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Chapter 29

Stasia had sniffled and cried her way through the details of her conversation with his Momma, now he was watching her sleep with her head on a pillow on his lap. Jake was snuggled up against her chest and her fingertip were laying lightly on the necklace his mother had given her. With each, even breath his heart swelled.

Sitting in the silence of the hotel room they were sharing, Lance reflected on the roller coaster ride they had been on since they had arrived in New York. The gag they pulled on the other guys, the tabloid photographer in Central Park. He couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that Stasia had been closest with the headline that had run in the paper. It had read, in huge black letters, ‘TWO MEMBER OF NSYNC SHARING ONE WOMAN’. She had done her ‘happy dance’ as they all paid off on the bet.

The shows had gone perfectly, they had arrived back at the hotel from the after party. Stasia had told him the story about his mother and promptly drifted off to sleep. Lance’s thoughts drifted back to the events immediately before the show. The joy of Stasia and his mother bonding so completely was tempered slightly by the conversation he had just finished with Danielle.

He had been shocked to see her there in the first place, and then to have her acting so rudely toward Stasia had really upset him. As soon as Stasia and Lyn had left the room, Britney had excused herself as well, leaving him standing face to face with his ex-girlfriend. Danielle had immediately turned on every bit of pressure she could.

“Lance, I’ve missed you.” She pouted and laid her palm flat on his chest.

“It’s good to see you too, Danielle.” He took a few steps back to sit on the back of the couch.

“Are you trying to avoid me? You didn’t used to avoid me, do you remember when you used to kiss me? Do you remember how much you liked it?” She walked to stand in front of him again.

“Danielle, I think that you need to understand that I’m with someone else now, someone I love.”

“She can’t possibly understand you like I can. I’m a celebrity. I know what your life is like, I’m sympathetic. She is just an assistant. She doesn’t understand what you go through.”

“She isn’t just an assistant, she basically runs Free Lance. And I hate to break it to you, but she understands me better than anyone in the world. You forget that we spend twenty-four hours a day together. She knows what it’s like to be a celebrity, because she has been thrust into the spotlight, and has handled it perfectly.”

“Lance, we were good together.”

“Danielle, we were never able to BE together. Our careers kept us apart too much. I’m sorry, I honestly don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I’m in love with Stasia.”

“You should be with me. I’m done with the show, we can be together now. I could come on tour with you.”

“And what may I ask, would you suggest I do with my girlfriend?”

“She works for you silly! Send her back to Mississippi.”

“That isn’t going to happen. I really would like for you and I to be friends, but for that to happen, you are going to have to accept the fact that Stasia and I are together.”

That was when she kissed him. He had actually had to flip himself over the back of the couch to get away from her. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

“I’m trying to remind you what you’re missing! You can’t tell me you didn’t feel anything.”

“Honestly, I’m sorry, but I DIDN’T!” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, “I know what it’s like to kiss someone you are completely in love with, and it doesn’t feel like that.”

“Excuse me? You are honestly trying to tell me you are choosing HER over ME?”

“That is what I’ve been trying to tell you since Brit walked out the door.”

“You have blown it! We’re through!” She stormed out the door.

Lance was left, with his back on the sofa cushions, his legs in the air, scratching his head, “OK.”

He gently ran his hand over Stasia’s hair. A smile slowly tugged at the corners of his mouth, it felt so good to know in his heart, that he had made exactly the right decision. He hadn’t even hesitated of a quarter of a second when it came to defending his relationship with Stasia. He just KNEW that they were right together. He had said it before, and he was sure he’d say it again, but she completed him.

He glanced at his watch and groaned, he had to be up in four hours to get ready for the Today Show. He nudged Jake who opened one eye and then stretched and yawned. He hopped down off of the couch and Lance laughed as he heard him leap up onto the bed. He gently pulled Stasia tightly to his chest, slipped his arm under her knees and pushed himself up, letting the pillow she had been sleeping on fall to the floor.

He carried her across the room and laid her on the bed. He glanced around the room and then scratched his head. He couldn’t very well let her sleep in khaki pants, her shoes, belt and sweater set. He pulled off her shoes, after all, that was harmless. He sat down next to her and gently pulled her up into a sitting position. He slipped off her cardigan sweater and tossed it onto her suitcase. He was holding her up with one arm and trying to undress her with the other. He undid her belt and pulled it through the belt loops he held it in front of himself and marveled at how small it was. Now he was faced with a dilemma. He knew that if he woke her up to change her clothes, she would be wide awake for at least an hour, that was the danger of waking her up. He also knew that she was sleeping soundly, and wouldn’t wake up if he finished changing her clothes for her. He took a deep breath and decided not to wake her.

He grabbed the nearest thing that would be comfortable for her to sleep in, which was the t-shirt he was planning on wearing the next day. He carefully pulled the t-shirt over her head and down to her waist, then he put his hands in through the arm hole and grabbed the hem of her sweater. He pulled up, then pulled each of her arms out of the sweater. He slipped the sweater out of thee neck hole of his t-shirt and smiled at his progress.

He pulled back the covers and laid her head on her pillow. He pulled the t-shirt down and laughed when it reached her knees. His hands went under the fabric of the t-shirt and landed on the button of her pants. Lance looked over at Jake who was watching him closely, “Buddy, I honestly thought the first time I did this, she’d be awake.” Jake cocked his head to the side, “Never mind.”

He unbuttoned and unzipped her pants and carefully slide them down the length of her remarkably smooth legs, he guiltily took in the pleasure of running his hands down her legs. He slid the fabric off of her feet and then pulled the covers up to her chin. He folded her pants neatly and set them on her suitcase.

Lance went into the bathroom, changed into his pajama bottoms, brushed his teeth and then shut off all of the lights in the room, he was just climbing into bed when someone knocked on the door. He looked down at Stasia, sleeping soundly in his t-shirt, and then at the door. Maybe whoever it is will go away. There was another knock.

He stood up and quietly padded across the room to the door. He pulled it open to find JC standing there in his pajamas. “What’s wrong JC?”

“Is Stasia still up?”

“No she crashed about an hour ago. She still needs a lot of sleep, since Garret smacked her head against that cinder block wall, she’s been getting headaches once in a while.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I guess I’ll just try to talk to her tomorrow.” JC started to walk away, but Lance grabbed his arm.

