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Chapter 4

JC leaned down and whispered to Lyn, “How did we get suckered into doing this?” He pulled Justin’s hat down lower on his forehead and pushed his sunglasses further up his nose.

Lyn grinned at him and pushed the grocery cart further down the aisle, “I sort of volunteered us.”

“WHAT? Lynie, you realize every fan in the country knows we’re in town, and more than likely staying at Lance’s?” He looked at her over the rim of his glasses.

“So? We’re not at Lance’s right now, we’re at the grocery store, shopping for the party our friends are being nice enough to throw. You are all undercover. Nice hat by the way.” She grabbed an arm full of potato chips.

“I had to borrow it from Justin. All of my hats are on my bus, which is at the venue.” He tossed several bag of corn chips into the cart.

“You realize that your goofy, cracked out, I’ve been electrocuted, bed head, full can of moose, well overdue for a cut, mess of hair is sticking out the back right?” She cleared off a shelf of chip dip.

“THAT WAS COLD! I can’t believe you said that! Have you been hanging out with Morgan again?”

She giggled and turned down the next aisle. He was right behind her tossing things over her head into the cart, “For someone who claims to be trying to keep a low profile, all of the food throwing is not helping. Those people are staring at us.” She nodded her head toward an older couple near the frozen foods.

“I think it’s that uncontrollable mane of hair YOU’RE sporting.” He stuck his tongue out and dodged her fist.

“Low blow. Low blow!” She shook her head and pushed her curls back out of her face.”

“You know I love the curls, they are just a little out of control today.”

“OK, I’ll fix it.” She grabbed the hat off of his head, dropped it on her own head and sprinted down toward the soda section.

JC’s already messy hair, looked even worse without the hat. He looked around, ran both hands through his hair and casually pushed the cart over to where Lyn was hiding behind a Coke display. “That’s fine. I’m looking like the rock star I am.”

Lyn threw her head back and laughed, hard. “OK Mr. Ego!” She hugged him and put the hat back on his head.

“Lynie, I’m not sure having you on tour is such a good idea.”

“Sure it is. You’ll love it, you have never had so much fun!” She winked and led him to the register.

They loaded the bags into Stasia’s car, and were just climbing in as a photographer slipped out from behind a car across the parking lot from them. JC sighed, “Sorry Lyn.”

“About what? Just ignore him. What’s the worst thing that can happen? A picture of us grocery shopping goes in some trashy magazine? So what?” She rolled her eyes and buckled her seatbelt.

“You have had a major change of attitude, I thought you were a little worried about the spotlight and being in it.” He pulled out of the lot and headed toward Lance’s house.

“You know what, I had a lot of time to talk to Stasia about how she deals with it. Plus, I’m not anyone’s girlfriend, AND I work for Free Lance, so there is a good reason for me to be around all of the time. I’m not worried.” She smiled.

“I’m glad. This is the first time I get to have someone from home with me the entire time. It was nice when Momma Harless and Momma Bass went with us, but it’s not the same as having your best friend with you on the road.”

She furrowed her brow and sat up straight, “Hey. I have a job to do, I can’t spend all day goofing off like you can.”

“Goofing off? GOOFING OFF? You have got a lot to learn little lady. The first week on the buses will kill you.”

“It can’t be that hard.”

He pulled into Lance’s driveway and hit the security code. Chris was in the middle of the front lawn with four dogs, his youngest sister, Lis, Steven and Jonathon. They were playing freeze tag and Chris was running wildly away from Jonathon. Joey was shooting hoops with Steve, Dani, Angela and Chris’s other sisters.

They could see Lance and Stasia down by the lake getting the wave runners in the water. It looked like the two of them were playing harder than they were working. Stasia had just jumped on his back and was trying hard to trip Lance into the water, he flipped her off of his back and she landed square on her bottom in the water. She splashed him and he sat down next to her.

JC pulled into the garage and they began to unload the bags. They walked into the kitchen at exactly the same moment as Justin and Morgan poured the contents of a bottle of vodka into a batch of Jell-O. JC shot Lyn a look and she shook her head. “What are you two doing?” JC asked as he dropped the bags in his arms onto the nearest counter.

Morgan and Justin looked at one another and then at the mixing bowl in front of them. Justin laughed nervously, “We are working on the refreshments.”

“Oh really?” Lyn leaned against the counter and crossed her arms over her chest.

Morgan blushed a little, “It’s not like you guys didn’t drink before you were legal.”

“Maybe we did, maybe we didn’t, but that has nothing to do with this.” JC looked at Justin.

“Come on! Why are you two going all parental on us?”

JC and Lyn looked at one another, he shrugged, “I guess we don’t need to Justin, since your parents ARE here. Momma Harless will love this.”

“She won’t know. We made normal Jell-O for the kids, so Momma will just think we’re eating Jell-O.”

“Eat them at your own risk kids, be careful.” Lyn went to get more bags.

JC followed her into the garage and started to laugh. “What’s so funny?” She looked at him sideways.

“You really want to fit in while we’re on the road?” He leaned against the back of the car.

