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Chapter 20

Lyn’s world suddenly flipped upside down. She was fighting the bile that had instantly risen up in her throat when Reagan’s words had hit her brain. She knew that the color had completely drained out of her face, because she felt like her head was empty, she couldn’t seem to form even the simplest of thoughts. Placing her hand on the edge of the table to steady herself, she realized Powers and Reagan were both staring at her, smirking.

Her head began spinning. She went from not being able to form a complete thought, to not being able to stop the flood of questions hitting her all at once. How was it possible Powers was related to Reagan? How was it possible she had never met him when they were dating? How could this all be happening? Why couldn’t she shake the feeling that she was about to throw up? Why had time stopped? Why wasn’t she running from the room? She suddenly felt as if she wasn’t in her own body, as if she was floating near the ceiling, watching the poor redhead sweat.

Her mouth was completely dry, and her hands were sweating, but ice cold. She blinked her eyes hard, trying to clear her head, but it wasn’t until Stasia cleared her throat, that Lyn was pulled back into her body, “How do you do Mr. Powers. I am Anastasia Blake.” Stasia extended her hand and Powers shook it limply. Lyn was looking at Stasia through the haze in her head, wondering why Stasia had decided to use Anastasia. Then the thought occurred to her, that which name Stasia was using should not be the focus of her thoughts.

Jess stepped forward, offering her hand, “Jessica McCullan.”

Reagan rolled his eyes, shook Jess’s hand and then turned his attention to Lyn, “Hey Lyn, you look tired.”

“Not at all.” Lyn finally surfaced completely, if there was one thing that was going to keep her from fainting right there, it was her hatred for Reagan and Powers, and the fact that they were getting so much enjoyment out of watching her process the information they had just dumped in her lap.

Lyn had been prepared for Reagan’s rage, he had been furious when she broke up with him. He had called her every name he could think of, he had been nasty, and even tried to forbid her to leave him. In his own warped, twisted way, he had loved her. That thought almost made her laugh out loud, he had loved her so much he had cheated on her three weeks after they started dating, and consistently after that. Reagan was completely aware of the fact that JC had been the driving force behind Lyn leaving him.

JC and Lance walked into the club, Lance was bouncing as soon as he heard the music. It had been so long since they had a night off, and now that Lance was twenty-one, he could get in without pulling the NSYNC strings. They were both excited because Stasia was out with Dani, so Lance and JC were out on their own on ‘Guys Night’. Lance went straight to the bar to get drinks while JC walked over to an empty table near the dance floor. Lance materialized seconds later, setting a drink down in front of him. JC took a sip, “GOD LANCE! I said COKE, not JACK AND COKE!”

“Sorry, that one is mine.” Lance laughed, switching glasses, “Are we going to dance or are we going to just hang out?”

“I don’t care, I’m just glad we’re not in the studio.” JC answered, rocking to the music.

Lance froze with his glass halfway up to his mouth, “ that Reagan?” He pointed to the middle of the dance floor, where Reagan was draped over a tall blonde. They were kissing in the middle of the club, in front of everyone.

JC stalked right up to him and said, “If you ever get near Lyn again, I’ll kill you.” Lance was by his side, his green eyes fixed on Reagan. Turning on their heels, with Reagan running behind them, JC and Lance had gotten into JC’s car and drove straight to Lyn’s apartment.

JC was storming toward the door when Reagan’s car came screeching into the parking lot. He left in the middle of everything, engine running, “Who in the hell do you think you are?” The man screamed.

“Who do I think I AM? I think I am Lyn’s best friend! You cheated on the wrong girl you fool!”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Lance turned, “We saw you!”

“You didn’t see anything!”


“That was just a friendly peck between coworkers.”

“DUDE! You are insane.” Lance shouted, “Friendly peck my ass! Trust me, you were making out!”

“This has nothing to do with you Lance. Shut up!” Reagan glared.

JC just started walking toward Lyn’s door when her saw her light, as well as dozens of other lights in the complex go on, “Let’s just ask Lyn what she thinks.”

