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Chapter 17

Lyn was sitting on the edge of the bed slipping her shoes on when JC walked out of the bathroom pulling a clean shirt over his head. He laughed, “Lyn, you seem to be staring at your own feet.”

She stuck her legs straight out, “Check it out! Two shoes! I missed my shoes!”

JC laughed and she blushed a little, “Sweetpea, if you promise to never break you ankle again, I will buy you all the shoes you can possibly wear.”

“You should not make offers you cannot AFFORD to keep.” She grinned.

“So Miss McLachlan, what do you have planned for me today?”

“Your really going to let me plan the day?” She clapped.

“A deal is a deal. You get 24 hours to do whatever you want.” He winked and patted the bed, “I do however have a few suggestions if you can’t think of anything on your own.”

“OK! Get your mind OUT of the gutter! Are you SURE I can do anything I want?”

“I’m SURE I’ll live to regret this, but, YES anything you want.”

Lyn jumped up off of the bed and ran to the door, she stuck her head out into the hall, “STASIA! HE SAID YES!”

Stasia’s head popped out of a door a little further down the hall, “COOL! Harry said yes too! Are you ready?”

“Yep. I’ll grab him.”

“OK.” Stasia stepped out into the hallway, dragging Lance by the hand.

“Millie, how much am I going to hate this?”

“A LOT!” She leaned up on her toes and kissed him, “BUT! I love you more for doing this.”

“Then it’s worth it.”

Lyn ran out into the hall, dragging JC behind her, “LET’S GO!”

JC looked back at Lance, “You have any idea?”

“Nope. But I do know we aren’t going to like it.” Lance smirked, “I have a feeling we’re in for a girly morning.”

“I have a feeling you’re right.”

Standing in line for the tour of the mansions along the cliffs overlooking the water, JC hugged Lyn, “How long is the tour?”

“This house is about an hour...actually I think they are all about an hour long.”

“All?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah. There are four houses in our package.”

Lance groaned and JC furrowed his brow, “FOUR?”

Stasia punched Lance in the stomach, “Harry, why are you groaning?”

“Groaning with joy my love.” The line moved and Stasia grabbed Lyn’s hand pulling her forward.

Lance threw his arm around JC’s shoulder, “I know you are in as much pain as I am, but I am SO GLAD I’m not in this alone.”

“I feel ya.” JC laughed, “Thing is, I love seeing her this happy. Actually, this is the happiest they have been at the same time, in a long time.”

“I know. Four hour of torture is worth it. Lyn always seems happy in general, you telling me she isn’t happy with us?”

JC pointed in the direction the girls had wandered off in, “No. She is happy, but Lance, she ALWAYS wanted to teach. I can’t help but think that at some point, she is going to really resent the fact that it’s MY FAULT she isn’t teaching anymore.”

“Your fault?” Lane looked at him as if he had grown an extra head, “Since when did you send this Powers guy on a witch hunt? I suppose that you suggested that Powers hire the ex-boyfriend too?”

“If it weren’t for what we do, she wouldn’t be having this problem. Lance, teaching was her PASSION. You know how music is my passion? Same thing. She LOVED going to work every day. She LOVED seeing the kids. Now, she is doing this, because she doesn’t have a choice.”

“Of course she has a choice. Do you honestly think she’d be here if she didn’t want to be?” JC ran his hand over his hair, “If she thought it would make me happy...yeah.”

“You don’t give her enough credit. She loves you, but not enough to lose herself in your relationship.” Lance shook his head.

“She’s done it before, and it tore her world apart. I don’t want to cause that. I love her.”

“If you love her, trust her.”

“I have waited so long to have her like this, I don’t want to screw it up. But I want her to be happy, totally and completely happy.”

“You make her happy you idiot.” Lance rolled his eyes.

“Yeah well, teaching makes her happy too.”

“Let it go. None of us can do anything right now. Let’s wait and see what happens with this whole lawsuit.”

Up ahead of JC and Lance, Lyn and Stasia were walking arm in arm, looking at the architecture of the huge house they were touring. Lyn glanced over her shoulder, “Why do they look so serious?”

“Lyn, we are dragging them on a tour of mansions. They must be miserable!”

They giggled, “Good point.”

“I’m so excited, you’re walking around! I’m done with exams. We are in Newport, with our guys, doing whatever we want. This is the best!”

“I KNEW you’d like it here, I hope everyone else is having fun.”

“Are you kidding? Justin and Morgan are taking a sailing lesson as we speak. Joey and Angela are on a cruise of the harbor. And Chris and Dani rented mopeds and are jetting all over the island.”

“And Lance and JC are on a tour of mansions.” They looked at one another and burst into a fit of laughter. The tour guide shot them a dirty look and Lance and JC took a step away from them.

“They are embarrassed to be with us.” Stasia giggled.

“Who cares? I’m kind of bored. Is this as much fun as you thought it would be?” Lyn looked at the tour guide as he shot them another dirty look.

“No.” They both began to giggle again.

“Let’s get out of here!”

