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Chapter 13

Sitting on the bus with JC and Justin Lyn glanced out the window at the huge crowd outside of the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan. Getting into the hotel was going to be far more difficult than usual, the press was expecting all of the biggest names in music to be in town, and the press was right. Carson’s wedding was, as Entertainment Weekly put it, the music event of the season. JC leaned over, “Are you ready to move?”

Lyn laughed, “You get inside as quickly as possible, don’t worry about me and my gimpy leg here.” she patted her cast.

“I’m not leaving your side.” He smiled at her.

“What we need is a diversion, so I have time to get in before the crowd moves. Hey Justin!” She grinned evilly.

“What’s up Lyn?” Justin leaned forward to look around JC.

“Take you shirt off.” Lyn giggled.

“WHAT? Why should I take my shirt off? Is there some food on me?” He held out the hem of his shirt, scanning the front for spots.

JC laughed, “No J, you don’t have food on your shirt, she’s trying to use you as a human shield.”

Justin’s face contorted, “LYN! I thought you loved me!”

“I DO! I just can’t move fast enough for this group...just looking for a little help.” She shrugged, “Sorry.”

“I can’t believe you’d send me out there to get torn apart.”

She stood up and hopped around JC to flopped down on Justin’s lap, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She kissed him all over his face, until he began laughing. “That’s my boy!” She roughed her hand over his head.”

“You’re forgiven...but I’m still not going out there without a shirt.”

“Darn.” She smirked. “This stupid cast is a pain in the butt! I just want to be fully mobile again.”

Justin glanced down at her foot, “How much longer?”


JC lifted her foot onto his lap, “When did Meredith sign this?”

“Um...last week? Yeah, I guess that’s when it was.”

Justin looked at the cast, “We could sell that thing on e-Bay for a TON of cash! What do you think Lyn?”

“Very funny! I’m glad you can think of ways to profit from my pain!”

“I don’t want to send you into a crowd naked.”

“We could look into that e-Bay thing.” She blushed.

Justin hugged her, “You know what?”

“What?” She hugged his neck.

“You are REALLY coming out of your shell. Since you’ve been with us all the time, you’re louder, funnier, more playful and outgoing.”

Lyn looked at JC who shrugged, “You may be right Justin. Wait a minute! I’ve always been funny.”

“Sure you have.”

“SUBJECT CHANGE!” She narrowed her eyes and Justin hid behind his hands.

Dre climbed back on the bus, “OK, here’s the deal, you can’t stop. This crowd is OUT OF CONTROL! Apparently, we are in the same hotel as Kid Rock, Fred Durst and Britney. This crowd is WEIRD! JC, Justin you can wave, but DO NOT STOP! We’ve got to get you two in FAST so we can get the other guys off of their buses. Lyn honey, you’re with me.”

“With you how?”

“I’m going to carry you in, you’ll break your neck trying to get through. As if the people aren’t bad enough, there are power cords and mic wires all over the place.”

“Dre, you don’t have to...”

“I know, but you’re already broken, let’s not make matters worse.”

“But Dre I can...”


“FINE!” She crossed her arm over her chest.

“You’re up first. Come to papa.” Dre held out his arms.

“THIS SUCKS! I am NOT a child!”

Justin coughed, “Acting like one.” She smacked the back of his head on her way to Dre.

JC grabbed her crutches and bag, as well as his own. He stood up and followed Dre to the door. They’re security had gotten off of all of the buses, and along with hotel security, they had formed a small path for them to get into the building. Dre scooped Lyn into his arms and made the dash for the hotel, with JC holding onto the back of his shirt.

The crowd was loud and surging forward. Justin was right behind JC and the bus was already pulling away. Lance was first off their bus, he held out his hand for Stasia to take. As Dre was setting Lyn down in the lobby, JC and Justin were cracking jokes about wanting a safe ride through the insanity when they heard a scream from outside. Dre ran for the door yelling over his shoulder, “Get out of the doorway!”

They watched as Lance tried catch Stasia’s collapsing body. Justin and JC both took a few running steps forward before they were stopped by Jay, “Stay out of the way!”

“What the hell is happening out there?” Justin looked frightened.

“A guy grabbed Stasia’s arm and she fainted. Lance has her, GET OUT OF THE WAY!” They all jumped back as Lance burst through the door, he was carrying Stasia tightly against his chest, and her body was still limp.

JC looked frantic, “Lance! Is she ok?”

Lance didn’t answer, he just began looking around.

Lyn hopped over, grabbing the side of Lance’s face, forcing his eyes to meet hers, “LANCE, listen to me. Let’s lay her down on that couch.” She pointed at a small seating area. “She looked at JC, “Get the keys, NOW! Justin get me damp paper towels.” JC and Justin both ran off in different directions.

Chris came flying through the door with Busta, Korea and Jake running around his ankles. “Where is she? Is she ok?”

Lance carried her to the couch and laid her down, kneeling next to her. Lyn followed him and leaned over, “Lance, talk to her. She just got frightened. She’ll be fine.”

Justin ran over, with his hands full of paper towel. Lyn took them and laid one across Stasia’s forehead. She dabbed a second on her friend’s cheeks. After a moment, Stasia’s eyes began to flutter open. Joey cane running through the door skidding to a stop at the end of the couch, “IS SHE ALIVE?”

Stasia rolled her eyes, “Of course I’m a live.” Her voice was weak.

