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Chapter 32

Dani was slowly shaking her head back and forth as she whispered, “Good God.”

Dan looked at the two women, still standing in the entrance hall of their apartment. They were both amazed at the amount of damage. Stasia turned to look at Dan, “They did this while we were here?” her eyes were wide, and Dani’s hand tightened on hers.

“I think they got here shortly after we left. Stasia, there is a chance they were here when you guys got home. Did everything look normal when you got home?”

“Yes. We turned on all of the lights, except the ones in Dani’s room. Lance took Jake out, and we went straight to bed. I fell asleep right away, I was out cold when Lance woke me up. He said he heard a thump. Jake got up, ran in here, growled and barked. Lance said he heard Jake yip and then he came running back to the bedroom, that’s when he woke me up and we went out the window.”

“Which window?”

“My bedroom window. Lance closed it after he climbed out, and we ran over to the guard booth.”

“Lance closed the window?”

“Yeah. Why?” She looked confused.

“It’s open.”

Her heart began beating faster, “You mean, he followed us out?”

“I didn’t say that Stasia, but it does look like he went out the same way you did.”

Dani pulled her into the livingroom and the surveyed the extensive damage. The couch was slashed and its stuffing was spilling out onto the floor. Tables were over turned. Plants had been thrown onto the floor and dirt was everywhere. Any picture with Stasia in it was ripped to shreds. The picture of the guys that Dani kept on the table next to the couch had been stepped on, the frame and glass crushed.

Dan spoke softly, “We need you to look at the bedroom.”

“OK.” Dani still held her friend’s hand tightly, offering her all the support she could.

When they got into Stasia’s room, Dani saw the color drain from Stasia’s face. She pulled her friend’s head down on her shoulder, “GOD DAN! You could have warned us!”

Scrawled on the wall in black letters was the same horrific handwriting, ANASTASIA WHERE ARE YOU? IT’S TIME TO DIE!

“I’m sorry. I needed her reaction.”

“YOU KNEW WHAT IT WOULD BE YOU IDIOT!” Dani growled at him.

Stasia’s bed was slashed, every blanket, every pillow, the mattress even the headboard was gouged and scratched.

Dan walked over to Stasia and Dani and put his hand on her shoulder, “Stasia, is anything missing?”

She glanced around the room, “He went through our bags. There are two picture frames missing. My cell phone is gone...MAN! And both Palm Pilots! I JUST BOUGHT THEM!”

Dani laughed, “Stasia, you can get new ones.”

“Huh? Oh yeah. I know, but I JUST opened the boxes today.”

Dan shook his head, “Anything else missing?”

“I’m not sure.” She looked around, her eyes fell on her desk and her heart sunk. “My mother’s pearl ring. SON OF A BITCH!”

Dani’s eyes were sad, “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not the only thing I have from her, but COME ON!” She shook her head.

“Anything else Stasia?”

“No. I think that’s all that’s missing. We need to have Lance look around...crap...where is his wallet?”

Dani pointed, “Isn’t that it on the floor?”

“Yeah. I hope nothing is missing.”

Dan walked out of the room, “I’ll go get Lance and Chris. You can pack a bag now if you want, just if anything looks out of place, let us know.”

Dani shook her head, “This is unreal.”

“Dani, I am so sorry. I wish I hadn’t dragged you into this mess. Look what I’ve done to your apartment!”

“YOU didn’t do anything to OUR apartment.”

“I feel so bad.”

“Not as bad as you’re going to feel when we get the bill for this mess.”

It began as a smirk, then came the giggle, the next thing they knew, they were both in full blown hysterics. Stasia snorted, and they laughed harder. They hugged one another and crumpled to the floor, wiping tears from their cheeks and gasping for air.

Chris and Lance stood in the doorway watching with open mouths, “What the hell is so funny?” Chris looked at the state of the room.

Dani gasped, “THE CLEANING BILL!” Stasia erupted into laughter again.

“It’s going to cost a fortune!” Now it was Dani’s turn to laugh again.

The two men stared down at the women they loved, laying in a heap in the middle of the floor, laughing so hard they were crying. Stasia flopped over and hugged Lance’s legs, which caused him to topple to the floor. Chris started laughing and there they sat hugging and laughing when Justin walked into the room.

“You’ve all gone off the deep end!”

Lance shook his head, “We’re laughing in the face of danger.”

Justin’s eyebrows drew together, “OK...whatever you say Lance. I’m going to go call the nice FBI man in here.” He began to back out of the room but Chris caught his pant leg and brought him down to the floor.

“Oh no you don’t! You can’t have the four of us locked up...if we go, you go.”

They finally calmed down and Chris looked around the room, “Let’s get you two packed and out of here. This is sort of creepy.” He and Dani walked into her room to pack.

Lance went to find Dan to ask if he was allowed to take his bag, or if it was evidence. Justin stayed behind to help Stasia gather her things. He was standing outside the closet with an open suitcase, Stasia was tossing her clothes out to him. “Where are the jeans I made you buy?” They smacked him in the face. “Funny Stasia.”

