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Chapter 30

She was bent over the toilet emptying the contents of her stomach. Lance crouched down next to her, pushing he long hair back, “Millie, what is it?”

She sat back and pulled her knees up to her stomach, her arms went around her knees and her forehead was resting on her knees. She began rocking slowly. Lance grabbed a washcloth and ran it under cold water. He held it to her head and stroked her hair. Her eyes were jet black and looked almost hollow.

“I’m going to get you a drink of water.” He left her curled up in the corner of the bathroom. Lance ran out into the living room. He bent to look at the stack of papers on the floor. He picked up the top paper and he felt bile rise up in his throat.

He dropped the paper and screamed, “LONNIE! LONNIE!”

Lonnie burst through the door with Ron right behind him. “What’s wrong?”

Lance ran a hand over his face and looked up from the floor, “You need to get Alyssa and Dan over here now.”

“Where is Stasia?” Ron bent down next to Lance and moved to pick up the paper on the floor.

“Don’t touch it. DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING! PLEASE get Alyssa and Dan over here NOW!”

Lonnie ran out the door and Lance heard his car start and squeal away from the curb. Ron put his hand under Lance’s elbow and helped him to his feet. “Lance, I’m not touching anything. Where is Stasia?”

Lance’s voice wasn’t above a whisper, “Bathroom...”

Ron steered him over to the couch and walked down the hall to the bathroom, he returned carrying Stasia. He set her down on the couch next to Lance, who instantly crushed her to his side. Her entire body was cold, her skin felt icy. She buried her face in his chest.

“I know. I saw.” Her whispered to the top of her head.

Ron walked over with two glasses of ice water. Stasia just shook her head. Lance drank his down in one swallow. He was trying hard to swallow down the lump in his throat.

Stasia began shaking, Ron coved her small form with a blanket.

The sound of car doors slamming and Alyssa bursting through the door with Dan and Lonnie brought Stasia out of her haze. Alyssa crouched in front of them, “Stasia, I need you to tell me what happened, to show me what has frightened you.” She looked over a Lance, “Do you know what has her so freaked out?”

Lance nodded his head and pointed at the stack of paper spread out on the floor. Alyssa stood up, put on a pair of latex gloves and walked over to the papers and Lonnie and Ron followed her. Lance looked panicked, “LONNIE! RON! I don’t want you looking at that stuff!”

Lonnie searched Lance’s face for some reason, but didn’t question him. He walked over to the couch and sat down on the arm. Ron sat next to Stasia stroking her back.

Alyssa picked up the papers and turned them over she calmly flipped through them, she got to the last page and closed her eyes, “Shit. Dan, get Grant on the phone.”

Dan didn’t say a word, he just flipped open his phone as he walked out the door to stand outside. When Dan returned he simply said, “She’ll be on the next flight out.”

Alyssa sat on the coffee table across from Lance and Stasia, she looked deeply into Lance’s eyes, “I need to talk to Lonnie and Ron about this OK? I am not going to be rude, but they need to know Lance.”

Lance nodded and pulled Stasia tighter into his chest, he rested his forehead on the top of her head. “I’m sorry.” He whispered to her hair, tears began rolling down his cheeks and landing on the top of her head.

Alyssa took Ron and Lonnie into the bedroom and talked to them for a long time while Dan carefully picked up all of the paper from the floor with a gloved hand. He glanced up at the couple clinging to one another on the couch.

Stasia raised her head and looked into Lance’s eyes, “I want it to stop. I want my life back. I’m sick of not feeling safe. I’m sick of being scared, I’m sick of being stalked. I’M SICK OF THIS SON OF A BITCH!”

Dan walked over and sat on the table across from them, “Stasia, that is the best attitude you could have. YOU FIGHT! You don’t let this guy win by crushing your spirit. We WILL find him and he WILL pay for everything he has done to you. He will pay for this stunt dearly.” He shook the stack of paper in his hand.

Mary was pacing the entire length of the conference room at Free Lance. She was looking closely at the items laid out in front of her. Stasia’s eyes took in every movement the woman made. Each time she would stop to scrutinize something more closely, Stasia made a mental note of the item that had peaked her interest.

Stasia the letter enclosed in the package was burned into her memory, she could see it in her mind.


You little slut. You are repulsive. Now one of these fools will have to be punished for your behavior. Who will it be? Pretty boy? Is it his time? YOUR TIME IS HERE! SAY YOUR GOOD-BYES...your brother should have said good-bye, before this happened.

She could see the bold black printing. She still felt the chill in her core. She couldn’t seem to clear her head.

Mary stopped and pointed at something, “Stasia, come here.” She held out her hand and when Stasia moved to stand next to her, she took the younger woman’s hand and held it in her own, “OK, now tell me again. This is?”

“Jess. Jessica Clegg, my best friend.” Stasia looked at the picture of Jess walking to her car in the parking structure outside of the office.

“And this?” Mary pointed again.

“Brent. Jess’s fiancé, also one of my very best friends.” He was jogging in their neighborhood.

“This one?”

“Josh Adams. My former boss, mentor, and the closest thing to a father I’ve ever had.”

“Who are these two?”

“Justin and his friend Morgan.” Both getting into Justin’s car outside of Morgan’s house.

“Right, and this?”

“Chris and his girlfriend Dani.” Sitting by Chris’s pool, playing with the dogs.

“OK, and this one is Joe Fatone. Right?”

“Yes, with his girlfriend Angela.” At Joey’s parent’s house with Steve, and their parents. They were eating barbeque.

“Here I’m looking at JC Chasez and his friend Lyn?”

“Yes.” She sighed heavily looking at JC sitting on the deck behind Lyn’s house, watching her grade papers.