“Of course I do. Why?” She put her hands on her hips.

“You have to beat them to the punch then.” He grinned.

“Beat who to what punch?” Her eyebrow went up curiously.

“The guys. You know how they are with practical jokes. Remember Stasia’s red hair? Or blue hair?”

“Oh yeah. So what did you have in mind?” She smiled.

“Justin and Morgan will be your first target.” He put his arm around her shoulder and they walked out into the driveway whispering.

JC was talking to Lance who laughed at his question and nodded. The two walked over to the piano in the corner and lowered the huge lid. JC scooped Lis up and set her on top of the piano. Everyone in the room turned to look at her. AS JC sat down and his hands went to the keys.

“Are you ready?”

She nodded her head and smiled at him. JC began to play and when he nodded at her she began to sing.

Ev'ry time it rains, it rains pennies from heaven
Don'tcha know each cloud contains pennies from heaven?
(You'll find your fortune fallin' all over town)
(Be sure that your umbrella)
Is upside down

Trade them for a package of sunshine and flowers
If you want the things you love, you must have showers
(So when you hear it thunder) Don't run under a tree
There'll be pennies from heaven for you and me

(Ev'ry time it rains, it rains)Pennies from heaven
(Don'tcha know each cloud contains)Pennies from heaven?
(You'll find you fortune fallin') All over town
(Be sure that your umbrella) Is upside down

Trade them for a package of sunshine and flowers
If you want the things you love you must have showers
(So when you hear it thunder) Don't run under a tree
There'll be pennies...from heaven...for you...and for me

Everyone in the room burst into loud applause. Lis jumped from the top of the piano into JC’s waiting arms. He kissed her on the cheek and she hugged him tightly. JC looked around the room at his friends, Justin was standing on his chair cheering and whistling. Morgan was pumping her arm in the air Lance was holding Stasia tightly from behind, both of them were clapping and cheering. Joey and Chris were hooting and screaming. Lyn’s parents and sisters were all dumbfounded. Angela and Dani were both smiling brightly and giggling. JC’s eye landed on Lyn. Her arms were wrapped around her. Tears were running down her cheeks and he had never seen a bigger smile on her face.

Slowly crossed the room and wrapped her arms around JC and Lisy. She kissed each of them on the cheek. JC propped Lis on his hip and used his free hand to wipe Lyn’s tears away.

Stasia turned her face to look at Lance. He smiled softly and simply kissed her forehead. A sly smile spread across her face and she led Lance out of the room into the kitchen to start bringing out the food.

Lyn walked across the deck and looked out over Lance’s rolling lawn. Dev was playing croquet with Jonathon, Steven, Taylor and Lis. Cat was sitting with the Momma Harless talking about something funny, because they were both laughing hard. Her parents were sitting with the JC and the Lance’s parents. Bren was down by the lake, flirting with Steve and Tyler. Joey and Angela were throwing balls and toys for the dogs. Even Clover was having fun.

Lyn was happy. She had no idea anyone was watching her until JC bumped her with his hip. “You look like you’re off in la la land.”

“I guess I was.” She smiled up at him. “I was just looking around at my family and friends and realizing how remarkably blessed I am. Not everyone can say that. I’m standing on Lance’s deck, looking at my loved ones, all gathered in one place, laughing and playing.”

JC nodded his head toward the lake, “And flirting.”

Lyn watched Bren splash Tyler and toss her hair around, “I don’t think she could be any more obvious. GEEZE!”

“Don’t be too hard on her, not everyone can carry themselves as well as you do.” He tugged on one of her curls.

“Oh YEAH I carry myself so well I showed up at your hotel like a complete idiot. Or did you forget about how I almost got you thrown out of your hotel?” She rolled her eyes.

He turned serious eyes in her direction, “Lyn, I have never felt closer to you then I did then. You made me feel so special. You needed someone and you picked me.”

“I NEEDED you.” She met his eyes and then looked down quickly.

Morgan came flying out the door, followed closely by Justin, she was laughing hysterically and he was wearing the contents of the punch bowl on his head. JC and Lyn turned quickly to jump out of their way as they rand past. Right behind Justin, both Lance and Stasia were shouting about the mess in the kitchen.

Out of the corner of her eye, Lyn noticed Dani’s blonde head. She was sitting on a blanket in the huge tulip garden Lance put in for Stasia. She was about to go over and find out why Dani was sitting alone, when she noticed that Chris was laying on his back, with his head in her lap. Dani was gently running her fingers threw his hair.

Lyn grabbed JC’s arm and whispered, “I pray they are on their way back.”

“We all pray that they are on their way back. They belong together.”

“I know.”

Justin stumbled up the stairs next to them and sighed, “Now I’m all out of breath. I guess I should fo get something to eat, maybe some Jell-O.” He winked at them and jogged into the house.

Lyn giggled and smiled at JC. They walked into the kitchen and JC cleared his throat, “So J, can Lyn and I get one of your Jell-O shots?”

“SHHH!” Justin’s head whipped around before he handed each of them a shot.

Lyn popped hers into her mouth and then scrunched her nose, “Strong.”

