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Chapter 18

JC was on the phone with Tyler. Lyn smirked at him as he rolled his eyes at another comment his brother made. Kissing him on the top of the head, she whispered against his cheek, “I’m going down down to the courtyard. Come down when he shuts up.” Her lips brushed his temple.

He nodded and held her hand until her fingers slipped out of his as she walked out of the room. Lyn slowly walked down the staircase, running her fingertips down the banister. She smiled at the feel of the highly polished wood. The thought that the banister had been carved two hundred years before by hand amazed her. It was difficult to avoid noticing the history held in the walls of the inn and the island. She was thinking about how many people had been through the doors of the building she was standing in at the moment as she made her way to the leaded glass doors leading out into the moonlit courtyard.

She pushed open the large french doors leading outside, and her jaw dropped as Justin took a huge step back from Morgan, whose face he had been caressing just seconds before. Morgan turned away from Lyn and mumbled, “Thanks for helping me with that eyelash. I’m going to go upstairs.”

Justin cleared his throat and coughed once, “Yeah. No problem. I’ll be up in a minute.” He watched as she turned on her heel.

Morgan practically ran into the building, “Night Lyn.” The doors closed and she was gone and Justin sighed heavily.

A slow smile spread across Lyn’s face, “Eyelash huh?” She bumped him with her hip.

Justin looked down at her and she was surprised to see he wasn’t laughing, “No.”

“Didn’t think so.” She searched his face for some indication as to what he was feeling, “If it wasn’t an eyelash, what was it?” She reached out and patted his hand.

He walked over to a chair and sat down, “Come here.” She walked over and he pulled her down onto his lap, resting his chin on her shoulder, “What am I doing? Why would I look at Mor like that? Why would I touch her like that? What is wrong with me?”

“Justin, nothing is wrong with you. What do you want from Mor? Have your feelings changed toward her?” Lyn was a little worried, Justin didn’t seem to have a firm grasp on his feelings.

“I don’t want anything from her. She’s my best friend, that’s all I want. I don’t think my feelings have changed at all. I saw her in that bathing suit today and...”

“Noticed she isn’t ten anymore?” Lyn smirked, slowly beginning to understand what his problem was.

He smirked, “Yeah.”

She reached her hand back and rubbed his head, “You know, you’ve been doing some changing of your own lately.”

“What? The hair?”

“Well that isn’t what I was thinking about, but sure, it’s an example. I was thinking about the softer side I’ve been seeing lately. You didn’t really want to go to the doctor with me to have my cast removed. But you Did. You held my hand and helped me get through it. You had sort of a big brother meltdown today over my bathing suit. I honestly didn’t know that you had that side. Well, I knew you had that side with Jonathon and Steven, but I never thought you’d have that”

“You were never around to see it. I guess I just figure you need someone watching your back. You have always been the big sister, I know what that’s like. But I have these four fools looking out for me all of the time. I’m not sure what it is with you, maybe it’s because I’ve known you forever, or maybe it’s because things are different with you and JC now, and he’s not being a big brother to you anymore.” He shrugged, “Do you mind?”

“I kind of like having a big brother...who’s younger than me.” She grinned.

“I’m a lot bigger.” He hugged her tightly around the waist, “So little sister, what do I do about Morgan?”

She covered his arms with her own, “Nothing. If your feelings haven’t changed, there is nothing to do. If you’re not sure if your feelings have changed, then I would take some time to think about it, and to figure out what you want. Don’t push anything, if it’s not really there. On the other hand, don’t ignore it if there really is something there. What I am trying to say, is that you obviously don’t know what’s going on in your head right now, so figure it out.”

“Makes sense.” He nodded, “I don’t want anything ruin what I have with her. Lyn, she is the most important person in the world to me.”

