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Chapter 29

Lyn was exhausted. She had spent the day in her office on the phone dealing with scheduling problems for Meredith and Ryan. They were both booked solid well into the new year and now that word of Ryan’s marriage to Dev had been released to the press, along with a wedding picture, the phone was ringing nonstop. Lance and Stasia had called the office to say they weren’t coming in, because they were engaged and they were the bosses, therefore they didn’t have to work if they didn’t want to. Lyn was happy to pitch in and help and considering the fact that she had been allowed to work from Ireland for almost a month, she decided she needed to go the extra mile.

Jamie stuck her head into Lyn’s office and yawned, “Lyn, I’m going home. It’s like 9:00 and I’m beat.”

Lyn glanced at her watch, “Good Lord Jamie! You should have left hours ago! Why don’t you come in around 10:00 didn’t have to stay here with me.”

“I was happy to do it. Are you going to be leaving soon?”

“I just have a couple of things to tie up and then I’m going home.” She pushed her hair back off of her face.

“Make sure you don’t pull a Stasia on us.” Jamie laughed.

“A Stasia?” She leaned back in her chair, stretching her arms above her head.

“Whenever she’s here in Mississippi, she works ungodly hours. She’s been known to work through the night, go home, shower and then come back ready for another day. Lance HATES it. HE has been known to get in the car, drive over her and actually DRAG her home, either way, she puts up a big fight.”

“Trust me, if I work through the night, you will NOT be seeing me in the morning.” Lyn laughed, “I’ve never been one to kill myself at the office. Then again I’ve never HAD an office before, schools tend to be scary late at night.” She shrugged, “ANYWAY! I promise, I’ll be going soon.”

“OK then. I’ll see you in the morning. Good night Lyn.”

“Good night.” Jamie smiled and walked quietly down the hall, leaving Lyn alone in the office for the first time ever.

Lyn turned back to her computer and began making sure her calendar for the next two months was complete. She was going to have to meet with Lance, Stasia, Diane and Stacy in the morning and wanted to make sure she wasn’t missing anything. She began typing away and lost track of time again until she jumped when the phone rang. Holding her hand over her heart, she picked up the receiver, “Free Lance Entertainment Group.”


“Hey Stasia, what’s up?” Lyn let her head fall back against her chair.

“I was expecting voice mail to pick up, I was just going to check my messages. What in the HELL are you doing at the office? It’s 9:45, isn’t JC waiting at home for you?”

“Yeah. I just had a few things I wanted to tie up before we meet in the morning. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover and I want to make sure I’m up to speed.” She pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes tightly.

“Lyn, you’re meeting with LANCE AND I, it’s not like it’s important enough to be working at 9:45...GO HOME!”

Lyn laughed when she heard Lance in the background, “What’s she doing at the office?” He sounded concerned.

“SHE MUST BE SMOKING CRACK!” Stasia answered him sarcastically. “Lyn, I’m serious, get the hell out of the office, there is nothing on your desk right now that can’t wait until morning. Go have dinner with JC, if he’s not passed out already. It’s getting close to his bed time.”

“OK! OK! Will you stop yelling at me if I promise to leave?” She smirked, if she could just get Stasia off of the phone she could finish up the things she wanted to, and then go home.

“Hit the power button.”


“I want to HEAR you turn off your computer.”



Lyn laughed and punched the power button on her computer, “Happy now?”

“Are you packing up?”

“LORD STASIA! YES!” She couldn’t help but laugh at her friend.

“Now I’m happy. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Night.” Lyn hung up and packed her things. She set the alarm and locked the door on her way out.

It was chilly and she pulled her jacket tighter around herself. She had never lived close enough to work to walk before, she loved walking in the brisk night air. It was so exciting to see the leaves changing and beginning to fall. People were so sweet in this town, they waved and said hello as she passed and she couldn’t help but be happy to be home. Lyn stopped short on the sidewalk to look around at her surroundings. It had suddenly hit her full force that she was HOME. She felt that she belonged, and that she was welcome. The thought had never occurred to her that home could be anywhere but where her parents and sisters were, but now she finally felt grounded and settled. She hadn’t been in Mississippi long, but Stasia was right, there was something magical in the air, something that helped her heal and that she seemed to be drawing strength from.

She could see the little house that she had taken over from Stasia, she could see Ms. Myrtle’s house all lit up and decorated for fall, from where she was standing, she had a perfect view of the gazebo in the center of the park. She glanced back over her shoulder and looked at the office. Diane and Stasia had filled all of the window boxes along the front of the building with deep burgundy mums. The white picket fence around her own little yard was lined with the same mums and on either side of the front door there was a huge pumpkin and the door had a big fall wreath hanging on it. She could smell smoke from the fireplace and smiled brightly at the warm glow coming through the drawn curtains, through HER curtains. She pushed her gate open and bounced up the front walk feeling completely happy and alive.

