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Chapter 24 (May 18th, Atlanta Georgia)

The tour made it’s way through the early dates. Security was very tight, and Stasia had grown accustom to Ron following her every move. She had gotten very good at setting up their mobile office in Lance’s dressing room.

She had the talent search up and running. Her trip to Michigan had gone completely unnoticed, she had been there and back within a matter of hours, but she felt good about going. It was always good to see Jess and Brent, and they were all excited about the concert in Orlando, which Stasia had been able to talk Brent into attending.

She was curled up on the couch, talking to Jamie on the phone when Lance left to go to sound check. He kissed her on the top of the head and caressed her cheek before he walked out the door. She was still smiling at the memory of his touch.

Since the letter was found in Little Rock, they hadn’t even bothered booking two rooms in the hotel, there was no way Lance was going to let her be alone in a room. He had given her the choice of sharing a room with Morgan, Angela or both of them, or she could stay with him. That had been an easy choice for her to make. There was no feeling better than waking up in his arms.

Lance was the only person she could think of that would welcome Jake into his bed. She laughed as Jake wrestled around on the floor with Busta.

She turned her attention back to Jamie who was running through her messages for her. “Yeah...I’ve already called him. Mmm hmm, can you please make sure Diane calls me today? And if Stacy checks in from LA, I would like to talk to her as well...He’s great...yes...I do agree that he is the sweetest guy on the planet...I’d be happy to say hello to JC for you...have a little crush? I’ll call again in a few hours. Have a great day Jamie!”

Stasia had been working on a new contract for hours, this was the contract that the winner of the talent search would be signing, and it needed to be right. She also had the appearance on TRL coming up, which she was very nervous about. She still had to call Carson to discuss the details. She made a note to call him after she finished revising the contract.

Jake jumped up on the couch next to her for the third time in less than five minutes. She looked up from her computer screen, and sighed. “OK, let’s go outside before you hurt yourself doing that.” He licked her face.

She was trying to wait for the guys to finish sound check before taking Jake out, because she and Lance had begun taking walks together after the sound check every day, they talked about business, or something that had happened at sound check, something Dani had done, Jess had said or nothing at all. It was just their quiet time.

She walked out into the hall and spotted Ron. She motioned to the door. He nodded and walked outside to look around, he stuck his head back in a nodded. She attached Jake’s leash and they walked out into the bight sunlight. She could tell they had just finished sound check, because Chris was doing his animal impressions over the PA.

Ron was holding the door for some of the crew, “Stasia, don’t go far. I’ll be there in one second. Hang out near the buses at the back of the lot.”

She waved at him and wandered off toward the buses. She knew that when Lance saw she wasn’t in his dressing room, he would come outside. She walked Jake around the far side of the parking lot. The fans were screaming her name and she waved at them. There was a loud crash near the door and she saw that Ron was helping one of the stage hands pick up the case he had just dropped. She laughed and kept walking.

She got closer to the fence which was lined with fans, but kept her distance. She cocked her head when she saw a familiar face holding up a sign that said, I’m sorry Anastasia. I guess I was wrong about you. Can I have YOUR autograph? There was no mistaking Amanda Cooper, it was a name she couldn’t forget if she tried.

She turned at the sound of more commotion near the door, Chris was trying to get Busta and Korea out the door, Joey was trying to help but they were both tangled in the leashes. They were in the process of getting untangled when Stasia took another step toward Amanda.

“Hi Amanda.”

Amanda smiled evilly, “Hi, we’ve been waiting for you all day.”

Stasia smiled at her, “We?” There was more noise by the door as Chris began running with his dogs, Justin and JC were just walking out the door, that meant Lance couldn’t be far behind, she smiled and looked for him. She turned back to Amanda, “Why were you waiting for me?”

She turned again when Chris screamed her name. She cocked her head at him, he dropped the dogs leashes, and dove at her. She laughed and smiled at him, not understanding. His body slammed into hers just a split second before an arm came flying down at her head. Chris winced when he heard the cold, black metal crowbar connect with her head with a dull thud. Joey, JC and Justin were all running at top speed toward their friend, calling out her name. She never heard them, she never heard the crowd begin screaming in horror.

Chris twisted his body as the two of them fell, so she would land on him rather than the concrete. Her body crumpled on top of his and he was screaming for security. Ron was already vaulting over the fence chasing the man who had attacked. Dre grabbed Amanda’s arm and she screamed and tried to get away, but he held her, and dragged her around the fence kicking and screaming and clawing at him.

Chris picked up Stasia’s limp body and ran to a police car parked next to the gate, the officer was already opening the back door. He helped Chris climb into the back seat.

JC ran to get the rest of security and to tell them to pull the van around. He Scooped up Busta and Korea as he was running. He found Jay and NSYNC’s security team swung in to action. Jay started screaming out order over his radio. Lonnie who had been waiting inside for Lance came exploding out the door.

Jake was running along with Chris, Joey ran to catch him, he grabbed the small animal, and held him against his chest. He screamed to Justin, “GET LANCE! NOW!!!”

Justin changed directions and ran back into the building, as fast as he could. He was charging down the hall, pushing people out of his way as he ran, “LANCE! LANCE! WHERE IN THE HELL ARE YOU?” He burst onto the main floor of the venue and saw Lance at the back of the cavernous room talking to Johnny. “LANCE!”

Lance looked up and smiled, “Hang on J. I’ll be done in a minute.” Lance rolled his eyes at Johnny and they both laughed.

Justin ran over to Lance and grabbed him by the arm, “COME ON! WE HAVE TO GO!”

“What the hell is wrong with you? Would you calm down!” Lance was fighting against Justin, who was successfully dragging him toward the door.

“It’s Stasia, we have to go.” Justin was pulling on him with all the strength in his body.

Lance felt his heart begin to race and panic set in, he picked up his pace and ran with Justin, “WHAT’S WRONG WITH STASIA? WHERE IS SHE?”

“She’s with Chris. He carried her to a police car, I think they are going to the hospital.” Terror ran through Lance’s body, his brain was slowly registering the fact that this was bad, Justin NEVER overreacted to a situation. He was always the one to keep a level head and to keep the rest of the group calm.