For the first time Lance spoke, “Oh my God.” He whispered, before gathering her body into his arms and rocking.

“I’m fine.” She whispered, “I didn’t eat breakfast, and I stood up too fast, I’m fine.”

Lance slowly pulled back, staring at her with wide eyes, “Don’t even try this with me.”

“Don’t try what Lance? I’m fine.”

He stood up, “You can lie to yourself, but you SURE AS HELL CAN’T LIE TO ME! You are not fine.” He stormed off, grabbing a key card from JC on his way by.

Stasia pushed herself up into a sitting position as Chris walked over with a glass of orange juice. “Lyn?” Stasia searched her friend’s face.

Lyn hugged her, “Shh. Let’s get you upstairs. JC, will you help her?”

“Yeah.” He ran over and scooped Stasia up. She rested her head on his shoulder and began to silently cry. “Stasia don’t cry. He was just frightened, it’s ok.”

“Stasia, how about you come hang out with me in my room? We’ll have some girl time and see what we can do about getting your blood sugar up?” Lyn smiled, while pushing Stasia’s hair back and wiping the tears from her cheeks. Stasia just nodded.

JC laid Stasia on Lyn’s bed and sat next to her, “You going to be ok kid?’

“JC, I wasn’t lying to him, what is he talking about?”

“I told you, he’s just frightened and probably tired. You want me to go talk to him?”

“I don’t know...”

“How about I just check on him?”

“OK.” She swallowed hard, her bottom lip quivering, “I want Jake.”

“I’ll get him.” JC stood up, and Lyn followed him to the door, “Get some food in here and I’ll see what I can do about him.”

“She honestly doesn’t realize JC...she doesn’t.” A few seconds later, Chris walked through the door with Jake and his bag. He set the dog on the bed and the pulled Stasia into his arms, “I love you.” He kissed her cheek, stood up and left the room.

Stasia leaned forward, gripping the sides of her head, “I don’t get it. Why is he mad at me?”

Lyn hopped across the room and sat on the bed, she settled in next to Stasia, and pulled her into her arms, “Come here.” When Stasia settled with her head on Lyn’s shoulder, Jake wiggled in between them, licking Stasia’s cheek. “Sweetie, you know how much we all love you right?” Stasia nodded. “Well, we all still worry about you. Lance worries more than anyone else.”

“I’m fine. Why would you guys still be worried about me?”

“You get...anxious in crowds.”

“No I don’t.”

“Yes Stasia, YOU DO. You have every right to be freaked out, but you have to realize you’re doing it. You know that you’re safe right? Ron is always with you, John Gross is in jail. You’re safe.”

Stasia was quiet, almost too quiet, “I thought that before, but not anymore.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

“Why don’t you feel safe? Don’t you trust Ron?”

“He is the ONLY person I trust with my safety.”

“What about Lance. He pulled some pretty good moves to help you that night at Justin’s.”

“I LOVE LANCE. I would trust him with my life. How could you even ask that?”

“I never for a moment thought you didn’t love Lance. When don’t you feel safe?” She gently questioned her friend.

“I lay in bed at night, when I’m alone, and I don’t sleep. Lyn, I haven’t slept through the night, without Lance in a year.”

Lyn looked carefully at her, “A year?”

“I guess more than a year now. I only sleep when Lance is next to me, I honestly don’t sleep when I’m not with him. I haven’t slept a wink in Florida. I can’t sleep at the apartment I share with Dani, because he got in there, John...”

“He’s in jail Stasia.” Lyn’s arms tightened around her.

“I know. My mind just won’t shut off, I think and think and I can’t stop. I see everything over and over, it’s been a year since the first attack, and I still can’t stop thinking about it.”

“But you shared the apartment in Michigan with Ron, didn’t you sleep then?”

“Some. Ron knows. I can’t imagine that he doesn’t.” She laughed a cold laugh, “Why do you think I did so well in school? I had plenty of time to study. Ronnie would never betray my trust by telling people that I’m a zombie.”

“Sweetie, Ron doesn’t have to tell any of us. We can tell when you are exhausted to the point of PASSING OUT on the sidewalk. Why don’t you talk to someone?”

“When do I have time to see a shrink?”

“You need to find time to help yourself start to feel safe again. You need to let us help you. You need to let Lance help you.”

“I don’t want him to be worried about me. He already has enough to worry about.”

“I hate to break it to you, but he’s already worried. He loves you, he will never STOP worrying about you, and he knows you. Do you honestly think this brave act is fooling him? Do you understand why today was his breaking point?”

JC walked into Lance’s room, just in time to have a book hurled at his head. He bent to pick up the book which way laying open with it’s binding broken and several pages ripped out, “Black’s Legal Terms. You’re going to have to buy her a new copy.” He tossed the volume onto the table.

“Screw Black’s Legal Terms. Screw bar exams! Screw it all! They are all just ways for her to cover up the fact that she is afraid. They are all things that just help her to cover up the fact that she hasn’t slept in a FUCKING YEAR!” Lance sat hard in a chair.

“You freaked her out.” JC sat on the edge of the bed facing Lance.

“Good. Maybe she’ll realize she’s not ‘fine’. I swear to God, if she tells me she’s ‘fine’ one more time, I am going to shake her. She is NOT fine.” His eye flashing with anger.

