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Chapter 23

“You’re SURE that you put the right account number in? Are you POSITIVE about that balance? Uh huh...uh huh...sure...and the last four direct deposit amounts were for HOW MUCH? OK, thank you for your help.” Lyn hung up the phone and stared at it for a moment before getting up and walking across JC’s dressing room. She ran into Ron and looked up at him with a glazed look in her eyes, “Ron, have you seen Lance or Stasia?”

“They are both out in the parking lot with Jake.”

“Ok, thanks.”

“Hey Lyn, are you OK?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m fine. Thanks Don.”


“Sorry. Thanks Ron.” She wandered out into the parking lot.

Stasia was on Lance’s back, and they were chasing Jake, who was barking loudly, in a zig zagging pattern.

Stasia waved, “Hey Lyn!”

Lyn walked over and stopped in front of them. Lance looked her over and lowered Stasia to the ground, “Are you OK? Is there something wrong with Dev? Did Jess call?” He put his hands on her shoulders.

“Everything is fine...well sort of, I feel so stupid, but I think I owe you guys some money...a lot of money.”

Stasia shifted her weight to one hip, “Why on Earth would you owe us any money?”

“You know the whole direct deposit, paycheck thing?”


“I think they transferred too much money into my account, every time I got paid.”

“Well we’ve only paid you four times right?” Stasia cocked her head and said, “May 30th, June 15th, and 30th, and July 15th right?”

“Yeah.” Lyn nodded. “The thing is, I haven’t exactly been balancing my bank accounts regularly, so I called the bank to make sure I’m not getting close to being overdrawn, and well...they told me I have more money than I think I should. So I asked for the last four deposits, and I’m pretty sure the amounts are wrong.”

“That is so strange, because our books have balanced to the penny as of...what Friday, Harry?”

“Yep. Friday. Free Lance and a Happy Place were both perfect.” He nodded.

“But...guys, they have received four $4,200.00 deposits.” Lyn whispered. Lance and Stasia both burst out laughing, “I TOLD YOU! Isn’t that INSANE?” Her eyes were huge.

Lance shook his head, “Lyn honey, what did you THINK you were getting paid?”

“I don’t know. I figured it would be the same as my salary before.”

“LYN! Do you know how much work you do?” Lance smacked himself on the forehead, “What were you making when you were teaching?”


Now it was time for Stasia’s eyes to grow wide, “ARE YOU SERIOUS! You only got paid $40,000.00 a year for dealing with thirty students, their parents AND Powers?”

“Um...yeah. That’s actually a very good salary for someone who has been teaching as long as I have.”

Lance shook his head, “That is criminal. Seriously, they wonder why they can’t find decent teachers and then they pay them next to nothing.”

“So, yeah, anyway...I’ll just write you a check.” Lyn offered.

Lance smiled at Stasia who shook her head, “Lyn, the deposits are right. You are making exactly what I was making when I was hired by Free Lance a year ago.”

Lyn squinted her eyes, “ARE YOU TWO HIGH?”

Lance looked down at Stasia who grinned, “Nope. I’m not high. Are you high Harry.”

“Nope. Not high.” He shook his head.

“Do you realize that $4,200.00 bi-monthly works out to OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR.”

“$100,800.00.” Stasia yawned.

“You can’t pay me that much!”

Lance grinned, “I beg to differ. And I hate to point it out, but in the music industry, for the job you do, you are SERIOUSLY underpaid.”


“That’s just the way it goes. We aren’t about to reduce your salary, so my suggestion would be, buy yourself something fun.” Lance teased her.


Stasia smiled, “Lyn are you HONESTLY arguing for a pay REDUCTION?”

Lyn smirked, “That is a little crazy isn’t it?”

“You’re being paid LESS than your worth, please don’t be upset about it.”

“I just...I never thought...I did this as a favor...and I...GOD! THANK YOU!” She threw her arms around them.

“You’re very welcome.” Lance laughed, “But what did we do as a favor?”

“Hiring me.”

“I don’t see a situation that has been a benefit to the company as a favor.”

