moved to hug Lance, who turned and bent so she could get on his back.

“Are we doing this again?”

“What? Chris’s back is better than mine?”

“In his dreams.” She jumped onto his back and kissed the top of his head and leaned down to speak quietly into his ear. “The girl with the sign is HERE. She must have followed the buses. Did you see her?”

“No. I’m sorry about that Millie.” He pulled her hand up to his lips and kissed it.

“Hey! It’s not your fault. In her eyes, I’ve ruined her chances to marry you.”

“Oh yeah...I was just about to choose my bride out of the crowd when you came along...darn.”

“Sorry to spoil your plans.”

“I’ll live.”

Steve Fatone walked out of the building, with his ever present video camera. When he saw the two couples he started filming...that’s when Chris had the idea to start a fight. He punched Lance in the stomach and kicked him in the shin. Stasia looked down at Chris is shock. “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT! Harry, are you alright?”

“Fine...but that old man better start running!” Chris started sprinting toward the building, with Dani laughing hard on his back. Lance took off after them, still carrying Stasia. “RUN OLD MAN! RUN!” They all ducked behind the line of buses, where the fans couldn’t see them.

The rest of the group was slowly walking out of the building. When he saw the two couples Justin crouched down and Morgan jumped on his back without saying a word. He broke into a run and caught up with Lance quickly, “What are we doing?”

“We are going to beat Chris’s butt.”


Joey handed Steve the three leashes he was holding for his friends and threw Angela over his shoulder. He chased after the rest of the guys. Angela was kicking and giggling and beating on Joey’s back.

Steve was stilling filming the insanity happening before his eyes, trying to control the dogs who all wanted in on the action. When he looked over and realized JC was about to join in, he knew he couldn’t stop recording the mayhem.

JC bumped Lyn with his shoulder. “Wanna?”


He bumped her again, “You know you wanna.”

She fought the smile that was threatening to take over her face, “Nah.”

He turned his playful blue eyes on her, “Come on KNOW you want to play!”

“Well, maybe just for a minute.” The smile won and her entire face lit up.

When Lance saw JC running with Lyn on his back he squeezed Stasia’s leg. “Hey Millie, check out JC and Lyn.”

“I see them, I’m trying VERY HARD not to make a big deal out of it.”

The guards who were standing in a group at the end of the long row of buses, were watching the popstars and their friends in shock. Lonnie slowly shook his head from side to side, “I don’t believe this. I think we better herd them inside before the crowd gets much bigger and the photographers start showing up and those fans realize what’s going on just behind the buses they are trying to see around.”

The guards spread out and started to try to direct the running fools into the venue. None of them had finished eating yet, and they were going to be way behind schedule if the situation didn’t get under control soon. Ron and Lonnie tried to corner Lance and Stasia, but by this point, no one knew who they were running away from, or who they were running after, but they were all pretty sure they were trying to stay away from security. Lance darted away from Lonnie when the large man tried to stop him. Stasia was directing Lance from his back between attempts at gasping for air.

Ron finally had an idea, when he was positive that Lance, Stasia, Chris and Dani could all see him, he slowly walked over to Steve, scooped up all three dogs and laughed when Chris and Lance both froze in their tracks. “ALRIGHT CHILDREN! It’s time to go inside and eat. You may not have these little hair balls back until I see TEN clean plates.”

Stasia narrowed her eyes on Ron, “Ron...BACK AWAY FROM THE DOGS!”

“If you guys are going to act like three year olds, we are going to treat you like three year olds. Lance, Anastasia...go eat your breakfast. Then you can have Jake back.”

Lance leaned his head back, “I don’t think he’s bluffing.”

“Me neither.”

“So what’s it going to be?” Ron was trying to control the three wriggling bodies in his arms.

Stasia held her hands up, “OK, win. We will go eat.” Lance hung his head down and walked into the building, everyone followed them. They all sat quietly around the long table in the cafeteria. But when Ron walked in the room, still holding the dogs. The room erupted in laughter.

Jay and Lonnie were sitting at a small table away from the rest of the group. Jay shook his head, “I don’t remember the last tour being this crazy. I have a feeling it’s only going to get worse from here. The good news is, every single one of them seems happier.”

“I know it. This tour is bigger, there are more people involved, it’s longer and these goof balls have more control now. Lou isn’t pulling the strings anymore, they like the people at Jive better there is no way that they couldn’t all be happier now. Not to mention the women.”