“I thought so.” Her head popped out of the closet.

“You are so lucky there are FBI agents here.” His eyes narrowed at her.


He laughed, she hadn’t lost her spunk, “What else can I do?”

“Just empty the dresser drawers into the suitcase, I’ll worry about folding this stuff after we get the heck out of here.”

“I can do that.” He pulled open her top drawer and smacked himself on the forehead, “Maybe we should wait for Lance.”

“Justin! It’s just underwear, I’m not in it! Put it in the suitcase!” She rolled her eyes.



“We are SO even now! Hey you guys are coming back to my house right?” He started across the room with his arm full of her underwear, Lance walked in and smirked. “DUDE! I told her I shouldn’t touch her underwear!”

“J! She isn’t in it! If you touch her underwear when she’s in it, THEN when have a problem!”

Justin pulled a pair of red silk underpants out of the pile, “Have you seen these up close and personal Lance?” He spun it around on his finger.

“JUSTIN!” Lance grabbed the underwear. “What is wrong with you?” He shook his head. “Millie Darlin’, I’m supposed to see if anything is missing from my wallet. Where is it?”

She came out of the closet with her arms full of clothes, “It’s over there, next to the dresser, on the floor.”

“I might have knocked it off when I grabbed the phone.” He bent and picked it up.

“I don’t know...Can you see anything else out of place?”

“I assume you mean besides the shredded bed?”

“Um, yeah.” She shook her head.

“You noticed the pictures, and phone. The Palm Pilots, which totally sucks, and the drawer open next to the bed.”


“That drawer, next to the bed.” Lance pointed as he flipped through his wallet.

“OH CRAP! DAN!” She walked over and tried to peer in without touching the drawer.

Dan walked in, eyed Justin who still had his arms full of underwear, and stopped next to Stasia, “What’s up?”

“Lance noticed this drawer is open. It was definitely closed when we left.”

“OK,” he pulled it open with a gloved hand, “anything missing?”

“DAMN!” She shook her head, “All of the computer disks with my financial information on them are gone, I have it all on the computer, but he knows where all of my money is now.”

Dan looked at her curiously, “How much are we talking about here?”

Her hands dug into her hair, “I don’t know, five...six maybe...give or take.”

“Five? Six? What thousand?” He was taking notes.

“No,” she blushed, “million.”

Dan’s eyes grew wide, “Mother of God!”

Justin’s head whipped around to face Lance, “Did you know about that?”

“Yeah J. Shut up or we’re going to look at YOUR bank accounts.”

Justin’s head whipped around again, “STASIA! What the heck?”

She sighed, “Justin, I’ve been paid on three life insurance policies. It’s money I’d rather not have.”

“Oh man. I completely forgot, I’m sorry.”

“I have to call the banks and my broker, crap!” She sat down in the desk chair.

“How many banks Millie?” Lance ran a hand over her hair.

“Three. One here, one in Mississippi and one in Michigan. Most of it is invested, so it’s not a huge problem, just a huge hassle.”

“You want to call now or wait until we get to Justin’s?”

“The banks aren’t open now. But I will call my broker.” He handed her his cell phone, and she quickly dialed the number from memory. “Hi Zack. It’s Stasia Blake...I need to let you know that the disks with my financials on them were stolen...yeah, someone has everything...ok...ok...yeah...right...sure...I can do that.” She was quiet for a few moments, “Zack, if anyone other than me calls about the accounts, I need you to call Mary Grant with the FBI.” She gave him the number and thanked him for the help.

Dan and Alyssa were talking quietly by the door. Alyssa walked over, “Stasia, who knows about the money?” She glanced at Justin, “Maybe Justin should wait in the other room.

“Justin doesn’t have to go into the other room, he’s fine. What do you mean? Everyone knows I have money.” Stasia rested her forehead on Lance’s stomach, and he slowly stroked her hair.

“I mean, who knows how much you have.” Alyssa squatted next to her chair.

Stasia’s head rolled against his stomach to face her, “Um...Jess, Brent, Josh, Garret knew...of course Lance insurance agent...God Alyssa, I don’t know.”

“Think Stasia, think hard, we may have a valid motive here.”

“The thing is, anyone with any common sense would know I have at least a couple hundred thousand. I mean, think about it, my only three relatives died, I was the only person left to give the money to, noone knew the amount of the policies, but I’m sure people assume.”

“I see your point, but Jess, Garret, Brent and Josh knew how much there was?”

“Alyssa, come on. You know Jess, Brent and Josh have nothing to do with this.”

“No Stasia, I’m sorry, I don’t know that.”

Stasia turned her face up to Lance, who cupped her cheek. “It’s going to be ok. And so it goes.”

She nodded, “And so it goes.”

Alyssa patted her back, “Let’s get you out of here.”

“I’m almost done packing.” Stasia glanced at Justin, “You can put my underwear in the suitcase now.”

“Huh?” Justin seemed to be in a daze, “Oh, yeah. Sorry.” he dropped everything into the suitcase and walked over to empty the next drawer.

