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*AUTHOR’S NOTE: There is some....ah...strong language in this chapter, so if you object to that, skip the conversation in the restaurant, email me and I’ll tell you what happened. Sorry about the excessive use of the ‘F word’ but that’s what seemed right. ~Cherries*

Chapter 32

“Wake up sleepy head,” Lyn kissed JC’s forehead, gently brushing his hair back from his face.

“NO.” He rolled over onto his side and burrowed deeper under the covers.

“You promised we would do our Christmas shopping today.” She couldn’t help but smile at the indignant look on his face.

“I lied.”

“You did NOT! You don’t lie to me, REMEMBER?”

He opened one eye, “Sweetpea, why don’t you come back to bed for a little while?”

“Several reasons really.” She smirked, “First, I’m already up. Second, I’m already dressed. Third, I’m hungry. Fourth, if I get back in that bed, we may never get out again.”

“I like fourth. Let’s investigate the fourth reason.”

She smiled down at him, “You are terrible.”

“WHY must we shop on the busiest shopping day of the year?”

“Several reasons. First, we haven’t even started yet and we’ve got a list of people to shop for that’s a mile long. Second, people will be too busy bargain hunting to notice you. Third, I love Christmas shopping. Fourth, you promised. Fifth, it will be fun.”

“You’re not going to let me go back to sleep are you?”

“Nope.” She crossed the room and returned with a breakfast tray, “But I did bring a peace offering.”

“You made waffles?”

“Yep.” She held the tray while he sat up.

“What did I do to deserve this?” He smiled brightly as she set the tray down across his lap.

She laughed, “Several things really. First, you promised to go shopping with me. Second, you helped me hold it together when Amanda showed up on the doorstep. Third, you looked really cute while you were sleeping. Fourth...” Her eyes danced, “ followed me. You slept on the doorstep, and didn’t give up. You fought for us.”

“It was a battle worth fighting.” He held out his hand and pulled her down to sit next to him on the bed. “I love you. I’d follow you to the end of the earth....again...if I had to.”

“You won’t have to.” She kissed him lightly.

Shoppers rushed up and down the busy streets. On a good day Beverly Hills was hectic, but today, it was insane. A woman slammed right into JC’s side. “ALLYN! You need to control yourself! I am NOT a pack mule!” JC bent to pick up a dropped bag.

She threw back her head and laughed, “Admit it! You’re having fun...” She took several bags from him. She looked amazing. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes were dancing. She had an amazing bounce in her step and her voice was full of joy. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail that bounced as she laughed. “Josh?”

JC shook his head, “Huh?”

“I said you have to admit you’re having fun.”

He smirked, “I may be having SOME fun.”

“You are having a TON of fun.” She smiled.

He slowly shook his head, “OK...OK...I’m having TONS of fun.”

“That’s what I thought.” She leaned up and kissed him quickly, “You know....while we’re could get a hair cut.”

“JESUS ALLYN!” He rolled his eyes, “I LIKE my hair.”

“I’m just saying, it’s a little...fluffy these days.”


“I’m just saying!” She shrugged and giggled.

“Hey guys.” They both turned to see Justin and Chris standing next to them. Both of them were wearing the ‘day off uniform’. Hats and sunglasses were standard issue when going out on a day off.

“Doing some Christmas shopping?” Chris threw his arm around Lyn’s shoulders.

“Trying to.” She nodded. “We were just discussing his hair.”

JC’s eyes narrowed at her and she grinned evilly. “She said my hair is fluffy.”

Justin laughed, “Well it is. But we all know why you’re doing it like that now.”

JC cocked his head, “And why is that?”

“You’re wearing it all long and curly like me, hoping Lyn will like you better. Because you KNOW all the women want me.” He swivelled his hips.

“Dear LORD!” Lyn rolled her eyes, “All the women want you?”

“You know it.”

“I can think of ten women off the top of my head who DON’T!”


“Me, Stasia, Angela, Dani, Dev, Bren, Cat, Jess, Melinda and Morgan.” Lyn spit out the names in one breath.

“That is COLD! Besides, none of you count. You can’t ADMIT that you want me, especially not with HIM standing here.” Justin pointed at JC.

