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Chapter 2

(May 6, 2001, Orlando, Florida)

JC straightened his tie as he climbed out of his car. He and Lyn had flown in on the red-eye, just so they could spend Sunday with her family. He loved the McLachlans and they were definitely his second family. With his actual family living out of state, he always knew he could come here to hide from the world.

He let himself in through the back door and smiled as Devony screamed and ran from the kitchen clutching her bathrobe tighter around herself, “JC! Don’t you EVER knock?”

“No Dev, I don’t. I never have, I most likely never will!” He bent to scratch Clover, the family beagle, behind the ears.

Lyn’s mother came around the corner and laughed, “You will be covered with dog hair! Now you come here and give me a hug!” He smiled broadly at the sound of her soft brogue filling the room.

He hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her, “Hi Mrs. M.”

The booming voice that filled the room next was unmistakable, “How many times do we have to tell you to call us Seamus and May?” Lyn’s father had a much thicker brogue than her mother.

“Mr. M, you know I can’t do that! Allyn isn’t here yet?”

Lyn’s mother pulled him over to the table and pulled out a chair for him, “My oldest daughter will make us all late for Mass if she doesn’t get here soon.”

“Ma, have I EVER made the family late for Mass?” Lyn asked as she shut the door. Clover flopped over, offering her stomach to be scratched. “Hi baby.”

She ran over and hugged her father tightly, “Morning Da!”

“Good morning Allyn! Would you please tell this boy who has slept her many nights, eaten many meals at my table that he is not allowed to call me Mr. M any longer? He is part of this family!”

“JC, don’t call him Mr. M any more.” She said, still hugging her father.

“I cannot call you Seamus, it’s disrespectful! My mother would slap my face!”

“Well then, after eight years, you will call us Ma and Da, like the girls.” Lyn’s mother kissed the top of his head.

“I don’t know...” He smiled up at her.

“Do not argue with the woman Joshua.” Lyn’s father smiled broadly.

Lyn looked at her watch, “We are going to be late if we don’t leave soon. Where is everyone?”

“Dev ran screaming when I walked in. Apparently I’m not allowed to see her in her bathrobe.” JC smirked.

Eilis, the youngest of Lyn’s sisters who had just celebrated her fourth birthday, came into the kitchen limping a little. JC laughed, “Come give me a hug Lisy!” The little girl hobbled over as fast as she could and climbed up into his lap.

Her little arms wrapped around his neck and he kissed her cheek, “Hi JC!”

“Hi beautiful! Can I help you out with those shoes?”

Eilis sat flat on his lap with her back to his chest looking at her feet stretched out in front of her, “What’s wrong with my shoes?” She looked up at him frowning.

“They are very pretty, but they might feel better on the other feet.”

“Ya think so?” She looked at him skeptically.

“Should we give it a try?” He raised his eyebrows.


He helped her take off the black patten leather shoes and switch feet. When the were both re-buckled, he set her on the floor and said, “How does that feel?”

She spun around and smiled, “I like it better this way.”

There was a lot of commotion in the living room suddenly. Lyn looked at JC and they both rolled their eyes, “Cat! I never said you could wear my skirt!”


“That doesn’t matter! It’s MY skirt!” Brenna shot back.

“Guys! Stop fighting! We are going to be late. Please just let her wear the skirt Bren.” Devony was always the peacekeeper.

JC stood up, scooped Eilis into his arms and walked into the living room, “Hi girls!”

Brenna automatically smoothed her dark hair and smiled sweetly, “Hi JC! How are you?” Her tone was so sweet Cat and Lyn both began laughing. Brenna’s green eyes narrowed on her sisters, “What?”

“Nothing at all. Hi JC.” Cat hugged him.

“Hey Cat. How were finals?”

“No problem! I’m glad the semester is over though! It’s good to be home.”

“MY finals were hard, but I’m sure I aced them.” Brenna offered.

“I’m sure you did.”

Looking around the room he smiled, the five McLachlan girls were all beautiful. Lyn had her mother’s auburn hair, freckles, hazel eyes and fair complexion. Brenna, Catlee and Devony all had the same dark hair and green eyes, just like their father. Eilis, was the spitting image of Lyn at four. Eilis’ bouncy auburn curls were being held back by a green head band, Lyn’s were being controlled by a clip at the nape of he neck.

It was funny to see the four older girls, Lyn at twenty-four, happily teaching. Brenna was twenty-two and in graduate school, studying biochemistry. Catlee and Devony were nineteen, Cat wanted to be a lawyer and looked up to Stasia from the moment they had met. She was even enrolled at Michigan State, where Stasia had done her undergraduate work. Dev was at Northwestern in their pre med program. All four of them were bright and very passionate about what they wanted to do with their lives.