“I know she’s not. We’re talking about Stasia here, YOUR Stasia. The most difficult thing in the world as far as she’s concerned, is to admit that she can’t handle something on her own. She has never needed help with anything, and this is so far out of her control she can’t even begin to grasp the concept.”

“I knew it was a problem, but she collapsed. I couldn’t do anything to help her, I couldn’t do anything.”

“You want to know what I think?”

“Do I have a choice?” Lance rolled his eyes.

“No, not really.” JC shook his head, “I think that this is the wake-up call she needed. Lance, she can’t deny this happened, especially not after pictures are on TV tonight.”

“She’s going to deny it I mean.”

“You never know. But Lance, you can’t be angry AT her, she isn’t doing any of this intentionally. She is just as confused by this whole mess as you are.”

“I’m not angry at her.” Lance held the sides of his head, “I’m angry that I can’t help her. I’m angry that she can’t let me help her, she can’t let me in. I’m angry that I can’t make it better. I angry that he took away her sense of security. I’m angry...”

“At the world.”

“Something like that.” His head slammed against the back of his chair. “I want to make her world safe again, I want to make it all just go away.”

“You are the only one that does.” Stasia was standing in the open door with tears rolling steadily down her cheeks. Both men looked at her, “Lance, you are the ONLY person who makes me feel safe. You are the only one that makes me feel sane. You are the only person I want to have help me.”

JC stood up and started out of the room. He cupped Stasia cheeks, wiping the tears away with his thumbs, “He’s not the only who is going to help you though.” He kissed her on the forehead and closed the door on his way out.

JC walked into Lyn’s room without knocking, he pulled her up to her feet and hugged her. He was clinging to her and she held him tightly. He ran his hand over her hair, “Let’s get out of here for a while. Just the two of us, somewhere else. Please.” He looked into her eyes.

“Let’s go.”

“I’m going to change, can you see if Chris will keep an eye on Jake?”

“Yeah.” She nodded.

He walked into the hall and she glanced down at her own clothes, she quickly undressed and slipped into a knee length, floral skirt and blue three quarter length sleeve shirt. She slipped on her shoe and gathered Jake’s things.

She knocked on Chris’s door, “YO!”

She walked in, “Would you mind watching Jake for a while? Lance and Stasia are talking, and JC and I are going out.”

“Are they ok?”

“Yeah. They are going to be ok, she just really needs all of us right now.”

“She’s going to want to run away, this group tends to give too much support.” Chris smiled.

“Good point.” Lyn grinned, “So when dos Dani get here?”

“She just called from the car, they are about half an hour away. Morgan and Angela are with her, so all of the girls will be her in an hour.”

Lyn looked down at the floor, “Chris, make sure they have some space.”

“As far as I know, they aren’t even here. The way I figure it, they have until we need to leave for the wedding tomorrow.”

Lyn crossed the room, Kissing Chris’s cheek, “You are a sweetheart.”

Chris blushed a little and then said, “Well, I honestly can’t help it. I am THE MAN!”

She laughed as she left the room, “Yes you are.”

JC was waiting in the hall. Lyn smiled, “Hello Mr. Preppy. Have you been watching Stasia’s style too closely?”

He glanced down at his khaki pants, white button down shirt with its sleeves rolled up to the elbows, black belt and shoes and shrugged, “I don’t think the fans will expect me to look like this.” He slipped on a baseball hat.

“Where did you even get those clothes? I haven’t seen you wear khaki pants since high school.”

“They’re Justin’s.”

“And the plain white oxford shirt? It doesn’t have feathers, or sequins, spray paint or silver studs.”


“The hat? It doesn’t say ‘Rock Star’.”


They started down the hall, “You know what?”

He glanced down at her, “What?”

“I like this look. It reminds me of when we first met. I’m feeling the khaki pants.” She glanced over at him, he was a step ahead of her and she giggled.

“ALLYN! You just checked out my butt!”

“Guilty as charged.”

As they waited for the elevator, she glanced around, “Where’s Dre?”

“Downstairs, setting up our escape. He’s not going with us. I want some quality time with you. Hotel security said they will get us out a side door, because the front door and the back door are both staked out by fans and press.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not, but it sounds better then trying to dodge everyone with Dre bringing more attention to us.”

“How are you planning on hiding the redhead with the broken leg?” She grinned, “Face it, people know who I am too, especially with this cast.”

“That is why two poor hotel employees are going out the front door to draw our press away.”

“What do you mean?”

“There is a poor girl with a broken leg, it’s the wrong foot, but we’re hoping the red wig and the fact that there is a cast at all, will create enough buzz to keep their attention. I guess we’ll have to see. The guys gets my clothes out of the deal, and autographs for his girlfriend. The girl gets a cast signed by all the guys.”

“I can’t believe that they are willing to do this for us.”

“I’m not going to question this too much. Are you ready to move?”

“Where are we headed?”

“I have no idea. Anywhere but here.”

As soon as the elevator doors opened, a member of hotel security was waiting there for them. “Mr. Chasez, we are ready for you.”

Lyn smiled, “Sir, may I please meet the people who are willing to do this for us?”

“Certainly miss.” He led them into the security office, “This is Mark and this is Maggie.”

Lyn moved forward, “Hi. I just wanted to thank you personally. This is the nicest thing you could do for us.”

“Are you kidding me?” Maggie stared wide-eyed, “You are JC’s girlfriend! I’d do ANYTHING for you!”