Reagan totally lost it when JC used his key to enter Lyn’s apartment. Reagan had actually asked for a key several times, but Lyn had refused to give it to him, so when JC just walked in, Reagan flew off the handle. “You’re here because I’m cheating on her, but why do you have her key?”


“I’m supposed to believe that? As if you aren’t sleeping with her?”


“Yeah, well I’m a pig who got in her pants.”

“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” JC turned away from Reagan, and that’s when Reagan lunged at JC. The whole thing had turned into bedlam quickly. Lyn was screaming for them to stop, Lance was doing his best to pull the two men apart.

Lyn had stood there, in the middle of her living room, in her pink and white pajamas and she had chosen her friendship with JC over her relationship with Reagan. She had never made a better decision in her life.

Reagan sat down and tapped his fingertips together, “So, before we get started, I want to make a plea. Can’t we just drop the personal vendetta and everyone go in their own direction?”

Jess settled into her chair next to Lyn and smiled, chuckling a little, “Oh believe me, this is not personal. My client has a completely valid complaint. So now that we’ve answered your plea, how about we move on. Where’s the Court Reporter?”

“She should have been here already. We can just go ahead without one.” Reagan shrugged, “No need to be all formal.”

Stasia shook her head, “There is every reason to be formal. We do not however need a reporter.” She pulled her computer out of her bag. She quickly plugged it into the wall and plugged in a microphone. After making a few quick key strokes she popped in a burnable CD. “We are using a Cd so it cannot be altered after the fact.”

“How very official.”

Jess rolled her eyes, “This is a deposition, not a ‘let’s get to know each other session’.”

“Oh I think we all know enough about one another. Wouldn’t you agree Lyn?”

“You may refer to my client as Ms. McLachlan.” Jess corrected him.

“Do we have to play that game Miss McCullan?”

“It’s Mrs.”

“OK then.” Reagan settled in, “Are we ready to proceed?”

“Go ahead.” Stasia nodded.

Reagan nodded, “Gee thanks.”

Stasia’s eyes narrowed on him and he suddenly cleared his throat and sat up straighter, “OK then. Ms. McLachlan, in your own words, why are you suing my client and The Hazelwood School?”

“Because I was dismissed without cause.”

“Without cause? I’m sorry but I don’t quite understand. In your file here, there seems to be plenty of cause.” Reagan placed a thick file folder on the table.

“Why wasn’t that turned over during discovery?” Jess leaned forward.

“It wasn’t requested.” Reagan answered.

“I subpoenaed any and all documents relating to Ms. McLachlan’s employment with Hazelwood.”

“It must have been overlooked. I apologize. I’ll have a copy made for you right now.”

“You do that.” Jess huffed.

“Shall I proceed, or would you like to wait until you have a copy of the file.”

“Go ahead. But I reserve the right to stop to review any document you refer to.”

“So noted.” Reagan leaned forward, “Ms. McLachlan, do you recall meeting my client?”

“Yes I do.”

“Do you recall your first conversation?”

“Yes I do.”

“What did you say?”

“I said, ‘Welcome to Hazelwood.’.”

“Ok. And what is the first time you had a disagreement with Mr. Powers?”

“I believe it was the day I asked for two days off to attend an awards ceremony with a friend.”

“And did you attend the ceremony?”

“No I did not.”

“The next disagreement?”

“Was over another request for time off.”

“Why were you requesting the time off.”

“To attend another awards ceremony.”

“I see.” He shook his head slightly. “What happened next?”

“We had another argument when I was show on TV at a charity event.”

“And the next disagreement?”

Lyn rolled her eyes, “I’m not sure what was next.”

“OK, so let me choose an occasion. Why don’t you tell me about the day that Mr. Powers confronted you about being on television again.”

“He asked me to stay after school to talk. When he came into my classroom he said I was a poor moral example for allowing a photo of me with a friend be aired on tv.”

“And tell me about your last day.”

