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Chapter 3

Jessica rolled over to pick up the phone. “What time is it?”

“JESS! WAKE UP! I have no idea what time it is!” Stasia was on her cell phone, still wearing her coat and gloves. She was bouncing up and down in place, trying very hard not to make a racket, and wake Myrtle up. “Are you up? JESS! ARE YOU AWAKE?”

“This better be good Stasia.”

“Would I wake you up if it wasn’t good?” She was trying to pull off her gloves without dropping the phone. She shrugged out of her coat, and placed it on the desk chair. “Jess, you ARE NOT going to believe this! I swear, you are never going to believe this. I still don’t believe it. Oh GOD! Maybe I dreamt it!” She slapped her own cheek.

“You are such a dork! What am I not going to believe? And again, THIS BETTER BE GOOD, ANASTASIA!” Jess rolled over on her side, and snuggled deeper into the covers.

“Oh God, you are using my full name, I’ll cut to the chase here. Not only did I get the job, they have created an amazing job for WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS!” Her dance around the room was getting more animated.

“Great job, amazing job, got it. You will be home tomorrow to tell me all about it, we’ll have dinner. You are giving Jack and Josh two weeks right? We’ve got plenty of time. I knew you’d get the job, you didn’t have to call.” Jess looked at the clock for the first time. “ANASTASIA ELIZABETH BLAKE! IT IS 2:15! ARE YOU HIGH?”

“First of all, Jess, you told me to call you when I found out. Secondly, yes I will be home tomorrow, but I will be in Michigan for four and a half hours, then I leave again. Diane and Josh have worked out a deal, I’m going to do my last two weeks for the firm, on the road. That is why I am calling so late, we were on the phone with Josh for hours, working out the details. Jess, I’m going to be back in Michigan in a week so I can pack and ship my stuff to Mississippi. I’m only going to be there three days”

“I don’t think I heard you right. A grand total of three days, four and a half hours? Where the hell are you going to be for the week between tomorrow and the third of January? Who the heck are you working for? Who do they think they are? Stasia! This is happening so fast?” Jess was sitting up straight in her bed now, her free hand was holding her hair back out of her eyes. Just then, Jake bounced up from under the covers and into Jess’s lap. “Oh, God, what are you going to do about Jake?”

“Can he stay with you for the week, Jess I’m so sorry, I know it’s a huge imposition, but I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. I feel so guilty, he is going to be so mad at me.”

“Of course I’ll keep him, but you never answered me, WHERE WILL YOU BE?”


“Did you just say Hawaii? Why, may I ask, are you going to Hawaii?”

“I’m going to meet Lance.”

“And who is Lance?”

“I’m going to be working with Lance. He is my twenty-year-old boss. What a trip! Can you believe it? He is twenty, owns his own house here, an apartment on Orlando, and this company with his family and some guy name Johnny, who I supposedly will just love.”

“Stasia, dearie, you are leaving out some major chunks of information. Houses in two states and a company at twenty? What is he, a Trust Fund Kid?”

“Um, no...sort of self made.”

“Computer geek!”


“Stasia, my patience is wearing thin here, who the heck is this guy?”

“Lance Bass, from NSYNC.”

“You mean the New Kids On The Block for 1999 group? That NSYNC? You are going to work for a kid who is going to be a nobody in a week? Stasia! This is not a good idea.”

“Jessica, that is not funny, and if you were serious, I’m angry. Trust me. I am not going to work for a kid who is going to be a nobody in a week. I checked out the company. I’m not working for NSYNC, although I checked them out as well, they are on pretty firm ground too. Well, there was that lawsuit, but they are in much better shape now. Lance started this company, it’s his back up plan I guess. We are going to manage other talent.”

“OTHER TALENT! Oh God! My best friend has lost her mind!”

“Jess, I checked out his financials...personal and business. This kid is fine. Not to mention, I don’t need the money, you know that.”

“Noah would kill you! You cannot use Noah and Nicole’s money to live off of, because you are going to manage other artists!” Jess was really worried. Stasia was not one to jump without really checking her facts, but this couldn’t be good. Lance Bass, the kid is twenty years old, what could he possibly know about running a business?

“Jess, please don’t go there. Noah and Nicole made sure I never have to worry. I want to do this. You KNOW ME. You know I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think it would be good for me.” Stasia was getting frustrated, she knew Jess was just looking out for her, but she was pushing it right now. “Don’t push here. I know what I’m doing. You haven’t heard what the job is, it is really cool, not to mention, I am going to take over the finances for the company, I’m not going to let this company go under. I am not a child.”

“I never said you were, but Stasia, a twenty year old guy running a company with his family? If this is what you want, go for it, but I want you to think about this, I mean really think about it. What time do you arrive tomorrow? I’m going to pick you up.”

