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Chapter 3

As Lyn pulled into the hotel parking lot, she blew her nose again. She had been sobbing since she pulled out of the lot at Hazelwood. She had used an entire box of Kleenex, which she had bought at a store somewhere between Orlando and Tampa. She was still crying when she climbed out of the car and made her way into the lobby.

Immediately, a security guard walked up and asked why she was there. “I’m here to see my friends.”

“And who would that be?” The guard rolled his eyes.

“I realized you aren’t going to believe me here, but if you will just call a member of their security team, they will tell you who I am.”

He rolled his eyes again, “Whose security?”

“NSYNC’s.” She whispered, with tears rolling down her cheeks even faster.

“I’m sorry, NSYNC is not staying here miss.”

“Yes they are. I know they are. Please just call their security.”

She dialed JC’s number again, there was no answer. She dial Stasia’s number again, no answer. She tried Dev, and got nothing. The guard was pulling her across the lobby by her arm when she spotted JC walking near the elevator, wearing his bathing suit, with a towel around his neck.

He glanced over to the noise near the doors, and did a double take. When Lyn called out to him, he ran across the lobby. “LYN!”

JC grabbed her other arm and said, “Let go of her!”

The guard looked at him like he was insane, “And who are you?”

“I’m a guest of this hotel. This is my friend, why may I ask, are you dragging her out of the lobby.”

“Where is your room key?” The guard laughed.

“One of my other friends has it at the pool, I’ll go get it.”

“You two can come with me to the security office.”

Lyn was still crying and it started getting worse, JC looked at her desperately, “Lynie it’s just a security thing. I’ll get Dre down here to straighten it out, please stop crying.”

She shook her head, but she was crying so violently at this point, that her entire body was shaking, and she was gasping for breath. He wrapped an arm protectively around her shoulders as they followed the security guard to his office. She leaned against him slightly, but didn’t say a word.

The guard pointed to two chairs and they sat. “So who is it that supposedly has your room key?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“My body guard, Dre has my key.”

“Oh RIGHT, your BODY GUARD...and where is he?”

“At the pool, I already told you that. Go tell him JC is here and needs his key. He’ll give it to you and come back here with you to tell you I am who I say I am.”

“You two stay put. I’m locking the door. I’ll be right back.” He sauntered out the door and they heard the key turn in the lock.

JC turned to Lyn, he pushed her hair back away from her face, “Lynie, it will all be over soon, I promise. You’ll laugh about this later.”

Lyn sniffled and buried her face in the towel draped around his neck. The door opened and the guard came in looking very tentative, right behind him, Dre was trying hard not to laugh. The guard cleared his throat, and much to JC’s surprise, Lyn didn’t look up, she kept her face buried in his shoulder. “Mr. Chasez. I’m very sorry, I didn’t realize who you were. I feel just awful! It’s just that, you’re both so young, and I didn’t think...”

“I had already assumed that you didn’t think. May we go now?”

“Of course.” He turned to Lyn, “Miss, I am so sorry I upset you. Is there anything I can do to make this better?”

Lyn stood up, “You didn’t upset me.”

She looked down at JC, who immediately jumped to his feet and said, “Dre, can I have my key?”

Dre looked worriedly at Lyn as he handed JC his key. He raised an eyebrow and JC simply shrugged. “Everyone is still down at the pool, are you going to go down there?”

“I think I’m going to help Lyn settle in and then we might be down. I’m not sure.” He looked down at Lyn, “Where’s your stuff?”

“I don’t have any.” The tears began silently rolling again.

“Alright, let’s go upstairs. Do you want Dre to get Stasia?” His eyes searched her face.

“No. I want to talk to you.” Her lip began to quiver. He saw the look on her face and simply grabbed her hand and pulled her from the room.

JC closed the door to his room and put his hands on her shoulders, “OK what’s up? I wasn’t expecting you.”

Her voice was quiet and very shaky as she raised her eyes to his, “I didn’t know where to go. I had to” She broke down again and her body began shaking.

He led her to the bed and pushed her shoulders a little until she sat. He sat beside her and took her hand, “Lyn, you came to the right place, but you need to tell me what is going on. I have never seen you like this. You’re scaring me.”

She looked at her hands, where they were folded in her lap, “I got fired.”

“What did you say?” He stared at her with shocked eyes.

“Powers fired me today.”

“Oh my God. Lynie, I am so sorry! What happened?”

“He stole a picture off of my desk, from Stasia’s birthday party. I was goofing around with Justin and Joey, they were kissing my cheeks...I’m holding two drinks. JC it looks so bad. It looks so bad. He just hauled me in and said I am suspended indefinitely, without pay.” She raised her eyes to his, “What am I going to do?”

“You are going to fight this guy. HE IS NOT GOING TO WIN! I WON’T LET HIM!” He pulled her tightly to his chest and stroked her hair, “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”

She began crying harder, because she knew it was ok. She knew she was in the right place. She was where she needed to be. JC was here, Stasia was here, Dev and Lis were here. He held her tighter, her arms wrapped around him. He stroked her back, “We are going to get through this. We are going to get through this together.”

