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Chapter 22

JC walked into the room and immediately bent down to scoop up Lisy, “Hey Sweetie.”

“Hey.” She kissed his cheek.

“How are you this morning?”

“Good. We’re gonna go home today.” Lis pouted.

“I know! I am going to miss you TONS!”

“ME TOO!” She hugged him tighter.

“Sweetie how would you like to play with the puppies for a few minutes?”

“Uh huh!” She nodded her head, which sent her curly ponytail bouncing up into his face.

JC didn’t bother asking Lyn’s parents if it was ok, he simply opened the door, handed her off to Dre and said, “She wants to play with the puppies.” Dre smiled, nodded and closed the door.

Lyn’s mother stood up, “JOSHUA! The child needs to eat her breakfast.”

He smiled, “I know Ma, I set a surprise tea party for her. Stasia wanted desperately to spend a little time with her.”

“I would like for her to eat with the family. Anastasia is welcome to join us as well.” She started for the door.

“Ma please just sit. JC is just trying to help me.” Dev said quietly, “Lis shouldn’t be here for this. I need to talk to all of you.”

Ma instantly looked concerned, “What’s the matter Devony?”

“As if Princess Perfect could have a problem big enough to upset Lis.” Bren rolled her eyes.

Lyn turned sharply, glaring at Bren. She was normally protective of Dev, but now she was fierce, “SHUT UP BRENNA!”

Bren’s green eyes flashed, “Excuse me?”

“I said shut up, and I meant it.” JC reached for her hand and she calmed down slightly.

“I can’t believe how witchy you and Dev have both gotten since you became such big shots.” Bren was angry, “I don’t care who either one of you is dating, you have no right to be so horrible to the family.”

“No one is being horrible to the family Brenna!” Lyn rolled her eyes at her sister.

Da stood up, “GIRLS! Curb your tongues! I’ve had enough! Devony, out with it! What is wrong with you?”

Lyn’s voice was soft, “Da, please sit down. Let’s all sit.” She and JC moved to sit on the bed. Ryan and Dev sat next to them and Lyn took both JC and Ryan’s hands.

“I don’t know how else to say this, so I’m going to say it flat out.” Dev took a deep breath, “I’m pregnant.”

The room was completely silent. Lyn scanned the faces of her family, Cat was staring blankly at Dev. Bren was smirking and Ma’s lip began to quiver. Da had turned red. Lyn looked over at JC who raised an eyebrow, she shook her head and whispered, “I don’t know.”

Ma stood up, “NO! IT IS NOT TRUE! IT CAN’T BE TRUE!”

Dev nodded her head, “Yes Ma, it IS true. I’m going to have a baby.”

She looked at Ryan who shook his head, “WE are going to have a baby.”

Ma screamed, “NO!” she fell back onto the couch, her entire body was shaking.

Da stood up, “GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!” No one knew who he was talking to, they all exchanged panicked looks, “YOU ARE DEAD TO ME AND THIS FAMILY DEVONY! GET OUT, AND TAKE THAT TRASH WITH YOU!”

Dev nodded her head, and stood up, the tears began running down her cheeks. Ryan stood next to her and pulled her tightly against his side, “Shh.”

Lyn jumped to her feet, “DA!”


Ma was sobbing, her hands were covering her face and Bren casually draped her arm over her mother’s back, “Hush Ma.”

“I did not raise you girls to be sluts!” Da growled. He was furious and there was nothing anyone could do at this point. “I said GET OUT!”

Dev raised her watery eyes to her father and simply said, “I love you.” She turned and walked out of the room, with Ryan’s arms still wrapped tightly around her.

Cat jumped up with tears streaming down her cheeks, she turned to face her father, “I HATE YOU!” She ran out the door after her sister.

Bren sighed, “Da, calm down, it’s not that big a deal.”


She actually recoiled at the tone of his voice. “Maybe...maybe I should go check on Eilis.” Bren got up and left the room quickly.

