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Chapter 1

(April 7, 2001, Metro Airport, Michigan)

Stasia Blake was standing in a corner of the terminal waiting, impatiently for the flight from Orlando to arrive. Her ever present cell phone was pressed to her ear, “I don’t know WHY the flight is late, it just IS! I cannot believe I have to stay here for Easter!” She rolled her eyes at her companion, who held up his hands and took another step away from her.

The voice on the other end of the phone tried to settle her down, “Millie, you have two major exams, a meeting with the President of the University, and the dinner with the venue people about Ryan. It’s just not possible and it’s not as if you’re going to be alone.”

“I want to be with you. Easter is important to us.” Her voice was full of emotion.

The voice softened, “Stasia, you know I want you to be with you, but it’s almost over, you get through these exams, and we’re in the home stretch. Please don’t make this harder on me. I can’t leave, you know that, we are getting ready for the tour.”

“I know, I’m sorry. I love you. I’m just nervous, why is this plane so late?” Just then a voice came over the loud speaker. “LANCE! THEY’RE HERE GOTTA GO! I love you!” She could hear the amazing sound of his laughter as she flipped the phone shut.

The second the auburn head she was looking for rounded the corner, Stasia lunged forward. “LYN!”

Lyn’s face lit up and she ran to her friend, “HI!” They hugged tightly until the older man standing behind them cleared his throat. “Sorry. We didn’t mean to block the exit.”

Stasia threw Lyn’s bags at her companion, “Hey Big Guy, make yourself useful!”

Lyn looked over at the huge man standing off to the side of Stasia, who now had her bag draped around his neck. “RON! Hi!” She ran over and hugged him.

“Hi Lyn.” They all turned to face a loud commotion in the skyway. “You brought the little devil girl didn’t you?”

“I couldn’t leave Morgan at home for a week.”

“So I have more trouble than I know what to do with.”

“Angela is with us too.” Lyn smiled up at the huge man.

“GET OUT OF MY WAY!” It was clear that Morgan was not happy with someone.

Stasia stood with her hands on her hips waiting for Morgan to get around the corner. The girl rounded the corner and threw herself at Stasia. “Hey girl!”

“Morgan, were you being rude to the other passengers?”

“Absolutely not! I was TRYING to get around the useless flight attendant.”

The third member of the travel party materialized behind Morgan and Stasia hugged Angela tightly. “It is so good to see all of you!” Stasia said as she led the way to the baggage claim area.

A sky cap tapped her on the shoulder, “Hello Miss Blake, it’s good to see you again, where are you heading today?”

“Hi Joey. I’m picking up today, not leaving for once. It’s good seeing you. How is your daughter?”

“She’s good. I want to thank you again for that autograph.” He smiled brightly at her.

“It was no problem. I’ll see you soon.”

Lyn looked over at her friend, “This airport is enormous. How is it possible you know people?”

“I fly in and out twice a week, basically from this terminal, I know a lot of these people, they get Ron and I in and out of her no problem every time. If Lance is with me they tighten security and get us out of here without a problem.”

Lyn was lounging in an overstuffed chair, she glanced around the room at her friends, all of whom had their faces hidden behind green avocado masks. Her foot was keeping time to the Motown floating from the speakers.

They had shopped until they literally dropped. Poor Ron had carried more bags than he had arms to carry.

Ron was always with Stasia now. She was currently the only NSYNC girlfriend that was public in her relationship. Joey and Angela had been together longer, but Stasia had been forced to go public. Dani and Chris had broken up in January, so she wasn’t around as often. Ron had quickly become like a brother to Stasia and even shared the apartment Stasia used in Michigan. Now, he was hiding in his room, afraid of the giggling in the livingroom.

Lyn straightened her green pajamas and poked at the mask coating her face, “Is your face getting hard?”

Angela looked up from her place on the floor and nodded, “Mmm hmm, I’m starting to get worried.”

“I think we’ll be ok.” Morgan answered as she continued to braid Angela’s hair.

Lyn smirked, Stasia was filing her nails, Angela was painting her toe nails as Morgan braided her hair. Lyn was painting her own fingernails. They were not a group to be girly, but when they had these little female bonding nights, they went all out. Pajamas were a requirement, as were silly slippers, a trend Stasia had started. Lyn glanced down at her Scooby Doo slippers and laughed.

This group was close and had brought together in the strangest way. Lyn could still remember the day she had met Morgan, it had been years ago, they had both been visiting friends on the set of the Mickey Mouse Club. Morgan had been a loud mouthed twelve year old, Lyn on the other hand had been a very mature eighteen. They liked each other immediately. Lyn loved her like one of her sisters.

Angela had entered the picture a few years later, when her then, best friend Joey had joined their own friends in the singing group that was now NSYNC. She was the quietest of the bunch, she was sweet and kind and open. She fit well with Morgan and Lyn.

Dani, who was missing at this little party, had come in when she had begun dating Chris. She had been leery of attending these parties since the break-up. The girls begged, pleaded and still Dani avoided them. They had talked at length about a way to make her understand she was still welcome. Dani had brought an elegance and sophistication

The last member of the tight knit group was Stasia, undoubtedly the strongest of the girls. She had joined NSYNC’s tour when she had been hired by Lance’s management company. She and Lance had fallen in love quickly, Lyn liked to think that was because they were truly meant to be together. She fit into the tight group of friends like a puzzle piece. Stasia had rounded out the group.

Lyn was pulled out of her day dream when Stasia asked, “When did I order that pizza? I’m hungry.”

“Nothing new there! If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were pregnant, but then you would have been pregnant for the last year.” Morgan shot from her corner of the couch.

“FUNNY!” Stasia stuck her tongue out.