“Well thanks just the same.”

“Why doesn’t every employee thank us when they find out what they’re getting paid?” Stasia teased.

“That is a very good question! Someone get Momma on the phone!”

Lyn laughed, “I know I keep saying this, but, you guys are the best.”

JC walked over with Blarney and Tipperary, “Ron said you looked strange and that you called him Don, are you ok?”

“Oh, yeah. I’m fine I thought there was a problem with my bank account.”

“Was there?”

“Um yeah, my employers are insane.”

“WE ARE NOT!” Stasia stood with her hands on her hips.

JC rolled his eyes, “That is debatable. What did they do?”

“Snapdragon, they are paying more more than a hundred thousand dollars a year.”

“Uh huh...and what’s the insane part?”

“THANK YOU!” Stasia nodded, “I told you that wasn’t out of line for your job.”

They all turned when Dev came running across the parking lot, “LYN! STASIA! HELP!”

“What? What’s wrong? Do we need to go to the hospital?” Lyn turned pale.

Dev cocked her head, “No. Why would you think THAT?”

“Because my pregnant sister is running towards me screaming that she needs help.”

“Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense.” Dev shrugged, “So ANYWAY! I need your help!”

“What’s up?” Stasia grinned.

“Flowers. What kinds of flowers should I be using in Mississippi in September?”

JC grabbed Lance’s arm and screamed, “RUN!” The two of the went running full speed back into the venue.

Stasia rolled her eyes, “They are going to be a PAIN!”

Lyn rubbed her hands together, “Flowers huh? Ok, what did you have in mind Four?”

“I was thinking bright colors. Would you guys mind wearing red?”

Lyn shook her head, “I’ll wear day glow yellow if that’s what you want. Bren will love it because she looks good in red, and you know Cat’s favorite color is red.”

Stasia nodded, “You’ll all look beautiful.”

“What about you Stasia? Do you have a problem with red?”

“Me? Uh uh. Why would that matter?”

“STASIA! You’re going to be in the wedding...AREN’T YOU?” Dev’s eyebrows shot up.

“Me? You want ME in the wedding? ME?”

“Well yeah! Didn’t I already ask you? I thought I did...shoot, since I got pregnant I can’t remember my own name!”


Dev laughed, “Yes you! Will you do it?”

“OH MY GOD YES!” Stasia hugged Dev tightly, “THANK YOU!”

“Thank you! If it weren’t for you and Lance, I wouldn’t have met Ryan, I would be getting married in a court house and my sister would not be with JC, besides, I consider you a friend.”

“If your family was any sweeter, I’d die!”

Lyn slipped between them, wrapping an arm around each of them, “So, about those flowers...” They walked back to the building giggling and discussing colors and centerpieces.

Lance and JC were laughing as they burst through the door from the parking lot, followed by the three dogs, barking at their heels. “Women and weddings.” JC shook his head.

“We knew it was coming.” Lance smirked.

Ryan came around the corner, “Did you guys hear Birmingham was cancelled?”

“Hurricane crap?” Lance yawned.

“Yeah, were going home for a couple of days.” Ryan nodded, “I was wondering if you guys could do a couple of favors for me?”

“Sure. What’s up?” JC nodded.

“Well, first, I was hoping you’d go with me to talk to Mr. McLachlan. I figure if we’re going to be in Orlando, I better try to talk to him again.”

“Bold move my friend, but a good idea, you need back up I’m there.”

“Would you go too Lance? I mean, you know me the best, and that might help. Dev says her dad likes you.”

“Sure buddy.” Lance nodded.

“What else can we do for you...besides putting our lives on the line with Da?” JC laughed.

Ryan smiled, “I’ve been thinking about the wedding and everything, and I was thinking, if you want to...I want you guys to be my best men.”

Lance just stared. Ryan smiled, “Lance?”


“Yeah, would you do it?”


“Yeah you.”

“YES! WOW! YES! UH HUH!” Lance nodded.

“Yes, wow, yes, uh huh what?” Stasia wrapped her arms around Lance’s waist.