“They are all well suited for each other. But Lance and Stasia, Joey and Angela and Chris and Dani are the only ones actually together...right? Or has it changed again today?”

“No I think that’s it...for now. Who know what will be going on by tomorrow.”

“I know it...we should have score cards printed.”

Lance was looking around the venue for Stasia. He had just finished sound check and wanted to get lunch. He looked in the cafeteria, checked the room that would be used for the meet and greet in a few hours. He couldn’t figure out where she would have gone to work. He walked out of the building, stopped to talk to Dre, climbed onto his bus and saw that her computer was gone, as well as his own which meant she was transferring information for him. He looked on her bus, but found nothing.

He decided that she must be off somewhere with one of the girls, so he gave up and made his way to his dressing room. When he opened the door he smiled broadly, “I can’t believe how stupid I am sometimes.”

“How was sound check?” She smiled up at him from the couch she was sitting on with Jake. She had pulled two chairs over in front of her to use as a makeshift desk, the computers were both open and humming quietly as files transferred from one machine to the other.

He inhaled deeply because he could smell her soap and shampoo in the air. She had used his shower, changed into a navy skirt and white blouse. Her shoes were neatly tucked under one f the chairs and her feet were tucked under her. The sleeves of the shirt were rolled up to her elbows. She was wearing her reading glasses and scanning a pile of documents that must have come out of the disguarded FedEx envelope sitting between her and Jake. She made a note on the page she was reviewing and glanced back up at him. “Harry?”

“Huh...what....sorry...yeah the sound check went well.” He walked over, picked up Jake, sat down and helped the dog settle into his lap. “What are you working on?”

“Your schedule for Free Lance for the next few months. We had a few overlaps with NSYNC stuff so I’ve straightened all of that out with the exception of this one date in New York when you are supposed to be alone on TRL and with the guys at a press conference. Your mom will be with Meredith and Stacy will be at the talent search in California. I guess I’ll call Carson and see if we can reschedule TRL.”

“What am I supposed to be doing at TRL?”

“Talking about the talent search and how the finals are going to be aired on TRL, you will also introduce whatever NSYNC video is undoubtedly airing that day.”

He took a sip of water and matter of factly said, “So you do TRL and I’ll do the press conference, which I am required to do.”

She looked at him like he had just sprouted and extra head. “Excuse me?”

“You do TRL.”

“Um...I don’t think that’s a very good idea Harry.” “Why not? You just have to hang out with Carson for ten minutes. The fans would love to see you. Plus it’s strictly a Free Lance thing, I’d have Momma or Stacy do it if they could.” He took a long drink.

“What makes you think Carson would want me instead of you? You’re the big name.”

“Face it Millie, your name is starting to gain recognition quickly, it will be good for you.”

“You’ve been working too hard, it has affected your brain.” She was still staring at him like he was crazy.

“Darlin’ make sure someone tapes it so I can see you in action.”

“You’re going to make me do this aren’t you?”

“Uh huh.”

“Carson isn’t going to go for this...I guarantee it.”

“I’ll bet you a hundred buck he goes for it.”

“You’ve got yourself a bet mister.”

“Call him.”

“What? Now?”

“Yep, let’s call him together so you can’t sweet talk him over to your side.”

“I wouldn’t do that! Okay, I would...but HARRY!”

“Phone.” He held out his hand.

“You suck.”

“I know. But you love me anyway.” He kissed her forehead.

She handed him the phone and stared at him in awe as he quickly dialed and waited. “Carson! Hey, Lance Bass.”

“Lance! What’s up buddy? How’s the tour going?”

“Well last night was the first show and it went pretty well. Carson, I’ve got a little problem that I’m hoping you can help me with.”

“Sure, what’s going on?”

“Well I’m double booked the day I’m supposed to be on TRL wit you talking about the talent search. I was thinking I would send Stasia in my place. Would that be a big deal for you?”

“No! Not at all, it be fun to have her on the show. How is she doing?”

“She great, sitting right here if you want to say hi.” He glanced over at her and grinned evilly.

“Yeah, I only have a second so I’ll say hi quickly.”

“OK, it was good talking to you. We’ll see you in New York.” He handed the phone to Stasia who was glaring at him.

“Hi Carson. How are you?”