“Mr. Powers pulled me into the office at the beginning of the day and used one of my own personal photos as reason to dismiss me. A photo he had stolen out of a sealed envelope on my desk.”


“Who was the ‘friend’ you wanted to go to the first awards show with?”

“Joshua Chasez.” Lyn’s eyes locked with Reagan.

“The second awards show?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“Joshua Chasez.”

“Were you alone in the footage of the charity event?”

“No I wasn’t.”

“This is like pulling teeth. Who was in the footage with you?”

“Anastasia.” Lyn smirked, know full well that he was expecting another answer.

“OK. And the photo aired on tv...the second time, who was in that?”

“Joshua Chasez.”

“And the photo the day you were dismissed?”

“Joseph Fatone and Justin Timberlake.”

“Who is Joshua Chasez?”

“My best friend.”

“And who is in this picture with you?” He tossed a picture across the table, and Lyn was shocked to see a picture of her first kiss with JC. They were sitting on the piano bench, JC’s arms were wrapped around Lyn and they were obviously kissing.

“Joshua Chasez.”

“Do you kiss all of your friends?”


“So how do you explain this picture.”

“He and I are together now, in a relationship. This picture is fairly recent...taken within the last few months.”

“Are you having sexual relations with him?”

Lyn’s jaw dropped, Powers was smirking and Reagan’s eyes were hard on hers. Before she could react, Jess was on her feet, her chair slammed into the wall and she leaned over the table pointing at Reagan. She glanced over her shoulder and said in a very calm, very even tone, “Lyn, don’t answer that.” She turned her attention back to Reagan, “That question is out of line AND YOU KNOW IT! Lyn will not answer that question or any question like it. Whether or not she and her boyfriend have had sexual relations has no bearing on this case, and the next question you ask that is out of line, my client will be leaving.”

Reagan was equally calm, “The question is valid and in no way out of line.”

“BULL!” Jess was angry, and Lyn could see the look of rage on Stasia’s face. “I suggest you move on from this question.”

“The question stands. Ms. McLachlan, are you having sexual relations with Mr. Chasez?”

Jess took a step back, “This deposition is over.”

Stasia instantly made a few key strokes, and slipped her computer into her bag, she stood and waited for Lyn to stand. Lyn followed Jess out into the hall and Stasia turned back, “I’ll burn a copy of this CD for you and have it delivered by the end of business today.”

“YOU CANNOT JUST LEAVE!” Reagan was on his feet following them, he stopped cold when Ron and Don stood shoulder to shoulder between him and the women.

Don puffed a little and practically growled, “They can and will leave if they want to.”


“Sadly, it is necessary for them to have security at all times, so don’t get any stupid ideas.” Ron said as he ushered them out the door. As soon as they hit the pavement in front of the building, Mark and Chris began taping again.

Jess was laughing, “What an idiot.”

Lyn’s eyes were still huge, “What just happened there?”

Jess shrugged, “We left early. Who wants to get lunch?”

Stasia nodded, “I’m starved.”

“We’re just leaving?” Lyn was dumbfounded.

“Yeah. I warned him, now we can get to Vegas early...well, if we can get a flight.” Jess nodded.

“Oh. We can get a flight.” Stasia smirked.

Jess laughed, “I forgot, we’re flying on your dime today aren’t we?”

“Yes we are, as long as we can get clearance to get off the ground, and we are able to land in Vegas, we can leave at any time. Do you want to get breakfast here, or leave as soon as possible?”

Lyn smiled, “My vote is we leave as soon as possible. They wanted us to play, so if we leave now, we might be able to get there.”

“That’s a great idea. I’ll give Melinda a call. Do you think we should surprise them?”

“Definitely! I’m excited now!” Lyn smiled.

Lyn was hopping up and down on one foot, trying to tighten her ankle brace when Stasia walked into the room, “Is that some sort of rain dance?”

“No. I’m trying to get this stupid thing laced, but it’s a pain in the butt because it laces on the outside of my ankle, how dumb is that?”