“JC and I are gonna be best men.” Lance smiled like a little child.

“You ARE?” Stasia kissed his neck, “Very cool.”

Lyn hugged JC, “Best man huh? Best at what?” She winked.

“Everything Sweetpea, everything.” he kissed her nose.

Stasia glanced down at her watch, “Lyn, is there any way you can shoot over to the venue where Meredith performing tomorrow?”

“Sure. We aren’t heading out to Alabama, so it should be easy. The drive will be fun, I haven’t driven my own car in ages.”

Don tapped her on the shoulder, “And you won’t be doing it tomorrow either. Sorry kiddo, you ride with me.”

“Awe MAN!” Lyn pouted.

“It’s just that we’ve never dealt with these people before and I feel like there is something sketchy, which is why I’m sending Ron and Don with you. Dev, I was thinking you could hang with Lonnie and I, would you mind helping me out while Lyn is gone, we have a bunch of stuff coming to a head all at once. Lance is going to be with Ryan, I have to deal with some stuff at Jive, so it really helps for you to go out there for us.”

“Not a problem, that’s what I’m here for.” Lyn smiled, “She is scheduled to arrive there at three for sound check, right?”

Stasia smiled, “THIS is why I love you, you remember EVERYTHING!”

“I’m a Palm Pilot with feet.”

Lyn smoothed the front of her plain white t-shirt, she grinned at her reflection. She was wearing her favorite black, wide legged pants, a pair of black loafers, and a black belt. Reaching over to pick up the phone, she sprayed on her perfume and flipped the phone open. “Lyn McLachlan.”

“We’re out front, you ready to roll?” Don asked.

“I’ll be down in three seconds!” She flipped the phone shut, dropped it into her black bag and grabbed her watch and earrings off of the dresser on her way out of the room.

She kissed JC, who was watching TV on her couch in a pair of sweat pants and a wife beater, on the top of his head, “I’ll see you after your little meeting with Da. I love you.”

“I expect a proper kiss, I have to face a pissed off Da, I need the support.”

She walked around the couch, took his face between her hands and kissed him soundly, “Better?” she put in her second earring.

“Much.” He grinned, “Have your passes?”

“Yep.” She patted her bag, “I also have my phone if you need to call me to calm down my father. I should be back here around ten thirty.”

“I’ll be here.” He grinned.


Pulling the door closed behind her, Lyn trotted down the sidewalk to Ron’s car. Sliding into the backseat she kissed each of the on the cheek, “Good afternoon boys!”

“Well you’re in a great mood.” Don glanced back over his shoulder.

“Why wouldn’t I be? I spent the morning on my couch in my pajamas, watching Scooby Doo with my boyfriend. Now I’m going to see the sweetest girl in the world perform a concert with two of my favorite guys, all in all, this is a good day! Did I mention the sun is shining?”

Ron laughed, “You hadn’t mentioned it, but you’re right. I’m glad we’re with you today and not Stasia, she gets cranky when her schedule is thrown off, she was expecting to be in Alabama today, she’s all pissy.”

“Oh come on! She isn’t that bad.”

“Before she hired you, when she was studying for her exams in Michigan, SHE BIT ME ONCE!” Ron smirked.

“What did you do to prompt her into biting you?”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“That’s not what you told me.” Don shook his head, “You told me that you were throwing those goldfish crackers at her while she was studying, and that she bit you when you reached in front of her face to pull one out of her hair.”

“I would have bitten you too.” Lyn nodded.

They rode laughing and talking for an hour, Lyn rolled her eyes when she was interrupted by her phone ringing, “Remind me I was at the part where JC’s pants ripped.” She smirked, “Lyn McLachlan.”

“Lyn, it’s Meredith.”

“Hey sweetie, what’s up? I should be there in about twenty minutes.”

“Lyn, it’s crazy here. There is no where for me to go other than the bus, and I think there is a minor riot happening outside.”

“When you say minor riot, what exactly do you mean?” Lyn scowled.