JC nodded his agreement and Justin grinned, “I didn’t think they were strong at all, but this second one, wow!”

Lyn nodded, “You may have over done it.” She poured herself a glass of water.

Justin smirked, “You guys are light weights!” Morgan walked around the corner laughing and smiling. Justin handed her a Jell-O shot and smiled, “You have to catch up. I’ve done two, Lyn and JC have each had one.”

“So hand me another.” Morgan laughed evilly. She popped the first one in her mouth and swallowed it whole.

Lyn scrunched her nose, “Strong huh?”

Morgan nodded and popped the second one in her mouth. She squinted and coughed, “We might have put too much vodka in.”

“Hey, if we eat enough of them, we won’t taste them anymore.”

JC shook his head, “Be careful, they will hit you all at once.”

Lyn nodded and said, “Yeah, he’s right.”

Justin and Morgan each popped another shot into their mouths. JC and Lyn left the kitchen shaking their heads.

Three hours later, all of the parents had left and the party was picking up it’s pace. Stasia and Lyn made a huge pitcher of Cosmopolitans and were lounging down by the lake. Morgan and Justin were sitting a little further up the lawn, laughing hysterically. JC waded out of the water and sat on the end of Lyn’s chair. “Should we tell them?”

“Yeah. We should let them know.”

Stasia sipped her drink, “What are ya telling ‘them’? Who’s them?”

“Them is Justin and Morgan. OK, that was grammatical murder. ANYWAY, they think they are drunk.” Lyn giggled.

“They look pretty drunk to me.” Stasia glanced up the hill to where Justin and Morgan were rolling. They had their arms tucked in and they were rolling like little kids.

“They look drunk, bu they aren’t.” JC answered.

“They are both completely sober. We caught them making Jell-O shots, and they were being bratty about it, so...we replaced them. They have eaten four boxes of plain old Jell-O.” Lyn smirked.

Stasia’s eyes got huge and and she began laughing. She laughed so hard tears began streaming down her cheeks. She had to sit forward to catch her breath. Lance finished pulling the second Sea Doo out of the water and walked over. “What has her laughing so hard?”

Stasia scooted forward and Lance slipped in behind her, pulling her back against his chest. His arms wrapped around her waist. Her entire body was still shaking with laughter, “Justin and Mor...” She gasped for air.

“They look pretty hammered.” Lance glanced over his shoulder at the pair.

“They THINK they are, but they are stone cold sober. Lyn and JC switched their Jell-O shots for plain Jell-O!”

Lance began laughing, “This is classic!” Lance ran a hand over his face.

Lyn and JC got up and walked closer to Justin and Morgan, who were now laying in a heap at the bottom of the hill, looking up at the sky discussing what they saw in the clouds.

“It’s an ice cream cone.” Morgan point straight up at the sky.

“Is not. It’s a clown with a pointy hat on.” Justin argue, his head rolling over heavily to face her.

JC stood looking down at the pair, “You two seem to be feeling pretty good.”

Morgan began giggling uncontrollably. “Uh huh.”

JC nodded, “Why are you so...”

Lyn helped him, “Giddy?”

Justin laughed so hard he snorted, which made Morgan laugh harder, “We had a few Jell-O shots.”

“Yeah you had a lot of JELL-O.” Lyn agreed.

Justin propped himself up on his elbows, “HUH?”

“She said you had a lot of Jell-O, plain Jell-O.”

Now Morgan propped herself up on her elbows, “What do you mean?”

Lyn grinned evilly, “You have not had a drop of alcohol. Not one drop.”

“What are you talking about? You both tried the shots, you even said how strong they are.”

“You two are so easy to pull jokes on.” JC shook his head, “We switched them you fools. You ate plain old Jell-O. All day. I’m surprised you’re not sick from all of the sugar.”

“You’re kidding.” Morgan furrowed her brow.

“No. We threw out your batch of Jell-O. You ate ours.”

Justin glanced down to where Lance and Stasia were sitting, still laughing. “Damn.”

“Yeah. Lyn got you pretty good.” JC patted her head and they walked away.

The guys were all playing basketball. Morgan and Angela were talking about school and clothes. Bren, Dev and Cat were all in the house, looking at pictures of the guys with their celebrity friends.

Lyn, Stasia and Dani were all still down by the lake. Lance had built a big bon fire before he had gone to play basketball, so they were laughing and talking and still drinking Cosmopolitans. They had been drinking since the parents left. Dani had caught them up about everything she had been doing lately.

Lyn looked over at Dani and sighed, “Dan, why aren’t you and Chris back together yet?”

Dani frowned, “We haven’t really talked about it lately. We’ve just been hanging out a lot.”

“Why do you need to talk about it? Just do it. Just kiss him and be back together.” Stasia said as she filled her glass again.

“OH RIGHT! Just kiss him.” Dani giggled.

Lyn nodded her head, “Yeah. Jus kiss ‘em.”

Stasia laughed, “Jus kiss ‘em? Lyn you’re drunk.” Stasia stood up to toss another log on the fire, but she lost her balance and landed back on her chair with a thud.