“OK.” She leaned back a little, “I have been crying for two hours solid, it’s time to stop.”


“I can’t cry forever.”

“You can if you want to. You can curl up and cry all day if you want to. I’ll hold your hand and sit by your side as long as you want.”

“I don’t want to cry anymore.” She wiped at her eyes.

“You look tired. You’ve had a long morning.”

“It’s not even noon yet, this day is not starting out well.”

He smiled slightly, “So start over.”


“Start over. Take a nap, start over with a clean slate.” He pushed her hair back again.

“JC, that’s crazy.”

“Why? Are you telling me that you wouldn’t feel better if you got some rest?” He raised his eye brows.

“I don’t think I can sleep.”

“Lay down. I’ll sit here with you. You’ll fall asleep, I promise you.” He pulled back the covers back and patted his pillow.

She shook her head, but she laid down. JC pulled off her shoes and then settled next to her. He was sitting up with his back against the headboard. He began to rub her back and hum quietly. She giggled and smiled slightly.

“I’m not going to fall asleep.” She yawned.

“Shh.” He kept rubbing her back.

Lyn rolled onto her back and her side connected JC’s warm leg. He was still sitting up next to her, but he was slouched over sideways, he neck was at an unnatural angle. Clover and Jake were curled up on the floor beside the bed, and the door between JC’s room and the next room was open.

Lyn assumed that Lance and Stasia must be in the next room, because the dogs had wandered over. She could hear whispered voices. Glancing at the clock, her jaw dropped it was four o’clock. She had been asleep for hours. She wasn’t sure when JC had fallen asleep, but she knew he most likely needed the rest. She pushed herself up and settled back next to JC. Wedging her shoulder under his slumped head, she tried to straighten him up a little, he was going to have and awful kink in his neck when he woke up.

“Ugh. Why can’t I move my head?” He asked without opening his eyes.

“You fell asleep and sort of slumped over. Lean forward.”

He obeyed, and groaned when her fingers began working on the tight muscles in his neck. His eyes slowly opened, “Dogs found me again.”

“I’m sure they were looking for a quiet place to curl up and sleep.”

He sat up straight again, “That’s much better thanks.” He searched her face, “How are you feeling?”

“Once again, you were right. I do feel better. I guess all that crying really exhausted me.” She let her head fall against his shoulder, “I guess I better start thinking about what I’m going to do with my life.”

He hugged her and kissed the top of her head, “Well, this is the perfect time to take a step back and look at things from a new angle. I know this isn’t how you wanted things to go, but maybe this will turn out to be a good thing.”

They both looked up as Lance and Stasia crept through the door between the rooms. Stasia’s eyes looked deeply into Lyn’s, “Hi.”


Lance had his arm wrapped around her shoulders from behind. She was pressed against his chest and they both looked concerned, “Lyn, do you want to tell us what happened? You don’t have to, but we’d like to help if we can.” Stasia’s face showed her pain.

“I got fired today. Powers stole one of the pictures from your graduation party. I am apparently not a good moral example for my students.”

“WHAT?” Stasia’s jaw dropped.

“It was the picture of Justin and Joey kissing my cheeks, I had two drinks, according to Powers, it proved my lack of moral ability to teach my students.” Lyn shrugged, “This is so embarrassing.”

Lance looked desperate, “I got fired once. I was making snow cones, and a bug got in there and I sold it to a customer, and he bit into the bug, and spit blue snow cone everywhere, and my boss...OK, you don’t care about this story at all do you. I’m sorry.”

Busta and Korea came darting into the room from Lance and Stasia’s room, Chris, Justin and Joey followed them, Chris flopped down on the bed dropping his head in Lyn’s lap, “Hey Lyn, what are you doing here? Did you get yourself fired?” He laughed hysterically.

“SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!” Lance smacked Chris on the head.

“WHAT?” He rubbed the top of his head.

Lyn smiled weakly, “Yes.”

Chris frowned at her, still pouting, “Yes what?”

“Yes I got myself fired today.”

“Oh shit! I’m sorry. I’m an idiot. Everyone knows that! I’m so sorry Lyn! What happened?” He sat up and took her hand.

“The stupid principal found a picture from Stasia’s party that he said proved my lack of morals.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong at Stasia’s party! What could he possibly have a picture of? You dancing? Last time I checked there was nothing immoral about dancing...well, unless the right girl is dancing with me...” Justin offered. Everyone in the room was staring at him, “I think I’ll shut up now.”

JC rolled his eyes, “Good idea.”

“It was a picture of you and Joe kissing me.”

Joey cocked his head, “We both kissed you?” He was quiet, “OH! Over by the bar. But we were just goofing around, it’s not like we were having a threesome in the middle of the party!” JC looked at him like he was insane, “I guess I better shut up now too.”

Justin looked very upset, “Lyn, I’m so sorry, this is all my fault.”

“I’m just as much to blame. Can we call the guy and explain?” Joey looked hopeful.

“Thanks Joe, but it won’t help.”