Lyn smiled, “How’d you break yours?” She pointed at the girl’s leg.

“Roller blading. How’d you do it?”

“Tripping in the hallway of a hotel, then jumping down off of a stage. I’m a graceful girl.” She rolled her eyes.

“Mr. Chasez, we’re ready when you are.” The man that met them at the elevator stepped forward again.

JC eyed the guy who was supposed to pass for him, “You need these.” He handed the guy his sunglasses.

“COOL!” Mark slipped them on.

Lyn grinned, “I don’t think his hair is...big enough.”

“I could just take Maggie out for the day.” JC kissed her forehead.

“What time would you like us to arrange for your return?”

“Would eight o’clock be ok?”

“Certainly. We will be ready for you at eight pm.”

Mark and Maggie made their way to the front door of the hotel, where Dre was waiting for them. He was going to make the two of them look as real as possible.

JC and Lyn followed the man from security to a side exit. He stepped out through the door, looked both ways up and down the street before motioning to them that they could exit. As they made their way down the street, they heard the screams as Dre, Mark and Maggie made their way in the opposite direction.

They walked, talking about the past, the tour and when the topic of her lawsuit against Mr. Powers came up, Lyn got uncomfortable, “I don’t know what the status is, but Stasia apparently filed the paperwork in Orlando this morning.”

“Are you worried about it?”

“I guess. I don’t know how I feel about it. I’m...confused. I don’t know why he targeted me. I swear, the day he walked into that school he hated me. I’d never met the man before and he was a total jerk.”

“Some people are just like that.”

“I guess so, but he seemed to have one item on his agenda, and that was to ruin my career, which he may have succeeded in doing.”

“You’ll teach again.”

She shrugged, “I guess.” Looking across the park, she pointed to a group of tents, “What do you think that’s all about?”

“I have no idea, I can’t read that sign from here, do you want to go check it out?”

“You know I have to. I can’t see people gathered like that without checking it out to see what I’m missing.”

He laughed, “Let’s go.”

The closer they got, the faster Lyn moved, “This could be a problem JC.”

“I know, and I am completely prepared to deal with it.” The sign hanging on the outside of the tent read, ‘Manhattan Humane Society Adopt A Pet’.

Lyn’s restraint was holding well until they got close to the end of the line of cages, her eyes got wide and she turned her face to JC who grinned, “Oh boy.”

She realized that one of the volunteers was watching them closely, she practically whimpered, “Josh.”

“How bad?”

“Really bad. Both.”

“I’ll tell you what, I’ll take one, you take the other.”

She nodded her head vigorously. JC approached the volunteer, “Excuse me miss, have those two been spoken for?”

“No they haven’t. Beagles are not exactly the most popular breed, and the vets are 99% sure that these are the smaller variety, they shouldn’t get any bigger than thirteen inches. Smaller dogs aren’t very popular right now, everyone wants a lab or a retriever. They are the last two pups from a litter that was found in a box under one of the bridges in Central Park. Both females.”

“What paperwork do we have to fill out to take them with us?”

She handed him two clipboards and two pens. “There is also a twenty dollar fee per pup, for their shots and their spaying.”

He and Lyn quickly filled out the forms and he dug a hundred dollars out of his pocket, “Here you are.”

“I’ll just get your change.” “Well thank you. I’ll get your puppies.” She returned after a few minutes with two wriggling puppies. “Which puppy would each of you like?”

Lyn teared up when one puppy batted the other on the nose. The one who had been struck, was much smaller and cowered away from her bigger sister. “May I have the little one?”

JC smiled, “Always champion of the underdog?”

“Mmm hmm.” She nodded. JC took both puppies and held Lyn’s out for her to take, “Hi sweetie.” Lyn kissed the puppy’s nose.

The woman smiled, “Do you have any ideas for names?”

Lyn balanced herself on her crutches, holding the chubby pup out in front of herself, “This, is Blarney.”

JC laughed, “Figures. I guess I’ll stick with the theme. Blarney, meet your sister, Tipperary.”

Both dogs were wearing simple black collars, with nothing but an identification number on it. JC smiled brightly at the woman, “Could you please point us in the direction of the nearest pet store?”

“Straight down this path, at the edge of the park, turn left and it’s right across the street, you can’t miss it, and they are welcome inside.”

“Perfect! Thank you!”

They found the store easily and began shopping. They were in the collar and leash aisle for twenty minutes. Lyn picked out a green plaid collar and matching leash for Blarney. JC picked out red plaid for Tipperary. They had name tags made and picked out beds, bowls, toys, treats and even consulted with a sales person to find out what the best food would be. Two hours, and six shopping bags later, they left the store. Blarney and Tipperary dancing around on their new leashes.

They stopped at a sidewalk café to eat where the dogs could sit with them. JC marveled at the fact that New York was a very dog friendly city. The waitress even brought two bowls of water for the dogs.

On the way back to the hotel they made one last stop to buy bags to carry all of the dog supplies in. JC waited outside with the dogs while Lyn went in to pick out the bags. When she joined outside she sighed, “I hate to put an end to the day, but I don’t think my arms can take much more shopping. I’m exhausted.”

“Actually, I’m pretty beat myself. I should call and have someone come pick us up.”

