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Chapter 15

“Hello?” Lyn was groggy when she picked up the phone.

“We’ve got action.”

Lyn looked at the display on her phone, “Jess?”

“Of course.” Jess huffed.

Lyn sat up, grabbing the clock next to the bed, “We have action at six thirty in the morning?” She yawned.

“Huh?” JC mumbled.

“Nothing. Jess is on the phone.” Lyn yawned again stretching her arms above her head. “What kind of action Jess?”

“He’s got counsel..”

“Jess, it’s early, and I’m not up on my lawyer language.”

“What’s like seven something.”


“Oh, forgot about that. Where are you?”

Lyn thought for a moment and then shook her head, “I have no clue, but we’re west, because it’s earlier here. Now what were you saying? Who has what?”

“Powers has counsel, he hired an attorney.”

“You sound happy about that. Isn’t it bad? Wouldn’t we prefer he DIDN’T have a lawyer?”

“No. It means the idiot took us seriously. It means we got a reaction out of him. Now I’ve got to check into this lawyer. Find out his record, find out his strengths and weaknesses. I’m going to find out everything there is to know about Powers and this O’Boyle scmuck.”

Lyn’s stomach dropped, she felt bile raising up in her throat. “O’Boyle?” Lyn squeaked pressing her hand to her forehead.

JC rolled over onto his side, “What are you talking about the ass for?” His voice was husky with sleep.

Jess grunted, “Yeah. O’Boyle. That’s his attorney. Why is that a big deal?”

“Jess...which O’Boyle?” Lyn slid her hand down over her face and JC sat up next to her, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“Um...hang on.” Lyn heard Jess shuffling through paperwork, “Reagan.”

“Oh my God.” Lyn whispered.

She looked over at JC who instantly knew something bad was happening, “What’s wrong?”

“Powers hired Reagan.”

“Oh geeze.”

“Lyn, what’s the deal?” Jess asked cautiously.

“My ex-boyfriend.”

“Oh SHIT!” Jess groaned, “I’ve got to call Stasia. One of us will call you back later.” The phone clicked in Lyn’s ear.

“She’s calling Stasia.” Lyn stared at the phone in her hand as if it was going to bite her.

“He hired Reagan?” JC’s eyes were wide.

“This can’t be good. Oh GOD THIS CAN’T BE GOOD!” She looked up at him desperately.

JC wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against his chest and they settled into the pillows, “Sweetpea, Reagan can’t hurt you. Think about it, he’ll be easy to beat. You got rid of him once, you can get rid of him again. This time, you have this whole mess of a family on your side. You’ve got me...”

“I always had you on my side.”

“True,” He smiled, “but now he’s up against the two of us as a couple and we’re backed by Jess and even better, we have Stasia on our side. Reagan doesn’t have a prayer. Now go back to sleep.” He kissed the top of her head.

“You amaze me.”

“I’m even more amazing when I’ve gotten enough sleep.”

Lyn slapped her hand down on the alarm clock, but the offensive ringing didn’t stop. She opened one eye and glared at the cell phone which was the cause of the noise. “Hello?”


“Hi Stasia.”

“Hi. Ex-boyfriend?”

“Yeah. I’ve told you about him before.”

“The asshole?”

“The one and only.” She tried to slip out of the bed, but JC pulled her back down.

“How concerned should we be about this development?”

“Well, I’m not jumping for joy. Reagan is a jerk, and he’ll play dirty. It freaks me out that Powers found him...I mean, what are the odds?”

“The odds suck, as a matter of fact I think the odds of winning a million dollars would be much greater, so we’re going to have to find out how they found each other...I don’t like it.”

“YOU don’t like it! Think how I feel about this situation.” Lyn sighed.

“On another happy note, I think the press has gotten a hold of the story. A friend of mine in the clerk’s office says there was a reporter there yesterday poking through the docket listing. Jess will be here tomorrow to meet with this O’Boyle guy, we’ll know more after that.”

“Why on earth is she meeting with him.” She couldn’t hide the alarm in her voice.

“Posturing. She has to prove she’s not just some out of state attorney who knows nothing. He will be trying to show her his client isn’t worried. They will both get snotty, they will both be rude, and nothing will really happen.”

“Stasia, will you go with her?”

“You want me to go?” Stasia sounded shocked.

“I’d feel better, you know me and I’d like to know exactly what happens.”

“I’ll be there.”


“OK. I’m going to hang up, so I can call and wake Lance up.”

“OH! He’ll love that, keep in mind it’s early.”

“He won’t long as I do it right.”