Dani pointed at her, “I wouldn’t talk. Stay.”

“I’m not durk.”

Lyn laughed, “What the hell is durk?”

Dani hic-upped loudly and they all began giggling.

They began discussing the new show. Lyn shook her head, “Know what song I think they should sing?”

Dani looked at her, “What?”

Riddle , now THAT was a classic song.”

They all laughed, “What was that all about?” Stasia frowned. “I am out to find the solving key, To this woman’s mystery...” She sang loudly.

They all laughed again and began singing together, “What’s the riddle of it all, what’s the riddle of her mind, It’s impossible to find...”

Justin flubbed his shot badly. “Did you hear that?”

Joey laughed, “They are not down there singing Riddle at the top of their lungs.”

Chris pointed, “Oh YES they are.”

“I better go make a pot of coffee.” Lance walked toward the house.

“I’ll help.” JC jogged to catch up to him.

The other guys made their way down to the lake, where the girls were still singing.

“...What is going on, what is going on in her life, what is showing up, what is showing up in her smile.”

Chris sat down on the ground next to Dani, “What are you doing?”

“Singin’” She giggled, “WHAT’S THE RIDDLE...” His hand clamped down over her mouth.

“STOP!” Joey covered his ears.

“We’re good singers.” Lyn stuck her tongue out at him.

“Lyn, I’ve never seen you like this.”

She tried to stand, but her legs buckled under her. Joey caught her right before she hit the ground. He pulled her off of her feet and started toward the house. “You guys better help those two get back to the house.”

Chris stood up and Dani jumped onto his back. “I guess I’ve got this one.”

Justin rolled his eyes, “That leaves me with the she devil.” He hoisted Stasia up over his shoulder and carried her up the hill with her head hanging down his back.

When they got to the kitchen, Justin dumped Stasia into Lance’s arms, “I believe this mess belongs to you.”

Lance’s eyes got big when Stasia’s head fell against his shoulder. “Millie?”

Her arms wrapped around his neck, “Love you Harry.”

“Oh man. What have you done to yourself Darlin’?” He tightened his grip on her and looked at his friends, “I better put her in bed.”

Justin patted his back, “Good luck buddy.”

JC looked at Lyn’s limp body in Joey’s arms, “I guess this one is my responsibility?” He held out his arms and Joe hand her over.

“Yep. You are her friend. Go hold her hair.”

JC looked very alarmed, “Lynie, you’re not going to get sick are you?”

“No.” She shook her head, and then held it, “Ow.”

“Lynie, are you SURE you’re not going to be sick?”


“Yeah you’re sure or yeah you are going to get sick?”

“Yeah I’m sure. Shut up JC.” Joey laughed and walked out of the kitchen with Justin. Chris had disappeared to put Dani in bed.

JC hoisted her up again and said, “You ready for bed?”

“Uh huh.” She whispered.

He slowly made his way up the stairs, trying to keep her from bouncing too much. He pushed the door to her room open and her could hear Lance struggling with Stasia in the next room. “Millie. PLEASE fall asleep.” Jake barked once and Stasia laughed loudly.

JC shook his head and set Lyn on the edge of the bed, “How you holding up killer?”

“My head hurts.”

“Would it help if I took that ponytail out?”

“Uh huh.”

He sat down next to her and pulled the elastic out of her hair. Her hair fell wildly down her back. He looked at her pale cheeks, “Lyn?”

“JC, make the room stop spinning.”

He hugged her, “I would if I could.”

“Why did I do this to myself?” She held her head.

“I was going to ask you that.” He pushed her curls back.

Her eyes were liquid, a soft smile touched her lips, “You are the best friend in the world.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

Lyn kissed his cheek and then smiled, “You are too good to me.”

“No I’m not. You deserve all the best in the world. I want you to keep chasing your dreams Lyn. I’ll help you if I can. I know you’re still upset about Powers. I’m sorry. It was all my fault.”

“No it wasn’t. It was my own fault, and I believe that everything happens for a reason. You and Stasia and Justin and Joe all need to stop thinking it was you.” She smiled and kissed his cheek again.

“I’m going to help.”

“You already did. I needed you in Miami, and you were there for me. You are the best, best friend ever. ” She turned and lightly brushed his lips with her own. “Thank you.” She whispered, her lips still touching his.

JC suddenly felt very warm and his eyes grew wide. He didn’t have time to react because Lance came slipping through the door, he slapped his hand over his eyes and said, “JESUS! I’m so sorry. I was gonna check on Lyn...and now I’m going to go kill myself in the other room.”

JC shouted, “NO! LANCE!” Lance stopped in the door, hand still covering his eyes, “Lance, it’s ok. It’s not like we were...shit, ok. I realize this looks odd, but it’s nothing ok?”


“This is like your kiss in the laundry mat. You know what I’m talking about?”

Lance nodded his head and peered between his fingers, “It was an accident?”


JC looked at Lance helplessly, “Help me.”

Lance smirked and walked over to crouch in front of Lyn, “How ya feeling kiddo?”