“This mess is more my fault than anyone else’s. I took the stupid pictures to your school. Lyn, I don’t know what to say, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. I’m the one who stormed out of the room, leaving him alone with the pictures. He was out to get me, and I gave him a perfect opportunity. None of you had anything to do with this.”

She looked around at all of the concerned and sad faces, she smiled, “You guys are the best.” She looked at the clock, “I better talk to my sisters and get back on the road.”

“Why?” Stasia cocked her head.

“I left straight from the school, I have NOTHING with me. I should go home and figure out what I’m going to do.”

Stasia sat on the edge of the bed, and pushed Chris out of her line of sight, “I have enough stuff for both of us, and BELIEVE ME, Bren has enough stuff for ten people, you can stay, and go back to Orlando with me on Wednesday, the break will do you some good. And noone has had more jobs than this group, we can help!”

“Stasia...” Lyn began to protest, but the guys all interrupted.

Lance nodded, “So it’s settled, you stay. I have a new toothbrush...I mean brand new, still in the box. Stasia makes me bring six!”

“I have pajamas you can wear.” Chris offered, when they all looked at him strangely, “THEY’RE GUYS! But she can wear ‘em.”


“Come on, I’ll show you which room your sisters are in.” Stasia stood up and pulled Lyn by the hand. You can stay in our suite with Lance, Lisy and I if you want, or...we can get you another room...we’ll work that out later. Lis is with Dev, downstairs shopping in the gift shop and Cat and Bren are showering and changing...again.”

Lyn couldn’t help but laugh as Stasia dragged her from the room. Stasia stopped dead, smacked herself on the forehead and said, “I have to talk to Lance for a second, I’ll be right back. Why don’t you tear through my suitcase and pull out whatever you want to wear. No need for the teacher duds around here.”

“OK, are you sure about this?”

“Positive. By the time I’m done talking to Lance, you’ll be changed and ready to see your sisters.”

Stasia walked back into JC’s room and pulled Lance aside. They whispered for a few minutes, Lance smiled, kissed her and said, “I love your mind.”

She grinned, “I have to.”

“I know.” He kissed her again, and her arms slipped around his neck. His arms instinctively tightened around her waist. JC threw a pillow and hit them both in the head.

“You guys have a room, don’t do that here.”

Stasia grinned, “I’m going.” She leaned up on her toes and kissed him again, “I’ll let you know how it goes.”

He pushed her hair over her shoulder and smiled, “OK.”

Lyn was walking out of Lis’s room as Stasia walked back into the suite, “Hey. Is this outfit ok?”

“I happen to like it, but then again, I bought it...” Stasia teased.

“No, is it ok if I borrow it?”

Stasia laughed, “I’m pretty sure I have a back up pair of khaki pants.”

Lyn laughed, Stasia had a trademark classic style, which consisted of mostly khaki pants and very tailored clothes. Lyn loved her style and had started to dress a lot like Stasia.

“Before we go find your sisters, can I talk to you about something?”

“Sure, what’s up?” She sat on the couch.

“Lance and I have a problem.”

Lyn’s face paled, “Oh God, you guys can work it out, we’ll all help. You just have to take these exams, it will get better.” Lyn was talking quickly and not taking breathes.

“OH LORD NO! Lance and I are fine, I mean, I miss him, but we’re on solid ground. I think I may love him more now than I did when we met. What I should have said is, Free lance has a problem, and I was wondering if in the short term, you could help us out a little bit.”

Lyn cocked her head, “What’s going on?”

“Well, with my bar exams coming up, I am out of commission for a while, after the Mississippi show, I won’t be able to tour with the guys again until the end of July, actually, the first week of August. The thing is, Lance and I need to stay in touch, but with our schedules, and the press and now Meredith’s tour kicking off, and Ryan appearing at NSYNC shows, and Jack doing stuff in Florida. We can’t keep up. Stacy is going to be with Meredith. Diane can only split so much time between the office and travel. Lance is going to be going crazy with all of the movie crap and the recording issues with Ryan, so we are a little panicked.”

“I can see why. But what can I do to help?”

“Well, and feel free to say no, and I’ll have to run this by Lance, but would you consider...and like I said, feel free to say no...would you consider working for us, just until I’m done with my bar exams. See I would feel so much better knowing we have someone I can trust. I thought for a little while about asking Cat to do it, but the job at that law firm is so much better for, as far as school goes. And it might be good for you to travel over the summer, and you get to hang out with JC...and Ryan...and the guys, and then I can leave Jake with Lance a big chunk of the time. But seriously, feel free to say no, because I know that what we do doesn’t really interest you.” Stasia took a deep breath.

“Stasia, I don’t know...” Stasia hung her head a little and Lyn sighed, “I have no experience.”

Stasia kept her face down to hide her grin, she looked out of the corner of her eye at her friend, “It’s ok if you don’t want to do it.”

Lyn was very quiet, “Are you sure about this?”

“I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t. I thought about asking you to do it a while ago, I mean I knew you’d have the summer off, so I was thinking about this before.” She looked at her friend hopefully.

“What if Lance doesn’t agree?”

