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Chapter 16

Wiping at the tears rolling down her cheeks, Lyn gasped for her breath, “Stasia! PLEASE STOP! I CAN’T BREATHE!”

“I have to practice my MOVES! I haven’t ‘walked like an Egyptian’ in YEARS!” Stasia crossed the room again her Madonna style crinoline bouncing up and down.

Dani squealed from the floor where she was rolling on her back, “STOP!”

“Oh no no no! We should all be walking like Egyptians. My party starts in twenty minutes. You should be stretched out and ready to dance your butts off.” She bounced across the floor one arm bobbing out in front of her, one bent behind her and her head bouncing forward.

“I swear! If you don’t stop, I am going to wet my pants.” Angela wiped the tears off of her cheeks.

“Please don’t do that. We don’t have time to clean up a mess.” Stasia stopped dancing, “Do you like my ‘Boy Toy’ belt and rubber bracelets?”

“Madonna would be proud. I cannot believe YOU are doing the whole Madonna thing.” Lyn limped over to the mirror and straightened the lace bow tied around her side ponytail, “I’m looking...”

“Fantastic. Like...Cindy Lauper...without the bad hair.” Stasia wrapped her arms around Lyn.

“You don’t think the lace sock is too much?”

“Hon. The lace sock completes the look. You look like you stepped out of a music video.” Dani laughed.

Stasia ran to the door when Lance stuck his head into the room, “NOT YET! We’re not ready.”

“Maybe if there was less giggling and more dressing, you’d be ready.”

“Hush. We’re just finishing up.”

“It looks like the Bangles threw up in here.”

“Thanks.”Stasia kissed his nose before shoving him out the door.

“Well all of the junk jewelry we’re wearing is making a racket.” Angela shoved on another bracelet.

“Yeah, we’re not going to be robbing anyone tonight.” Dani fixed her lipstick.

Lyn picked up her purse, “Hey guys. I was thinking, we haven’t collected on our debt yet.”

Angela put her arm around Stasia’s waist, “What debt?”

After laying in the middle of the bed, trembling with laughter, Morgan was finally able to speak, “They owe us 24 uninterrupted hours with them.”

“I had totally forgotten!” Dani smiled.

“What did you have in mind Lyn? I assume you wouldn’t have brought it up if you didn’t have an idea.” Stasia winked at her friend.

“As a matter of fact, I DO have an idea. There is an inn I would love to take everyone to. Do you want to hear about it, or should I just plan it for the next possible break? Since we have Stasia back, I figure this is the best time.”

Angela squealed, “Just plan it! Surprise all of us!”

“HEY!” Morgan pouted, “I want to know!”

“Nope! I’ll take care of everything. One room or two Mor?”

“Doesn’t matter.” Morgan blushed a little as she shrugged. The rest of the girls exchanged looks, and began to giggle. “WHAT?”

“Anything going on that we should know about Mor?”

“GOD! NO! But I don’t care if I have to share a room with Justin. I mean, we’ve shared rooms before.”

The phone rang and Lyn laughed as she picked it up, “Saved by the bell Mor.” She hopped over to the phone and answered brightly, “Hello?”

“Sweetpea, we’re bored.”

“I’m sorry about that Snapdragon, but we are on our way.”

“HURRY! I am sick of Chris telling us how much we missed in the eighties. What he forget is the fact that we were all THERE!”

“I’ll come rescue you.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m here to help.”

“Well it would be a much bigger help if you were down HERE!”

“The longer we discuss this, the longer it will take me to get down there.”

“Bye.” He hung up on her.

“Guys, we’ve got to move down the hall before they kill all of us.”

“Are you guys sure you want to do this? I’s not to late to back out. Noone would know, what we had planned.” Angela sighed.

“Having second thoughts Ang?” Lyn crossed the room and hugged her.

“Nah. Just butterflies.”

Stasia glanced around, “Where the heck is Jess?”

“She is helping Lis get dressed for me.”

“Who did Lis want to be?” Stasia asked while applying another layer of dark lipstick.

Lyn smirked, “Cindy Lauper.”

“OH MY GOD!” All of the other girls squealed in unison.

“I swear you guys! Lyn SAID they were on their way!”

“Dude, I am entertaining Stasia’s guests, WITHOUT STASIA! What is UP with them?”