“Finally! I thought we were going to have to be here for another half hour.” Stasia sighed, “Want to go to the beach?”

“YES!” Lyn turned on her heel, grabbed JC’s hand and pulled him back down the hallway.

“WOAH! Where are we going?”

“Out of here. Isn’t that enough?” She smiled back at him.

“That is more than enough, but I thought you guys wanted to see four houses.”

“Changed our minds. We’re allowed to do that, because we’re in charge.” She threw her arms around his neck, “We have a new plan.”

“Am I allowed to know what that plan is?” He laughed as Lance came out the door with Stasia is his arms giggling.

They walked out into a beautiful garden which led to a terraced area with a fountain. Lyn turned and smiled at Stasia, “Can you imagine this place decorated...”


“Exactly! I was thinking...”

“Big white tent.” Stasia wiggled out of Lance’s arms.

“And tons of fresh flowers.” Lyn made a huge sweeping motion with her arm.

“Tables with white clothes and candles.” Stasia wiggled her finger in the direction of their imaginary tent.

“There could be a string quartet.” Lyn suggested.

“And those little white lights.” Stasia took Lyn’s hand and the bounced down the stairs together.

“With a dance floor in the middle of the tent.” Lyn grabbed her other hand and the spun around where the dance floor would be.

“Tables for two around the tent and up these steps.”

“It would be beautiful!” They both sighed.

Lance looked at JC and raised an eyebrow, “Is this making you nervous?”

“Our girlfriends planning our weddings...without us being engaged?” JC smirked.

They both looked down as the girls pointed, cooed and giggled, “Actually...”

“It’s not so bad.” JC smiled, “Stasia is going to be a beautiful bride man.”

“So is Lyn.” They both laughed loudly, “We sound like them.” Lance rolled his eyes.

“I have NEVER thought about marrying someone before. I’ve never wanted to spend the rest of my life with one person before.” JC looked at his friend.

“I don’t think about anything ELSE lately.” Lance smiled softly and laughed when JC spun around to face him completely.

“Are you serious? Are you seriously saying that you going to...” JC was grinning like a fool.

“Yeah.” Lance kicked a pebble.

“OH MY GOD! WHEN?” JC grabbed his arm.

“Not like today or anything.” Lance blushed a little, “By the end of the year.”

JC clamped his hand down over his mouth, “Stasia is gonna be my sister-in-law!”

Lance laughed, “You had to see this coming.”

“I guess so, but hearing you say different.”

Lance walked quietly towards the girls, “Can I ask you opinion on something?”

“Of course.” JC stopped, because they were getting close Stasia and Lyn.

“Do you think I’m crazy? Are people going to say I’m too young.”

“Do I think you’re crazy? No. I think this is the most SANE thing you could possibly do. Are people going to say you’re too young? Yes.” Lance looked sad, “But noone that knows you is going to think that. Noone who has ever seen you guys together is going to think that. Noone who loves you is going to think that.”

“Do you think you’ll ever get married?”

“I know I will. I’m going to marry Allyn over there, and I’m going to have daughters that look just like her.”

“Yeah, wouldn’t want them to look like you.”

“HEY! I was nice to you.”

“I know, but I like not being the only one who is like a total idiot when it comes to his girlfriend.”

“I am kind of an idiot when it comes to Lyn.” JC laughed again.

“What about me?” Lyn asked as she and Stasia made their way up the stairs toward the guys.

“We were just discussing how I’m an idiot around you.”

“I’m used to it.”She kissed him.

“Brat.” He kissed her.

“Yep. But you love me anyway.”


“Allyn! We’re all waiting for you.” JC leaned against the doorframe, with the picnic basket the innkeeper had packed for them over his arm. “You wanted to go to the beach. If you don’t hurry, we aren’t going to be able to go today. Don’t forget about dinner tonight.”

“I’m coming DAD!” She emerged from the bathroom, pulling a t-shirt over her head. She had pinned her curls up loosely, and was wearing a short floral skirt with a pair of sandals.


“Yep. Let’s go.”

Lance was sitting behind the wheel of the convertible he had rented. Stasia was playing with the radio. JC climbed in the back seat and helped Lyn settle in next to him, “Do we know where we’re going?” He asked as Lyn slipped her hand into his and he smiled as their fingers laced together.

“My co-pilot here has the directions.” Lance slipped on his sunglasses.

They drove along the coast of the island. The sun was warm and the wind was pulling pieces of Lyn’s hair loose from it’s clip. JC stared at her as she fought to tuck some of the stray strands behind her ears. Her cheeks were pink and he was wondering if he tried, whether or not he could count all of her freckles.

“You’re looking at me.”

“I do that a lot.”

“I’ve noticed that.” She squeezed his hand.

Lance pulled into a parking space and they unloaded the car. After spreading a blanket and kicking off their shoes, Stasia looked at all, “Swimming?”

“HECK YEAH!” Lyn slipped out of her skirt and t-shirt. She stood waiting for the rest of them in her black two piece bathing suit.