“This one is Stacy Lofton and her husband Ford?”

Stasia swallowed hard, “Right.” They were working in the yard outside of their new house.

“Jim and Diane Bass?”

“Yes.” Stasia was choked up at the sight of them walking out of church hand in hand, Jim was shaking the minister’s hand.

“This is Lonnie at his house in Florida?”

“No. Ron at Lonnie’s.” Stasia shook her head. She pointed to another photo, “That one is Lonnie.”

Mary gave her hand a little squeeze, “This whole group is you and Lance. These were taken last night?”

Stasia looked down at the pictures of her sitting on the arm of Lance’s chair. Pictures of Stasia standing in front of Lance, taking his clothes off. Pictures of them kissing. Pictures of Lance unzipping Stasia’s dress. Pictures of Lance lowering her onto the bed.

Stasia flushed and whispered, “Yes.”

“OK, this last one was taken in ‘98. I know that it’s a crime scene photo, from a newspaper photographer.”

Stasia turned away from the pictures and ran her hand through her hair. When she looked at Mary, her eyes were dark and her voice was bitter, “More specifically, it is a crime scene photo from the night my brother and sister-in-law were killed. MORE SPECIFICALLY, It is a picture of the car, WITH THEM STILL IN IT!” She stormed out of the room and into her office, slamming the door behind her.

Ron knocked lightly as he walked through the door. Stasia was standing at the window, looking out blankly. Her arms were wrapped around herself and her forehead was resting against the windowpane. “Feisty?”

“Yeah Ron?” She didn’t move.

He crossed the room to stand next to her, “I’m worried about you.”

She laughed, a cold hard, cynical laugh that gave him chills, “You’re worried about me? Why?”

“I’m worried about how you’re feeling right now.” She turned and leaned her back against the window, “I feel sick. I feel violated. I feel scared. Most of all, I feel angry. I’ve never been so angry. I could care less about threats against me. The bastard has threatened EVERYONE I care about. He knows what buttons to push, and he’s pushing them...hard.”

“You may not care about him threatening you, but I do.” He pulled her shoulders around so she was facing him, she looked down at the floor. “Stasia, stop acting like a four year old. Now is not the time to regress into a child.”

Her head snapped up and her angry eyes locked with his. Her eyes narrowed and then she sighed and took a step closer to him, he pulled her into a tight hug as she laughed, “Screw you Ron. I don’t need you pointing out that I’m being a huge child. I was just getting ready to throw myself on the floor for a good old fashioned tantrum! Now you ruined it.”

“Now THERE is my Feisty.”

“Yeah, she’s lurking around in here. I was just trying to shut up little miss maturity for a while.”

“I like little miss maturity, she not a scary as little mis woe is me!”

“OK RON! I get your point.”

She could hear Lance’s voice though the adjoining door between her office and his. Ron let her go and nodded knowingly as she walked to the door. She silently entered his office as he continued his conversation, he was looking down at his desk, clutching his head between his hands.

She walked around and rested her hip on the corner of his desk, next to his elbow. Lance glanced up and then rested his head down on her leg. She stroked his hair and caressed his cheek. She cold hear Justin’s voice on the other end of the phone.

Lance sighed, “J, the national guard is not going surround my house.” Stasia couldn’t help but laugh at that comment. “Yeah. She’s right here laughing at you.” Stasia shot the top of his head a dirty look.

Lance just held the receiver up for her to take. She rolled her eyes and took the phone, “Hi Justin.”

“Stasia. I think you guys need to come back to Orlando and stay at my house. We’ll get more security and then the freak will go away.”

“Justin, it doesn’t matter where I am, he’ll be there. Mary arrived with six more agents, we’ll be ok for now.”

“Stasia, Lance said Mary told him to call and warn about the picture of me and Mor, do you think it’s a big deal?”

“Yeah Justin, I do. This guy knows I don’t care if he goes after me, but I DO CARE if he goes after the people I love.”

“Don’t you worry about us.”

“Easier said then done J. I’ve made arrangements for security for Mor, do you want me to talk to her about it, or o you want to do it?”

“I’ll do it. You have enough to worry about.”

“Thanks Justin, you’ll know he’s our guy. I’ll call back when I have all of the details.”

“You watch your back.”

“I will. You do the same.”

“OK, I’ll see you guys soon.”

“Bye Justin.” She leaned over Lance to hang up the phone.

She looked down at his head, still resting on her leg, “Harry, I owe you an apology. I am so sorry about the pictures and the way I reacted. I’m sorry I’ve gotten you wrapped up in this mess.”

“Millie, shut up.” He leaned back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I should hope you know as well as I do, that if I had it to do all over again, I would. Pictures and all. If you think I would give up one second of the time we’ve spent together, you are mistaken. Now let’s not waist our time and energy arguing about you apologizing for things that are completely out of your control.”

“OK, apparently you are taking control of the situation here?” She raised her eyebrow at him.

“I sick of not doing anything.” He released the bridge of his nose and looked at her curiously, “What are you doing in here? I thought you were with Mary in the conference room.”

She looked down at her hands where they were folded in her lap.

“Millie, what did you do?” He closed his eyes.

“I may have had a minor break down. She was asking me about the pictures one at a time, and I was staring at a table full of all of the people I care about in the world, which should have made me happy, but instead it frightened me. And then, then I looked at the picture of Noah’s car, and I flipped out at Mary, I stormed out of the conference room, slammed the door to my office and pouted. Then Ron came in and said I was acting like a four year old.”

“He called you out on it?” He smirked.

“Yes. Wipe the smirk off of your face. I admit that I was being a brat, and he forgave me.”

“Did you apologize to Mary?”