“Are you kidding? My Harry? Lyn...don’t be silly.” Lyn was laughing as Stasia bellowed, “HARRY!”

Lance walked in the room and smirked at his girlfriend, “You screamed my love?”

“Hush! I need to talk to you about something.”

“What can I do for you Millie?” He sat next to her on the couch opposite Lyn.

“I was talking to Lyn, and I was thinking, that maybe we should bring her on board at Free Lance to help us get through the summer. She could be the link between the two of us and the office. She said she’d do me this favor if it’s ok with you.”

Lance looked seriously at Lyn, “Are you sure you want to get mixed up with the two of us? I’d love to have you aboard. Actually, I think this is a very good idea, but only if you want to do this Lyn.”

A small smile crept across Lyn’s face, “You don’t have to do this.”

Stasia looked puzzled, “Do what? You’d be doing us a huge favor! So are you saying, you’re going to do it?” She smiled.

“Yeah. I’ll do it.”

Lance jumped to his feet, “COOL! JC is gonna love this, now maybe he’ll stop whining about missing you!” Stasia smacked his leg and he said, “Oops, sorry!”


Stasia stood up and elbowed Lance in the ribs, “Nothing, right Harry?”

“Yeah, nothing, I’m just babbling. I do that a lot.”

Stasia shot him another look and then clapped her hands, “OK, so I’m going to get another computer shipped ASAP, and I’ll over everything with Momma and Stacy. And Lyn will be able to use my bunk on the ‘girl’ bus, and I will go over everything she needs to know! This is going to be great!”

Lyn laughed, “I’m glad you guys thinks so. I’m a little nervous.”

“Nervous about what?” JC asked as he walked through the door. “Why do Stasia and Lance look so...happy?”

“Because I just agreed to work for Free Lance.”

“HUH?” He looked shocked.

“I’m going to sort of be and assistant to both of them. While Stasia has to study for her exams, I’m going to do...what AM I going to do?”

“Lot’s of stuff.” Stasia dismissed them with a flourish of her hand, “Let’s go tell your sisters the good news!”

When the girls had left the room, JC turned to Lance, “What are you doing?”

“I’m not doing anything. Why?”

“You hired Lyn?”

“Technically, MILLIE hired Lyn.”

“Why did Stasia hire Lyn?”

“Several reasons really.” Lance settled back down on the couch and laced his fingers behind his head.

“And they are?” JC raised both eyebrows and motioned for Lance to explain.

“First, Stasia feels guilty. Second, Lyn needs something to do. Third, WE NEED help, and Lyn is responsible, bright and professional. Basically, everyone wins.” Lance smiled.

JC looked down at his hands and tapped his thumbs together, “I guess that makes sense.”

“We’re talking about Millie and I here, of course it makes sense.”

JC smirked, “True.”

“I’m going to go grab Millie and then try to get something to eat. You interested?”

“Yeah. I’m sure Lyn and the girls will be hungry. I’ll come with you.” He stood up.

“You going to put a shirt on?”

He looked down at himself, Yeah, that might be a good idea.”

“Might be.” Lance laughed. “Let me know when you’re ready, and we’ll go find them. I don’t want to go down to ‘girl land’ by myself.”

“I can’t say I blame you. At least you don’t have Bren hitting on you.”

“Are you serious?”

“Oh yeah.”

“I feel your pain. She is a piece of work.”

“She always has been.” JC shook his head as he walked out of the room.

(May17, 2001, 5:30am)

Lyn glanced at the pile of luggage stacked up near the door. She was about to leave her apartment for more than two months. She was looking forward to the change of pace. Stasia had warned her that it was going to be crazy, and fast paced, but that would keep her mind off of Mr. Powers, Hazelwood and the law suit she was thinking about filing.

She and Stasia had called Jess and the three had discussed what had happened, and whether or not he had valid reasons for firing her. When Lyn had told them the whole truth, even the things Lyn had left out of the story when she had originally told Stasia, they had both been appalled. Jess was pushing hard for a law suit. Stasia made it clear Lyn had grounds for a law suit, and that she would be there with her every step of the way if she decided that is what she wanted to do.

On the top of the pile of luggage, was a brand new laptop computer. Lance and Stasia had given her a crash course in using it. She pulled the door open as Stasia pulled into the drive way. Lyn knew for a fact, Stasia, Ron, Justin, Anthony, JC and Dre had already been up, gone for their daily run. Stasia hopped out of her car and bounced up to the door carrying a cup of coffee.

“Look what I brought for you.” She handed the cup to Lyn.

“I love it! Thanks!” Lyn took the cup from her friend and smiled, “Look at all of this crap. I over packed didn’t I?”

“No, not really.” Stasia laughed. “Did I mention there are two black tie deals we have to go to?”

“WHAT? I don’t have two black tie dresses. OH GOD!”

“Why are you freaking out? Lyn, we are going to do some shopping. I have made arrangements for you to come into New York the day I finish my exam there, we hit Ralph Lauren’s show room.”


“It’s promotional, it’s a write off.”

“You mean that we don’t have to pay for them?”