“I land at 11:00 am. I leave again at 3:30. I have to be at the airport at 3:00.”

“3:00, you will miss your flight.”

“No I won’t, it’’s flying out of Oakland County International Airport.”

“They only fly private jets out of Oakland County....YOU ARE KIDDING ME! You are taking a private jet to HAWAII?”

“Not to Hawaii, to California, where I will meet Diane and Stacy. Then we fly commercial to Hawaii. They thought this would be a good opportunity to meet the guys, there are only two concerts, and a lot of down time.” Stasia looked in the mirror across from her. A grin slid across her face. “This is unreal.”

“You’re telling me!”

“Jess, I’m going to get some sleep. You’ll be at the airport?”

“Yeah, I’ll see you then. And Stasia, really think about all of this.”

“I promise you I will. Don’t worry Jess.”

“Easy for you to say. Night.”

“Good night Jess.” She heard the phone click. The conversation had not gone exactly how she had planned. Jess could be over protective, she knew that, but it still bugged her that Jess wasn’t going to respect her decision.

Stasia packed the few items she had unpacked, pulled on her pajamas and slid into the huge bed that suddenly looked even more welcoming. This had been a very long day, and tomorrow was going to be even longer, she was going to be in four states in one day. ‘Oh God! My life is really changing.’ She curled up on her side and smiled, ‘My life is really changing!’

For the first time, all day, she was alone with her thoughts. Now that she was thinking, she missed Jake. He was going to be angry. Diane and Stacy were working on what should be done with Jake on the first leg of the tour. It would be three weeks before she would be back in Mississippi, and that would only be for three days. Stasia was comforted by the fact that they understood her attachment. So many people would have said, ‘Give the dog away.’ Not Diane and Stacy. She liked them already. She liked this place already. She had a gut feeling this was the right decision. Suddenly, her eyes were heavy. Sleep would not be put off any longer.

The first thing she saw as she got off the airplane was Jess’s smiling face. “You are smiling. Am I forgiven?”

“Stasia, there is nothing to forgive, it’s your life. Now give me a hug!” She pulled Stasia into a tight hug. “I have to squeeze as many of those in as I can. I don’t have much time left.” She took Stasia’s carry-on bag and they walked quickly out of the airport, where they were greeted with a burst of very cold air, and blowing snow. As usual, Jess had parked at the curb.

“You do realize you are going to get towed one of these days. Every time I come out here with you, I’m worried I’m going to have to walk home.” Stasia settled into the passenger seat, fastened her seat belt, and held on for dear life. When it came to getting out of this airport....Jess didn’t let anyone get in the way. Stasia had a system now, she kept her eyes closed until they were on the expressway and Jess told her it was safe to look.

“I am not going to get towed. And you are safe, I can’t believe you won’t look. I am a very good driver. It is not my fault they let a bunch of blind people set up the traffic circles at the airport.”

“Blind people could drive on those traffic circles better than you.”

“Shut up. Now explain to me this little four hour trip home.”

“I have to pack for Hawaii, and leave. What the heck do I pack for Hawaii, in three hours time. I have no idea where half of my summer stuff is.”

“Look in back.” Stasia looked over her shoulder into the back seat where Jess’s entire summer wardrobe was neatly piled. “Between the two of us, you’ll be fine.” Jess grinned, and looked over the rim of her sunglasses at Stasia’s shocked expression. “I know, you love me.”

“Jess! You are the best.”

“I’m aware.”

They arrived at Stasia’s, where Jess had left Jake so Stasia could see him. Stasia fell to her knees with open arms. Jake ran over and licked Stasia’s face. “I missed you sweetie!”

The two girls ran around as if the house was on fire. Jess took care of gathering sunscreen, and everything Stasia would need from the bathroom, while Stasia sorted out the clothes she would need. She refused to over pack, so she stuck with the basics, which could be worn in several combinations, a few summer dresses, with cardigan sweaters to match, khaki pants and a few cotton sweaters and shirts. Her summer wardrobe was just as conservative as her winter one. Jess was laughing at the pile of clothes on the bed. “I swear, if it weren’t for my clothes, this entire pile would be khaki, black, navy and the very rare splash of gray. What the heck is your favorite color?”

“Red. Now shut up and help me pack.”

“What did you think I was doing? I’m not here for my health you know.”

“I’m sorry, I know...I owe you for this. I think I have everything, and if something is missing, I just have to buy a new one. How am I doing on time?”

“Pretty well, I cannot believe you are on your way to Hawaii for New Years. I am going to miss you, this is the BIG one. The year 2000, and you will be with a bunch of strangers. Are you sure you can’t put off this trip until after the first?”

“Positive. As much as I wish I could spend New Years Eve with you and Brent, I am excited about the prospect of being in Hawaii at the turn of the century, that is a once in a lifetime experience.”