“Face it. They are DEADLY when they all get together. They never know what time it is.” Justin straightened his jacket.

“Dear LORD! Look at ‘New Kids On The Block’!” Jess, dressed as Tiffany, laughed as she walked up to the group of guys, holding Lis’s hand.

JC immediately scooped the little girl up, “LISY!” He kissed her on the cheek.

“HI!” She kissed his cheek.

Jon came running across the room, “Hi Lis!”

Joey burst out laughing, “Looks like Billy Idol wants to play doctor with Little Lauper again.”

JC’s eyes narrowed at Joey, then he smiled at Lis, “What’s the rule?”

“No games where people take their clothes off.”

“THAT’S MY GIRL!” He hugged her tightly until she squeaked.

“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WELCOME TO THE PARTY!” Stasia’s voice filled the room. Everyone froze, looking for her. Then the music started.

The curtains at the front of the room flew open, and there were all five girls. Stasia was dressed as Madonna, Lyn was Cindy Lauper, Angela made a fairly convincing Janet Jackson, Morgan was bouncing across the stage dressed as Debbie Gibson and Dani was dressed as Cher.

“THEY ARE DOING IT AGAIN!” Justin ran toward the stage with everyone else right behind him. I come home in the morning light
my mother says when you gonna live your life right
oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones
and girls just want to have fun
oh girls just want to have fun

Lyn sang lead vocals and they all were doing funny, bouncing dance moves, that Lyn could do on one foot. JC smiled and pointed at her, she winked and continued.

the phone rings in the middle of the night
my father yells what you gonna do with your life
oh daddy dear you know you're still number one
but girls they want to have fun
oh girls just want to have-- that's all they really want
some fun when the working day is done girls-- they want to have fun
oh girls just want to have fun

some boys take a beautiful girl
and hide her away from the rest of the world
I want to be the one to walk in the sun
oh girls they want to have fun
oh girls just want to have that's all they really want
some fun when the working day is done
girls--they want to have fun oh girls just want to have fun, they want to have fun, they want to have fun...

They all held hands and took a deep bow as the guys rushed onto the stage. JC pulled Lyn into his arms, “You are amazing.”

“Thanks.” She smiled brightly, “That was fun.”

“Looked like it.” He set her down and they each took one of Lis’s hands.

JC was about to say something when he was stopped by Chris running by to grab Stasia by the arm when Too Shy began to play.

“What were you going to say Snapdragon.”

“You’re not going to let go of that are you?” He rolled his eyes.

“You, my love, are stuck with Snapdragon.” She threw her head back laughing and he pulled her against his chest.

“HEY!” Lisy squealed from between them pushing against them with her little hands.

“Sorry Sweetie!” JC pulled her up against his chest and Lyn wrapped her arms around both of them.

“I want to dance.” Lis announced.

“So let’s dance!” JC smiled.

Lyn and JC were dancing with Lis, “JC, you were about to say something.”

“I was going to say that you should start performing again. Your voice is stronger than ever.”

“I sang in high school. I am NOT a performer.”

“Should be.” he smiled.

Lance bounced up with Jess on his back, “I couldn’t help overhearing that conversation. I’ll sign you right now.”

Lyn rolled her eyes, “Yeah RIGHT! Lance, I work for you, I’m not going to be one of our artists. By the way, you have a Tiffany on your back.”

“She did too much research.” Lance tried to pry Jess’s arm from around his neck.

Jess grinned, “Did you know that Tiffany and Jon from New Kids, were a hot and heavy couple? Not to mention the fact that Madonna is FAR TOO OLD for Jon here.”

JC and Lyn laughed, “Looks as if our Donnie Walberg has stolen Madonna anyway.” JC pointed.

“Yeah, but Tiffany here is getting heavy.”

“You are darn lucky I love you, and Madonna over there, or I’d have to kick you...hard.”

Lance smirked, “JC, you know what the worst part of falling madly in love is?”

“No buddy. Right now it seems all good.”

Lance pried Jess off his back and wrapped his arm around her neck affectionately, “You get stuck loving their friends. The friends become your friends, and you like them.” Jess smiled at that comment.

“I love you too Lance. Should we go save Stasia?”

“Nah, she doesn’t want to be saved right now. We’ll save her after this song.”

The pair danced off and JC laughed, “I think Jess is a good friend for Lance to have. Not everyone COMPLETELY understands Stasia the way they do. It’s good for him to have someone to talk to.”