Lyn took a few steps closer to her father and pointed a long finger at him, “DA, you have always taught us that no matter who comes and goes in life, we will ALWAYS have one another, because we are a family! And YOU have always taught us that, when NO ONE else is there for you, we could rely on OUR FAMILY! Dev has NEVER needed us like she does right now, and you are going to shut her out? I am telling you right here, RIGHT NOW...if you shut her out, you are shutting me out too!”

JC rose to his feet, placing one hand on Lyn’s shoulder, he leveled his eyes on Lyn’s father. His other hand held Lyn’s trembling hand. He spoke in an even, calm tone, “Da, I understand your anger. I understand your sadness, but if you close Dev out right now, you will never see your first grandchild, you run the risk of losing not only Devony, but Cat as well.”

Lyn’s voice was barely above a whisper, “And me.” The tears running down her cheeks, had no chance of stopping.

JC continued, “I refuse...WE refuse to let her go through this alone. The two of us will be there for her no matter what. You never took the time to realize that she is in love with Ryan. YES! This was stupid, and it was a mistake, but DEAR GOD! IT’S A BABY! YOUR GRANDBABY!”

Lyn had expected the tears form her mother. She had expected the rage from her father, what she had not expected was the unwavering strength from JC. He had always been her rock, but now he was Dev’s rock, Ryan’s rock, Cat’s rock. He was not going to let HER family fall apart. “Da PLEASE! THINK about this. Don’t let this destroy this family.”

Lyn’s father sat down hard, “How could this happen?” He began to sob.

“I don’t know Da, it just DID! Now we have to help. She is frightened, she is confused and right now, she feels that she has lost you.” Lyn sobbed, “DON’T shut her out, not when she needs you most.”

“This happens in other families...not mine.” He sobbed.

“You HAVE TO talk to her.”

“Leave your mother and I.” Her father covered his face with both hands. JC pulled her by the shoulders and they left the room to go check on Dev and Ryan.

More than two hours passed and the entire floor was quiet. Lance and Stasia had somehow, not only managed to clear out the entire floor, but to keep the MTV cameras away from Lyn as well. They should have been back, but she had not heard from them.

JC was sitting on a couch, with Lyn’s head in his lap. Dev was curled up in the center of the bed with Cat’s arms wrapped tightly around her, they were both crying hard and Ryan was stroking both of their heads. When Ryan saw Da walk into the room, he stood up, “I’m sorry Mr. McLachlan, I can’t allow you to upset her anymore.”

JC rolled his eyes and shook his head, “Not now Ryan.” He knew that Da would not have come to the room, if he hadn’t done so hard thinking.

There was no talking to Ryan at this point, “I’m serious. No one bothered to ask me what I think! We may not have planned to have a baby, but I will never allow ANYONE to say that the woman I love is a slut! She ISN’T! If you don’t know don’t know her at all! I’m sorry, but I will not let her get hurt by anything you have to say!”

Da shook his head, “Listen to Joshua. He is a smart boy.” He sighed his eyes were red, and he looked as if he had aged twenty years in two hours time, “I am not happy about this. I am angry. I need more time to think about this, but Devony, you are my daughter, nothing will change that...ever. I am more disappointed then I ever thought I could be. I am angrier at one of my daughters then I thought was possible. As for you Ryan, I don’t know what to say, I don’t know anything about you except that you got my nineteen year old daughter pregnant. There is something to be said for you being with her when she told us, and trying to protect her now, but as much as I know about you, I am disappointed in you as well.”

“I’m sorry.” Ryan gulped back his fear.

“You will have a lifetime to make it up to me, and it will take you that long.” Da was fighting his anger again. Dev sat up, with her twin sister still wrapped tightly around her. Da crossed the room and took Dev’s face between his hands, “And it will take me just as long to make my behavior today up to you. I am truly sorry, but I am so angry Devony, so angry.” he shook his head slowly.