“Nope, Ralph’s gift to me. He’s happy that I have consistently worn his stuff to all the televised stuff. So, we get a couple of dresses out of the deal. Not bad huh?”

“This is unreal. I swear, this all seems too good to be true.”

“The guys have said it best, ‘we work hard and and we play hard,’ you are expected to do the same thing. Lyn, I want you to have fun. We need to get a lot of work done, but I want you to be able to use this time to figure things out too.”

“I hope I can too. So can you explain to me why we’re driving thirteen hours straight, to get to Mississippi before everyone else.” She picked up three bags, while Stasia got the others. Lyn pulled the door closed and checked the lock.

They climbed into the car and Lyn glanced back, “Where’s Ron?”

“We actually get to make a solo trip. Well sort of, he’s going to follow us in Lance’s car. We’re doing this whole switching cars thing in Mississippi. Since I got this one for graduation, I have fallen in love with it, so I’m taking this one to Mississippi and leaving it there. We are buying another one for here. We are going to share cars. Stacy is going to drive Lance’s...ok, so none of this is very interesting. The point is, Ronnie is following us.”

“OK.” She laughed, and waved through the back window at Ron, who waved from behind the wheel of Lance’s old 4Runner.

They hit the freeway, and Stasia popped in a CD, “I think this song fits your situation pretty well.” She smiled broadly and turned up the volume as the Dixie Chicks began to sing.

Who doesn't know what I'm talking about
Who's never left home who's never struck out
To find a dream and a life of their own
A place in the clouds, a foundation of stone
Many precede and many will follow
A young girl's dreams no longer hollow
It takes the shape of a place out West
But what it holds for her, she hasn't yet guessed

Lyn looked over at Stasia who was happily tapping the steering wheel along with the music. She gave Lyn a funny look, “What?”

Lyn simply belted out the next line at the top of her lungs.

She needs wide open spaces
Room to make her big mistakes
She needs new faces
She knows the high stakes

They both laughed loudly and sang along with the Chicks. They were flying along at 75 miles an hour, singing at the top of their lungs.

She traveled this road as a child
Wide-eyed and grinning she never tired
But now she won't be coming back with the rest
If these are life's lessons, she'll take this test

Stasia was watching Lyn out of the corner of her eye. She was hoping Lyn was getting the point. Lyn was taking a giant leap of faith, and Stasia was going to do everything in her power to see that there was a safe, happy place for her to land.

She and Lance had the ability to help here. They had the finances to make sure Lyn was secure, at least temporarily. Lyn needed to decide on her own what she wanted out of life, what she wanted to do about law suits and her future, but Stasia was going to be there every step of the way.

She needs wide open spaces
Room to make her big mistakes
She needs new faces
She knows the high stakes

Lyn was feeling her stress level drop as they got further and further away from Orlando. The longer she was in this car with Stasia, listening to this song, the more her heart was trying to tell her she was doing the right thing.

As her folks drive away her dad yells, "Check the oil"
Mom stares out the window and says "I'm leaving my girl"
She says, "It didn't seem like that long ago
When she stood there and let her own folks know"

They both threw their heads back and sang the end of the song loudly. They could see Ron watching them, laughing at them. Shaking his head amused by their behavior.

She needed wide open spaces
Room to make her big mistakes
She needs new faces
She knows the high stakes
She knows the high stakes
She knows the high stakes
She knows the high stakes

The song ended and Lyn smiled, “Can we hear it again?”

“Heck yeah!” Stasia hit the back button and rolled down the windows.

Lyn’s hair whipped around her face, the warm air rushing over her skin seemed to be taking all of her fears with it. Lyn was feeling stronger at that moment than she had in a long time. Lance and Stasia had enough faith in her to ask her to work for them. JC seemed really excited that she would be on tour with them. He had gone on and on about the things he was going to show her and the fun she was going to have. Sitting in the car with Stasia, speeding toward Mississippi, she believed everything her friends had told her. This was the opportunity of a lifetime and she was about to grab on with both hands.

Stasia looked over at Lyn and smiled, “You know, I’m going to let you in on one of my little secrets.”

“And what secret is that?”

“I wanted you to come to Mississippi with me, because of the magic. I want you to be there long enough for it to work for you too.”

Lyn waited for her to laugh, but she didn’t. “Magic?”

“I am well aware of the fact that I sound completely insane, and I can accept that, but I’m serious about this.” Stasia’s gray eyes landed on Lyn for a long moment before returning to the road in front of her.

“You are going to have to explain the Mississippi magic in more depth, because I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.”

“OK, see the thing is, my life was in complete turmoil. You know that.”

“Right.” Lyn nodded. Stasia had taken the job at Free Lance in an attempt to flee her life. She hadn’t realized how bad things had gotten until she had gotten a glimpse of what her life could be. Stasia had found happiness with Lance. Happiness with Lance’s family. Happiness with her career. She had found peace in her life for the first time in a lot of years.

Lance and Stasia had fought hard to hold onto each other. Lyn wanted that, she wanted what they had. She wanted to look at someone and see her life. To see her future. She wanted the unending passion and love. She wanted that unbreakable bond.