“Sort of like the way Lance understands you?”

JC smirked, “I think Lance understands everyone, he is very in touch with the way people feel and and act, if you are the least bit off, he picks up on it.”

“He has been so supportive. I never expected that. I’m not sure why I didn’t expect it.”

“As much as you’ve been around the guys, you never had a chance to spend one on one time with them before. They have really become YOUR friends, not just mine.”

Lis pulled on Lyn sleeve, “Can I go play with Justin and Jon?”

“Sure Sweetie, we’re pretty boring huh?”

“Yeah.” Lis ran across the room.

JC and Lyn laughed, “She sure tells it like it is.” JC kissed Lyn’s forehead.

“Bad McLachlan habit.” Lyn smirked.

Two hours later, Lyn was posing for a picture with Dev, who was dressed at Martha Quinn when Ryan took the stage to perform. Lyn took her sister’s hand, “Dev, do you mind if I ask what you decided?”

Dev blushed a little, “I decided it would probably be a good idea to take it slow with Ryan. He understands, and says he agrees.”

Lyn let go of Dev’s hand and slipped her arm around her waist, “You guys are both very smart.” Lyn kissed her temple.

“You are such a big sister.” Dev rolled her eyes.

“There is a reason I came first.” Lyn laughed.

“Did I tell you I talked to Bren this afternoon?”

“Oh boy. No, you didn’t mention it.” Lyn shook her head.

“She’s a little annoyed that she wasn’t invited to this event.”

“Stasia asked me if she could invite Bren and Cat, but there was no way Cat could come because of work. Bren was SUPPOSED to be working.”

“According to Bren, she could have gotten the time off had she been given the opportunity.”

“I love her. I love her. I love her.” Lyn whispered to herself.

Dev laughed, “We both do, but she doesn’t make it easy. Brenna is...challenging.”

“Amen to that.” JC said behind them. They both turned to see him with one arm draped around Lance’s shoulder the other arm over Stasia’s.

“Are you having fun Stasia?” Dev smiled.

“This party is EXACTLY perfect for me. What more could I ask for?”

“PRESENTS!” Chris screamed as he ran over dragging Dani behind him.

“I told you guys no presents.” Stasia smirked, “I’m glad you guys didn’t listen.”

“JC and I first!” Lyn clapped her hands.

“Why you?” Lance pouted.

“I’m the one with the cast.”

“You are getting too much use out of that cast my friend.” He led the way to their table.

“I have to use it while I have it. Luckily, I won’t have to wear it forever.”

“I can’t wait until we can power shop again.” Stasia smiled.

“We are going to do SO MUCH damage. Now open our gift.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice!” Stasia reached for the box Lyn held out.

JC yelled, “That is from BOTH of us! I helped!”

Stasia looked at Lyn who giggled, “He actually DID help.”

Stasia pulled the lid off of the box, her eyes lit up, “OH WOW!” She pulled out the string of pearls.

“There is not one attorney who should show up in court without her lucky string of pearls. Not to mention the fact that I remembered that your string broke at that party a while ago and we were only able to find enough for a bracelet.”

Stasia rolled her eyes, “That stupid deck OVER THE WATER! I was so upset! I haven’t had time to replace it. THANK YOU SO MUCH!” She stood up and hugged both of them.

Joey and Angela gave her a monogrammed legal briefcase. Stasia burst into laughter, “I LOVE this monogram!”

“What is the big deal Millie?” Lance leaned over her shoulder to see the gold lettering, “THAT IS CLASSIC!”

Stasia held up the case for everyone else to read. In bold, gold block letters the case said, FEISTY . The room erupted with laughter.

Chris and Dani were both bouncing with excitement when they handed Stasia a large box. She tore open the paper and pulled out the first item, a plain black suit neatly hanging on a hanger. “You can never have too many of these for court.” Stasia smiled.

“No you big goof ball! Look CLOSELY!” Chris shoved the suit back at her.

Stasia looked at him strangely before inspecting the garment more closely. Her expression changed to one of shock, “I can’t believe you did this!”

Lyn moved to the edge of her chair trying to see, “Are those buttons...”

Dani squealed, “The FuManskeeto logo.”

Stasia held up the jacket for everyone, “They made a custom suit.”