Joey was running into the venue with Jake under his arm, Lance’s knees buckled when he saw that there was blood on the dog’s coat. Johnny was running behind Lance and Justin. Joey practically threw Jake at Johnny, “Take care of him. Make sure he calms down. Find the girls, there is going to be a second van for them. ” He and Justin pulled Lance to his feet. “Jay has the van waiting. Ron is still chasing the bastard through the parking lot. Security and the police are everywhere.”

Chris was sitting in the back of the police car, rocking her lifeless body back and forth. He was pressing his t-shirt against her head, it was already soaked through, the police officer kept saying, “Keep pressure on it. Talk to her. What’s your name?”


“Talk to her Chris. Let her know you’re here.”

Chris’s eyes were full of tears, “Come on Stay-A, please wake up. Please Stasia...come on, you’ve taken your nap, now WAKE UP! PLEASE!” The tears were rolling down his cheeks. “Please God! Please let her be OK. Damn it Anastasia...yeah...that’s right, I said you know you’re in trouble if you don’t wake up. Come ON! I’m begging you here. Please wake up. Stasia, you cannot leave us. We need you, Lance NEEDS you. You are one of the most important people we have in our lives. Who is going to keep me in line if you don’t wake up? Who is going to help me kick Justin’s butt? Who is Joe going to go to for advice if you don’t wake up? JC needs someone around who understands all of that philosophy crap. Who would Lance make out with? Come on...I’m begging here. Please God.” The car came to a screeching stop in the emergency bay.

The officer had radioed ahead, so a team was waiting when the car door opened. A doctor and an orderly were leaning in trying to get Stasia out of the car, but Chris was clutching his friend to his chest. “Son, you need to let go of her so we can help her.” Chris looked down at her face, she looked so peaceful, just like she had two days before, when he had streaked her hair with red while she slept on the couch in Lance’s dressing room. Now her hair was red again, but this time it was the sickening deep red of her own blood.

They pulled her out of the car and laid her on a gurney. The doctors and nurses began running into the building, he ran behind her, until the police officer who had driven him there stopped him. “You have to let them do their jobs. They are going to do everything they can for your friend Stasia...that’s her name right?” All Chris could do was nod his head.

His head fell, and he looked at his blood stained hands, his body began shaking. The officer put his arm around his shoulders. Come on, let’s sit down over here. Chris raised his eyes to the officer’s, “Is she going to die?” He pushed at the tears rolling down his cheeks, smearing her blood on his face in the process.

“I don’t know, the doctor will tell us when he knows something. She lost a lot of blood, but that happens whenever there is a head injury. I saw how you reacted out there, you did all the right things. You couldn’t have done anymore.” His head jerked away from the distraught man when there was a huge commotion at the entrance to the emergency room. Hospital security was making an unsuccessful attempt to stop the large group rushing through the door. The group of men charging through the door had security of their own, and none of them were taking no for an answer.

Chris jumped to his feet and called out to his friends, “GUYS!”

NSYNC’s security pushed past hospital security, and forged a path over to Chris. Justin and Joey were walking with Lance between them, and Justin’s arm went around Lance’s waist when he saw Chris. Joey followed Justin’s lead, and they were right because Lance’s legs buckled again when he saw the older man literally covered in blood.

“What happened, someone please tell me what happened.” Lance’s voice was weak, and barely above a whisper.

Chris walked forward. “That girl was there, the weird one from the Meet and Greet, with a man. He hit her, on the head, hard. Lance he hit her so hard. I tried to stop him. God, I’m so sorry.” Chris began sobbing. Lance was staring at him blankly, trying to comprehend what had happened.

The policeman walked over, “I really need to take statements before you guys start talking about this. I’m sorry, but I have to. Chris, why don’t you come with me, you can talk to me while you get cleaned up.”

Chris nodded and followed the officer, Dre followed Chris. Lonnie moved forward and began explaining the situation and who they were to hospital security. Once they were aware of the circumstances, they became very cooperative. They cleared out a private waiting room, that NSYNC’s security would be able to secure themselves. The hospital alerted the local police, who had officers on the way to assist with security.

Atlanta had a major situation on their hands and they were going to do their best. They sent additional officers to the venue, to help in the search for Stasia’s assailant. Ron had chased him all the way to the highway, where he had gotten lost among the crazy concert traffic. Ron had not spoken to anyone since Stasia was attacked. He was standing at the door, staring out into the hall.

The policeman walked in with Chris, who was dressed in doctor’s scrubs and carrying a plastic bag. Stasia’s blood had been washed off of his hands and cheeks. He walked in and sat next to Lance, “Have they told you anything yet?” It had been two hours since Stasia had been pulled out of his arms, and they still hadn’t heard a thing.

“No...I need you to call someone who is still at the venue...I need Millie’s address book. I have to call Jess, Uncle Josh and Mary. Oh shit, I’ve got to call Momma.” He held his head. Chris was looking into his blank eyes.

“I’ve got it taken care of. I’ll have JC call Jess, I know he has the number and she’ll take it better from him. I’ll get Mary’s number. Do you want me to find somewhere private for you to call your Momma?”

“Yeah...I better call her. I wanted to wait until I knew something, but this is going to hit the news, I can’t let her hear about it that way.” Chris got up and talked to the police officer who led Lance to the room where Chris had changed. JC immediately moved to the corner of the room, he called Jess who said she was on her way and made JC promise to call her as soon as he knew anything.

He couldn’t get either of his parents, or his sister. He finally got a hold of Ford at work. Ford said, he’d take care of letting everyone know, and getting to Atlanta as soon as possible. Lance was walking back into the waiting room when he saw a doctor walking toward him.

The doctor ushered him into the room, and said, “You are all here for Anastasia Blake, correct?”

They all nodded their heads. Lance stepped forward, “How is she doctor?”

“Who is Lance Bass?”

“I AM!” Looked at him frantically. “How is she?”

“She is going to be fine. She took a nasty blow to the head, but we performed a CAT Scan, and an MRI. There is no serious damage, but it seems that that is due to the fact that someone knocked her out of...well, mostly out of the way.”

Chris stood up and walked over, “But the blood...there was a lot of blood.”

“She has received fifteen stitches in the side of her head, but she is awake now and she is asking for Lance...and then Chris. I assume you are Chris?”


Lance was already out the door and halfway down the hall when the doctor caught up to him. “Slow down there! Make sure you keep your voice down, she has one humdinger of a headache, and will for a few days, she also has a concussion, so we are going to keep her overnight.”