“Hey, I know I’m not as good at listening as Stasia is, but if you need to talk, I’d like to help.”

“Are you sure? We’re supposed to be up in a couple of hours.”

“Hey, you need the sleep more than I do, if whatever it is, is important enough for you to miss out on sleep, it’s important enough for me to listen.” He grabbed a sweatshirt and a pair of socks out of his bag and took his keycard off of the dresser. He pulled on the sweatshirt as he walked out into the hall. No one was around except for Jay sitting quietly at one end of the hall and Mike sitting at the other. He looked around and then pointed at the floor, JC shrugged and they both sat on the floor, leaning on opposite walls.

“So what’s up? You OK?” Lance pulled on his socks.

“I don’t know. I’ve been thinking a lot about something Stasia said to me, and it’s been bugging me.”

“I’m sure she didn’t want whatever she said to bother you.” He extended his legs and crossed them at the ankle.

“I know that, she was, in her own little way, trying to make me think, which is what I’ve been doing. The thing is, I’m just as confused now, as I was before.”

“So what were you guys talking about?”

“I told her that I like watching you two together, I like hearing the way you talk to each other, because it give me hope that maybe one day I can find what you have. She said that she believes that everyone has a soul mate, and that sometimes it’s someone you have known since you were six and get to spend your whole lives together, sometimes it’s someone you meet when you are twenty-six and it hits you like a ton of bricks.”

“Man she’s right, it’s like you’re walking down the street one day, and your other half just walks right up and suddenly, you a whole, even though you didn’t know you were missing anything.”

“That’s not the part that has me so confused. She also said that there are people who already love me in spite of who I am.”

A slow smile crept across Lance’s face, he had to give her credit, she had drawn a huge arrow in Lyn’s direction, without saying a thing. “She’s right you know.”

“That’s the thing, I know she’s right...face it, she’s always right. But what I can’t figure out is, why I feel like I missing something.”

“There’s something nagging at the back of your mind, but you can’t quite put a finger on it...right?”

“EXACTLY! How’d you know?”

“I went through the same thing with Stasia. I SHOULD have known the minute I saw her at the airport in Hawaii that I was supposed to be with her. I mean, I noticed the eyes, but I was too wound up in thinking I wanted Danielle, thinking I couldn’t be someone’s boyfriend because of what we do, thinking I couldn’t see someone who I work with in that way. I was so busy thinking, it took me forever to realize I was already falling in love with her. Have you heard the story about Harry and Millie?”

“No, I have been curious where that came from.”

“We were doing laundry together, and there was an old couple there, doing their laundry, we were making up a conversation for them, we were laughing and teasing each other, when I accidentally kissed her. So then the old couple walked over to talk to us and said we reminded them of themselves at our age, the way we laughed and looked at one another. Their names were Mildred and Harry. We jokingly started using the names for one another, and it stuck...odd pet names huh?”

“You accidentally kissed her?” JC raised an eyebrow at him.

“Yeah, we were making up the conversation, like I said. So I was faking a kiss and she was squirming, and our lips touched.”

“OK, but I don’t know what this has to do with me.”

“Oh yeah, I didn’t mention why this applies. See my point was, Stasia and I were just doing laundry, just hanging out, and in an instant, everything changed. The second my lips connected with hers, my world exploded. SO, my point is Stasia is right, she was right under my nose, and I never noticed. You could already know who you are meant to be with, you just need a Mildred and Harry to push you in the right direction.”

“So does that mean I need to go seek out old people?”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I was saying!”

“Do I detect a note of sarcasm?” JC sighed, “So what you’re saying is, it will happen when it happens, but don’t miss it because I’m being a total idiot like you were.”

“I don’t think I would have worded it like that, but yes, that is basically what I was saying. You never know when it’s going to hit you, but when it does, it’s worth the me.”

“I do.”

“Well, on that note, I’m going to get a few hours sleep so I can be ready for the Today Show. Also, there is a beautiful woman laying in my bed, and I would like to go watch her sleep.”

“Sounds like a plan. Hey Lance, thanks. You are no Stasia, but you helped. Thanks.”

“It was my pleasure.”

He pushed the door shut, locked it, pulled his sweatshirt off and finally climbed into bed next to Stasia. Even in her sleep, she instinctively curled up against his side and snuggled her face in the area next to his neck.

When the alarm went off, Stasia rolled over and smacked it. Lance groaned and pulled her back against his side. She slipped her leg over his and spread her hand across his stomach. He sleepily kissed her temple. “Morning love.”

He felt her eyelashes flutter open against his chest, and he could feel her smile. “Good morning!” Her voice was bright and she quickly kissed his cheek. “OK, we have to be up twenty minutes ago.”

Stasia threw back the covers and swung her legs out of the bed, she was halfway around the bed on her way to the bathroom when she noticed what she was wearing, “Um...Harry?”

“Yeah?” His eyes were still closed and a smile was pulling at his lips.

“Did...anything...UNUSUAL happen last night?” She looked at herself in the mirror.

“Yeah, actually something unusual did happen. I put you in bed and JC knocked on the door looking for you. I said you were asleep, but if he wanted to talk I’d be happy to. So we sat in the hall for a while and talked. I told him you were right, that you can find your soul mate right under your nose, all you need is a Harold and Mildred to make you notice. I think he thought I was telling him to talk to old people for a while, but I think I explained that Harold and Mildred can be anyone or anything, it’s just whatever makes you open your eyes and realize the amazing person you may have been overlooking.”

She walked back over to the bed and flopped down on top of him, she kissed him several times and then said, “You, my love, are didn’t flat out tell him that he should be with Lyn did you?”

“Nope. I did what you would have done.” He smiled and wrapped his arms around her back.

“OK, so let’s back track a bit here, you put me to bed?”

“Yes I did. You fell asleep on the couch telling me about your conversation with Momma. So I brought you in here.”

“And I got into you t-shirt...HOW?” She was looking down at him with an odd look on her face.

“I was very resourceful. I wish you could have seen it. First I did the shoes, then the cardigan sweater, then the belt. THEN, I pulled the t-shirt on, I put my arms in through the hole the wrong way and pulled the other sweater out through the neck hole...pretty smart huh? Then I laid you down, pulled the shirt down to your knees, and took off your pants. It was all very civilized, I promise you.” He was very proud of himself.