After having spent three hours on the phone making sure her bank accounts were secure, Stasia walked out of the bedroom Justin had put their things in. He had given them a big speech about how his house was their house, especially if Stasia wanted to cook. She wandered into the kitchen where Justin was sitting at the counter eating an orange and reading through the stack of memos that had rolled off of the fax regarding the second leg of the tour. He looked up and smiled.

“Hey. Did you get everything sorted out?” He held out a section of orange.

She took the orange and nodded, “Yeah. Everything is fine. I have a bunch of new numbers to remember, but every penny has been counted.”

“That’s good.” He watched her carefully. She popped the orange into her mouth and slowly chewed.

“Where’s Lance?” She sat down next to him.

“He and Lonnie went to get new Palm Pilots and a new phone for you.” She nodded and glanced at the memos he had been reading. She could feel him looking at her...staring at her.

She raised an eyebrow, “What?”

“I was surprised you let me be there today...that you seemed to want me there.” He looked down at his hands, “Since you were forbidden to do the morning runs, we haven’t really spent any time together.”

Her eyes flashed surprise, and then he could clearly see pain, “Justin. Never in a million years would I push you out of my life. You mean so much to me! You have no idea how much I miss those runs. Even the ones where we barely talked. I miss that so much.” She reached out and covered his hand with hers, “I was glad you were there earlier. Do you know how much it means to me that you are willing to open your home to me, no questions asked? Do you know how much your support means to me?”

“Really?” His thumb stroked the back of her hand, “I want to be here for you guys.”

“You ARE! Justin, I love you. You are my brother. We may not have blood, but we have our hearts.”

“I had no idea.”

“Bout what?” She popped another section of his orange into her mouth.

“The money. I mean I knew you didn’t really need your job, but I had no clue.”

“That I could buy and sell you.” She smirked.

“I wouldn’t go THAT far girly. You know what my vocal cords are insured for?”

“Are we going to get out our investment portfolios and compare notes?”

“No. It just made me wonder why you do it.”

“How much money do you have Justin?”

“I don’t know...”

“Enough to live comfortably, put your brothers through college, take care of your family?”

“Yeah.” He cocked his head at her, “Why?”

“Why do you keep going? Why are you gone for months at a time? Why do you have to fly across the country to get to Jon’s school play? Why do you ride buses for days on end and go on stage when you’re sick? Why did you perform with a broken thumb? Why do you push yourself to excel?”

He looked into her eyes, “I have to. It’s part of me. I would lose my mind without music.”

“I would lose my mind without work. I started this job, because I was running away from the memories. I took it, because I felt I had nothing to lose.” She smirked, “I like having control. I like knowing that Free Lance is better off now, then it was when I got there. I like feeling like I’m part of something good...something special.” The smirk grew to a smile, “And then there’s Lance.”

“That one shocked you didn’t it?”

“Lance? Oh yeah. I KNEW I didn’t need anyone or anything, I KNEW I was better off on my own. I met Lance, and I suddenly realized I knew NOTHING before him.”

“You get me don’t you?”

“Yeah Justin, I get you. You are A LOT like me. We are both very driven, just in different directions, with different motivations. You have a passion for life that I love to see. You think with your heart when it comes to your loved ones, I love that about you.”

He stood up and looked down at her, “Let’s go for a run.”

“We aren’t supposed to leave your property.”

“So we run around the fence. COME ON! I’ll even get Ron and Jay to come with us.”

“OK!” He pulled on her ponytail.

They both changed and met on the patio behind the house, Justin pointed to improvements he had made to the house and property. They joked about running in circles. The conversation turned serious on the third lap around the house.

“Stasia, how scared are you?” He looked down at her head as it bounced just below his shoulder.

“I don’t know anymore. I’ve gone from thinking this mess was nothing, to being deathly afraid. Now, I think I’m angry. I guess that doesn’t make any sense.” She glanced up at him.

“It make a lot of sense, you want your life back. You barely had time to adjust to the changes you made before this mess started. You hadn’t been with us long at all before the first letter.”

“You’re right. I was just settling in and then BAM!” That’s how it ALWAYS seems to be with me. I’m at a comfortable point in my life and something awful happens. I was 14, happy as a little clam, I got to be in my big brother’s wedding, and then my mom dies. I got my first grown-up job, my first apartment, bought my first new car, and Noah and Nik were killed. I get this job, I start feeling good about it, and I get a stalker...what did I do to deserve this?”

“You didn’t do anything. Think of all of the good things you have going on. You have Lance. You have Jess. You have Josh. You have five million dollars AND you have ME! Seriously, what more could you ask for?”

Stasia stopped short. “JESS!”

“What about her?” Justin ran in a little circle around her.

“The wedding!”

“HEY! I got invited, did you know that?”

“You all got invited. Justin! I have to be in Michigan in two weeks, I completely forgot! The most important day of my best friend’s life and I forgot it’s in two weeks. I SUCK!”

“Stasia, you’ve had a lot going on. You remembered. You’re fine. So what should I get them?” He pulled on her arm and she began running next to him again.