“Doctor, you need to arrange for me to stay here as well. Where is she?” The doctor pointed to a door, with two police officers standing on either side. “I also want our own security down here.”

When he walked into the room the doctor looked at the two police officers with complete confusion on his face, “Who ARE these people? This kid can’t be more than twenty, none of them can, and they blew in here like they own the place.”

“Only the biggest pop group since the Beatles. They are NSYNC, my daughter is supposed to go to their concert tonight at Phillips Arena. They could own the place if they wanted to. The girl is his girlfriend.”

The lights in the room were dim, and her eyes were closed. Lance’s eyes filled with tears. She looked so small and helpless laying in that bed. She was wearing a hospital gown, and he could see a bandage on the left side of her head, not far from her temple. He silently walked over to the bed. “Oh God Millie.” He whispered he picked up her hand in his and held it against his lips, “How could someone do this to you? I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

“Harry?” Her voice was small and weak and her eyes slowly fluttered open, they were cloudy and she looked confused.

He gently sat on the edge of her bed holding her hand to his heart. “Hi. You gave us quite a scare.” He leaned forward and hugged her, she clung to him and his arms tightened around her back. He whispered against her hair, “God, I love you so much. I was so scared. I love you.” His voice broke.

She let him hold her. “I love you too.”

They sat there being together. She was taking comfort from his arm, from his touch, from his existence. She realized for the first time, that she needed this from him, she needed Lance.

“What happened? The last thing I remember is Chris running at me a screaming my name, then I woke up here and some doctor told me I got hit on the head and I have fifteen stitches in my head, which hurts a lot by the way.”

“I bet it does.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m not exactly sure what happened, I was inside talking to Johnny and Justin ran in and told me you were in a police car on your way here with Chris. Joey came in with Jake, and he had your blood on him. I freaked out. Justin and Joey had to practically carry me. When we got here, I lost it again when I saw Chris completely in your blood.”

“I bleed that much?”

He nodded slowly. “Yeah, but the doctor said you’d be ok, but that you have a concussion and you have to stay tonight.”

“I don’t want to.” She made a face at him.

“I’m afraid you don’t have a choice in the matter.” He rubbed her back.

“I don’t want to stay here, if I’m OK, I can go back to the hotel with you guys.” She was frightened.

“I’m not going anywhere. The rest of the guys are going back to the hotel tonight.”

“What time is it?”

He looked at his watch, “Almost five thirty.”

“Will you hold me until you have to go do the show?”

“Of course I’ll hold you.” He got up and moved to sit next to her. She leaned forward and he settled next to her, she leaned back against his chest and her head settled against his neck. He was trying not to jar her head at all. “I’m not doing the show tonight. I’m staying here with you.”

“You can’t let the fans down. Please, you need to do the show.”

“Stasia, don’t argue with me. I don’t want you to be alone, and I don’t want to be on stage thinking about you laying here.”

There was a soft knock on her door. “Come in.” She tried to yell, but pain shot through her head. Her hands flew up to her head. “Damn that hurt.”

Chris walked in and walked over to the bed. “Hey Stay-A. How’s the melon?” He was trying hard to smile and joke with her, but there were tears threatening to spill from his eyes again.

“A little sore, but I’ve been told I’ll live.”

He looked at her, and the tears got closer to falling from his eyes, “I’m sorry Stasia...I am so sorry. I should have...I should have gotten there sooner.” A tear rolled down his cheek.

“Chris, stop.” She slowly sat up and held out her hand. Lance helped support her. Chris took her hand and sat on the edge of the bed. She pulled on his arm until she could hug him. “Thank you. Thank you so much. The doctor told me that had you not pushed me out of the way, that blow to my head not only could have killed me, but it WOULD have. This is not your fault.”

He sniffled against her shoulder. “I was so scared. I’m glad you didn’t hear me in the police car, I made a fool out of myself. You would never let me live it down. I don’t think the cop will tell anyone, I hope not...maybe I should talk to him...that could hurt my reputation.” He pulled back and looked into her eyes.

“You’re looking sharp in your doctor duds.” She ruffled his hair.

“They said I can keep ‘em. Maybe I’ll wear them for It Makes Me Ill.”

“They aren’t bedazzled enough.” She slowly sat back against Lance, “Chris I need you to tell him I’m going to be fine while he goes to do the show.”

“We were just talking out in the hall and we think we should cancel the show, we’ll reschedule.”

“Get the rest of the guys, NOW.” The look she leveled at him, had him up, and out in the hall gathering the rest of the guys.

They quietly walked into the room and they each walked over and hugged her. Justin kissed her cheek, “If you wanted attention, there are better ways to get it. How soon before I’m kicking your butt on the basketball court again?”

“Funny.” She held her forehead.

“Hey you.” JC hugged her gently. “You frightened the hell out of us. Don’t you EVER get knocked on the head again, ok?”

“I’ll try to remember that.” Lance helped her settle back against his chest.

Joey hugged her, “Jake is OK. Johnny has him. I just talked to some police guy who said that Amanda girl is at the police station, they are questioning her right now.”

JC stepped forward again, “I called Jess, and she is on her way. Dani called Mary. Dani is on her way here with Morgan and Angela.”

“So what time is it?” She looked at Justin.

“It’s twenty to six.”

“You guys need to go, you have to be on stage in an hour and a half.”

“Stasia we can’t...”

“Joey HUSH. I want you to go do the show, all five of you.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Lance said matter of factly.

“Yes you are. I need you to do this, let the fans know I’m OK, there were a lot of fans there and I want them to know I’m OK.” She turned to face Lance, “They need to hear that from YOU. They aren’t going to believe it from anyone else.”

They heard voices raised in the hall. “I don’t care if you have a badge. GET OUT OF OUR WAY! We just had to fight that media circus YOU ARE LETTING HAPPEN outside. Why don’t you go do some crowd control while we take care of our friend?”

“Go get them before they assault a police officer.” Stasia rolled her eyes, which she suddenly realized hurt her head.

JC walked to the door and pulled it open just in time to stop Morgan from stomping on a policeman’s foot. “Simmer down bruiser.”

“If they stay with me, will you guys go do the show?”

“Are you sure about this Millie?”

“Positive. Now please go, have Steve tape the show for me.”

Joey nodded, “You’ve got it.”