“I’m good. I hear you’re coming on my little show. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Yeah me too.” She faked as much enthusiasm as possible and when Lance laughed at her attempt she punched him in the arm.

“Well good! I’ve got to go, I’m getting ready for today’s show, but I’ll see you in a few weeks.”

“See you soon. Bye Carson.” She closed the phone and her head flopped back onto the back of the couch. “I’ll get you for this.”

“Can I buy you lunch?”

Her head rolled to the side to face him. “I suppose. What are the chances of tracking down some Mexican?”

“Oh I’d say the chances are very good. You want Mexican, we’ll find it.” He stood moved Jake back to the couch and said, “I’ll ask Justin and Morgan to keep an eye on Jake, I’ll be right back.” He kissed her head and walked out of the room.

Stasia looked down at Jake, “He’s lucky he’s so damn cute.” She laughed and slipped her shoes on. She was straightening her skirt when Lance walked back into the dressing room with Morgan. His head was thrown back and he was laughing whole heartedly at something she had said. Stasia turned back to Jake, “See what I mean?” Jake stood up and licked her hand.

Morgan fell to her knees and Jake jumped down off of the couch to let her scratch him behind the ears. “Come on buddy. Let’s go find Justin and make him go for a walk with us.”

Stasia teasingly said, “Jake doesn’t like to listen to arguing, so you and Justin are going to have to behave for a little while.”

“Yeah, nice around the kiddies. I know the drill.” Morgan reached for the leash laying over the arm of the couch and straightened up. “Let’s go Jake.”

Jake obediently trotted out the door behind Morgan who called back over her shoulder, “I charge five dollars an hour to babysit by the way.”

“You drive a hard bargain, but I think I can afford you.”

“Cash, check or charge....doesn’t matter. Now where did Justin go?” She and Jake disappeared around the corner.

Lance and Stasia both slipped on sunglasses and Lance put on a hat. He reached down and his fingers laced with hers as they walked to the exit where Lonnie and Ron were waiting next to a van. Lonnie climbed up into the driver’s seat, Ron got in the passenger seat and lance and Stasia both got in back.

Stasia’s eyes slowly scanned the crowd, and once again froze on the blonde girl holding the sign reading Lance, that BITCH Anastasia can’t love you the way I can! Even though the windows were tinted to the point there was no way anyone could see in, Stasia felt as if the girl’s glare was burning her flesh.

“Ignore her Millie. I choose to ignore the girl holding the Lance and JC make a cute couple sign.” He had followed her line of sight, and knew what thoughts were flying through here head. “She doesn’t know you, and she certainly doesn’t know me. If she knew anything about me at all, she’d know anyone who would make that sign, and hold it up outside of two different venues is not my type. I like the preppy, business woman type, the type who can astound me with her intelligence and her sense of humor a hundred times a day.”

“I love you.”

“Right back at ya!” He kissed her temple.

Lance and Stasia were sitting quietly at a corner table, their heads leaning close together, whispering when Stasia heard the distinctive ring of Ron’s phone, she glanced over at the table a little ways away and smiled warmly at Lonnie, who smiled back.

She had just started telling Lance the story of her third grade play when she fell off the stage during their performance of Easter Parade when Ron walked over to the table. She looked up at him, “What’s wrong big guy?”

“We are taking you straight back to the venue, right away. I’m going to ask for our checks right away.” He turned and walked away.

Lance looked dumbfounded. “What the devil?”

“I have no idea.” They both looked at Lonnie who got up and walked over, we can’t take you to the hotel. I know you wanted to go there and work until the show, but you can’t.”

“Why can’t I?” Stasia was completely confused.

“They received a letter at the hotel. Dre is over there right now meeting with security. They are going to sweep the building.”

Lance watched the color drain from her face. “Why would security need to sweep the building?” Her voice was small and he could see her hand shaking. He quickly took her hand and rubbed his thumb across the back of her hand.

“Whoever sent it had your room assignment.” Lonnie looked at her very carefully. “We are going to figure this out, I swear, you are totally safe Feisty.”

She blinked a few times, “I know Lon. So what are we going to do at the venue? I mean, they have to know that’s where I’m going to be.”

“You are going to have to stay inside and with Ron and I which means you have to go to the Meet and Greet, since we need to be there.”

She was genuinely frightened, and knew better than to argue, these guys were pros and they were here to take care of her. “OK.”