“Stay-A we made an entire custom line for you. There are ten suits in that box.” Chris grinned.

“OH MY GOD! THANK YOU!” She hugged them tightly.

Justin and Morgan pushed a big flat box toward her, “We had some major help. Momma Bass sort of...lied for us.” Justin smirked.

“Momma lied?” Lance cocked his head.

Stasia slowly opened the package, “MY DIPLOMA!” It was beautifully matted and framed.

Morgan laughed, “I begged Momma Bass to steal it when it arrived in the mail.”

Justin smiled, “These go with it.” He pushed another box across the table.

“My undergrad degree! You guys, this is PERFECT! I have always wanted to frame my degree from MSU, but I never had a place to hang it, so I didn’t bother.”

“Did you notice the colors we chose?”

“As a matter of fact I did! They are BOTH matted in green and white! Thank you!”

Jess pointed at a box and snapped her fingers, “Lance. My gift.”

Lance bowed deeply, “Yes my lady.”

“Cut out the crap and get the box.” She rolled her eyes and then sat down on Lyn’s lap, “You don’t mind do you?”

“Not at all. Make yourself at home.”

“Why thank you!”

In the box, there were several books. Stasia grinned, “You know these are important.”

“You are the proud owner of every volume of WestLaw available right now. You couldn’t ask for a more complete set of legal texts.” Jess was happy.

Lance whispered something in Stasia’s ear and she smiled up at him, nodding.

Lyn glanced at JC, “I think we should, move the group away so they can be alone for a few minutes.”

“I wouldn’t mind being alone with YOU for a few minutes.” He whispered up against her neck.

“You have yourself a deal!”

They walked outside into pool area. JC sat in a lounge chair and Lyn settled back against his chest. Her head nestled against the crook of his neck. “I’m happy.” She sighed.

“I’m glad. I am too.” He kissed her head.

She closed her eyes and smiled, “I NEVER get what I want. I guess I was saving it all up, to use on this. I got everything I ever wanted, all at you.”

JC felt his heart begin to pound harder, “You know what? We’re good together. We are such a good pair...if I do say so myself.”

“We have been a pair for so long in so many ways, that it only makes sense that we’d be good together in this way.”

“I can’t believe I have finally told you I love you. I have wanted to say those words to you, in that way, for so long.” His arms tightened around her.

“I’ve wanted you to say them for so long. I still can’t believe the you LOVE me, as are in love with the same time I am in love with you. There is something so magical about that.”

“There is something very magical about everything we do together.” She turned to look up at him and he groaned, “GOD! I LOVE THE FACT THAT I CAN JUST KISS YOU WHENEVER I WANT NOW!” His lips slammed down against hers roughly.

Lyn squeaked a little and then her arms wrapped around his neck. His tongue flicked against her lips and she welcomed it. Smiling against his mouth she nibbled his lower lip. JC smiled and they shifted onto their sides. Lyn raked her nails down his back and then buried her fingers in his hair. JC’s hand found her thigh and his fingers tightened a little. Her leg slipped over his and he moaned. Moving his lips to her neck, she giggled when his beard tickled her.

Chris voice pulled them from their haze, “JC! YOU OUT HERE MAN?”

JC pulled his lips from her neck and rested his forehead against hers. Their breathing was ragged, “Damn.” He whispered.


“Over here.”

Chris ran over, “It’s time. AWE! You guys were getting all freaky huh? Sorry.”

“We are so used to it.” Lyn straightened her clothes.

“To be continued?” JC smiled.

“It better be.” Lyn smirked as she pushed herself up off of the chair.

They walked into the room hand in hand and JC kissed her, “Be back in a second.”

“Knock ‘em dead.”

“Always.” He laughed as he ran to meet the other guys.

Lyn went and joined the girls and blushed when Stasia pointed at her, “Rumor has it you guys were outside getting freaky.”


“Hey, it’s part of being in this group.” Stasia winked.

“Stasia, shut up.” Lyn warned.

“You have to get freaky outside from time to time. You can’t help yourself. I know that. JC’s a cute guy. Not my type, the hair is a bit....fluffy for my taste...but...”

“Anastasia. Phone sex.” Lyn narrowed her eyes at her friend.

“I’m going to shut up now.” Stasia turned bright red.

They guys came out on the stage and when the music started everyone bust into a roar of laughter.