They all said good-bye and moved out into the hall to let Lance talk to Stasia before he left. “I don’t like leaving you here.”

“I’m fine, and honestly, I am really sleepy.” He shifted out from behind her and helped her settle into the pillows.

He leaned down and kissed her. “Sleep well.”

He walked to the door and her voice stopped him, “James, I love you.”

He literally ran back to her bed and gently gathered her into his arms, “I love you Anastasia, I knew that before, but the thought of losing you, made me realize how far I would go for that love. I need you with me. I NEED YOU!” He kissed the top of her head, her temple, both of her cheeks, and finally her lips.

“Get out of here before I change my mind.” She whispered against his lips.

“Going...I’m going. I will be back immediately after the show. I know they are going to move you, the ER has way to much traffic, the police and our security agree that they can’t properly seal off the area.”

“Can you please send Ron in? How is he?”

“He hasn’t spoken to anyone since you were attacked. He thinks this is his fault, I don’t know what to think.”

“I think everyone is trying to avoid putting the blame where it belongs. He told me to stay away from the fence, and I ignored him. Please get him in here.”

“OK, we are going to have a very long talk later, you know that right?”


“Do you need anything else?”

“I want my own clothes, and my slippers.”

“Are you sure you want those slippers?” He teased.

“Funny. Yes I want my slippers.”

“Your wish is my command.” He kissed her and left the room.

A few minutes later, there was a quiet knock on the door. “Come in.” The door opened slowly, and Ron silently walked through the door. “Hey Big Guy.”

“Feisty, I will be gone tomorrow. I will never be able to make up for what I did to you today.” He was still standing next to the door.

“Ron come here.” He moved to the chair next to the bed, and his eyes slammed shut when he saw the bandage on her head.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Why, because I ignored your instructions and went over to the same fence you told me not to go over to? Because you were busy helping that stage hand and I KNEW IT and I still went somewhere I KNEW I shouldn’t? Because you chased the bastard for more than a mile on foot? Ron, if anyone should be apologizing here, it should be me. You have given me the lecture about keeping my distance from crowds unless you are by my side. Lance has give me the lecture. Lonnie has given me the lecture, and I ignored all of you. Chris thinks this is his fault because he didn’t get to me soon enough. You think it’s your fault because you were busy. Lance thinks it’s his fault because he was inside. I hate to break it to all of you, but there are only two people to blame here, ME and the freak who came up with this idea.”

“It is my job to protect you.”

“You have done everything possible to protect me, but Ron, you can’t hold my hand twenty-four hours a day if I don’t let you. PLEASE tell me you are staying, because if you leave, I will go home, I won’t feel safe with anyone else.”

He raised his big brown eyes to hers, “I would die for you.”

“I don’t ever want that to happen. I’ll make a deal with you. If you stay, I will start to behave myself.”

“You have a deal.” He stood up and smiled, “I’m going to go see what’s up with getting you moved to your room upstairs.”

“Thanks Ron. I’m glad you’re staying.”

“Me too. Do you want me to let the girls in here or do you want some rest?”

“You better let them in, I don’t want to be responsible for them tearing the hospital apart.”

“You’ve got it.” He left the room and she heard him shout, “Hey! You! Doctor guy! I need to get her upstairs where she is safe. What’s going on with that?” Stasia laughed and her hands shot up to her head again.

Dani, Morgan and Angela bust through the door. “Hi guys.”

Dani ran over, “Oh GOD! Stasia! You poor thing! We didn’t know! We were all out. God! I heard on the radio that someone was attacked at the venue. They didn’t know who it was or what the motivation was, just that someone appeared to be seriously injured.”

“Honestly, your are going to have to ask the guys what happened, I didn’t see a thing. I was standing bu the fence, and the next thing I knew, Chris was flying through the air at me, Superman style. Then I woke up here. That’s all I know for sure.”

Morgan’s eyes were flashing, “I hope they don’t let me near the freak! I’ll kick some freak ASS!”

Stasia smiled, “Thanks Mor, but I don’t want any of us getting near him again. Trust me...he packs quite a punch...and he doesn’t play fair. At least we know it IS a guy now, I guess that’s a start.”

Angela took her hand. “Joey said that rude girl from the Meet and Greet was there, that she is the one you were talking to.”

“Yeah. She had another sign. God, what was it she said?” She rubbed her eyes.

“Don’t worry about it now. They are about to move you, we will be going with you, and we will stay as long as you want.” Dani held her friend’s hand.

“Thanks guys. I’m really tired, will you stay if I fall asleep?”

“We aren’t going anywhere, they are going to have to drag us out of here.” Morgan flopped down in a chair and crossed her arms.

Dani sat next to her on the bed, and continued to hold her hand. Stasia’s eyes began to slowly close on their own. The three women in the room exchanged concerned glances. Angela whispered, “Last I heard, they still hadn’t found him.”

“I know, I’m going to go talk to that cop outside.” Morgan whispered. She silently got up and went out into the hall. “Officer, hi, I’m here with Stasia, and I was just wondering if they have caught the guy who did this yet.”

“Are you the same girl who was trying to stomp on my feet earlier?” He raised an eyebrow at her.

“Um...yeah...sorry about that, I was a little upset.”

“I noticed. It’s ok, I’m sorry we tried to keep you out. And to answer your question, no, we haven’t found him yet, but we are confident we will.” He glanced up at the doors when three people came walking in at a very fast pace. The group seemed to be led by a middle aged woman, dressed in a black pant suit, with a crisp white blouse. Two stone faced men were following closely behind her, both of them were dressed in dark suits with light shirts and plain ties.

“Miss, why don’t you go sit with your friend? We are about to get her moved upstairs. We’ll come get you when we’re ready.” He was still eyeing the people who had gone straight to the information desk. Morgan obeyed, figuring that some press had just walked in and he wanted to clear the area before Stasia was moved.

As soon as the door closed behind Morgan, it flew open again, almost knocking her over. The woman who had just stormed into the ER was standing there, her three quarter length jacket swinging around her, but now she had a badge clearly displayed on her pocket. “Who is Dani?”

All three of the girls had huge eyes, and Morgan and Angela moved to stand at the foot of the bed to shield Stasia from anyone who may be there to harm her. Dani’s arm tightened protectively around Stasia’s sleeping shoulders. “I’m Dani, and WHO may I ask are YOU?”