“I’d rather walk back. I like have the normal JC, just walking down the street with me, no need to rush the whole thing. The moment we walk back into that hotel, we won’t have a moment of silence. This is such a happy reason to be here, Carson’s wedding, that we are all excited. Not to mention, I’m sure we will end up talking to Lance and Stasia again.”

He sighed, “You’re right. I worry about them. I mean, they are as perfect as a couple can be, but he is so frustrated. I can see why she is dealing with things the way she is, but I can also understand why it’s making him want to pull his hair out.”

“She hasn’t slept without him in a year JC.” Lyn looked over at him.

“Sure she has. When she was in Michigan and Orlando and Mississippi they weren’t together.”

“No. I mean she hasn’t been able to sleep, at all. She survives on caffeine and no sleep until they are together again. I thought she seemed tired, but I just assumed that it was just studying. She told me she can only sleep when he is with her, not even being in the same house as Ron has helped.”

“Oh God. I didn’t realize it was that bad. That is going to kill her. God, it’s going to kill BOTH of them.”

“I know.” They walked quietly for a few minutes, “JC, do you think they are the perfect couple?”

“Well, I don’t know about ‘the’ perfect couple, I think they are perfect for each other. Without a doubt they are made for one another. If I had to pick a PERFECT couple, I guess I’d have to go with us.” He bumped her with his shoulder.

“I have a hard time believing we are more perfect for one another than they are.” Lyn mused.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He looked honestly shocked, “Yeah, they are great together, and I KNOW they have an amazing future ahead of them, but God Lynie, look what we have. We have an amazing future in front of us, AND we have got such past. I remember the moment I met you. I remember the moment I held you for the first time. I remember the moment I met Ma and Da. I remember the moment I held Lisy for the first time.” He smiled at the memory, “Do you know what I wondered the first time I saw her?”

“What?” Lyn’s voice was thick with emotion.

“I wondered if we had a baby, would she look like Lisy? Would she have your hair and my eyes? Would she have my laugh and your voice?”

“You did?”

“Yes I did. I remember every second of the time I’ve known you. I remember our first fight ever was about that ass...was about Reagan.” He cleared his throat.

“Our only fight.” She added quietly.

“Our only fight.” He agreed.

They came around the corner and the hotel came into sight, “Back to reality.” She looked at the puppies, “Well this was quite a day. Security is going to KILL us. They already give Chris and Stasia enough crap about the dogs, we just got two more.”

“But look at these faces.” JC scooped up but dogs. “The paperwork says they are ten weeks old. Look at our girls Lynie. TEN WEEKS OLD!”

“Babies.” She giggled.

He flipped open his phone and hit a speed dial number, “Hey Dre. I can see the side door from here...nope...not right soon as we see you we’ll be there...ok.” He flipped the phone closed, “He’s on his way.”

As soon as they got to the door, Dre emerged, looking up and down the street, “What did you DO!” He threw his hands in the air.

Lyn grinned, “YOU try to say no to these faces.”

Dre put his face down by the puppies, “No.” Both dogs licked his face. “Damn it you two are cute.”

“Told you.” Lyn laughed.

As soon as they got inside the hotel, JC set the dogs on the ground and handed Blarney’s leash to Lyn. They got on the elevator and they all laughed as Tipperary feel over sideways when the elevator began moving. JC bent and set her upright, “That’s ok sweetie, anyone could loose their balance on one of these things.”

“Blarney didn’t.” Lyn pointed out proudly.

“You are MEAN!” JC scratched Tipperary behind the ears.

Getting off of the elevator, they were met with a ton of noise. Chris’s door was wide open and the radio was loud. They could hear Justin and Morgan teasing one another a little further down the hall. They started to pass Chris’s door when Dani stepped out into the hall, “OH MY GOD!”

She immediately fell to her knees to cuddle the puppies. Both of them rolled over onto their backs for Dani to scratch their stomachs, which she did happily. Chris came running out, “WHAT? WHAT’S WRONG?” He saw Dani on the floor and fell next to her. Busta, Korea and Jake all came out to inspect the new comers.

Busta happily licked Blarney’s face, while Jake and Tipperary sniffed one another. Dani looked up from the floor, “THEY ARE ADORABLE!”

“Thanks.” Lyn smiled proudly.

“So what’s the story?” Chris picked up Blarney and wiggled his head around mimicing her movements.

“There was a humane society adopt a pet thing in the park, so...we adopted them.”

“Together?” Chris winked.

“Blarney, who you’ve got there, is mine.” Lyn smiled.

“Dani has Tipperary, who belongs to me. They’re sisters and they are ten weeks old.” JC added.

“My gosh they are just the sweetest little things.” Dani cooed.

Justin and Morgan came out into the hall to find out what all of the commotion was about. Joey and Angela followed them out of their room. Everyone wound up on the floor in the hall playing with the dogs. Busta, Korea and Jake all played very gently with the puppies, as if the knew they were just babies. Lyn was sitting against the wall, playing tug-of-war with Blarney, when Chris sat next to her, “Hey.”

She leaned closer, “Have you heard from them?”

They both looked at the closed door to Lance and Stasia’s room, “Not a word. That’s why I had my door open, so I could see if they came out.”

“It has been hours.”

“I know. They’ll be ok...I hope.”

“They have to be Chris.”

Lyn was laying on her side on the bed reading over Meredith’s new rider for her contract. She grinned, some musicians requested M&M’s with one of the colors removed, or water flown in from their hometown. All Meredith wanted was a six-pack of Coke and a bag of oranges.