“Like guys throwing rocks and stuff. They are screaming, I guess the crowd thought Faith Hill was going to be here. And now we can’t leave, the venue people are screaming about my contract and they locked the gate, so the crowd is locked in AROUND the bus.”


“Yeah, we got into the parking lot, and they only have one entrance, so I’m locked in.”

“Meredith, STAY PUT and I’ll call you back in ten minutes. Whatever you do, do NOT get off of that bus until you see me with Don and Ron, DO NOT let Micky open the door for anyone else, just the three of us, OK?”


Lyn scrolled through her Palm Pilot and pulled up the number for the manager of the venue. She quickly dialed and waited for the man to pick up, “Yeah?”

“Buck? This is Lyn McLachlan from Free Lance, I hear you’ve got a bit of a situation on your hands out there.”

“Hey Lyn. Situation? No, we have a slightly rowdy crowd but not a situation.”

“Is the gate locked Buck?”


“What is all of the noise in the background?”

“The radio.”

“Could you please turn it off so I can hear you?” She rolled her eyes.

“It’s stuck.” “Maybe you should just let me talk to Stacy Lofton. She is the one who I originally talked to. And you’re performer needs to get on stage for a sound check in five minutes.”

“Stacy is in Mississippi. I am here and five minutes away from the venue. Meredith has been instructed to stay put until I get there to survey the situation. I expect that the car I’m in will be allowed onto the grounds.”

“Oh yeah, sure. Come find me when you get here.”

“I plan on it.”

Ron glanced back at her, “What’s up?”

“Meredith is frightened, apparently there is some sort of riot going on. I could hear people screaming and yelling in the background, and they didn’t sound like happy concert goers. I told her to stay put until we get there. I may pull her if I don’t think it’s safe.”

“Agreed. We are almost there, hold tight.” The truck began bouncing as Ron drove up over the curb and along next to traffic, “We are not leaving a seventeen year old girl there by herself.” They bounced up to the gate and the guys climbed out to talk to security. The man at the gate nodded and unlocked the gate for them. Ron pulled in, laying on the horn.

They pulled up next to Meredith’s bus and Lyn was frightened to see broken glass and rocks littering the ground around the bus. People were milling around, screaming and yelling, there were several fight that no one was attempting to break up. “I don’t believe this!”

“YOU are NOT getting out of this truck Lyn.” Ron pointed at her.

“BULL! I’m NOT leaving her on that bus alone, and I’m SURE AS HELL not staying here ALONE!”

“Lyn, don’t go all Stasia on me!”

“Stasia has nothing to do with this! I’m getting on the bus, and I’m doing it now.” Before they could stop her, Lyn was sliding out of the truck and stalking over to the bus. She pounded on the door and stomped up the stairs when Micky opened it for her. Meredith was sitting on the couch staring out the window with wide eyes, “Hey sweetie. Seems that we have you booked to perform in a war zone today.”

“It sort of looks that way. I didn’t know what to do.” Meredith nodded, “You have NO IDEA how happy I am to see you!”

“This is NUTS! You are NOT going out there to perform.”

“I don’t want to disappoint people.”

“These people are not going to calm down and sit nicely to listen to you. Nope, I’m sorry, but we are getting OUT OF HERE!”

“I don’t think this is the day to argue.” Meredith nodded.

Ron and Don stomped up the stairs and Lyn quickly saw the fire in their eyes, “Young lady, if you EVER pull a stunt like that again, I will turn you over my knee and spank you like a child, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?” Don glared.

Lyn nodded, “Uh huh.”

“Now that we’ve cleared that up, there is some Bunky guy outside he wants to talk to you about sound check.”


“Whatever. Some guy who needs a haircut, is waiting to talk to you.” Don rolled his eyes.

“He can come up.”

“OK.” Don walked over to the door and waved the guy onto the bus.

He walked up the stairs and smiled, “Hi ladies. Are we ready to scurry over to the stage for sound check?” His tone of voice enraged Lyn instantly.

She set her bag on the table and flipped her phone open, “You’re going to have to hang on a second Buck.” She dialed a number and waited for the person on the other end to pick up, “Hey. It’s Lyn, I’m out here with Meredith and I’m calling to let you know I’m about to execute the safety clause of Meredith’s contract.”