“Mary Grant. FBI, friend of Stasia.” The three girls relaxed visibly. “Who did you think I was?”

“We had no idea. Sorry, we didn’t mean to be rude, we’re all just a little on edge. Stasia will be happy you’re here. I’m Dani, we spoke on the phone earlier.”

“Thanks for the call. I’ve talked to the police, have you guys seen or heard anything new?”

Morgan relaxed completely and moved to the chair she had been sitting in earlier. “I just talked to the cop out there, he said they haven’t found the guy but they are confident that they will.”

“I bet they are.” Mary rolled her eyes and sat in another chair. “Same cops who botched the Olympic bombing. I just bet their confident.”

Angela’s jaw dropped. “You don’t think they are going to catch him?”

“Not without our help.” She picked a piece of lint off of her sleeve. “I’m not going to let them drop the ball on this one. One of my friends got attacked this time, there’s no screwing around. I know they are questioning some girl. What’s the deal there?”

Angela cleared her throat, “She has been at...three that right Dani?” Dani nodded in agreement. “She was at the Meet and Greet in Little Rock, she made a rude comment about Stasia, through her little sister, at least the girl said she was her sister. Then she wanted the guys to autograph this sign she had that said Stasia was a bitch, the guys refused to sing it.”

“Sounds like a sweetheart.” Mary shook her head.

“So Joey told me she was there where it happened, and Stasia said that the girl was the reason she walked over to the fence in the first place. Do you want to write any of this down?”

“No need. So, I guess I need to talk to the lovely young lady.”

Stasia started to roll over in her sleep, but the moment the cut on her head touched the pillow, she was wide awake, “OW! DAMN IT!” Dani held her against her side as she settled down, she finally noticed Mary sitting in the chair smiling at her. “Mary. Hi. I didn’t expect to see you here. How are you?”

“Not bad, a little on the angry side. I don’t like getting calls that you head your head bashed in. How are you feeling?”

“My head hurts and I’m really sleepy, but other than that, I’m fine...ANGRY AS A HORNET...but fine.”

“I wouldn’t expect any other reaction out of you.” The older woman smiled, “So much like me.”

Stasia’s eyes fluttered open when she heard the door open. She didn’t recognize her surroundings at all. She looked around, and saw happy circus animals painted on the walls. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t seeing things that weren’t really there. There were three other beds in the room, which was darkened. She could see flowers on several tables in the room. She pulled the cord laying on the pillow next to her head. “Hey sleeping beauty.”

Lance was standing at the foot of her bed, still wearing his costume from the end of the show and he still had on all of his make-up. “Hey. You really did come straight here didn’t you?”

“I promised you I would. I packed our stuff before the show, which started a little late, because they couldn’t control Justin’s hair.”

“Lance, the outfit is great on stage, but for normal street wear, don’t you think it’s a bit much?” Morgan teased. Stasia hadn’t even noticed the group of people sitting in the corner of the room.

“It looks better when we’re in a group.” Justin joked as he walked in. All five of the guys were standing at the foot of her bed, dressed in their costumes.

“Guys, you could have at least shower, her head hurts as is, no need to make her throw up as well.” Dani rolled her eyes and pushed at Chris as he walked over to kiss her.

All the guys looked over at Mary, not knowing who the woman was. Lance noticed them staring at her. “MARY! Hi!” He jogged over and shook her hand. “Guys! This is Mary Grant.”

Chris stepped forward, “FBI lady. Hi. I’m Chris.” He shook her hand.

Each guy walked over and shook her hand as they introduced themselves. She was impressed with how polite they all were.

Stasia looked around again, “Can someone please tell me I am not imagining the animals on the walls.”

Angela laughed, “You are in the children’s ward. Mary and the hospital guy thought this was the safest place to put you, not to mention it was the only place they had an empty room big enough to accommodate all of us. For some strange reason they don’t want us wandering around the halls.”

“I can’t imagine why not.” Stasia smiled. “Did you say anything to the fans?” She looked at Lance.

“Yes I did.” He smiled.

“Do I want to know?”

“Steve taped it if you want to see it.”

“Yeah. I’d like that. Hey, did you bring my pajamas?”

“And the stupid slippers.”

“I want to change before I do anything else.”

Dani stood up and said, “I’ll help you.” All five guys walked out into the hall immediately, without a word. Dani helped her slowly stand up and make her way to the bathroom. When she had changed into her own pajamas, and Dani had very carefully helped her brush through her long hair, being remarkably gentle on the left side of her head. Stasia felt ten times better. Dani helped her climb back into the bed.

“Thanks Dani.”

“No problem, I’ll go get the guys.”

Lance walked through the door first and straight to her bed where he sat next to her and whispered, “I had a hard time finding your pajamas...some how all of MY pajama tops were in your suitcase.” He kissed her cheek when she blushed.

Lance’s phone rang, “Hello.”


Lance looked up put his hand over the phone and said, “Get someone from security downstairs, they won’t let Jess in and she’s about to kill a cop.” he turned back to the phone and said, “JC’s on it. Sit tight.” JC sprinted from the room.


“Jess calm down.”


He turned and smiled at Stasia, “Jess is here.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head, “So I heard.”

“So we all heard!” Morgan laughed. Justin stood up and stretched, “The nurse at the desk out there said we could use the doctor’s lounge to shower. Anyone else need to get this crap of their face?”

Lance looked down at Stasia, “Can you handle Jess on your own for a few minutes?”

“ you have your gun on you?”

“Yeah.” Mary patted the small of her back.

“Yes, I can handle Jess for a few minutes, but please hurry.” She looked at him with fear in her eyes.

“You’ve got it.” he kissed her and grabbed the bag he had packed for the two of them and followed the other three guys out of the room.

They could hear her coming. Poor JC was getting an ear full on the way to her room. Some poor nurse had tried to shush her, and most likely was now in need of some medical attention of her own. They door burst open, and there, in all her blazing glory, stood Jess, next to a pitiful looking JC.

Stasia smiled weakly, “Hi Jess. JC, they guys went down to the doctor’s lounge to shower.”

“He smiled at her gratefully, “Thanks Stasia. I’ll be right back.”

“HI JESS? HI JESS? THAT’S IT?” Jess was standing with her hands on her hips.

Stasia’s hands flew up to her head, clutching her ears, trying to stop the throbbing. “Jessica. Stop screaming. I have a headache.”