“Of course it makes sense. I wouldn’t have said it if it didn’t make sense.” She smiled, “But I know exactly what your saying. That is the most frightening part of my whole relationship with JC, I don’t think that anything is going to happen to end what we have...honestly, I can’t think of anything that could make me stop loving him, but it would bring my world crashing down around me if I lost him, because I can’t even fathom losing my best friend.

“You couldn’t lose him if you tried. You are in his blood, and he is in yours. I can’t believe that you guys found each other. Everyday I see you with him, or Lance with Stasia, Chris with Dani, or Joey with Angela, I wonder if you guys have used it up. I think that the chances of all five of us finding exactly the right person to be with aren’t very good. And you guys are all exactly right, so things don’t look very good for me.”

“Yes they do. You just don’t know it yet. She’s out there, I happen to know it.”

“Oh you do, do you?” He poked her in the side.

“Yes I do. Do you doubt my powers?”

“What powers?” He chuckled.

“I’m psychic.”

“Is that so?”

“Yep. I see all. I know all.” He laughed and hugged her even tighter, she giggled, “Are you feeling better?”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

JC walked out into the courtyard and smiled, “Moving in on my woman?” He sat across from Justin.

“Nah. I don’t like her like THAT...EW!.” Lyn stuck her tongue out at him and he smirked. Slipping an arm under her knees, he scooped her up, stood up and then set her on JC’s lap, “Take care of her JC.”

“You have my word.” JC wrapped his arms around Lyn.

Justin shoved his hands into his pockets, “Good night guys.”

“Night J.” JC smiled.

“Good night B.B.” Lyn waved.

Justin cocked his head and looked at her and grinned with realization, “Sleep well L.S.” He closed the door behind him.

“B.B., L.S.? What is that all about?” JC asked as Lyn settled against his chest.

“Nothing important. Just a little inside joke.”

“You gonna let me in on the joke?”

“Nope.” She giggled, “I have to have a few secrets.”

“I thought we weren’t going to have any secrets.” He teased.

“We aren’t going to have any important secrets. Would it make you feel better if I shared a BIG secret?”

“YES!” He laughed.

“When I walked out here, I think Justin was about to kiss Morgan.”

JC sat up straight, and turned her on his lap to look at him, “NO WAY!”

“Yep. But then I talked to him and he said his feelings for her haven’t changed at all.”

“So he’s always wanted to kiss her?”

“Well, probably, but he says she is still just his best friend.”


“Joshua, six months ago, if someone would have asked you if you wanted more with me, what would you have said?”

He smiled, and nodded, “I would have said, ‘Lyn is my best friend. I don’t look at her like that.’”

“Exactly, give him some time.”

“You’re so smart.” He kissed her neck.

July 13, 2001, Denver, Colorado.

Lyn was laying on her stomach on the floor, with Blarney sleeping on the small of her back. The puppy had been very busy playing with Tipperary and Jake, when she crawled onto Lyn’s back to avoid being nipped by her sister. She had quickly fallen asleep. Lyn was busying working on responses to several e-mails sent to the Meredith’s official e-mail address. Their policy was to have Meredith respond to as many as possible, and to have either Lyn or Stasia respond to the rest, explaining that Meredith had in fact gotten the note, and she really appreciated hearing from her fans. They made sure to sign it with their own name. Lyn and Stasia both loved responding to the rude or strange e-mails. They had an on going competition to see who could write the funniest response, without being completely rude.

Stasia was laying on her back, with her head resting on one arm, the other arm holding a contract up over her head. She was proofreading the documents Jamie had FedExed in that morning. It was their firs day back from Newport. All of them were happy and relaxed and noone minded being back at work, because they had great memories and more energy. Stasia yawned and rolled her head to look at Lyn, “How many do you have left?”

“A couple. I saved the best for last.” She grinned.

Lance nudged Stasia with his toe. Placing his hand over his phone he asked, “Millie, two weeks from today, what do we have going on?”

Stasia grabbed her new toy, the newest Palm Pilot on the market and said, “‘We’, you and I or ‘we’ NSYNC?”