“Do you think you should?”


“Are you going to?”

“Umm...well...I...ahh...” She inspected the cuticle on her thumb.

“Are you going to?” He leveled his eyes on her.

“Going...I’m going...” She stood up and looked down at him.

“What?” He raised one eyebrow.

“Well, I was thinking...”

He stood up and took her hand, “Yes, I’ll come with you while you say you’re sorry for having your little tantrum.”

She rolled her eyes, “Gee, thanks.”

Stasia knocked on the conference room door, holding Lance’s hand tightly in hers. She slowly opened the door and stuck her head in, “Mary?”

“Come on in sweetie.” Mary smiled.

Stasia walked in, pulling Lance behind her. “I’m sorry about my outburst before. I should never have snapped at you like that. I was just feeling overwhelmed. I’m very sorry.”

Mary walked over and placed her hands on Stasia’s shoulders, “Sweetie, I understand. Believe me, I’ve seen some horrific things in my time, I’ve seen horrible pictures of crime scenes and victims, but I have never been forced to look at pictures of my loved ones in a picture like that. You’ve earned the right to be angry.”

“Thank you for being understanding.” Lance squeezed her hand and kissed her forehead.

“So, I have some major concerns here.” Mary gestured at the table.

“I don’t find that surprising.” Lance sighed, “What do you need us to do?”

“I need you to think very carefully about this again. I need to go over the list of people you gave me before. Are we sure we aren’t missing anyone?”

Stasia sat do in a chair between Lance and Mary, “Well, let’s see...Peter, we saw him again. You knew about that. Then there was, Bill. He had some choice words for us. Garret, shows up at the Silverdome. I honestly can’t think of anyone else.” Stasia ran her hands through her hair and sighed.

Lance was quiet form a second and then said, “Danielle.”

“DANI? ARE YOU NUTS?” Stasia stared at him like he was insane.

“I didn’t say Dani, I said Danielle.”

“Fischelle? You can’t be serious. Why would she be willing to do this? Not to mention, it’s a guy.”

“Stasia, we don’t know that it is a man. Not to mention there can be a female mastermind, funding a male hit man. Now, Lance, why didn’t you mention this Danielle person before?”

“It never dawned on me before, she’s my ex-girlfriend, she surfaced at a concert. She was acting strangely. I just now thought of it.”

“We’ll check it out. I am bringing in more agents. We are going to have to keep an eye on every person in these pictures. I don’t think that this is an empty threat.”

The three of the sat in the conference room for hours. Looking for anything that could possibly be out of place in any of the pictures. Lance held her hand, and helped her through each photo. They had food brought in for lunch and dinner. Mary went through every file Bill had ever touched. She even went as far as to search Stasia’s office and the office that used to be Bill’s.

When they pulled up at the house, Lance punched in his security code, and as the gates opened, he looked over at Stasia. “What in the hell?”

“I have no clue.” She looked back at him.

He pulled into the garage and they got out of the car, followed by Mary, Alyssa, and Ron. They walked into the kitchen. Voices and laughter filled the house. Stasia was yawning and exhausted. “Who did you invite over?”

“I didn’t invite anyone. I have no idea what is going on. Momma’s car is here, daddy’s car is here, Ford’s and Stacy’s I don’t know why they would drive over here separately.” He hugged her to his side, “Can you put up with my family for a little while?”

“Nothing to put up with. It will be good for us to be around people who love us right now.”

“You amaze me.” He kissed her, until Mary cleared her throat. “Sorry about that.”

“Not a problem.” She nudged him with her elbow.

“MOMMA? DADDY? We’re back!” Lance called as they walked into the living room. His jaw dropped, “What?”

Stasia was staring, completely shocked. “What?”

Justin stretched his legs out in front of himself. “What what?”

Morgan’s head was laying in his lap, “Be nice, they’ve had a long day. Maybe what is the only thing they can say.”

“Good point Mor.” Joey kicked her with the toe of his shoe.

“What?” Stasia looked up at Lance who shrugged.

Angela walked in from the other room, “Oh, hi guys! You’re home.” She sat on Joey’s lap.

Chris and Dani were sitting in a chair together near the window, “Have you ever seen BOTH of them speechless before?” Chris asked the group.

“Not to the best of my recollection.” JC yawned and turned to Lyn, “What do you think?”

“No, one of them always has a comment to make.”

“What are you doing here?” Lance looked around the room and his jaw dropped completely when Jess and Brent came down the stairs.

“Wait for everyone else to get back in, your mom and dad are giving Josh the tour.”

“JOSH IS HERE?” Stasia lit up.

Lance couldn’t help but smile when he saw the way she got so excited when she was with Josh, the same way he lit up when he was with his parents. Stacy and Ford came out of the basement carrying soda, and snack food.

“Hey little brother. I raided the party stash downstairs.” Stacy kissed Lance’s cheek as she walked by.

“That’s fine.” He looked down at Stasia next to him, “We forgot to go to the store.”

She rolled her eyes, “Sorry, I got a little side tracked.”

Justin put his hand up, “Hi Ms. Grant, I’m sorry I’m not getting up, but Mor here is exhausted.”

“You know it’s Mary, and it’s not a problem. It’s great to see you again Justin.”

JC got up and walked over, offering his hand, “I wish we could meet under better circumstances one of these days.”

“I do too JC.” She shook his hand warmly.

The sound of laughter was floating in from the deck, Lance laughed hysterically when Stasia dashed into Josh’s waiting arms. “Hey sweetheart.” He hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head.

“Josh, I can’t believe you’re here.”

“When Jess called, I knew I needed to come.”

“Jess called?” She turned to Jess, “How did you find out?”