JC pulled his t-shirt over his head, “GOD! I LOVE THAT BATHING SUIT!” He grabbed her around the waist and carried her to the water laughing.

Lance watched them walk away, and then looked at Stasia, “You don’t REALLY want to go swimming do you?”

“Nope.” She shook her head, “How would you like to lay here on a blanket, on a public beach, and make out?” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I love your mind.” His lips smashed down on hers.

JC threw Lyn into a wave and watched as she surfaced, pushing her wet curls back, “You’re a dead man Joshua!” She waded over to him, wrapping her leg around his, causing him to fall flat on his back, “Remind me to thank Stasia for teaching me that one.”

He was spitting and sputtering as a wave smacked into his chest, “BRAT!” He pulled her down on his lap.

“I’m glad we are here.” She pushed his hair back away from his face.

“I am too. You did a great job with this whole thing Sweetpea. I think this place is sort of magical. While you were changing, Joey came by the room to say thanks. He and Angela are planning on spending the rest of the day curled up in the garden together, talking.”

“I’m glad people are enjoying it. Really, I just wanted to be here with you. I’m greedy. I wanted you to see this place, be here...with me.” They moved to the sand at the edge of the water, sitting with their legs stretched out into the surf. JC leaned back on his elbow and Lyn mimicked his posture. “Notice how we got the good room?” She winked at him.

“I don’t think anyone else noticed. The view here is killer. Never in a million years did I think Rhode Island would be this beautiful...or this much fun.”

“We’ve found a hidden treasure.” She let her head rest on his shoulder.

“Seriously, this island is like something out of a cheesy romantic comedy.”

“What’s so funny about this trip?”

“I think it’s LAUGH RIOT that I let you take off your t-shirt after I realized you were wearing that bathing suit. That thing should be illegal.”

“Noone else on this beach seems the least bit affected by my bathing suit.”

“They aren’t looking at the bathing suit.” He smirked.

“So what, pray tell, are they looking at?” She grinned.

He pushed himself up, and leaned over her. He kissed her neck, and then kissed her stomach, “This.” He mumbled against her stomach.

“JC! We’re on a public beach!”

“Sweetpea, this is no worse than what Lance and Stasia are doing over there!” He pointed tat their friends.

“GOOD LORD! Are they...”

“ least I don’t think...God I hope not!” They both burst out into a fit of laughter.

“I wish I had the camera in my bag.” Lyn giggled.

“I’ll get it for you. Hundred bucks says they don’t notice.”


“Hundred bucks?”

“I’ll take that bet!” She smiled.

JC stood up, walked straight to the blanket, pointed at a bag, Lyn nodded. He dug around in the bag for a few seconds, pulled the camera out and walked back to where she was sitting. “Good news, they aren’t....”


“You owe me a hundred bucks.”

“They didn’t even slow down. WOW! How can they be that wrapped up in kissing?”

“WHAT? I should hope you would know!” He looked shocked.

“Well, when I get lost...we are in private.” She giggled.

“So you’re saying I couldn’t make you forget where you are?”

“Absolutely not! JC, we’re on a beach!”

“In Rhode Island, on a Wednesday afternoon, while everyone in the world thinks we’re on our buses on the way from Missouri to Colorado.” He grinned as he leaned down to kiss her collar bone.


“Hmm?” His lips moved to her neck.


“Hmm?” He moved to her earlobe and her eyes closed.


“What Allyn?” He whispered against her temple.

“Are you going to keep nibbling, or are you going to actually kiss me?”

He chuckled, “But we’re out here in public.” His tone was husky and full of teasing.

“Shut up.” She buried her fingers in his hair.

“OK.” His lips closed over hers.

They settled into the sand, kissing and holding each other. They held each other tightly, rolling from their sides, Lyn settled over JC. His arms held her tightly, for some reason, he couldn’t seem to hold her tight enough. He realized, he was trying to pull her into his chest. He wanted her to be a part of him.

Lyn’s senses where swirling around. As the tide began to rush in, and slap around their bodies, she lost herself in the emotions filling her heart. She loved the sensation of his hands clutching at her back, holding her to his chest.

“MORGAN! Stop kicking the damn water at me!” Justin brushed the beads of water off of his pant leg.

“Justin! Stop whining! You are on vacation, on a beach. Stop worrying about your million dollar pants, and have some fun!” Morgan splashed him again.

“I could have fun if you’d stop kicking water at me!”

She rolled her eyes and bent down to pick up a shell, “Look what I found. It’s a broken shell. It snapped in half right down the middle.” She brushed the sand off of the shell. “You take half, and I’ll keep half, like those goofy best friend necklaces, except it’s cool, cause it’s a shell.” She held the smooth shell out to him.

His long fingers took it from her hand and turned it over, “You had to pick the pink shell.”

“I liked this one.”

He smirked, “I do to.” He carefully slipped it into his pocket and they began walking again. He squinted into the sinking sunlight, “MORGAN! LOOK AT THAT!”

“Look at what?” She glanced up and down the beach.