“I hate to break it to you, but there are A LOT of us out there. Some people find that larger than life ego of yours a huge turn off. Not to mention the skinny legs and freakish fashion sense. You, my good friend are FAR from every girls dream.”

Justin’s jaw dropped and Chris and JC burst into a fits of laughter. Chris smacked Justin on the back, “She TOLD you!”

He slowly shook his head and sighed dramatically pointing at JC, “You need to limit her time with Stasia. Her mouth is getting OUT OF CONTROL!”

“J, trust me, Stasia has nothing to do with the mouth. Little Allyn here has ALWAYS had a sharp tongue.” JC threw his arm around Lyn’s shoulders, “Isn’t that right Sweetpea?”

Lyn smiled up at him, “Yes dear.”

Chris leaned back and tried to look into one of Lyn’s shopping bags, “Got anything for me in there?”

“As a matter of fact, we do.” Her hand covered his face and pushed him back, “NO PEEKING!”

“You could give me a hint.” Chris took a step forward.

“No, no I couldn’t.” Lyn winked at him.

“Will I like it?”

“The two of us picked it out for you. You’ll love it.”

“What if it’s the wrong size?”

“Who said it came in sizes?” She grinned.

“One size fits all?”

“Now WHY would you assume we’d get you clothes?”

“You’re really not going to give me a hint are you?”

“Nope.” She shook her head.

“You suck.”

“I know.” She kissed his cheek.

Justin rolled his eyes, “So you guys want to get some lunch?”

Lyn’s jaw dropped, “What time is it?”

“1:30. Why?” Justin yawned, and pulled his hat down further when he saw a girl look at them twice.


JC smacked his forehead, “We’re supposed to be there aren’t we?”

“You gonna let us in on the code?” Chris asked.

“Stasia flew Jess in this morning to talk to Amanda while she’s here. We were supposed to meet them at the restaurant.”

“What restaurant?” Justin glanced at the girl who had been looking at them earlier and was circling for a third look.

“Um...the one in the Beverly Willshire. What’s the name?”

JC smirked, “The Dinning Room.”

“Oh. Yeah. Makes sense.” She glanced up the block and noticed the same girl Justin was watching, She rolled her eyes and then shouted, “May we help you with something miss?”

The girl turned beat red and walked quickly in the other direction. JC’s jaw dropped, “ALLYN!”

“WHAT? I would have made you guys give her autographs if she would have asked.” She began moving quickly up the block, “Are you guys coming? We’re late!”

They all exchanged confused looks, but followed her down the street. They walked the three blocks to the hotel several paces behind Lyn who was on the phone with Stasia making arrangements for the Chris and Justin to join them.

By the time they charged through the lobby into The Dinning Room, Lyn and Stasia were giggling about shopping. Stasia jumped up, still chattering on the phone and hugged Lyn as if they hadn’t seen each other in years. Jess jumped up and hugged each person tightly, which prompted Chris to squeal and run over to throw his arms around Lance’s head, squeezing as tightly as possible.

Lance pushed at him and then glared, “SIT!”

Chris shot his his very best hurt look, and then sat across the table form him. Everyone took their seats and Lyn noticed the stack of notes Jess had already taken. She nodded her head at the paper, “Already working Jess?”

“Always working!” Jess winked, “Eh...that’s why I’m out here.”

Amanda brushed her hair back, “Jess is pumping me for information on Reagan.”

The waiter walked up and took the drink order and looked closely at Lyn several times. Before he walked away he cocked his head to the side and said, “Lyn?”

Lyn’s brow furrowed and she slowly nodded, “Yes?”

“From Florida...Orlando?”


“You don’t remember me.” He smiled, “We met a few years ago. You were dating my lawyer.”


He smiled, “Yeah. I can’t believe you remembered.”

“I didn’t meet many of Reagan’s clients, so it wasn’t THAT hard.” She smiled warmly.

“Well, I’m still surprised.” He smiled, “I better go get your drinks.”

When he was out of earshot Stasia leaned in, “Reagan’s client?”

“Yep. If I remember correctly, it was breaking and entering....but it was his parents house or something odd like that. Reagan had some odd cases, but I guess that’s how Juvenile Law is. Right?” She looked from Stasia to Jess. “A lot of shop lifting and vandalism.”