“Lyn?” Stasia rolled her eyes. “Did you hear anything I just told you?”

“Oh God Stasia! I’m sorry I started thinking about stuff and well...could you repeat yourself.”

“GEEZE! You are as bad as Chris! OK! WHAT I SAID WAS, I swear Mississippi is magical, think about it. How many horrible things happened to me in my life time.”

“A lot.”

“Yeah. A lot. I ran away. I went to Mississippi because I couldn’t face my past in Michigan anymore. My mom’s death. Noah and Nik dying. Garret being a big idiot. Having to fire those people. Not feeling passionate about what I was doing. I knew I was good at my job, but it wasn’t my passion. I had nothing keeping me there, Jess was going to be my best friend no matter where I went, or what I did, so I knew I wasn’t losing that. I HAD to do something, I just didn’t know what.”

“I can understand that.”

“I know! That is why I’m telling this story. SO ANYWAY, it all just fell into place. Josh cared about me so much, that he hooked me up with Momma, who he knew would take good care of me. Momma knew that I would be better on the road with Lance. Apparently everyone knew Lance and I would be good together. It was a string of events that I could never guess would happen, and honestly, I might have chosen an easier option if it had been presented to me, but it worked out for the best.”

“I know you’re right, but what does that have to do with Mississippi? And me?”

“I’m getting there!” Stasia shook her head. “The thing is, I think you’re at a crossroad right now. I know what happened with Powers is horrible. I know you love teaching...”

Lyn interrupted, “I’m a good teacher, but I’m not sure I love teaching anymore.”

Stasia looked at her with shocked eyes, “Really?”

“Yeah. The frustrating days were starting to out number the fulfilling days. It is so frustrating to look at all of those students, knowing that they would rather be outside playing, or off playing video games. They don’t want to learn, they just know that HAVE to be at school.”

She sighed, “I had such a perfect little picture in my head when I started teaching. I thought I was going to be so good that the students were going to rush to school every day just to learn fro m me. That never happened.”

Stasia looked at the road and then at her friend, “Do you want to teach?”

“I don’t know.” Lyn shook her head.

“You know you don’t have to right? I mean, if you’ve changed your mind, you don’t have to go back. Honestly, after what happened, I don’t know if I’d want to go back. But then again, Powers will not be there if you decide to go back.”

Lyn raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”

A sly grin spread across Stasia’s face, “Lyn, if you go back, it will be because you sued. And believe me, if you sue, Jess and I will see to it that he will never be in the same building with you again. After everything he did, which I still maintain you should have told me from day one, he will never have power over anyone again. I’ll see to it.”

“Why are you willing to fight this fight?”

“Because he screwed with my friend. NOONE has a right to try to manipulate your life. I have been in your shoes, it was a different situation, but I know what it’s like to feel powerless, and I want you to know that you’re not. You don’t have to be powerless. I will stand by your side every step of the way.”

“You are the best.”

“I’m aware.”

“OK, so finish telling me about Mississippi.”

“Right, I almost forgot. So when I stepped off of the plane in Mississippi, there was just something in the air, I just knew that it was a place I could be free. You’ve earned that freedom. Things like, when you see Myrtle’s bed and breakfast, and realize it’s like a fairytale. Or when you walk into the office and Jamie greets you, a happy smile and kind words, no matter what has happened. Or when Momma looks at you and knows instinctively that you need a hug. Some of the most incredible moments of my life have happened there. I have a strong feeling it will be the same for you.”

“You have a strong feeling?”

“I know this hasn’t been an easy week for you, I know Lance and I strong armed you into taking this job with us, but I honestly think it’s going to be good for you.”

“You are so confident about this, that gives me hope.” Lyn smiled, “You have been such a good friend through all of this.”

“But you fell asleep in JC’s room.” Stasia eyebrows bounced up and down.

“JC is...different.”

“I’ll say. I’m much cuter, just ask Lance.”

Lyn laughed, “You’re both cute, just in different ways.”

“I can accept that. So why is JC different as a friend? Because he’s been there longer?”

“Oh please don’t feel like I like one of you better...”

“NO! It’s not that, I understand having different relationships with different people. I have a unique relationship with each of the guys.”

“Yeah. You know what I’ve noticed? Each of the guys is different with you than they are with other people, even with one another.”

“I serve a different role in each of their lives, that sort of what I’m asking you. What is JC’s role in your life?” Stasia glanced at her again.

Lyn thought very carefully about JC, about his role in her life, “He...he is my...strength, one of the few people who has never judged me, never expected me to be something I’m not. There is a part of my heart, that belongs to JC. I’m sitting here, trying SO hard to explain this to you, and I can’t put it into words, I can’t explain what he means to me, because his friendship means everything. When I am at my weakest, he holds me up. When I am at my strongest, he celebrates that with me. When I am sad, he feels that. When I am happy he is happy with me.”

“When something good happens to him, I feel like it’s happening to me. When someone hurts him, I feel the pain and I want to make it go away for him. I guess you could say we’re kindred spirits. He is my best friend in every sense of the word. I remember when we were in high school and people used to make fun of him for being on MMC, Stasia...I got into a fight trying to make a girl shut up.”