“Justin called me.”

“You called her?” Lance kicked Justin’s foot.


“So now someone explain why you are all here.” Stasia sat on the piano bench. Lance settled in next to her. Chris and Dani moved so Mary could sit down.

“I’ll take this one.” Justin began, “I called Jess, about security and stuff, and while we were talking...”

“That must have been one heck of a conversation.” Stasia rolled her eyes.

“Stasia, can you just keep your mouth shut for a minute while he finishes?” Jess shot across the room.

“Sorry. Go ahead Justin.” She bowed her head.

“SO! I was talking to Jess, and we decided that this freak can’t kill us all at the same know, safety in numbers. I talked to JC and Joe about it and they thought we were right. That’s when we made arrangements to get down here.”

“Jess, Josh, Ang, Dani don’t you guys have to work?” Stasia looked around.

“Jess and I will work together and call into the office.” Josh answered.

“I don’t have anything to do for Hot Shots right now, and I can work on FuMan stuff anywhere.” Dani smiled.

“I took some vacation time.” Angela offered.

“Lyn, when do you have to go back to school?”

“I’ve got plenty of time, I don’t go back until the end of the month.”

“Me either.” Morgan smiled.

“Mary, what do you think of all of this?” Lance rested his chin on Stasia’s shoulder.

“They have a very valid point. There is safety in numbers, it will be much easier for us to assure everyone’s safety if you’re all in one place until we find this guy.” Mary said thoughtfully.

“So wait, everyone is going to stay here...indefinitely?” Lance looked shocked.

Joey started to snicker, “That’s our plan. We’re ALL moving in.” He stretched his arms and put his hands behind his head.

“Oh boy.” Lance ran a hand over his face.

“Stacy, Ford and Uncle Josh will be staying with us at our house, with several agents. We thought it would be too crowded here.” Diane smiled at her son. “Mary, you’re welcome to stay with us as well. We have plenty of room. It will be a slightly...older crowd.”

Mary laughed, “I think I will take you up on that.”

Stasia was in the kitchen chopping and dicing, peeling and boiling. Pans were bubbling and sizzling. Dani and Lyn were perched on stools watching the scene before them. Stasia was in the process of chopping red peppers.

“Stasia, I can’t believe you are cooking for all of us. I could make...peanut butter and jelly or pop tarts to fill out the menu for you.” Dani teased.

“I hadn’t thought of pop tarts. How many can you whip up?”

“I could do a whole box for you if you wanted.”

Lyn laughed, “I’m the master on mac and cheese, would that help?”

“Honestly guys, I think I have it all under control.”

“Sure smells like it.” JC’s voice came from the doorway.

Stasia’s smile lit up the entire kitchen, “Thanks.”

JC crossed the kitchen and rested his elbow on Lyn’s shoulder, “So what exactly are you making here?”

“Well, I’m actually making several different things here. Right now I’m chopping peppers for a chicken pasta concoction. Over there we have a big salad for the ladies who are watching their figures.” She rolled her eyes and they all laughed, “We’re going to have steaks and potatoes, for Justin. I’m making a fruit salad and Morgan put in an order for grilled chicken.”

“Stasia! You can make each of us our favorite food all at once!”

“Sure I can. I love doing this!”

Lance walked in the room wearing his wetsuit pulled down to his waist, “Millie! What have you done to my kitchen?”

“I used it.” She bounced around the counter to kiss him. She placed her palms flat against his bare chest, “Going out on the jet skis?”

He kissed her again, “Yeah, Justin and I are going out. I think I’ve even talked Dan into going with us.”

“Don’t play too long, all of this will be ready in a little while.”

“I love it when you get all domestic.” He kissed her, “JC, you want to come down with us?”

“Sure. Lynie, you want to come?”

“You know what? I’m going to stay up here and try to help...or hurt the progress...whatever.”

“Stasia, don’t let her near the stove. That is my only advice, don’t let her near the stove.”

“Is there something I should know about?” Stasia wiped her hands off on a dish towel.

Lyn was glaring at JC, “NO!” JC smiled and followed Lance outside.


“It was a VERY SMALL fire.”

“Oh. I see.” Stasia looked around at all of he food, “How are you at slicing?”

“I think I can handle a little slicing. Thanks for not asking about the fire.”

“No problem.”

Dani smirked, “I’ll ask. What happened with the fire?”

“There was pan, some chicken and a lot of flames.” Lyn slowly shook her head, “It was ugly.”

“Stasia, how can I help?” Dani jumped down from her stool.

“Can you get out plates and silverware and all of the stuff”

“You’ve got it.”

An hour later, Stasia walked down to the lake, “I don’t suppose any of you are hungry.”

Justin was out of the water and sprinting up the hill before Lance was even able to stand up. JC and Dan brought the jet skis in and were drying off as Lance picked Stasia up and carried her back up to the house.

Lance stood at the end of the long table, completely covered with food. “You are remarkable.” He kissed her forehead.

After two hours at the table, Joey pushed his chair back, “I...can’”

“Dude, I was done half an hour ago and I didn’t stop.” JC leaned back from the table.

Lance stood up, “OK, I’ll get started on the dishes.”

“Harry, I can deal with the dishes.”

“You spent hours cooking a mountain of food, go do some...girl stuff.”

Morgan grabbed Stasia’s arm, “He’s right, come on.”

All of the girls got up, and went upstairs to Lance’s bedroom. Stasia curled up in Lance’s chair, she was so excited to have everyone around.

Jess sat on the floor, “So this is the first chance we’ve had, away from the guys, away from the Bass’s, away from the nine billion FBI agents. Now I, as your best friend, have something to say.”

“And what is that Jess?” Stasia looked at her sideways.