“Um, I don’t know. I haven’t even thought about it.”

“What are you getting them?”

“Lance and I are giving them all of their china.”

“So can I give them...”

“You know what’s a good gift from a guy, and Brent will love it too? How about the some of the stuff for the wet bar.”

“Like the glasses and stuff?”

“Yeah. Brent got to pick out all of that stuff, so he really wants it.”


“I hate shopping with you. I get tired.”

“You are not a normal girl, you know that right?”

“I’m aware.”

“You’re going with me.”

“Ok. Call the swat team and tell them we’re going mobile!”

He laughed, “How many laps have we done?”

“I don’t know. She glanced at her watch, “Can you believe it’s only 11:00, I feel like it should be 6:00.”

“Long morning, rude awakening. Shopping will make you feel better.”

“I’m sure you’re right.”

They showered, changed and left a note for Lance. It was 5:00 by the time they burst through the door, weighed down with packages. Jay and Ron were behind them carrying more boxes and bags. Lance was on the phone and waved. Stasia dropped her packages on the long diningroom table and flopped down on his lap, kissing his cheek.

He hung up the phone, “You let him drag you shopping?” He kissed her lips lightly.

“We got all of the shopping for Jess’s wedding done. I think we bought everything we saw! And Justin picked out some stuff for the house, and I bought you black towels for the bathroom we are going to re-tile.” She was smiling and happy. He was so happy that she was able to get beyond the events that started the day. Stasia had developed the ability to go on with her life, while still being very cautious. He wanted her to have as normal an existence as possible, considering the circumstances.

“Cool. Thanks Darlin’!”

“I got asked for two autographs. Noone recognized Justin! He was standing right there, and nothing! Those girls would die if they knew!”

“So your day got better huh?” She nodded, “Good. Here’s your new phone, it’s got the same number. And I was playing with our Palm Pilots...they’re cool.”

“I know.” She hugged his neck.

Her cell phone rang and she smiled, “BACK IN ACTION!” Lance laughed and she answered, “Hello?”

“Stasia, it’s Mary Grant.”

“Hi Mary.”

“Rough morning huh?”

“I needed to get up early anyway...”

“Stasia, there are a few things I need to talk to you about. You’ll be in Michigan in two weeks for Jessica’s wedding, right?”


“Think you can arrange an invite for me?”

“Sure. Mind if I ask why?”

“It seems to me, that the wedding is going to be a very good place for this guy to make another attempt on you, you’re guard will be down. If he does, I want to be there.”

“I’ll talk to Jess. It won’t be a problem.”

“OK then, I’ll see you there.”

(September 16, 2000 - Birmingham, Michigan)

Lance had driven Stasia and Ron to Jess’s house at 8:00 in the morning. He and Lonnie had returned to his Uncle Josh’s house for breakfast with the guys, Dani, Lyn, Morgan and Angela. He knew that while he had a relaxed morning with his friends, Stasia had been running around helping Jess get ready for the wedding. He looked in the mirror and straightened his tie, she was going to be proud of him and they way he looked.

They loaded into the limos in front of the house, and made the short trip to the church. Stasia had personally taken care of the security arrangements, so security was tight, but not at all intrusive. Most of the security looked like guests. Mary Grant was already seated near the back of the church, and Lance stopped to say hello. He was seated quickly near the front of the church, immediately behind Jess’s family. The guys filled the pew next to him. He was on the end of the pew so he could see Stasia as she made her way down the aisle.

Joey was going snap happy with his camera, JC had his video camera out and was ready to roll. The Priest stepped out, followed by Brent and his brother, Brian. He looked nervous, but happy. As the soft music started, Lance turned in his seat to look at the doors at the end of the aisle and his breath caught when they opened and Stasia was standing there beaming.

She began her slow walk down the aisle, and he could not keep the smile off of his face. Jess had chosen a simple steel gray gown with three-quarter length sleeves. The wide open neck exposed Stasia’s beautiful neck and shoulders. The dress was fitted to floor showing off every perfect curve she had.

Her hair was up, and her make-up was beautiful. She was literally glowing. Her eyes were flashing silver, and when they landed on him, she lit up even more.

Joey was snapping pictures like a mad man. JC was holding his video camera steady on her. Dani was beaming like a proud parent. The guys all had the proper amount of awe on their faces.

Jess practically floated down the aisle, her eyes locked on Brent’s. They looked deeply in love. The ceremony was beautiful and very personal. Lance’s heart warmed at the sight of Stasia wiping at her eyes. She was allowing herself to feel her emotions fully, she had come such a long way in such a short time.

Jess and Brent kissed, Stasia wiped her eyes again and turned to watch her friend walk back down the aisle on the arm of her husband. Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed the guys had already left. Jess was standing, waiting for the recessional music to start. She glanced over her shoulder at Stasia and smiled.

Justin’s voice filled the church, and Stasia lit up. Her head snapped up to the choir loft, where the five of them were standing, singing a capella.