You Got It (The Right Stuff)
The Right Stuff
The Right Stuff

The first time was a great time
Second time was a blast
The third time I fell in love
Now I hope it lasts

The crowd was singing along. Laughing every time the guys did a truly New Kids move.

I can see it in your walk
Tell it when you talk
See it in everything you do
Even in your thoughts

You got the right stuff, baby
Love the way you turn me on
You got the right stuff, baby
You're the reason why I sing this song

JC froze in the middle of the verse when Jordan Knight walked into the ball room. He just laughed, and jumped up on stage to sing with the guys. He pointed at JC, who was CLEARLY dressed as Jordan.

All that I needed was you
Oh girl, you're so right
And all that I wanted was you
You made all my dreams come true

Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
The Right Stuff
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
The Right Stuff

Your first kiss was a sweet kiss
Second kiss had a twist
Third and your fourth kiss
I don't want to miss

Chris was having a ball playing Donnie. His hair was bright red, and he had a fake tail attached. Joey was very funny as Danny. And Justin made a hilarious Joey.

I can see it in your walk
Tell it when you talk
See it in everything you do
Even in your thoughts

You got the right stuff, baby
Love the way you turn me on
You got the right stuff, baby
You're the reason why I sing this song

All that I needed was you
In my life, you're so right
And all that I wanted was you
You made all - every one of my dreams come true

When Lance sang, “You made all - every one of my dreams come true.” Stasia squealed loudly. And Lyn leaned over, “Does he say stuff like that...”

“OH GOD YES! IT’S THE VOICE! I LOVE THE VOICE! GAH!!” Stasia started to rush the stage, but Lyn and Jess tackled her, Lance just winked. He looked a lot like Jon with his hair dyed dark.

Girl, yeah baby, yeah,
You know you got the right stuff
And girl, yeah baby
You know you know you've got it girl
In my life, you're so right
You made all - you know what you did

When the guys finished the song, the girls were laying in a heap on the floor in front of the stage laughing hysterically. Lyn’s head was resting on Dani’s stomach, and they were both shaking. They had all been able to maintain their composure, until Jordan Knight had walked into the ballroom, after that, it had been all down hill. The girls had been singing at the top of their lungs, dancing like a group of idiots.

JC jumped down off of the stage and pulled Lyn to her feet, “You going to make it?”

She wiped at the tears on her cheeks, “I don’t know! That was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.”

“I’m glad we entertain you.”

“You have no idea!” She snorted, while trying to stop.

Lyn and Jess were sitting at a corner table, “Lyn, about this O’Boyle guy.”

“Jess, I’m sorry, but I am having a perfect night. Can we talk about this in the morning?”

Jess smiled, “Yeah. Sorry, it’s hard to turn the lawyer off.”

“I can understand that. But it’s easy to block out the need for a lawyer.”

“I wish you didn’t.”

“So do I.” Lyn froze lifting her drink to her lips.

Johnny Wright walked into the room, he stopped to say hello to a few people before walking over to Lance and Stasia. He whispered something to them, handed a gift to Stasia, hugged her stiff form and then left the room.

Stasia walked over to the table and sat down on Jess’s lap, “That was the strangest thing. Johnny was...nice. He came to give me a gift. What the hell is THAT all about?”

Lyn shook her head, “I have no idea. Open it.”

“Maybe it’s a bomb.” Jess laughed.

“FUNNY JESSICA!” Stasia glared.

She tore the paper open and covered her mouth with her hand, “Oh wow.”

She pulled out a large, framed collage. It was made up of pictures, starting with one taken the day Stasia had arrived in Hawaii to meet Lance. There were pictures of Stasia with every one of her friends. Her breath caught when her eyes landed on a small picture taken the day of her graduation. She and Johnny were hugging, and she remembered the conversation clearly.

“Stasia, I don’t think I could be more proud if you were my own child. I am bursting with pride today. When i think about everything you have been through in the last year, and everything you have accomplished, I wish I could be more like you. You have a quiet strength that will help through the most complicated confusing times in your life.” Johnny grew quiet for a second and then kissed the top of her head, “I love you kid.”

Lyn nudged Stasia’s arm, “There’s something else in the box Stasia.”

“Huh?” Stasia was still staring at the picture of she and Johnny, “Oh yeah.” She pulled out a video cassette, “OH GOD!” She handed the tape to Lyn.