“I’m not about to ask any questions. Call when you can.”

“Believe me, I will.” Lyn flipped her phone shut, “Here’s the situation Buck. As Meredith’s manager, I have made the decision to pull her from this show. She is in physical danger and paragraph 14 of her contract allows for us to pull her from any situation that puts her in danger. And I am making the decision to do that.”

“OH NO YOU’RE NOT! This crowd is already ticked off because Faith Hill isn’t here.”

“Faith Hill was never on the bill as far as we knew.” She shifted her weight, placing her hand on her hip.

“It was a marketing gimic.”

“Well, looks like it just blew up in your face, because now you don’t have Meredith either. I’m not about to send her out there to face YOUR mistake!”

“I’m not about to let you leave.” He took a step closer to her.

Don took a step forward, but stopped in his tracks when Lyn held up her hand toward him, “You’re not going to let us leave?” She laughed, “RIGHT! There is not a darn thing you can do to stop us. We already have grounds to sue you, my suggestion would be you not make matters worse by adding criminal charges for kid napping to the list.”

“Are you threatening me little girl?”

“Not at all, I’m just explaining the situation. I suggest that you get off of this bus, get security to clear a path to the gate and consider yourself lucky that Lance or Stasia didn’t come here today. You are getting off easy.”

“I’m not going anywhere, neither are you. I want to talk to Lance Bass NOW!”

“Fine.” Lyn shrugged and opened her phone and dialed. She waited for Lance to pick up and sighed heavily, “Hey Lance. It’s Lyn. Buck here would like to talk to you.”


Lyn passed the phone to Buck who began ranting immediately, “Bass, you better get you’re girl in line, because she seems to think that she can take Meredith out of here without the girl performing. I have an angry crowd as is, I’m not about to go out there without your performer!”

“What did Lyn say?”

“She says she’s pulling Meredith.”

“Then consider Meredith pulled. Any decision Lyn makes is final, I would never second guess her. Now I have a very important meeting to go to. I want my staff out of there in ten minutes or our lawyer will be the next person you talk to.” Lance hung up.


“Oh don’t worry about writing it down. Here’s my card, and Lance’s. Do you want Stasia’s too, are you going to sue her as well...after all, she IS one of the partners?” Lyn pulled out three business cards and held them out to him.

He snatched them out of her hand and growled, “You have a lot of attitude for someone I could lay out with one punch.”

Lyn rolled her eyes, “I wouldn’t suggest that. Before you got close Don and Ron over there would have you pinned to the floor.” She pushed past him, “Micky, get ready to roll. Meredith, you can ride here on the bus or with the boys and I, it’s up to you but either way, you’re going back to Orlando with me now.”

“I’ll come with you.” Meredith followed her down the stairs.

A large man in the crowd tried to grab Lyn as she walked the truck, before Don could react, Lyn pushed the guy back and practically growled, “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!” She stomped the rest of the way to the van, leaving Ron and Don staring wide eyed.

Lyn crawled into the backseat and shook her head, “UNBELIEVABLE!”

Meredith slid in next to her and giggled, “You’re out of control!”

“NO ONE is going to put you in danger! I will NOT tolerate that! Not to mention the fact that this guy is a total idiot who sold tickets under false pretenses. Stasia would have KILLED HIM!”

Ron closed his door, “I hate to tell you this, but I’ve never seen Stasia stand her ground like that before, you put that guy in his place! She is going to be so proud of you and that mouth of your’s.”

“I’m sorry, but this is INSANE! The guy wants me to let Meredith go out onto the stage after those freaks have been throwing bottles and rocks at the bus for an hour! YEAH RIGHT! Stupid crackhead!”

Ron and Don both burst into loud laughter, “I thought the guys were tough to deal with, you girls are twice as bad. And WHAT was the deal shoving that guy back there?”

“He tried to grab me.” She shrugged, “I better have Jamie whip up a press release about this.” She quickly dialed the office, “Hey Jamie, it’s Lyn. Can you do me a favor and type up a press release?”