Dev began sobbing harder, even JC began to cry. Da hugged Dev and Cat and then shook his head, wiping the tears off of his cheeks, “You girls and Joshua make a fierce team.”

Cat sniffled, wiping at her own eyes, “We learned our loyalty for you and Ma.”

“Hush child. We should not be crying like this.” He said with a shaky voice.

“Ma hates me.” Dev was hoarse from crying so long.

“I could never hate my own child.” Her mother answered from the door. She had composed herself and dried her eyes, “I will love you long after we are all dead and gone Devony.”

Lyn was sitting in Lance and Stasia’s room when Stasia came running in with two cameramen hot on her heels. She ran in, and held up a file folder, “You need to review this immediately. I need an answer quickly, Ryan Lace and I discussed everything, most of this list is from Ryan.” Lyn stared up and just nodded, “OH! And Mark has a new camera, so you are back on duty.” She winked.

Lyn smiled, “I’ll look at this and get back to you.”


“” Lyn opened the folder and then understood what Stasia was doing. The folder had a list of information about the plans Lance and Stasia had put together with Ryan for the proposal. She looked carefully over the details and smiled, it was obvious that Ryan knew her sister very well. Stasia, in typical Stasia style, had typed out the information.

Lyn quickly made a few notes on the page. She jumped up and ran down the hall to the elevators, Mark was right behind her. When she reached the lobby, she realized that she had no idea where Stasia had gone, so she flipped open her phone and hit speed dial.

“Stasia Blake.”

“Hey! Where are you?”

“I am currently sitting at a Black Jack table in the casino, winning. I may buy this hotel.”

Lyn laughed, “OK, so does that mean we stay here for free from now on?”

“Of course!”

“I have that information for you.”

“GOOD! Where are you?”

“Walking into the casino trying to find you.”

“Harry honey, stand up so Lyn can see you.”

Lyn spotted Lance’s head, “I see him.”

“Cool. HURRY!” Stasia closed her phone as Lyn walked over, followed by Mark and his new camera. Stasia blushed, “Nice new camera Mark. I’m really sorry about that. Send us the bill.”

Lance rolled his eyes, “Send HER the bill!”

Lyn gave Stasia the folder and hugged her, “You are the best.” She moved over and hugged Lance, “You too. I don’t deserve friends like you guys.”

Lance kissed her temple and whispered, “Yes you do. You deserve all of the best. How’d it go?”

“It went...ok. JC was AMAZING. I think it will be ok in the long run, but right now, it’s a little...touchy.”

“It will be ok.”

“Thanks. We just have to pull off this little stunt tonight.”

“This one will work like a charm, trust me. Hopefully...DEV WON’T TRY TO RUN AWAY!”

“I was TRYING TO PROTECT YOU!” Stasia stuck her tongue out and the dealer smirked.

“Hey...and so it goes Millie.” She smiled brightly.

Dev was looking at herself in the mirror, “Explain why there would be a LAST MINUTE, black tie event?”

“Because NSYNC can do whatever they want to do.” Lyn shrugged as she applied her lipstick.

“Why do I have to be there?” Dev whined.

“Because you could use something happy to think about for one night. All you need to do tonight is look beautiful and have fun.”

“I’m not going to look beautiful much longer. I’m going to get big and fat and ugly.”

“JUST SHUT UP DEV! You are going to be the most beautiful mother in the world! You look amazing right now.” Lyn fixed a loose hairpin at the back of Dev’s head.

Dev looked down at her dress, “So this dress is Stasia’s?” She smoothed the front of the black ball gown.

“Yep. As a matter of fact, it’s her lucky dress. She had it same day expressed from Mississippi for you. Do you recognize it?”

“It looks familiar, why is that?”

“It’s the dress she wore in Washington D.C. when they had dinner at the White House, the same night she and Lance admit that they were in love. There were pictures of them on MTV the next day, when the guys did that big interview with Carson.”