“You are the master of self control.” She kissed his nose.

“No, not really, it’s just that the next time you get undressed with me, I’d like you to be awake, and wanting it to happen.” He raised his eyebrows up and down and waited for her to smack him.

“That’s a very good point.” She got up and walked to the bathroom, leaving him there lying on his back watching her walk away.

When the bathroom door closed he looked at Jake who was curled up with his head on her pillow, “Has she always been so full of surprises?” Jake rolled over and offered his stomach to be scratched.

Stasia emerged from the bathroom in her bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her head, “You’re up.” She began collecting her clothes for the day as Lance went into the bathroom. She was zipping her dress as her phone began ringing.

She checked the called ID and smiled, “Good morning Jamie!”

“HI Stasia! How are you?”

“I’m great. How have you been?”

“Good, we’re all excited about you and Lance coming home for a visit! Are you excited?”

“Very. So how does next week look for Jack? I meant to ask you about his appearances yesterday.”

“He’s busy, Stacy will be with him in Orlando for some appearance on Thursday and Friday.”

“Ok, so what can I do for you? I forgot you called me.” She laughed as she found her shoe.

“OH! Right...two things. I have that press release Johnny and Lance called about ready, and I FedExed your mail yesterday, so expect it this afternoon.”

“Jamie, what press release are you talking about?”

Lance came crashing out of the bathroom, wet and holding a towel around his waist. “JAMIE! SHUT UP!” Stasia stared at him as if he’d lost his mind. He grabbed the phone and smiled at Stasia, “I’ll figure this out with her.” He dashed back into the bathroom.


She tied a cardigan around her shoulders and smiled at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a simple red and white sleeveless summer dress, with a white cardigan that had little red flowers embroidered around the hem. She had dried her hair and pulled the top back.

Lance walked out of the bathroom, wearing a pair of jeans, he had bare feet and no shirt. “Sorry about that.”

He started to dig through his bag, “Is there something you’d like to tell me about Harry?”

He grinned at her, “”

“Lance it is far too early in the morning to make me angry. Why are you and Johnny doing a press release with Jamie? I normally did them.”

“Yeah, I know, but you were really busy, so we just threw it together .”

“May I see it?” She narrowed her eyes at him.

Lance sighed and straightened, “Millie, I don’t have a copy, and I’m asking you to leave this alone for right now. This is something that we had to do on our own. Trust me, it’s a good thing. Jamie sent it out yesterday, so it will hit the trade papers today. It’s not a major news story, just some changes in structure.” He pulled on his shirt and sat next to her on the bed to put on his shoes and socks.

“Change in structure? OH! Is this the end of the Bill fall out?”

“Yeah.” What she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. “We have got to go.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door.

The Today Show went very well, Stasia honestly didn’t think she had ever seen so many people in one place at one time in her life. Once again, the guys set an attendance record. Matt Lauer was very sweet to her and she had a long talk with Katie Couric.

In the van on the way back to the hotel JC was flipping through some newspaper, “Ah...Lance?”

“Yeah?” He yawned.

“Why didn’t you mention this?” He pointed to an article titled, Free Lance Entertainment Group Restructures “We should celebrate this! Congratulations Stasia!”

Lance started to smile, “She doesn’t know JC.”

“She doesn’t? Wow!”

Justin leaned forward, “What gossip am I missing?” JC pointed to the article, “COOL! We need to throw a party.”

“The last thing you guys need to do is throw ANOTHER party. Now may I see why everyone is talking about me?”

JC handed her the paper and Lance watched her expression very closely. She put on her glasses and began reading, “What the...” She was quiet again, until she looked over the top of the paper, “Lance?”


“Why does this say that I am now the Executive Vice President in charge of business operations?” She folded the paper in her lap and took off her glasses.

“Because you are.” He smiled. “Johnny and I met with Momma, Stacy, Daddy and Ford when they arrived yesterday, after lunch, and that’s when we decided.”


“Millie, you run the show, we all know it, we wanted to give you some recognition for everything you do. You never had a technical title before, now you do.”

“Lance, you put me at the same level as your Momma and Stacy.”

“I’m aware of that.” He was smiling brightly, watching her try to process all of this information.


“Nope, it’s too late for buts. It’s done, we voted, it was unanimous.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“I know, I’m amazing aren’t I?” Justin and JC both laughed.

“Your head is getting awfully big.” She smiled at him and hugged him, “Thank you.”

“You deserve it.” He kissed her.

Stasia, Dani, Morgan, Lyn and Angela were sitting at a table in the corner of the room. The guys were all over the room talking to other celebrities and press about the basketball game they would be playing the following day. They were laughing and they all were leaning in talking quietly.

Dani was laughing, “Did you see the looks on their faces? I swear! I thought they were all going to die! Chris thought it was the funniest thing he had ever seen, he wanted to know when we got together to practice their moves.”

“You know what’s funny? Lance never really made a comment. He laughed at the time, he had that big proud grin, and that was it. I guess we’d have to sing ourselves to get a reaction out of him.”

“That would seriously be a riot! We should! I think they would think it was the funniest thing ever! We should put on a little show for them.” Morgan’s face lit up as she was talking about it.

“RIGHT! How are we going to do that?” Lyn was staring wide eyed at Morgan.

“We each pick a song to sing on our own, the rest of us will sing back-up, then we do one song together, NSYNC style, singing, dancing, the whole deal.”

“And which one of us is going to choreograph this little number?” Angela was laughing hard.

“Wade could do it. He’s here for Challenge For The Children, we just need to learn one song, we practice on our own, then get together once before we do it to make sure we match.” Morgan was totally serious.

“Mor...I don’t know about this. I mean when are we going to put on this little show?” Lyn raised an eyebrow.

Stasia was staring blankly, the corners of her mouth started to turn up, “At the party in Orlando celebrating the end of the first leg of the tour.”

They four others around the table turned to face her. Angela smiled, “I’ll do it.”

Morgan clapped, “Come on...Angela and I won’t make a very exciting girl group...Dani? Stasia? Lyn? You guys are in right?”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but if Stasia does it, I’ll do it.” Dani clamped her hand over her mouth, as if she was shocked at her own words.