“Actually now that you mention it, it does seem like it was a long time ago.” Lyn offered.

The doorbell rang, “FINALLY!” Stasia jumped up running to the door.

Lyn couldn’t see around the door but she heard Stasia squeal and began laughing hysterically when she saw Lance walk into the room with her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. They were kissing passionately. The passion they exuded was always exciting for their friends to see.

Lance was followed by the rest of their friends. Justin looked down at Morgan, “DAMN WOMAN! What is that on your face?”

“SHUT UP! You weren’t invited!”

Chris was carrying a stack of pizza boxes, Joey looked completely confused when he glanced around the room at all of the green faces. JC stopped cold when he saw Lyn trying to run to the bathroom. He caught her around waist.

“Where do you think you’re going Kermit?”

Her hands flew up to cover her face, “JC, I will never speak to you again if you don’t let me go.”

“I didn’t tell you to put guacamole on your face.”

“It’s not guacamole, although I can see how you could make that mistake. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go wash my face.”

“It’s nice to see you Lynie.”

She yelled over her shoulder, “You too. You have some explaining to do.”

“Get the gunk off, then we’ll talk.”

Chris walked over to Lance and Stasia, who were still locked tightly in one another’s arms. “Umm...Lance buddy...did you notice she looks like the Green Giant?” He cocked his head to the side, “Too short to be the Giant, Stay-A is SPROUT!”

Stasia gently pulled her face back from Lance, who was now wearing an avocado mask of his own, to glare at Chris, “OH NO YOU DIDN’T!” She started to make a grab for his throat, “CAT-LIKE NINJA MOVES!!”

Lance held her tightly, “Millie, how about you help me get this stuff off.” She immediately relaxed in his arms, smiled sweetly, and nodded.

When they shut her bedroom door Justin rolled his eyes at Chris, “Why do you bait her you fool?”

“It was too easy to pass up.”

Lyn walked back in the room, her bouncy curls pulled up in a ponytail. JC smiled up at his friend from the chair she had been occupying, “Much better.”

“Thanks. So what are you guys doing here? I thought this was a week of girl-time, now we have five extra boys, what happened here?”

“Today is their anniversary.” JC pulled Lyn down onto his lap, “He wasn’t going to miss it. Can you believe it’s been a year already?”

“Actually it feels like Stasia has been around forever. I’m still glad she’s here.”

JC leaned back to get a better look at her, “You guys are really getting close aren’t you?”

She looked at her hands, “Since school started, and I’ve been dealing with this new principal, she has been so supportive. I don’t know if I could have gotten through this year without her, I only have to wait it out two more months and I’ll have the summer off to regroup.”

His eyebrows furrowed in frustration, “I know you’ve been having trouble with this guy, but you haven’t been specific, you used to tell me everything.”

“JC, you are my best friend. That will never change. It’s just that this whole thing is complicated, Stasia understands and can be there if I need her to be.”

“I want to be there for you, it’s just...”

“I know that. You can’t exactly cancel a concert because someone was mean to me at work and I need to vent. Honestly, if I thought it was a big deal, or going to be a big deal, I’d ask you to be there.”

“I’m always there for you, maybe not physically, but I’m always there.”

“I know.”

“We need to change the subject.”

She smirked at him, “We’ll change it in a second. I never thought you were the jealous type. You know, I used to be jealous that when you’re on the road, you turn to the guys instead of me for support. This is the same thing.”

“But Stasia is normally either here or with us, she’s not in Orlando either.”

“You don’t know everything JC.” Lyn stood up and walked into the kitchen.

Joey smacked JC’s leg, “What’s up with you two? You guys never argue.”

“We never used to keep secrets from each other either. Things change Joe.” He ran a hand over his face.

When Lance and Stasia emerged from her bedroom, their faces were clean and Lance’s hair was messier than usual. Stasia was beaming, she smiled at her friends, “I can’t believe you guys came!”

“You dragged us out of bed one year ago today, we felt the need to be with you. Someone has put up with Lance for a whole year...amazing!” Chris teased.

Stasia took one look at Lyn and knew something was wrong, she walked into the kitchen as the guys harassed Lance about his hair and how long they were gone. She put her hand on Lyn’s shoulder, “Hey, what’s up? I thought you’d be happy to see JC.”

“I was.”


“But he’s hurt I’ve been getting closer to you because of this whole thing with Mr. Powers.”

“You could tell him about it.” Stasia pulled her hair over her shoulders.

“Stasia, “I don’t want to hurt him, we’ve talked about this.” Lyn’s eyes were filled with pain.

“I know, but it may just get more difficult. You’re going to get through it, I promise you.”

The two girls walked back into the livingroom together and joined the rest of the group, who had somehow begun telling their favorite stories about Lance and Stasia.

JC was in the middle of a story, “What about the time he told her she was going to have security, and she tried to kill Justin and I?”

Justin threw his arms in the air and then pointed an accusing finger at Stasia, “You ran ten miles, at top pace that day. Poor Jake was ready to die. WE HAD A SHOW TO DO THAT NIGHT! You should pay all of those people back.”

“It wasn’t my fault.” She pouted.

Chris rolled his eyes, “You may have been running with her, but I had his sorry butt in my room whining about Anastasia and how stubborn she was being. Remember how he never used Stasia?”

She smiled up at Lance who shrugged, “I was slow.”

Joey laughed, “You’re telling us! We all knew what was happening months before you two did! Did you know you almost kissed her in the middle of the dance floor at the Oscar party?”

They both laughed at their friends, “WE DID NOT!”