“Oh my! Hey Stasia...when is the exam?”

“Friday and Saturday, I’m going to set a new record. Then I fly out to New York and take the exam there on Monday and Tuesday, then I’m done...I’ll just have to wait for the results.”

“I can’t believe you are missing two shows in Michigan, it doesn’t seem right! So when do you join us?”

“Wednesday afternoon. I’ll make it in time for concert on the Fourth of July.”

“I’ll save you a seat.”

“Good. Hey Lyn?”


“Have you thought about what you’re going to do?”

“Yeah...I haven’t decided anything.”

“Take your time, we’re not going anywhere.”

“Thanks Stasia.”

“Now time for a little...”

“Digital Get Down.” They giggled together.

JC groaned and rolled over. Lyn looked down at him and smiled as she hung up the phone, draping her arm over his side, she kissed his shoulder. “I wish that song would die.”

“Does that mean we’re never going to ‘get together on a digital screen’?”

He laughed, “I didn’t know you’d want to.”

“You never know.” She kissed his neck.

“Lyn! I didn’t know you had it in you!” He rolled back over, pulling her down against his chest.

Blarney began to whimper and Lyn sighed, “The girls need to go out.”

“Want to take them out together?” He sat up.

“Sure.” She sat up and they both slid out of the bed. Quietly changing into sweat pants and sweatshirts JC tossed her sneaker to her and she slipped it on, they moved out into the hall with the dogs dancing on their leashes around their feet. Lyn leaned on her crutches waiting for the elevators, “I like this.”

“So do I.” He pulled his hat on. “Can you believe it’s almost July?”

“No. We hit Michigan...without Stasia tomorrow.”

“That is really strange, it doesn’t seem right.” He held the elevator door for her.

“Just over a week and she’ll finally be back with us. I miss having her around...I feel out numbered a lot.”

He laughed, “Even when she’s here you’re out numbered.”

“I know, but somehow, it’s not bad, Stasia sort of counts as four girls.”

“It’s the Feisty thing. She just sort of...fills the room.”

“Very diplomatic phrasing. Impressive.”

“I had to think about that one.” He smirked.

They walked out into the courtyard that had been secured for them. She leaned her crutches against the wall and hopped out into the cool morning air, summer was slow this year. It seemed everywhere they went, it was still cool. JC rolled his eyes, “We don’t have time for a trip to the hospital.”

“I am not going to have to go to the hospital. You’re beating a dead horse JC. I’m fine, and I am sick of the crutches.”

“I’m just looking out for you.” He chased Tipperary as she tried to dig her way under the fence. “Tipperary! NO!” He clapped his hands and Lyn laughed at him, until he rolled his eyes, “I wouldn’t laugh so hard if I were you.” He pointed.

Blarney was busy digging in a potted plant, “BLARNEY!” Lyn scooped the puppy up. JC walked over with Tipperary under his arm, both of them were laughing. JC leaned down and kissed her. That is when the first flash went off.

They both turned to see a telephoto lens coming through the hedges. Lyn pushed her hair back with her free hand, “That isn’t a fan.” She whispered.

“No.” He shook his head. He glanced back at the hedges, “I’ll stay out here with the dogs, you go on inside.”

“I’m staying with you.” She whispered.

“Are you sure you want to do that?”

“Are you sure you want to keep parenting me?” Her eyes narrowed and he smirked.

“I guess not. Just remember, he isn’t going to stop taking pictures.”

“I knew this was part of the deal when we started dating. No matter what, people are going to want your picture, so there is a picture of us kissing, so what...there will be more.”

“Interesting way of looking at it.”

“I guess at some point I’ll get used to it.”

“I’ll let you know as soon as I get used to it.” He sighed.

Lyn pulled a toy out of her sleeve and tossed it for Blarney and Tipperary to play with. They immediately began playing tug-of-war with one another. JC laughed, “Sleeve?”

“My sweats have no pockets.” She shrugged.

“Always thinking.” He hugged her. The flash went off again. “Our friend in the bushes seems to like affection.” He let go of her and they walked over to a small table and chairs in the corner, further away from the bushes.

They sat down and JC laughed as the puppies fell over while fighting over the toy. “GIRLS! Be nice.” He laughed harder when Tipperary, smacked Blarney in the nose with her paw.

“Blarney! Don’t take that from your sister!” Lyn giggled when Blarney ripped the toy away from Tipperary and trotted proudly over to Lyn, “THAT’S MY GIRL!” Lyn scooped her up and cuddled her, kissing her nose.