Can this be true?
Tell me, can this be real?
How can I put into words what I feel?
My life was complete
I thought I was whole
Why do I feel like I'm losing control?
Never thought that love could feel like this
And you changed my world with just one kiss
How can it be that right here with me
There's an angel?
It's a miracle

Your love is like a river, peaceful and deep
Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep
When I look into your eyes I know that it's true
God must have spent a little more time on you

Stasia didn’t get to hear the rest of the song, because she had to walk down the aisle, but all of the girls waved at her as she quickly walked by on Brian’s arm.

She was standing outside of the church talking with the guest she knew when the guys made their way out. Stasia excused herself form her conversation and made her way over. Lance caught her around the waist and spun her around, “GOD! YOU’RE GORGEOUS!”

“Thank you!” She kissed him lightly. He set her down and she smiled at all of them, “Why didn’t you tell me?” Her hands landed on her hips.

JC grinned at her, “Now that wouldn’t have been any fun!”

She kissed each of them on the cheek. “I love all of you.”

Justin kissed the top of her head, “How could you NOT love us?”

“Well, there’s the...” Josh’s hand clamped down over her mouth.

“Stasia, not today.”

“You’re no fun at all!”

“I’m old, what do you want from me?”

“You’re not old at all!” She hugged him tightly.

Lance waited with her while she took pictures at the church, the other guys and their dates went on to the reception. He sat quietly in the front pew, watching her stand and smile and move where ever the photographer asked her to go. After an hour she walked over to where he was sitting with a slight smile.

“Hey you.” She sat down next to him, dropping her bouquet in his lap, “What are you smiling about?”

He held up the bouquet, “Tulips. Jess knows you well. I was smiling at the fact that you and I have reversed roles today. Normally you have to sit and watch me pose for a billion pictures.”

She smiled at him, “I hadn’t thought of that. I think you’re better at it than I am.” She brushed a loose lock of hair out of her eyes and he took her hand when she dropped it in her lap.

“I almost stopped breathing when I saw you step out. You look so beautiful, and so happy.”

“I am happy. So what do you think of Jess’s dress?”

“You know what’s funny, I haven’t even really looked at Jess. I was too busy looking at you.” He turned to get a good look at Jess, who really did look radiant. “She looks beautiful.”

“I know.” She smirked, “Money well spent. It’s the dress she has always dreamt of, she wanted it so badly. I had to do it.”

“I thought you guys were totally insane that day. She’s supposed to be your best friend and she’s chasing you down the hall threatening to kill you.”

“Harry honey, we are insane...but it’s good insane.”

Jess bounced over, “I want a picture of you two together. Up and at ‘em Bass. Time to flash the zillion dollar smile!”

“I thought I had the day off.” He smiled as he stood up. He hugged her, “You look amazing. Congratulations!”

“Thank you. Ok, I want the picture taken out in the garden. Come on.”

They followed her out to the garden. There were beautiful flowers, the last blooms of fall seemed to hang on just for the wedding. Lance walked to a perfect spot and the photograph smiled, it was obvious Lance was a pro at having his picture taken. Stasia walked over and he automatically pulled her against his chest. Stasia threw her head back at a comment Lance made close to her ear.

Stasia had one hand on Lance’s chest she was holding her bouquet in the other, against his back. Lance was cupping her cheek with one hand and the other was spread on the small of her back. They were looking deeply into one another’s eyes. Stasia whispered and they both laughed.

The photographer said, “OK.”

They straightened up and struck the traditional wedding photo pose. “We’re ready.” Stasia smiled.

“No, you don’t understand. I’m done. You’re all set.”

“You’re done?”


“But we didn’t give you our happy wedding smile.”

“You did so much better. Now go! Eat, drink and be merry!”

Lance and Stasia arrived at the reception hand-in-hand. Lance left her in the lobby, so she could walk in with Brian. He walked over to JC and Lyn and kissed the top of Lyn’s head, “This is such a good day.”

“Looking at the way Stasia is glowing, I think she’d agree with you.” Lyn slipped her arm around Lance’s waist.

Lance leaned down, “Have I ever told you I’m madly in love with her?”

“Only five billion times.”

The music started and Stasia and Brian walked in, the DJ introduced them, “Let’s have a hand for Maid of Honor, Stasia Blake and Best Man, Brian McCullan.” The NSYNC contingent in the corner cheered and clapped louder than anyone else.

The music changed and Lance looked at Justin, “WHAT is this?”

Justin laughed loudly and shook his head, “If I’m not mistaken, this is Michigan State’s fight song.”

Jess and Brent walked through the door and the DJ said, “I am proud to present for the very first time, Mr. And Mrs. Brent McCullan!” They made their way to the center of the room and Lance’s forehead wrinkled in confusion. Jess, Stasia, Brent and Brian were joined by two dozen other people. All of them finished singing the MSU fight song at the top of their lungs, complete with arm pumping.

When Stasia made her way over to the group Joey looked down at her and laughed, “Go green?”

“HECK YEAH!” She grinned. “You guys should do THAT song in concert. NOW THAT would bring tears to my eyes!”