“YOU DID TOO!” Angela pointed, “Joey and I got back from...that doesn’t matter...but we got back and you two were in the middle of the dance floor, your foreheads were touching, you were milliseconds away from kissing and the stupid DJ played ‘Bye Bye Bye’. I thought the guys were going to kill that him!”

Morgan spoke up, “What about the time they dyed Justin’s hair.”

“AFTER HE DYED OURS!” Stasia shot back.

Lyn quietly said, “I think the moment that defines their relationship for me, was when she sang to him at our first little show. Or when he refused to leave her alone in the hospital after the attack. Those are the things I think about when I think about Lance and Stasia.”

JC smiled softly, Lyn always found the more sensitive side of things. She saw beyond Stasia’s biting sarcasm. She saw beyond the practical jokes. She saw beyond the glamorous pictures of the couple. Lyn was able to see the bond, the essence of the relationship.

“I think the moment I KNEW it was serious, was when we were all sitting there with Carson, when he was showing the pictures and playing the tape of the night you said ‘I love you’ and Stasia rose above the whole situation, and Lance had such pride in his eyes I thought he was going to burst.” All of the heads in the room turned to JC.

“WHAT?” Chris looked confused.

“I was just saying, I knew that they were going to end up together all along, but that was when I knew they were MEANT to be together.”

“OK, you big sap. Why don’t you and Lyn, who can see the softer side of Stasia, go somewhere and be sappy together.”

Lance kicked Chris, “Shut up Chris.”

JC pushed up out of the chair and walked out into the hall. Lyn looked down at Chris and softly said, “There is more to there relationship than dyed hair and an attitude. JC and I see that. I wish you could have.”

She started to follow JC out the door when Stasia called her name, when Lyn turned around Stasia smiled at her, “Take the sweatshirt hanging next to the door, it can be chilly out.”

Lyn grabbed the sweatshirt and walked out the door. She found JC standing at the door leading outside. “What are you doing?”

“Staring outside. I was debating whether or not it would be safe for me to go for a walk. How sad is that? I can’t just go out, I have to debate if it’s safe or not.”

“I think you’re fine. We’re in the middle of a college town, you’ll blend right in here. Not to mention you aren’t supposed to be in Michigan, noone will think anything of us walking around campus.”


“If you don’t mind the company, or the pajama bottoms.” She glanced down at her odd outfit.

“No.” They walked out the door, “You’ve been here before haven’t you?”

“I’ve been up here a couple of times. Stasia gave me the grand tour of U of M’s campus. Would you like it?”

“Sure.” He looked down at her, he wasn’t sure how she always knew exactly what he needed to do to change his mood.

“Now apparently you start the tour by saying, Stasia is in no way is a U of M fan, her blood runs green, and MSU will always be her true love.”

“Sounds like something Stasia would say.”

“Mmm hmm. I don’t think anyone would ever question her loyalities.”

“No, I don’t think they would.” He buried his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry I was jealous. You know I love her like a sister, maybe that’s where it came from, you know, sibling rivalry.”

“I wish you wouldn’t see her as a rival.” She looked up into his eyes.

“I’ll try.” She smiled up at him, “Lyn, where did we meet?”

She looked at him as if he was crazy, “We met in Algebra.”

“How long ago?”

“Um...about seven years ago.”

“It doesn’t seem that long ago. Why did you say no when I asked you out?”

“You were one of those MMC kids, you were all to important for the rest of us, or so we thought.”

“You wouldn’t go out with me, but then you defended me.”

“That guy, what was his know, the football player. Anyway, he kept calling you Mouse Boy and fancy pants. I thought that was rude.”

“So you called him a butter-fingered-wanna-be-receiver-neanderthal? Yeah that wasn’t rude at all.” He nudged her with his elbow.

“So it’s not the nicest thing to ever fall out of my head, but we’re still friends, so it was worth it.”

“I’m glad you still think so.”

They walked quietly for quite a while, Lyn occasionally pointed out the landmarks Stasia had shown her. JC bumped her with his shoulder, “Want to sit?”

“Sure.” She sat next to him on a bench in the middle of the quad. Lyn stretched her arms out in front of her and JC caught her wrist and looked at her tiny hand.

“I’ve known you all this time, and I’ve never asked you about this ring. Did someone special give it to you?”

“You don’t know about my ring? WOW! Yeah, it’s very special to me. You know it’s a claddagh ring right?”

“A what?”

“JC! A claddagh ring!”

“Lynie, I’m not following. What is a claddagh ring?” He poked at the ring.

“You have so much to learn.” She rolled her eyes. “A claddagh ring is an Irish wedding band, it is also a symbol of love and friendship. See how I wear it, with the crown pointing to my wrist?”

“Yeah.” He ran his fingertip over the tiny crown, which sat on top of heart, held by two hands.

“I wear it that way, because my heart has not been taken. When I fall in love, I mean, REALLY in love, I’ll turn it over, then the heart, will be closer to my heart, symbolizing that my heart has been taken.”

“That’s pretty cool.”

“This ring, was my great-great grandmother’s wedding ring. It has been passed down to the oldest girl in the family for generations. When my dad gave it to me, he said I was to wear it, and not take it off until I had a ring to replace it with, from the man I loved.”

“Not much pressure there.”

She smirked, “No, not at all. I hope someday my daughter will wear it until she has an engagement ring of her own.”

“I had no idea you were so sentimental.”

“Yes you did.” She bumped him with her shoulder.

“Ok, yes I did.” He bumped her back. “Are you sad you haven’t turned it around yet?”

“Some days I’m sad I don’t have anyone to share my life with. But I have you, and Stasia, and my family, so that makes me know in my heart that I’m really loved. The right guy is out there somewhere, Stasia keeps telling me that one of these days I’m just going to KNOW. I trust that she’s right.”