“Okay, you have a minor point there.”

“Jess, you are trying very hard to be supportive, and I appreciate that. How would you like to fly down to Mississippi the first chance you get? Will that settle your mind a bit? I’ll send a ticket as soon as I have a firm schedule.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice. I will come down and scope out the situation. If I don’t like it, you are coming home.”

“Jess, would you try to be reasonable?”

“Don’t argue with me Stasia.”

“OKAY! But I promise you, you will understand when you see this town.”

“I hope you’re right.”

Stasia took one last look around her apartment, the next time she was here, she would be packing to move...for good. Stacy assured her she knew the perfect place for Stasia, and they wouldn’t mind Jake at all. Honestly, Stasia would live in a cardboard box if it was the only way she could keep Jake. She looked down at him, and right on cue, he stood on his hind legs and did his famous little dance for her. She knew it was going to be difficult to leave him behind, with strangers no less, but it was only going to be three weeks the first time out. But, she was going to have to figure something out, he was not going to be a happy dog being left behind for weeks or even months at a time, and the thought really upset Stasia, so she decided she was going to discuss it with Diane and Stacy on the plane to Hawaii.

Jess walked up and put her arm around Stasia’s shoulder, “It’s starting to hit you isn’t it?”

Stasia put her head down on her friends shoulder, “Yeah Jess, it is. I’ve made this decision in a big hurry, but I have the best feeling about this, I’m not sure what it is, but I know this is the right thing to do.”

“Then it is, as long as I’ve known you...that gut instinct of yours has never failed you, it won’t start now.” She put her hand on Stasia’s head.

“Ok, let’s roll. I don’t want to miss my flight.”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you the entire passenger list? It’s not as if they can take off without you.”

“Once again...good point, but let’s not push it.” They each grabbed a bag, and Stasia picked up Jake, tucked him safely under her arm, turned off all of the lights in the apartment and walked quietly out the door.

The ride to the airport was quiet, Stasia and Jess both knew this was one of the last opportunities they were going to have to just be together. They had such a strong relationship. They had been through so much together. Jess was with Stasia when she was told about the accident that killed Noah and Nicole. She was there to help pick up the pieces. Stasia had held Jess’s hand through a major health scare, and an awful break-up. Stasia was the one who introduced Jess to Brent, the man Jess had just become engaged to.

“Stasia, About the wedding...”

“Jess you know I’ll be there! I will walk here if I have to.”

Jess laughed, Stasia would walk if she had to. “No, I’m not worrying about you being here, I wanted to ask a favor of you.”

“Anything! You name long as I don’t have to wear some big, huge, ruffled monstrosity. Your wish is my command.” Stasia did a little bow in her seat, and a big flourish with her arm.

“Okay, Miss Drama. I want you to be my Maid of Honor. Um...Please.”

“Are you serious?”



“Okay, thanks.”

“I love you! Thank you for asking, even though everything is up in the air with me right now. I know this isn’t easy for you. Jess, you know all you have to do is call me, and I will drop everything for you, I will ALWAYS be there for you. I swear I will do anything for you.”

“I know you will. Now shut up before you make me cry.”

“Sorry, I’m excited.”

“As you should be. After all, this is my wedding we’re talking about here.”

“Shut up Jess.”

“FINE! We’re here anyway.” She actually pulled into a parking space, and got an amazed look from Stasia. “You like that? I’m parking here just for you.”

“Well thank you! I know how difficult that was for you to do.” They were both laughing as they got out of the car.

Jake jumped out of the car and sat at Stasia’s feet. She attached his leash, more to put minds around them at ease then due to any thought that Jake would run away. They walked into the small building that was Oakland County International Airport, not exactly what you would expect an international airport to look like. This place was plush, it catered to the jet set. The only people who used this airport, were the people who could afford to land their own private jets here.

Stasia walked up to the man at the reception desk...’no ticket counters here,’ she thought. “Hello. I am Stasia Blake, and...”

“I’ve been expecting you Ms. Blake. Your jet is fueled and ready to go. If you’ll follow me, I will take you out to your plane and get you settled for your flight.”

“I’ll be with you in just one moment. I want to say good-bye to my friend and then I can go.”

“Certainly. I will take your bags out and come back for you.”

“Thank you.”

The man took the bags form Stasia and Jess, pet Jake on the head and left them alone in the lobby.

“You be good Stasia. Make me proud.” Jess gave her best motherly look.

Stasia gave Jess a little salute, “Aye aye!”

She hugged Jake close to her chest, kissed the top of his head and whispered into his ear, “You be a good boy for Aunt Jess, and don’t let her over feed you.” She grinned over his little head at Jess, who promptly rolled her eyes.

The two girls hugged, and Stasia placed Jake into Jess’s arms. “I’ll take good care of him...he’s going to the office tomorrow, you know how much they love him there.”