Everyone at the table was quiet, and Stasia dropped her water glass, “JUVENILE Law?”

Lyn looked at her with a confused expression, “Yeah. That’s what he does. He only, with the noted exception of his step father, represents Juvenile Offenders....” It finally dawned on her and every face at the table slowly turned to face Amanda.

Stasia whispered, trying hard to contain her excitement, “Juvenile Law?” Lyn nodded silently.

Jess had an indescribable look on her face. She took a very deep breath and calmly said, “Amanda. How old are you?”

The girl looked at all of them as if they were insane, “I’m 16.”

Jess squeaked, “16?”


“HO-LY SHIT!” Chris dropped his roll, “You’re 16?”

“YEAH! Why? I thought you knew that.” She looked confused.

“Amanda, WHEN did you turn 16?” Jess was trying very hard to remain calm.

“In May. Why? Does that matter?”

Lance was slowly shaking his head, “Oh. My. GOD!”

“Amanda, before May, did you and you two...”

“What?” The girl squinted.

Justin spoke without thinking, “Did you guys DO IT before May. Did you screw him before your birthday?”

JC smacked the back of Justin’s head, “JUSTIN!”

“WHAT?! Isn’t that what you were TRYING to ask Jess?”

“Um..yeah.” Jess nodded.

“SEE!” Justin smacked JC.

Stasia swatted at both of them, “CHILDERN!” She leveled both of them with a glare, “Sorry about Justin’s approach, but DID you?”

“Yeah. I guess the first time January.” Amanda shrugged.

JC shook his head trying to clear it, “When you were FIFTEEN?”


“Jesus fucking Christ!” Chris whispered, “What a fucking freak!”

“Amanda! You were only 15 when you slept with him? Why?” Stasia’s eyes were huge.

“Geeze, it’s not that big a deal. I mean, it’s not like he was my first or anything.”

“OH JESUS!” Chris covered his ears, “FUCK! Emily is 15. Oh GOD!”

Jess looked at Stasia who slowly began to smile, “The tide just turned.”

“The car is running in the drive. Are you guys ready?” Lance gladly took a cup of coffee from Lyn.

“Yep. Are you guys POSITIVE you want to do this? I mean, the girls can go without you.” Lyn asked as JC pulled the front door closed and checked to make sure it was locked.

“We said we wanted to go. You guys do all of this ‘girls stuff’ together. We want to see what goes on and why we can never go.” JC grinned.

Lyn settled into the backseat and handed Stasia her coffee, “We never invite you guys, because you won’t like it.”

“Sure!” Lance glanced in the rearview mirror, “But why do we have to go so early?”

“Because we are getting eight hours worth of spa treatments.” Stasia answered through her yawn. “It should be cool, our group will be the only one there today. We have twelve people, so they are letting us have the run of the place.”

“Dev is SO excited! She can’t wait to be massaged. Poor thing is feeling a”

Lance pulled into the parking lot next to Chris’ car and they all climbed out, “Let’s get spa-ed!” Chris clapped.

“Spa-ed?” Dani raised an eyebrow, “Chris, we talked about this. You promised to behave yourself.”

“BABE! I can still have fun. I won’t burn the joint down.”

“CHRIS! I’m serious!”

“Yeah yeah I know. I’ll be a good little boy.” He rolled his eyes.

Joey and Angela were waiting in the lobby with Ryan and Dev, “Where’s Justin?”

“He and Mor are staying at Britney’s so they should be here by now...except that they are BOTH always late for everything.” JC laughed.

They all talked quietly until the door burst open and Justin flew through, “WOMAN! Do NOT try to blame me for you being late!”

“Well if you hadn’t set off Britney’s alarm, bringing a small army down on us, then we would have been on time you FOOL!”


“Why don’t you shut it for me Stretch?” She stuck out her tongue.

“How come they don’t have to behave?” Chris pouted.

Lyn narrowed her eyes at Justin, “They do Chris. B.B. WHAT is your problem?”

“Her.” He pointed at Morgan.

“Ass.” Morgan scrunched her face at him.

Lyn laughed, “Morning Mor.”