Eilis rested her head on his shoulder. He remembered the day Lyn had called him in Germany to tell him her mom was going to have another baby. Lyn had been a Junior at George Washington University, and was positive her parents had lost their minds. Lis had been the main reason Lyn had returned to Florida after school, she wanted to be there for her little sister.

JC had gone to the hospital with Lyn the day Eilis had been born. Even that day, at three hours old, she had looked like Lyn. Maybe that’s why JC had such a soft spot for her. He liked Dev a lot as well. Dev was always the levelheaded peacekeeper. Which is why she wanted to be a psychiatrist.

Mr. McLachlan walked in and said, “Let’s move out troops!” They followed him out to the driveway.

JC glanced at Lyn, “Want me to drive?”

“Yeah, we won’t all fit in my parents car.”

He smiled at Eilis who was still clinging to his neck, want to ride with me beautiful?”


He put the little girl in the backseat and buckled her in. Lyn climbed in next to him and he was starting the engine when Brenna showed up at his door, “Can I ride with you? It’s to cramped in Da’s car.”

“Sure thing Bren.” He did not miss Lyn’s eyes rolling.

He carefully slipped on his sunglasses as he got out of the car at Blessed Trinity. He helped Lyn get Eilis out of the backseat and obediently picked her up when she reached up at him. He kept his face down and walked into the building between Lyn and her father.

The McLachlan clan took up an entire pew in the middle of the church. He snickered when he heard Brenna huff when she realized JC was sitting between Lyn and Eilis. Lyn’s eyes rolled again. JC leaned over and whispered, “We’re in church. Keep the eye rolling to a minimum.”


He smiled and bowed his head. He quietly took off his sunglasses and slipped them into his jacket pocket. He was glad to be there. He felt he needed the few moments of peace and serenity before the insanity started again.

They were walking down the steps toward the parking lot when four teenaged girls ran up. “OH MY GOD! ARE YOU JC CHASEZ?”

JC smiled weakly, “Yes.”

“OH MY GOD! CAN WE HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH?” One of the girls began bouncing.

“Ah...yeah. Sure.” He turned Eilis over to Lyn. Brenna produced a small pad and pen from her purse and gave it to him. He quickly signed four autographs and said good-bye. He stepped in between Lyn and Brenna. “Bren, can you do me a favor?”


“Will you drive my car back to your parents? It’s new and I don’t want the license plate number plastered on the internet already.”

“No problem.” He carefully slipped her the keys and then climbed into the backseat with Eilis.

“How come they were screaming at you?” Lis looked at him curiously.

“They just wanted to say hi Lisy.”


“Because they know who I am.” He smiled pitifully at Lyn who simply shrugged.

“Oh.” He took a deep when he thought she was done questioning him. “Did you know them?”

“NO LIS! HE DID NOT KNOW THEM! Stop with the questions!” Brenna growled from the front seat.

“BRENNA!” Lyn looked at her sister.


“It’s ok Bren. I don’t mind answering Lisy’s questions.” JC smiled warmly at Eilis.

Eilis began giggling when JC’s jacket pocket began ringing. “Shoot. I thought I turned this thing off.” He pulled the phone out of his pocket, “Hello?”


“Hey Stasia, what’s up?”

“You’re with Lyn right?”


“May I please talk to her for a second?”

“I love you too Stasia.”

“Never question my love for you. You were after all, my second choice.”

“RIGHT!” He laughed and handed the phone up to Lyn, “It’s for you.”

“Hi Stasia.”

“Sorry to interrupt, but I just want to make sure you reminded your sisters I’ll be picking them up EARLY Saturday morning.”

“You’re not interrupting, we’re on our way home from Mass.”

Stasia laughed, “We’re on the way home from church too.”

“What time will you be here Saturday?”

“Seven. And tell Brenna I’ll leave without her if she isn’t ready.”

“OK! I’ll let her know.”

“I’ll call you later so we can chat about my party...and Ryan.”

“What about him?”

“Nothing. We’ll talk later when Lance isn’t eavesdropping.”

Lyn couldn’t help laughing when she heard Lance’s, “HEY!”

“OK. We’ll talk later.”

“Bye.” She could hear Lance grumbling as Stasia turned off her phone.

“They still crack me up.”

“Oh yeah. They’re a riot!” JC rolled his eyes as he laughed.

They spent the entire day with Lyn’s family. JC played basketball with the girls. They had a big family dinner, laughing and chattering over one another. He was getting ready to leave when Lyn’s father called him into his study.