“Those people getting it on in the water!” He pointed.

“Oh MAN! There are a bunch of them! Look up there, on the blanket.” She pointed up the small incline.

Justin squinted his eyes, “OH JESUS CHRIST!”

“What?” She looked at him like he was crazy.

“I think that’s...JC AND LYN!”



Morgan looked around, “I have more bad news.”


“To get you a towel...I’d have to go over there...where Lance and Stasia are rolling around.” She pointed.

“WHAT THE HELL!” Justin stalked over to the edge of the water, and stood with his hands on his hips, “For the love of GOD! Lyn! Where are your clothes?” He pulled his shirt over his head and held it down to Lyn, who was staring up at him with a completely dazed look on her face.

“Justin?” Lyn smiled up at him, with dreamy eyes.

“YES! Now put this ON!” He shook the shirt in his hand.

Lyn looked down at JC’s smiling face, “Justin is here.” She glanced around, “And it’s getting dark.”

“We seem to have...gotten lost in the moment.” JC kissed her neck.

“Seems we did.” She kissed his lips lightly.

“ENOUGH!” Justin bent down, and in one fast movement, pulled Lyn to her feet, yanked his shirt over her head.

JC casually leaned up on his elbows, “Hey J.”

“HEY J? HEY J! JC! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?” He took a deep breath, “You two are rolling around on a beach. Lyn is prancing around in NOTHING!”

“She is wearing a bathing suit.” JC pushed up off of the ground.

“I would HARDLY call that a bathing suit! I swear you have both lost your minds!” He threw his arms in the air again.

“Shut up J.” JC reached for Lyn’s hand, “Sweetpea, I have to buy you a new camera.”

“Why is that?” She smiled up at him, still with a dreamy look in her eyes.

“I think yours went out with the tide.” He smirked.

“Oh.” She shrugged. “OK!”

They walked over to the blanket, where Lance and Stasia were still very much wrapped up in one another. Lance was whispering in her ear and she was caressing his cheek. JC nudged Lance with his toe, “We got busted by DAD here. I think we may be grounded.”

“You guys all realize you have ROOMS right? I mean, is it really necessary to roll around in next to nothing in public.”

Stasia pushed her hair back, “We all have clothes on.”

“YOU and LYN over there, are going bathing suit shopping with me tomorrow. I SWEAR! You are both getting those deals with the skirt on it.” Justin was red in the face. Morgan was watching with wide eyes, and her hand over her mouth, stifling her laughter.

Lyn brushed the sand off of her body, “Skirts huh?”


Morgan rolled her eyes, “I’m going to go swimming before we go back to the inn.”

“Whatever Mor! I’m trying to explain to these people that they need more clothes.” Justin dismiss her with a flourish of his hand.

“OK.” Morgan pulled off her t-shirt, and tossed it on the ground. She slipped off her shorts and tossed them at his head. “Morgan!” He tuned to lecture her, but when he caught sight of her bathing suit, his jaw dropped. Her suit was smaller than Lyn’s or Stasia’s.

Morgan simply trotted of toward the water. Lyn threw her arm around Stasia’s shoulders, “What were you saying Justin? Something about long sleeves?”

“Shut up.”

“I can’t believe this! I am SO sunburned!” Lyn looked in the mirror, pushing her robe off of her shoulder to expose the hot flesh.

“I think you look fine.” JC walked up behind her, swept her wet hair aside, and kissed her neck.

“Thank you. But I’m feeling...warm.” She fanned herself with her hand, and slipping her robe back onto her shoulder.

He leaned back and looked closely at her, “Now that you mention are a”

“I KNOW!” She poked herself on the arm and watched as the white spot left by her finger disappeared. “I’m going to peel.”

“Not if we keep you hydrated.” He dug through his bag.

“Not if we keep me hydrated? Since when are you Dr. Chasez?” She smiled.

“I have been your friend long enough to know how to treat a sunburn. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you don’t tan.”

“YOU’RE KIDDING!” She giggled, rolling her eyes..

“I thought you’d be shocked.” He gave up looking in his bag and moved to hers, “Where’s that almond lotion?”

“In the pouch on the side of the bag. Why?”

“I’m going to put some lotion on you so you don’t peel. Actually, this burn may fade into a tan.” He pulled the lotion out of her bag. “AH HA!”

Lyn narrowed her eyes at him, “YOU are going to put lotion on me so I don’t peel?”

“Unless you can do it yourself.” He held out the bottle.

“I...I...” She stammered.

“Allyn, do you honestly think I’m going to take advantage of you?”

“No. It’s just...I’ll do the front.” Her red cheeks blushed to an even darker shade of red.

“OF COURSE YOU’LL DO THE FRONT! I DIDN’T...YEAH...ok.” Now he was blushing.

She smiled, “ modesty kicked in.”

“Just lay on your stomach on the bed, and I’ll put the lotion on your back.” He cleared his throat.