“Why would she do that? Why would she loan me THIS dress?”

“Because she’s sweet, she says it’s her lucky dress and that you would look pretty in it. Are you almost ready?”

“Yeah. I guess so. You look really pretty Lyn.”

“Thanks.” Lyn handed Dev her purse and made her way to the door.



“I will never be able to thank you for being there for me the way you were today. You didn’t have be so supportive, neither did JC.” A big tear rolled down her cheek.

Lyn ran over and wrapped her arms around her sister, “Hey now. No more crying today. I love you, JC loves you, that will NEVER change.”

“Thank you.”

Lyn kissed her on the top of the head, “Nothing to thank me for. Now let’s go to the party.”

Dev rested her head on Lyn’s shoulder, “I can’t stay up too much longer. I’m getting tired really easily lately.”

“I know. But this is pretty important to the guys.”

“Hey, I’m dressed in the party dress right? I owe JC, I wouldn’t miss his party for anything.”

Lyn linked her arm with her sister’s, “We are gonna knock ‘em dead.”

“Where is everyone else?”

“Dani and Morgan are helping Stasia put the finishing touches on the room. Angela is helping the guys get ready and over here from the venue. They should be here by now.” Don led the way through the lobby, where press was still camped out. As soon as they recognized Lyn, flashes began going off like crazy. She smiled and waved.

“Gosh! They really know you now.” Dev whispered.

“Dev honey, they know you too! Ryan is no slouch around here, they know who you are too.”

Dev smiled, “True. He’s not a slouch at all.”

“He is such a sweetie.”

“Yes he is.” Dev smiled again.

They reached the doors to the ballroom and one of the reporters yelled, “Lyn! What is the special occasion? This wasn’t on our official schedule!”

“It’s a just small family celebration!” She waved and guided Dev into the room.

Stasia, Dani, Morgan and Angela were each seated at their own table. The room was filled with sunflowers. It was quiet, except for Meredith, who was standing on a small platform, alone, humming. As soon as Lyn and Dev had walked into the room, she began quietly singing Reach . Dev smiled, “This is such a good song!”

Lyn grinned, “Yes it is. We better figure out where we’re supposed to sit before anyone else gets here.”

“Oh. OK...I just want to hear Meredith finish warming up.”

Stasia walked over, “I happen to know where you guys are supposed to be. Lyn, that table over there is yours, and Dev, you’re right here in the middle.”

“ME? Why am I in the center of everything?”

“Because I say so.” Stasia winked. “Doesn’t this song just get to you?”

Lyn nodded, “The lyrics are AMAZING!”

Dev was just staring at Meredith as she sang with more emotion than she could remember seeing during this song in the past. Stasia glanced over at Lyn and winked.

As Meredith finished her song, the doors opened again, and all of the guys walked in, dressed in tuxedos, smiling brightly. Each of them walked up Dev, giving her a sunflower. Joey was first, he hugged her tightly, “Congratulations! I will allow you to name the baby Joey.”

She grinned up at him, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Chris was next, he handed her his sunflower and said, “If you want to leave Ryan, I’ll leave Dani and we’ll run off to an island, and raise the baby like natives. We’ll run around naked, and make more native babies. And I will hunt for our dinner, and you will cook and clean our hut...wait...I don’t want to kill we’re gonna have to live on twigs and berries, but that’s all good. So then...” Lance clamped his hand over Chris’s mouth and shook his head.

“Go sit with Dani you idiot.” Lance kissed Dev’s hand, “Congratulations. I hope you find nothing but joy in you future.”

“Thanks you.” Dev was teary eyed.

Justin walked over, kissing the top of her head, he handed his sunflower and crouched down in front of her, “If he hurts you, or makes you cry, if the baby makes you crazy, if anything is EVER wrong. You call me. I’ll beat Ryan up...I’ll babysit...I’ll fix it for you.”

“I’ll remember that.” She pushed the tears off of her cheeks.