Ron returned and said the check were paid for and the van was out front waiting they hurried out of the restaurant and into the van.

When they got to the venue, the crowd had grown and the fans knew that the van had to contain one of the guys, so the shrieks grew to an ear splitting level. Stasia’s eyes frantically scanned the face in the crowd, but no one looked like a big threat, which frightened her even more.

Lance had been watching her very closely and knew she was slowly becoming terrified. His arms went around and pulled her back against his chest. He began whispering in her ear, “Have I told you that I love the preppy vibe you have going on today?”

“” She looked distracted.

“Maybe it’s because you were wearing a white shirt like that one when I first met you, but I have to’s totally sexy.”

“It is?”

“That day in Hawaii, you were standing quietly by the door, and I thought you were beautiful, but then I saw your eyes, and my heart stopped.”

“It did?”

“I have never seen more amazing eyes in my life.”

“Have you ever looked in a mirror?”

He noticed that Ron pulled the van as close to the door as possible and Jay and Anthony were waiting at the door. Lonnie jumped out of the van, pulled the door to the van open and then stood shoulder to shoulder with the other guards, providing a human wall between Stasia and the fans. Lance kept his arm around her waist and they went straight to his dressing room. He guided her over to the couch, sat down and pulled her against his chest, she curled up next to him and accepted the comfort he was offering.

Lance looked up at Lonnie and Ron, “Can one of you please find Morgan and Justin, they have Jake...please bring him back.” Lonnie nodded and walked out the door. “Ron, can you hand me her address book? It’s right there next to the computer...yeah that’s it.”

Ron handed him the book and he quickly found Mary’s card. “Millie, do you want to call Mary or do you want me to?”

“I’ll do it, Ron...she’s going to want to talk to you too.” Stasia pulled her phone out of her bag and dialed.

“That’s fine. I’ll talk to her.” Ron nodded and patted her hand.

“Mary Grant.” The voice was like music to her ears.


“Stasia! How are you hun?”

“I’m ok, but we have ANOTHER situation. A letter arrived at the hotel here in Little Rock.”


“Mary, they have my room number.”

“How could they get that? I thought you guys were check in under false names.”

“We are, but that never really stops fans from guessing which rooms the guys are in, I mean it’s pretty obvious which floor is sealed off from the rest of the hotel.”

“OK, you know the drill, agents from the local office are going to go get the letter for me. I’m going to step up the investigation. Where does the tour go next?”

“Memphis on the 12th, LA on the 13th, Nashville on the 14th and then two dates in Atlanta on the 18th and 19th.” Lance smile, Stasia rattled off dates the same way he did. “Oh, then we are in Orlando. We touch home base for one night, sleep in our own beds then hit the road again.”

“Good God. OK, so you are only going to be at home for one night this month?”

“No actually we won’t be home in Mississippi for a while, we hit Orlando for a night, yeah but that’s what you were saying right...sorry...I’m a little out of sorts.”

“That’s understandable hon. While the agents are at the hotel today, I’m going to have them ask some questions.”


“Who told you about this?”


“Is he there? Can I speak to him?”

“Yes. Bye Mary.”

“Bye. Think good thoughts. You’re going to be just fine.”

She turned the phone over to Ron who walked out into the hall.



“This is worse. I can tell.”

“Why do you say that?” He kissed her forehead and smoothed her hair back.

“They have always told me what the letters said before. Have you noticed they won’t talk about it this time? That means it’s bad, they are afraid it will scare me even more.” The door opened and Lonnie walked in with Jake under his arm. He silently handed the dog to Stasia and left the room. Jake licked her face and put his paws on her shoulders. “Hi buddy.”

Lance glanced at his watch, “Damn the Meet and Greet is in half an hour.” He held her tighter.

“Harry, maybe I should go home to Mississippi until we find whoever this is, having me here is putting all of you in danger.” Her voice was shaky.

“You aren’t putting anyone in danger. Some freak is putting YOU in danger. If you WANT to go home, I would never stop you, but I would rather have you with me, where I know you are safe.”

She sat up a little and laid her palm softly against his cheek, “If anything happened to you, I would never forgive myself.”

“Nothing is going to happen to either one of us. Where did Ron and Lonnie go? I thought Ron was just going to talk to Mary.”

“I don’t know. That’s another thing that is worrying me.”