As soon as she walked through the door, her jaw dropped. The fireplace was lit and all the lights in the living room were out. Something smelled heavenly and she could hear JC in the kitchen making a racket. Both dogs were under a chair hiding. She rounded the corner and began giggling, “Hello?”

JC’s head whipped up. He was wearing an apron and was almost completely covered in flour, the phone was tucked between his shoulder and ear and every pot and pan she owned was out and dirty. His eyes grew wide and he sighed, “Mom, I’ve got to go. Lyn’s here. OK...OK...I love you too.” He handed her the phone and she hung it up for him.

“So, what’s going on here?”

He grinned, “I’m making dinner.”

“I see.” She looked around, “Using a lot of pots there aren’t ya?”

“I think you could use a few more.” He nodded, laughing at the mess he had created.

“I’ll look into that.” She smirked, “Nice apron.”

“Thanks. I THOUGHT I was keeping my clothes clean...guess not.”

“Guess not.” She reached up and wiped a smudge off of his cheek, “So What’s on the menu?”

“It’s a surprise. You go sit and put your feet up. You worked late. I finally had to call Stasia to find out why she was keeping you at the office.”

“I can’t stay here to talk to you?” She hopped up on the counter, “WAIT! Stasia knew I was there? She acted completely clueless. She is SUCH a brat.”

He looked around, “You’ll get all dirty if you stay.”

“I don’t care.”

“I guess that’d be ok.” He turned to the stove when something began to bubble over, “How was work?”

“Fine. I got a lot done, until Stasia threw me out. Or PRETENDED to throw me out.”

“The workaholic threw you out? You had to know that would never happen, if I hadn’t called her, she probably would have gone to join you.”

“You’re probably right.”

JC reached up to scratch his forehead, covering his face with flour. He coughed once and attempted to wipe his face, only making the situation much worse. Lyn hopped down off of the counter and crossed the room, she took a fresh dish towel out of the drawer and wiped his cheek, then kissed the clean spot. She wiped his other cheek, then kissed him there. He stood very still smiling down at her, she wiped his forehead and then leaned up on her toes to kiss it. She giggled and then wiped his lips, she smiled and then lightly brushed her lips against his.

Leaning back she looked into his eyes, “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” He kissed her with a little more force.

When they parted she pushed his hair back from his eyes, “I’m so worried about you. When are you going to begin forgiving yourself?”

He closed his eyes, “I’m trying. I need your help. I need you.”

“I’m HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE!” She took his hand and held it against her heart, “FEEL ME JC! Feel my heart beating. Feel my pulse quicken because you’re near. FEEL how much I love you.” Her heart was pounding rapidly against his palm.

His head dipped down, his lips capturing hers. Her arms went around his neck and he held her tightly against his chest. She kissed his cheek and made her way up to his ear. She gently kissed his earlobe and whispered, “I’m not going anywhere. I promise you, I’m not going anywhere.”

All of the restraint he had built snapped. He cupped the back of her head and his lips slammed into hers. She tighten her grip on him and let him take over. His lips moved roughly over her jaw and down her neck. She moaned and his intensity built. His hands flew over her back and arms caressing her and sending chills up and down her spine. Lyn’s fingers dove into his hair and raked down his back. She found the hem of his shirt and pulled it up so her hands could find his skin. She lightly touched his chest and groaned against her collarbone.

Reaching back JC grabbed the neck of his shirt and pulled it over his head, only breaking contact with her warn flesh long enough to disguard the shirt. His fingers pulled frantically at the buttons on her shirt and he took a step back when he pushed the fabric off of her shoulders. She looked confidently into his eyes and lovingly ran her hand over his cheek. He covered his hand with hers and pulled it to his lips. He kissed her palm and smiled against it. She pulled her hand away and reached around to pull his apron strings.

Their lips met again and their movements became more frantic. They tug on belts and the waistbands of their pants, without ever breaking contact between their lips. They were both breathing heavily and clutching at one another. JC took a few steps, pressing her back against the wall. Her leg wrapped around his and he pulled his head back. They were both panting and he bent to scoop her up in his arms. He carried her silently to the bedroom and kicked the door closed.

JC slowly surfaced from his sleep. He was laying on his back with Lyn pressed tightly against his side. The realization of everything that had happened hit him and couldn’t seem to swallow the lump that developed in his throat. He tightened his arms around her and pulled the covers higher onto her shoulder. Kissing the top of her head, he felt completely overwhelmed by a feeling of love and acceptance.