Tipperary waddled over and stood up on her hind legs, balancing against JC’s knee, he pulled her up onto his lap and laughed, “I thought you had her there.”

JC rolled his eyes when his phone rang, “Hello?”

“Where are you guys?”

“Good morning Lance.”

“Morning. Where are you?”

“Out in the courtyard with the dogs, and some photographer is taking pictures of us through the bushes.”

“Oh, now that’s always you care if I bring Jake down?”

“I don’t care, but make sure you look pretty, this guy isn’t going anywhere.” JC rolled his eyes as the bushes rustled again.

“I always look pretty.” Lance laughed before hanging up.

JC laughed, “Lance is bringing Jake down.”


They sat quietly for a few minutes, having a whispered conversation before Chris bust through the door, “MORNIN’!”

“Hey Chris.” Lyn smiled as he kissed the top of her head on his way by. He set the dogs down and then flopped into the chair next to JC.

“What time is it?”

“Seven forty-five.” JC glanced at his watch. “Early for you.”

“Earlier for you.” Chris grinned, “Lance woke me up.”

“He did?” JC looked shocked.

“He didn’t mean to...he was...on the phone...with...”

“Stasia.” JC and Lyn finished the sentence together.

“What about the love of my life?” Lance smiled as he sat down.

“We were just discussing how you were having phone sex this morning.” Chris grinned.

“Oh. Yeah.” Lance’s cheeks were bright red.

“CHRIS! BE NICE!” Lyn stared at him with huge eyes.

“I’m just telling the truth. He woke ME up!”

“Changing the subject!” Lyn glared, “Lance, I think we should do something for Stasia when she comes back.”

“OH! Lance is going to do something for her alright...he won’t have to deal with the phone when she’s here.”

“CHRIS!” JC smacked the back of his head.

“I was thinking of getting her a gift of some sort Lance shrugged.”

“We could have a party.” JC suggested.

Chris’s eyes lit up, “I have THE BEST idea!”

“You might just want to shut up.” Lance rolled his eyes.

“An 80's party.” Chris grinned, “We could all dress up like it’s the 80's and only play 80's music and she would LOVE IT!”

JC smirked, “He’s right, she would love it, and it might be fun.”

“I am SO RIGHT about this! It would be easy to do...I have all the music, the clothes would be easy enough.”

Lyn smiled, “You should get up early more’re smart in the morning. What do you guys think?” She looked at Lance and JC.

“I think it is a good idea.” Lance grinned and JC nodded.

“I’ll start working on it. I can have invitations printed by tomorrow afternoon.” Lyn smiled.

“Let’s do it. We have a week to plan...should it be a surprise?” JC smiled, Lyn had an excited light in her eyes.

“How are we going to get her to dress like a freak if it’s a surprise?” Chris asked.

“Good point. I think we should fill her in...AFTER the invitations go out.” Lance nodded

Lyn was sitting at one end of the couch with her foot resting on a pillow Lance’s lap as they discussed a budget for new costumes for Meredith. He album was doing well and they thought it was time for more pictures and new clothes. They both jumped when the door flew open, slamming against the wall.

Johnny was standing there, glaring with a newspaper clutched tightly in his hand. “I TOLD you to fire her!” he threw the newspaper at Lance’s head.

Lance gathered the pages and scanned them, “This isn’t your problem anymore Johnny.”

“I didn’t get a check yet. It’s still my problem.”

“Lyn, hand me the checkbook in my bag.”

Lyn didn’t ask questions, she just dug the checkbook out of the bag laying on the floor and handed it to him, “Stasia has asked me to write the check for her. I hadn’t seen you. I apologize, this is my fault.” Lance said cooly to Johnny.

“You’re just going to write a check? Lance, we’re talking about a lot of money here. You expect me to believe you just have that kind of cash laying in a checking account?”

Lance glanced up rolling his eyes, “John, are you honestly worried about this check being good?” He tore it out of the book and hand the small piece of paper to the man.

“You have JOINT CHECKING?” Johnny stared in disbelief at the paper.

“What we do with our personal finances, is none of your business...and now, what we do with our business is none of your concern.”

“That” Johnny pointed at the newspaper, “Is still my problem. NSYNC is still my problem.”

“We will take care of it.”

“HOW in the hell could you let this happen? She filed suit with all of your names in it!” Johnny’s glare turned to Lyn, “Jive is going to kill you.”

“Jive is fully aware of the situation and prepared to handle the backlash. It was a decision made with the complete backing of the entire group as well as our label.” Lance was all business. Lyn started to get up to leave, but Lance held her cast down against his lap.