She narrowed her eyes at him, but walked over to the bed and laid down on her stomach, propping her chin up on her forearms. JC’s hand tentatively went to the shoulders of her bathrobe, and pulled at the light cotton fabric. Lyn swallowed hard. He wiggled the robe down off of her shoulders, and she leaned up a bit, letting him pull her arm out of the sleeves. He folded the top of the robe down at her waist, exposing her entire back. JC took a deep breath.

He had seen her in a bathing suit, in sweat pants and a t-shirt. He had seen her in backless evening gowns and he had seen her in jeans and a sweater. But that was before. Now, he was sitting next to her, on a bed, staring at her naked back, suddenly feeling like he wanted to lick her. He chuckled.

“What?” She craned her neck so she could look at him.

He blushed, “I get it now.”

“You get what?” She raised an eyebrow.

“I want to lick you.” He blushed deeper.


He rolled his eyes and swallowed hard, “I want to lick you.”

“So lick me.” Her eyebrows bounced up and down.

“OH RIGHT! I’m just going to lick you!”

“You said I need to stay hydrated.” She shrugged.

“ALLYN! That is disgusting!”

“You’re the one that brought it up!”

“Changing the subject now!” He squirted some lotion into his palm, and his hand hovered over her back.

“Are you going to ACTUALLY make contact, or are you going to WISH the lotion onto my back?” She teased.

“WHY must you make this more difficult?”

“I did NOT start this whole thing YOU did!”

“I think I am going to cut off the amount of time you spend with Stasia. You never used to be”


“EXACTLY! You never used to be this FORWARD!”

She glanced back over her shoulder and looked at him thoughtfully, “You’re right. But I don’t think it’s Stasia. I feel...freer. I don’t have to worry that if I do something silly one of my students or one of their parents will see it. I don’t have to try to ignore the fact that I’m in love with you. I don’t have to pretend that I don’t miss you. I feel like I can spread my wings.” She stretched her arms out.

“Being here makes you feel freer?”

“Yeah. I don’t have ANY secrets anymore. Not only do my students know that I know you, they know that I’m with you. YOU know that I love you, that I want to be with you. I don’t think I’m like Stasia, but I do think that I understand how she feels. When she was in Michigan, she was the same way I was in Florida. She couldn’t be completely open with anyone except Jess, now she can go anywhere, or do anything she wants. I feel the same way. If someone takes a picture of me kissing you on the beach, SO WHAT? I’m kissing the guy I’m MADLY in love with. The guy I don’t want to be without. The guy who is my best friend.”

“Wow. I’ve seen the changes in you, but I didn’t realize YOU had seen them...and...”

“Embraced them.”

“This new found independence and freedom is very sexy Sweetpea.”

“Sexy because of the attitude, of the fact that I am laying on your bed half naked.”

“The attitude is a HUGE turn on, but the naked thing doesn’t all.”

His hand finally made contact with her back. He began to spread the lotion lightly over her skin . She felt like heaven. She was soft, and smooth and JC had to use every ounce of restraint in his body to fight the urge to flip her over and let his eyes wander over the rest of her body. When Lyn moaned and whispered in a husky voice, “Oh that feels so good.”

JC froze, took a good look at her, got up and walked straight out of the room without one word. Morgan was walking down the hall, leaving Lance and Stasia’s room with a pair of shoes in her hand. JC grabbed her arm. “Go in my room. Help Lyn put lotion on her sun burn. Come get me in your room when you are done.” He shoved her through the door into his room and slammed the door, sprinting down the hall to Justin’s room.

Justin was stretched out in a chair in the courtyard when JC burst into the room. He glanced up and smiled, “OUT HERE! Hey JC. What’s up?”

“I don’t want to know what I almost. But Morgan is in my room, helping Lyn put lotion on her back...her sunburned, NAKED back. It was my idea...but then...and it is naked...and Lyn...and when it comes to naked Lyn...I can’t be in the same room...because...”

“You want to be naked JC?” Justin fought hard to control his laughter.

“Justin, I have known her forever. Now, suddenly, I can’t control myself with her. I ran out of the room without saying a word.”

“You left her there...naked? GOOD!”

“She wasn’t NAKED! There was a robe...and I didn’t see anything. But I WANTED to!” JC smacked both hands tightly over his face.

“I SO do NOT want to hear about you wanting to see Lyn naked. I cannot DEAL with that!” Justin covered his ears with his hands.

“It’s not like I’m saying I want to see your mom naked or anything!”


“Where is Lance?” JC stood up and stalked out of the room.

Lance pulled the door open and smirked, “Why do you look like you saw a ghost?”

JC looked frantically around the room, “ANASTASIA!”

She came out of the bathroom, fastening her necklace, “Harry, will you help me with this?”

“Sure. JC is here.” He fastened the clasp, and then kissed her lightly on the neck.

She closed her eyes and smiled, “Hi JC.”

“Hi. Will you get out? I need to talk to Lance.” “Go to my room...and...tell Lyn I love her...and I’m sorry.” JC looked at her frantically.

“WHAT DID YOU DO?” She stared at him wide eyed.