Stasia turned her wide eyes to Lyn, “A FIGHT?”

“Yeah. DON’T tell JC, he doesn’t know.”

“HA! I could get MILES out of that!”

“You can’t tell him.”

“OK I won’t.”

“You are my best friend for a lot of the same reasons.”

“I’m one of your best friends?” Stasia actually had shock in her voice.

“Of course you are! You didn’t know that?”

“Well...I consider YOU one of MY best friends, but that doesn’t mean that you felt the same way.”

“You are one of my best friends for a lot of the same reasons. You seem to love me no matter what, you are there for me, without question. You offer your support, without asking for anything in return. You make me feel special, like when I need you, you will drop anything, no matter what it is. You can make me laugh faster than anyone else. You make me feel like I have choices. And that I can make any choice and it will be ok with you. You hold my hand when it needs to be held, you push me forward when I need to be pushed, but you stay a step behind in case I need to be caught.”

Stasia pulled off onto the shoulder of the road, and when she turned to face Lyn, she had huge tears rolling down her cheeks. Lyn’s breath caught, because Stasia was not one to cry easily. Stasia sniffled and said, “I love you!” She lunged across the car and hugged Lyn tightly.

Lyn could feel her lip begin to quiver, “I love you too!” Tears began falling from her own eyes. They sat there hugging and crying on the side of the road for a few seconds before Stasia’s door flew open and Ron stood there panting.

“WHAT HAPPENED? ARE YOU OK?” He looked from one girl to the other.

Stasia looked at Lyn and they both burst into a fit of laughter, “We’re fine Big Guy. Just being a couple of smoopy girls.”


“We won’t.” Stasia was still laughing and crying at the same time.

It was after nine o’clock when Stasia and Ron pulled into the driveway. As soon as the headlights hit the driveway, the front door to the house flew open and four people ran out of the house. Stasia hopped down out of the car, and Jake scrambled out behind her. Lyn walked quietly around the front of the car as Stasia was absorbed into the middle of a huge group hug.

They had stopped at the Bass’ to let them know they had gotten into town safely, Lyn was shocked to see both of Lance’s parents, his sister and brother-in-law, practically attack Stasia on the front lawn. Diane had Stasia’s face between her hands and she was studying it closely. Lyn stood back a little, next to Ron. Stasia waved them both over.

“Momma, Daddy, Stace, Ford, you all remember Lyn right? And I KNOW you know Ronnie!”

Diane ran over and hugged Lyn, “Of course we remember Lyn! Welcome honey! We are SO excited you’ve joined us! I hope we don’t frighten you away!”

“I don’t scare easily Mrs. Bass.”

“OH! No Mrs. Bass around here! You can call me Diane!” She led Lyn forward, her arm around the younger woman’s shoulders.

“Thank you.”

“Anytime! Now you kids come in the house!” She turned and looked over her shoulder, “Ron, we’ll talk about you not giving me a hug later!” Ron laughed and jogged over to hug her quickly.

“I’m very sorry Diane! I won’t let it happen again.” He shook hands with Jim and Ford and then scooped Stacy up and carried her into the house.

Diane, Stasia and Stacy were all chattering a hundred miles an hour. They were laughing and gesturing, and dragging Lyn along with them. Stacy seemed to be speaking in code, she said to Stasia, “Wait until you see what Lance had me do. If frees up yours for the new one. It’s great. I did what you asked, I hope it’s ok.”

Diane swatted Stacy and said, “It’s fine. Now hush up.”

Lyn giggled and Stasia raised an eyebrow, “What?”

“I feel like I’m at my parents house. All the women laughing and talking, all the men hiding in the other room.”

Jake jumped up on Stasia’s lap and she scratched his head, “Sleepy buddy?” Jake licked her nose. “Lyn are you ready to go get settled in? We have an early morning. You are getting another crash course in Free Lance stuff, and we are going to meet with Meredith. It should be a fun day.”

Lyn and Ron followed Stasia out of the house. Stasia drove the short distance to Lance’s house, she learned out of the car and punched in a long security code. She pulled into the garage and opened the door to the kitchen, punched another code and dropped Jake onto the floor, he ran through the entire house and came to a screeching halt at their feet.

Stasia grinned, “He’s happy to be home.”

“I bet. So where do I camp out?”

“The red room, next to Lance’s room. It’s my favorite room in the house.”

Ron walked through the door kissed each of them on the top of the head and disappeared into the den. They giggled when they heard the TV go on.

Stasia and Lyn carried their bags upstairs and each went into their own room.

Lyn brushed her teeth, changed into her pajamas and lightly knocked on the door to Lance’s bedroom, where Stasia was getting settled Stasia didn’t answer so Lyn stuck her head threw the door.

Stasia was sitting in a chair, with her feet tucked up under herself. She was holding a picture and smiling softly.

Lyn called out quietly, “Stasia?”

Stasia laughed and said, “Caught me being all sappy. Come on in and sit with me.”

Lyn padded across the floor and sat in the second chair, in the corner of the room. “Can I say something?”