“WEG has all of the information, you however, do not. It was out thought that Lyn may be uncomfortable if you had all of the details of the situation.”

“HOW did you get this by me?”

“We learned well the last time we had a dispute with management. Now, we have work to do.”

“You can’t go around me.”

“Can, and did.” Lance looked back at the budget for Meredith’s clothes.

When the door slammed again, Lyn squeaked. “Lance what is in the paper?”

“An article about your lawsuit and a story about you and JC and your history and stuff. Nothing major.”


“Not really. We knew this would happen.” He shrugged. “Lyn, please trust us, we honestly have your best interests at heart.” He squeezed her toes, because he couldn’t reach her hand.

“I can’t believe this is all happening. It’s so hard to let go...I mean I know I can’t walk into court and clear this thing up myself, but it’s hard to feel like I don’t have ANY control.”

“I wish I could tell you that you DO have control, but I know how you feel. When we were leaving Transcon, I felt like that. I had to go sit in that court every day, listening to people talk about us like we weren’t even there.”

“Yeah.” She sighed, and then smirked, “Joint checking huh?”

“Lord.” He laughed, “Yeah, it’s just easier. Our investments aren’t lumped together, but our checking is the same, that way we can do things for one another, like this check. Speaking of which, I should call Millie and tell her I wrote the check.”

“That might be a good idea. I’m going to go find JC so I can pout, you always make things better, I just want to be a wuss for a little while.”

Lance laughed and offered his hand to help her stand. “It’s going to all work out. I promise.”

“You have been a very good friend to me Lance. I’m ashamed to admit, I’m surprised.” She looked sad.

“Surprised that I can be, or surprised that I am.”

“I KNEW you could be, I knew you were to the guys and Stasia, I guess I still didn’t realize that WE were getting close. If everything with this lawsuit goes horribly wrong, and I loose and never even have the option to teach again, it will all be worth it because becoming better friends with you has been a blessing.”

“I know what you mean. This whole thing was really Millie’s idea, but it has been so good for me, I always like you but’s different isn’t it?” She nodded and he grinned thoughtfully, “I guess it only makes sense, JC is very close to Stasia, so it’s only natural you and I would get along well.” He picked up his phone, “Now I have to call Stasia and tell her I just spent a couple hundred thousand of her dollars.”

“Are you serious?” Lyn’s eyes were wide.

“Afraid so.”Lyn left him as he dialed the phone, “Millie...I just wrote the check. You are now the proud owner of part of a family business.”

“Hi Harry.” Her voice was soft and supportive and much too far away. Lance closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Honey, I’m thrilled to be in on this deal.” She was quiet for a moment and then softly said, “Heart hurting?”

“Half hurting, half happy. I just had a confusing ten minutes.”

“Do you want to tell me about it now?”


“What do you need.”

“Just to hear you. I need to hear you breathing.”

“I love you.”

“Thank you.” They both chuckled at that.

After a long time of just breathing together and Stasia took a deep breath, “Harry I’ll be home soon.”

“Seventy-one hours.”

“Seventy hours, forty-four minutes.”

“And so it goes, Anastasia.”

“I know, and so it goes.”

Chris was flying down the hall on a scooter, weaving in and out of people, speaker cases and bags. He came to an abrupt stop when he heard a low voice coming out of a janitors closet, snickering he whispered, “Lance and Stasia are having phone sex again.” Joey was walking toward his dressing room Chris reached out and grabbed his arm, “SHH!”

“What’s up?” Joey crouched down, knowing he had just gotten himself involved in something he shouldn’t be.

“I think Lance is in there...on the know.”

Joey got an evil look on his face and they both crept forward, Chris put his hand on the doorknob and they leaned in.

“Just settle it. I’ve done what you asked.” Joey tried to run when he realized it was Johnny not Lance, but Chris grabbed the collar of his shirt and held him in place.

“We had a deal DAMN IT!” Johnny growled, flipping his phone shut he hung his head and started to turn around. Chris and Joey looked at one another with terror in their eyes, they both sprang up from the floor and sprinted down the hallway into nearest dressing room, which just happened to be JC’s. Lyn was curled up with her head in JC’s lap, they were whispering and he was stroking her hair.

Joey opened the door a crack and peered out, Johnny went storming by, looking for his next target. JC cocked his head, “Hi guys.”

“We just heard Johnny talking to someone on the phone, he sounded pissed.”

“Nothing new there.” JC sighed, “I don’t know what crawled up his butt and died, but I wish he’d pull it out.”