Ron walked in as if on cue. “Sorry Stasia, I was walking down the hall when I realized I had your phone.”

“Ron, what did it say?”

“Feisty, I haven’t seen it.”

“But you know what it says.” She stared at him.


She pushed up to her feet and stood toe to toe with the large man, “DAMN IT RON!” Lance stood beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Ron looked down into her eyes and saw how dark they were, it was at that no longer fear burning in their gray depths. She was angry. “It said, ‘Such a tragic life story. The final chapter is written, your time is up. Say goodbye to the pretty boy. I will see you very soon...very soon.’ It’s the say person, there is no doubt. Same handwriting. The girl from housekeeping found it in your room in the middle of the bed when she was delivering some flowers from Jess.”

Lance looked at her and saw the same angry eyes Ron had been looking into. “What name is Stasia checked in under?”

“Bethany Adams.”

“Has anyone checked my room? Could they have gotten in there? Whoever this is has to know that’s where we would place her next.”

“No, I don’t think they have, but that’s a good idea. I’m going to make a few calls, we’ve only got fifteen minutes before the Meet and Greet, and we all need to be there. You two stay put. Lon and I will be back to get you once we check out the crowd and the room, we are holding everyone’s entrance until we’re happy with the set up.”

“OK, how are we going to explain me being there? I’m not supposed to ever attend these things, the fans know that.”

“We figure you can just hang out in the corner with me and Lonnie.”

“Whatever you say Big Guy.”

Ron walked out of the room leaving Lance and Stasia alone again. Lance looked deeply into her eyes, “What EXACTLY has you this angry?”


He put his hands on her shoulders and guided her over to the mirror. “Look at your eyes.” He held her face.

“I think I’m over the whole fear thing.” She looked at his eye in the mirror, and the moment her eyes locked with his, they softened. “I’m angry that someone feels they have a right to do this to us. I’m angry that someone was in my room, and possibly in your room. I’m angry that someone thinks they have the ability to hurt us.”

“You’re over the fear thing?” He smiled. “We are going to get this monster.”

“I know.” She turned to face him.

There was a knock on her door and Lance rolled his eyes, “When are we going to have five minutes to ourselves?” He walked over to the door and said, “Who is it?”

“It’s Joe and Angela. What...are you naked or something?”

Lance opened the door, “Yeah I’m naked. What do you need Joe?”

Joey looked at Stasia’s face and back at Lance, “Ang thought she and Stasia could hang out while we’re at the Meet and Greet. What’s going on?”

“I’m sorry Angela, but I’ve got to go to the Meet and Greet. I wish I could hang out with you.”

Angela looked up at Joey, “Can I go too?”

“I don’t know Sweetie. I’d have to talk to security, are you sure you want to?”

“I don’t want Stasia to have to sit there alone. Talk to security.”

“Yes ma’am.” Joey rolled his eyes at Lance who nodded in understanding. Joe walked out into the hall to find Dre or Jay.

Angela walked over to Stasia and looked straight into her eyes, “Now spill it. Why do you have to go to the Meet and Greet?”

“I am not allowed anywhere without both Ron and Lonnie right now, they both need to be at the Meet and Greet, so I have to go.” She looked at Lance, “Harry, can you toss me my bag please, I want to wash my face before I walk out of here.”

Lance carried the bag into the bathroom and set it on the counter next to his own. Stasia walked into the bathroom and closed the door. She sat on the edge of the tub and covered her face with her hands. She turned her face up to the ceiling and silently prayed. ‘Mom, Ark, Nik...guys...if you’ve got any connections up there, I may need some help here. I don’t know what the hell...oh, sorry about that Mom...heck is going on, but I have an awful feeling about this whole thing. Ark, I know exactly what you’d tell me to’d tell me to fight back, but how do I fight when I don’t know who or what I’m fighting? That’s no excuse is it? OK, I know, you’re right.’ A smile slowly slid across her face, ‘Hey Nik, have you gotten a good look at Lance? I wish you were here for me to giggle with about this.’ She folded her hands tightly, ‘Please help him be safe guys. I love him, I really do. And Mom, I’m happy...truly happy.’

She quietly stood up and walked to the sink, she splashed cold water on her face, she brushed through her hair, straightened her shirt and skirt and then she smiled back up at the ceiling, “OK Noah, you win. I’m going to fight...fight like a Blake.” She shook her head smiled, and opened the bathroom door.