“Joshua, are you ready? Do you feel up to doing this again?”

“The tour? Sure. I’m ready. I’m starting to miss the road again. But when I’m on the road, I’ll miss home, it’s one of the dangers of the job I guess.”

“Lyn told us you’d like us to join the group in Mississippi?” Seamus leaned back in his big leather chair.

“I would love it! My parents will be there. Lance and Stasia will be having a big party. It’s the last time she will be with us until after her bar exams, so she wants to go out in style. She’ll stay in Mississippi, that the exam there. Then she goes to Michigan. July she takes New York and Florida, then she waits for the results. She would LOVE it if you were there! Lance has asked as well.”

“Then we’ll be there. I’m sorry May and I will be missing the shows in Florida, but this is the only time we can go back to Ireland.”

“I know. I understand. Mind if I ask why Lis is going to stay with Lyn?”

“Eilis is staying with Allyn because, Catlee and Devony both have already gotten jobs for the summer, and well, Brenna...”

JC smiled, “I understand.”

“She’s a bright girl, but that mouth of hers.”

“Mr...Da, they all have that mouth to a degree.”

“Lord my boy, you speak the truth!”

JC laughed, “Tough being the only male in the household, Da?”

“Even the dog Joshua...even the dog. I wouldn’t trade any of my girls, but at times it can be trying.”

“I have no doubts.”

“At least Clover here doesn’t screech at me.” He pointed to the dog curled up at his feet.

“They don’t screech any more, do they?”

“Well, Eilis does her fair share, but it’s to be expected of a four year old. Allyn and Devony were never screechers, but Brenna and Catlee made up for it.”

“You’re in for a long summer then?”

“Why do you think we’re going back to Ireland now?”

“Ah! I see!”

“OK, you run along now, I will see you in Mississippi in two weeks.”

“Have a safe trip! You leave tomorrow right?” “That’s right. You have a safe tour.”

“I’ll try!” The men hugged briefly. When JC walked out of the study, Lyn raised an eyebrow in question. He hugged her to his side, “Da was just checking up on me. They are coming to Mississippi.”

Brenna screeched, “We’re going to Mississippi?” She was grinning from ear to ear.

“It looks that way Bren.” He smiled.

JC had a quick conversation with Lyn’s mother and helped tuck Eilis into bed. He said good night to Lyn in the driveway and drove home happy. A day with that family was enough to make anyone happy.

Monday morning, Lyn pulled her car into her parking space, retrieved her bag from the back seat and set her coffee cup on the roof of the car as she double checked the door locks. When she saw Bethany Robinson, she waved. Beth waited for her near her own car.

“How was your friend’s party?” Beth asked as they walked into the school together.

“Amazing! I can’t wait until I get the pictures developed. It was black tie, and Stasia was actually surprised. I got to wear a beautiful dress and my friends helped me get ready, I actually felt beautiful. I danced and ate like a pig!”

“Sounds great! Is JC ready for the tour?” Bethany was one of the few people Lyn worked with who knew about her friendship with JC.

“Yep. They are at Jive’s compound running through everything for the rest of the week. It should be great! From what I’ve seen already, they’ve outdone themselves...AGAIN!” Lyn beamed, she was proud of her friends and everything they had accomplished.

“You have to ask him when there will be an Orlando date. I want to go!”

“You’re welcome to come to any of the shows I go’ll love the girls.”

“The girls? I’m going to see the GUYS!”

“OH GEEZE BETH! I meant my friends! You’ve met Stasia before, but you could meet everyone else.”

“I’d like that!”

It was 1:45 and Lyn was sitting at her desk grading papers, while her students were in music when she heard, “Psst.”

She looked up and smiled when she saw Stasia standing in the doorway. “Hey. What are you doing here?”

“I snuck in.” Stasia grinned. “I just driving by on my way to Jack’s and wanted to give you these.” Stasia set a large envelope on Lyn’s desk.

“What’s this?”

“Pictures!” Stasia clapped.

“PICTURES! COOL!” She opened the envelope. Her smile grew when she saw the picture on top was of her hugging Stasia. “We look GOOD!”

“I know. I know.” Stasia tried to sit in one of the little desks across from Lyn. “Were these always this small?”

“I’m afraid so. Joey got stuck in one once.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

“Maybe because you’ve met him.” She flipped through the pictures. Stasia had included pictures of Lyn with Lance, with Dani, Morgan, Angela, each of the guys and several other pictures of her with Stasia. There were quite a few of her dancing with Ryan. She laughed hard at a picture of Joey and Chris kissing each of her cheeks. But her face lit up when she got to the last picture.