“Hey.” Morgan smiled.

A small woman in a long white lab coat walked into the sitting area, “Good morning.” They all smiled and introduced themselves, “It’s very nice to have your group here this morning. It’s my understanding that you will all be receiving the Ultimate Spa Sanctuary today?”

“Yes.” Stasia answered for the group, “I made twelve appoints. I was told we would all be assessed as to which treatments we needed.”

“That is what I am here to do.” The woman smiled again. She walked by each of them, checking their skin types and trying to decide which treatments each of them would receive.

She led everyone on a quick tour of the facilities and she directed them to the dressing room, “Please go on inside and remove all of your clothing, then put on the robe hanging in your dressing room.”

“Um....when you say, ‘remove all of your clothing’ you don’t mean ALL of our clothing....right?” Joey asked.

“Sir, you should be naked beneath your robe.” She nodded.

“NAKED? You’re telling me you want all of us running around this place in nothing but bathrobes?” Chris was staring wide eyed.

“SHUT UP Christopher!” Dani glared at her, “Please forgive them, they have never been to a spa before.”

“It’s quite alright. Often times people are shocked the first time they come here.” The woman smiled.

They each entered a dressing room and emerged several minutes later wrapped in matching white bathrobes and slippers. They all met in the spacious lounge. The area was filled with small sitting areas and a large waterfall. Joey sat down on a wicker love seat and re adjusted his robe. “This is just a little odd. Man, I don’t have a problem walking around in my robe, but I’d sure as hell like a pair of boxers.”

“I never thought I’d be sitting around with ALL of you wearing next to nothing.” Lyn smirked, “I’m not used to anyone but JC seeing me like this.”

“Your bathrobe at home is a little more appealing than this one.” JC ran his hand over her knee.

“You two just STOP! None of us want to see that, ESPECIALLY when you’re not wearing clothes.” Chris covered his eyes.

“OH! We can’t flirt, but Lance and Stasia can sit over there, curled up on a couch, rubbing noses.” Lyn pointed to the pair curl up near the waterfall.

“GROSS! Seriously! This is nasty. Let’s all get out of here and go get some food.” Chris stood up quickly.

“ might want to tighten the belt on your robe.” Joey pointed.

“OH GOD!” Chris pulled his robe closed.

A woman walked into the room, “Hello. I am Aida Thibiant, I would like to welcome you to my spa.” Several people dressed in lab coats walked in and stood behind her, “These are the technicians that will be helping each of you through your spa experience. I hope you all leave here feeling more relaxed and centered. Please enjoy your day with us.”

A young woman walked up to Lyn, “Lyn?”

“Yes.” Lyn smiled and nodded.

“I’m JulieAnn If you’ll follow me, we can get started.”

Lyn stood up and JC kissed her hand, “So I’ll see you at lunch. Enjoy yourself.”

“You too.” She bent down and kissed him lightly.

Lyn followed the woman into the room, “You are going to be receiving the Hydra Marine Detoxifying Mud treatment. You’ll love this, it’s warm and relaxing.”

Lyn was slathered with mud and wrapped up in warming blankets when she heard a ton of commotion in the hallway. She lifted her head slightly and said, “What on earth is THAT?”

“I have no idea. Do you mind if I check?” JulieAnn made sure Lyn was completely covered.

“No I don’t mind at all. I’d like to know too.”

JulieAnn opened the door just in time to see Chris hop by wrapped up like a burrito, Lyn called out his name, “CHRIS! CHRIS! COME HERE!”

He bounced into the room, “THEY GOT YOU TOO! You’re all tied up too!”

“Of course I am! That’s part of the whole thing. Why are you hopping down the hall wrapped up like a burrito?”

“Because I got scared.” He hung his head.

“Scared of WHAT?”

“I don’t know. I couldn’t move and I’m naked. I couldn’t see any of you guys. I have seaweed on me. I don’t like it.”

“What if I promise you nothing bad will happen?”

“Can I stay in here?”

“No Chris. JulieAnn, could he go into the room with Justin? Would that make you feel better Chris?” He nodded like a small child.

“I will have to ask Justin if it’s ok with him.” JulieAnn laughed.

“Just tell him L.S. said it was her idea.”