Angela was sitting on the floor petting Jake, Lance was on the phone. He looked up at her and could see a visible change in her. “Yeah Jess, she’s right here. Yeah...I know...I’ll make sure. See you in Orlando. Here she is.”

Stasia took the phone from him and raised an eyebrow. “She tried your phone, which Ron must have turned off, so she called me...I got an ear full about you having your phone on.”

“Oh man, here we go.” She rolled her eyes, “Hi Jess! I didn’t know it was off...mmm hmm...I know...ok...I’m watching Lance turn it on right now.” She flapped her arm at him and he leaned over with her phone and pushed the power button next to Stasia’s cheek so Jess could hear the beep. “Did you hear that? It’s on...Jess...why were you calling? Why wouldn’t they be able to get the pink? Why would they be able to get red roses and not pink...that’s just stupid...mmm hmm...I see, you’re calling in the enforcer...I can handle that. Right, you want pink you’ll have pink...have I ever let you down? Oh shut up Jess. Are you locked in with this florist? Ok...I’ll let you know tonight...I’m telling you, it’s will have pink roses. I’ve got to go to a Meet and Greet, but I’ll call you during the show tonight. No, I can’t be out in the audience tonight. I’ll fill you in later, I really have to go...I love you too! Bye.” She turned off the phone and handed it back to Lance. “Five...four...three...two...” Her phone rang. “I told you it was on. Bye Jess...I know.”

Lance shook his head, “She is unbelievable.” He pulled her down on his lap as the door opened and Joey walked back in.

“You can go if you want Sweetie.”

“OK, then it’s a and me and a lot of dirty looks at a Meet and Greet Stasia.”

“Hey, they don’t know about you’re safer than I far as Lance fans go, I’m public enemy number one. Actually that’s not quite true is it? Your real fans have been great, I guess it’s just the delusional few that feel I’ve stolen you from them, that worry me.”

“Well, like I told you...I was about to choose my bride from the crowd of fans...then you stole my heart you evil woman.” He kissed her.

“I’m horrible aren’t I?”

“Mmm hmm.” he kissed her again.

Ron and Lonnie walked into the room and Ron said, “It’s show time kids...put on you happy, I’d love to father your children and marry you, faces...and girls...put on your, I would be happy to get away from your future husband and father of your children, faces.”

Lance took Stasia’s hand as they walked down the hall, the other guys were gathered near the entrance to the room full of fifty fans, who were among the very privileged few to spend and hour with the guys in a group this small. JC walked over and put an arm around Stasia’s shoulders. “I hear you’re having ‘one of those’ days.”

“You could say that.” She smiled up at him.

“Keep your chin up Kiddo! No one is getting past security, and if by some miracle they were able to, they have to deal with the five of us.” Chris, Joey and Justin all flexed their muscles for her.

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Her eyes grew wide when Chris turned to show her the muscles in his back.

“Looking at those three, I can see why you’d be concerned, but we’ve got your back...just remember that.”

“Thanks JC.” Stasia had a remarkable feeling, standing there in the hallway, waiting for the guys to be led into the room, looking around at the faces around her. She knew the flex fest happening across form her was strictly to cheer her up. She knew the hand still laced with hers was there offering comfort, support and love. She knew the arm around her shoulder was there offering protection and brotherly love. She knew the two enormous men, one in front of her and one behind her were there for her protection. She knew the girl standing next to Joey, rolling her eyes at the man she loved was there offering friendship and her own form of protection. Stasia felt at home.

She turned to face Lance, and saw his breath catch in his throat. “What?”

“Your eyes, God, they are practically glowing.” He was smiling brightly, “JC, would you look at her eyes?”

“Huh?” JC leaned back so he could look into her eyes, “WOW! That’s a completely new color. I’ve never seen them that...light.”

Lance’s smile grew, “I have.” He laughed when her cheeks flushed.

“Dude, I don’t want to know!” JC laughed.

Dre walked out into the hall, “Show time!”

JC squeezed her shoulder, before going to stand by Joey, Chris and Justin. Dre started to lead them into the room, and lance pulled her along beside him, until he was standing directly in the doorway with his arm extended out behind him, his hand still holding hers. His fingers tightened around hers and then released her hand gently as he jogged into the room waving to the fans. Angela stepped up on her right side, Lonnie stood in front of her, Ron behind, and out of nowhere, Morgan appeared on her left.