“Sure thing. What do you need me to put in it?”

“You need to say that Free Lance made the decision to pull Meredith from a performance today. She will reschedule and people holding tickets from today’s date will have those tickets honored.”

“Sure thing. Is everything OK?”

“It is now! Thanks Jamie.”

“Not a problem.”

Lyn settled back against the seat, “Well, that takes care of that. So Meredith, do you feel like shopping?”

JC glanced over at Ryan in the passenger seat, “You’re leg is bouncing awfully hard there buddy.”

“I’m going to throw up. Just so you know, I AM going to throw up.”

“Not in my car you’re not.” JC laughed.

“I’ll try but no promises.” Ryan swallowed hard.

“You better calm down or Mr. McLachlan is going to eat you for dinner, Ry.” Lance offered from the backseat.


“Sorry.” Lance smirked.

JC pulled into the McLachlan’s drive and grinned, “Let’s go men.”

“This may not have been my best idea.” Ryan didn’t move.

JC got out and walked around to Ryan’s door, he opened it and smiled, “This IS a good idea and we’re here, don’t freak out on us now.”

Lance smirked as he turned the ringer off on his phone, “I’m thinking we shouldn’t get interrupted.”

“OH! Good idea.” JC did the same.

“Is he expecting us?” Ryan asked as they walked to the door.

“Well, he’s expecting ME.” JC said as he opened the door.

“YOU DIDN’T TELL HIM I WAS COMING?” Ryan whispered loudly.

“Figured he’d say no.” JC shrugged.

“OH GOD!” Ryan ran his hand over his face.

“DA! We’re here!” JC shouted as her walked into the kitchen. Clover ran over and he bent to scratch her head.

“I’m in the study Joshua! Who is we?” Da answered.

“Hi Mr. McLachlan!” Lance yelled as they made their way through the living room.

“JAMES! How are you son?”

“I’m great, thanks! We brought Ryan with us too.” Lance and JC walked into the study together, followed by Ryan.

Mr. McLachlan’s smile fell from his face, “You could have told me you were bringing your friends Joshua.”

“I didn’t think it would matter Da. You love Lance, and Ryan is part of the family now.”


“Da, Ryan is trying to do the right thing.”

“How is the house in Mississippi , James? I know you were tiling the bathroom yourself.”

“It is really coming together. Stasia and I are doing the work together. It has been a lot of fun, and it’s gratifying doing the work ourselves.”

“When are you going to marry that girl and make your mother the happiest woman in the world?”

“I’d say sooner rather than later.” Lance smiled.

“I’m glad to hear that. You make sure you do the right thing.”

“I will.” Lance smiled.

“Mr. McLachlan, I want to tell you I’ve asked Dev to marry me. I wanted to ask you first, but...that wasn’t possible.” Ryan looked over at JC who smiled.

“So James, do you have a plan? Have you thought things through? You know women dream of the day they are asked for their hand.” Mr. McLachlan was ignoring the fact that Ryan was even in the room.

“Yes. I’ve got a plan, I hope it will live up to Stasia’s expectations. I wish you could have seen the way Ryan proposed to Dev. He planned the most beautiful night for her, and we were all there.”

JC leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, “Da, please think about how difficult it is for Ryan to be here facing you. You should listen to what he has to say.”

“Joshua, I am trying so hard to keep myself from disliking this boy.”

“Mr. McLachlan, I know it’s hard to hear this from me, since you didn’t get a chance to know me before all of this happened, but I love your daughter with all my heart and I will do ANYTHING to make her happy. Including coming here to try to get to know you, and to try to help you get to know who I really am.”

Mr. McLachlan rubbed his hands over his face and sighed, “I thought Allyn would be the first of my daughters to get married. I thought you would be my first son-in-law, Joshua. I didn’t think Devony would be pregnant and marrying a BOY I know nothing about.”

“I know Da, but Dev knows him, and loves him. I know him and I like him a lot, he’s good for Dev, and more importantly, he’s good TO Dev.”