“Which one do you have there?” Stasia pried herself out of the desk to stand next to Lyn.

“It’s just me and JC. I didn’t notice this picture being taken.” She was looking up into his eyes, her cheeks were slightly flushed, he was smiling softly at her. His hand was holding hers.

Stasia smiled brightly, “That was my favorite too!”

“May I keep this one?”

“Those are all yours! I had them make copies.”

“I love you more and more every day!”

“As you should!” She teased as she walked toward the door, “I better get out of here before you get in trouble.”

“Thanks for stopping by. Hey! Be ready for Cat to pick your brain on the way to Miami. She is so excited!”

“Cat can pick my brain any day!”

“Don’t tell her that! You won’t be able to get rid of her!”

“I don’t mind, honestly.”

“I have a feeling you’re in for a long ride.”

Stasia laughed, hugged Lyn and waved on her way out the door. Lyn slipped the pictures and went back to grading papers. She giggled when the door opened again immediately, :What did you forget?”

“Excuse me?” She cringed at the sound of Mr. Powers voice.

“I’m sorry Mr. Powers, I thought you were someone else. What can I do for you?” She tried her best to be pleasant.

“I want the paperwork I gave you to fill out on Friday, I told you it was due today. If you don’t have it done, I’ll have to suspend you for a week.”

She reached into her bag and pulled out the thick stack of paperwork he had given her at five o’clock Friday evening. He had attempted to ruin her weekend. JC had helped her fill out the useless stack of paperwork on the plane to Michigan. He was doing everything he could to help her get through to the end of the school year.

She pushed the papers at him and stood up, “I have to go get my class from music.” She walked quickly out of the room.

Lyn tied Eilis’ sweater around her shoulders, “Lisy, are you going to be a good girl for Stasia?”

“Uh huh. Can I play with JC?” Lis pushed her curls back with her little hands.

“Of course you can play with JC. Jon and Steven will be there, Taylor will be there too!”

“OK.” Eilis sat on the floor to pet Clover.

The phone rang, “Hello?” Lyn answered as she carried Eilis’ overnight bag to the door.


“Bren, grow up. Are you ready? Stasia will be there in ten minutes, if you aren’t ready, she will leave you at home.”

“UH! I’m ready! I’m SO glad you aren’t going!”

“Why thank you Brenna. That is so sweet of you! MY friend is being nice enough to take you to MY friends’ concert. It’s amazing how grateful you are.”


“Bren, either deal with it on your own, or stay home. I have to finish getting Lis ready. Stasia is going to be here.” She smiled when Stasia called from the front door. “She IS here, you better be ready. Bye Bren, have fun.”

“Oh, I will.”

“I don’t think I want to know what you mean by that!” Lyn hung up and walked into the livingroom.

“Hi guys!” Stasia pushed her sunglasses up on her head, “Are you ready little lady?”

“Uh huh. Lyn said I can play with JC.”

“JC is going to love that!”

Lyn knelt on the floor next to her sister, “Lisy, you listen to Stasia. You don’t worry about Bren. If you need something, or you need a grown-up, you get Stasia or JC...or Dev. OK?”

“OK, can I play with Lance too?”

“Lance is ok, but stay away from Joey and Chris, they’ll try to marry you again.”

“Da said ‘m not allowed to get married.”

Stasia bit her bottom lip to fight her laughter, because Lisy was completely serious. Lyn grinned at her friend and kissed the top of Eilis’ head.

Stasia held her hand down and Eilis slipped hers into it. Stasia grabbed Eilis’ bag and hugged Lyn. “She’s in good hands.”

“I know it!” She ruffed up Eilis’ hair and smiled, “I’ll see you Wednesday!”

“K.” Eilis hugged her sister’s legs and waved as she walked out the door.

Stasia glanced down at the little head bouncing along at her side. In her hand was the hand of the person who meant more to Lyn than anyone or anything else in the world. Lis was the one person who could do no wrong in Lyn’s eyes, understandably so. “Lisy, are you excited about this weekend?”

“Uh huh. How come Lyn can’t come?”

“She has school on Monday and Tuesday sweetie. But...” She scooped the little girl up and rested her on her hip, “Lyn is going to Mississippi with all of us! That will be fun! You get to play at my house!”

“With Jake?”

“OF COURSE WITH JAKE! Jake will play with Clover and Busta and Korea! It is going to be lots of fun!”

Stasia hit the button to unlock her car and helped Lis buckle her seatbelt. “Are you ready to go get your sisters?”