“It might not play well in all markets.” JC smirked.

“I’m telling you...straight to the top of the charts.” She shook her head.

The photographer walked over, “May I get a picture of this group?”

They all agreed and bunched together. Stasia was standing between Dani and Lyn with Lance’s arm around her waist. She was watching Jess talk to her guests, beaming. This was truly a good day.

Stasia was able to see her friends talking and laughing from her position next to Jess at the head table. She was wishing she could hear their conversation, she was sure it was a good one. But each time she looked up, her eyes met Lance’s. He was listening to Justin, but his eyes were locked on her. She smiled and he nodded his head slightly.

Brian stood to give his toast and through the jokes and digs at his brother it was touching. And every eye in the room turned to Stasia when the microphone was passed to her. She held her glass and looked down at her best friend.

“Jess, I considered telling the story of the day I met you, and thought I was going to have to smack some sense into the cocky little law student, but I decided against it.” Jess grinned. “I decided instead, to talk about our friendship. I am honored to be considered your friend. The has never been a day I haven’t been proud to stand next to you and tell the world you are my best friend. You stood by my side and held my hand on my darkest day. You have stood by my side on my very best days.” Stasia looked at Lance. “Today, I had the pleasure of standing by your side. I had the honor of being here for you. The day I introduced you two, I had a good feeling, I hoped that you would both see in each other, what I am lucky enough to see in each of you. I love you both, and the joy I am feeling in my heart today is overwhelming.” Stasia turned to the rest of the room, “Please raise your glasses. To Jess and Brent.”

Jess jumped out of her seat and embraced Stasia tightly, “I love you Anastasia.”

Chris looked at Lance, “Damn! That girl makes me proud she’s one of us every day!”

After dinner, Jess and Brent had their first dance. Stasia danced with Brian. After the father daughter dance, the mother son dance and all of the other traditional dances were done, Stasia made her way over to Lance. Who didn’t interrupt the conversation he was having with Jess’s mother, he simply took her hand in his.

Jack Barnett walked over and tapped Stasia on the shoulder, “Hello Stasia.”

“JACK!” She hugged him and he kissed her cheek, “Jack, I’d like to introduce to my boyfriend. This is Lance Bass.”

Lance shook Jack’s hand, “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Barnett.”

Jack smirked, “I wish I could say the same to you! You stole our girl!”

Lance laughed, “I guess I did. But I can’t say that I’m sorry.”

“I’d make her come home if you did.”

Safety Dance came through the speakers, and before she knew what had happened, Stasia was caught around the waist and being carried to the dance floor. She craned her neck, “I’ll catch up with you later Jack!”

Chris dropped her and she hugged him, “HI! I haven’t had a chance to talk to you all day.”

“You are just the social butterfly today. But that’s ok, you get to see me every lucky girl.”

“I am a lucky girl.” She kissed his cheek and the kept dancing.

When the song ended, Chris was quickly replaced by Joey, who said Stasia was the only girl in the room willing to swing dance with him. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy was blaring and the two of the were spinning across the floor. Stasia laughed and danced happily with Joey.

Justin ran over next to dance to Celebration with her. Joey had his camera out again snapping pictures like crazy.

JC was next in line for They Can’t Take That Away From Me by Ella Fitzgerald. Stasia smiled up at him, “Did you request this?”

“No but it seemed right for you and I...even though Billie could sing circles around Ella any day!”

“You’re lucky I’m wearing this dress, I can’t do the cat-like ninja moves.”

“Thank God for small favors.” He frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

“That was the perfect place to pull on your ponytail, but it’s not there.”

“Sorry to let you down.”

“Don’t let it happen again.” He hugged her closer to his chest.

“I’m glad you brought Lyn.”

He gave her a sideways look, “WHY?”

“I happen to like Lyn a lot. We went to lunch last week, I had so much fun.”

“Lyn is a great girl. My best friend.”

“Yeah I know.”

The song ended and Stasia went to find Lance, but she was stopped by Mary, “Stasia, can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure. Is something wrong?” Her brow furrow and she looked around the room to se in anything looked unusual.

“No, I just wanted to ask about your plans after this?” She smiled reassuringly.

“Back to Orlando for a few days and then onto some appearances. In October the second leg of the tor starts.”

“I’d like to have this guy caught before then.” Mary frowned and sighed.

Stasia laughed sarcastically, “Yeah, you and me both.”

“I’m going to go talk to Alyssa. Stasia, that reminds me, are you two ok?” She gave the younger woman a motherly look.

“Alyssa and I? Sure. We were fine right after we snapped at one another. Mary, I’m not one to hold a grudge. If you think I should talk to her, I’d be happy to, she isn’t still upset is she?”

“I think you’re both fine. Don’t worry about. Go have fun.”

Stasia started in the direction Lance had been in, but he was gone. She looked around and spotted him near the DJ. He waved her over and when she got there he pulled her into his arms. “The next dance is mine, don’t even think of going anywhere.”

“Deal.” She leaned up and kissed him.