“What happened?” Jess ran over and hugged Stasia tightly. “I have never been so frightened. JC called me and said you were attacked outside the venue, and that you were in the hospital.”

“Jess, seriously, the best person to ask what happened is Chris. All I know is I got hit on the head, got fifteen stitches and one HELL of a headache.” She hugged her friend tightly. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“Where else would I be? Can I tell you what a huge pain it was trying to get a flight?”

“I can imagine.” She leaned back against the pillows.

The guys walked through the door, Chris was wearing a new set of scrubs, complete with matching hat and surgical mask, he was in the process of snapping on a pair of rubber gloves. “The doctors here are cool. Oh, hi Jess.”

She stood up and walked straight for Lance, “LANCE!”

He began backing away from her, no one expected him to say what he did next, “Jess, just back off. NO ONE blames me more than I do, so just lay off!” Everyone stared.

“Harry.” Stasia said softly.

“No Darlin’. I’m serious. No one blames me more than I blame myself.” He couldn’t look at her.

Jess pushed his chest until he sat down hard on one of the spare beds. “No one is blaming you for anything you dork! The only thing you are guilty of is not being able to control her.” She pointed at Stasia, “And TRUST me, no one understands how difficult that is, better than I do! Do you HONESTLY think you could have stopped her from walking over to that fence had she wanted to? DREAM ON! She would have done it just to spite you had you told her to stop.”


“Shut up Anastasia! I’ll deal with you when you head hurts less. You know for a fact I’m the only one is this room who is going to put the blame where it belongs.” She turned back to Lance, “What I was GOING to say before you tried to shift the guilt off of her shoulders and onto yours is: I know how terrifying it is to find out she’s gotten herself into trouble AGAIN. Are you OK?” Her arms wrapped around him tightly.

He was stiff for a moment, then his arms went around her small frame. For the first time, since Justin had pulled him out of the venue, Lance’s emotions hit him full force. He began shaking violently. “I thought I had lost her Jess.” He whispered against her shoulder.

She was crying, “I know. It’s going to be OK Lance. She is going to be OK, she isn’t going to leave you, she loves you too much.” Her hand ran over his still damp hair.

“Jess, I love her so much.” He sobbed against her shoulder and he clung to her for dear life.

Stasia sobbed, there was nothing in the world that could make her happier, she was watching the two people she loved most, comfort one another. She lost control. She hadn’t cried all day, not due to the fear she felt, or the anger, or the pain. Her hands covered her face and she cried hard. Strong arms went around her and rocked her. She could still hear Lance and Jess sobbing on the other bed.

Joey rocked her gently, and stroked her hair, “Shh. We all love yo, this is just a little overwhelming. They are ok, you are ok. Shh.” He continued to rock her. He whispered, “This is a change, normally it’s me crying on your shoulder. Thank you for letting me be here.” She clutched at his shirt, burying her face further into the bend of his neck.

Dani, Angela and Morgan all began crying. Justin looked down at Morgan, “What are you crying about?”

She stood up and buried her face in his chest, punched his shoulder and said, “I don’t know!”

JC was holding Angela, and Chris was rocking Dani. Mary shook her head, “Oh man!” She stood and walked to the door. She decided to give the family some privacy.

Fifteen minutes and ten wet shoulders later, they were all wiping their eyes when the doctor walked in the room. He looked around at the red eyes and said, “Did you get some bad news?” They all laughed and he looked at them like they were crazy. “I’m going to have to ask you all to go now, Stasia needs to get her rest if she wants to get out of here tomorrow.”

Lance sat on the edge of the bed, and said good-bye to everyone along with Stasia. He gave Jess the key to his room, and she went with the guys. The doctor looked at Lance, “You need to go too son.”

“No. I stay. Security stays. Not a negotiable point.” The look in the young man’s deadly serious green eyes told the doctor there was no point in arguing with him.

“She needs her rest.”

“I’ll see to it that she get’s it.” Lance stood and offered his hand, “Thank you.”

“I’m just doing my job.”

“When you take care of someone I love, as well as you have, you deserve my thanks and undying gratitude and you have them.”

“Well thank you.” He left the young couple in the room. They were both wise beyond their years. “Old souls.”

“Old soul mates.” Mary corrected.

“You know them?”

“Yes. I have never seen a pair like them in my life, they have what most people wait a lifetime to find, and at such a young age.” She smiled.

“Do they know?”

“They have no doubts. It started quickly. It was magnetic, from the very beginning.”

“I feel old. I feel like I’ve missed out on a lot.”

“You can’t help feeling that way around them. This entire group of young people seems to be magical. I have no idea how they all wound up in the same place in time, but it was meant to be. Did you see the way they all support one another?”

“Honestly, in the beginning I thought the short guy was her boyfriend, he’s the one that brought her in. He was seriously destroyed. I thought I was going to have to medicate him.”

“Stasia is an easy girl to love. Anyone in that room earlier would die for her, and she would die for any of them. Sadly, she is the one with the stalker.”

“I hope you catch this guy.”

“I will.” There was a fire in her eyes and he had no doubt she would find the man who did this.

Lance was lounging back in a chair in the corner of the room with an enormous smile plastered on his face. His elbows were resting on the arms of his chair, fingers laced together. He fought the urge to chuckle as she shifted impatiently again.

Stasia was sitting up on the edge of the bed. She had been dressed since she had been given the go ahead to take a shower four hours earlier. She had been, showered, packed and ready to walk out the door within half an hour. The doctor told her she only had to cover the stitches with a bandage for the rest of the day, tomorrow Lance would be allowed to help her remove the dressing. She was swinging her legs as the doctor was trying very hard to shine a light into her eyes.

“Ms. Blake...”


“Stasia, this would go much faster if you could sit still for a moment.”

“Sorry.” Lance finally laughed, and she shot him a dirty look.

His phone rang, “Who haven’t we heard from in the last five minutes?”

“Fifty bucks says it’s looking at caller ID.” She rolled her eyes, and her hand shot up to her forehead.

“You may want to lay off the eye rolling for a while.” The doctor smiled at her.

“You might as well ask her to lay off the breathing for a while.” Lance got another dirty look. “OK...Fifty buck on Justin right?” He said as the phone ran for the third time. “Hello?” He smiled and nodded, “Hi J. Yeah, we will be leaving soon...I know...we are going to the venue...yeah...I’ll call when we leave here...OK...bye.”