“His dish is under my desk.”

“I know...I’ll let him sleep in your chair. Now go get on your jet!”

“Here I go! I love you guys!”

Jake barked once, and Jess blew Stasia a kiss, just as the man came back through the door to guide her to the plane. Stasia waved and followed the man through the building to the rear exit, where there was only one jet waiting. She climbed the stairs into the body of the jet and her eyes grew at the sight of the plane’s interior. It looked like a contemporary living room. The black leather couches, and teak coffee tables looked as if they were right out of a home with the noted exception of the seatbelts. This was not American Airlines.

“Here we are Miss. Your bags are in the baggage room, the flight attendant will carry them for you when you reach the airport in California. Oh good, here he is now.” A man, maybe two years older than Stasia walked onboard and grinned at her.

“Hi, I’m Peter.”

Stasia turned and extended her hand. “I’m Stasia. How are you?”

“Just great. I’m going to go get settled in back, and have a quick chat with the pilot. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

“Great.” She looked at him again, and this time, the look on his face, was not exactly welcoming.

Stasia thought to herself, ‘Okay...that’s a little odd. I wonder what I could have possibly said to warrant that look. Settle in, this is going to be a long flight.’

The man from the desk pointed out the power jack for her laptop computer, which she couldn’t turn on right now, but Peter would let her know when she could. He helped her settle her purse and briefcase in the compartment in the table next to her seat on the couch. With all of that done, he smiled warmly and said, “I hope you have a safe and relaxing flight Miss.”

“Thank you. Have a great day.”

He nodded his head, and left the plane. Peter walked to the door, flipped a switch and the door closed automatically. He walked up and stuck his hip out, put his hand on it and said, “You ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”


Stasia reached into the compartment and pulled out her book, she decided she’d be better off not trying to carry on a conversation with Peter. Apparently, he was having a bad day. She settled in and the pilot walked into the cabin.

“Hi there! I’m Captain Elkins, I’m in charge of getting you to LA today, are you all ready?”

“Hello Captain Elkins. I’m...”

“Anastasia Blake. I like to know my passengers names.” He chuckled. He leaned a little closer to Stasia and lowered his voice, “I noticed Peter is not in the best mood today, should you have any problem, pick up this phone and let me know.” He pointed to a black phone attached to the wall behind her. “That’s your direct line to me and John, my co-pilot.”

“Well thank you, that’s very sweet.”

“Not at all. Enjoy your flight, and like I said, if you need anything...pick up the phone.” He smiled and walked back into the cockpit.

Peter walked up and said, “Buckle up, we’re leaving.”

“I’m all set. Ready when you are!” Stasia smiled, an attempt at winning him over.

He rolled his eyes and took his seat at the back of the cabin, buckled his seatbelt, picked up a phone near his head and said, “Let’s go.”

The plane started to taxi down the runway, picking up speed as they went, they quietly lifted off the ground, and Stasia could see the parking lot, where Jess was sitting on the hood of her car holding Jake and waving at the departing plane. ‘Gotta love that girl!’

She decided to give Peter one last shot, before giving up on conversation all together, after all this was going to be a long flight and she’d like to have someone to talk to. “So Peter, how long have you been doing this?”

“A while.”

“You must love to fly. This is only my fourth flight ever, my second and third having been yesterday and this morning.”

“So what? Do you want me to come hold your hand? You should have said something sooner, I’m not getting up during take off.”

“No! I wasn’t asking you to, I was just trying to make conversation.”


“I’ll leave you alone.”


With that she picked up her book and started to read, until she realized they had leveled off and Peter was getting up. “If you want to use that computer of yours, go ahead. You want a drink?”

“No thank you, I’m fine.”

“Sure you are.”

“Excuse me?


Stasia turned on her computer and started to look at the disk of company information Stacy had given her to start getting acquainted with the programs being used at Free Lance, the mission statement that outlined the company philosophy, news clippings downloaded from the internet about Lance, NSYNC, and Free Lance Entertainment. Stacy had included everything she could get her hands on Stasia read for quite a while, until she looked up and noticed Peter glaring at her.

“Can I help you with something Peter?”


She looked at her watch. “How long before we land in LA?”

“Another hour.”


Again, she was met with rolling eyes. ‘Nice attitude on this guy. Everyone else has been so nice, guess he’s having a bad day. I’ll give Mr. Happy the benefit of the doubt.’

She went back to reading the information from Stacy, which made her very happy, this company was solid. Lance had dotted all his i’s and crossed all his t’s. She had never really heard him sing, but as far as business is concerned...this kid was good. Stacy had told her how Lance did all of the ground work himself, and by the looks of it, he did a great job. She was somewhat relieved to see the solid financials.