“Something is different about you. Something is different about Lance. He can’t be in the same room with you without having physical contact with you. What is that all about?”

“He’s worried about me.”

“It’s more than that.” Jess’s eyes narrowed on her friend, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that you guys had gotten closer.” Stasia flushed slightly. “OH MY GOD!”

“Jess, drop it.” Stasia glared.

Morgan who was laying on the floor sat bolt upright, “Jess, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“If you think I’m saying that SOMETHING HAPPENED, you’re thinking what I’m thinking.”

“Guys, would you DROP IT?” Stasia was turning very red.

“Anastasia, you are my best friend, and if something important has happened, I think I have a right to know about it.”

“Jessica, DROP IT...NOW!”

“OK, I’ll drop it if you just answer one question for me.”

“Depends on the question.”

“Are you still a virgin? Because when you moved down here, I happen to know you were.”

“Go to hell Jess.”

“Maybe we should just drop it.” Jess smiled evilly.

Lyn was watching the two girls closely and said, “I know we aren’t here under the best circumstances, but I’m glad we can all spend some time together.”

“Me too!” Dani tried to help Lyn ease the tension in the air.

Stasia shot Jess one last dirty look and then said, “My bridesmaid dress arrived today.”

“My dress arrived four days ago, apparently when your friend pays cash up front fo the dress, they rush it.” Jess smiled.

Morgan clapped, “So tell us all about the wedding and where it’s going to be, and if we’re all invited.”

“MORGAN!” Dani smacked the younger woman’s head.

“WHAT?” She rubbed her head angrily.

“You do not invite yourself to someone’s wedding!” Dani looked mortified.

“Dani, it’s ok. You’re all already on the guest list, I hope the guys will be able to make it.”

Lyn giggled, “We’ll make sure that their schedule is clear that day.”

“Thanks, I was hoping for some cheap entertainment.” They all laughed.

Lance crawled into bed next to Stasia, watched her sleep. The gentle rise and fall of her chest, and the way her hand was resting on his pillow, gave him a sense of home. She was smiling in her sleep, at least he knew she had peace when she was sleeping.


“I thought you were asleep.” He gently kissed her lips.

“You were watching me.”

“I know. Go back to sleep.” He ran his hand over her hair.

“I have a better idea.” She rolled onto her side.

“I love the way you think.”

“Mmm hmm.” She was kissing his neck.

Lance was in the process of shifting his weight over her and unbuttoning the top button of the pajama shirt she was wearing, when there was a light knock on the door. His head flopped down next to hers on the pillow and he whispered, “There are too many people in this house.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” She watched him as he threw back the covers to open the door.

“Lance, I am SO sorry, but I was wondering if Stasia is still awake?” Lyn’s voice was hushed.

“I’m still up Lyn.” Stasia answered as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. “What’s up?”

Lyn walked in, dressed in her pajamas, looking very tired. “I’m really sorry to bug you guys now, but I figure there is no one better to talk to about this than you two.”

Lance sat next to Stasia and pointed to the other end of the bed, where Lyn sat, leaning her back against the footboard. “What can we help with?” He smiled.

“It’s just that, the FBI is taking this letter seriously enough that they want to assign an agent to me. How worried are you?”

Lance looked over at Stasia who took a deep breath and shook her head a little, “Lyn, we are worried enough that we are also going to have a security person assigned to you until this thing is over with.”

“Really? I was sort of hoping you’d say, ‘Oh we’re not worried at all.’” Lyn looked down at her hands, “How am I going to go back to school with an FBI agent and a bodyguard?”

“Oh man, I hadn’t thought of that.” Stasia looked over at Lance.

“I can’t walk into a classroom, if I’m going to endanger the students. Maybe I should take a leave of absence.”

“Lyn, I’m so sorry, this mess is all my fault.” Stasia raked her hands through her hair.

“You can’t blame yourself, but I don’t think I should go into the classroom under these circumstances.”

Lance took Stasia’s hand, “Lyn, we will do whatever we can to get you back to work as soon as possible.”

“I know. Thanks guys.” She started to get up, and then looked back at them. “You guys draw strength from each other don’t you?” She watched as the two of them both got gentle smiles on their faces.

Lance answered, “Yeah we do, we’ve talked about it and we both feel that we are much stronger together, then we ever were apart.” Stasia nodded her agreement.

“I wish I could find that. I guess I draw strength from all of you guys, but I don’t have that amazing connection. People who have never met you could meet you in a crowded room, no where near one another, and they could tell how in love you are, we’re all lucky to be able to watch this thing.”

“Lyn, it’s waiting for you. I KNOW you are going to find the right person, I can feel it. One of these days you are going to see the person you are meant to be with, your eyes will open to the possibilities and you will look at everything differently.” Stasia smiled.

“After everything you’ve been through in the last few months, and you are still hopeful about everything.” Lyn shook her head.

“I have a good eye for relationships, just ask Jess and Brent. I knew that they belonged together. I’ll tell you what, I’ll keep my eyes open for you, and when the time is right, I’ll make sure that you know who Mr. Right is.”

Lyn laughed loudly, “OK, sounds good to me. Will you deliver him to to my door too?”

“I think that could be arranged.”

There was a quiet knock on the bathroom door, “It’s open.” Lance laughed.

JC’s head poked through the door, “I thought I heard Lynie laughing in here. What are you guys doing?”

“Just talking.” Lyn smiled at her friend as he walked over and nudged her so she would move. Lyn slid over toward the walk, “Would you like to sit down JC?” She teased as he sat next to her.

“Sure. Thanks. Hey, aren’t those the pajamas I gave you for your birthday?” Stasia shot Lance a sideways looked and he smirked.