“I’ve been better.” She smiled at him, “You are so nice Lance. Thank you for the job.”

“Anytime, can you sleep now?”

“Uh huh.” She fell straight back onto the bed, her legs still hanging off the edge. Lance slid her body up until her head was resting on the pillow. Then he folded the comforter over her and pointed to the balcony.

JC followed him out and they stood looking at the yard. Lance turned and looked at him, “So how did you ACCIDENTALLY kiss Lyn?”

“She kissed me. She was saying I’m the best best friend in the world, then she kissed me. It was like a regular kiss.”

“Looked regular from where I was standing.”

JC leaned his elbows on the railing, and buried his head in his hands, “What the hell.”

Lance fought hard to avoid smiling, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m such an idiot.” He turned his head a little to glance at Lance, “I liked it.”

“Kissing Lyn?”

JC’s head slammed down onto the railing between his arms, “Yes.”

“Cool.” Lance smiled slightly.

“NOT COOL AT ALL! Lance, first of all she’s hammered and will not remember it tomorrow. Second, IT’S LYN! I should not be kissing Lyn.”

“Why not? She’s beautiful. She’s funny. She is so smart she gives Stasia a run for her money. Why shouldn’t you be kissing Lyn?”

“She’s my best friend. I never want to lose that.”

“Why do you have to? Stasia is my best friend.”

“I thought I was your best friend.”

“Shut up, you know what I mean.”

“I was trying to change the subject.”

Lance squeezed his shoulder reassuringly, “You realize you don’t have to marry her tomorrow, right? If you want to see what happens, take it slow.”

“I don’t know what I want.”

“You don’t have to figure it out tonight.”

“I know.” He ran his hand over his face.

“Have you ever thought of dating her before?”

JC looked at Lance as if he were completely insane, “Lance, I have never thought of Lyn as a girl, not like a normal girl anyway.”

Lance laughed, hard. “How could you miss it? She is an amazing WOMAN. You’ve got a lot to learn.” He smacked his friend on the back, “I’m going to go make sure the woman I am madly in love with, has not fallen out of bed in her drunken stupor.”

“Night Lance.”

“Sleep well, JC.” Lance laughed again.

The room was warm and stuffy from what she could tell. She wasn’t sure, because she was still hidden under the comforter, afraid to emerge from the safety of her bed. She carefully pushed the corner of the comforter off of her head. The sunlight streaming through the windows hit her hard. Lyn opened her right eye, and both hands flew up to clutch her throbbing head. “Oh God.”

“God has nothing to do with your hang over Lyn.” JC smiled as he set down a glass of water and two aspirins.

“You’re an angel.” She popped both aspirins in her mouth and swallowed them in one gulp.

“Do you want to eat something?”

Her hand clamped over her mouth and she shook her head.

JC chuckled and said, “OK then, no breakfast for you.”

She swung her legs over the side of the bed and slowly began to stand, “I. Am. An. Idiot.”

“Hey, you’ve done it before, you’ll probably do it again. We’ve all been where you are, you’re biggest problem is that you have to be at a very loud concert in a few hours.”

“Oh man. What time is it?”

JC glanced at his watch, “1:15, we’re getting ready to go over to the venue. Lance is trying to wake Stasia up, you two can meet us there after you get ready.”

“I’m sorry.” She walked over to where he was standing.

“About what?” He furrowed his brow.

“Last night. I was a mess, and you put me back together again. I’m sorry you have to put me back together a lot lately.”

“You never have to thank me. You have held me together more than once, for a little while, it’s my turn. Now go take a shower, you’re not going to miss my show are you?”

“I don’t care how bad my hang over is, and it’s really bad, I wouldn’t dream of missing your show.”

“I think Dani is alive, she was shuffling around the kitchen begging for coffee. Oh, do you want a cup?”

“I’ll name my first born child after you if you get me a cup of coffee.” She walked into the bathroom.

“I thought you’d name your first born child after me anyway.”

“You’re probably right.” She giggled as she closed the door.

She pulled the navy shower curtain closed and as the hot water hit her, she sighed. She knew she had been sappy the night before, she had been out of control. They had a lot of fun, but she never drank, and she knew she shouldn’t have. Now, she was paying the price. Her forehead rested against the cold tile and it eased some of the throbbing.

There was a tapping on the door and JC’s voice filled the room, “I’m putting your coffee on the counter.”


“Anytime Sweetpea.” He laughed as he closed the door.

She picked her head up off of the wall and cocked it to the side, she was positive she hadn’t heard him correctly. He had never called her anything but Lynie or Allyn when he was trying to annoy her. She shook her head thinking she may be more hung over than she had thought.

Lyn turned off the water and wrapped a towel around herself. She picked up the coffee cup from the counter and tapped on the door connecting the bathroom to Lance’s bedroom. She was met with a groan. She giggled and walked into the room. Stasia was sprawled face down on the bed, holding a pillow over her head.


“Huh?” was the muffled response.

“You going to make it?”

“Uh uh.”

“What time do we have to leave?”


“It’s 2:00.”