Chris looked at him strangely, “Maybe he needs someone to pull it out.”

“YOU DO IT!” JC was shocked.

“Dude, I don’t mean literally, I mean it’s obvious that something’s up with him. I think we need to find out what it is and we’ll fix it, then we’ll have our normal Johnny back and we’ll all live happily ever after.”

“Chris, you are not Inspector Gadget. We can’t solve mysteries, the bus is not call The Mystery Machine.”

“You have seen too many cartoons JC. My point is, something is up, it effects us, let’s fix it.”

“Hey, I’ll do whatever I can, but I don’t think there is anything we can do. My theory is that Johnny has lost his mind.”

“”Whoever he was just talking to has something to do with it.”

“You are a regular Scooby Doo.” JC rolled his eyes as Chris grabbed JC’s notebook and tore out a blank page jotting down notes.

“Got any Scooby snacks?”

“Shut up.”

“You’ll thank me for this later.”


July 4, 2001, Little Rock Arkansas

Perched on the hood of the Suburban that had brought the guys to the venue from the hotel. JC was running around in circle with the puppies chasing him. Chris was running in the opposite direction, with his dogs trailing him, Lance and Jake were in the middle of the insanity. Lyn was laughing and happy when her phone rang, “Hello?”

“Where is everybody?”

“STASIA! We’re at the venue, playing in the parking lot with the dogs.”

“Do me a favor. Tell Lance to stay put, I’m close, and I have a gift for him. And I want you to tell him I am five minutes away, with his gift.”

“FUN! What is it?”

Stasia laughed, “You’ll see, there is no way you’ll miss it. Just tell him for me.”

“Consider it done.”

“Love you!”

Lyn grinned, “HEY LAANCE!”

“Yeah?” Lance jogged over.

“Stasia is on her way and she says she’s bringing you a gift. Sounds to me like it’s a GOOD gift.” She winked at him.

His face lit up, he grabbed her hands and began bouncing up and down, “Did she tell you what it is?”

Lyn blushed, “No. She knows better than to tell me...I’d cave in and tell you.”

“This is just MEAN!” He said, but the smile on his face was just like a little child on Christmas morning, after having been told they can’t go downstairs until everyone else is up. “She didn’t even give you a hint?”

“Sorry.” She shrugged.

Lance’s phone rang, “HELLO?”

He was met with her excited laughter, “Are you ready?”


“Well then turn around.” Stasia giggled and hung up the phone.

Lance turned around and his jaw dropped, “Oh. My. God.”

“What? What is it?” Chris bounced up next to him as Stasia pulled into the secured parking lot Ron waved from passenger seat. “DUDE!” Chris was amazed.

JC stopped running, “OH COOL!”

When the car stopped and Stasia climbed out, their jaws dropped once again. She was wearing a pair of black leather pants, black boots and a red tank top that exposed a lot of her toned stomach. In one movement, she bent, picked Jake up and started walking toward Lance.

Lance ran forward and pulled her into his arms her spun around kissing her. “GOD! I missed you!” He growled against her lips. “Is this outfit my gift? If it is, I LOVE IT!”

“This outfit isn’t your gift, it’s just a little bonus.” She laughed, “I missed you too.” She kissed him several times, “Chris is stealing your gift.”

He looked at her, “Are you serious? This is mine?”

“Mmm hmm.” She nodded wiggling in his arms until he set her down.

“CHRIS GET OUT OF MY NEW CAR!” Lance ran over and grabbed Chris by the hair, hurling him across the parking lot, “Would you look at this?” Lance slipped in behind the steering wheel. “JC check out this CAR!”

“This is SO COOL LANCE!” JC ran over to the passenger side, “Can I get in?” He clapped his hands and bounced up and down.

“Yeah!” If Lance had looked like a little kid before Stasia got there, now he looked like Santa had brought every last thing on his list.

Stasia leaned against the truck Lyn was sitting on, “Hey. You think he likes it?”

“I think it’s safe to say he likes it. How was the trip?”

“Great. Ron was whining that the car wasn’t big enough for him but it’s fun driving with the top down. I’ll take you out for a ride later.”


“You sound like JC. ‘Cool.’” Stasia poked her leg, “How is the ankle?”

“I think it’s still in there.” Lyn knocked on the cast.

“I should hope so.” Stasia laughed as Chris pushed himself up off of the ground, brushing himself off.

He stopped and shook Ron’s hand as he made his way over to Stasia and Lyn, he hugged Stasia tightly, “VERY COOL Gift!”