JC knocked on the open door, “Busy?”

“Just finishing up.” She smiled at him. He was still wearing his khaki pants and white button down, and Tipperary was curled up in his arms, her little cheek pressed up against his chest. He shut the door as he entered the room.

He sat down next to her, laying the dog next to her sister on the bed on the floor. Tipperary and Blarney shifted, curling up in one big ball, “They are too cute. Would you look at this?”

Lyn wiggled across the bed to look down at the puppies, “I love them already.” She rested her chin on his knee.

“I do too.” He stroked her hair.

She turned her head to look up at him, his blue eyes were happy. She reached her hand p to lightly touch his lips, he kissed her fingertips and pulled her up so she was sitting on his lap. Her arms went around his neck, and his hand flattened against her back. She rested her forehead against his, “I feel like I’ve wasted time, time we could have been together like this. Time you could have been holding me.”

“I guess we’ll just have to make up for lost time.” He turned his head and his lips brushed hers. He landed several small kisses on her mouth before increasing the pressure of the contact. She moaned with pleasure and his tongue flicked against hers. She pulled his hat off and tossed it across the bed, burying her fingers in his hair. JC caught her lower lip between his lips and sucked lightly before releasing her so her could concentrate on her neck and earlobe. Lyn threw her head back allowing him full access to the sensitive skin he was seeking.

He slowly lowered them back onto the bed, settling her weight on top of him. He was enjoying the pressure of her body pressed against his. She was warm and her hair was falling wildly around their faces. He ran his hands through the curls, loving the feel of the silky curls wrapping themselves around his fingers. The pace and intensity of the kiss was building, and she was clutching at his shoulders.

He was amazed by the way he could completely be lost in a kiss. She shifted slightly, sliding off of him, her body pressing up against his side, he took the opportunity to roll her onto her back, laying over her. She kissed his neck and jaw, franticly pulling his mouth back to hers. He was more than happy to cover her lips with his own. One of her hands dove into his hair again, the other raking over his back. They were both breathing heavily and thoroughly enjoying themselves when the were ripped from the moment by a knock on the door. Stasia’s voice called softly, “Lyn?”

JC’s head fell next to hers, “Damn.” He pushed himself up and crossed the room to open the door. Lyn pushed herself into a sitting position, shoving her hair back behind her shoulders.

Stasia and Lance both walked in and JC closed the door. Both of them had puffy, red eyes and they both looked exhausted. JC sat next to Lyn on the bed and Lance sat in a chair across from them. Stasia immediately sat on his lap, and his arms went around her protectively. That gesture, made Lyn breathe a sigh of relief. Stasia ran a hand over her face, “I...we wanted to thank you for earlier. Lyn, you are the first person who was really blunt with me. You were the first person who made me see what my being in denial has been doing to Harry, and everyone else.”

“I was just being honest.”

Lance looked at JC, “And you helped me see things from Millie’s point of view.”

“You would do the same thing for me. As a matter of fact, I seem to remember not all that long ago, you helping me see things a little more clearly, as far as Stasia was concerned.”

“Lyn, you helped Stasia after she fainted, and then helped her seen what was happening to her.”

Lyn smiled warmly, “We are friends, she would do the same thing for me.”

“True, but it still means a lot to me.” Stasia smiled.

“Do you feel better now?” Lyn ventured.

“I know that I have Lance’s support, and help. I’m going to try to get beyond all of this. It’s time for me to move on. It’s time to put John in the past where he belongs. You were right, he’s in jail for life, he can’t hurt me anymore. As far as crowds are concerned, I am going to have to work on that. Every time I see someone’s arm raised in the air, I flinch.”

JC nodded his head, “I think that that is completely understandable. We’ve all gotten more careful since you were attacked, and we should all stay alert.”


Lyn leaned forward, “We are all here for you. We all want to do anything we can to help.”

“I know that. Everyone has been so amazing through this whole thing, I just want it to be over.”

“It can’t be over until you’ve figured everything out. But Stasia, you are never going to really know why John did everything he did. You can only figure out the way it has altered your life.”

“I know your right.” She nodded.

Blarney stood up and shook, looking up at JC, she began whimpering. He scooped her up and she went straight to Lyn’s lap. Stasia’s eye grew wide, “OH MY GOD! THE BABY!” She was up off of Lance’s lap and next to Lyn in seconds.

“You haven’t met the girls yet.” Lyn giggled.

Stasia’s head whipped up, “GIRLS! You have more than one?”

JC reached down and pulled Tipperary onto his lap. She yawned, stretched and fell back to sleep. “This is Tipperary.” JC stroked her coat. “She is mine.”

Lyn giggled as the puppy on her lap gnawed on her finger, “And this is Blarney. She is mine.”

“They are PRECIOUS!” Stasia rubbed Blarney’s belly, “They still have puppy tummys. They can’t be very old at all.”

“Ten weeks.” JC answered.

“They are DARLING! Harry would you look at these two?”

Lance moved to the bed and scratched Tipperary under the chin. “They are really cute. What happened? These two weren’t here this morning.” He laughed as Tipperary nudged his hand with her nose when he stopped scratching her chin. “So you’re not sleeping?”

“We went out, just to...I don’t know, be together, and we were in the park and there were tents set up. It was an adopt-a-thon. These two were in the very last cage, we couldn’t leave them there.”