“Crap.” Stasia flung the pillow across the room, “Did the shower help?”

“Yeah. JC brought me coffee.”

“OH NICE! Where is my coffee?” She frowned.

“Right here my love.” Lance laughed from the door.

“Thanks Harry.”

“I wanted to let you know we’re leaving. We’re already running late, so get there as soon as possible. You guys are going to have to double check all of the arrangements were made for Meredith and Ryan. I’d do it myself, but we’ve got a little girl from Make A Wish coming to visit.”

“We’ll be there.” Stasia waved him out the door. He jogged over kissed her, patted the top of Lyn’s head and left.

Lyn pulled on a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt and a hooded sweatshirt. She glanced in the mirror and opted for a black baseball cap.

Stasia walked through the door wearing a pair of low rise khaki pants, a white tank top and red cardigan sweater. She was wearing a khaki fisherman hat and sunglasses.

Stasia nodded her head toward the door and and Lyn slipped on her own sunglasses and followed her out. They rode to the venue in silence, Ron sat in the backseat shaking his head at the two women, trying to sober up as quickly as possible. As she parked the car, Stasia flipped the glove compartment open and pulled out a box. She tossed it at Lyn and said, “You’re going to love me for this.”

Lyn opened the box and laughed, “Ear plugs!”

“Momma did it for me when I started touring with them, I do it for you. You can thank me later.”

“I’ll thank you now.” Lyn hugged her, “I owe you so much.”

“You don’t owe me a thing. Now let’s go make sure the venue is taking care of our artists properly. You want to take care of Ryan or Mer?”

“I don’t care.”

“You find Ryan, he’s going on first, he’ll be happy to see a friendly face. You look a heck of a lot better than I do.”


Stasia tossed a new All Access Pass at Lyn, along with everything she would need to make sure Ryan was ready to go on.

Lyn could not believe the size of the crowd, or how loud they were. Stasia waved, signed a few autographs and went to find Meredith. Lyn stood in the hall, trying to figure out how to find Ryan. She spotted Lonnie standing down the hall so she walked over and smiled.

“Hey Lyn. Rough night?” He put a big arm around her shoulders.

“I’m a fool.”

“So I’ve heard. But I’ve also heard you weren’t alone in this mess. Dani is sleeping in Chris’s dressing room, Stasia is stomping around and you’re looking a little rough around the edges.”

“Thanks.” She stuck her tongue out, “Have you seen Ryan?”

“Yep. His dressing room is next to Lance’s.” He pointed down the hall.

“Thanks Lon.”

Lyn made her way to Ryan’s door and knocked lightly. “It’s open.”

She walked in and smiled, “I’m here to make sure you have everything you need.”

He looked at her desperately. The wardrobe woman was sewing the seat of his pants. “Lyn! My pants!”

“What happened? How did your pants rip?”

He turned beat red, “I bent over and they ripped. I am so embarrassed! I can’t believe I am opening for the worlds biggest band, and MY PANTS RIP OPEN!”

Lyn giggled, “Ryan, it’s not a big deal. Joey splits his pants at least once a tour! Justin ALWAYS forgets to zip his fly. In Miami, JC slid halfway across the stage on his butt, that was just last week.”

“All done there son.” The woman patted him on the rear.

Lyn threw her head back and laughed hard as Ryan grew redder and redder. “I am going to die.”

“No you aren’t. Who is going to find out? Not to mention the fact that even if your pants were still ripped wide open, noone would notice. You are going to sit on a stool, right?”

“I guess your right.” He walked stiffly over to the mirror, “I have never performed in front of this many people. I am suddenly nervous.”

Lyn walked over and grabbed him by the upper arms, “Look at me! Ryan, you auditioned in front of the entire world on MTV.”

“But they weren’t all sitting in front of me. Screaming that they love JUSTIN!”

Lyn shook him a little, “RYAN! I promise you, this is going to be one of the best nights of your life. You are amazing and now the world gets to see that. Free Lance would not have signed you if you weren’t. I’ve heard your stuff, and I can tell you that the girls are going to be screaming YOUR name!”

He smiled slightly, “I’m glad you’re here.”

“Ok, do you need anything? I’m here to serve!” She looked around.

“I was going to go get a drink from the cafeteria.” He tried to put his hands in his pockets, but realized he was wearing his performance pants and couldn’t get his hands in the pockets, because they were sewn shut. “I think I should take these pants off. I don’t want that lady coming back in here.”

She laughed, “I think that’s a good idea.” I’ll wait in the hall for you.”

“Thanks for talking me down Lyn.” He hugged her.

“Anytime. Now hurry. I need another cup of coffee.”

“Yes Mam!” He saluted.

She walked out into the hall and bumped into Joey, “Hey!”

Joey smiled and said, “Hey ya drunk! How are you feeling?”

“Better! JC was an angel and brought me aspirin and coffee. I love him even more now! Best friends don’t grow on trees you know!”

“I know!”

She hopped up and hugged him tightly, “I should thank you too! You didn’t let me fall in the fire or the lake! Thank you so much for carrying me up to the house.”