JC laughed, “Lance told me I need old people.”


“Well the old people are a metaphor. For them, Lance and Stasia, it was literally a set of old people that made him realize he was falling in love. He said, for me, it could be anything or anyone. They have Harry and Millie, he even said he’d like to find them and thank them. So he said I just need my Harry and Millie, and then I’ll be fine.”

“Do you ever worry that when you find her, you’ll have to fight for your love the way they’ve had to?”

“I thought about it and you know what? They never had to fight for the love, it was always there, they just had to fight outside forces trying to pull them apart, but because their love was always solid, nothing was able to break them apart.”

“What about when Stasia ran away to Josh’s?” She cocked her head.

He casually threw his arm around her shoulders, “She still loved him, that’s why she ran, she thought she was protecting him. He didn’t let her go though. Look at Joe and Angela, they were sort of like us, except that Angela was always in love with him, and he was always in love with her, they just didn’t know it.”

“We all knew it.” She laughed at the memory.

“Do you ever worry that you met her, and didn’t realize it?”

He looked deeply into her eyes, “You know me too well. Yes, I do. I worry that my Harry and Millie weren’t there when I was supposed to be falling in love. Or that I’ll find her, and my job will be too much for her to handle.”

“You know what? You and I will both find them. They are still out there. I can feel it.”

Morgan rolled over onto her stomach, “Can I ask a question?”

Stasia looked around the room, “Who do you want to ask Mor?”


Stasia laughed, “Well then, I’m going to speak for the group, fire away.”

“Why don’t JC and Lyn know they love each other? It seems pretty plain to me.”

Joey sat up and pulled Angela closer, “Mor, sometimes you need a nudge in the right direction. And you want to know it’s a sure thing. When you’re heading into a relationship, it would be very nice if everyone carried signs. I would have liked it if Ang had an, ‘I love Joey’ sign, it would have made my life easier.”

Stasia giggled, “I would have liked a , ‘Lance doesn’t hate Stasia’ sign.”

Everyone laughed, “I never hated you Millie.” Lance kissed her forehead.

“I know that NOW, but the sign would have come in handy.” She kissed him lightly.

Morgan groaned and rolled her eyes, “They are made for each other.”

Chris answered quietly, “That doesn’t always mean they will end up together. His job, her job, his lifestyle, her lifestyle, rumors, innuendo, it all adds up, it all piles up. Sometimes it’s the fair thing to do to let that person move on, or to chase their own dreams.” He was quiet again before finishing, “Lyn has always wanted to be a teacher, how would it be for her to be at home, while we’re all over the world?”

Angela answered, “It’s hard. But I feel, in the end, it’s worth it.”

“Lance and I are lucky, we are together all of the time. The last few months have been difficult, and I hate saying good-bye every week, but I know it’s almost over, and in the end it will be worth it.”

Justin propped himself up on his elbows, “I have to agree with Morgan here. You look at her, she looks at you, you know you’re in love, you figure out how to work it out. It’s simple if you want it to be.”

“Face it guys, relationships aren’t easy to begin with, but when you do what we do, they are even harder. You have to have a strong base to build on. It takes a lot of trust to be with one of us. And we don’t know that either one of them is feeling anything for the other.” Lance looked at the faces around him.

“If they AREN’T feeling something, they’re stupid!” Justin flopped down on his back.

“You should know Justin!” Chris shot.

“What the hell does THAT mean?”

“You aren’t exactly a relationship expert.”

“I never said I was, but I could see what was right in front of my face if there was something there!”

Joey laughed, “WHATEVER J! WHATEVER!”

(April 23, 2001, Orlando, FL)

One of the office assistants walked into the room with a note. “Miss McLachlan, this is for you.” Lyn looked up from her grade book.

“Thank you Jill.”

Lyn opened the note which simply said the principal would meet her in her classroom after the final bell. She sighed and then smiled at the student standing at her desk waiting to ask a question.

The final bell rang and Lyn helped all of her students get ready for the bus. When the last student was safely on the way home she walked back into her room. She placed her head in her hands and waited for the the man she had grown to hate to enter the room.

“Hey Lynie.” Her head snapped up and she looked horrified.

“JC! What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to take you out for a cup of coffee.”

“Which sounds great, but I have to meet with the principal. I can meet you there. Can you go grab a table?”

“Sure! Starbuck’s by your house.”

“OK.” He made his way out the door at the back of the classroom at the same moment Mr. Powers walked through front door.

“Miss McLachlan, I need to have a very frank discussion with you.”

“What can I do for you Mr. Powers?” Lyn sat up straighter in her chair and braced herself for the inevitable.

“Miss McLachlan, I have some very serious concerns about you, as a moral example for your students.”

Lyn shot to her feet, “EXCUSE ME?”

“I’m concerned about your morals.” The man crossed his arms over his chest.

“Can you tell me WHY you feel my morals are in question? And may I take this opportunity to remind you that my personal life is just that, PERSONAL?” Lyn’s hazel eyes narrowed.

“What kind of example is it for your students when you are in magazines and even on television, draped over some rock star. I saw you on the television last night, on a college campus in MICHIGAN!”

“First of all, I have NEVER been draped over anyone, on tv or otherwise. Second, what I do on my breaks, is none of your concern. It just so happens that one of my best friends is a singer, so from time to time, over zealous fans take pictures of him when he is on vacation, from time to time, I am with him, and will continue to be with him. I would NEVER do anything to jeopardize my students or their well being.”

“Consider yourself warned. If I see ANYTHING I find questionable, you will be dismissed. Hazelwood has a very high reputation, and I don’t expect you to damage that reputation. I was brought in this year to fix the glaring flaws in the system. I have a feeling, you are one of those flaws.”