“JUST GO! PLEASE!” He was honestly pleading with her, so she nodded and left the room.

Lance rolled his eyes as he walked to the mirror, “Did you have to throw her out before she tied my tie? I hate doing this.” Lance took the fabric between his fingers and tied an unattractive knot. “Damn.” He untied it and glanced at JC, “So what did you do?” He made another attempt at ting the tie.

“I left Lyn laying on the bed, half naked...I mean I didn’t SEE ANYTHING except her entire back. But as soon as I saw her laying there like that and she MOANED...I ran out of the room.” He flopped down in a big easy chair and covered his face with his hands.

Lance chuckled and raised an eyebrow, “You ran out of the room?”

“It was either that...or do something she would NEVER forgive me for.” JC mumbled through his hands.

Lance was looking in the mirror at his tie, “Damn tie.”

JC stood up, stomped over, tied the tie in a big floppy bow and shouted, “SCREW THE DAMN TIE! HELP ME!”

“I’m wearing it like this, and telling Millie you did it.”

“Screw you Lance.” JC glared.

Lance chuckled, “JC, you did a very good thing. You can’t issue.” His eyebrow shot up.


“I suppose you could have taken a cold shower.” Lance shrugged.

“When was the first time you saw Stasia naked?”

Lance spit water all over the room, “JC!”

“I’m completely serious here! Because there is something WRONG with me! I can’t control myself with her! I HONESTLY wanted to flip her over and...”

“STOP!” Lance’s eyes were enormous. “OK, listen to me.” He sat in the chair next to JC, “I didn’t see...all of Stasia...until, we...the! OK! The night they put on that little show, and she sang Someone Like You TO ME! We flew home to Mississippi, and...I saw...OK! So my point is, I had seen parts before that. She had already been sleeping in my pajama tops for a while, so we had been sleeping in the same bed, and I’m going to be SERIOUSLY BLUNT here, I had seen her...from the waist down in nothing” Lance was deep red and searching for his words carefully.

“You’d seen her in nothing but her panties.” JC rolled his eyes and motioned for Lance to go on.

“Um...yeah. I’d seen her from the waist down in nothing but panties. I hadn’t laid eyes on...all of her until we were making love for the first time.”

“Making love? OH GOD!” JC slouched down in his chair. “Why is this so hard for me? I mean it’s not like I’ve never had sex before.”

Lance smirked, “I know exactly what your problem is.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “JC, you in love with her. You don’t want to make a mistake, because for the first time in your life, you REALLY have something to lose. You have realized that sex isn’t as important as being WITH Lyn, really being in a relationship.”

“How did you know that the time was right?” JC looked into Lance’s eyes, knowing his friend couldn’t lie to him if he looked JC in the eyes.

“Honestly, I DIDN’T know it was right, until I was standing there, and she nodded at me...and we just both KNEW, you know?” Lance had a soft smile on his face.

“So what am I going to do?” JC sighed.

“JC, you’re going to take a cold shower, and wait until it feels right. You obviously knew the timing was wrong. Dude, you aren’t stupid, you aren’t going to force anything. Just go with it, I know it sounds so easy, but you’ll know when the time is right.”

“The problem is...”

Lance laughed loudly, “The problem is, you’re horny right now.”

“More or less.” JC smirked.

“I have BEEN THERE my friend. I have been there.”

“I’m not a freak?”

“Nope. I went through the same thing. As a matter of fact, I’ll tell you something not even Stasia knows. The first night she spent the night at the house in Mississippi, she crawled into bed with me, and after she fell asleep, I got out of bed and took the coldest shower I have ever taken. Then I got back in bed and went to sleep.”

“She didn’t know?” JC smirked.

“No way, luckily, Anastasia sleeps like the dead.” He shook his head, “I’d DIE if she knew I didn’t think I could control myself in a bed with her.”

“I’ll let you know how THAT goes...Lyn is FULLY aware of the fact that I don’t think I can control myself.”

JC got up and walked toward the door, “Thanks for talking me down.”

“No big deal. Thanks for helping with my tie.” Lance raised an eyebrow.

“Sorry about that.”

“Go get ready. I’m hungry.”


Lyn glanced up as Morgan tripped into the room, “Hey Mor.”

“Why in the hell did JC just hurl me in here to put lotion on you?”

“I think he got a little...hormonal.”

“Oh. I see.” Morgan nodded, “He’s a little...crazed.”

“I noticed. CUTE DRESS!”

Morgan twirled around, “Thanks! You like it? The shoes, which I didn’t have a chance to put on because JC threw me in here, are Stasia’s.”

“Very cute. Can you put the lotion on my back so I can get dressed?”

“I’m happy to help.” Morgan giggled, “So he couldn’t handle seeing your BACK?”

“I guess not. I have to get ready. He sort of went into overload. It’s not like he is the only one rethinking the whole waiting issue.”

Morgan quickly spread the lotion over Lyn’s back, “There you go lady. You’re all set.”

“Thanks.” Lyn slipped back into her robe. There was a knock on the door, and Lyn smirked, “Who do you think it is?”