“Eh! Next time you carry me.”


Ryan walked out of his dressing room and Joey smiled happily, “Are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be! Luckily I have good management.” He winked at Lyn.

“You ready?” Lyn bumped Ryan with her shoulder. “You want to go to the cafeteria with us Joe?”

“I’d love to, but I’m looking for Angela.”

“Your loss my friend!” Lyn let go of Joe’s neck.

“I think I saw Stasia and Meredith heading in the direction of the cafeteria a few minutes ago with Jake.” He wiggled the bill of her hat as they started to walk away.

Ryan held the door open for her and followed her into the cafeteria Lyn was amazed to see Stasia and Meredith were the only two people there. “Hi! Where is everyone?”

Stasia smiled, “I think almost everyone is upstairs on the floor of the venue listening to sound check.”

Ryan and Lyn looked at one another, “They aren’t going to get very far without Joey. We JUST saw him.” Lyn laughed.

“Maybe they are done then.” Meredith offered.

Lyn nodded, “How did your check go?”

“Really great. NSYNC’s team is so good, they had the levels almost perfect on the first shot. How were yours Ry?”

“They were good. Are you nervous Mer?” He sat next to her.

“A little, but this is going to be a great crowd. You are going to have so much fun!”

“I hope you’re right.”

Lyn scowled at him, “What did I tell you? YOU are going to be GREAT!”

Ryan couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face, “I’m glad you’re here.” He visibly relaxed.

Stasia and Meredith exchanged a look that both Lyn and Ryan missed, because they were smiling at one another. They all looked at the door as Dev and JC burst through with Lis. She was perched on top of JC’s shoulders, guiding him around by his ears.

JC grinned at Lyn and she smiled brightly, “HI!” Lis reached out for her sister, and JC lowered her into Lyn’s waiting arms, “Are you having fun Lisy?”

“Uh huh. JC let me sing in the microphone!” Lis pushed her curls back.

“HE DID!” Lyn looked up at JC who nodded.

“Yeah and Ma and Da both clapped and even Bren liked it.”

“Even Bren?”

“Yeah. I’m gonna be a singer too! Lance is gonna be my manner. He said.”

Stasia giggled, “He’s always looking for the best new talent.”

“How about you finish kindergarten first?”

“K!” Lis jumped down and got a juice box out of the refrigerator. She held it up to Dev, who automatically opened the straw and popped it in for her, She held it down and Lis hugged her around the knees, “Thanks Dev!” She sat down on the floor and began to pet Jake, who happily rolled onto his back to offer his stomach for scratching.

“Sure thing!” Dev ruffled her sisters hair.

“Can I go play with Taylor?” Lis hopped up off of the floor.

Lyn laughed, Lis never ceased to amaze her. Her energy was endless but her attention span was short. “Lisy, you can’t go upstairs by yourself. I’ll take you up.” Lyn stood up. “I’ve gotten my second cup of coffee, I’m good to go.”

Ryan stood up, “I’ll go with you. I need to pace...or something.”

JC chuckled, “Butterflies?”

“Um, I think mine are birds. Butterflies are small than the feeling I’ve got.”

JC patted him on the back, “I’ve heard your stuff, you are going to kill ‘em tonight.”

“Thanks. That’s nice of you to say.”

“I mean it. You are great!”

“Thanks.” Ryan smiled.

Lis pulled Lyn’s hand, “AL!”

“LIS! You know better!” Lyn narrowed her eyes at her little sister, who smiled sweetly and giggled. “You are the only person in the world that can get away with that!” Lyn laughed, “Stay, do you want us to take Jake out for you?”

“I’d love it!” She tossed his leash to Lyn and said, “Jake, go with Lyn.” Jake ran over and sat at Lyn’s feet.

“That still amazes me. Ok, let’s go troops!” She scooped Lis up under her arm and the little girl giggled and squirmed.

JC called after them, “Lyn! Do me a favor and stop by my dressing room when you have a chance.”

“Sure thing!” Lyn smiled.

As they were walking upstairs, she realized she didn’t remember the last time she had smiled and laughed this much for such a long length of time. She had been genuinely happy since JC had calmed her down in his hotel room. She feel like she had a job that was going to be fun and exciting, as well as challenging. She had spent some quality time with her parents and sisters. She didn’t dread waking up, because she had to go to work.

When she started teaching, she had been so excited to mold the minds of her students. She had quickly realized that teaching was much harder than she thought it was going to be. She knew it would be challenging, but she didn’t know that dealing with the staff and the children’s problems would be so draining. She hadn’t truly been prepared for the day one of her students had come back after the last bell, as Lyn was grading papers, to cry on her shoulder. He had confessed that his father had been beating him. Lyn’s heart shattered that day.

“Lyn?” Ryan called her name.

She shook her head a little. “Yeah?”

“Are you ok? You look upset suddenly.”

“I’m fine, I was just thinking about one of my students.”

“You miss them?” He buried his hands in his pockets.

“Some of them. Most of them. It’s funny, I miss them, but not the job...does that make sense?”