JC quietly walked over with tears already running down his cheeks, “You are my sister. In every sense of the word. I love you and I’ll do anything for you. You are so much like your sister, you have the same heart. Dev, he loves you.” He handed her a tissue.

She could only nod her head as JC kissed both cheeks and went to sit with a very teary eyed Lyn. Stasia and Lance had thought of every possible detail. The room was glowing with candlelight, there were sunflowers on every surface. Dev was fighting hard to regain her composure when the room was filled by the sound of one guitar.

Is it possible maybe to have a love so strong
That nothing could ever compare
I'm holding back nothing just for the look in your eyes
So baby don't be surprised

Well I want to know what makes your world go round
And I want to hear your voice for the sound
A love that defines all I've had in mind
Now I'm holding back nothing for the look in your eyes

Ryan walked down the stairs from the stage, across the room to Dev. He was smiling as he sang from his heart. As he passed JC and Lyn’s table, JC began to play and Ryan left his guitar on their table. He took Dev’s hand and continued to sing to her.

Impossible, maybe, but worth one last try
I'm waiting on your reply
I'm sitting here patiently just for the chance that I might be able to hold you tight
And I want to know what makes your world go round
And I want to hear your voice for the sound
A love that defines all I've had in mind
Now I'm holding back nothing for the look in your eyes

Now time is all that we have
So won't you let me inside your perfect world for one night
Just open up for me
Girl I swear that I will be everything you've ever thought a man should be

And I want to know what makes your world go round
And I want to hear your voice for the sound
A love that defines all I've had in mind
Now I'm holding back nothing for the look in your...

I can see the way you're lookin' back at me
Oooh... Could it be that you see what you want to see
Just let your eyes believe it
I'll never lie to you, in my arms you will be, forever and I...
I'm holding back nothing for the look in your eyes
The look in your eyes...

Dev was sobbing as he lowered himself to one knee in front of her, “Devony, I love you more than you will ever be able to understand. I can’t imagine a day without you in it, and honestly, I don’t want to imagine it. You make me whole and I want you to spend the rest of your life with me, I want you to be my wife. Dev, please, will you marry me?”

Dev covered her mouth with her free hand, and shut her eyes tightly. Everyone in the room held their breath. Her eyes fluttered open and met his. JC pulled the receipt for Dev’s ring out of his jacket. Lyn reached out and covered his hand with her, she shook her head. He raised an eyebrow in question, but before she could offer any sort of explanation, Dev squeaked, “Yes.”

Ryan was glowing, “Yes?”

Dev was nodding her head vigorously, “Yes. YES!”

Lyn threw her arms around JC’s neck, almost cutting of his oxygen. She kissed him soundly on the lips. His eyes grew wide and he smiled under the pressure of her lips. Her eyes were glowing and she was beaming when they broke contact. JC looked around the room and smiled at the scene happening around them.

Ryan and Dev were kissing passionately, Lance and Stasia were holding one another tightly. Justin was wiping tears off of Morgan’s cheeks with his thumbs. Dani had her face buried in Chris’s neck and Angela was kissing Joey all over his face. Meredith was clapping and squealing and bouncing up and down.

JC set his guitar down and stood up, he pulled Lyn to her feet, captured her around the waist and spun her around. Lyn threw her head back and giggled, “My little sister is getting married!”

“I KNOW!” JC kissed her.

Stasia ran over dragging Lance behind her, “I TOLD you that is a lucky dress!”

“You were SO right!” JC set Lyn down so she could hug Stasia.

The two women ran over to Dev and Ryan, “Dev!” Lyn hugged her sister tightly, “You have never made a better decision!”

Dev blushed, “I think you’re right about that.”

Ryan pulled on Dev’s hand, “Before we celebrate, can I give you your ring?”

“You have a ring?” Her eyes grew wide.

JC walked over beaming, “Dev, he’s had it for a month!”

“You mean...”