“Fifty...I’ll add it to your tab.” She smiled brightly.

“Are you really going to make him pay up?” The doctor asked as he slipped his pen light into his pocket.

“HECK YEAH! He’d make me pay him!”

“Yes I would.” Lance smiled and walked over to sit down next to her on the bed.

The doctor laughed. “Well are free to go young lady. You are going to have a headache for a while, when it gets bad lay down, if it gets really bad, you take one of the pills I gave you. Did you hear that Lance? You keep an eye on her, something tells me she may try to push herself.”

“I’ve got it doctor. She will be good, I’ll see to it.”

“Oh you will?” She gave him another dirty look, then smiled, “Believe me doctor, I will behave myself. I think I learned my lesson this time.”

“Well I’m glad to hear that. Here is my card if you have any questions. You are going to have to have those stitches removed in a few weeks, when you know where you’ll be, give me a call and I’ll put you in touch with someone I know.”

“Thank you!” She stood up and hugged him.

“It has been a pleasure.”

Lance shook his hand firmly, “Thank you.”

The doctor walked out of the room, then stuck his head back in, “You are free to go whenever you are ready, did I mention that?”

“Yes! I’m right behind you!” She smiled.

Lance picked up her bag off of the bed, slung it over his shoulder and took her hand in his. “Let’s get you out of here.” They walked out into the hall and were met by Lonnie, Ron, Jay, Dre, Anthony and Mike, as well as two FBI agents.

Stasia laughed, “Overkill anyone?”

Ron smiled down at her, “You haven’t seen the crowd outside yet.”

“Who is with the rest of the guys?” She eyed them.

“We left Morgan and Jess in charge.” Ron threw his arm around her shoulder.

She laughed, “We better hurry, they could all be dead by now.”

She looked down at her clothes, Lance had packed a pair of khaki pants, a long sleeved black v-neck t-shirt, a black belt and a pair of black loafers. She didn’t think she’d ever worn this combination before, but she like it. She looked up at him, “Thanks for bringing my stuff last night.”

Lonnie held a plastic bag in his hands. She looked at him, “What have you got there?”

“Your clothes from yesterday.” He moved the bag to his other hand.

She didn’t think anything of it, they got on the elevator and rode down to the main floor. Ron spoke to her as they stepped off of the elevator, “There is a big crowd, and we’ve got the limos waiting. Are you ready?”

“Yep. I have an army of security around me. I’m pretty sure I’m ready.” She smiled reassuringly at them.

Two guards moved in front of she and Lance, Lonnie moved to Lance’s side, Ron moved next to Stasia, two guards stepped behind them. The FBI agents, walked one in front of the group, one behind. When the doors automatically opened in front of them, the screams started. Stasia’s head felt like it was going to split in two, but she was amazed by the signs wishing her well and people surrounding the hospital. Lance’s arm moved around her waist and cameras began flashing in every direction. She looked around herself and then at Lance, “Why are there so many people here?”

He smiled and laughed, “Millie, they were worried about you. They are here to wish you well.”


“Yeah you. Wave to your public Miss Blake.”

Mike and Dre moved apart slightly so she could see the crowd, and they could see her. She raised her hand slightly and smiled. The crowd went wild. Ron opened the car door and they got in. Lonnie a Ron rode with Lance and Stasia, the rest of the group got into a limo parked in fort of theirs.

Stasia rested her head on Lance’s shoulder. “It was sweet of them to be here, but MAN my head hurts now.”

“God, I didn’t even think about that. I’m sorry Darlin’.” He kissed the top of her head. “OH! Justin.” He pulled out his phone and hit speed dial. “J, we just left. You should see the people here. Yeah, we’ll be there in a little while...She’s OK, the crowd screaming made her head hurt, but other than that, she’s OK.”

They arrived at the venue and again, the crowd went wild when they saw her. She waved and they moved her inside quickly. “How’s the head?”

“Much better.”

“Good. Are you hungry?”

“Is there ever a time I’m not?” She smiled.

“Good point, let’s go down and get some food before you lay down.”

“The whole laying down thing is debatable, but I’m with you on the food.” He held her hand tightly as they walked into the cafeteria.

“WELCOME HOME!” Was loudly whispered. The entire crew was there, all five guys, Johnny, Lance’s parents, Stacy and Ford, Jess, Dani, Angela, Morgan even Lyn was there. Everyone was smiling brightly. Jake wiggled out of Joey’s arms and ran across the floor, Lance bent down and picked him up quickly, then handed him to Stasia.

“What on Earth!” She looked around completely shocked. She looked at Lance in amazement.

“Don’t look at me. Look at Joe, Chris, JC and Justin. I was at the hospital with you.” He smiled.

The guys had brought in all of her favorite food, there was a spread of Mexican food unlike anything she had ever seen before. There was a big chocolate cake, with chocolate icing and M & M’s on top, she knew Jess was responsible that.

Diane and Jim rushed over to her and enveloped her in a big bear hug. Diane Kissed her head, “You poor thing! I’ve been praying so hard!”

“Thank you!” Stasia hugged the two of them.

“Move it Momma!” Stacy pushed her way over. She hugged Stasia and said, “Scared the devil out of us!”

“I’m sorry.”

“Just don’t do it again.”

“I won’t.”

Lyn walked over and hugged her, “Hey you! If you wanted me to take a day off of school to visit you, you could have just ASKED?”

“I’ll try to remember that the next time I’m missing you.”

“Nice bandage, noone can work gauze quite like you can!”

Stasia modeled her bandage for her, “Don’t get used to it, I get to take it off tomorrow.”


Lance put his hand on the small of her back, “Why don’t you sit? They are all going to come over anyway.”

“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.”

Joey walked over with a plate full of food. “Starve a fever, feed a bunch of stitches.”

She laughed, “Is THAT how it goes?”

“Yes.” He sat across form her. “How’s the headache?”

“It’s there, but now it’s just sort of a dull pain, not like yesterday when I was sure my brain was trying to crawl out.” They sat in the cafeteria for the next few hours, everyone in the room came over to talk to her. She was shocked at how many of the crew members not only knew who she was but said that they were going to be on the look out for the guy that did this to her.