“Pretty dumb. Sit down and I’ll tighten it for you.” Stasia sat on the floor and put Lyn’s foot on her lap, “So my family is here. Did your’s get here yet?”

“Yep. I ran into Dev in the hall, she said everyone is here. I swore her to secrecy. I hope the guys are excited when they see us.”

“You know they will be.”

Mark and Chris are outside right?”

“Yeah they are giving us twenty minutes to change. Why?”

“I wanted to ask you a question, not on camera.”

“Ok. You’re all set.” Stasia patted her ankle, “What did you want to ask?”

“Are you and Lance sharing a room while the Basses are here?”

Stasia laughed, “Lyn honey, Momma and Daddy know we share a room. I actually wanted to tell you something.”

Lyn smiled, “What is that?”

“Well, as part of your new package at Free Lance, you will be Miss Mabel’s cottage.”

“You mean your house?”

Stasia smiled, “My old house.”

“YOU’RE MOVING INTO LANCE’S...OFFICIALLY?” Lyn slid off of the bed and onto the floor next to Stasia. Blarney and Jake both ran over to the girls.

“Yeah. I spend 99% of my time in Mississippi there, and the other 1% is divided between the office and Momma’s.”

“OH MY GOD! I can’t believe it! That ROCKS! Stasia, that is so great! Are you happy?”

“I have mixed feelings. I want nothing more than to be with Lance, but moving in together...”

“Before you’re married?”


“I can understand that, but Sweetie, you guys are so much in love. It is a great thing.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.”

“Do you think less of me?”

“OH STASIA! NO! How could I think less of you for being with Lance? My GOD! He’s a part of you and you’re a part of him.”

Stasia wrapped her arms around Lyn’s neck, “I love you. Thank you.”

“I love you too.”

There was a knock on the door, “Lyn?” Mark called.

“Our time must be up.” Stasia grinned.

Lyn walked across the room, “We just need to put on our shoes.”

The MTV producer walked in, “hi. I’m Sue, I’m going to be asking a few questions as we go along...Do you mind if I ask you about the names and numbers on your jerseys?”

Stasia grinned, “Sure. I’m number 54...well, 5-4, which is Lance’s Birthday.”

“And on the back of your jersey it says, ‘Feisty’. What does that mean?”

“That’s the name security gave me. Apparently...I’m a handful.”

“And Lyn, how about yours?”

“My number is 97, which is the year my youngest sister was born.”

“And ‘Sweetpea’?”

“Is a nickname JC gave me.” Lyn smiled.

“OK, now I’ve been told that Lance and JC are on the same team, and you guys are both on the other, why is that?”

“We are on a team with Justin, Chris and Joey, so we are pretty much guaranteed a win.” Stasia smirked.

Lyn nodded her agreement, “Yeah. It’s a lot more fun to win and tease them, then to loose happily with them.”

Stasia’s phone rang, followed immediately by Lyn’s. Stasia picked up her’s first, “Stasia Blake....uh huh...uh huh...ok.”

Lyn flipped her’s open, “Lyn McLachlan...hi...yeah..ok...we’re on our way.” She flipped the phone shut, “They need us to be in the van so we can get introduced with the team.”

Stasia nodded and held up one finger, “OK, Jamie...sure...uh huh...FedEx it to the hotel...ok...thank you for the call.”

Lyn grabbed her bag and slipped on her shoe, “What’s up with Jamie?”

“Some new paperwork came in about Angel’s record.” She grabbed her own bag, checked the dogs’ water dishes and made her way to the door, “We’re going to have to meet tonight after the party. It may be a late night.”

“Not a problem, I was expecting that anyway.” Lyn said as they walked down the hall.

Sue ran up behind them, “So, you guys are planning a meeting tonight, you have two security guards, and cell phones ringing off the hook. Does it ever get to be too much?”

“What? Work?” Lyn glanced back over her shoulder.