Lyn stood her ground, “My students have the highest test scores in their grade. My students feel safe and protected in this classroom, and will continue to feel that way. I, Mr. Powers, am a good teacher. You cannot possibly argue with me on that point.”

The man smirked and rolled his eyes, “You seem to connect with the children in your class, I’ll give you that.”

“Well, unless you can complain about my job performance, it seems to me that you and I no longer have, ‘concerns’ to discuss.”

Mr. Powers pointed a long, liver spotted finger at her, “You had better learn to keep that attitude in check or else I will see to it that you do not teach here in the fall. Do you understand me?”

Lyn picked up here bag, walked to the door and flipped off the light. “Good night Mr. Powers.” She was down the hall with a grin on her face before she heard his foot steps going in the other direction. She walked out to her car and thought for a moment, there was only one person in the world she wanted to vent to at this moment, but she wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do.

JC glanced up to see Lyn walk through the door of the coffee shop. The sunlight streaming in through the windows behind her made her auburn hair glow. She had always hated her hair, he never understood why. The curly auburn mane was amazing. She smiled and walked over to the table tucked away in the corner, away from the crowd.

“Hi there.” She smiled brighter.

“Hi yourself. How did the meeting go?”

“I want to get my coffee before I start this story.” She grabbed her purse and started toward the counter, his hand on her forearm stopped her.

“I’ll get it, you sit and relax.” He bounced up out of his chair and was already at the counter before she could stop him. He was back quickly with a steaming cup in his hand, “Here you go. Now, tell me about this meeting and why you need caffeine to fix it.”

She smiled, only JC knew that she only ‘needed’ coffee when she was stressed out, “OK, here goes nothing.”

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this conversation?”

“Because we know each other very well.”

“Lynie, I know that you’ve had something on your mind for a while, and I know Stasia has been helping you through that, but I want to be here, if you want me to be.” He took her hand in his.

“I know this has been hard on you, but I knew if I talked to you about this, you would feel strange.”

JC’s heart dropped, “Is this about a guy?”

She threw her head back, laughing. “No! This is about me, you and my job.”

His heart regained it’s normal rhythm and he looked confused, “I know how you and I are connected. I know how you and your job are connected, but how are all three connected?”

“I didn’t think you and my job were connected at all, other than the fact that you have been such a huge support for me. Until a few weeks ago, when Mr. Powers started making little comments about what I do on my free time, and who I spend my free time with. More specifically, the time I spend with you.”

The look on JC’s was one of deep confusion, “Me? I don’t get it. What did we do? What did I do?”

“Honestly, I have no idea. When he first started making the comments, I mentioned it to Stasia, who in passing mentioned it to Jess. Jess told me to start writing down what he said, as well as when and where he said it.”

“You mean to tell me that Jess and Stasia think this is a big deal?” He looked shocked.

“Yeah. I was surprised too. But today, he made me understand what they were talking about.”

The concern in JC’s eyes made it easy for her to continue, “Today he said he is concerned about me as a moral example for my students.”

“WHAT? Those kids couldn’t have a better example! What is wrong with this guy?”

“He said he saw you and I on tv last night.”

He ran a hand over his face and sighed, “We were on tv?”

“I guess pictures of us in Michigan. I told him that unless he has valid comments about my job performance, he has nothing to complain about. He told me if I don’t get my attitude in check, I won’t be teaching at Hazelwood next year.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He slowly shook his head back and forth.

“I wish I was. I’m not quite sure what his deal is, or what I should do.”

He squeezed her hand, “Why didn’t you want to tell me about this?”

“Because you always try to protect me. I wasn’t sure how you’d react.”

“I’m upset. You are one of the best examples those kids could have. You love them, you love teaching. How could he think other wise?”

“I don’t know. I love teaching. I love Hazelwood. But I can’t let him control my life, I can’t let that happen.”

His thumb rubbed the back of her hand, “We will get through this.”

She looked up into his eyes, “We?”

“Hey, you kept me sane through the mess with Lou and Transcon. I’m going to help you through this. I wish you would have told me sooner.”

Her eyes were sad when they met his, “So do I. But I knew you would be upset.”

“I should be upset, this is my fault. Knowing me, has put your job in jeopardy. The job you love.”

“Knowing you hasn’t put anything in jeopardy, Mr. Powers has put my job in jeopardy.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t go up for Stasia’s graduation.”

“Are you on crack? I wouldn’t miss her graduation for anything! Not to mention we have put a TON of effort into planning this surprise party for her. It still cracks me up that we couldn’t tell Lance either.”

JC rolled his eyes, “They have no secrets. He would have told her five minutes after he found out about it. It will be good for both of them.”

“I hope we didn’t forget anyone. Carson and Tara will be there. Ryan, Meredith, Jack. All of the Bass clan will be there. Josh and all the people from his firm. Jess’s family, her friends from college, even a few from high school.”

“I know Dani helped plan it, but will she be there?”

“After A LOT of begging and pleading, as well as a phone call from Chris, she will be there. But she’s flying in while we are at the actual graduation.”

“It’s going to be good to have the whole group together again.”

“I know. I understand that Chris and Dani are still friends, but it’s just not the same. Not to mention the fact that they are still in love, but refuse to admit it.”

“I wish they would just hash it out. Sit down and talk. That is one thing I will never understand about relationships, the whole, ‘we can’t be together because we love each other so much’ line of bull. If you are that much in love, you can get through anything. Look at Lance and Stasia.”

“I couldn’t agree more. You know...” She looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eye, “...we should do something about that.”

He smiled and laughed, “What did you have in mind Allyn?”