“I’ll be back in just a minute.” JulieAnn left them alone.

As soon as the door closed Lyn smirked, “What’s REALLY going on?”

“I got bored.”

“You could have just ASKED to talk to someone.”

“Nowhere near as much fun as seeing the look on the girls face when I jumped up and hopped down the hall. I knew one of you would save me from my boredom.”

“You’re supposed to be relaxing.”

“Relaxing is boring. You know I can’t relax.”

“Don’t forget you wanted to come here. This was supposed to be a girls day, but you guys HAD to come along.” She shook her head, “Seaweed huh?”

“Yeah. What did you get?”


“Slippery. Where’s JC when you need him?”

“Funny Chris. Real funny.”

JulieAnn walked back into the room, “Justin said you owe him, forever.”

Chris smirked and Lyn laughed, “I figured as much.”

Lyn sat quietly looking at the water pounding into the pool at the bottom of the waterfall. “Thinking about the waterfall near the house in Tipperary?” Dev sat down next to her sister.

“You know me very well Number 4.” Lyn smiled, “I love that place. Now it’s even more special.”

“Now that it’s the place you got JC back?”

Lyn shook her head slowly, “Now that it’s the place we got each other back. Less than a year Devony. So much has happened in less than a year.”

“Tell me about it.” Dev patted her large stomach.

“Yeah, I suppose you’ve had just as crazy a year!” Lyn wrapped her arms around her sister. “How did all of this happen?”

“Well, I’ve actually thought about that. It’s all JC’s fault. If he wasn’t so talented, he wouldn’t have moved to Florida. If he hadn’t of move to Florida, you guys wouldn’t have met. If you wouldn’t have met, you would be in Florida without a job. I would never have met Ryan, and you wouldn’t be an aunt in a matter of months. So as you can plainly see, it’s all JC’s fault.” Dev grinned.

“What’s all my fault?”

The sisters looked up and began giggling. Lyn held out her hand and he took it, “It’s all your fault that Dev, Ryan and the baby are going to live happily ever after.”

“My fault?”

“It’s all because you can sing like and angel.” Dev smiled, pushed herself up off of the couch with a little help from her sister, and then kissed JC’s cheek, “I’ll be forever grateful.”

“But...I didn’t do anything.”

“You moved to Florida.” Dev patted his shoulder as she walked away.

JC shook his head, “What got you two going?”

“The waterfall.” Lyn nodded her head in the direction of the pounding water.

“Ah. Ireland.” He sat next to her.

“You know me too well.” She squeezed his hand.

“After tomorrow, we have to go back to the insanity. How about tomorrow, you, me, Blarney and Tipperary have a picnic and a day of just the four of us?”

“Sounds perfect.”

“I’m glad.” He kissed her.

“This isn’t what I thought of when you said picnic yesterday.” Lyn laughed as she popped a strawberry into her mouth.” She was stretched out on a blanket next to JC with both dogs curled up near their feet. Their was a gorgeous view of the sun setting over the canyon.

“What did you think I was talking about?”

“I sort of assumed we’d be outside.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

“And here I thought you’d like my living room picnic.” He twisted his head so he could see her, “Aren’t you having fun?”

“I’m having the best day!” She kissed his neck.

“I think shutting off the phones, and cell phones and fax and everything else was key to the whole thing working out.”

“I think just the two of us being together, alone was key.” She kissed his neck again.

“We need to make a pact...or have a deal or something.”

“About what?” She ran her fingernails lightly over his chest.

“I think we should have one day a month when we do this. One day a month when we lock ourselves away from the rest of the world and reconnect.”

“Sounds good to me,” She nibbled his earlobe, “but I’ve been trying to ‘reconnect’ with you for over an hour and you don’t seem to be responding.”

He smirked, “Allyn my love, are you trying to seduce me?”

“Yes. I’ve been TRYING!”

“I know.” He kissed the top of her head, “Sweetpea, it’s been working, but I was trying to let you take the lead!”

“You were?” She leaned up over him.

“Yes.” He brushed her hair back, “I thought that’s what you were trying to do.”

“So what you’re saying here is, I’m in charge?”

“Completely.” He nodded.
~Chapter Thirty-Three~