Again, she glanced up and was met with Peter’s cold stare, “Peter, can I help you with something?”

“I said you can’t do anything the last time you asked.”

“We have what? A half hour before we land?”

He rolled his eyes and looked at his watch, “Yeah”

“Thank you.”

“Why are you going to LA?” Stasia was amazed, was he making an attempt at conversation?

“I’m just stopping in LA, I’m on my way to Hawaii. I’m meeting people in LA.”

“I bet you are.”


“I’ve seen your type before. Some old man is flying you out in his private jet for a little fling on the beach. He most likely has a wife and kids you know.” He looked angry. He was now walking across the cabin to stand in front of her. Stasia looked up at him, and was met with icy eyes.

“You think I’m a prostitute!”She had no idea where this was coming from. As far as she was concerned, she didn’t look like a prostitute.

“I never said prostitute, but I guess that is what it all comes down to, he’s probably got you set up in a nice little condo, and he spends his time there when his wife thinks he’s at work. You are a slut.”

Stasia stood up, leaned forward and coolly said, “You have got this all wrong. I suggest you apologize to me, go back and sit down in your seat.” This guy had no right to be making judgments about her, they had met a few hours ago, she was polite to him...and he had been nothing but rude.

“You expect me to think this is your jet. You’re maybe 20. You can’t fool me. I have seen dozens of your type.”

“I am 26, and you have obviously never seen anyone like me, because if you had, you’d know when to SHUT YOUR MOUTH! This plane belongs to Jive, the record company. I work for one of their artists, who is performing in Hawaii, which is where I am going. Are you clear on the details now?” She was angry, Peter was way out of line, and it was difficult keeping her temper in check at this point.

“My father left my mother for a slut like you.” His eyes were totally glazed over, she wasn’t sure if it was rage or confusion, but either wasn’t good.

“YOU DON’T KNOW ME! I just told you who I am, and what I do. I’m sorry about your parents, but that has nothing to do with me.” She was angrier now and this guy was nuts! How could he be making assumptions about every woman that set foot on a plane alone? Sure, his father was a jerk, why was this her problem now? And why did it look as if he was getting angrier, rather than calmer? ‘Stasia keep your head not get carried away...stay calm.’

Peter lunged forward across the table between them and grabbed her upper arms. Stasia’s breath caught in her throat. “You are a slut, I don’t believe a word you say. I can tell you are one of them, with your expensive clothes, perfect hair, expensive computer...26 and you are dressed like you have money...there is not one HONEST 26 year old person in the world who can afford this stuff!” He shook her hard. Stasia had to think fast, she couldn’t hit him, he was holding her arms. She couldn’t kick him...the table was in the way...he shook her again. “Slut, dirty slut.”

‘Here goes nothing.’ Stasia twisted in his hands...leaned over and bit his forearm as hard as she could through his white shirt. His arm jerked away from her mouth, his other arm pushed her forcefully onto the couch she had been sitting on...she dove for the phone on the wall as Peter lunged for her again...the phone hung down the wall on it’s cord, Stasia turned towards the phone and yelled, “HELP!”

She heard Captain Elkins through the phone, “Ms. Blake?”


Peter was holding her shoulders down now, he slapped her across the face, hard. “Shut up!”

Through the phone she heard, “What the HELL?” Then she could hear one of the pilots scrambling to get out of his seat. The door to the cockpit burst open and Captain Elkins ran over. He grabbed Peter by the shirt collar and his belt and threw him across the cabin.

Peter hit the wall and then slid down to the floor. “She’s just like the rest of them” he said quietly.

“The rest of who? What the devil is going on? Ms. Blake, are you okay?”

“I’m a little shaken, but I’ll be fine. My cheek hurts, I’m sure I’ll live.” Captain Elkins helped her sit up and walked to the back of the plane. Peter still sat on the floor where he had landed. When the Captain walked back over he had a glass of water in one hand, and a plastic bag full of ice wrapped in a towel. “Put this on your cheek.”

“Thank you.” She smiled weakly at him.

He walked over to Peter and glared down at him, “HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? You hit a passenger? A female passenger? Peter, I’m going to find out what happened here, and if the situation warrants it, I will see to it Ms. Blake presses charges against you.”

“She’s a slut.”

Captain Elkins picked him up by the collar and took him to the back of the plane. He returned and said, “Ms. Blake...”


“Stasia, I’m going to have security meet us when we land. I told Peter to stay put, and I believe he will, but leave this phone off the hook the way it is, and I will leave the cockpit door open. I promise you that you are safe now.” He patted her arm. “Now buckle up, and I’ll get this bird on the ground as soon as possible.” He smiled reassuringly at her and walked into the cockpit.