Lance nodded, “I’ve know him for a a lot longer than everyone else, and I can honestly say that Ryan is a good guy. He is kind and JC is right, he loves Dev.”

“I hope that one day, we will not be uncomfortable with one another.” Mr. McLachlan sighed, “You have to be patient with me, I’m an old man, and I have five daughters.”

“We have the rest of our lives to get to know one another, and to become friends.” Ryan offer his hand.

Lyn’s father took his hand, shook it and said, “Take care of my daughter.”

“I would die for her.”

Da nodded slowly, “I think we could all use a drink. Whiskey boys?”

Ron pulled into Justin’s driveway and stopped the car. Lyn and Meredith got out of the backseat with several shopping bags. They walked up the front stair and Lyn let herself in, “B.B. WHERE IS EVERYBODY?”


Lyn led Meredith through the house and out onto Justin’s patio, where he was sitting with Lance, Stasia, JC, Dev and Ryan. Morgan was swimming laps in the pool. Lance shifted to watch them walk out. “So, I’m guessing there is a MAJOR story to tell about about the concert.”

Ron and Don walked around the corner of the house and Ron shouted, “Lyn put Stasia’s biggest scene to shame today. FIRST she put this venue guy Blinky in his place. THEN she shoves a guy who tried to grab her. It was UNREAL!”

“SHOVED A GUY?” JC asked as he reached for her hand.

“I was ticked off and he tried to grab me. And Ron, you know very well it’s Buck.”

“Buck, Blinky...same difference.”

“Yeah well, I was not about to let Meredith go onto that stage. There was a full on riot out there today. When I saw broken glass and rocks around the bus, I made my mind up right away. So we went shopping.” Lyn shrugged.

Stasia’s eye lit up, “What did you buy?”

“Shoes and I got this for you Snapdragon.” Lyn handed JC a box.

“For me?” He grinned.

“Yep. Open it.”

JC opened the box and laughed, “Sweetpea, am I correct in saying this is A SNAPDRAGON?” He pulled the potted plant out of the box.

“That’s correct.” She grinned.

“Very cool. Can we plant it at my house?”

“Of course we can.”


Dev grinned, “So Lyn, I have pictures of dresses for you to look at.”

“I would be happy to do that, as soon as I get the recap on the meeting with Da. How are you doing Ryan?”

“I the long run we’ll be ok.”

JC nodded, “He did great. I think he’s winning Da over.”

“That is fantastic!” Lyn jumped up and hugged Ryan, “I’m so excited you’re going to be my brother!”

“I’m not sure I’m ready for FOUR sisters...but I think I’m getting four great sisters.”

Dev and Lyn giggled, “Well...Three GREAT sisters, and one...Brenna.” Lyn smiled.

“ALLYN!” JC pulled her back onto his lap.

“You’re just mad you didn’t say it first.”

“True.” He smiled.

Joey and Angela walked through the door with a stacks of pizza boxes, Chris and Dani were close behind with cases of beer, “You’d think we hadn’t hung out in years.” Joey dropped his stack of pizzas.

Morgan walked across the patio and clapped, “FOOD!”

Lyn settled back against JC, “I can’t believe how much of this stuff I missed while you guys were on tour before.”

“I can’t believe how much I missed you when we were on tour before.” JC kissed her neck, “Want some pizza.”

“Oh yeah. And don’t forget the beer.” She grinned.

“You’ve got it.”

Lyn looked around at her friends, and it dawned on her that she had never been so happy, for so long in her life. She smiled as her sister kissed Ryan and held his hand against her stomach, her new engagement ring sparkling in the sunlight. Joey was tossing corn chips at Chris, trying to get them to land in his mouth. Morgan and Angela were looking at pictures of new FuMan Skeeto designs with Dani. Lance and Stasia were getting all of the details from Meredith on exactly what had happened at the venue. Dogs were running in every direction and Lyn hugged JC tightly, “What did I do to deserve being this happy?”

“You were just yourself.” He kissed her lightly, “Counting your blessings?”

“Starting with you.” She nodded.
~Chapter Twenty-Four~