“No...well, in the beginning it was a switch, but now, you adapt. You learn to find time to sleep, you learn to find quiet time. You get used to living on a bus.”

“You guys travel with NSYNC, but you are both employed by Free Lance Entertainment. Couldn’t you do the same job from your office in Mississippi?”

Stasia laughed, “Well...some of it, but Lyn is here to be Lance’s connection between him and the office. I am currently here to review contracts and to handle Ryan’s road management. He’s on this leg of the tour with us.”

“Oh, I have another question.”

“Fire away.” Lyn grinned.

“Do you guys always walk this fast?”

“I’m afraid so.” Stasia smirked. They were all laughing as they climbed into the van.

Melinda Bell was in the center of the floor announcing the teams, she smiled brightly when Ron and Don waved to her and slipped into their seats. “NOW! AT FIVE FEET ONE INCH AND ONE HUNDRED SIX POUNDS, WEARING NUMBER 54 OUT OF BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN, STASIA ‘FEISTY’ BLAKE!”

Stasia ran out onto the floor, and straight into Joey’s arms. He spun her around and then set her down. She waved at Lance who’s jaw dropped open.

“AND WEIGHING IN AT ONE HUNDRED EIGHT POUNDS AND MEASURING FIVE FEET TWO INCHES TALL, SHE IS WEARING NUMBER 97, HAILING FROM ORLANDO, FLORIDA, LYN ‘SWEETPEA’ McLACHLAN!” As Lyn trotted out onto the floor she smiled at JC, blew him a kiss and was immediately scooped up into Justin’s arms.

“YOU MADE IT!” He hugged her tightly, “How did it go?”

“Jess and Stasia seem to think it went well.”

“I knew it would.”

“Thanks for the flowers! You didn’t have to do that!”

“I wanted to.”

“Thanks B.B.”

“No problem.” He pulled on her ponytail.

Lyn turned to find JC, “Hey Snapdragon. I’m back early, I have tons to tell you, but I have to wipe the court with you first.”

“Oh Sweetpea. You SHOULD NOT have gone there!” He scooped her up and kissed her soundly. Her arms went around his neck and flashes began going off like crazy. Stasia was in a similar pose with Lance, right next to Lyn and JC.

Justin grabbed each girl by the ponytail and pulled them back toward the bench, “There will be no face sucking until AFTER the game.”

“So many rules to remember.” Stasia grinned.

“Sorry B.B., I got a little carried away.”

“I should say so. Stasia, I know you suck...are you any good L.S.?”

“I’m a killer...ok...I suck too...but I can create a great distraction.”

“Good enough.” He yanked on each of their ponytails and sat between them, with an arm draped over each of their chairs.

The game started and the crowd went wild. Lyn was covering JC who didn’t stop smiling the entire time. The crowd went crazy when she did the only thing she could to stop JC from making a shot. She jumped on his back and covered his eyes. She was called for the foul, but she knew he was horrible at free throws. Justin grinned patted her on the head, “NICE MOVE L.S. Way to pull the foul.”

She took a little bow, “Thank you. Thank you.”

After the game, the group line up for pictures and Stasia got up on Lance’s shoulders. She was grinning down at Lyn sticking her tongue out, “Just because you’re LOOK bigger right now does not mean you can be a brat!”

JC wrapped his arms around her, “What’s the matter Sweetpea?”

“Stasia think that just because she’s up there looking down on me she can stick her tongue out and make faces at me.”

“Well that isn’t very nice.” He bent down and stood up very quickly with Lyn on her shoulders, “Now you’re even.” The two girls went into a fit of giggles, as well as an impromptu chicken fight. The press was taking pictures so fast they were changes rolls of film like crazy.

Mark yawned as he filmed Lance, Stasia and Lyn meeting about contracts and financial planning for all of the artists upcoming appearances. It was two o’clock in the morning and they had been at it for two hours already.