“Both.” He smiled.

“Well, we have a couple of meetings. Oh and a minor thing called Challenge For The Children. Lyn and I have to take a trip to Orlando.”

“Oh. OK.” He went back to whoever was on the phone, “That is going to be a crazy week, are you sure you want to do it then? Yeah....uh huh...that makes sense...sure...ok. I’ll let them know, ok. Happy to do it. Bye.” He didn’t say anything else to either girl, and Lyn hadn’t even glanced up when Stasia had mentioned they were going to Orlando. She was in the middle of explaining to a fan in an email, that no, Meredith would not be wearing shorter skirts for his benefit.

“What was that all about?” Stasia asked as she flipped to the next page of the contract, pushing her glasses up on her nose.

“I agreed to let MTV do a Diary on Free Lance, and us. There will be a camera with me, Lyn you’ll have one, Millie you have one, Momma and Stacy will each have one. It should be fun, and good for the company.” He picked up a stack of paper, and began to read something.

“WHAT?” Stasia sat up straight.

Lyn craned her neck, “ME?”

“Yeah, they want you too.” Lance looked around, “Have either of you seen my glasses?”

“JAMES LANCE BASS! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? You are going to ask us to let MTV follow us around with cameras for a day?” Stasia seemed truly astounded.

“Um, no actually. They’ll be with us for three days. They’ll be with us the entire time we’re in Vegas.” He looked around again, “I swear my glasses were right here a minute ago.”

“THREE DAYS!” Now Lyn sat up, sending Blarney rolling onto the floor. Jake ran over and licked the puppy’s nose. Lyn tucked Blarney under one arm, and Jake under the other, “Sorry honey.” She kissed Blarney.

“You guys have been on camera before. What’s the big deal?”

“HARRY! You didn’t even ask us if we mind! We have got a ton of work to do that weekend! Not to mention the fact that Lyn and I will be flying in from Orlando just in time to get thrown in the middle of all of the Challenge for the children stuff..”

“ORLANDO? WHY will we be coming from ORLANDO? Did you say Orlando before? How did I miss that?” Lyn’s eyes were wide.

“Did I forget to tell you about that?” Stasia grinned sheepishly and then poked Lance, “Your glasses are right there next to your left leg.”


“We have a deposition to go to.” Stasia looked at Lance for help, he simply raised an eyebrow and motioned for her to go on.

“Who’s deposition?” Lyn was starting to look frantic.

“’s sort” Stasia turned to look at Lyn.

“MINE?” Lyn stood up, the dogs still hanging under her arms, and began pacing.

“Yeah. Jess got served with a Subpoena this morning. We’ll fly in the night before, and fly out right after, because we’ll both need to be in Vegas.”

“Oh man. I...I do I have to be questioned?” Lyn was pacing in a small circle, and both dogs were beginning to squirm.

“Because you’re suing that fool Powers, and this O’Boyle idiot wants to ask some questions. No big deal.” Stasia shrugged reaching up and taking Jake from Lyn.

“No big deal? NO BIG DEAL! You have no idea what Reagan is going to do to me. Stasia...I was WITH this guy. He knows how to get to me. He knows my family.”

“So, we have the same advantage. You know he’s going to try to push your buttons, so we don’t let him.” Stasia yawned.

Lonnie knocked on the open door, “Feisty, Ron needs to talk to you, and Lance...Meredith was looking for you.”

Lance nodded, “Thanks Lonnie. Lyn, we’ll be right back.” They both got up and left Lyn sitting there staring at Blarney.

“What am I going to do?” She asked the puppy.

“About what L.S.?” Justin grinned as he walked in with Tipperary in his arms, “I think this one got away.”

“Oh man! Sorry Tipperary.” Lyn scratched her under the chin, “I got preoccupied. JC would kill me if her knew you snuck out and I didn’t notice.”