“How did I get surrounded so quickly?”

“Hey, I was just sitting in Justin’s dressing room watching TV, and I heard you two weaseled your way into the Meet and Greet and I wanted to be in on the action. Dani and Lyn are going to be bummed they missed this.”

Lonnie turned, “OK, we’re going in ladies. We’ve got chairs set up for you in the corner off to the side of where the guys will be sitting.” He walked into the room and motioned to the chairs.

The guys were standing in front of the table that was set up for them to sign autographs. Justin was in the middle of talking about the tour when the girls attempted to slip into the room. There was a rumble of whispers when the fans realized who had just entered. All of the guys turned to see what the excitement was all about, and smiled reassuringly at the girls.

Suddenly hands shot up all over the audience. Joey laughed and said, “Well, you are all full of questions suddenly. What did you want to know?” He pointed to a girl in the third row.

“Who are they?” She pointed to the three women sitting between the two huge brothers, in the corner of the room.

Lance looked at Joey, and then Justin and the three of them walked over to the corner. Lance held his hand down in front of Stasia. “Are you nuts?” Her eyes were huge.

“Come on Millie. We all made a deal remember? They are asking, we are answering.” She placed her hand in his.

Angela looked up at Stasia with terror in her eyes. Stasia put her hand down and Angela took hold of it with a death grip like none she had ever felt. She knew exactly what Angela was feeling at this point. They were about to go public with her relationship with Joey, and she didn’t know how the fans were going to react.

Morgan jumped out of her seat happily and stood next to Justin, “Let’s get this show on the road.”

The six of them walked around to the front of the table again. Lance leaned back casually against the table and positioned Stasia right in front of him, his arms went protectively around her waist. Morgan hopped up on the table between Chris and Justin and poked Chris in the side, Angela stood between Stasia and Joey, still clinging too Stasia’s hand.

Lance took a deep breath and said, “OK, you asked who these three are, I for one, would like to introduce you to my girlfriend Stasia.” Several flashes went off as fans took pictures. “But most of you probably knew that, did you see the thing on MTV?” There was a rumble as the fans nodded and answered Lance.

Justin pointed to Morgan, “This is my best friend Morgan, she’s hanging out with me on tour for a little while, so I don’t get too homesick.” Morgan waved playfully at the fans. She was at ease with the hysteria that surrounded Justin, because that’s all she had ever known. Most of the fans already knew who she was as well.

All eyes in the room turned to Joey and Angela, who was doing her very best to smile. Joey threw an arm around her shoulders and smiled brightly, “And this beautiful creature is my girlfriend Angela.”

The room erupted into a combination of clapping, screaming, cheers and boos. Stasia didn’t think it was possible, but Angela’s grip on her hand tightened, and she heard Lance chuckle in her ear. “Millie, I think your fingers are completely blue.”

“I hadn’t noticed.” She spit out through clenched teeth. He laughed and hugged her tighter around the waist.

More hands shot up in the air Chris pointed to a very young girl who could not be more than seven, “What would you like to know cutie pie?”

“My sister said that Anastasia was real mean. Why do you like her Lance?” The guys all looked shocked, and it was at that moment, the little girl’s sister stood up. Now Stasia was the one clinging to Angela’s hand for dear life. Lance felt her stiffen against his chest, and his eyes followed her line of sight.

The little girl was holding hands with the blonde who Stasia recognized immediately as the girl from outside the venue last night, and again this morning. The girl who seemed to be fond of holding up nasty signs.

Lance held her tightly, “Well that is an easy question to answer. I like Stasia because she is warm, caring, kind, giving, strong, smart, funny and basically one of the most amazing people I have ever met.”

Chris clapped and said, “Can I get an ‘AWW’ on that folks?” The crowd laughed and there were several people who did smile and say aww on command.

Lance leaned down to whisper into her ear, “I love you Anastasia.” She had noticed that he always used her full name when he really wanted to drive his point home.

She turned and smiled into his eye, “I love you too, James.” It was the first time he had ever heard her use his first name, no one used his first name, but if people said it the way she did, he was going to force the world to call him James. “We better get back to our corner, this should be about you and your fans, not the three of us.” She stood and didn’t have to do much to get Angela to go with her. Morgan was busy hamming it up with a few of the fans, so on her way by, Stasia grabbed her by the arm and pulled her along behind she and Morgan. “Say buh-bye to the nice fans Morgan.”