“Oh NO!” Lyn laughed. The tape was labeled, ‘SLAM’D In Concert! One Night Only!’

JC and Lance were sitting near the bar talking when Stasia walked up, “Hi Millie.” Lance kissed her, “So, what did Johnny give you?”

She held up the gift for them to see, and JC smiled, “That’s nice. I didn’t know anyone took a picture of us on the balcony in Hawaii.” He smirked, “I think that’s the day I knew you’d be one of my best friends.”

Chris leaned over her shoulder and pointed at the picture of he and Stasia, “This was the day you did that interview with know, when we...talked about...”

Stasia interrupted him, “I know. Guys, Johnny is trying to tell me something with this gift.”

JC rolled his eyes, “Chris, is there room in the Mystery Machine for you AND Stasia? I swear you two and your analyzing Johnny!”

“JC, I’m serious! Look at this. These aren’t the BEST pictures of any of us. All of these pictures have MEANING. Serious meaning.”

“Stasia honey, EVERY picture has serious meaning for you. Johnny has changed lately. You just want him to be like he used to be.” JC sighed.

“Whatever JC. I’m serious. This MEANS something.”

“I wish you were right, but I just don’t see it.” He got up and went to find Lyn.

Chris was still starring over her shoulder, “These were all taken the picture you solidified your friendship with each of us. You and Joey the SECOND you met. You and JC talking all day long. You and me, when we...ANYWAY. You and Justin running together. You and Lance in Mississippi, Stacy took that right? The night he was an ass.” Lance rolled his eyes. “You and Jess at her wedding. You and Dani getting ready for the Oscars. You and Lyn sitting on a couch at rehearsals. You and Ang, the day you cried about helping them get together. You and Morgan talking about Justin, sitting on a speaker at sound check.”

“I KNOW! Harry, what do you think?”

“Darlin’ I don’t know what to think. I still can’t believe he came to the party. Maybe you guys are right. Maybe he’s trying to tell us something. Or maybe he had a moment of remorse.” Lance shrugged.

JC wrapped his arms around Lyn’s waist, “Morgan spilled the beans. I hear you are planning our 24 hour thing.”

“Yes I am.” She smiled.

“So where are we going?”

“I can’t tell you that. It wouldn’t be as much fun!”

“I’ll get it out of you!”

“You can try, but I’m not going to crack!”

“Are you challenging me?”

“Are you accepting the challenge?”

“Heck yeah!”

JC and Lyn were just settling into bed. They had taken the puppies out, cleaned up the mess one of them had made out of one of JC’s shoes and Lyn had just closed her eyes when they heard a scream from down the hall.

They were both up and out of the bed in seconds. Lyn was moving down the hall as quickly as possible, as doors flew open up and down the corridor. Justin was outside Lance & Stasia’s door, bare chested, wearing a pair of short low on his hips. He was pounding on the door, “ARE YOU GUYS OK?”

Lance opened the door smiling, “I just gave Millie her gift.”

“We do NOT need to hear about you sex life!” Joey covered his ears.

“Shut up Joe! This has nothing to do with our sex life!” Lance rolled his eyes and smacked the back of Joey’s head.

“Why in the HELL is Anastasia screaming?” Justin ran his hand over his face.

“Stop using my full name.” Stasia stuck her tongue out at him. She held up a set of keys.

“Another car? How many do you guys need?” Chris yawned.

“Not a car.” Lance smirked, “A house?”


“Yeah. I bought her a house.” He shrugged. “It’s not like a huge house or anything. Just a cute little house in Michigan, near her family and Uncle Josh. It’s down the street from him. And half a mile from Jess’s.”


“I KNOW!” Stasia hugged her.

Joey smacked the back of Lance’s head, “Do you have to make the rest of us look like a bunch of schmucks?”

“Not my fault you’re a schmuck.” Lance smiled.

Justin sat in the waiting room at the doctor’s office staring down at his fingers, which were frighteningly white. “Lyn, sweetheart, can you let go of my hand?” His voice was a little higher than usual.

“No.” She growled.

“But Lyn, I can’t feel my fingers anymore.” He was actually pleading.

“I don’t care.” She turned her angry eyes at him and he swallowed hard.

“OK then.” Justin tried to pry her grip loose, but couldn’t. “Why couldn’t JC or Dev come with you?” He gave her a pitiful look.