Jake walked across the bed to lick JC’s face. Stasia shot him a hurt look and he ran back to lay in her lap, “He is getting so spoiled, I’m beginning to worry about him. He is always getting everything he wants.”

“We all love him, he is great to have on tour. I still can’t believe you left him here when we first went out.”

“I didn’t realize I had options.”

“All those brains and you didn’t think to ask me about bringing him along?” Lance looked over at her.

Her eyes narrowed at him, “I hate to remind you, but you were still being, how shall I put were still being an ass at that point in time.”

“He looks hurt Stasia.” JC looked at his friend.

“He’s not hurt, he knows it’s the truth. He’s just upset that he didn’t see what was right in front of his face before we got here after Big Bear. ACTUALLY, he didn’t see what was in front of his face until when would you say? Millie and Harry?”

Lance looked at her thoughtfully, “Yeah, I think that was the first time I realized that I was thinking about you as more then an employee or a friend. I guess I had just noticed how cute you were.”

“I had been cute all along. You, my love, we just too blind to see.”

“Stasia, I would like to go on record saying that I thought you were cute the first time I met you in Hawaii. Even with the big red splotch on your face.” He leaned over to Lyn and whispered, “I’m not getting her mad at me.”

“Thank you JC, I always thought you were among the smartest people I know.”

“Are you hitting on my woman, in my bed?” Lance looked at JC.

JC held up his hands, “Now would I do that? I was simply keeping myself out of the trouble you were getting into.”

Lance nodded his head, “Very good idea, might want to tell her you thought she was cute when you met her too.”

Stasia smacked his arm and laughed. “You are the only one that has gotten into any trouble here Harry. YOU are the one who didn’t want to give me the time of day, and YOU are the one who refused to call me Stasia, until I let you see me cry.”

“You didn’t LET me see you cry, I got there and you were already crying.”

Lyn looked concerned, “Why were you crying? Had he gotten you that upset?”

“IT WASN’T MY FAULT!” Lance looked at Lyn.

Stasia patted his arm, “Calm down. No, it wasn’t his fault at all. I was going through some of my brother’s things and it got me all worked up. Then he just showed up out of nowhere, to invite me to a party...because Stacy forced him to, and he was very sweet. That was the first time he was nice to me.”

“I was never mean to you.”

“You weren’t mean to her, but you were cold.” JC offered, “Then when you got back to Orlando, you were getting along, then you did the thing with Jake, and that was the beginning of this whole thing.”

“You are SO VERY HELPFUL JC!” Lance laughed at his friend.

“WHAT? It’s true. Lynie, didn’t you notice a change after Big Bear?”

“I guess, now that we’re looking back, things did change then.”

“Then the freak took pictures of your first kiss...” JC was starting a thought when he noticed both of them blush, “That wasn’t your first kiss?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Not by a long shot.” Lance smirked.

“WHEN?” Lyn rolled onto her knees looking at Stasia.


“I don’t care. Go ahead.”

“On the bus after the Oscars...and a few times after that.” Stasia blushed.

“LANCE! YOU DOG!” JC pointed.

“I wasn’t my fault. She was sleeping next to me and she just! I could not help it. I had all this stuff going on in my head, think about, you saw her the night before, in that dress...looking all...perfect.”

“She did look pretty.” JC nodded.

“So we had spent all that time together the night before, with her looking all perfect, and then we were crammed into my bunk, and BAM! It just happened.”

Lyn flopped down next to Stasia, “How was it?”

Stasia grabbed Lyn’s hand, “SO GOOD!”


“I know! And kind of...animalistic.”

JC’s jaw dropped and his eyes were huge when he looked at Lance, “She did NOT just say, ‘animalistic’?”

Lance grinned proudly, “Yes. Yes she did. The word was animalistic. I think I would have said that it was just barely controlled.”

Stasia smiled over at him, “That is another good way to put it.”

Lyn looked over at JC who’s eyes were huge and he slowly shook his head, “Can you believe this?”

JC was quick with his answer, “NO!”

“Guys, you have to understand, at that point, I think we had both wanted it to happen for so long, that the second we kissed each other, it just sort of exploded.”

“EXPLODED? I seriously don’t need to hear this!” JC covered his ears and then said, “So go on. What happened after it exploded?”

“Momma called and then we stopped for dinner.” Lance shrugged.

“Momma Bass called? Classic...that is classic.”

“I felt like I was in high school getting caught by my parents making out on the front porch.” Lance laughed.

“I can see why.” Lyn giggled.

Both sitting cross legged in the middle of the bed, with their computers back to back and files spread out around them, Lance and Stasia worked quietly until he glanced up and whispered, “How long before one of them is knocking on the door?”

“Hopefully a while, I have a lot to get done.” She whispered.

He smiled at her, “All work and no play...”

“Harry, lately it has been all play and no work.”

“You get more work done when you’re not working, then most people get done in eight hours at work.”

“Thank you. Now shush.” She reached across the computers and lightly touched her fingertip to his lips.

“I love you.” He whispered against her fingers.

“I’ll never get sick of hearing that.”

“I hope not.” He took her hand from his mouth and held it in his own.

“Don’t get all romantic on me now, I really can’t resist. Could you please hand me the file on the talent search finals on MTV?”

“Slave driver.” He stuck his tongue out at her as he handed her the file she’d asked for.

“I know. I’m awful.”

She unwrapped a lollipop an tuck it in her mouth, she tossed the wrapper aside, and Lance glanced down at it, “What the heck?”

She grinned evilly, “What? My NSYNC razzle berry star shaped lollipop?”

“Where did you get that thing?” He rolled his eyes.