“What had you so preoccupied?” Justin ruffed up her hair.

“Stasia just told me I have to go to Orlando in two weeks for my deposition. AND Lance just agreed to let cameras follow me around for a Diary on MTV the same day! I haven’t seen JC in like four hours and I don’t know what’s going on! I’m all wound up and I don’t know what to do.”

Justin grabbed her shoulders and forced her to stop pacing, he shook her lightly and said, “Look at me.” Her eyes raised up to meet his and he smiled reassuringly, “Lyn, it’s all going to be fine, I promise.”

“You can’t possibly know it’s going to be alright. Reagan is going to chew me up and spit me out.”

“Did you get new lawyers?” Justin narrowed his eyes.

“NO! Why? Should I?” Her eyebrows shot up.

“NO! LYN! You have the best of the best in your corner! Would YOU want to go up against Jess and Stasia? Because I sure as heel wouldn’t. Plus, a deposition isn’t that big a deal, I’ve done it enough to know.”

“This sucks.” She pouted.

“I know, but when it’s all done, and you have control over your life again, it will all be worth it. You and JC will sit back and laugh about all of this mess.”

“You are the best. You know that right?”

“Yep. I’m the best of the best, better than all the rest.” He did a little dance, swinging Tipperary in the air.

“You sound like a Junior High Cheerleader.” She giggled.

“I got you to laugh.”

“Thanks B.B.”

JC was pressed against the wall, with Chris’s back right up against his chest. After three hours, of being half-crouched over a mop bucket, his muscles were tied in knots. There was a broom pressing into his armpit, and he was still trying to figure out how in the world he wound up in a janitor’s closet, with Chris. “I want to get the hell out of here Chris.” He whispered near Chris’s ear, the smell of bleach and damp mops was starting to make him sick.

“So you just want to walk out there after all this time, with Johnny sitting there?” Chris hissed back.

“We are going to be late for the Sound Check Party.” JC was annoyed, he had no clue how he had gotten sucked into this whole mess, the only thing that made him feel any better was the fact that Joey was currently stuck in his hiding space, under the tablecloth across the room. They had panicked when they heard Johnny walking into the room he was using as his office.

Somehow, Chris had talked Joey and JC into trying to find out what had been up with Johnny lately, but no sooner had they gotten into the room, then Johnny had entered himself. He had been making phone calls for hours. He was carrying on business as usual and as a matter of fact, he had been praising the show and the guys, JC was confused, but his legs were to sore to think about what they’d heard.

“Damn it Alvin! Call off your boy! She doesn’t deserve this! I paid you your money! I came up with seventy-five thousand dollars cash, now you are going to hold up your end of the deal! What do you mean you want another twenty-five grand? I’m not giving you any more money! A deal is a deal!” Johnny’s voice was full of rage, and Chris tried to look at JC.

“What’s that all about?” Chris asked.

“How should I know? I want to get out of here!” Suddenly, he got an idea, “Chris lean forward a little.”

“WHY? What do you want to do to me?” Came the hushed response.

“I want to get my phone out of my pocket you idiot.” Chris leaned and JC dug his phone out carefully. After dialing a number he waited, “Justin! Thank God! I need you to get Johnny out of his office...NOW! Dude, I’ll explain later, just get him out of here...FAST!”

He flipped his phone shut, and closed his eyes. He didn’t have to wait long before Johnny’s cell phone rang, “Hello? What do you mean Justin? How sick do you feel? I have some Pepto...just stay put...I’ll be right there.” They heard some shuffling, and then the door closed with a thud. Chris waited a few seconds before carefully cracking the closet door.

When he was satisfied that the room was empty, Chris fell out the door onto the floor and JC climbed over him, “LET’S GO! NOW! NOW! NOW!” JC lifted the edge of the table cloth and Joey crawled out from under the table and kept crawling toward the door. JC grabbed the collar of his shirt and helped him to his feet. The three of the flew out of the room, tripping over one another and slamming into walls. Halfway down the hall, the passed Johnny on his way back to his office.