“JC is fixing something for Wild Orchid’s album. This was the only time he could do it. He wanted to push my appointment back, but the doctor is going out of town, so I couldn’t.”

“And Dev?” He pulled on her wrist, but her grip stayed just as tight.

“Taking Lisy back to the airport.”


“DAMN JUSTIN! I’m sorry you got stuck with me! EVERYONE ELSE had something important to do. God! I sorry we bothered you!”

“No, I’m sorry. I just can’t feel my fingers...sorry.” He cupped her cheek with his free hand, “I’m really glad you let me come along. We haven’t really gotten to spend any time together.”

“Yeah, I know. I wish we were bonding over something a little more pleasant.” She smiled weakly, “I’m so sorry, I can’t help it. I’m afraid of doctors.”

“I can see that. JC warned me...but he didn’t tell me I’d lose the use of my hand. And I happen to think this is a very pleasant day. You’re getting your cast off! You are going to be fully functional again! Aren’t you excited?” She released his hand and he shook it, “Thanks.” He began to rub her back, and massage the muscles in her neck.

“It’s just that the saw REALLY freaks me out...I mean, how do they know they aren’t cutting me?”

“The blade isn’t long enough. I’ll let you hold my hand again.” He cringed.

Two hours later, they were walking slowly out of the ice cream parlor. Lyn licked her cone and smiled at him, “Thanks Justin.”

He patted the top of her head, “You were a very good girl. You didn’t break my fingers and you didn’t cry. You earned that cone. I still can’t believe you picked Superman. Your tongue is blue by the way.”

“I was acting like a four year old, why not eat like one?”

He put his arm around her shoulders, “Good point. So how does it feel?” He pointed down at her ankle.

She stopped and flexed her ankle, “Stiff, but good. LIGHT!”

“I know! When I got the cast off my arm, it felt like it was floating.”

“Thank you so much for coming with me.”

“I was glad to do it.” He hugged her. She kissed him on the cheek and he blushed a little, “Man, you’re gonna turn my face all blue woman!” She hugged him again.

Lyn was shaking hard, and her face was buried in JC’s chest, “Sweetpea, you PLANNED this trip, you HAD to know we’d be driving over bridges.”

“Well how else are we going to get onto the island? As long as I don’t look, I’ll be fine.” Her voice was muffled by his t-shirt.

Justin laughed from the seat behind them, “I thought doctors were your only fear!”

“NO! I hate big bridges more than doctors! Besides, a doctor FINALLY freed me from my cast! I am fully mobile again.” The muffled voice answered.

JC laughed, “The fear of bridges is Brenna’s fault. She sort of pushed Lyn off of one when they were little. Lynie here landed in some rapids, and Da had to jump in to save her.”

“It’s no wonder you’re freaked out!” Angela patted her back.”

“Thanks Ang!”

“We’re over Sweetpea. You’re safe to look.” He brushed her hair back from her face.

Her head snapped up and Joey laughed, “So you’re just fine now?’

“Yeah sure. It’s just actually being on the bridge that I can’t stand.” She blushed.

When the van pulled up in front of the Bed and Breakfast, Stasia looked back at Lyn, “You did SUCH a good job.”

“Thanks. This is where my cousin came for her honeymoon. She told me about it, and when I saw the video, I feel in love. This island is PERFECT for all of us, there is something for everyone, and I don’t think we’ll be noticed very often.”

“I hope you’re right. I had a knock down drag out fight with Lonnie and Ron when I told them they weren’t coming along. Ron pointed out Stasia hasn’t been anywhere without him in over a year.” Lance grinned.

“He’ll get over it.” Stasia smiled.

Lyn looked at her friend and was very happy. Stasia had confided in her that she had been seeing a counselor about her fear of crowds and her fear of going anywhere without Ron. Lyn knew that this trip was a huge deal for Stasia.

Lance and Lyn had talked for a long time about the arrangements, and Lyn had a spare room booked for Ron just in case Stasia wasn’t ready to go without him. But when the time had come, she was strong.

Lyn forced everyone to stay in the van while she checked them in. When she came back out she giggled, “OK, Joey and Angela, you’re first. Come with me! The rest of you, STAY PUT!”

Joey jumped out quickly and helped Angela down, “See you suckers later!” He ran up the front stairs pulling Angela behind him.