“I’ll do it if Lyn does it.” Stasia turned to face Lyn.

“Oh God.” Lyn slid down in her chair. “I’m a teacher for Heaven’s sake!”

“So you have a chance to be the coolest teacher in the history of the world.” Morgan raised her eyebrow.

She was so quiet they could barely hear her, “OK.”

The shrieking and giggling got so loud that it brought Justin and lance over from the other side of the room. Justin sat down on Morgan’s lap, “So what is so exciting girls?” He looked around at the five women.

“We were just being girly. We’re excited about the game tomorrow. We can’t wait to see you guys play.” Stasia answered very quickly.

“Well, I can understand that!” Justin flexed his muscles.

Stasia stood up, “I’m going to the ladies room, anyone else coming?” All four of the other women stood, Morgan unceremoniously dumping Justin onto the floor.

As they walked away, Lance looked at Justin, “They’re up to something.”

“I know. We better be very careful. When the five of them put their heads together, the five of us are in BIG trouble.”

Stasia tracked down Wade and swore him to secrecy. He agreed to meet with them the next day. He also suggested that she talk to the band, which she did. Everything was set, she even enlisted Johnny’s help.

Johnny thought this was one of the best ideas he had heard in quite a while. “What a great way to end the tour on an up note. It should be a lot of fun! I’ll set it up at the club.”

“Thanks Johnny. And by the way, thanks for the new title. I honestly don’t know what to say.”

“Well there’s a first. Hey, we know how hard you work, just wanted to let you know we love you.” He hugged her tiny frame.

“I can’t believe this week. Things have been going so well for I agree to get involved in this mess, what am I thinking Johnny?”

“You’re young, enjoy it. How often are you going to have this opportunity?”

“Good point...seize the day, huh?”

“Exactly. Now go suck up to that Sony guy over there.” He laughed and pushed her in the man’s direction.

Lance dialed Stasia’s cell phone for the tenth time. “Joey, have you been able to get Angela yet?”

“No. She’s starting to get me worried. We are supposed to leave for the party in like five minutes.”

“I know, this is not like Stasia. They left for that spa first thing in the morning, what could they possibly be doing to them? I should try Ron or Alyssa.” He dialed Ron’s number.


“Ron! THANK GOD! Where are you guys?”

“I’m stuck in hell.”


“You sent me to a SPA with SIX WOMEN!”

“Yeah well, she wasn’t going without you. Is she around?”

“I’m watching her get her nails done. Lance, they’ve turned her into a girl...I mean a girly girl.”

Lance couldn’t help laughing, “Can I talk to her for a minute?”

“If it will get me out of here faster, you can talk to her.”

“I’ll try.” Lance put his hand over the phone, “Ron may never be the same after today.”


“Millie, do you know what time it is?”

“No, I had to take my watch off to be wrapped in seaweed.”

“Seaweed? I don’t want to know. Millie, it’s 6:10.”


“Yeah, 6:10. We should be leaving in five minutes.”

“Guys! It’s after six o’clock!” lance heard the shocked responses. “Ok, here’s what we’re going to do. You go with Joey and Justin, we’ll meet you guys there. We are leaving right now. We just have to put our clothes back on.”

“We are going to have a talk about what goes on at this spa...but yeah, I think that’s the best idea. I’ll let the rest of the guys know that ALL OF THEIR DATES ARE GOING TO BE LATE!”

“I get it Harry...not happy we’re late. Sorry. I LOVE YOU!” She swatted at Morgan who was trying to fix her shirt.

“I love you too. I’ll see you in a little while. Tell me you all have your clothes...Johnny made this a dressy deal.”

“Yep, we have all of our clothes. We’re all set...just late.”

“Ok, I’ll see you soon.” He flipped his phone closed, “We’re going to meet them there. Can you call JC? I’ll call Justin and tell him we’re on our way. Then I’ll call Chris.”

Stasia turned to the others standing back stage with her, “They have no clue! Ron, you were BRILLIANT!” She kissed his cheek.

“I’d like to thank the Academy...”

“You deserve an Oscar for that performance.” She looked around, “Has anyone seen my other shoe?”

Lyn tossed her shoe and then looked in the mirror, “So how did Momma Harless get these costumes done so quickly, and why did she choose the Space Cowboy costumes?”

“I don’t ask questions, I just say thank you. Although, I’d just like to say that I know for a fact Lance’s pants are not this tight, and his shirt is not this short.”

Dani laughed at her, “They made them more feminine.”

“None of you should be complaining. Stasia, Lance’s outfit looks cool, the green and black shiny shirt and leather pants with studs, Justin wears jeans and a shirt, Chris...jeans and a shirt. JC’s get up looks better on Lyn. Now this Joey get up...HELLO! What is up with these pants?”

They all laughed. Dani touched up Stasia’s make-up and then the sound guy helped them with their microphones. “This thing is very uncomfortable.” Stasia was fidgeting.

Johnny walked into the area where the girls were standing, “The video cameras are set up. The guys are here, and they have been asking about all of you. Carson and Tara are here, a lot of people are here.” He was smiling. “Are you ready?”

“No. But I suppose I don’t really have a choice now.” Stasia grinned.

“Here we go ladies, take your places.” Johnny walked out in front of the curtain and cleared his throat, “HI! And welcome to our No Strings Attached end of tour party! Is everyone ready to party?”

Justin leaned across the empty seat between he and lance, “I CANNOT believe they aren’t here! I’m going to kill Stasia and Morgan those two organized this little field trip!”

“Get in line J. Stasia PROMISED me they were leaving. Now Johnny is starting, and they are going to have to walk in late. VERY NICE!”

Johnny pointed at the stage behind him, “I have a special treat for you guys tonight. I have arranged for my new girl group to entertain you tonight. So, help me welcome, SLAM’D!”

When the music started, Justin groaned, “They are covering Britney? OH GREAT! I hope Morgan doesn’t walk in on this!”

The curtain opened, the stage was dark and they could barely see five girls facing the back of the stage, where their name was lit in huge neon letters. Lance looked at Justin, “Dude, that’s OUR band. J, they’re wearing our clothes...what the heck is Johnny doing?”

“What the devil? Johnny signed Nsyncette.”