Her eyes narrowed, “You know I hate that!”

“Which is why I do it. It’s the name your parents gave you, you should use it.”

“Oh..ok JC...oh, I’m sorry Joshua.”

“Hey, I like my name, I had to change it for Mouse Club.”

“You go through life with Allyn and then you will know why I use Lyn.” She shrugged, I didn’t get it as bad as Lis.”

“I don’t know why you all hate your names so much. I like all five of them! You girls complain too much.”

“Bren and Dev have nothing to complain about. Cat, Lis and I got slammed. My parents are crazy. OH! That reminds me. My mom wants you to come to Sunday dinner, they want to see you before you go on the road.”

“I’ll clear my schedule.”

“She’ll be thrilled. I’m going to Mass with the family, you can come along or just come over after for dinner.”

“I think I’ll tag along, if you don’t mind.”

“I never mind, you know that.” She grinned. “I think mom wants to put some weight on you before you leave, she says you get to skinny when you’re on tour.”

“You’re mom worries too much.”

“Where do you think I get it...I’m a genetic worrier.”

“I know, you come by that trait honestly.” She glanced out the window, “JC, it’s dark.”

He let go of her hand, which he hadn’t been aware he was still holding, and looked at his watch, “That’s because it’s 8:30.”

“Oh. We’ve been here for a long time.” She said matter of factly.

“How about I buy you dinner. It’s the least I could do. I feel like I’m causing this mess at you school.”

“Yes, you can buy me dinner. THAT is the EXACT reason I didn’t tell you about this sooner...I knew you’d try to blame yourself! Stop it! I won’t go with you if you are going to be on a guilt trip, because You’ll get all quiet and I’ll end up talking to myself.”

“OK, no guilt trip. I’ll talk back.” He smiled and glanced around. He wasn’t used to being out without security. He had a sense of freedom and a sense of fear.

A woman approached the table as they were leaving, “Miss McLachlan?”

Lyn turned and smiled, “Mrs. Geoffrey. Hello. How are you?”

“I’m fine. I just wanted to say hello, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Lyn laughed, “Not at all! I’d like to introduce my friend Josh. Josh, this is Mrs. Geoffrey, her son Jackson is in my class this year.”

JC extended his hand and shook the woman’s hand warmly, “It’s very nice to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you. Your friend here is the best third grade teacher at Hazelwood, has she ever told you that? I had to fight to get Jackson into her class, it was well worth it.”

Lyn was blushing and JC smiled, “That doesn’t surprise me at all.” He glanced down at Lyn, “I’ll bring my car around. Do you mind?”

“No, that would be fine.” JC shook Mrs. Geoffrey’s hand and excused himself.

When he was out the door, Mrs. Geoffrey leaned in, “He’s cute.” She smiled.

“I guess so. We’ve been friends so long I don’t notice.” Lyn laughed.

“Open your eyes child! Now run along! I’ll see you soon!”

“It was wonderful seeing you, outside of school.”

“Yes it was.” Mrs. Geoffrey watched as Lyn climbed into a car waiting in front of the shop. “Very cute.”

Lyn stood in front of the mirror next to Dani, “I hate you.”

Dani smirked, “And why is that Lyn?” She smoothed a hand over a fly-away hair and turned to look at the back of her dress.

“Have you seen yourself? You make it hard for the rest of us to feel good about the way we look.”

Dani looked down at her friend, “Lyn, you have to know how pretty you are. It’s not an easy thing to hide.”

“I stand between you and Stasia, and I can tell you who looks like dog food. Stasia has the eye thing, and the petite build. You are tall and blonde and gorgeous. Mor has that sporty, sun kissed thing happening and Ang is the dark Italian beauty. I...I am a short, freckled, red headed short girl.”

Dani scowled at her, “Lyn, you’re nuts. Stasia is no more petite than you are almost exactly the same size, actually, you’re a little taller.” She glanced at the clock and then at Lyn, “Sit.”

“What?” Lyn looked at Dani.

“I said sit. I’ll be right back...take off that dress and put on your robe...I’ll be right back.” With that she was out the door.

Dani breezed through the door a few minutes later with Stasia and Angela in tow. Stasia was wearing her signature steel gray. Draped over her arm was a garment bag. Angela was carrying a pair of shoes and a make-up case.

“What are you guys doing?”

Dani grinned evilly, “We’re changing your look for tonight.”

“I’m ready. I’m all set. I don’t have time.”

“That’s why there are three of us. You sit...we’ll do the rest.” Dani laughed.

“Lyn, now I know this is scary. But if I can live through it, so can you.” Stasia reassured her friend.

“What’s in the bag?” Lyn looked skeptically at Stasia.

“The dress I was going to wear, but the tailor screwed up and it’s a little too long. I was whining about it to Dani earlier. When she told me what she wanted to do, I knew this was meant to be.” She unzipped the bag and pulled out a beautiful pale, blue-gray gown.

“Stasia! I can’t! It’s your dress!”

“You can and you will, because Morgan has already removed your dress from the room, while we were distracting you. So hold still and let Dani finish up your make-up.”

Angela was pinning her hair up in a sleek up-do. It was polished and pretty. Dani did a little work on her eyes and lipstick and the three stood back to look at her. Dani pointed at the dress, “Go put it on.”

Stasia clapped, “I know what we’re missing!” She ran out the door holding her skirt up as she ran. When she burst through the door to her room, Lance jumped.

“Millie! You scared me to death!”

“I’m sorry.” She kissed him. “We are on a mission. Make sure JC is down here in ten minutes!” She grabbed the necklace she’d come for and dashed back down the hall. Lance simply laughed and went to find JC.