Lyn was giddy as she led them up the grand stair case to their suite. She unlocked the door and handed Angela the key, “I picked this one for you guys, because the walls are this sunny yellow color, and I know yellow is your favorite Ang. Twenty minutes and we are all meeting in the library.”

“You are AMAZING!” Angela hugged her. Joey kissed Lyn square on the lips and pulled Angela into the room, slamming the door.

Lyn clapped, did a little hop and ran back down the stairs. She pulled the van door open, “Justin, Morgan, you’re up!”

Justin jumped out, yanked Morgan by the hand, threw her over his shoulder and followed Lyn into the building. Lyn led them through the entrance hall and into a bright wing of the huge house. She unlocked a door and pushed it open, “You guys get this room because it has this great courtyard and I thought you guys would like that.”

“This place is great Justin wandered out into the courtyard.” “Didn’t think you’d mind. Be in the library in twenty minutes.” Lyn winked and ran out the door.

“Chris and Dani! You come with me.”

They walked to a room across the hall from Justin and Morgan, “This room has a private courtyard, and a double jacuzzi. It is on the first floor, so Chris can’t fall out a window.” She smiled. “The group is meeting in the library in twenty minutes.”

Chris shoved her, “BYE! USING THE JACUZZI NOW!”

She laughed, caught her balance and went to get Lance and Stasia. She smiled as JC looked at her with sad eyes, “Sweetpea, I’m DYING out here.”

“Soon Snapdragon.” She kissed the tip of his nose and then grabbed one of Stasia’s bags.

When she opened the door to the huge suite Stasia smiled brightly. The room was bright and airy and the view of the harbor was remarkable. Lyn tossed the key to Stasia, “Be in the library in twenty minutes.”

“Ok. We’ll be there.” She let Lance pull her over to the huge window.

When she opened the van door for the last time, JC was sitting there with his elbows on his knees and his chin resting in his hands, “Can I go in now?”

“Yes my love, you can go in now.”

He was out of the van and half way up the stairs before she called after him, “JC your suitcase.”

“CRAP!” He ran back, grabbed the bag and then pulled her along beside him.

She pointed up the stairs and he took them two at a time. When she pointed at a door he bounced from foot to foot until she unlocked it. When the door swung open she grinned, “I sort of kept the best room for us.”

His jaw dropped, sun was streaming through the light curtains which were moving gently with the summer breeze. The large four poster bed looked inviting and there was a fireplace across from the bed. There was an amazing view over the courtyard and out to the harbor. There was a cozy sitting area with two chairs and little table. There were fresh flowers on every table and candles placed around the room, ready to light.

“So what do you think?” She sat on the edge of the bed.

“I think this is PERFECT! So are you going to tell me WHERE I AM?” He half tackled her. She smiled up at him.

“We have to go downstairs. You’ll find out at our little group meeting.”

“I can’t believe you have done all of this without us knowing where we are!”

“Let’s go downstairs and you’ll find out.”

“OK.” He shook his head and kissed her.

They walked into the library and Lyn smiled to see everyone there, smiling and happy.

She walked to the front of the room and grinned, “OK, welcome to Newport, Rhode Island.”

Joey cocked his head, “RHODE ISLAND?”

“Yep, the smallest state in the union my friend. This Bed and Breakfast is The Francis Malborne House. We have the run of the place for the weekend. I sort of cheated, we are here for forty-eight hours...not twenty-four.”

“I don’t think any of us are complaining.” Justin smiled.

“I’m glad. I have only planned one thing for all of us to do together. We are having dinner together tonight at eight at the Inn On Castle Hill. Other than that, you are free to do whatever you want. We can do stuff together, or on our own. But guys remember, the first twenty-four hours belong to US, the girls get to pick. This island has EVERYTHING. Shopping, sailing, food, bars, dancing, beaches, tours of the mansions and swimming. You can curl up here with a book or go wander the streets. I put together these packets.” She handed each girl a folder full of information on the island and the activities they could choose from. “OK, I’m done. Have fun and we’ll meet right here at 7:30 to go to dinner. Guys, you have to wear ties.” There was a collective moan from the guys but they all agreed to meet at 7:30.

Songs used in the chapter: Girls Just Want to Have Fun by Cindy Lauper and the Right Stuff by New Kids On The Block
~Chapter Seventeen~