The three of them were all sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard with their computers open on their laps. They were all linked together and Lyn was uploading the schedule for the next two weeks. Blarney was snuggles in between Lyn and Stasia and Jake was sprawled out on his back between Lance and Stasia, Tipperary was curled up on Lance’s lap, Busta and Korea were one big fur ball near the end of the bed.

Sue was leaning her head against the wall, “I have another question.”

Lance glanced up, looking over the rim of his glasses, “What can we do for you?”

“Your families are here for the event right?”

They all nodded, “Yeah.” Lyn smiled, slipping her glasses up onto the top of her head.

“Wouldn’t you rather be spending time with them? I mean, you left the party early so the three of you could work.”

“We work at times like this, so we can spend time with them tomorrow.” Lyn offered

“When will you sleep?”

They all laughed and Stasia answered, “We’ll catch a few winks here and there when we can. Lance will sleep before the show tomorrow and Lyn and I will probably nap at the same time, it depends. All four of Lyn’s sisters are here and her parents. Lance’s parents, sister and brother-in-law are here. My best friend is here with her husband, our friends are in from Mississippi. So Lyn and I may not be able to sleep until we get on the buses for the next venue after the show tomorrow night. This show is not one we can miss. We’ve been known to sleep during the show.”

“You have slept through the biggest tour ever to hit the road?” Sue asked with shock in her voice.

“You forget, we’ve seen it from the drawing phase on. We were there at rehearsals. We were there when they chose costumes.” Lyn shrugged, “When you’re on the road like this, you have to take advantage of any down time. I have to admit, I’ve seen the vast majority of shows. I think I’ve only missed two.”

“I had to miss a few more. When I was in school and taking the bar exams, I missed...what? Maybe ten?” Stasia said.

“Yeah. I think it was ten.” Lance nodded.

JC glanced at his watch, it was 3:15 and he was just getting back from the after party. He knew he’d be paying for the late night the following morning. He slipped his key card into the lock and was completely shocked when he didn’t find Lyn tucked in. He walked through the adjoining door, into the room Dev and Cat were sharing, thinking that Lyn might have decided to sleep with her sisters, when she wasn’t there either he looked at his watch again, “I can’t believe they are still working.”

He walked down the hall to Lance and Stasia’s room and found the door cracked. It was awfully quiet for three people to be working with three cameramen and an MTV producer. He pushed the door open and chuckled. Stacy and Ford were walking by and JC motioned for them to walk in.

Stacy hugged Ford tightly, “They are just too cute!” She whispered.

Lyn was leaning over, with her head resting on Stasia’s shoulder. Stasia was leaning on Lance, who’s head was tilted back against the headboard all of the dogs were snuggled in with the three of them. All three computers were still on and all three phones were flashing with unanswered messages. Stasia’s Palm Pilot was glowing in her relaxed hand. Lyn’s hand was on top of her’s and Lance’s had worked it’s way under his foot.

Stacy stopped Dev and Ryan on their way off of the elevator. Dev giggled, “The day just got too long.” She snapped a picture and none of the bodies on the bed moved. “They are all out cold, even the dogs.” JC couldn’t help but notice Dev looked drained again, he had been noticing that for the past few days...maybe even a few weeks. But she still seemed happy, so he had decided to leave it alone.

“Speaking of dogs, where are mine?” Chris asked from the hall.

“In here. They must have taken all of them out.” JC pointed.

“I’ll put the kids to bed.” Chris smiled, lifting Busta off of the bed and handing him to Dani, before picking up Korea and cuddling her to his chest. “JC how did the deposition go today?”

“Lyn said Jess and Stasia thought it went well, but we haven’t had a chance to discuss it yet.”

“Good.” Chris smiled, “Night everybody. See you bright and early.”

JC scooped up Blarney and Tipperary and walked back to his room. He gently put the puppies into their bed and made his way back to Lance’s room. He gently shook Mark’s shoulder, “You should go get some sleep.”

“Huh? Oh. Yeah. Thanks.” He hoisted his camera, took some footage of Lance, Stasia and Lyn, then shuffled out of the room.