“Sure it does.”

Lis squirmed, “Can I walk?”

“I suppose you can. No more calling me Al.”

“K. Sorry.” Lis hugged her as she set her down.

They got outside and found Chris and Dani playing with both of Chris’s dogs and Taylor. Lyn’s parents were sitting with Chris’s mom. Jake ran and jumped in between Korea and Busta. Lyn walked over and Kissed her mother’s cheek and the top of her father’s head. “Hi.”

“Allyn, we were just telling Christopher’s mother about you joining the tour. Are you all packed and ready to go?”

“Yes Da, I’m all packed and ready. I’m excited and nervous.” She squeezed in between her parents on the bench, throwing an arm around each parent’s shoulder. Ryan flopped down on the grass in front of the group and Lyn’s mother smiled at him, “And how about you young man? Are you ready to go on tour?”

“I think I am, but I’m nervous too.” Ryan smiled.

Lyn’s father laughed, “If you were getting managed by any of my other daughters, I’d be nervous for you too, but Allyn is the one I don’t have to worry about and neither do you.”

Ryan laughed and said, “Sir, I can already tell you’re right. With Lyn on my side, I feel more confident.”

“From what I can tell about this little Bass family company, you are in the best hands possible.”

Chris’s mother nodded her head, “I don’t think I’ve ever met such a driven group of young people. I’ve even started admitting Chris is my son. I used to claim I was JC’s mother.”

Lyn’s mother smiled, “We consider Joshua our son. He is such a good boy.”

Lyn threw her hands in the air, “I forgot I promised JC I’d stop in his dressing room before the show. I’ll see you guys for the show.” She kissed each of her parents on the cheek, scooped up Jake, and waved as she dashed into the building.

Ryan watched her as she disappeared, “May I ask you a question?” He looked at her mother who nodded. “How long has it been since Lyn dated someone?”

Her parents looked at one another and her mother answered, “Allyn has never really dated anyone seriously.”

“Because of him?”

“Who dear?”


Her mother laughed, “Oh heavens no! Those two love each other like noone else in the world, but they aren’t in love.”

Her father laughed, “But I suppose it’s just a matter of time.”

“If we could be so lucky.” Her mother nodded.

“Oh.” Ryan looked at his hands and then stood up. “Thanks for the talk.”

They watched him wander off and Chris’s mother laughed, “It looks to me that JC better open his eyes quickly, or that boy is going to give him a run for his money. I think your daughter may have some choices to make soon.”

Lyn’s mother had a sparkle in her eye, “I have a feeling I know the choice she is going to make.”

“May, you know you must let Allyn handle this on her own. You can’t make decisions for her.”

“I don’t want to. Allyn deserves to have two good men fight over her.” She and Chris’s mother both began to laugh and nod their heads.

Lyn knocked on JC’s door. “It’s open.”

“Hey!” She flopped down on the couch, “What did you need?”

“I was just wondering how you’re feeling?”

“Believe it or not, I feel fine. That’s all you wanted?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Do you remember anything from last night?” He sat backward on a chair facing her.

“Um...I remember I drank too much. I remember singing...I remember Joey carrying me to the house and I vaguely remember you talking to me, but that’s where it get’s completely fuzzy. Am I forget something important?”

His heart fell a little, “No, I was just curious how hammered you really were.”

“You know how I am, I am WAY to honest when I’m drunk. I’m always afraid that I will say or do something that I shouldn’t. I didn’t did I?”

He smirked, “More honest huh?”

“What did I do?” She covered her face with both hands.

“You didn’t do anything you shouldn’t have...except....”


“Singing Riddle .”

She giggled, “I DO remember that.”

Justin walked to the center of the stage, the crowd was going crazy, as usual. He waved and grinned. Stasia leaned over to Lyn, “What are they doing? Shouldn’t they be singing Here We Go ?”

“Yeah. I don’t know what’s up.” She shrugged.

Justin laughed, “This is where we normally do Here We Go , but tonight we are going to do another song first. Some of our friends miss this one, so we decided to throw it in for them.”

The first note started, and Lyn, Stasia and Dani sank down into the couch they were sitting on. Dani slammed her head down on Lyn’s shoulder, “Why are they doing this to us?”

“Because they are evil.” Lyn answered as she covered her face with both hands.

As NSYNC finished sing Riddle the three girls had basically vanished in the crowd. All five of the guys were laughing hard as they started Here We Go .

Lyn looked at Stasia, “Does this mean Justin and I are even now?”

Morgan’s head popped her head between them, “Nope. You are still in a lot of trouble. Welcome to the tour Lyn.” She patted her on the back and sat back in her seat, laughing.

Lyn suddenly felt very happy. As she glanced up at the stage, JC ran by with a huge smile on his face. Lyn suddenly realized how content she was at that moment in time. She could see her whole family further down the row from where she was sitting. JC’s family was there enjoying every moment. She was sitting next to Stasia, who had quickly become one of her best friends. And she was watching JC do what he loved most in the world. She was at the best place in her life, and she was going to enjoy every minute of it.

~Chapter Five~