“Yeah. I’ve wanted to marry you since our first date.” He pulled the black velvet box out of his pocket and flipped it open. All of the girls burst into tears again.

Ryan took the ring out and slipped it on Dev’s finger. JC held Lyn tightly against his side, “This went well.”

“This is perfect.” She turned to Stasia and Lance, “How will I ever be able to thank you for all of this?”

Lance smirked, “Ehh...we love you. Plus, Ryan did all of the planning, we just put the plan into action for him. As far as we’re concerned, this is no big deal.”

“NO BIG DEAL!” Dev spun around, “This day has been filled with ups downs. It has been the most frightening day of my life, and the most wonderful. You put all of this together for us. Thank you so much.”

Stasia shrugged, “You know how much we like to plan parties.”

Three hours later, Lance and JC were sitting alone in the corner, watching the circle of girls across the room chatter about colors and flowers and dresses. Lance rolled his head along the back of the couch, “We aren’t going to sleep tonight are we?”

“Are you kidding. A bunch of girls, just got to watch one of their own get engaged. All we are going to hear about until this wedding is over is how WONDERFUL it’s going to be, and then we will hear about how BEAUTIFUL it was, except that our women would have just changed a few things. THEN they are going to list off all of the things that should have been different.”

Lance smirked, “I honestly don’t mind.”

“Me neither.”

Stasia came across the room and flopped down on Lance’s lap. He laughed, “Hey JC, do you remember when she wouldn’t sit on my lap unless I knocked her feet out from under her?”

“Hush up Harry! I have to tell you something.”

He raised an eyebrow, “You don’t have to tell me anything Dev told Ryan today do you?” She narrowed her eyes at him and he swallowed hard, “KIDDING DARLIN’! KIDDING!”

She rolled her eyes, “ANYWAY! Um...we are sort having a wedding at the house.”

JC cocked his head, “The house? Who’s house?”

Lance’s arms slipped around Stasia’s waist and he smiled, “Our house.”

“Hold up. OUR house?”

Stasia nodded, “Yeah.” She looked down into Lance’s dancing eyes, “OUR house.”

“Since when?”

“Since we decided a week or so ago.” Lance was still staring up at Stasia.


“So we’re throwing a wedding huh?” Lance caressed her cheek.

“Yes we are.” He lashes fluttered shut at his touch, “We talked about JC’s house in LA, and Justin’s in Orlando, but our house in Mississippi is the best, because it’s the biggest pain for the press to get to, and once we are all inside the gates, photographers can’t get pictures. Plus, it will be beautiful outside, we can do it near the pool...or the lake...or the garden...or near the house.”

Lance nodded, “Sure. Whatever they want.”

“So it’s ok with you.”

“Millie, it’s your house too. Of course it’s ok with me.”

“Have I ever mentioned I love you?”

“Nope. I don’t think so.” He shook his head.

“LORD! That is a crime! I, Anastasia Elizabeth Blake, LOVE you, James Lance Bass!”

“I, Harry, love you, Millie!” He kissed her.

She stood up and looked down at him, “That’s the best part. I know that.”

“So do I, do I.” He watched her as she walked back over to the girls and fell back into the animated conversation about the wedding.

JC smiled, “You guys are so...”

“Sickening?” Lance offered.

“I was going to say sweet, or perfect, or loving or good together. I guess it still amazes me how open you are in front of all of us, and how good it makes me feel to see it.”

“You know what? When you almost lose the person who completes you, you stop worrying about who is in the room when you want to say ‘I love you.’”

“That had to be the most frightening day, when she was attacked. It was scary for us, it had to kill you.”

Lance shook his head, “Yeah, that was scary, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, after the second attack, when even I couldn’t always get to her. You have no idea how many nights Jess and I talked about ways to pull her out again. To get her to let go of the fear, or to just ADMIT she was afraid. The day she passed out in front of the Plaza in New York, I wasn’t sure I was ever really going to get her back. Lyn is the one that finally gave her back to me. The one that explained what we had all been afraid to say to her.”