I'm sitting here alone up in my room
and thinking about the times that we've been through (oh my love)

The girls turned around in unison, on an upbeat, the lights came on and they snapped into place. They all smiled brightly when they saw five jaws drop at the same time.

I'm looking at a picture in my hand
trying my best to understand
I really wanna know what we did wrong
with the love that felt so strong
if only you were here tonight
I know that we could make it right

The guys all cheered when the girls did the patented, NSYNC pelvic thrust. Then they turned, looked over their shoulders and did a wiggle thing that had Joey biting his fist. “How did they get Stasia and Lyn to do this?”

I don't know how to live without your love
I was born to make you happy
'cause you’re the only one within my heart
I was born to make you happy
always and forever you and me
that’s the way our life should be
I don't know how to live without your love
I was born to make you happy

Justin was beaming, Morgan was singing lead vocals, and sounded better than Britney. Lance’s eyes were glued to Stasia, for someone who claimed she couldn’t dance, she looked remarkable. Dani was a natural entertainer, so she looked at ease. Both Lyn and Angela looked to be having the time of their lives.

I know I've been a fool since you've been gone
I'd rather give it up then carry on (oh my love)
'cause livin' in a dream of you and me
is not the way my life should be
I don't wanna cry a tear for you
so forgive me if I do
if only you were here tonight
I know that we could make it right

It suddenly dawned on Lance, that this song must have been chosen by Morgan. She was making a point about her friendship with Justin, and the effect that Britney had had on that relationship.

I don't know how to live without your love
I was born to make you happy
'cause you’re the only one within my heart
I was born to make you happy
always and forever you and me
that’s the way our life should be
I don't know how to live without your love
I was born to make you happy

Joey noticed Wade off to the side of the stage, quietly counting the beats of the song and clapping as they got further into their number. He poked Chris and pointed, “Do you believe the called Wade in?” Chris shrugged, and his eyes went back to Dani.

I'd do anything
I'd give you my world
I'd wait forever to be your girl
just call out my name (just call out my name)
I will be there (and I will be there)
just to show you how much I care

I don’t know how to live without your love
I was born to make you happy
'cause you’re the only one within my heart
I was born to make you happy
always and forever you and me
that’s the way our life should be
I don't know how to live without your love
I was born to make you happy

Each girl jumped off of the stage, and sat on one of the guys laps. Morgan locked eyes with Justin and belted out the next line.

I was born to make you happy

always and forever you and me
that’s the way our life should be

They got up and ran back to the stage. Hitting their final pose as they sang.

I don't know how to live without your love
I was born to make you happy

The guys all jumped to their feet, along with everyone else in the room. They were screaming and cheering, Chris was standing on his chair pointing at Dani. Lance was practically glowing with pride. He locked eyes with Stasia, who blew him a kiss as she ran off the stage with Lyn, Morgan and Dani.

Angela walked to the center of the stage, looked back at the band and they started to play, You The One That I Want from Grease. She sang and did her little dance steps, smiling and beaming at Joey the entire time.

Lyn was up next, she had changed into their next costume. She chose to sing It Had To Be You She was happy with the lyrics, she thought they fit her friendship with JC perfectly. She knew it was a love song, but it just fit their friendship. JC looked completely overwhelmed.

Dani stepped out on the stage and Stasia quietly stood behind her as she introduced her song, “I have chosen a song by one of Chris’s favorite groups, and Stasia has graciously agreed to help me with it.” A stage hand brought out two stools and they perched on them, the acoustic guitars played Power Of Two by Indigo Girls. Lance and Chris looked at one another and then back at their girlfriends who were singing in PERFECT harmony.

Chris leaned over to Lance, “When in the hell did Stasia learn to sing?”

“I have no idea.” Lance was honestly dumbfounded.

Morgan followed Dani and sang Count On Me by Whitney Houston and CeCe Winans Lance watched Justin closely, his eyes were somewhat sad. Lance could see he was proud, but confused.

Morgan finished, and no one cheered louder than Justin. She ran off stage and into Stasia’s waiting arms. They hugged and Stasia straightened her dress and walked out to the center of the stage. The lights went down and she stood alone with the microphone in a spotlight. She closed her eyes and the music began.

I’ve been searching for a long time
For someone exactly like you
I’ve traveling all around the world
Waiting for you to come through

Stasia was swaying to the gentle music. Her eyes were still closed tightly. Her simple black, knee length dress had three quarter length sleeves and a deep v-neck that sat on the edges of her shoulders and dipped low in the back. Dani had quickly pinned up her hair and the effect was striking.

Someone like you
To make it all worth while
Someone like you
To keep me satisfied
Someone exactly like you

See I’ve been traveling a hard road
Looking for someone exactly like you
I’ve been carrying a heavy load
Waiting for the light to come shining through

Her sweet, strong voice filled the room, and Lance’s heart was soaring. He had been proud of her, so many times before. But here, at this very moment he thought his heart would burst with pride.

Someone like you
To make it all worth while
Someone like you
To keep me satisfied
Some exactly like you

I’ve been doing some soul searching
Just to find out where you’re at
I’ve been up and down this highway
And all kinds of foreign lands

Someone like you
Make it all worth while
Someone like you
To keep me satisfied

Her eyelashes slowly fluttered open, and her eyes slammed into Lance’s. As she started the next line, their eyes remained locked. She wanted him to know why she had chosen this song to sing to him.

I’ve have been all around the world
Marching to the beat of a different drum
But my baby, I have realized
The best is yet to come

He smiled and covered his heart with his hand. She smiled enormously and she sang the rest of the song with her whole heart. As far as they were concerned, they were the only two people in the room.

Someone like you
To make it all worth while
Someone like you
To keep me satisfied
Someone exactly like you

Just exactly like
Just exactly like
Just exactly like you
Someone exactly like you
Someone exactly like you...

She stood there, her eyes still locked with Lance’s. He slowly rose to his feet and he slowly, and deliberately walked to the edge of the stage. He leapt up onto the stage and pulled her into his arms and spun her around. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his neck.

Justin, Joey and Chris were all standing and cheering and staring wide eyed at the couple in the spotlight. JC pushed a tear off of his cheek. Lance set her down and kissed the top of her head. She smiled up at him, and then pushed him back a little, “Do I rush the stage every time I like a song you sing?”