Lyn and Justin looked up as the three guys bust into he room. Justin was laying on the couch, looking completely sick, and Lyn was at the sink getting him a glass of water. Chris slammed the door, and leaned against it panting. Joey flopped on the floor, “Dude! That was STUPID!”

“Completely STUPID! I can’t believe we let you talk us into that!” JC agreed, shooting Chris a dirty look.

Justin pushed himself up and Lyn handed him the glass. Justin swallowed the entire glass in one gulp, stretched and yawned, “So why did I just have to take a dose of Pepto-bismol? You owe me BIG by the way!” Justin wiped the pink residue around his mouth off on the back of his hand.

“THAT jackass,” Joey pointed at Chris, “Got us locked in Johnny’s office. I had to hide under a table and poor JC got stuck in the broom closet with Chris.”

“How long were you down there? And why?” Lyn slid her arms around JC’s waist.

“Sweetpea, we were locked in the closet for three hours.”JC pouted.

“THREE HOURS! JC! Why didn’t you call earlier?” She leaned back in the circle of his arms.

“First of all, I was scared to death that Johnny was going to find us. Secondly, I couldn’t really move. Thirdly, I’m stupid...but not as STUPID AS CHRIS!”

“Hey, we need to get this re-con mission underway! We are never going to know what is going on with him if we don’t try to find out. Maybe our next mission should have fewer agents.” Chris began pacing.

“NEXT MISSION! You freak! You are on your own! I’m not going to help you do anything else!” Joey shouted.

“Me neither! Johnny already hates me, the LAST THING I need is for him to bust me creeping around in his office.”

“Yeah well, I got his address book.” Chris pulled the book out of his pocket.

Justin smacked his hand over his face, “YOU IDIOT! How are you going to explain having that?”

“I’ll find it in that hall or something.” Chris shrugged and began leafing through the pages.

“I don’t believe this! I seriously don’t believe this!” JC looked completely shocked.

“Hey! I’m doing this to help YOU! So shut up, and help me out here!” Chris sat on the floor near Joey.

Justin leaned over his shoulder, “OH MY GOD!”

They all leaned over, “WHAT?”

“Look at THAT! He has Lance’s HOME PHONE NUMBER IN THERE!” He smacked the back of Chris’s head, “Do you see how stupid this is?” He rolled his eyes.

“Sure it’s stupid until I solve the mystery. THEN you will all be thanking me!” Chris stuck out his tongue, and flipped the page.

They all jumped when the door opened. Chris shoved the book under Joey and began to whistle. Lance looked around the room at all of the guilty faces, “What did you guys do?”

Stasia leaned up on her toes, trying to see over Lance’s shoulder, “Is this room going to blow up? Is Harry going to turn blue if he takes a shower? What horrible thing did you do?”

Lyn, who was still completely wide-eyed squeaked, “They stole Johnny’s address book.”

“You DID NOT!” Stasia’s eyes were dancing and she was grinning down at Chris.

“I did too!” Chris reached under Joey, who jumped and smacked Chris on the back of the head, “ENOUGH with the head!” Chris rubbed his head with one hand, and produced the book with the other.

“CHRISTOPHER! Good thinking!” Stasia plopped down on his lap, “Let me see!”

They were studying it closely, when Chris pointed, “Oh my GOD!”

Stasia cocked her head to look, “What?”

“Dude! I already did that!” Justin rolled his eyes and flopped back. “You can’t play the ‘Oh my God it’s Stasia’s phone number game’.”

Chris pulled a small piece of paper out of the book, it had been shoved in between two pages, “Shut up Justin!” He handed JC the slip of paper.

“Alvin.” JC shrugged, “The guy he was talking to.”

Chris tapped his finger on his temple, “The same guy Johnny says he gave seventy-five thousand dollars cash. The same guy who wants another twenty-five g’s.”