“Can I tell you something?”

“Nah.” Lance pretended to stand up.


“What do you want to tell me?”

“I wake up early every morning, just so I can watch Lyn sleep. I lay there and watch her breathe. I just stare at her and wonder what I have done in my life to make me worthy of being with her. How can I be so lucky?”

“I understand that feeling.” Lance nodded.

“I never knew being in love would feel like this. I would do anything to protect her.”

“I know.”

“I know this is the last thing you want to talk about right now, but I want to go over the deposition again.” Jess’s voice filled the room.

Lyn stuck her tongue out at the speaker phone, “Why do we have to go over it AGAIN?”

“Because I don’t trust the guy and he went in that direction for a reason. Why could your relationship with JC have any bearing on the case at all?”

“It shouldn’t. I don’t know, you tell me!”

“They are going to use your very public relationship with JC to say that you aren’t a fit moral example, that much is clear.”

“Why would my friendship, and then my relationship make me immoral?”

“I have no idea. They are stupid, but stupid can be dangerous, which is why we are talking about this again. And STOP rolling your eyes at me.”

“I’M NOT!”

“You are too. So, I need you to think HARD, I want you to make a list of ANYTHING you have EVER done, that could be thought of immoral. I don’t care if it’s stealing candy when you were in second grade, I don’t want any surprises.”


“I’m serious, ANYTHING, ever.”

“OK...anything ever...”

“Oh, Lyn, you realize this could get ugly right?”

“Jess, you’re scaring me.”

“I don’t mean to scare you, but I want you to be completely prepared. They are not about to play fair. The whole, this is my stepfather stunt illustrates that point. Those two are looking for shock value.”

“Yeah, I noticed that.”

“OK, I’m going, you make that list.”

“Alright. I’ll talk to you soon.” Lyn hit the speaker button and pinched the bridge of her nose, “Damn.”

“What are you doing in here?” Johnny was standing in the doorway.

“I was on the phone.” Lyn started collecting her paperwork.

“The room is reserved for NSYNC related business, not Free Lance.”

“Don’t blame Lance, it was a personal call and this is the only speaker phone on the floor..”

Johnny rolled his eyes, “Even better, this isn’t your office, if I recall, you have a perfectly good office in Mississippi you could be using.”

“Sorry Johnny.” Lyn started to leave the room.

“Why are you here?” His voice was somehow softer.

“What?” Her brow furrowed.

“Why are you here, on this tour?”

“Because I work for Lance and Stasia, I used to work for YOU.” She turned to face him.

“This isn’t where you belong. You’re a teacher.”

“That isn’t an option right now.”

“Yeah, but what is going to happen when it is an option again? Then you’ll be back in Orlando and JC will be here on tour, then what?”

“That may never happen. I don’t know. Why do you care?”

He made an odd face and then sighed, “They are my responsibility. I just want to know when we are going to have to deal with JC doing substandard shows, because his little girlfriend went home and broke his heart.”

“JC has never done, and will never do a substandard show. None of them have. They perform when they are sick, they perform when they are exhausted, they perform happy or sad. They have never, and will never let down their fans. You really don’t know much about any of them do you?” She turned on her heel and stalked down the hall.

The door closed and Johnny looked down at the file he had been holding to his chest, “Damn it, why do they have to love one another so much.” He looked one last time at the pictures in the file before dialing the phone, “It’s Johnny...yeah...I’ll have you’re damn money in two days. You’re a bastard, you know that right?” He slammed the receiver down and closed his eyes.

July 31, 2001 Tampa, Florida

Looking down at her fingers laced through JC’s Lyn smiled. Blarney was trotting along next to her and Tipperary was waddling next to JC, “You know she’s getting pudgy, right?”

He looked down at her, “Who?”