Lis rolled her eyes, just like Lyn would have, while pushing her unruly curls back, “I guess so.” Stasia glanced in the rearview mirror at Ron who was sitting quietly in the back of the car.

Stasia laughed as she pulled out of Lyn’s driveway. She was going to miss having her friend on this little trip, but having the shrinky-dink version was going to help a lot.

Lis was in the middle of telling Stasia about Cooper Johnson, the boy who had been chasing her around the playground at the preschool when they pulled up in front of Lyn’s parents’ house. There was a stack of luggage like none Stasia had seen before. “Oh my goodness!”

Cat and Dev were waiting on the porch. Stasia hopped out of her car and walked to the edge of the porch, “Guys...tell me all of this isn’t supposed to be going with us!”

Dev slowly nodded her head, “I’m afraid so.”

“It’s only four days! You guys are going to have to thin this out!”

“Stasia, it’s mostly Bren’s.” Cat pointed to two small bags, “That’s our stuff.”

Stasia threw her arms in the air, “BREN! GET OUT HERE!”

“What?” Brenna floated through the door.

“You can’t take all of this luggage Bren. Where am I supposed to put it?”

“Somewhere in that enormous Suburban.” She pointed to Stasia’s car.

Stasia took a deep breath, after all, this was Lyn’s sister. She couldn’t scream at her. “Bren, we have luggage for four adults and a child, two dogs and all of their gear, as well as all of the stuff the guys forgot to bring with them. I spent all of last night going from one house to the next get their crap, I don’t have room for this much stuff you are going to have to thin it out, quickly.”


“Thank you. Now thin it out, I’m leaving in five minutes, wit or without you. Where is Clover, she’s supposed to be coming too.”

Stasia, Cat and Dev loaded their bags and Clover into the car. Cat leaned forward between Stasia and Lis, she kissed her little sister on the cheek, “How was your sleep over with Lyn?”

“FUN! I got to play dress up and stuff!”

“Cool!” She turned to Stasia, “I was thinking, I could quiz you for your bar exams if you want, I mean while we’re on the road.” She motioned with her head toward Lis, “She’ll be asleep pretty quick.”

“Cat that would be SO HELPFUL!”


Dev was settling into he backseat, “Stasia, isn’t this a new car? It still smells new. I thought you drove a Grand Cherokee.”

“I did Dev. This was my graduation gift from Lance.”


“Nope. My boyfriend tends to go overboard.” She grinned.

“OH MY GOD! If you don’t want him I’ll take him!”

“I never said I didn’t want him. This one is a keeper.”

“No kidding!”

Stasia glanced at her watch, “Anyone for scaring Bren a little?”


“OK.” Stasia honked the horn, waited a few seconds and backed out of the driveway. “We’re going around the block.

They had just turned the corner when her cell phone rang, “Hello?”

Lyn was laughing hysterically, “Why is my sister screeching on the other line?”

“I just left her at the house. I gave her five minutes to thin out the luggage, she wasn’t outside, I honked then pulled out, I’m just going around the block.”

“Have I told you I love you today?”

“I thought you’d like that one! I love you too!”

“Bye.” Stasia flipped the phone shut as she pulled back up in front of the house. Brenna was standing in the driveway with a much smaller stack of luggage.

When she opened the door and threw her bags in back, barely missing Ron’s head. She growled, “WITCH!”

Ron slouched down in his seat, knowing Brenna had just unleashed the wrath of God on herself. “OK. Before we leave you better get one thing straight Brenna. If you EVER pull a stunt like that again, I will turn you over my knee. You almost hit Ron, THAT is unacceptable! I am not Lyn, I don’t have to love you, so my suggestion would be to curb that tongue of yours or I WILL leave you here. I am doing this as a favor to your sister and to you. I have way too much to worry about to add your attitude temper tantrums to the list. If you pull crap this when we are in Miami, Tampa or Jacksonville I will happily pay to put your butt on a bus and ship you home. I could have ridden down to Miami with Lance, who I don’t see enough, on a comfortable tour bus, lounging, sleeping and making out with my very hot boyfriend. You can call me a witch all you want, but I wouldn’t do it where I can hear you again.”

Cat and Dev were both fighting laughter, Lis’ eyes were huge. Ron had a huge hand covering his face. Bren’s jaw was hanging open, “Bren, other people may walk on egg shells around you, but I won’t. You are too much like me. You’re mouth WILL get you in trouble if you aren’t careful.”

Ron was on the radio with security as Stasia pulled into the parking lot at the venue. The crowd was huge, and loud. Stasia glanced over at Lis, who was still sleeping quietly. She looked in the rearview mirror and her eyes locked on his, “Ronnie, ask if there is somewhere I can pull in that has some cover. I don’t want to drag Lis in through the fans.”