“That’s easy. Stasia.”

“Why do you say that?” Lyn crossed the room and pulled the door open. “Hey Stasia.”

“Why am I supposed to you that JC is sorry and he loves you.” Stasia searched Lyn’s face for some indication that JC had hurt her in some way, Morgan just bust out laughing.

Lyn smirked, “How did you know it was Stasia?”

“Because JC made a fool of himself...and went to JUSTIN, who was completely useless, so when JC regained just a LITTLE sanity, he went to Lance, who is the SANE GUY.” Morgan flopped on the bed.

“How did JC make a fool of himself?” Stasia sat on the edge of the bed.

Morgan rolled her eyes as Lyn grabbed her dress, “He got all HORNY putting lotion on Lyn’s back, so he ran out of the room, hurled me through the door and told me to put the lotion on her.”

Stasia giggled, “Oh my. No wonder he threw me out of my room.”

Lyn walked out of the bathroom, “What should I do with my hair?”

Stasia got an evil glint in her eye, “Let’s pin it up, so that you back will show.”

All three girls began to giggle. Lyn covered her mouth with her hand, “You are EVIL!” She grabbed some hair pins off of the dresser, “Will you help me get it up?”

Morgan squealed, “We’ll help you get it JC can get it up!”

“OH MY GOD! MORGAN!” Lyn screeched.

Stasia and Morgan made quick work of putting Lyn’s hair up. Stasia leaned back, poking a curl into place, “I’d kill for these curls.”

Lyn snorted, You can HAVE THEM! I have ALWAYS wanted straight hair, I’d love to have your’s!”

“You always want what you don’t have.” Morgan pointed out.

Lyn and Stasia looked at one another and began giggling. They both shook their heads, “Nah!” They answered together.

“You two are so happy it makes me SICK!” Morgan buckled the sandal on her right foot.

“Thanks!” They both answered again.

“GOD!” Morgan put on her other shoe.

Lyn Put in the ruby earrings Stasia had given her and then looked herself over in the mirror, “I guess that’s not too bad.” She smoothed the front of her fitted black silk dress. It was knee length, and had tiny red flowers embroidered along the hem. It had thin straps, and a low back.

“You have no clue how pretty you are, do you?” Stasia walked across the room to stand next to her.

“Dani is pretty...Morgan is pretty...YOU are pretty...I...I’m a redhead.

“GOOD LORD ALLYN! LOOK at yourself!” Stasia starred at her with wide eyes.

“What? I don’t think I’m horrific or anything, just...kind of boring. It’s not as if I have a problem with it.”

“LYN! You are such a freak!” Morgan stomped across the room. “Stasia is right! LOOK AT YOURSELF! You got the coolest hair I have ever seen. You have got PERFECT skin. Your eyes a perfect. You lips have the perfect lip shape...”

“Lip shape?” Stasia raised an eyebrow.

“Shut up Stasia.” Morgan rolled her eyes, “My point is, not only are you pretty’re BEAUTIFUL!”

“You try growing up with Bren, Cat and Dev. Lisy is even striking.” She shrugged.

Morgan grabbed her shoulders, “And WHO does Lisy look like?”

“YOU!” Stasia pointed at Lyn in the mirror.

“You guys. Don’t worry about it. I’m FINE!” Lyn smiled, “Why don’t we go downstairs to wait for the guys.”

“Trying to change the subject?” Morgan asked.

“Yes. I could use a drink, let’s go.” Lyn grabbed her purse and left the room. Morgan simply shook her head and followed.

“We are going to finish this discussion later Lyn.” Stasia called behind her as she closed the door.

The three girls walked into the library, where Chris was talking to Angela and Joey. He grinned and slowly crossed the room, doing his favorite prowling cat moves, he walked straight up to Lyn, “HEY HOTTIE! Wanna get a drink with me sometime?”

Lyn giggled, “Love to. How does NOW work for you?”

“I’m mixing!” He walked over to the bar, “The lady likes Cosmopolitans, correct?”

“Correct.” She followed him to the bar. Chris quickly made a pitcher of Cosmopolitans and poured one for each of the girls, he handed Lyn her glass, “Thanks Chris.”

“The pretty lady knows my name.” He covered his heart with his hand. Morgan and Stasia smiled at one another. “Lyn McLachlan, you look amazing!”

“Thank you Chris.”

Justin walked through the door with Dani on his arm, “Woman, I thought you were going to get a pair of shoes, what happened to you?”

“There was an...issue with JC, so I had to help Lyn. You found me, so what is the problem?”

“I thought you were coming back. I wanted to talk to you before dinner.”

“So talk.” Morgan shrugged.

“I don’t want to talk to you NOW, I wanted to talk to you earlier. I’ll talk to you later.”

JC and Lance walked through the door together and Lyn burst into a fit of laughter when she saw Lance. Stasia looked over and her eyebrows shot up, “Harry, honey, did you have a problem?”

“No. Why do you ask?”