“Are you telling me to go back to my seat?”

“Yes I am.” She smiled and walked backstage. Lance went back to his seat and all of the guys hugged him.

All five women walked back out onto the stage and stood smiling, all wearing black dresses that were similar, but reflected each girls personal style. They were all beaming and all five of them looked stunning.

Stasia walked forward and smiled brightly. “Hi. We would like to thank you all for sitting through our very first, and also our very last performance. We would like to thank Johnny, Momma Harless, Wade and the NSYNC Band for helping us throw this together in about a weeks time. We realize that we are not the level of music you are accustom to listening to, but we thank you for your patience. We wanted to do this for a lot of reasons, honestly, it started out as a joke, and turned into something else. We wanted to make the five men, sitting at that table, feel even an eighth of the pride we feel everyday watching them perform. SO, we are only going to make you sit through one more song. Now if we butcher this one, we will all be in big trouble, so...wish us luck.”

She stepped back into line with the girls and they all smiled and looked down at the floor. When the music started, all eyes flew to the guys. The guys were all looking at one another. JC turned to Joey, “They’re doing OUR song!”


As the girls sang This I Promise You with as much emotion as the guys had ever put into it, all eyes in the room were on the guys who were dealing with waves of unexpected emotion.

Morgan took Justin’s part, and Stasia watched her very closely as she sang. She had a lot of the same mannerisms as Justin. The length of time they had known one another, and the depth of the love they had for one another, showed through her eyes, and put the light into Justin’s eyes.

Stasia stepped up to sing JC’s part, and Lance finally understood things from the fans’ perspective. He was on his feet cheering as soon as she hit her first note perfectly. All of the guys were on their feet.

Johnny was watching the young people in the room, show their love and friendship, in front of two hundred and fifty people. He was so glad he had decided to tape the whole thing.

The girls finished the song and the room exploded into a standing ovation. The all bowed and the band began the first cords of Digital Get Down . All five guys rushed the stage, Justin was screaming, “OH NO YOU DON’T! THEY ARE WEARING DRESSES!” The room erupted into laughter.

JC walked over to the band, said something and walked back to Lyn’s side. He whispered something in her ear and she smiled and then nodded. She handed him her microphone and smiled up at him.

“I don’t know where to start. I am filled with so much pride and excitement at this moment, I think we all are. To watch our friends speak to us in our language, the language of music, is remarkably overwhelming. So, I’d like the ten of us to put our heads together for a second, and then sing another song...together.”

Carson was clapping and hugging Tara. Johnny was making sure he had enough video tape left in the camera.

They all stood in couples JC signaled the band and That’s When I’ll Stop Loving You began. The harmony created by the ten voices mixing and the emotion behind the sound was amazing. Morgan sang with Justin, their voices lacing together to fill the room. Lyn and JC sang, both of them smiling at one another. JC’s eyes grew wide when Lyn was able to hit the high notes with him. She smiled and swayed to the beat of the music.

As their voices rose with the chorus, Lance took Stasia’s hand, they turned to face each other, their eyes locked. At that moment, Stasia felt as if she could take on the world single handed. She was thrilled to be standing with Lance, doing what he loved to do. She took a step closer and slipped her hand around to his back. He rested his forehead against hers as they sang.

The music began to fade and when it finally ended. Carson was on his chair cheering, Tar was crying. Johnny was beaming like a proud parent. The five couples turned to face the audience and took a small bow before they walked off the stage.

Lance pulled Stasia aside, he held her tightly against his chest and cupped her cheek, “You are the most amazing person on the face of the Earth. I can’t believe you did this for us.”

“I didn’t do it for them. I did it for you.” Her eyes were flashing silver.

“God! I love you so much!” He bent his head and kissed her.

Johnny walked back stage, “So do you guys want to go sit so we can eat dinner now?”

He was answered with a ton of laughter. When they arrived back at the table, people rushed over from every direction. Carson squatted down between Stasia and Lance, “Lance, buddy, they could give you guys a run for your money on the charts!”

“I know it. I’m a little worried that Johnny is going to sign them.”

Tara hugged Stasia, “You were amazing. You have a BEAUTIFUL voice! Where did you find that song?”

“It’s called Someone Like You Shawn Colvin sings it and it’s on the One Fine Day Soundtrack. The second I heard it, I knew it was the right song to sing to Lance.” She smiled at him. He placed his hand on top of hers on the table.

Tara smiled brightly, “It was perfect. ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! You made me cry.”

“Well I’m sorry about that.”

“NO! It was so good I cried!”

“Thank you so much.”

Lance looked around, “Can we make room for Carson and Tara to join us at our table?”

Joey pushed his dishes off to the side, “Sure we can.”

Everything was shifted, and two chairs were brought over. Carson and Tara sat between Lance and Justin.

Carson leaned in, to look at all of the girls, “So you have to tell me about the name. Where did you come up with the name? Did you guys come up with it or did Johnny?”

“Justin’s mom came up with it, which is fitting. She used the first initials of our names...Stasia, Lyn, Angela, Morgan and Dani. She’s good at this.” Morgan threw her head back and laughed when she saw the expression on Justin’s face.

“MOMMA KNEW ABOUT THIS?” He shot a dirty look across the room to his mother’s table, she smiled, nodded and waved. Justin threw his hands in the air, “She is such a traitor! I need to have a long talk with that woman.”

Morgan’s head snapped at him and she gave him a dirty look, “First of you pay attention to ANYTHING? Stasia thanked your Momma. And secondly, you just leave her out of this! She helped us throw this mess together, she helped with the name, she helped with the costumes. So you just back off!”

Justin’s jaw dropped, and the a smile slowly spread across his face, he hugged Morgan tightly and kissed her cheek, “It’s good to have my girl back!”

“Not my fault you didn’t have you’re your girl in the first place.” She pushed against his chest.

“I know Mor.”

Stasia and Lance went straight from the party to the airport. They had booked the first available flight home to Mississippi. Stasia looked back as they walked through the airport. Lonnie, Ron, Alyssa and Dan were all accompanying them. “We have quite an entourage these days.”

“I don’t think we could draw more attention to ourselves if we tried. We have four people trailing us, we are all dressed up. It is after midnight and we are both wearing sunglasses.” Lance shook his head.