Justin shook his head in disbelief, “Twenty-five g’s! Since when do you talk like that?”

“Private detective’s have to keep up on the street lingo.”

“Oh GOD!” JC covered his face with his hands.

“You are going to thank me for this later.” Chris crossed his arms over his chest.

“Listen you fool. Go give Johnny his book back and let’s get ready for our Sound Check Party.” Lance pulled Stasia to her feet.

She settled against his chest and sighed, “You’re no fun Harry.”

“I know.” He smoothed her hair back, “But this isn’t the way to find things out.”

“What do you suggest?” Chris stood up.

“I suggest we all just leave Johnny alone. He obviously has some sort of problem he doesn’t want us to help with. All I know is he is talking about a lot of money and it’s none of our business.”

“But he said, ‘She doesn’t deserve this.’ What does THAT mean?” Chris pointed a finger at Lance.

“It means something bad has happened to someone nice. Leave it alone Chris.” JC sighed as he kissed Lyn’s forehead, “We’ve got to go to the Sound Check party. I’ll be back soon Sweetpea.”

Joey pushed up off of the floor and looked around, “Don’t forget the silly string.”

Morgan walked into JC’s dressing room and tossed a hat at Lyn, “Want to have some fun with me?”

Lyn inspected the hat, “What exactly did you have in mind?”

“I talked to the venue people, I have two ticket for the concert. They aren’t the best seats, but I think it could be interesting to see it from the fan’s perspective.”

“We aren’t exactly going to be unnoticeable.” Lyn pointed out.

“So we get better disguises. Come on Lyn! Stasia can’t do know she is too noticeable, and the crowd is way too big for her. Dani is in L.A. and Angela is sitting with Joey’s family. PLEEASE!”

“Ok. I’ll do it. I have to admit it should be interesting.”

“I’ll go get better disguises. You stay put!” Morgan ran out the door.

Lyn was pulling her hair back when Morgan came running in with and armload of clothes. “I figure we should look like fans, then noone will give us a second thought.”

“OK.” Lyn smirked at the mischievous look on Morgan’s face. “What’s the catch?”

“You have to wear all of this stuff.” Morgan dumped an armload of clothes into Lyn’s lap.

Lyn sorted through the t-shirt, hat, NSYNC necklace, and buttons. She began to giggle, “You’re kidding.”

“Nope! I want to experience it the way that they do. I even have Dre all lined up to drop us off at the gate, like normal kids.” Morgan grinned.

Lyn looked at the stack of clothes in her lap and then shrugged “Why not?”

After changing, they slipped their backstage passes under their shirts, and went to find Dre. When Morgan walked up to Tony, he jumped looking around trying to figure out where the two girls, without passes came from, “I’m sorry ladies, this area is off limits.”

“Shut up Tony.” Mor laughed, “It’s Mor and Lyn. I think we’ll be ok out there, Tony should know us anywhere.” She looked around, “Have you seen Dre?”

“He went to pull a car around.” Tony laughed, “You sure your two want to go out there without us?”

“Yep. Tonight, we’re just fans.” Morgan nodded.

Morgan took Lyn’s hand and pulled her down the hall. They ran out into the parking lot laughing. Dre was sitting behind the wheel of one of the vans. He leaned out the window and yelled, “Hurry it up! I have to get back to guard Justin’s skinny butt.”

Both girls got in the back of the car and Dre drove around, into the crazy concert traffic. Lyn and Morgan were both amazed by the number of cars decorated with pictures of the guys, paint and messages of love. Dre pulled up in front of the main gate and as the girls climbed out, he called after them, “DON’T FORGET TO BE ON THE BUSES TEN MINUTE BEFORE BYE BYE BYE !”

They made their way into the crowd, and Lyn looked around. “I’ve been to nine billion concerts, but I have honestly never come in through the gate with everyone else. This is amazing.” The one thing that really stood out to her was the fact that every one of the fans there, was happy.