JC smiled sheepishly, “I sort of tied his tie.”

“Looks good.” Chris smiled.

“I think you’ve been punished.” Lance patted JC on the back, “Millie, Darlin’ will you please fix this for me?”

“Sure thing.” She crossed the room. Lyn watched the way Lance’s hands immediately settled on her hips, watching them, Lyn realized that even a little thing like Stasia tying Lance’s tie was sensual for them.

JC crossed the room and looked down at Lyn, “May I please talk to you for a second?”

“Sure.” She smiled up at him.

JC led her out into the entrance hall and took both of her hands in his, “I am SO sorry. I’ve decided that I am going to be completely honest with you. I ran out of the room like an idiot, because I was afraid that if I didn’t, I would do something that would make you hate me for the rest of my life. So I left, because I don’t want to do anything to screw this up. I love you, and I don’t want to just do something stupid.”

“So WHAT would that stupid thing have been?” She smirked.

“You aren’t going to make this easy are you?” He smiled.

“JC, I know what happened, and I know why you left. I love you, and I want things to be comfortable between us. If you are you are, slipping...TELL ME, don’t run away from me. OK?” She ran her fingers down his chest.

“OK. I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry about. It was cute.”

“Oh. I amuse you?”

“Completely.” She kissed him lightly.

“You look...absolutely beautiful. I don’t deserve you.” He lightly caressed her cheek.

“Of course you deserve were made for me.” She closed her eyes as his mouth roughly slammed into hers.

Dinner was wonderful. The food was remarkable, and the room was filled with laughter and smiles. It wasn’t often the ten of them could sit in a room, without anyone else. Without, family, or security, or cell phones ringing. They had made a deal when they started to leave the inn for dinner. They had all left their phones on Justin and Morgan’s bed.

Lyn had chosen the Castel Hill Inn for dinner, because of it’s amazing views and they were willing to close off the dining room to the public. With the exception of the few guests staying at Castle Hill, they’re group had the run of the facility for the night.

After dinner, they all scattered throughout the grounds, looking at the view and the gardens and just being together. JC was holding Lyn’s hand as they walked along the bluff over looking the water.

“I don’t know why, but I can’t get that song out of my head. That REM song you love so much.” He smiled down at her.

Nightswimming.” She looked out at the water, “I can see why you’d think about it here.”

“I can remember you making me listen to it over and over and OVER again after you got Automatic For The People . Why did you fall in love with that song so quickly? Was there something about it that hit home?”

Nightswimming deserves a quiet night. I'm not sure all these people understand. It's not like years ago, the fear of getting caught, of recklessness and water. They cannot see me naked. These things, they go away, replaced by everyday. It’s about you.” Lyn said simply.

“About me?” He stopped walking and looked down at her.

“When that album came out, it was after the Mouse Club, but before NSYNC, but I knew, always knew you’d be where you are today. I knew noone else understood, not they way I did. You were so afraid that people would find out that you were afraid. You were afraid that people would suddenly think you didn’t have talent. But I knew that, that would never happen, because you have more talent in you little finger, than anyone else on earth has in their entire body. And it has NOTHING to do with singing or dancing. You have talent for everything.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me this?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “It was just always, my connection to you, like my own private thing. When I missed you, I listened to it.”

“What about the part, ‘ And what if there were two side by side in orbit around the fairest sun? That bright, tight forever drum could not describe nightswimming. You, I thought I knew you. You I cannot judge. You, I thought you knew me, this one laughing quietly underneath my breath. Nightswimming. What did that part mean to reference to me?” He could see her blush slightly in the moonlight.

“It meant that we would always be together somehow. But that you were starting to do things that I would never really be a part of, NSYNC is something I would never truly be a part of.”

“But I wasn’t in NSYNC yet. This hadn’t all blown up yet.” He ran his hand down her arm and caressed her cheek.

“If it hadn’t been NSYNC, it would have been something. It would have been a solo career, or another group or something. You were meant to do this. You were always going to have this part of you that I couldn’t touch.” She looked up into his eyes.

“But you ARE a part of this.”

“Well, now...”

“No. Always. You have always been a part of this, because you have always been a part of this, because you’ve always been part of me. You’ve always been the first person I wanted to tell when something happened to us.”

“But I couldn’t be there. I couldn’t scream and clap and be excited with you, when something good happened. I couldn’t hug you and hold your hand and tell you it would be ok when something bad happened.”

“You ALWAYS DID! Just hearing your voice used to make everything ok again. You are the only person in my life that could make me feel normal.”

“Why didn’t we have these conversations before? Why did we waste so much time?”

“We weren’t ready. God, I love you so much!” He pulled her into his arms.

“I love you too. I’m glad we came here. I feel like we have finally had a chance to be together, as a couple. You know, without getting on the bus, or having to wake up at 4:00 to get on the road. We got to do whatever we wanted today. We got to just BE.”

“I know, I feel more...connected.”

She grinned up at him, “I’ll show you connected.” She giggled as she kissed him.
~Chapter Eighteen~