Stasia laughed an pulled off her sunglasses, “Good point. Any fans we run into tonight, deserve to get their autograph.” She snapped the case for her glasses shut and held out the case for his. She dropped both of them into her bag as they walked.

They made there way to the gate, where airport security had set up a small secure area, Alyssa had made sure Stasia wouldn’t have to wait anywhere near the public. Lance set his bag down and sat. Stasia flopped down in the seat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. The man working at the gate came over, introduced himself and said they would be able to board in twenty minutes.

Stasia looked up at Lonnie and Ron, who were talking quietly to some airport security people, “You know what Harry? We should get some coffee over here.”

“We passed a Starbucks stand right back there.” He stood and offered her his hands. They walked to the stand with Alyssa and Dan watching them the entire way.

“OH MY GOD! YOU ARE LANCE BASS!” The young woman behind the counter turned beat red.

“Yes I am.” Lance smiled graciously.

“OH MY GOD! ARE YOU STASIA?” She pointed at Stasia.

“The one and only.”


Lance teased her, “Please don’t. We were hoping to get some coffee.”

“I am going to make coffee for Lance Bass. I’m going to die.”

Lance placed the order and happily signed an autograph for her. They walked back to the secure area juggling cup of coffee for everyone. Stasia walked over to Lonnie and Ron, “Hey Big Guys. I’ve got coffee for you.” She turned to the airport security people, “We didn’t know what you’d like, so it’s black, if you take it differently I’ll run over and get it fixed up for you.” She handed each of them a cup.

“Miss, black is perfect. Thank you very much.” The airport security guard said. Lonnie and Ron both kissed the top of her head. When she was out of ear shot the security guard turned to Ron, “Is she for real?”

“Completely. I think she worries about us, more than we worry about her. Stasia is a very special girl.”

“We see a lot of entertainers come through here at all hours, they normally have people in tow, and normally they are rude. Every time you crew comes through the door, they are nice and thoughtful and say please and than you. Honestly, it’s strange.”

“Neither one of us would work for them if they pulled the whole pop star crap. I look at these kids like brothers...and my little sister over there has stolen my heart. I’m telling you, she’s on good behavior now, but she’s a feisty one. In the best possible way.”

“Yeah well, you and any of your crew is welcome here any time.”

Lance walked over, “Guys, I’m sorry to interrupt, but we are supposed to board now.”

The security guard shook his head and smiled, “It was honestly a pleasure meeting all of you.”

Lance was a bit shocked but smiled and said, “Well thank you. You did a great job securing the area, thank you very much, I always feel safe when we come here.” He shook the man’s hand and walked back to Stasia. He picked up her bag as well as his own. She picked up Jake’s carrier an they walked onto the plane.

After they were settled on the plane, Stasia kicked her heels off and tucked her feet up on the seat next to her. She rested her head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head and whispered, “Are you staying with me tonight?”

She lifted her head to face him, “Are you inviting me to?” She smiled sleepily at him.

“I don’t like the thought of crawling into bed without you.”

“I’m staying with you tonight.”

“Good.” He shifted in his seat so he could recline, be comfortable and hold her.

Alyssa leaned forward in her seat and poked Lonnie. “Yeah?”

“How long have these two been together?” She whispered looking at the peaceful couple across the aisle.

“Less than a year.”

“It seems like they’ve been together forever.”

“You know what? On some level, I’m sure they have been.”

Lance pushed the door open and dropped his suitcases in the middle of the entrance hall. Jake ran straight to the kitchen. Lonnie and Ron dropped their stuff in their rooms and went straight to the tv. Stasia stacked her bags near the door and then helped Alyssa and Dan get to their rooms and get settled.

It was three o’clock in the morning in Mississippi. Alyssa and Dan both said good night and went straight to bed. Lance was in the kitchen filling Jake’s bowls. Stasia crouched down next to Jake, “You better go out once more little guy. Harry, have you seen his leash?”

Lance walked around the counter and ran his hands up and down her arms, “I’ll find it and take him out. You go get ready for bed. I’ll be right up.”

“Thank you.” She kissed him.

“Yeah well, we need to go grocery shopping tomorrow, and to do laundry so...”

“Ah, so if you take him out now, I help you tomorrow?”

“That was my plan.”

“Sounds good to me.” He watched her as she walked out of the kitchen. The black dress she had on was very fitted, it hugged every curve. There was enough skin exposed on her back to give him goose bumps looking her bare back and the long column of her neck. Her hair was still neatly up, exposing the skin he loved to kiss. Her shapely legs were accentuated by the heels she was wearing. She stopped and turned back, an evil smiled creeping across her face, “What are you doing?”

He turned beat red, “I just got busted for watching you walk away.”

She laughed and her eyes were dancing as she started up the stairs. Stasia made her way down the long hallway into Lance’s room. She ran her hand over the back of his favorite chair. He loved to sit and read in this spot. He could see out to the lake, and off into the woods on the side of the house. She sat on the arm of the chair and smiled. She couldn’t help but smile, because the chair next to the one she was perched on had quickly become her favorite. It was large and comfortable, and normally when she was curled up in it, Lance was sitting next to her.

They hadn’t spent a ton of time here, but the time that had been spent at this house was some of the best time she could remember spending. The first time she had been there, was the beginning of her friendship with Lance. The second time she had been there was the beginning of her relationship with Lance. And now, she had a warm feeling. She felt as if she had come home. She felt like she was beginning her life with Lance.

Strong arms closed around her from behind, “I thought you’d be in bed already.” He whispered against her neck and then kissed the smooth skin.

“My mind wandered off. I was just thinking.”

“In MY chair?” He teased.

“Actually, it was your chair that started my train of thought.”

“My chair? Anastasia, are you ok?” He pulled her to her feet and pulled her chin up so her eyes met his. His heart started racing when he saw the same liquid silver her had seen the first time they kissed.

“Honestly, I’m...I’m happier then I have ever been. You make me feel like I’m home, no matter where we are or what we’re doing, I’m home when I’m with you.”

He looked deeply into her eyes, he cupped her cheeks, “I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love someone. I can’t imagine tomorrow without you.”

She leaned into him and their lips met. He slid his arms around her and pulled her into the warmth of his body. Her hand wen to the back of his neck. His hand was splayed across the small of her back, she was on her toes now, trying to deepen the contact between them. Lance was shocked when she stepped back suddenly, “Stasia?” His voice was husky and filled with raw emotion.