When Stasia walked back through the door to the room Lyn and Dani were sharing, she stopped cold. Lyn was standing in front of the mirror with a slight smile touching her lips. “YOW! LOOK AT YOU!” Stasia walked over and put the diamond pendant around her friend’s neck. “PERFECT!”

The girls stood back to survey their handy work, and they were all please with their fifteen minute make over. It wasn’t difficult to do when the raw material was so beautiful. Lyn’s eyes had taken on the same color as the gown, the look was basic and beautiful. Dani had been right, Lyn and Stasia were the same size. The dress fit her to a ‘t’. The color was even flattering. The sleeveless gown, plunged in a v at the back, ending with a small bow. The simple line showed her tiny waist.

Stasia looked at the clock and smiled. “You guys owe me dinner. I don’t want to miss our reservation.”

Angela smiled, “I’ll go round everyone up. We’ll meet in Stasia’s room.”

Dani grabbed her purse and linked her arm through Lyn’s, “Let’s go see how the boys like the look.”

“Dan, thank you. I feel pretty.”

“I TOLD you that you are pretty, do you believe me now?”

“I guess so.” She smiled.

“And you weren’t anywhere near as difficult as when I help Stasia get ready for the Grammy’s last THAT was a challenge!”

“I’m standing right here!” Stasia shot.

“I know.” Dani pushed past, pulling Lyn along.

Stasia ran ahead through the door and unceremoniously flopped down on Lance’s lap. She grinned at JC, “Wait till you see what we did!” Lance kissed her neck.

“OH NO! What did you do?” His brow furrowed.

“We changed Lyn.”

“Oh no! What did you do to her? Is she ok?” He actually looked concerned.

“Geeze JC! We didn’t cut her head off!”

“I wouldn’t put it past you guys!”

Dani strolled through the door alone, and Stasia raised her eyebrow, “She forgot her purse.”


Justin walked through the door with Morgan. He was swatting at her hands near his neck, “Stasia will do it! Get away from me Mor! Stasia, fix my tie!”

Lance helped her to her feet and she quickly tied his tie for him, “What do you do when I’m not around?”

“He wears a clip-on.” Chris answered as he walked in with Angela and Joey. He walked straight to Dani and smiled, “Stunning.”

Lyn walked in, “Sorry about that!” The girls all smiled when they saw the guys react.

Lance leaned down next to Stasia’s ear, “Nice work Millie.”

“I know.”

Chris circled her, like an animal stalking his prey, “LYN! You are one hot momma!”

“Thanks? I think.” Lyn blushed.

Joey simply growled at her, she giggled.

“DAMN! Girl you look GOOD!” Justin was slowly nodding his head.

JC said, “You look nice Lynie.”

Stasia looked up at Lance with confused eyes. He simply shook his head slightly and she didn’t say a word.

JC looked around and said, “We should go.”

Lance held Stasia’s hand and he said, “Can we catch up with you guys in the lobby?”

Joey rolled his eyes, “Bass, we don’t have time for you two to get your freak on.”

“SHUT UP JOE! We’ll be on the next elevator. I need to talk to ass.”

Everyone left before Lance got angrier. He looked at Stasia and took her hands in his, “Millie, I can see what you’re doing here, but you need to stop. What would have happened if they had tried to push us, we might not be together now. You have to let it happen naturally.”

“Harry, honey, they OBVIOUSLY need some help. ‘Lynie you look nice.’ What the heck was that? She looks BEAUTIFUL! He is being...a...a...DORK!”

He threw his head back and laughed. Her bottom lip was jutting out and her hands were firmly on her hips. He grabbed her by the waist and spun her around. “GOD! I love you so much!”

They stepped off of the elevator and into the lobby, looking around, they couldn’t find their group. A man walked over and said, “We had to move your friends into another area...a young girl spotted them and there was a minor incident.”

Lance looked sad, “I’m very sorry. Is everything ok?”

“OH! Yes sir. We just thought it would be better if they didn’t stand in a public lobby.”

“Thank you. Where should we go?” Stasia smiled.

He led the to a set of double doors and knocked twice, “Security.” The both nodded their understanding.

The doors swung completely open and the room erupted with , “SURPRISE!” Stasia jumped. Lance’s eyes grew wide.

She looked at him, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I had no idea! Why didn’t they tell me?”

JC materialized in front of them, “Because you can’t keep a secret from her.”

Lyn was standing near the bar talking to Stasia’s college roommate. “She was IN the dumpster?” Lyn was looking amazed.

JC tapped her shoulder, “Hi.”

She smiled, “Hi. JC, this is Shannon. She was Stasia’s roommate in college. She was just telling me the most interesting story about Stasia in a dumpster.”

“OUR Stasia?” He looked at Shannon with shocked eyes.

She laughed, “Yep. YOUR Stasia, in the dumpster. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to pass out.”

JC laughed and then looked at Lyn, “May I borrow Lyn for a moment?”

Shannon smiled and said, “Sure. There are some people I should say hello to.”

Lyn turned to face JC, “What can I do for you sir?” She smiled brightly.

He pulled her back a little to a quiet spot, “I’m sorry Lynie.”

“About what?” She had no idea what he was talking about.

“I just said you look nice.”


“You look spectacular! Honestly, you look amazing!” He grinned when her cheeks flushed.

“You didn’t have to say that.”

“No. I wanted to. Sometimes I forget you’re a girl. Tonight you reminded me.” The flush on her cheeks had finally reached her hairline. “Why are you blushing?”

“I have no clue. I wasn’t expecting that from you.”

“I’m full of surprises.” He grinned.

“Excuse me.” The both turned to see Ryan Tedder standing there. “I just wanted to say hello. I haven’t seen you guys in a while.”

