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Chapter 6

“This may not have been our best idea JC.” Lyn looked around nervously. She wasn’t sure why he hadn’t disguised himself. He hadn’t worn a hat, or even a pair of sunglasses. She was never so happy to have Dre with them. The crowd in the lobby of the movie theater shifted toward them, again.

“Why not?” JC shoved another handful of popcorn into his mouth. He glanced at his watch, “We should be able to go in and sit down soon.”

“I can’t believe we are in a movie theater in the middle of the day and it is PACKED with teenagers. How did this happen? And WHY didn’t you wear a hat and sunglasses?”

“Apparently it’s Parent Teacher conference day. That’s what that girl said after she screamed at me. She said, ‘I don’t even care that I’m going to be grounded after my parents get back from conferences.’ We picked the day that there is no school.” He shrugged and shoved more popcorn into his mouth.

“Normally, I’m not afraid of your fans, but...JC, a piece of your shirt is missing now.” Lyn pointed at the hem of his shirt.

“Aww, she didn’t mean to rip it. She just wanted to say hi to me. She felt bad, you saw her cry. Plus we’re safe here in the corner, and we’ve got Dre with us. You’ll get used to all of this. The longer we’re on tour, the easier all of this will be for you.”

“I’m not sure about that.” She shook her head as another girl squealed loudly in their direction.

The manager of the movie theater walked up, “Mr. Chasez, we are ready to seat your movie. If you and your friends her would like to go choose your seats, I have members of my staff ready to sit around you, so you don’t have to worry about the people around you.”

“Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you.”

JC, Lyn and Dre went into the theater, chose their seats and settled in as members of the theater staff filed in and sat all the way around them, forming a human box. As soon as the doors were opened for the rest of the patrons to enter, there was a rush of teenaged girls. One side of the room filed up very quickly.

JC seemed to be able to tune out the screeching and giggling, Lyn was having a much harder time. As soon as the lights went out, someone screamed, “I LOVE YOU JC!”

The movie started and Lyn leaned over, “What are we seeing?”

“I don’t know. Something about friends that are clueless about how much they love one another. We should have brought Justin and Mor.”

“No kidding.” She laughed.

An hour and a half later, Lyn was crying quietly. JC looked over for the third time in a few seconds. He knew he couldn’t put his arm around her in the middle of all of these people, all of whom were watching him much closer than they were watching the movie that was making his friend cry. So he glanced around and then covered her hand with his own. He gave it a little squeeze and she sniffled even louder.

Lyn was sobbing when, at the end of the movie, the female lead was standing alone in a cemetery, gently crying over her love’s grave. When she said to the ground, “You have been with me my entire life. You are all I’ve ever known. You are my best friend. We just discovered what it meant to be in love. You are supposed to be with me. You are supposed to raise children with me. You are supposed to grow old with me. I will never stop loving you. You are my heart and my soul.” Lyn could not stop herself from covering her mouth with her hand to muffle the loud sob in her chest. JC’s heart was breaking. The sound of her crying had always been too much for him to bare. He quietly slipped his arm around her shoulders, and eased her head down onto his own shoulder.

Her head settled against him and her hand rested lightly on his chest. Dre handed JC a stack of napkins and JC gently dabbed at the tears rolling down her cheeks. “Shh. Lyn please don’t cry.” He whispered into her hair.

“Don’t die.” She sniffled again.

“WHAT?” He said loudly, and then looked around to see how many people were staring, and surprisingly, not many were. The movie had managed to pull everyone into the plot.

“Please don’t die.”

“Lynie, I’m not dying. I’m not the guy in the movie. Don’t you worry sweetpea, you’re stuck with this best friend forever.”

“OK.” She sat up straight and blew her nose on one of the napkins.

Dre rolled his eyes and shook his head.

When the lights came up the movie theater employees ushered all of the people out into the lobby. Dre left JC and Lyn alone in the theater while he pulled the car around to the back door. Lyn blew her nose and smiled at him pitifully, “Sorry about that.”

“About what?” He raised an eyebrow as he pushed the last of the popcorn into his mouth.

“About my mini breakdown there. I don’t know why on earth I got so emotional, but this movie just made think about losing you, and then I broke down.”

“I’m glad you don’t want me to die. I don’t want you to die either.”

“Thanks.” She grinned sheepishly.

“Dre should have the car by now, let’s get out of here.” He nodded his head in the direction of the door.

“I’m with you.” She smiled.

“Always.” He whispered as they stood up.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing. I didn’t say anything.”

Lyn was typing an email to Stasia when there was a quiet knock on the door. She got up and opened it. Angela was standing there, “Hi.”

“Come on in Ang. What’s up?”

“I was heading down to the pool and hoping for some company. All of the guys are off doing their pre-show stuff and I was hoping to get in some sun before we go over to the venue. PLEASE come down with me!”