“Morgan. She said they were out of Lance, so I got stuck with the whole group.”

“They were out of Lance? Why do they put our faces on this stuff?” He inspected the wrapper.

“I think the candy is a little better than the underwear.”

“The WHAT?”

“Yes love, they sell NSYNC underwear, thongs actually.”

“Please tell me my face is NOT on some little girl’s thong.” He covered his face.

“No, just the star logo NSYNC thing.”

“I think I missed a meeting somewhere along the way.”

She laughed and started looking over the file in her hands. “We are getting close to the end of the talent search, you have to be in New York for the finals with Dave in two weeks. You will also be taping that special they asked you to do, which will air in September.”

“Right TRL Uncensored. When do we have to be there? We have Pink and Brian McKnight confirmed, right?”

“Yes. Pink and Brian are confirmed. We have to be there on August 16th.”

“All of the finalists will be there on the sixteenth when we arrive. I have blocked time for the two of us to sit down and talk to all of them. I thought it would be nice for us to talk to each of them, try to help them out if they are nervous. Then, we have dinner as a group with Dave and Carson and maybe Tara.”

“OK. How many people will be traveling with us?”

“I have no idea. I’ll have to talk to Mary about it. I’m sure it will just be a small army.”

There was a knock on the door and lance looked at his watch, “It took them half an hour to find us.”

Stasia laughed, “COME IN!” She lit up when Josh walked through the door, “HI!”

He kissed the top of her head, “If you still worked for me, you’d have a desk.”

“Uncle Josh, she HAS a desk, and an office with a view, it’s just easier to work here with all these people around. We’ve been having a hard time getting out of the house. So we are hiding in here, getting what we can done.”

“If you still worked for me, you could have Sunday dinner at my house again.”

“I really do miss Sunday dinner.” Stasia looking happily up at Josh. “I’m a lucky girl, I have my two favorite guys in the same place for a while. I like that!” Josh hugged her to his side.

“You have always been part of my family little lady, now it’s a little more official.” He smiled at his nephew, “You hurt her and I’ll disown YOU!”

Lance laughed, “I know Uncle Josh. I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“I think we’ll be OK Josh.” She looked up at him, “You should see the contract I fixed with this fool, want to look at what I did? I learned well.”

“Let’s see it the way it was, and the way it is.” He smiled lovingly at the woman he considered a daughter.

She handed him the contract she had gotten from Mr. Black, along with the one she had gotten him to sign. Josh sat down on the edge of the bed, pulled his reading glasses out of his pocket and began to look over the contracts. He slowly shook his head a few times. He was chuckling slightly when he finished reading the contract Stasia had gotten the man to sign, “That’s my girl. I taught you very well. Or should I say U of M taught you well.”

Lance watched as Stasia’s jaw dropped and she slowly turned to face Josh, as if she’d been caught in a lie. She swallowed hard, “How did you know?”

Lance looked at her curiously, “I thought you graduated from Michigan State.”

“I did. Josh, how did you know?” She was staring at him.

“Jess told me.”

“I didn’t tell JESS!”

“I don’t know how she found out, but she told me.”

Stasia’s eyes narrowed, and Lance watched as she got up, walked out on the balcony and screamed at the top of her lungs, “JESSICA CLEGG, GET UP HERE...NOW!” Josh nodded across the bed at Lance, “This should be good, let’s get front row seats.” They both stood up and walked to the french doors, Josh put his arm around his nephew’s shoulders, “I’d like you to notice the way Jess is sprinting up the lawn, she is well aware of the fact that she is in major trouble.”

“But why is Jess in trouble?” Lance was confused as he listened to Jess clamor up the stairs on the side of the house.

“Stasia had a secret, and Jess found out about it. Stasia wanted it to be a secret for reasons I don’t quite understand, but it was her prerogative to keep it quiet, Jess was worried about Stasia, so she did a little digging.”

Jess rounded the corner panting, “What?” She rested her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath.”

“How did you find out about U of M?” Stasia leaned back against the railing and her arms crossed over her chest.

Jess’s head dropped, “Shit.”

“How did you find out?”

“I followed you.” Jess straightened and faced her friend. “Why didn’t you TELL me about U of M?”

“YOU FOLLOWED ME?” Lance was watching as Brent was walking up the lawn from the lake, followed by Justin and Morgan.

“Yes. Why didn’t you TELL me?” Jess narrowed her eyes.

Brent stood next to Lance, “If this comes to blows, we are responsible to pull our own woman out of the mess.”

“Ok, do you have any clue what this is all about?”

“No clue, but my guess is Jess did something wrong.” Lance laughed and turned his attention back to the two women who were squaring off in front of them.

“I didn’t tell you because it WAS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!”

“That’s cold. I followed you, because you were disappearing and I was WORRIED about your bitchy ass!”

“If you were worried, why didn’t you ASK me about it?”

“Would you have TOLD ME?”


“Why not? I could have helped.”

“I didn’t want help, I wanted to do it for myself, and I wanted to just send all of you graduation announcements. I was going to surprise all of you.” Stasia looked at her hands.

Jess’s voice got soft, and she put her hands on her friend’s shoulders, “I never got an announcement.”

“After Noah and Nik, I lost my drive.” She looked down.

Jess pushed her chin up to look into her eyes, “How close were you?”

“Two classes.”

“When are you going to take them?”

“I don’t know if I’m going to.”

“Stay, you have the best motivation in the world standing there staring at you with a very confused look on his face.” She nodded her head towards Lance. “He doesn’t know huh?”

“It was a non-issue, why would I have mentioned it?”

Lance finally snapped, “MENTIONED WHAT?”