Lyn’s head tilted back and her hazel eyes locked with his and she smiled brightly, “Hi.”

He pushed her wild curls back and kissed her forehead, “HI! Are you ok?”

She found his hand resting on his stomach and laced her fingers with his, “OH YEAH! I’m PEACHY!”

JC laughed and brought their hands to his mouth. Kissing the back of her hand he grinned, “Peachy?”

“MMM HMM!” She snuggled closer to his side.

JC’s breath caught and his head fell back against the pillows, “PEACHY!” He jumped out of bed and quickly pulled on his boxers. He ran out of the room and left Lyn laying alone in the bed.

She scratched her head and slipped out of the warm bed. Finding her bathrobe on the back of the door, she slipped into it and padded into the kitchen where JC was pulling a smoking pan out of the oven, “I don’t think the peach cobbler was supposed to cook for four hours.”

Lyn covered her mouth to stifle her giggles, “I’m so sorry.”

JC ran his hand over his hair, looked at her standing in the doorway in her bathrobe and shrugged, “I don’t care!”

Lyn walked over to the stove and lifted the cover off of a pot, “What was this?”

“I THINK that was the risotto.”

“And this one?”

He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder, “That, my love, would be the Chicken Marsala.”

“I’m guessing in it’s former life this was broccoli?”

“You are correct!” He kissed her temple.

“I’m sure it would have been wonderful.”

“I’m sure I would have screwed it up either way. At least this way YOU have to share the blame.”

“I’ll gladly share the blame for this MESS!” She turned in his arms, “We could order a pizza.”

“Lynie, it’s 1:30 in the morning.”

“No pizza?”

“No pizza.” He shook his head, “BUT! I will make dinner for you. You get back in bed, I’ll take the girls out and bring you dinner.”

“What did I do to get so spoiled?”

“You believed in me, when I didn’t. You believed in me when I gave you every reason to hate me.”

“I threw rocks at you.” She smirked.

“There was only one rock.” He kissed her forehead.

“And a bunch of pasta.”

“I was annoying you.”

“True.” She laughed.

“Go back to bed and I’ll be in as soon as I take the girls out.” He kissed her quickly and laughed as he picked his shirt up off of the kitchen floor, “How’d that get there?”

“I think I might have caused that...or not.” She shrugged, “I was a goner once that came off.”

“I was a goner the second you walked into the kitchen. No go back to bed, I’ll be right in.”

Lyn walked back to her bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. She looked around the room that Stasia and Lance had worked with Dev and Cat to decorate exactly like her room in Orlando. Her friends and sisters had used the time she was away in Ireland to make this little house her own. Dev and Cat had sent family pictures. Stasia had moved all of her personal items out and moved many of Lyn’s in. There weren’t many people Lyn would have trusted to set up her home, but Stasia always spent so much time focusing on the people around her that it was all done exactly the way that Lyn would have done it herself.

Now she was building her own new memories in the little house in Mississippi. She reached over onto the night stand and picked up the picture Stasia had placed there for her. She and JC were hugging in the stands at one of their high school soccer games. He was two full heads taller, and very thin. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and her cheeks were flushed. She remembered that night as if it was yesterday.

“Hey Lynie!”

“I didn’t think you were going to make it! You had that thing with Joey and that other guy.”

“His name is Chris. And Justin, you remember him from Mouse Club right?” JC sat down next to her.

“Justin? He’s like twelve right?”

JC laughed, “Lyn, he’s 15.”

“Sorry, as if three years really makes a big difference.”

“ANYWAY! Are we winning?”

“As a matter of fact we are. Guess what?”

“You’ve been named Queen of the Universe.”

“Funny.” She rolled her eyes, “That SHOULD happen, but it hasn’t yet.”

“OK. My second guess is you’re madly in love with me and want me to run off with you to Hawaii.”

“If you aren’t going to play nice, I’m not going to play at all.” She crossed her arms and pouted.

“I’ll play nice. What’s the big news?”

“George Washington accepted me.”

“You got into George Washington University?” His eyes lit up, “Your first choice!” He hugged her tightly.

“I’m off to Washington D.C. in the fall. I will be a proud resident of Schenley Hall.” She was beaming, and he was proud. “So have you decided where you’re going?”

“Umm...yeah, I’ve made a decision.”

She smirked, “You’re not going to school are you?”

He shook his head, “Justin’s coach found us a bass. Chris and Joey found this guy who says he’ll help us. We have to try.”

“So I’m off to Washington and you’re off to become famous.” She smiled, “Not a bad day.”

“Am I crazy for doing this?”