“Thanks.” She smiled.

“What? It’s like a sixty something Porsche?” He leaned back against the truck, Lyn propped her cast up on his shoulder.

“Nope. Well yes, it is a Porsche. But that car right there,” she made a grand sweeping motion with her arm, “is a 1953 Type 356 American Roadster. There were only 16 made, and now, Lance owns one of them.” Her eyes were dancing.


“Noah. I don’t know anything about new cars, but the classics...this is something I know about. Ark would have FLIPPED for this car.” She sauntered over to the Lance, running her fingertip over the car’s hood, “I saw this an knew Harry had to have it.”

JC and Lance were busy checking out every nob and switch in the car. He started the engine and then turned it off, JC was properly impressed. Lance ran his hands over the leather on the steering wheel a look of awe in his eyes, “Do you believe she did this?”

JC looked up from the dashboard smiling and shaking his head, “We’re talking about Stasia...YES I believe she did this. Lance, this is REALLY cool.”

“I am SO AWARE JC!” He turned to face her as Stasia walked up next to the door.

“SO?” She grinned setting Jake down after kissing the top of his head.

“SO, I am blown away by the fact that you did this! I also think we need to go discuss your impulse buying...inside.” He smiled up at her.

“Oh. OK.” She ran past security and into the building.

Lance was following her, but stopped and ran back to the car and pulling the keys out of the ignition, “NO ONE DRIVES IT UNTIL AFTER I DO!” He ran full speed into the building.

Chris sighed, “DAMN!” He looked at the dogs rolling around in a big heap, “Jake buddy, for the first time ever, I think they forgot about you.”

“I think Jake understands, besides he doesn’t need to see them...reuniting.” Lyn smiled brightly she held out her arms.

JC laughed hard, “Would you like a hand getting down Sweetpea?” He reluctantly got out of the car.

“Yes please.” She grinned.

JC crossed the parking lot extending his arms for her to slide into, “Down you go.” He set her on the ground and kissed her forehead.

Taking her crutches she laughed, “I have some last minute stuff to do for the party tomorrow, I was going to force Lance to help me, but I think THAT’S out of the question.”

“I would be happy to help.”

“Me too. I don’t have anything to do until Dani gets here in a few hours. We’re done here for a while, so we can go back to the hotel with you.” Chris walked over with Busta, Korea and Jake.

“Have either of you seen my sister?” Lyn looked around.

“I haven’t seen much of Dev lately, she and Ryan are pretty much joined at the...”

Chris grinned, “Lips.”

“I was going to say hip...but I think lips would be more accurate.” JC laughed.

“Yeah well, I have to go have an x-ray tomorrow and I want her to go with me.”

“I’ll go with you.” JC offered.

“I’d love it if you’d go too, but Dev wanted to go to take notes for her paper on my recuperation. She also said she wanted to talk to me about something important.”

“Everything ok with Dev?” JC asked as they all walked inside to find security.

“I think so, she didn’t seem upset, just like she wanted to talk. We are on the same tour, but we haven’t had a chance to spend much time together.”

“I’ve been taking up all of your time haven’t I?” JC looked down at her.

“No, not really. I have a job to do. I’ve been working a lot and we were in New York for Carson’s wedding. She flew to Mississippi with him. We have both just been really busy.” She blushed a little, “And we haven’t been spending much time in our own night.”

“Nor will you be.” He grinned.

“STILL HERE!” Chris laughed.

Lyn and JC waited while Chris went to find security. He left Jake with Ron and they climbed into the truck. Dre and Tony climbed into the front seat. When they got back to the hotel Lyn led them into the ballroom where the party was going to be held.

Chris lit up, “THIS IS PERFECT!”

“Thanks.” Lyn laughed, “I had all sorts of junk flown in. Posters for all of the big 80's groups. Jive even had some clothes flown in for us to use as decorations.”

“Check out that Madonna poster.” JC pointed.

“Wait until you see the clothes we’re all wearing...NICE stuff!”

“Dani is bringing MY clothes.” Chris laughed, “I never get rid of anything. I am wearing an outfit I wore to a dance.”

“THAT should be interesting.” JC laughed.

“OH YES SIR! You are going to be SO jealous!”

“We’ll see about that.”

“Lyn, tell us what you want us to do.”

“Chris, you check out the sound stuff and unpack the music you had brought in.”

He saluted her, “YES MAM!”

“Snapdragon, you get to help me with the tables. We aren’t going to have table numbers, we are having 80's groups.”