“I can understand why.” Lance smiled.

“I’m so excited we have more dogs!” Stasia squealed.

“Dre was not thrill with us, but I don’t really care. Do I girl?” Lyn kissed Blarney’s nose.

Lyn had selected a very simple, red dress. It had spaghetti straps, and was ankle length, concealing most of her cast. The fabric was light and didn’t restrict her movement. Stasia had been with her when she picked it out, and had clapped and squealed when she tried it on. She put on her earrings and was struggling with the clasp of her necklace when Stasia knocked on the door. She breezed into the room wearing a classic, fitted, knee length dress, which was sleeveless and had a simple boat neck neck line. The back of the dress was low and the heavy satin fabric just barely caught the light when she moved. It was her signature color, steel gray, to match her eyes. With her hair pinned up and a simple diamond pendant and diamond stud earrings, she looked like something out of an Audrey Hepburn movie.

“I brought you something.” Her eyebrows were bouncing up and down.

“What have you got?” Lyn smiled.

Stasia pulled out a jewelry box, “A little gift.”

“What on Earth is this for?”

Stasia sat next to her on the edge of the bed, “Several reasons. First, you have been a perfect addition to Free Lance, if it wasn’t for your help over the last few weeks, we would not have made it. Second, because you have done so much to help me lately, and I want to say thank you. Third, I saw this and immediately thought of you. And Fourth, and this is the last reason for now, you are one of my very best friends, and you deserve something pretty.”

Lyn opened the box and found a pair of beautiful antique ruby drop earrings and a matching bracelet. They were very simple and exactly something Lyn would have picked out, “Stasia, these are beautiful!”

“I thought they would look so pretty with this dress. I was prowling the antique shops down the block this morning, and as soon as I saw these, I knew you HAD to have them.”

“Thank you so much! You really didn’t need to do this!”

“I wanted to.” She grinned, “You’re wearing your hair up! I love it!”

“Dani.” Lyn smiled.

Stasia patted her own hair, “Me too. Make up?”


“Me too.”

“Will you help me fasten the bracelet?”

“I’d love to!”

Once the bracelet was fastened, Lyn switched her earrings. The two women stood in front of the full length mirror together. Stasia giggled, “For a couple of plain Janes, we clean up pretty well!”

“Not bad at all!” Lyn laughed. “Hey! New shoes!” She pointed at Stasia’s feet.

“Yep! I went shopping bright and myself.” She grinned.

“You did? How did it go?”

“Great, until I got back here and Ron tried to kill me.” She laughed.

“I’m proud of you, but you don’t have to do it all in a weekend you know.”

“I know, but I can’t put my life on hold any longer.”

“I’m so proud of you.” Lyn hugged her tightly.

JC walked through the open door, looking down at the floor where the puppies were pulling hard on their leashes, “Lyn, Blarney has been...” He looked up and his breath caught in his throat, “WOW!”

Stasia clapped her hands together and smiled brightly, “I have to go try to get that look on Lance’s face now. If he knows what’s good for him, he will be properly impressed.”

She walked out of the room happily as JC stood, starring at Lyn, “You look beautiful. Perfect. WOW!”

“Thank you.” Her cheeks flushed, “LOOK WHAT I GOT!” She held out her wrist so he could see her bracelet.

“Very pretty. Earrings too.” He cupped her cheek, turning her head so he could get a better look.

“I like it when Stasia gives gifts.” She laughed.

“So do I.”

Lyn laughed when he pulled up his sleeve to reveal the very simple pair of cuff links. Each featured a very small ruby in the center. She smiled up at him, noticing the new red tie.

“New tie too.”

“Stasia strikes again.”

“Well she certainly did a nice job dressing the two of us.” She looked at him from head to toe. He was wear a single breasted, four button black suit. His crisp white shirt and red tie looked conservative, but still reflected his personality.

Lance stuck his head into the room, “Are you two ready?” Lyn smiled, Lance was wearing a very dark, charcoal suit, a white shirt and a dark gray tie with very fine burgundy stripes.

“I think so.” JC was still looking at Lyn.

Dani brushed by Lance and said, “Lyn, I figure I’ll just throw your lipstick in my purse, so you don’t have to deal with a purse.”

“Thank you.” Lyn handed Dani the tube, without looking away from JC.

Dani walked out, and Chris moved to stand next to Lance, “Guys, you coming with us?”

“Yeah. Coming.” JC answered, not moving.

Chris rolled his eyes. He walked in and grabbed JC’s arm, pulling him out of the room, “Come on Lover Boy!”

Lonnie herded all of the dogs into Lance and Stasia’s room and closed the door saying, “None of you better do anything nasty in there while I’m taking these fools to this wedding. You hear me dogs? There better not be anything for me to clean up! I’ll be back in half an hour...don’t do ANYTHING!”

The limos rolled up in front of the Rainbow Room, where Carson and Tara were going to be married. The press was there in full force and as the celebrity guest arrived, the flash of the cameras were almost blinding. The entire group watched Stasia closely, but for the first time, since the Oscars the year before, she actually seemed somewhat relaxed. Her hand wasn’t clutching Lance’s sleeve, it was resting there lightly, his hand covering hers.

JC had his hand protectively on the small of Lyn’s back as they made their way inside. The ceremony was touching and Carson looked genuinely happy as he married Tara. When they moved into the dining room, JC held Lyn’s chair for her. As she sat down, he lightly kissed the nape of her neck, sending chills down her spine.