Lance never left her side, he sat next to her and chatted with the crew and his family. He never lost contact with her, his hand was either on the small of her back, around her shoulders, holding her hand or resting on her leg. Somewhere in the back of his mind he thought that if he kept touching her, if he was always right there, she couldn’t get hurt again, noone could ever get near her again.

He watched every moved she made. Every smile on her face brought him joy and every time she winced in pain, he felt that as well. The sideways glances at him, excited him. When she threw her head back and laughed at Chris and Justin arguing, then yelled at them for hurting her head, he couldn’t help but laugh.

After three hours, he could see that she was trying to remain interested in a conversation she was having with one of the lighting guys, but her smile was weaker and she kept rubbing the back of her head. He stood up and said, “Millie, I promised the doctor you would lay down for a while.”

She looked at him gratefully, “You’re right.” She stood next to him and said, “I want to thank all of you. This means more to me than you will ever know.” Lance led her out of the cafeteria and to his dressing room, which resembled a florist’s shop.

“What on Earth?” She turned around.

“Some are from the hospital, you saw those. Some are from the crew. Some are from fans. That enormous bunch of roses is from Jive. Carson and some girl named Tara sent you the white roses, we’ll have to find out who she is later. Momma and Daddy sent you the spring flowers over there, Stacy and Ford sent the plant. Each of the guys, along with their counter parts, sent a bouquet. The tulips, are from me.” There were at least ten dozen tulips, in various vases all over the room.

“I love you, Harry.”

“I love you, Millie. Now lay down and take a nap.” He help her get settled on the couch, with Jake, and then watched her sleep until Lonnie came to get him for hair and make-up.

(Later that evening) Stasia was in Lance’s dressing room writing Thank You notes, when she heard Lance speaking to the crowd. “I am going to ask you to do something I never thought I would. We want to do something, but we need your help.”

The door to the dressing room opened and Chris and Justin walked in. “What are you doing? You’re in the middle of a show!” She looked up at them in shock.

“We know, come on.” They pulled her to her feet and dragged her out of the room. Ron and Lonnie were both waiting outside the door to walk her to the stage.

Lance went on, “We need you to be silent. Perfectly quiet.”

Joey walked out with JC and stood with Lance, “Guys. You know our friend Stasia was hurt here yesterday, and we want to dedicate the next song to her, but it has to be quite out here. She got hit on the head, and the screaming ACTUALLY causes her pain right now.”

JC walked to the front of the stage, “OK, let’s hear it Atlanta!” The crowd fell silent. “Way to go! Now as soon as the song is over, we are going to get her off stage and back to the dressing room, where we have a camera set up for her to watch the rest of the show. Then you can cheer and let her know you’re happy she’s OK.”

Justin and Chris walked on stage with Stasia between them. They helped her up onto a stool. The moment she heard the first note, she looked right al Lance, who grinned. The guys stood around her and JC began:

You sheltered me from harm
You kept me warm, you kept me warm
You gave my life to me
You set me free, you set me free
The finest years I ever knew
Were all the years I had with you

JC Hugged her from behind as he sang.

And I would give everything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own

Joey held her hand and they swayed back and forth.

Just to have you back again

Justin stepped forward and Joey passed him her hand.

You taught me how to love
What it's of, what it's of
You never said too much
But still you showed the way
And I knew from watching you
Nobody else could ever know
The part of me that can't let go

And I would give everything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own

Chris took her hand from Justin and looked between Lance and Stasia.

Is there someone you know
Loving them so
Taking them all
For granted
You may lose them one day
Someone takes them away
And they don't hear the words you long to say

Lance took her hand helped her stand, and stood facing her, he looked deeply into her eyes.

Baby, my love for you will always be true
That's right
Cuz there's no me, without you

A purely evil grin spread across his face, he pulled her tightly against his chest looked deeply into her eyes and watched her eyes double in size when he started to repeat his part again.

Baby, my love for you will always be true
That's right
Cuz there's no me, without you

She flushed to the most beautiful shade of bright red he had ever seen. He kissed her lightly as he stepped behind her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against his chest. He chuckled at the look of shock in her eyes.

And I would give everything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own

Lance took her hand and led her off of the stage. He kissed her firmly, “The guys had no clue why I wanted to sing that song, or why I insisted on repeating my part, but I know you are fond of it. I thought you might like to hear it twice...I would have done it five or six time...but they may have caught on.” He still had a mischievous smile.

“You are evil!” She smiled and kissed him.

“I know, but it’s a good kind of evil.” She was so confused when he led her to Chris’s dressing room where all of the girls were waiting for her. He kissed her again and ran out the door. “I’ve got to go to work!”

The guys had put a lot of thought into this whole plan, they had chosen Chris’s dressing room, because it was furthest from the crowd, it was the quietest place for her to watch the rest of the concert. The girls, who could have been sitting in the front row, or in the VIP section, had all chosen to come watch the show on the monitor set up for Stasia.

He ran onto the stage and yelled, “THANK YOU ATLANTA! Now SCREAM if you want to tell Stasia you’re glad she’s OK!” The crowd went crazy. They went on with the concert and Stasia settled into the little party she was being given in Chris’s dressing room. Jess sat down next to her and handed her a piece of cake.

“The popstar is a keeper.” She hugged her friend.

Dani laughed, “They all are.”

As Bye Bye Bye started, Ron and Lonnie came in, “Time to go.”

Ron carried her bags for her, helped her get settled on the bus with Jess, Dani, Jake, Busta and Korea. She went into the bathroom and put on her pajamas. She curled up on one of the couches with her book, Jake and her quilt which had magically appeared, folded neatly on the couch. She looked up from her book and out the window. The crowd was huge, a roar ripped through the fans when the guys ran out of the venue waving.

Jess was already quietly talking on the phone with Brent and Dani was hopping around on one foot, brushing her hair and trying to get her sock on when Chris and Lance climbed on the bus.

She watched as Lance gathered his things for the shower. She smiled happily at the realization that everything he did was beautiful to her. He glanced up and smiled at her, she stood up, kissed him and threw her quilt into his bunk. “Are you sleepy?” He pushed her hair back over her shoulder and kissed her neck.

“A little. Are you still pumped from the show?” She gently touched her lips to his.

“Yeah.” His breath was warm against the soft skin of her neck.

“Good, then hurry up, shower and come to bed.” His jaw dropped, she giggled, and climbed up into his bunk.

~Chapter Twenty-Five~