“Everyone’s place card will have the name of a group from the 80's, each table with have a picture of the group.”


“We have to fold the place cards and put the pictures on the tables.”

“Easy enough.” He nodded.

They sat in the middle of the floor, folding place cards and bouncing to the songs Chris was playing. Lyn fell back laughing when Chris went moon walking by. They sang along with the Go Gos Vacation JC laughing as Lyn bounced around with Chris.

“What’s all the ruckus in here?”

“JESS!” Lyn hopped over, “Have you talked to Stasia yet?”

“Nope. Her phone is turned off. I didn’t realize she was here already. Did Lance get the car?”

“The car and a few...OTHER things.” Chris ran over hugging Jess.

“I DON’T want to hear about it!” Jess covered her ears laughing.

“I don’t blame you.” Lyn smiled.

“She is going to love this.”

“I hope so. How long will it take for her to get her results?”

“Eh. She won’t hear until November. It’s the dumbest system. Luckily when I joined the bar in Florida and New York I had been practicing long enough that I just needed to be sponsored poor Stasia HAD to take the exams if she wants to practice.”

“NOVEMBER! So she won’t be able to help you with my stuff?”

“Dearie, there isn’t going to be a trial before November, and Stasia has been doing most of the work anyway.”

“Either way, I know you’ll take good care of me.” Lyn smiled.

Jess threw her arm around Lyn’s shoulders, “DAMN STRAIGHT! You are in the best hands.”

“7:00 in the morning? I can’t believe you forgot to tell me we had to be here at 7:00 in the morning.” JC yawned, slouching down in his chair. Sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office.

“I didn’t think it would matter. After all, you care so much about me, that a little thing like the early hour shouldn’t really matter.

“You’re just lucky I understand the whole fear of doctor’s thing.”

“Miss McLachlan.” A nurse came out into the waiting room.

“Yes.” Lyn stood up, “Is it ok if my sister and...”

JC stood up, “Husband.”

Lyn smirked, “If my sister and husband come with me?”

“Of course.”

Lyn sat on the table, clutching JC’s hand tightly, “Sweetpea, my fingers are blue.”

“Sorry.” She loosened her grip, until the door opened and the doctor walked in, then her fingers tightened around JC’s.

“Good morning. I’m Dr. Grant.”

“Grant?” JC asked.

“I believe you know my sister, Mary.”

JC nodded his head, “I am very happy to say we know her. She saved our friend’s life.”

“As a matter of fact, Mary set up this appointment with Stasia.” Lyn informed them.

“I’m very proud of my little sister.” He sat down smiling brightly, “Now how long have you been stuck in this thing little lady?”

Dev walked over with all of Lyn’s charts, “She had the cast put on three weeks ago. The doctor wanted her to wear it for at least four weeks.”

“I see.” Dr. Grant smiled. “I’ll tell you what. Let’s take this one off, get some new x-rays and see what we can do about at least getting a walking cast on for you.”

“No more crutches?” Lyn’s face lit up.

“No more crutches.” He grinned, “They aren’t any fun at all are they?”


An hour later, Lyn was walking down the hall smiling. “Check me out!”

“Look at you go!” JC laughed, “Remember, you aren’t supposed to be running around like a fool.”

“I know. I’ll be good, it’s just very nice to be a little more mobile.”

“Now Lyn, Dr. Grant made me promise to keep an eye on you and I will tell him if you aren’t behaving.”

“Shush Four!”

“I’m just warning you.”

“You are not Ma.”

Dev rolled her eyes, “Fine. Last time I worry about you.”

Lyn remembered Dev’s other reason for wanting to come along, “Um, Dev...when we get back to the hotel, do you want to have that conversation you were asking about?”

“Yeah.” She looked down at the floor, “Maybe the three of us could sit down and have breakfast?” She glanced at JC.

“If you want me to go back up to the room and leave you two alone, that’s fine Dev. My feelings won’t be hurt.”

“No, I would like your advice too...please.” She smiled.

“Anything I can do to help.”

The three of them slipped into a private booth in the dining room. They placed their orders and Dev sat across form Lyn and JC, studying her coffee. Lyn sipped her coffee, “What’s up Devony? You seem to be avoiding the conversation you wanted to have.”

“I just don’t know how to ask you guys about this.”

“You’re starting to worry me Dev.” JC raised his cup to his lips.

“Should I have sex with Ryan?” Dev asked quickly.

JC sprayed the entire table with coffee, “WHAT?”

Lyn’s jaw dropped, “ want us to...”

“Tell me if I should sleep with Ryan.”