Jess threw her arm around Stasia’s shoulders, “She never mentioned the fact that she is two class away from her law degree.”

“What?” Lance’s face could not hide his shock.

“I was almost done when Noah and Nik died, as a matter of fact, I was enrolled in the classes I need when they were killed, but I dropped out.”

Brent was running his hand through his hair, “Seriously? You were that close, and just quit?”

“Brent, you know what I was like right after they died, do you really think I would have passed?”

“No, I guess not.”

Lance walked over to her, “Do you WANT to finish?”

She shrugged, “Yeah, I guess so. I hate loose ends.”

He laughed, “So you finish, it’s just two classes, you should be able to tear that up.”

She looked at his as if he was crazy, “Oh, so I just finish? And then I have to sit for the bar, think about it, I’d have to take it in Florida, Mississippi, New York AND California.”

Josh grinned, “You forgot Michigan.”

She smacked her forehead, “OH! That’s right! Michigan, I’ll just take bar exams for FIVE STATES! Are you people nuts?”

Jess grinned evilly, “If you don’t think you can handle it...”

“Shut up Jess, you’re still not off the hook for following me or calling me a bitchy ass.”

“You can start out slow, you just take the bar here and in Florida. Then, when you have time, you take the others one at a time in order of importance.” Lance smiled at her.

“Harry, I’d have to be in Michigan for four months to finish school. That doesn’t sound at all appealing to me.”

“You can come home on weekends, maybe we can make arrangements so that your classes are on Monday and Tuesday or on Tuesday and Wednesday. You could still spend the bulk of your time with us.”

“I DON’T THINK SO! I have a job to do, I can’t just take four months off. I think you’ve lost your mind!”

“I have not lost my mind! Think about how good it would be for Free Lance if you were an attorney, we wouldn’t need to ask Jess for advice!”

“HEY!” Jess put her hands on her hips, “I’m standing right here.”

“Yeah?” Lance looked at her.

“You better watch yourself buddy. I will not hesitate to bust out my fast and furious fists on you.”

“Fast and furious fists? Are those anything like cat-like-ninja moves?” Justin asked from the stairs.

Brent covered his face with his hands, “Stasia has NOT broken out the ninja moves.”

Stasia shot him a dirty look, “CAT-LIKE!”

“Oh yes she has. All over my butt!” Justin laughed.

“Mine too.” Lance hung his head.

“I was hoping they’d out grow that phase.” Brent shook his head and began backing up as both women began stalking towards him.

“ of my life. When will you learn to keep your mouth shut? You know you can’t dodge BOTH the fast and furious fists AND the ca-like ninja moves. Now you have to run.”

“Crap!” He ran down the length of the deck and through the only open door.

Everyone laughed as Stasia and Jess took off running after him. They went through the same door and were met with Chris screeching, clutching a towel around his waist. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?” He jumped up on the bed.

Stasia shouted over her shoulder as they ran through the door leading out into the hallway, “Careful when you jump up like that Chris, I just saw something I never want to see again!”

“STAY-A! Why were you looking?” Chris’s hands covered himself.

Jess heard Brent tripping down the stairs, she pulled Stasia along behind her. Brent shot out through the kitchen door and down the lawn. Stasia glanced back and realized that now Chris was chasing her. He was running and pulling his bathing suit on under his towel

The entire house was starting to empty out into the yard. The racket the three were making had even brought JC out of his nap. He was stretching as he walked down to the lake, “Who’s chasing who this time?”

Lance was watching Stasia dodge Chris’s arms, “Well, both Millie and Jess are chasing Brent because he made fun of the cat-like ninja moves and the fast and furious fists. Chris is chasing Stasia because they ran through his room while he was changing.”

Jake Busta an Korea were all running up and down the lawn, Joey and Angela came around the side of the house carrying grocery bags. Lyn and Dani came out of Lyn’s room and made their way to the rest of the group.

Jess took a flying leap at Brent, knocking him right into the water. Stasia jumped back trying to stay out of the wrestling match going on at the edged of the water, but as she jumped back, Chris slammed into hurling her into the water. Lance frowned, “Excuse me JC, that seemed a little rough.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” JC nodded.

Lance waded into the water where Stasia was sitting flat on her butt, with her wet hair hanging in her face. He pushed her hair back, “Are you ok?”

“He tackled me.” She looked up at him with water dripping off of her nose.

“I saw that.”

Dani was stalking down to the water. She shoved Chris back, and he stumbled landing right next to Stasia in the water. “YOU BRUTE!” Dani was glaring down at him.

“She saw” He was pouting.

“I don’t care if she saw everything you’ve got! You don’t tackle her like that!”

Chris kicked her and she tripped over Stasia’s legs knocking Lance face first into the lake. JC was laughing and pointing when Morgan poked him in the ribs, “If you help me get Justin wet I’ll be your friend for life.”

“I’d do it with out a deal.” JC hugged her, “But I’ll take your friendship!”

They snuck up behind Justin, but Lyn tired to warn him, “JUSTIN!” He turned and JC swept his legs out for under him.

Morgan turned on Lyn, “You shouldn’t have done that!” She grabbed her around the waist and dragged her to the water.

Lyn looked at JC frantically, “JC!” She grabbed his shirt.

All three of them hit the water with a splash. Joey and Angela were trying to make their way to the house. Justin pointed and he and Chris burst out of the water, the water was slapping the shore as they caught Joe and Angela. JC threw Angela over his shoulder and carried her kicking and screaming into the lake. Justin Had Joe in a head lock and simply walked him into the group of wet people.

Josh stood on the beach snapping pictures of the young people splashing and wrestling. His heart was warmed at the thought of Stasia having so much fun with people she cared about.

~Chapter Thirty-One~