They laughed harder than she ever remembered laughing during dinner. Chris was telling the story of Joey getting his hair stuck in Justin’s zipper backstage when they first started out. “So we’re in Germany, and it’s this show where we have one costume change. Joey is bent over, fixing his pants, as Justin is running by, zipping this sweatshirt we were wearing for the second half of the show. WELL, Justin slammed into Joe, still trying to zip the stupid shirt, so he starts to step back, and realizes that Joey’s head is attached to his stomach.”

Lance laughed, “That was right about the second the intro for our entrance started.”

“RIGHT!” Chris agreed. “So Joey is squealing like a pig, holding his head. So I decided to save the day.”

Angela giggled, “I’ve always wondered where that little bald spot came from.”

“Yeah, it was courtesy of Chris.” Joey rubbed his head.

“Yep.” Chris smiled proudly, “I put one hand on Joe’s head, one hand on J’s stomach, and pushed them in different directions.”

Justin smirked, “I performed the last half of the show with a chunk of Joey’s hair hanging from my jacket.”

“Yeah, well I performed with MY HEAD BLEEDING!” Joey shot.

Carson and Tara walked up to the table, hand in hand, both glowing. Everyone got up and hugged them, wishing them well. Carson brought Tara over to where Lyn was sitting. “Hi Lyn.” Carson smiled brightly at at her, and his smile grew when He saw her fingers laced together with JC’s.

“Congratulations!” She jumped up and hugged them.

Tara smiled, “Thank you. How is your ankle?”

“I’m fine, I may not be quite the dancing fool I normally would be, but I’ll live.”

“You’re going to have to save a dance for the groom.” Carson winked.

“I think I can handle one dance.” She smiled.

The music started and most of the people in the room got up and moved onto the dance floor. Lyn glanced at JC, “You can go if you want. I’ll be fine here.”

“Maybe later. For now, I’m right where I want to be.” He smiled into her eyes.

After about an hour, they moved to the edge of the dance floor, where they could see their friends better. As soon as We Are Family started. Chris and Joey looked at Lyn laughing in her chair. They ran over, each slipping an arm under hers, “Come, you’re part of the family, you have some dancing to do girly!” Chris grinned.

Standing in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by friends, Lyn was happy. JC was standing across from her, smiling and laughing at her hopping. For once in her life, she felt completely uninhibited. She was bouncing up and down on one foot, Joey holding one of her hands, Chris holding the other. She threw her head back and laughed, she was happier than JC had seen her in a long time. She wasn’t thinking about Powers, she wasn’t thinking about broken bones, she wasn’t thinking about lawsuits or reporters. He couldn’t stop himself from walking over and scooping her up in his arms. Holding her against his chest. He kissed her neck and she giggled.

Stasia took Lance’s hand, “Today is making me happy. They are making me happy.” She looked over at JC and Lyn.

“You make me happy.” He kissed her.

It was late when Lyn was rocking in the middle of the dance floor with Lance. He grinned down at her, “Are you having fun?”

“I have had more fun since I started working for you, than I have had in the last ten years.” She smiled.

“I am so glad you’re with us. You have been an amazing addition to our company.”

“Well, when Stasia is back, I guess I have to figure out all of this stuff out as far as teaching is concerned.”

“Why?” He looked shocked.

“Well I assumed that as soon as Stasia finishes her exams, she’ll be back and I’ll go back to Orlando.”

“Oh man, we need to talk.” He helped her off of the dance floor. After calling Stasia over, he sat across from Lyn, with Stasia on his lap.

“What’s going on guys?” Lyn asked as JC sat next to her.

“Well, you were talking about when Stasia comes back, we won’t need you.”

“Right.” Lyn answered as the rest of the group came over to sit down.

“When Stasia comes back, we may need you more than ever, because her responsibility is going to increase.”

“Oh yeah?” Lyn’s brow furrowed, “Why is that?”

“We decided yesterday that Stasia is going to but Johnny out of Free Lance.”

Joey knocked over a drink, “WHAT?”

Lance had everyone’s undivided attention now, “Stasia is going to buy Johnny out. He wants out, and she is willing to buy his shares. When she becomes one of the partners, Lyn...we were hoping you’d take over her position.”


Lance and Stasia both laughed, “We know that. You haven’t been with us long, but you have quickly become part of our family. If you decide to go back to teaching, we will respect that, but please know that we want you to stay as long as you’d like. Would you be willing to think about it?”

“Of course I’ll think about it.” She looked down at her hands, “What about Johnny? Are you sure that this is what he wants?”

“Lyn, you were there. You heard him tell me to choose between my family, and him. I’ve made my choice.”

“Oh wow.”

“Johnny isn’t himself right now, and when he is again, he can have his shares back. Lance and I are looking at this as a temporary thing. No one loves Johnny more than the two of us, but right now, we don’t think we have a choice.”

“You know we will never second guess you guys.” JC nodded his head, “And there are worse things in the world than being partners with the love of your life.”

JC walked Lyn to the door of her room, “I’ll see you bright and early Sweetpea, buses roll at 4:30.” He kissed her lightly.


“Yeah?” He pulled her to his chest, resting his chin on top of her head.

“Stay with me tonight.” She whispered against his chest.

He took the key card from her hand, and followed her into the room.
~Chapter Fourteen~