They made it through the gate and into the stadium, and found their seats. The girls sitting next to them introduced themselves immediately, “HI! I’m Lisa and this is Jenny.”

Morgan smiled, pushing her sunglasses up her nose, “Hey. I’m Morgana and this is Allie.”

Lisa smiled brightly, “Have you been to a lot of shows?”

Morgan slipped into super fan mode, “Are you kidding me? This is our tenth concert! How many shows have you seen?”

“This is my fifth, and Jenny’s first.” “Yeah I am. I just afraid I’m going to faint when I see Justin.” Jenny was very soft spoken and she blushed when she made the comment.

Morgan laughed, “So Justin is your favorite?”

“Oh my GOD YES! He is SO HOT!” She fanned herself, “So who is your favorite?”

Morgan smirked, “Chris. He is just so much fun.”

Lisa nodded, “I bet he’d be the best friend in the world.”

“Yeah. So who’s your favorite?”

“I’m all about Lance! I think he is amazing.”

“So what do you think about him having a girlfriend? Do you mind Stasia?”

“Are you kidding? She is the nicest person in the world. I got to get her autograph at a Meet and Greet last year. I told Lance I thought she was beautiful, and he blushed and said he thought so too, so he sent Lonnie to get her. And that was like a week before that freak tried to kill her, and she came right away, and they let me go in the hall to meet her. She let me pet her dog and she talked to me for a long time. I have a picture her guard took of us.” Lisa was glowing as she told the story. It never stopped amazing Lyn how much Stasia was willing to do to make Lance’s fans happy.

Jenny leaned forward, “Allie, who is your favorite?”

Morgan shoved her elbow into Lyn’s side when she didn’t answer right away, “Huh? Oh sorry! I’m totally in love with JC!”

Morgan giggled, “That is so true!”

“I hate to break it to you girl, but you are in my club. JC is taken.” Lisa laughed.

“Yeah. So I’ve heard.” Lyn shrugged.

“The good news is, all the fans seem to think she’s cool too. She works for Lance and she is supposed to be real shy.”

“I just hope he’s happy.” Lyn smiled.

“Are you kidding? He’s totally happy.”

As the show started, Lyn watched Lisa and Jenny out of the corner of her eye. She was amazed at the emotions they were showing. As soon as Justin started singing Gone , tears began rolling down Jenny’s face. Lyn nudged Mor, and realized she was beaming.

Morgan had seen Justin perform the song hundreds of times. She’d seen him rehearse it, she’d seen it in concert and she was there when the song was recorded. But for some reason, being this close to a fan, who was so touched by the song, was overwhelming for Morgan.

Lyn laughed hysterically when Lisa screamed, “I WANT TO BE A MECHANICAL BULL!” during Space Cowboy .

Morgan pulled on Lyn’s hand, “We have to go.”

“I totally don’t want to!”

“I know!”

Lisa turned to them, “YOU’RE LEAVING?”

“Yeah. We have to go.” Lyn nodded, “But do you guys want to exchange email addresses?”

“I’d love to!” Lyn wrote down an email address on her ticket stub and gave it to Lisa, who handed her a scrap of paper with two email addresses on it. The girls said good-bye and ran up the aisle.

Running around the outside of the venue, Morgan dialed her cell phone, “Dre honey, we’re one our way around the outside. We should be at the back gate in three minutes.”

They held hands and giggled, “I want to see it from the stands every night! It is so cool seeing them react! Did you see Lisa crying?”

“Yeah! Crying over JUSTIN! Poor girl!”

“Hey, you were pretty emotional yourself!” Lyn pointed out.

“Yeah well...I guess I just like the song.”



“I WANT TO BE A MECHANICAL BULL!” They were both laughing so hard they had tears running down their faces when they waved to Dre and Tony on their way over to the buses.
~Chapter Nineteen~