“You have been amazing today. You look beautiful. Your toast brought the room to tears. You’ve re-established all of your business contacts, and talked to everyone who wanted or need a moment of your time.”

“That’s what I’m supposed to do, right?” She smiled up into his eyes.

He cupped her cheek, “This is a new look for you.”

“What look?”

“You look tired, but completely happy.”

“This has been a long day.”

The DJ nudged Lance and Lance nodded, he pulled her onto the dance floor, And So It Goes began to play. He held her hand in his, against his heart, his other hand held the small of her back, her hand went to the hair at the nape of his neck. Joey’s camera was flashing like crazy, Justin put his hand over the lense.


“Joe, let them have this.”

Joey lip jutted out, but Angela pulled him to the dance floor and they slipped into their own world.

Chris and Dani were dancing nearby gazing into one another’s eyes. Justin looked at JC and then back at the dance floor, “Do you ever wish you had that?”

“What? Someone to love me unconditionally with her whole heart? Someone who would do anything for me? Someone who doesn’t care about what I do? Every day J...every day.”

“When will it happen for us?”

“I wish I knew. Stasia seems to think it’s just a matter of time before we trip over Miss Right.”

Justin smiled at his friend and took sip of his drink, “If that’s what Stasia thinks, it must be true.”

JC laughed, “True.” He patted Justin’s back as he stood up, “I’m going to go find Lynie so I can whine about my pitiful love life.”

“Oh that sounds like fun!” Justin rolled his eyes.

They spent the night dancing, singing along with old songs and just relaxing. They knew that they were getting on a plane in the morning and going back to the insanity that had become their lives, so they were going to enjoy every last second of fun that they could.

It was late and Lance was looking for Stasia when he spotted her, sitting in the corner of the room talking quietly to Jess who had tears running down her cheeks. He started to walk in the other direction when Jess noticed him and waived him over.

Lance walked over and rested his hand on Stasia’s shoulder. Jess looked up at him, “I’m going to be gone for three weeks. You have to make sure she’s ok when I get back. Lance, don’t let anything happen to her.”

“Jess, I’d die for her, you know that.”

Jess sniffled, “GOD! I’m so over emotional today!”

Stasia squeezed her hand and smiled, “It’s your day. Laugh, cry, feel all of it. Remember every second.”

“I love you Stasia.”

“I love you too.” They hugged and Brent walked over to tell Jess it was time to go.

Lance watched Stasia closely as they walked with Jess and Brent to the door. She hugged and kissed both of them and then turned into his arms and cried quietly. He stroked her back and kissed her temple. Her eyes turned up to his, “She’s worried I’ll be dead when she gets back.”

“That isn’t going to happen.”

“Lance, I’m scared.”

“I know.” He wiped her tears with his thumb. “Stasia, today you were happy and carefree. Don’t let go of that hold that in your heart.” She nodded and sniffled.

“You always pull me back.”

“Because I love you.”

She smiled, “And so it goes.”

Mary flew back to Orlando with the group. She had some work to do at the field office there and she wanted to stick close to Stasia for a while. She checked out Justin’s house and was very happy to se the level of security he maintained.

Mary spent hours meeting with Ron, Lonnie and the other members of security. It was agreed upon that the only time Stasia could be alone at all was when she was in Justin’s house, with the security system on. Stasia had done her fair share of eye rolling and huffing, but she agreed to the tighter security. Mary made sense, if something was going to happen, it would most likely be before the left Florida again.

Stasia and Lyn were laying next to Justin’s pool, Ron was on the patio reading and FBI agents were walking the perimeter of the property. Jake was laying quietly between Stasia and Lyn snoring quietly.

Stasia’s head rolled over to look at Lyn, “I can’t believe it is September and I’m laying out.”

“Not exactly Michigan weather?”

“Not exactly.”

“So how does the class look this year?”

“I think I’ve got a lot of good kids. They all seem attentive, but it’s still early. I’ not worried about the students as much as the new principal. The guy is a total jerk! One of those, rule with an iron fist idiots. For some reason we got off on the wrong foot. He sat in on one of my classes and said my style is too loose.”

“What the heck does that mean?”

“I have no clue. He also said that he thinks it would be good for my career if I’d keep my face out of the newspapers.”


“He said the student’s aren’t going to take me seriously if I’m in the papers sitting at some rock concert.”

“I wish some of my teachers would have been cool.”

“Apparently I’m not cool. I’m a danger to the authority of all teachers.”

“That is a load of crap!”

Lyn laughed, “I’ll tell him you said so.”

“Did I tell you about law school?”

“You’re going to finish?” Lyn smiled brightly.

“Lance is right, it could be very good for Free Lance if I’m practicing. Lyn, I start in January, I’ll be done in one semester. I sit for the bars in Mississippi, Florida and New York in the summer.”

“You’re taking ALL of them this summer?”

“I want it done and over with. I don’t want to drag it out anymore then I have to.”

“You won’t be around much, will you.”