“I’m on it Stay.” He was listening to his brother on the radio. “Pull in between Lance’s bus and JC’s. They are in the docking bay.”


Stasia pulled in between the buses as she was instructed and waited until Ron checked the area. When he gave her the ok, she attached both dogs to their leashes, scooped up Lis and made her way into the venue. Once inside she could hear the guys doing their sound check. She started to take Lis to Lance’s dressing room, but the little girl lifted her head up, “I wanna see JC.”

“Are you sure?” Stasia smoothed the curls back off of her face.

“Yeah.” She rested her head back on Stasia’s shoulder.

Stasia walked up the stairs behind the stage, when she emerged from the curtains at the back of the stage all of the guys, who were still singing, turned to look at her. JC noticed the way Lance lit up at the sight of Stasia carrying the little girl with two dogs dancing around her feet. JC jogged over and held out his arms. Lis looked up, reached out and curled up against his chest.

Lance jogged over and kissed Stasia. Neither one of the guys missed a note in the song. Lance bent and scooped up Stasia’s dog Jake, who immediately licked Lance’s entire face. Stasia hopped up on a speaker to hear the rest of the sound check. She glanced over at the curtain where Dev was standing quietly. She motioned for the girl to come sit next to her.

Dev ran over and hopped up next to Stasia. She watched JC who was singing to Lis now. The little girl beaming up at him. She leaned over and whispered to Stasia, “Do you think that’s what he would look if it was their little girl?”

“Who’s little girl Dev?” Stasia looked at her curiously.

“His and Lyn’s. Lis is how I think their little girl would look.” Dev smirked.

“Dev, are you saying...”

“That they belong together? Yes.”

Stasia smiled brightly, “Dev, you are SO right.”

“I know. I’ve known it since they first met.”

“I want to see them together.” Stasia said matter of factly. “They both deserve the happiness.”

“I know. But you can’t force it...right?” Devony looked over at Stasia.

“No, you can’t force it...but you can help it along.” They both smiled and giggled.

The guys finished the sound check and JC took Lis to get a snack. Stasia looked around and couldn’t help but roll her eyes when she saw Brenna sitting on the edge of the stage, flirting with Chris. She hopped down off of the speaker she was still perched on and walked over to where the pair was sitting. She put Chris in a headlock from behind and smiled when Brenna huffed and stomped off back stage.

Chris gave up his fight and flopped flat on his back, “Stay-A, you just interrupted my conversation.”

“Intentionally.” She answered from above him, “Chris, Bren is Lyn’s sister.”

He covered his face with both hands, “I know.”

“I just thought you needed a reminder.”

“I did, thanks.”

JC was sitting quietly in the cafeteria watching Lis color in her coloring book. He was watching as she narrowed her eyes the closer she got to the lines, being very careful to stay inside the lines. Lyn had the same habit. When she was concentrating, she narrowed her eyes. Lis pushed her curls back. JC smiled, Lyn did that too. Lis was so much like her sister, she mirrored her sister.

Devony walked through the door, pushed her sister’s curls back and kissed the top of her head, “Are you being a good girl?”

“Uh huh.” Was all that Lis could manage, she was concentrating very hard.

“She is always good for me, you know that.” JC smiled.

Dev sat down next to him, “Are you ready for tonight?”

“Yeah. I wish Lyn was here though.”

Dev smiled brightly, “So do I.” JC’s eyes studied her face carefully. Dev and Cat were identical twins, and they looked a lot like Brenna. But Dev’s personality was so much like Lyn’s he almost felt like he could really talk to Dev, the way he talked to Lyn.

Dev looked closely at JC, “Can I ask you a question? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, I’m just really curious about something.”

“What is is Dev?”

“Have you ever kissed my sister?”

“WHAT? NO! I’ve never kissed your sister!” He looked shocked.

“Oh.” She looked down at her hands, “Did you ever want to?”

“NO! Dev, she’s my best friend! I don’t kiss my friends...I mean, on the cheek or forehead once in a while...but...DEV!”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Another question? I’m not sure if a can deal with another question.”

“This one is about me...well me and Lyn.”

JC cocked his head to the side, “What about you and Lyn?”

“We’re a lot alike, don’t you think?”

“Yes, I do think you’re a lot like Lyn. You both have a very gentle, sensitive nature.”

“Is that bad?”

“NO! Dev, that is wonderful!”

“And Lyn is pretty right?”

He raised one eyebrow, “Right...”