Morgan waved and shot a cheesy smile at Justin who gave her an equally silly face. They sat down and listened as the guys answered questions for another half hour, and then took their seats to sing autographs. Lonnie took his place behind Lance, who had been moved to the end of the table so Lonnie could do double duty keeping one eye on Lance, the other on Stasia over his shoulder.

The fans filed past, the guys were very good about speaking to each one of them, Stasia and Morgan were talking about an adorable little boy who was arm wrestling with Chris when Angela said, “What’s up with the guys?”

“Huh?” Stasia turned to look at the far end of the table where JC was looking stone faced. They couldn’t see what the problem was, but as soon as the line stepped forward one person, he relaxed and Justin was the one who looked cold. Now JC was smiling and laughing at something the fan in front of him said.

Morgan furrowed her brow, “I’ve never seen Justin look at a fan like that, not even the ones who scream right in his face.” She was leaning back and forth trying to see who was standing in front of Justin, but the guards and the guys were blocking her view and fans were moving around making it even more difficult to see.

The line shifted again and Justin resumed his normal behavior, winking at the fan standing at the table in front of him. He smiled brightly for a picture. Joey on the other hand was making a face that immediately made Stasia think he was going to throw up. “Does Joe look sick to you Ang?”

“Yeah, what the heck is wrong with them?”

“I have no clue. Ron, can you see what’s going on?”

“Not really, all I can see is my brother’s big old head.”

“Watch it, you have an identical big old head.” She teased.

“Feisty, hush your mouth.”

Lonnie walked over, “Feisty, Lance wants you to come over to the table. There is a little boy who asked for a picture of you two.”

“OK.” She stood and Ron walked with her to the end of the table. As she approached, Chris was scowling, and Joey was joking around with a fan. She pulled on Lonnie’s sleeve he leaned down and she said, “What is wrong with them? They have been completely rude one at a time, I’m afraid Lance is about to catch what ever it is the other four have.”

“They don’t like one of the fans.” He motioned her over to Lance.

“Jimmie, this is Stasia. Stasia, this is Jimmie, he’d like to take a picture of us. He thinks you’re pretty.”

“Well I would be happy to take a picture with you. Hi Jimmie.” She extended her hand for the six year-old boy, who shook it.

His mother stepped forward, “He has such a crush on you Ms. Blake.”

“Please call me Stasia.” She smiled brightly. “Jimmie, would you like to be IN the picture? Maybe your mom would take it for us.”


Lance scooped the boy up and held him between he and Stasia, “Sure thing buddy! Say cheese!”

They all smiled as his mother took a picture. “I can’t thank you enough.”

“No thanks are necessary ma’am.” Lance smiled.

“None at all.” Stasia agreed.

Stasia glanced down at Chris, who was seated next to Lance, and he was making the most evil face she had ever seen out of him. “What on Earth?” She smiled and waved as Jimmie and his mom walked away. Chris noticed her standing nearby and shot her a big smile. She started to walk away, but Lance caught her arm.

“Stay put.” He said quietly as he sat back down in his chair. She moved to stand behind him at a slight distance, between Lonnie and Ron, who both crossed their arms and seemed to get bigger than usual right there on the spot. She finally saw what was going on.

Standing in front of Lance, was the blonde, who was in the process of asking him to autograph the very sign she had held up last night, and again this morning. Stasia stared wide eyed at the girl, who smiled sweetly, then raised here eyes to Stasia. “I guess I was wrong about you.” She shot her a sarcastic smile.

“Well thank you.” Stasia smiled graciously smiled back.

The blonde turned back to Lance, “Will you sign this to Amanda Cooper?”

“No. I’m sorry, I can’t do that. I would be happy to sign a picture for you, but I could not possibly sign that. I could never disrespect Stasia that way.”

“Whatever.” She tossed the picture that the other guys had signed in front of Lance. “Like I said, my name is Amanda Cooper. Don’t forget that name.”

Lance looked at her curiously, “Something tells me I won’t forget it.” He scrawled To: Amanda Cooper. Lance Bass Next to Chris’s similar autograph.“There you go.”

“Thanks.” She gave Stasia a cool smile and walked to the back of the room.

~Chapter Twenty-Four~