JC extended his hand, “Ryan, good to see you again.”

“You too JC. Hi Lyn.”

“Hi. You look very nice Ryan. I’m glad you could make it.”

“After everything Lance and Stasia have done for me, I would have walked if I had to.”

“I think any of us would have walked here for Stasia.” JC agreed.

Ryan looked around, “You guys going to dance tonight?”

“I was thinking about it.” Lyn laughed, “We were going to vote. JC, what’s your vote?”

“You go ahead. I’ll be there in a few minutes. I need to talk to the graduate.”

“OK. Don’t be gone all night.” Lyn teased.

Ryan led her out onto the floor where they met up with Chris and Dani. Ryan leaned down, “Are they back together?”

“Not yet. Hopefully soon.” He offered her his hand and pulled her against his chest.

“How is your class this year?”

“Wow, you remember I’m a teacher?”

“Sure I do. Third grade isn’t it?”

“Yes. Actually I have a great class this year. A great group of kids. They are all still excited about the material we’re covering. I love those kids. You shouldn’t have asked me about my kids, I’ll tell you for hours.”

He laughed, “I like hearing about them.”

“How is the hunt for a recording contract going?”

“Really well. Free Lance seems to have stirred up a lot of interest for me. I’m really excited.”

“You should be!”

Across the room, JC was watching Lyn and Ryan talk animatedly. “JC?”

He smiled at Stasia. “Yeah?”

“I was just saying thanks. I hear you helped out with this whole thing.”

“Lynie, Dani, Mor, Ang and Jess did most of the work. I just helped with the guest list and keeping Lance busy.”

“I can’t believe you kept it from both of us.”

He put his arm around her shoulder and said, “Stasia, you were easy. You were here studying for your finals. Lance was love sick, whining about you being here studying for finals.”

“Ah! I see. Well thank you! I honestly love this. I got to put on my party clothes. I got to dance with cute guys like you.”

“Are you saying you want me to ask you to dance?”

“I’d love to.”

“I can never figure out how you do that!”

“I just graduated from law school, I’ve been trained to do that.”

“You’re going to be worse now aren’t you?”

“Nah. I have too much studying to do to be manipulative for a while.”

“Another two months before it’s really over right?”

“Yep, four bar exams in two months. Most people think I’m insane. I’m beginning to think they’re right. I am going to miss a lot of the Pop Odyssey Tour.”

“Just the first leg. You know you’ll see it so many times you will be able to perform it yourself.”

“At least I’ll be there for the first show in Miami.”

“I wish Lyn could be there, but she’ll still be in school.”

“I know. I’m going to bring the girls down with me.”

“All of the girls?”

“YEP! B, C, D and even E. What is with Lyn’s parents and the alphabet thing? And where does Lyn fit in? They weren’t doing the alphabet thing when they had her?”

“Stasia, Lyn is the ‘A’.”

“Huh? I don’t follow.” She leaned back in the circle of his arms.

“And I thought you knew everything! Lyn is short for Allyn. It’s Irish, obviously.”

“OK, let’s see if I can do this.” She held out her hand and counted on her fingers, “A is Allyn. B is Brenna. C is Catlee. D is Devony. E is for Eilis. Cat and Dev are the twins. Why don’t any of them use their ACTUAL names?”

“They all hate their names. All of them are old Irish names, and the girls think that they should have buried in the past. So it’s Bren, Cat, Dev and Lis.”

“I think their names are cool.” She scowled.

JC shot her a funny look, “I think Anastasia is a cool name.”

“OK, I get it. My mouth is shut.” She blushed.

She glanced up and noticed Lyn was dancing to a third song with Ryan. Lance walked up and tapped JC shoulder, “Can I cut in?”“

“Sure.” JC stepped back He looked around the room and his eyes rested on Dani who was sitting by herself. He walked over and held down his hand, “May I have the pleasure?”

She placed her hand in his, “Sure.” Her smile was a little too weak.

“What’s wrong Dani?”

“I miss this.”

“Hanging out with all of us or Chris?” She was quiet and he bent down to look in her eyes, “Dani?”


“I’m sorry. I wish there was more I could do, but I can honestly tell you we ALL miss having you around more often. I’ve talked to Lyn about it, I’ve talked to Stasia about it and I’ve talked to Chris about it.”


“Yeah. Believe it or not, he is still hurting Dan, he misses you.”

“I don’t know what to do with that information JC.”

“You don’t have to DO anything thing with it. I just thought you should know. I wish you’d come to the show in Miami, or even Mississippi, you know that one will be huge! Lance and Stasia will have a ton of people there. Ryan and Meredith are both performing.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Another song started and he didn’t let her go, she rested her head on his shoulder and the danced quietly. His eyes locked on Lyn, she was still dancing and laughing with Ryan. He felt very odd watching her with him.

Across the room, Stasia was quietly watching JC and Lyn. She tugged Lance’s head down closer to her, “Look at them.”

“At who?” He kissed her.

“JC and Lyn. Harry, look at the way he is watching her.”

“Oh yeah. But Millie, look at the way she and Ryan are looking at each other.”

“I’m trying to ignore that.”

“Darlin’ you can’t ignore that. I want to see them together as much as you do, but I also want each of them to be happy.”

Her eyes were sad when she answered, “So do I. But...”

“ need to leave it alone.” He looked at her very seriously, “This needs to happen on it’s own.”

“Does true love always win?”

He smiled, “How can YOU ask ME that question? Yes. True love always wins.” He kissed her passionately.

“OK, then I can wait.” Her eyes locked back on Lyn and Ryan. “For a little while.”

~Chapter Two~