“And Cat is pretty?”


“And I look exactly like Cat.”

“Down to the matching birthmarks.”

“And Bren is obviously pretty.”

“Bren is very pretty. Dev, what are you getting at here?” JC leaned h’s elbows on the table.

“Well, Bren and Cat, can be a little witchy. And I think Lyn and I tend to be nice to people and stuff.”

He smiled, “I think we agree on that point.”

“It’s just that I happen to think Lyn is beautiful, and kind and sweet and caring. And I look just like Cat, but my personality is like Lyn’s.”

“Right.” JC could see Dev was starting to gt upset. “What are you getting at Devony?” He covered her hand with his.

“Well is Lyn and I are so nice, and we aren’t dogs, why is it Bren and Cat get all of the guys? What is wrong with Lynie and I?” A big tear rolled down her cheek.

Lis looked up from her coloring book. “Dev?”

“Yeah Lis?” She pushed the tear away and smiled weakly at her sister.

“I love you.”

“Not half as much as I love you!” Dev lunged across the table and hugged the little girl.

Justin walked in the room, “I was wondering if Lis wanted to come play Chutes and Ladders with us. We’ve got a rip roaring game going in the top room.” He looked from JC to Dev and raised and eyebrow at JC who just gave him a look.

“Can I Dev?” Lis’ eyes were big.

“Sure Lisy. Go ahead.”

JC waited for the door to close behind them before he spoke, “Dev, first of all, you and Lyn have two of the best personalities I have ever encountered. I have never met two people who are more loving and caring. Secondly, you are both beautiful! You have to be able to see that!”

“Then why don’t the two of us ever get asked out? You’re a guy! I’m begging you to tell me what we’re doing wrong!” The tears began rolling down her cheeks again.

“DEV! You aren’t doing anything wrong! Guys are so stupid! You have no idea! Look at Lance, he had Stasia right in front of him and didn’t see what a good thing was there for a long time. Joey and Angela were friends for years before he woke up and saw how perfect she was for him. Justin still has no clue he and Morgan are right for each other. I honestly believe there is a guy out there who is perfect for you. Who will love you the way you deserve to be loved.”

“What about Lyn?” She sniffled, “I want her to be happy. To have someone to love her.”

“Lyn deserves all the happiness in the world, you know I believe that in my heart.” He leaned forward and pulled her into his arms. “You know your sister is one of the most important people in my life.”

“I guess.” Dev sniffled.

JC took her face between his hands, “Dev, what happened?”

“He just wanted to get to Cat.” She sobbed suddenly.

“Who Dev?”

“Oh never mind.” She leaned back and pushed the tears off of her cheeks. She stood up and started out of the room. JC stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m not going to push, because I wouldn’t want to be pushed. I’m here for you though, if you ever want to talk.”

“Thanks JC, but I know you’re Lyn’s friend...not mine.” She tired to leave.

“Don’t do that Dev! I consider you my friend too.”


JC walked down the hall to the room room Bren, Cat and Dev were sharing. He could hear the voices inside so he knocked. Dev opened the door. “Hey.”

“Can I talk to you?” He pushed his hands into his pockets.

“Yeah.” She looked into the room, “Here?”

“No. I wanted to talk to you alone.”

“OK. I’ll be right back guys.”

Devony followed JC down to his room. When he closed the door, he sat on one bed and she sat on the other, “Dev, I wanted to ask you about our conversation today. I said I wouldn’t push the issue, and I won’t. I want to ask about Lyn.”

“What about Lyn?”

“Why do you think guys don’t like Lyn?”

“It’s not that they don’t like Lyn. She has the same problem I do. It’s that they like her, she’s one of the guys. She is the stand-in when a guy can’t get a ‘real’ date. They just think, ‘Crap, the Miss America girl I WANTED to take to this event isn’t available. Oh Lyn will be available, I’ll just take her.’ They never think, ‘Wow, I’d love to take Lyn to this thing.’ Lynie and I have both some how become one of the guys. Which isn’t all bad, but it isn’t all good either.”

He was looking at his hands, studying them. When he raised his eyes to hers, they were sad. “You’re talking about me aren’t you? I do that. I drag her to these things. I pull her in front of cameras and reporters and never even think to ask if she really WANTS to be there. I never think it might not be what she wants to do. I just expect that she will do it.”

“JC! Lyn has never done anything with you she hasn’t wanted to. You guys are completely different. She loves spending time with you. If you asked her to go sit at the bottom of a well for a week, she would be thrilled.”

He raised both eyebrows, “Sit at the bottom of a well?”