“Dear Lord.” JC swallowed hard, rubbing his hand over his face, “Maybe I should go.”

“I wish you wouldn’t. Your opinion really means a lot to me. You are honestly the only guy I could ask about this.”

“Great.” JC slumped down. Lyn kicked him with her cast, shooting him a dirty look. “Sorry Dev, it’s just that I think of you as my little sister, and I didn’t think we were going to be having the sex talk.”

“Neither did I, but I honestly think that I need to talk to you guys about this. I’ve never even considered this before, let alone this quickly. I’m in love with him.” She looked down at her hands.

JC and Lyn looked at each other, smiling, “Dev, that’s a good thing. I am so happy for you. I hope he makes you happy.”

Dev smiled, “He does. He really does. So do I?”

“Do you sleep with him?” Lyn’s brow furrowed.

JC covered Lyn’s hand with his own, “Dev, I wish we could give you this answer, but you have to make this decision on your own. The thing we can do for you is be here for you. We will support you no matter what. You have to do whatever is RIGHT, COMPLETELY RIGHT for you.”

“Lyn, do you have a yes or no answer for me here?”

“I wish I did, but JC is right. Everyone has to make this decision on their own.”

“Have you guys done it?”

JC sprayed the table with coffee again, “DEVONY!”

“NO! I didn’t mean together, I meant have you done it EVER...I mean...I don’t need to know...when...or...GOD!” She slammed her head on the table.

JC and Lyn looked at one another, Lyn nodded her head at him and mouthed, “JUST TELL HER!”

“NO WAY!” He mouthed back.

“We both know...just tell her.”

“ALLYN!” JC growled.

“Good Lord JC, she needs our help.” Lyn threw her hands in the air.

“Dev.” Lyn took her sister’s hand, “We have both had sex, but never with one another.” JC covered his face with his hands, shaking his head.

“Why did you do it at the time...and why haven’t you done it together?”

“Geeze Dev.” JC slumped down further.

“I’m sorry, but I’m just so confused.”

“Do you REALLY need to hear this?” Lyn looked at her sister pitifully.


Lyn sighed, “Sweetie, the only person I have...ok...when I...I thought....OK! Enough beating around the bush! I was with Reagan, and I THOUGHT I loved him...and I thought that I wanted to be with him...and I thought that was a way to make him stop cheating on me...and it didn’t...and I regret it, and if I had it to do all over again, I wouldn’t.” She took a deep breath and realized JC was stroking the back of her hand with hiss thumb.

“So you think it was a mistake?”

“I think sleeping with Reagan was a mistake. Hell! I think ever dating Reagan was a mistake.”

“What about you JC?”

“I think her ever dating Reagan was a mistake too.” He squeezed Lyn’s hand again and she rolled her eyes.

“Seriously Dev, I have been with two people, one was a HUGE mistake, because I was way too young and really didn’t know what I was doing. The other was Beth and I loved her, I just wasn’ love with her the way I should have been. I guess in retrospect, I would have waited. But I’m not going to sit here and tell you that I would have waited until I get married, because I truly don’t think it’s something to be ashamed of, but there is also something to be said for being sure it’s the person you’ll be with for the rest of your life.”

“I have to agree with him. And I can tell you from experience, if you believe it was a mistake, it is really hard to deal with. JC had to help me put my head back together. I took it very hard, and I wanted to take it back. Which is why I haven’t been with anyone else.”

JC smiled at her proudly, “You asked why we haven’t had sex yet. I think we haven’t had sex yet because the time for the two of us hasn’t been right. We are just getting to know each other in a relationship. We can’t rush it. She means too much to me to force that issue. And honestly, I think Ryan cares too much about you to have sex be a major issue.”

“You think?” She smiled.

“Yeah. I think.” He smiled at her.

Lyn was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Blarney tightly to her chest. JC sat next to her and ran his hand over her hair, “Is she going to do it?” Lyn’s voice was quiet.

“You know what? I don’t think she’s going to do anything right now. Dev is very smart and isn’t going to stop being smart because she is in love.”

“You’re willing to wait for me?”

“Forever.” He kissed her.

“I have a problem.”

“What’s wrong?” He leaned back looking into her eyes an then smiled, “I think I have the same problem.”

“You know, don’t you?”

“Why are we avoiding saying what we both know?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe because we’ve known it for so long, in our hearts that we just assume we know.”

“You know what? I need to tell you, I need you to know.”

“I need you to know too.”

JC took her face between his hands, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”
~Chapter Sixteen~