“HA! You kidding! I’ll be flying back and forth, I only have two classes, so they are on Tuesday and Thursday in the morning. I’ll fly out to where ever they are Thursday night, back to Michigan on Mondays. I think I’ve lost my mind, but I don’t want to leave this unfinished.”

“Are you going to miss Lance?”

“I don’t even want to think about it. I am so used to being with him at all times, three days a week without him may kill me.”

“I think you’ll live.”

“YOU BETTER LIVE!” Lance’s voice came from behind her.

“Harry! Hi!” He leaned down and kissed her.

“Hey Millie. Hi Lyn.” She pulled on his arm until he was sitting on the edge of her lounge chair. “What’s killing you today?”

She stuck her tongue out at him, “Law school.”

“Maybe we’ll put the tour on hold and I’ll go to law school too.” He raised his eyebrows.

“OK.” She nodded her head vigorously.

“Who will pay the bills then?”

“We could live on our love! In a studio apartment!”

“And eat peanut butter and jelly every night.”

“And read to one another.”

Lyn stood up, “I’m going to get a drink while you two plan.” She laughed as she walked away.

Lyn walked into the kitchen and found JC and Justin making Koolade. “Hi guys.”

Justin glanced up, back to the pitcher, and then his head snapped up again, “WHY didn’t MY third grade teacher look like you? NICE bathing suit Lyn!”

JC smacked the back of Justin’s head, “Shut up! And STOP looking at her like that you PIG!”

Lyn looked at both of them like they were crazy, “Long meeting guys?”

JC pulled off his t-shirt and tossed it to her, “Put that on before the boy passes out.”

She pulled the shirt over her head, “What is wrong with you two, you’ve both seen me in a bathing suit before.”

She got three glasses of lemonade and went back outside. Justin looked at JC, “DUDE! When did she turn into a hottie?”

“She’s not a hottie, she’s Lyn! You’re a freak!”

Jamie was rambling on about the FedEx that was on it’s way, “Stasia! There is so much going on with Meredith! I can’t keep up! I can’t believe she is already in such demand!”

“I think it’s easy to believe! She’s a great girl with one hell of a voice!”

“You’re right. OK! Well Diane needs to talk to you! Have a great day!”

“I will, you too Jamie!”

“Thanks Stasia.”

Diane picked up the extension, “Hi Stasia!”

“Hi Momma! What can I do for you?”

“Not a darn thing! Jamie was just going on and on, so I thought I’d give you an out!”

“I owe you!”

“Not at all! How are you doing?”

“Good. Very good. Jess has taken care of my apartment in Michigan, so I’m all ready for school. She even bought my books for me, classes don’t start for a few months and I’m all ready to go.”

“What about Ron?”

“I got a two bedroom apartment, the poor guy is going to have to be my roommate for a few months!”

“Oh boy!”

Lance bounced over and flopped at her feet. She covered the phone with her hand, “Do you want to say hi to Momma?”

His face lit up at the sound of her calling his Momma, Momma. “Yep!” He took the phone from her and Stasia went to find Ron.

“Hey big guy! It’s just you and I for dinner, what are you in the mood for?”

“Stasia, I sort of have a date...I’m sorry!”

“WELL I’M NOT! A DAAAATE? With a girl?”

“Hush your mouth! Of course with a girl! Where will the goofballs be?”

“They are doing a radio interview, and there’s no reason for me to tag along. I guess I’ll pig out and read! COOL!” Her eyebrows bounced up and down.

“Sounds like fun?” He looked at her strangely.

“No Ron, like HEAVEN!”

Ron pulled up in front of Justin’s house, listening to Stasia spout off advice for his date. He walked her to the door and watched her set the alarm. He waved and watched as the gate rolled closed behind his car, the mouth was safely locked up. But he did think she was right about the flowers, he needed to stop on the way.

Stasia filled the tub with water, and slipped into it’s steaming depths with a book in her hand. Jake curled up on the bathroom rug next to the tub and she smiled down at his little figure sleeping. She read three chapters and realized the water was cooling off. She got out of the tub and wrapped herself in a big fluffy towel.

She padded her way down the hall to the bedroom she and Lance were sharing. She looked at the clock and decided it was still too early for pajamas so she slipped into sweat pants and Lance’s sweatshirt. She was putting on her socks when Jake walked into the room and shook his body.

“Hey honey! Do you need to go out?” He shook again.

She grabbed her sneakers and put them on quickly. They made their way to the kitchen where she grabbed an apple and a bottle of water. “Jake!” He had disappeared.

She walked back to the bedroom, chewing a bite of apple, “JAKE! What are you doing? Let’s go outside!”

He was curled up in the middle of the bed chewing on his favorite toy. “I guess you can wait.”

Stasia picked tucked her book under her arm and went out to Justin’s den. She curled up on the couch and began reading. A smile touched her lips. It had been such a long time since she’d been alone, reading. She wouldn’t mind being curled up with lance reading, but this was fun too. She settled deeper into the couch, it wasn’t long before she drifted off to sleep, her smile still firmly in place.

~Chapter Thirty-Three~