Stasia thought to herself, ‘This day has taken a downturn, I hope this isn’t an omen. However, I don’t think crazy people are omens...I’m not making any sense. I hope I don’t have a bruise on my cheek, that would be just great! Meet your new boss with a black eye.’ Then a grin slowly slid across her face, ‘I bit the jerk...go me.’ She was proud of her behavior, she handled a bizarre situation with as much grace as possible. Now she just had to explain the whole thing to Diane and Stacy who were supposed to meet her at the gate...along with airport security...this should be interesting.

The plane was starting to make its approach at the airport, the ground was getting closer through her window. Her eyes grew wide when she saw at least three airport security cars, with their flashing yellow lights, along with two police cars. Standing towards the back of the crowd of security and police were Diane and Stacy. Stasia ran her hand over her face, “Oh God.” She felt the plane wheels touch the runway with a bounce. They slowed to a stop, and she could hear Captain Elkins talking to the control tower, and the co-pilot. There were people scrambling all over the runway now, a security officer with a ton of decorations on his uniform was walking quickly toward the plane, with another man wearing a dark suit, with a gold badge hanging out of his breast pocket.

Stasia slipped her laptop and her book into her briefcase, pulled her briefcase and her purse out of the compartment next to her. Peter still had not come out from behind the black curtain at the back of the cabin. Captain Elkins and another man came out of the cockpit and walked over to her, the security man and the policeman were entering through the door.

Stasia and Captain Elkins relayed the entire story to the police officer who commended Stasia and Captain Elkins on their actions. He made notes in a small black leather notebook, and took down their phone numbers in case he need more information later. He then walked to the back of the plane and returned a few minutes later with Peter in handcuffs, with his head bowed. Stasia asked the police officer if she was allowed to leave, since she had another flight to catch. The security officer said the airlines had been notified of the situation, and the flight would be held for Stasia and her party.

The co-pilot retrieved her luggage from its compartment, and Stasia started to leave the plane with Captain Elkins holding her arm. “I think if you keep the ice on that cheek of yours, it won’t bruise.” He smiled weakly. “I’m really sorry all of this happened to you.”

“It’s not your fault. Peter woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.”

“Ha! To say the very least!”

Stasia’s eyes landed on Diane and Stacy whose arms were linked together, she could not read the look on either woman’s face. Captain Elkins followed her line of sight, “Mother and sister?”

“My new bosses.” She looked up at him and he gave her an understanding look.

“How new?”

“I met them yesterday.”

“Oh man!”

“Yeah, I know...starting out on the right foot here aren’t I?”

“None of this was your fault.”

“I know, but still, I could end up with a black eye out of the deal, and I’m on my way to meet the guy I will be working directly with, NICE first impression.” They approached Diane and Stacy who both ran forward to hug her.

Diane put her hand on the side of Stasia’s face, “YOU POOR THING!” Stasia was completely taken off guard by the emotion in both their eyes and the concern they were showing. She must have looked in shock because Stacy held her arm firmly and led her over to a bench, Stasia sat down with Diane on one side of her and Stacy on the other. Diane pulled Stasia’s hand away from her cheek where she was still holding the bag of ice. She leaned in to get a closer look at the cheek. There was a large, red hand shaped mark where Peter had slapped Stasia. “Monster.” She whispered, and pulled Stasia into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry you went through all of that, you poor thing. I will see to it Jive is notified.”

“Diane, I’ll live I promise you. We need to get moving though, I don’t want to hold that plane up any longer than is completely necessary.” She stood up straightened her clothes and smiled. “It’s all water under the bridge now. I have one heck of a story to tell, and there is no long-term damage done. I also learned when you can’t swing your arms, or kick someone...biting their forearm is a good defense.”

Both women were staring at her wide eyed. “It was a joke...however, it’s also true.” The three of them began laughing, the laughing got louder, and louder until they all had tears running down their faces. That was exactly the tension breaker they all needed. They gathered Stasia’s bags and started toward the terminal, when a security guard ran up.

“Ms. Blake?”

“Yes?” Stasia turned to him.

“We’ve arranged for your party to be driven to the gate. If you’ll just come this way, we’ll have you there in no time.”

“Well thank you very much, that’s very kind.” They followed the young man to three waiting golf carts, each of them got into one of the carts, and members of airport security drove them straight to the gate. Where their bags were taken on board the plane ahead of them. Diane handed three tickets to the woman at the gate, who said, “We’ve been expecting you. Have a safe flight ladies.”

“Thank you.” they answered in unison, and then laughed.

They walked down the hallway and onto the plane, where they were quickly seated in first class, buckled in, and the flight attendant began the pre-flight speech about exits and how to buckle your seatbelt. Soon after, the plane began to taxi and in no time they were in the air. Stasia seated by the window, with Diane next to here, and Stacy sitting just across the aisle. When they were all settled Stacy leaned across the aisle and said, “So let’s hear the details! What on Earth happened up there? And how did you wind up getting smacked across the face? All they could tell us was that the flight attendant attacked you.”