“SHUT UP! She is just fine! My baby is NOT pudgy! She’s a puppy! She has a LITTLE TINY bit of baby fat! YOUR DOG is too skinny, sickly even!”

“SICKLY! She is PERFECTLY healthy! THAT is a muscular puppy!” She pointed down at Blarney.

“Whatever! She has NO MEAT on her bones.”

“Sort of like YOU!” Lyn stuck her tongue out.

He stopped short, causing her to jerk to a halt after his arm was stretched out to it’s full length, “You did NOT just call me..your boyfriend...the love of your life...the beat of your heart...the light of your eye, boney.” He jerked her arm until she slammed, giggling, into his chest.

“The beat of my heart? Good LORD! And, YES I did call you boney. What are you going to do about it?”

He jerked the hem of his t-shirt up, poking himself in the stomach, “LOOK at the belly, I’m all doughy! I mean, my arms are cut, cause I’m a stud like that, but...”


“Uh huh.” He grinned down at her.

“You do know how silly that was right?”

“I’m aware.” His grin grew into a smile.

“So stud, are you going to kiss your girlfriend, the light of you life...the joy of your every waking moment...the reason for which you breathe...the evening rain on the lawn of your life?”

“EVENING RAIN? I have to kiss you to shut you up!” He kissed her and they both laughed.

“I might have gone a little too far with the lawn thing.”

“Maybe just a little.”

“So I have a question for you.”

“What’s that?” They began walking again.

“I need you to tell me, anything you have seen me do that could be seen as immoral.”


“Yeah. Everything I have ever done that is immoral.”

“I hate to break it to you, but you don’t have an immoral bone in your body. I have NEVER seen you do an immoral thing!”

“That is NOT true! Just the other day I did that thing with my tongue, and you said...”


“What? I happen to think that was pretty immoral.” She smiled up at him and he blushed.

He smirked, “OK, you have a point, but WHY are we having this conversation?”

“Jess wants me to make a list of ANYTHING that Reagan could even attempt to use against me. She said if I stole candy in the second grade, she wants it on the list. I am having a hard time doing this, I mean...I guess I don’t think I do a lot the I think is immoral.”

“Me neither.”

“More than half of your dance moves are immoral.”

“I MEANT that I don’t think you do immoral stuff either. And our dance moves are NOT immoral...suggestive maybe, but it’s not like we’re naked.”

“Only in your fans’ minds.”

“HA! LYN! HA!”

“OK, so seriously, help me here.”

“OH! I have one!”

“OK, what have you got?”

“Remember that night in high school that you and I egged that guys house after he dumped Brenna the day before the dance.”

Lyn smirked, “I had forgotten about that. OK, that’s a good one.”

“OH! And what about that time you were trying to read that map while you were driving, and you were swerving and that cop pulled you over for drunk driving?”

“THAT was NOT my fault! And I wasn’t drunk!”

“Yeah I know, but it was funny! And you WERE pulled over.”

“I’ll put it on the list, but I don’t think it counts.”

“Is it immoral to wear that red dress you wore our senior year to Homecoming?”

“There was nothing wrong with that dress.”

“SURE! Lyn, if you would have moved a fraction of an inch in the wrong direction, you would not have had any secrets left.”

“I do NOT believe you! There was nothing wrong with that dress, besides, if Da let me out of the house, you should not have had a problem with it.”

“Da was in IRELAND at the time, you forget, I know more about you than you do!”

“Oh wow! You’re right, he was in Ireland wasn’t he.” She laughed, “I had forgotten about that.”

“So to answer your question, off of the top of my head, no I can’t really think of anything, but I will honestly try if it will help.”

“It will help.”

“So we are changing the subject now. I think we should get ice cream.”

“I LOVE ice cream!”

“I know you do! You love ice cream more than you love me don’t you?”

Lyn thought for a second, “It’s close...but I love you more than ice cream.”

“I got lucky on that one.”

“Yes, yes you did.” She leaned up and kissed him.
~Chapter Twenty-Three~