“Sure you can.”

“During the whole stalker thing, after you were attacked, did you ever think you’d be better off getting out of the spotlight and away from Lance?”

Stasia smiled softly, “I thought about kidnapping Lance and locking the two of us in this house for the rest of our lives. But I never thought about getting away from him. There are still days when I think that their fame is a pain, but they love their fans and what they do. When I see their faces light up on stage, or when a little kid hugs them, I remember why they love it. I would never ask Lance to give it up, I have the rest of my life to be with him, the fans only have what he is willing to give them.”

“How is it you have such a good attitude about this? JC and I are just friends and sometimes the whole ‘NSYNC thing’ drives me nuts.”

“Well, first I know if I want to be with Lance, this is all part of the deal. Second, if I let myself get freaked out about it, I won’t enjoy my life. But keep in mind, I still have Ron with me. I may have a good attitude about it, but I learned my lesson the hard way. Ron is my shadow, because I feel better with him there.”

“You’re still afraid?”

“Not as long as I have Ron around.”

“The fans can be so frightening sometimes. I am in no way a public figure, and they still grab at me when I’m at the venue.”

“So tell me this, why do you still go?”

“Because of JC.” Lyn looked at Stasia matter-of-factly. “I would never dream of NOT going. I love being there, I actually get sucked into the shows, but the fans can be scary. I mean when I’ll go onto an NSYNC message board and they are talking about the brand of underwear he wears, or the type of hair products he uses, it’s creepy. I am always amazed when they are right about stuff, how do they know? Or when he is married with six kids. Why would anyone believe that?”

“Who knows, They knew people would pry into their lives, but I don’t think they realized the extent it would go to.”

JC and I were having dinner with Lisy once and four girls walked up to the table and asked for autographs. He signed them and then said good night, one of the girls looked at me, looked at Lisy and then said, ‘YOU BITCH! JUST BECAUSE YOU HAD HIS BABY DOESN’T MEAN HE’LL STAY WITH YOU! I’M GOING TO MARRY HIM!”

“Really?” Stasia looked shocked.

“Yeah, but you know what? JC held my hand under the table and talked to Lis for a really long time, explaining that they were not nice girls, but that we would be nice to them, even if they weren’t nice to us, because that is what good girls do. She is such a sweetie, and I think that that has a lot to do with JC being in her life. She loves him so much.”

“He’s an easy guy to love.”

“I know.” Lyn smiled brightly, “He’s the best.”

(May 19, 2001, Free Lance Offices, Mississippi) Lyn was sitting in the conference room at Free Lance. Stacy, Diane and Stasia had left her alone there for half an hour. She had been in the conference room for hours and they had been taking turns teaching her every aspect of the business she had just jumped into. Now she was sitting quietly, staring at stacks of paper, and contracts. Stasia had given her a crash course on contracts and the standards Free Lance had for their artists.

She looked up when there was a knock on the door. Jamie, the receptionist bounced in and smiled, “I’m so glad you’re here. Stasia wants to see you in Lance’s office.”

“OK. Which office is it again?”

“I’ll show you.” Jamie led the way down the hall and knocked lightly on the door.

“It’s open.” Stasia’s voice called.

Lyn walked into the room and her eyes were wide. The office had been completely redecorated. Now, there was a huge two sided cherry wood desk. There were pictures of Lance and Stasia at all kinds of events. There were pictures of all of there loved ones and all of the artists the Free Lance represented.

“Wow, I love what you’ve done with the place!”

“Thanks! But this isn’t the best part.” Stasia walked around the desk to the door to her office. She pushed the door open and walked in. Stacy and Diane were inside smiling. “Welcome to Free Lance!”

“What do you mean?”

Diane hugged her, “Sweetie, this is your new office. We JUST finished re-doing it for you.”

She looked around, noticing pictures of her family. On the desk was a picture of she and JC from high school. The room was decorated in a deep rich green, navy and burgundy. There was a warm homey feeling in the room. The girls had put fresh flowers in vases around the room. “I can’t believe you did this!”

“We wanted you to know how happy we are to have you here, we want you to be comfortable when you are in the office.” Stacy smiled.

“You have all done so much to make me happy here, thank you.”

They all left her there to get settled in. She sat in the huge leather chair and looked around the room. This was her space, they had gone out of their way to make this space HERS. She picked up the picture from her desk, and spun around in the chair giggling.

“What are you giggling about Ms. Executive?” JC’s voice was full of laughter from the door.

“Come on in and have a seat in MY office.” She laughed as he pulled her out of her chair and sat down in it. “HEY! What do you think you’re doing?”

“Sitting in the big chair!”

“That’s MY big chair buddy! Get you’re boney butt out of it!” Her eyes were dancing.


“You heard me! I said boney!”

“You’ve been spending too much time with Stasia.” They were both laughing hard.

“Yeah, well, you are going to be sick of me soon.”

“I could never be sick of you Lynie!” He hugged her tightly, “I like your office.”

“Thanks.” She fell onto his lap and they spun around in the chair.

~Chapter Four~