“He hit me after I bit him.” Stasia grinned. That still struck her as amusing.

Stasia launched into a long explanation, including everything from what she was reading, to what color the stars she saw were. At the end both Stacy and Diane were sitting there with their jaws dropped.

Stacy giggled, “You bit him. That’s classic.”

“I know, I still think it’s funny. I’m not sure why. It was all I could think of at the time. He was holding my arms, and the table was in the way so I couldn’t kick him. But tell me the truth, do you think I’m going to get a black eye out of this deal?”

Diane leaned in again, lightly touched the red mark and said, “I think you are going to be lucky. It isn’t very swollen, so you should be okay. What a monster that man was!”

They changed the subject, Stasia asked about housing in Mississippi, computer questions, banking questions, questions about who did what in the office, and where she should send Jake when she was on the road.

Diane quickly jumped in on that question, “How about he stays with Jim and I for the time being?”

“That is far too big an imposition!”

“Not at all!”

“You are far too busy to take care of my dog!”

“I wouldn’t have offered if it was too big an imposition. It will never be for long stretches, Lance comes home quite a bit all things considered.”

Stacy put her two cents in at this point, “Ford and I would be happy to take him once the fence is finished, but I don’t want the little guy to sneak out, so we have to wait until that’s done.”

Diane looked sharply at Stacy, “Did you ever think I may WANT to have little Jake around? Now hush child, or help me to talk Stasia into this, but do not make this more difficult!”

Stasia laughed, “Okay! You win...for now, but I will figure something out in the long run.”

Diane had a pleased smile on her face and patted Stasia’s hand. The rest of the flight was spent chatting about the trip, who would be there, who would be missing, and what each person was like. Stasia was becoming very excited, maybe this was the best way to meet everyone, the pressure was off. This trip was basically one HUGE family vacation. Everyone related to one of the N Sync guys was going to be there. With a new album coming out in a few months, the guys wanted to treat everyone a peaceful vacation, before the craziness started.

It was a long flight, and the three women made the time pass very quickly, they were all getting along very well. Stasia had that good feeling again, this was going to work out very well. As the plane began it’s decent, Hawaii came into full view. It was glorious! Lush and green, with crystal clear, sapphire blue water. Stasia could not believe she was in Hawaii.

They walked off the plane into the terminal, where they were met by young girls in brightly colored dresses, who placed a lei around each person’s neck. Stasia noticed Stacy and Diane both looking around, they must have ordered a car to pick them up here at the airport. Stacy suddenly shouted, “LONNIE! DRE! Hi y’all!” And then ran to the two enormous men she was shouting at!

Each giant scooped Stacy up into a warm hug, and then set her gently down. They then hugged Diane, who in turn introduced Stasia to the men, who each shook her hand warmly.

Stacy explained that they were two of N Sync’s bodyguards. They led the women to a small room, Stasia would have thought was a broom closet from looks of the door. Dre opened the door and stepped aside. A young man with a baseball hat, sunglasses, a t-shirt and shorts got up off the couch and ran over to Diane and Stacy, “MOMMA! STACY!” He hugged them both at the same time and kissed each of them on the cheek. Each woman kissed him on either of his cheeks, at the same time.

He took a step back and looked curiously at Lonnie, who was standing with a stranger. She was pretty enough, but plain...very plain. She had brown hair that looked sun streaked, that was pulled up into a ponytail. She was dressed in khaki pants, and a white man style shirt which had the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, with black loafers, no socks, and a black belt. Her skin was very fair, except for a very red mark on her left cheek. She had a pair of sunglasses pushed up on top of her head and she was smiling warmly at him. The girl spoke. “Hello there.” That is when he noticed the eyes, steel gray, not even slightly blue or brown, steel gray...amazing steel gray with an almost silver sparkle.

“Um...hello.”he said carefully eyeing Lonnie again. Lonnie did not seem the least bit concerned, neither did Dre. Was he supposed to know her?

Diane turned quickly, “OH GOODNESS! Stasia come in here! Lance darling, this is Anastasia Blake. Call her Stasia. I’m sorry sweetie, I almost forgot you were back there you were so quiet.”

Stasia stepped forward, and Lance held out his hand for her. “Anastasia?” He looked at his mother who nodded. Stasia took his hand and shook it.

“You must be Lance, your mother and sister have told me so much about you!” She smiled warmly.

“Well then you are at a distinct advantage here.” He could not believe his mother and sister would talk to a stranger about him, they knew that could be dangerous.

Diane and Stacy both gasped. “JAMES LANCE! Poor Stasia has had an awful day so far and now you are going to be rude! I raised you better than that!” Diane cut him down right in front of everyone.