She silently pushed his black suit coat off of his shoulders. She laid it gently over the chair back. Her hands went to his tie, and pulled the knot apart quickly the tie was quickly laying with his jacket. Lance watched her face very closely, resting his hand on her hips. She lifted her eyes to his as she unbuttoned the top button of his crisp, white dress shirt.

The room was mostly dark, with the exception of the moonlight streaming in through the windows. Stasia was practically glowing in the moonlight. Lance wanted so badly for this to be what he had been dreaming about since the first time she curled up in his arms to sleep. But he knew he had to control himself, he was never going to force her into anything.

Stasia continued to unbutton his shirt until she pushed the fabric from her shoulders and tossed it aside with his other clothes. When her hands moved to the hem of his white undershirt he sucked in his breath. He put his arms over his head and allowed her to pull the shirt off. Her hands went to his shoulders, then ran down his chest. Her lips went to his neck and he groaned.

Her cool hands on his warm flesh were sending chills up and down his spine. She kissed his neck and chest and then her lips lightly touched his. His mouth hungrily accepted what she was offering. He pulled her to his chest she pushed him back, closer to the side of the bed, she pushed him, still kissing him until they were standing next to the bed.

Lance pulled back, holding her face close to his with his hand. He was breathing heavily and his eyes were glowing when he looked into hers, “Stasia?” His eyes were searching her face, her eyes, looking for the answer. Her eyes locked with his, and she kissed him lightly. She nodded her head and he felt his heart swell.

He kept his eyes locked on hers as his hands fond the zipper on the back of her dress. She smiled slightly as his hands went to her shoulders, and he searched for permission. She kissed him again as the dress fell to the floor. His hand went to the clasp of her bra, and she smiled against his mouth as he struggled. He gathered her into his arms, and gently lowered her to the bed.

Lance was hovering over her, taking in every one of her features and every emotion he was feeling. His hand cupped her cheek and he hoarsely whispered, “God, I love you so much.” His mouth covered hers and her arms went around his back.

He pulled back to look into her eyes again, “Stasia, I need to know...”

She smiled up at him and lovingly caressed his face, “Lance, we both know. I love you.” She pulled his lips back down to hers.

The sun had warmed the room. The french doors were open and the curtains were moving with the summer breeze. There was a bird on the railing chirping so loudly that is brought Stasia out of the peaceful dreamworld she had been trying to stay in. She attempted to roll onto her back, but couldn’t. Her eyelashes fluttered open to see Lance sleeping peacefully next to her, with both arms wrapped tightly around her crushing her to his side. She made an attempt to lift his arm.

“You are not going anywhere.” He rolled onto his side to face her.

She couldn’t help but smile at him, “Oh no?”


“And why is that?” She felt a rush of excitement shoot through her body when his eyes opened and she was absorbed into their green depths.

“Because I want you to stay put so we can talk.”

“You want to talk?”

“Mmm hmm.” He pushed her hair back over her shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” Her brow furrowed.

His fingertips rubbed over her forehead, “Nothing is wrong.” He kissed her forehead, “I just need for you to know, to understand how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I need you to know that, even if, we don’t...ever...have another night like last night, I am here...for good.”

He was deadly serious, she saw in his eyes that he meant every word he was saying, “Lance. In as long as you have known me, have I ever done ANYTHING that I didn’t want to do? Have I ever done anything without weighing all of the consequences completely?”


“I KNOW you love me. I KNOW that EVERYTHING that has ever happened between us, since the moment we met, was right. We fit.” Lance smirked. “OH MY GOD! THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!”

“I know Millie.” He kissed her. “So you’re ok?”

“Lance, I’m better than I have ever been before.” She snuggled into his chest, “Do we have to get out of bed today?”

“Anastasia, don’t tempt me.”

“Sorry.” She kissed his neck.

“Not fair.”

“All’s fair in love and war.” She kissed his neck again.

“Oh...the don’t know what you’re doing to me here...” He moaned.

“Yes I do.” She giggled against his jaw.

Stasia was laying near the lake on a chair next to Stacy. Lance was in the house talking to Ford and his dad.

Stacy and Stasia were getting surprising amount of work done when Alyssa walked up, “Stasia, there is a woman on the phone for you. I think Lance said her name is Myrtle.”

“Really? OK, I’m on my way up. I’ll be right back Stace.” Stasia wrapped her sarong around her waist and jogged up the hill to the house.

Lance smiled at her as she walked into the kitchen, “Phone is on the counter Millie.”

“Thanks.” She picked up the cordless phone and went out onto the deck. “Hi Myrtle.”

“Stasia honey, I just wanted to let you know your package arrived here today.”

“My package?”

“Yes. A package from Federal Express.”

“Oh! That must be the mail Jamie was trying to forward to me. Myrtle I’ll be right over to pick it up. Thanks for calling.”

“Make sure you stop by to say hello.”

“I wouldn’t dream of not stopping by.”

“That’s a good girl.” Myrtle laughed as she hung up the phone.

“I need to run over to my house to pick up a FedEx package. I should be back in half an hour.”

“I wanted to run to the store, mind if I tag along Millie, otherwise we are going to have to eat dirt for dinner.”

“You don’t have to ask. Let me change and we’ll be on our way.”

Lance stopped the car in front of Stasia’s house, Ron and Lonnie sat in the rocking chairs on the front porch to wait for the pair. Stasia unlocked the door and tossed her keys on the table next to the door. Lance flopped down in her favorite chair and watched her as she began to open the FedEx package Myrtle had left on the table for her.

“You do know that’s MY chair, right?”

“I let you sit in mine.”

“No you DON’T!” She stuck her tongue out at him.

She pulled the contents out of the envelope and he watched as her face began to pale. “Millie?”

He started to stand as she flipped the page she was looking at. Her head began to slowly shake back and forth, she was completely white and her hands started shaking violently, “No...”

She took a step back and her eyes began blinking furiously. She flipped another page. “Oh God, no...”Her hand flew to her mouth, the papers she was holding fell to the floor and she ran to the bathroom.

Lance ran after her, “MILLIE!”

~Chapter Thirty~