JC walked over to the edge of the bed and collected all of the Palm Pilots and cell phones. He just dumped them in a big pile on the dresser, with the computers stacked up next to them. Moving back to the bed, he carefully picked Lyn up and made his way to the door. Lance and Stasia were cuddling up with one another in their sleep, “Sleep tight guys.” He shut off the lights and closed the door.

He carefully laid Lyn on the bed, pulled her shoes off and pulled the covers up over her. He sat down in a chair across the room and watched her as she shifted and settled back into deep sleep. He couldn’t help feel at peace, he had loved her for so long, now that they were together he felt so blessed. Lyn had opened a place in his heart that he had never known about. She kept him alive, Lyn was his heartbeat.

Dev stuck her head through the connecting door, “She’s all tucked in?”

JC nodded, “Yeah.”

“Why aren’t you in bed?”

“I was watching her sleep.” He smiled, “Why are you in bed?”

Dev blushed a little, “I can’t seem to fall a sleep. I guess I miss Ryan.”

“Let’s go out in the hall.” JC got up and the two of them moved out into the hall, “Odd how the only quiet place to talk seems to be the middle of the hall huh?” He slide down the wall and rested his chin on his knees, “I know what you’re talking about. I didn’t sleep at all last night.”

“You missed her?”

“Yeah.” He grinned, “The bed just felt empty.”

“I know.” Dev nodded. “You know, I have always loved you. You’ve been a big brother to me from the very first time we met.”

“I know how you feel Dev.” JC smiled, “So as your big brother can I ask you a question?”

“Sure.” Dev lowered her eyes.

“OK, that eye thing confirmed it.” He put a finger under her chin and lifted it up so her eyes met his, “Devony, what’s wrong? Are you sick? You’ve been out of it for like a week.”

“I’m not sick.” She shook her head.

“What’s going on? Are you and Ryan OK?” The tears began so quickly it shocked him, “Oh Dev! What happened? Did you break up.”She just shook her head vigorously, “Dev PLEASE talk to me. You are starting to scare me.”

Her voice was barely audible and he had to strain to even hear her, “I’m pregnant.”


“Pregnant.” She wrapped her arms around her legs and began sobbing.

JC’s head began spinning, he didn’t know what to do, so he just wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest, “I’m going to be an uncle?” He pushed her hair back away from her face, “Dev, honey, stop crying. Please stop. It’s going to be ok.”

“I am so scared.”

“I think that’s understandable.” He was quiet for a second, “Dev, I thought you guys weren’t...I mean I thought you were”

“We were waiting...JC, it only happened once. And I was fine with it, but we haven’t since...and...what am I going to do?”

“Dev, does Ryan know?”

“Yeah. He said he loves me and that he’s happy about it. JC, he asked me to marry him tonight.”

JC ran his hand through his hair, “Do you have any more news? Because I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed here. OK, let’s take this one situation at a time. Do you want to have a baby Dev?”

She closed her eyes tightly and when she opened them again, they were clearer, “Yes. I want to have THIS baby.”

“OK. So that isn’t an issue anymore. I mean, I’ll be there with you when you tell everyone if you want. I’ll hold your hand, I’ll be there.”

“How am I going to tell everyone?”

“However you want. You can tell them one at a time, or all together. Whatever is best for you. What about Ryan? What do you want to do about that?”

“I love him. I can see myself with him forever.”

“I’m feeling like there is a ‘but’ coming up.”

“But what if he’s only doing this because of the baby?”

“Do you want me to talk to him Dev?”

“I don’t know. Are you going to hit him?”

JC laughed, “I hadn’t really thought of that. But no. Hitting him isn’t going to help matters at all. But I do want to have a conversation with him either way.”

“Thank you.”

“I think we should wake Lyn up.”


“Dev. I can’t keep this from her. Neither can you.”

“Oh God. I know you’re right...but I just want to forget about this whole thing.”

“It’s too late for that Dev.”

“I know.”
~Chapter Twenty-One~