“I don’t know. It just came to me.” Dev smirked, then began laughing. They both laughed hard, to the point of tears. She pushed at the tears, “My point was that she loves you. She would do anything for you.”

“Dev, do you think she knows I feel the same way?”

“You guys wouldn’t have been friends so long if she didn’t know you felt the same way. JC, you two have something so special. I wish I had a friendship like yours.”

“I wish you did too. No matter what happens in life, I know I have at least one person on my side.”

Dev laughed, “You have more than one. You know that right?”

“Yeah.” He gave her a lop sided grin, “You’re good to have around.”

“Well thank you sir!” She tipped her head.

(Monday morning)

Lyn glanced at her watch, 7:45, her class wouldn’t be in for another forty-five minutes. She went over her lesson plan and grade book. When she was confident that she was ready to start the day, she walked down to the teachers lounge to get a cup of coffee. Bethany was sitting in a chair, she glanced up and smiled at Lyn as she walked into the room.

“What did you do this time?” Beth teased as Lyn sat down next to her.

“I just walked through the door, I haven’t had a chance to do anything.” Lyn grinned.

“Well Powers was in here five minutes ago looking for you.”

“Are you serious? It’s not even eight on Monday morning, how could I be in trouble already?”

“I don’t know, but he didn’t look happy. Not that he ever looks happy, but you know what I mean.”

“Great. I swear, I don’t know why he hates me so much, I’m so sick of dealing with him.”

“I don’t blame you, I’d be sick of it too. Think of it this way, the year is almost over, you’ll have the summer to relax and listen to good music.” She arched an eyebrow, “How is that going?”

“Apparently the show in Miami went really well. The audience liked the new songs and the guys had a lot of fun. JC said three of my sisters are behaving beautifully.”

“Brenna being a problem again?”

“Bren is always a problem. Cat said Stasia had to bring her down a notch in the car on their way to Miami. I wish I would have been there.”

Beth slouched down a little and whispered, “Look out Lyn, Powers is walking in.”

“Oh no.” Lyn rolled her eyes.

Mr. Powers stomped directly over to where Lyn and Beth were sitting, “Ms. McLachlan, I need to see you in my office. NOW!”

Lyn cocked her head slightly, “May I ask why?”

“No. My office, now.” He stormed over to the door and held it open, waiting for her to follow.

Beth gave her a weak smile, “Good luck.”

“I think I may need it.” She followed Mr. Powers out of the room.

When they reached the front office, Mrs. Kimmel, the secretary smiled sympathetically. Lyn raised an eyebrow in question but continued to follow Mr. Powers into his office. He slammed the door and glared at her. Slowly a grin spread across his face and his eyes narrowed evilly.

“What is it Mr. Powers? The bell is going to ring shortly, and I want to be there when my students settle in.” She looked at him impatiently.

“I just wanted to thank you.”

“For what?” She had no idea what he was up to, but she was beginning to get a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“For giving me grounds to suspend you.” He leaned back in his chair, tapping his finger tips together.

“I have done no such thing.” Her eyes opened a little wider.

He picked up a piece of paper from his desk and smiled brightly, he tossed the paper across the desk and said, “Yes you did.”

Lyn looked at the photo laying in front of her. She was happily standing between Justin and Joey, they were each kissing one of her cheeks, she was holding her Cosmopolitan and Joey’s drink. Justin’s hand was splayed across her stomach. She had been so happy at that moment, JC had been so sweet, she had just come off of the dance floor after dancing with Ryan. She was thrilled to be there, thrilled with the way she looked, thrilled to feel the way she felt when she was with that group of people.

“You did it this time. I gave you a warning, and you ignored it. Now, you pay the price for not heading my warning. You are suspended, indefinitely, without pay. You may retrieve your personal belongings from your classroom, and then leave the building.”

“This is a picture taken at a very private party, it was also in a sealed envelope on my desk. I would like my picture back, and I will go back to my class now.” Lyn stood up.

“You don’t understand. You can’t come back, actually, you can’t stay. For all intents and purposes, you have been fired.” He laughed and leveled her with his eyes.

“You can’t...”

“I can and I DID. Now get out.”

Her heart sank. She didn’t know what to do next, but she knew she had to get out of that room, before she gave Powers the satisfaction of seeing her cry. “You will not get away with this. I didn’t do anything wrong.” She stood up and walked out of the room.

She stood on the front steps of the school, not wanting to leaving, not knowing where to go. She slowly walked to her car and took a deep breath. She didn’t know what she should do next, but she knew what she wanted to do. She started the car and pulled out, she was going to do the only thing she could think of, she was going to her family.

~Chapter Three~