“You’d be crazy for NOT doing it. JC, you are so talented, it would be a waste to go get some degree in business or whatever if your heart isn’t in it.”

“OK Miss Optimist.”

“I’ll be saying I told you so in a year. Just don’t forget the little people. So who’s the bass?”

“A little kid from Mississippi. He says ‘Yes ma’am.’ and ‘Thank you sir.’ he’s 16 and quiet.”

“Will he fit in?”

“Yeah. I think so.”

They both turned when the school photographer called out to them, “CAN I TAKE YOUR PICTURE FOR THE YEARBOOK?”

“Sure.” JC threw his arm around her shoulders and they both smiled.

A few minutes had passed and Lyn could hear more banging in the kitchen. She set the picture back down next to the bed and called down the hall, “DO YOU NEED HELP IN THERE?”



He came around the corner with a big platter, with a dish towel over it, “I’m done.”

She crawled under the covers, “So what’s for dinner Mr. Chasez?”

“Tonight we have one of the lady’s favorites.” He pulled the towel up and they both laughed, “Peanut Butter and Jelly.”

“With plain potato chips!”

“And milk.”

“I love you!”

He pull off his jeans and t-shirt and then crawled under the covers next to her. They sat in bed and ate their sandwiches talking about all of the things they wanted to do. They talked about spending some time at JC’s house in California, going to museums and plays in New York. Taking Lisy to see the Nutcracker before Christmas and how they were going to divide up their time for the Holidays.

JC sighed, “Before we can do any of that, we have to take care of all of the crap in Orlando.”

“I know. I have to tell Stasia what Johnny told you. I also have to talk to Johnny.”

JC nodded, “I’ll go with you.”


Lyn walked into her office at 8:00 the following morning. She could tell Lance and Stasia were there already because she could smell fresh coffee brewing from the lunch room. She walked back and found the two of them staring at the coffee pot, “Good morning.”

“Hey.” Lance waved.

Stasia looked up at her, looked at Lance, looked back to Lyn and her eyes grew wide, “Lyn, your office. NOW!” She walked quickly out of the room, grabbing Lyn by the arm and pulling her along behind her. As soon as they got to Lyn’s office, she closed the door and sat down on the couch, “SPILL IT! Why are you glowing like a June Bug?”

“I don’t think June Bugs glow.”

“OK! Why are you glowing like a Glow Worm?”

“That was just a toy wasn’t it?”


“You know very well why I’m glowing. I’m glowing for the same reason you look like a Christmas tree.”

Stasia giggled and cover her mouth with both hands, “He caved!”

“You could say that.” Lyn ran over and sat next to Stasia.

“I told him he had to cave. I told him he needed to follow your lead.” Stasia clapped her hands, “Are you ok?”

“OH YEAH!” Lyn hugged her friend tightly.

Forty-five minutes later, their animated whispered stopped abruptly when Lance knocked on the door, “It’s open!” Lyn pursed her lips, attempting to stop her goofy smile from showing.

He stuck his head into the room, saw the two flushed faces, both fighting the giggles and rolled his eyes, “When you two are done being all girly, we can get started.”

“We’ll be right in.” Stasia smiled sweetly.

He shut the door and rolled his eyes when he heard both of them burst into a fit of giggles. They both walked into the conference room five minutes later completely composed and all business. Lance could never understand how they both could be babbling girlfriends one minute, and completely professional business women the next.

They work for hours until Jamie knocked on the door, “Do you want me to place a lunch order? It’s 2:00.”

“WOW! Yes, could you order something in?” Lance nodded.

“Sure thing.” Jamie shut the door.

“Time flies.” Diane stood up, “Darlings, I’m going to run home. You will all be over for dinner at 6:00, right?”

“We’ll all be there Momma.” Stasia nodded.

“I’ll go with you to help out.” Stacy stood up, “Y’all can finish up without us can’t you?”

“Sure thing.” Lance nodded, “We’ll see you at six.”

“Lyn, you’re bringing JC aren’t you?” Stacy smiled.

“He said he’ll be there.” She smiled.

The two women left and Lance yawned, “I’m tired for some reason.” Lyn and Stasia looked at one another and both began laughing. Lance rolled his eyes, “I have a feeling I shouldn’t ask.”

“Go with that feeling Harry, go with it.” Stasia gasped for her breath.

Lyn regained her composure and leaned back in her chair, “I hate to change the tone of the conversation, but I have something I need to talk to you two about.”

“What’s up?” Stasia leaned back in her own chair.

“I need to explain what happened with JC and I, and what I’ve found out about Johnny. I think you both need to get all of this information.”
~Chapter Thirty~