Lance looked sheepishly at his mother, and then back at Stasia, who apparently was NOT a stranger, he found that point out the hard way. “I’m very sorry I didn’t mean to be rude.”

“It’s not a problem.” Stasia was getting the feeling Lance had no idea she was going to be there. She had assumed Stacy and Diane had filled him in on all the details. Now she was realizing she had made an incorrect assumption.

Lonnie and Dre went to retrieve all of the luggage, and put it into the car, they didn’t want Lance to walk through the crowded airport until he could go straight to the car and then leave right away. That left Stasia, Diane, Stacy and Lance alone in the room. Lance still looked confused. Stacy started to explain, she was so excited, that she was leaving out huge pieces of information which Diane was attempting to fill in, but she was equally excited, and wasn’t doing much better.

Stacy was gesturing wildly, and was at the point that Stasia got hit on Jive’s jet, when Lance’s eyes were the size of dinner plates. He held up a hand and said, “Stace, Momma, stop.” He then turned, still wide eyed to Stasia and said, “Let me see if I have gotten ANY of this straight.”

“Okay, go ahead.” Stasia smiled.

“You work for us now, more specifically, you work for...err...rather, with me.”


“You worked for Uncle Josh in Michigan?”


“You’ve got a ton of experience doing exactly what we need.”


“You are coming on the road with me, and Momma and Stacy have already made arrangements with Johnny and Jive regarding travel and such?”

Stasia looked over at Diane, who nodded her head. Stasia nodded.

“Now this is where I’m really foggy...some freak hit you on Jive’s jet because he thought I was an old man, and you were a prostitute?”

“Well, not exactly, but that’s close enough for now. He just made a huge series of incorrect assumptions, which led to me being held by my arms and shaken. I couldn’t move my arms, and I couldn’t kick the guy, so I bit his arm, he threw me...lunged at me...I called the Captain...Peter, that’s the guy, hit me before the Captain was able to get to us. That, in a nut shell, is the story.”

“Wow. I’ve missed a lot in a week.” He took off the hat and sunglasses and threw them on the table in front of him, and then ran both hands over his face and into his hair, which he scruffed up, until it was sticking out in every possible direction, which surprisingly, didn’t look bad. This was the first real look Stasia got at Lance, he was gorgeous. He had the most amazing green eyes she had ever seen in her life. They were interrupted when Lonnie and Dre walked back into the room.

“We’re ready, and if we go now, we’ve got a pretty clear path.”

Lance stood up, put the hat and sunglasses back on, took hold of one of Diane’s hands, and one of Stacy’s, looked at Lonnie and said, “We’re with you, Dre you take GOOD care of Stasia there.”

Dre nodded and answered, “You’ve got it Lance, for once, I got the good assignment.”

Stasia smiled up at the big man and said, “Well thank you very much...but I’ve already had one brawl today...Lonnie may have made out on this deal.” She pointed to the red mark on her face. Everyone in the room laughed when Dre’s jaw fell open.

“Let’s roll people!” Lonnie led the group out of the room and into the airport. They ran straight to the car which left as soon as Dre shut the door.

It was a short ride to the hotel, which had an enormous screaming mob in front of the main entrance. As soon as the limo came into sight, the screaming got louder. The screaming reached it’s peak when the door to the limo opened and Lonnie stepped out, followed by Dre, they stood on either side of the door, which Lance was the next to exit. The screaming was so loud Stasia thought her ears were about to bleed. Diane was next out, and held her hand down for Stasia to take hold of, to help her out of the car, but when she was out, Diane did not let go, in fact she gave it a little reassuring squeeze. Stacy was out of the limo quickly, and grabbed onto Stasia free hand. Five bellboys ran out of the hotel and grabbed all of the luggage, and sprinted back into the hotel. Lance stopped to sign a few autographs, and then the group walked into the lobby. Stasia let out the breath she had no idea she had been holding. Diane and Stacy released her hands and Diane said, “You did great!”

Just then a guy walked up and grabbed Stacy in a big hug, she squealed and kicked her feet, but hugged him tightly around the neck. He released her and walked over to Diane who he leaned to and said, very respectfully, “Hi Momma Bass!” She kissed his cheek and he straightened up. Then his eyes landed on Stasia, who suddenly felt as if her clothes were mentally being removed. “Well HELLO THERE! Are you a member of the Bass clan they have been trying to hide from me?”

“Um...hi.” Stasia said quietly.

“DOWN JOEY! You will have plenty of time to get to know Anastasia.” Lance scolded.

A sly grin spread across his face, “Anastasia...I like that...rar...”

“JOEY!” Lance hit him on the back of the head. “STOP!”

Stasia started to laugh, her laugh was contagious, because soon the entire group was laughing. This was going to be a lot of fun...and they were still standing in the lobby.

~Chapter Four~