“Tell you what, if you don’t mind me bringing my computer down with me, I’ll finish this up down there and then we can hang out until we have to get ready to go.”

“I don’t mind at all! I have a book with me, so I can read while you finish working. We could both use a little sun anyway!”

Lyn glanced down at her arm, “I know I could. Let me slip into my suit!”

Angela helped her carry her things down to the pool and they settled into two lounge chairs. Lyn typed away for a while, Angela read. When Lyn flipped the top of her computer down and grinned, “DONE!” Angela smiled brightly.

“Good! I was getting sick of this book!” She tossed it aside and sat up a little more, “How’s it going so far? Are you having fun?”

“I’m having a blast. It’s nice, because I get to spend time with the guys, which is something I haven’t really been able to do much. I also get to spend time with you and Mor and Dani, which I NEVER go to do! Lance and his family are great to work for. They have really made me feel like part of the family.”

“I’m glad to hear that! We were all so worried when we heard about your other job.”

“I was pretty worried myself. I’m not completely sure why Lance and Stasia offered me this job, but they really threw me a life line. No one needs a teacher for the last month of school.”

“I think we’re all torn, because we knew you loved teaching, but we’re glad to have you around.”

Lyn smiled over at Angela, “Thanks. You know, I had a very long conversation with my mother, she very smart when she wants to be. She told me to have faith in the fact that everything happens for a reason, and even though that reason may be difficult to see in the beginning, at some point in time, you can look back and it will be clear. It isn’t clear yet, but I believe it will be some day. Maybe you and I will be sitting by a pool ten years from now, and you’ll remind me of this conversation, and we’ll laugh and say, ‘How could we have missed it?’”

“I think you’re right. I’m going to jump in the water. Are you coming?”


They stood up and walked over to the edge of the pool, diving in together.

JC, Justin and Chris were walking up the path at the back of the hotel. It ran next to the pool and Justin stopped short, “Who is the hottie with Angela? Look at the curves. She’s firm in all the right places and soft in all the right places. Ang has been holding out on us!”

Chris squinted into the sun, “I have to agree with the boy. I’m feeling the two piece. OH YEAH! THAT’S RIGHT! BEND OVER FOR THE TOWEL BABE!” Chris bit his knuckle.

Justin squeaked, “She dropped the towel. Over again! OH YES! JC are you seeing this?”

“Justin, she’s hot as hell! How could I miss it? I’m just not a drooling idiot like the two of you! That girl has a body that wont stop. I have to take this opportunity to point out that she’s all wet, and probably cold. You know what that means.” His eyebrow began bouncing. JC’s male pig moments were few and far between, but when he did it, he did it right.

Chris’s jaw dropped, “She’s probably COLD! OH DEAR GOD! YOU’RE RIGHT!” He vaulted over the fence and sprinted over to where Angela was standing, laughing with the girl.

“OH NO! He’s not getting this action by himself!” Justin was quick to follow Chris over the fence.

JC ran a hand over his hair and calmly walked around to the gate. “Women like a calm man.” He smirked as he sauntered over. He squinted into the sun trying to see why Chris and Justin were suddenly hugging one another, or maybe it was clinging to one another.

Justin screamed, “NOW I HAVE TO GO GOUGE MY EYES OUT!”

“What the hell are you talking about J?” JC walked over and Lyn turned to face him, giggling.

“Hey!” She winked at him.

“ALLYN! Oh GOD!” He grabbed a towel and wrapped it tightly around her small, shivering shoulders.

“What is wrong with you?” She stared up at him, and could help but notice he was beat red, “Why is Justin gouging his eyes out?”

“When the hell did you buy that bathing suit?” Chris’s voice cracked.

“Stasia helped me pick it out in Florida before we left. Why? You’ve all seen me in a bathing suit before.”

“Not THAT bathing suit!” Justin’s head was still on Chris’s shoulder.

“How old are you? Geeze! It’s a bathing suit!” She rolled her eyes.

Chris pushed Justin back and clamped his hand over his eyes before turning in the direction of her voice, “Lyn. We see you as a sister. We see you as one of the guys. We see you as a buddy, old pal, old friend of ours. We in NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM see you as a hot chick in a TINY LITTLE bathing suit. We were standing over there, looking AT YOUR BODY, talking about how hot you are...watching you BEND OVER to pick up your towel. We are a little freaked out by the events of this afternoon, and wish that we never EVER have to speak of them again.” He began walking away, his hand still covering his eyes, right up until the loud splash.

JC lowered his head, “Idiot.” Chris was flailing around in the shallow end of the pool, making gurgling noises.

Lyn turned her eyes on JC, “You were watching me pick up my towel?”

“I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS YOU!” He got bright red, again.

“You were watching me?”

“Yes.” He reached out and grabbed Justin by the collar of the shirt, because he was trying to slink away.

She shifted her weight and placed her hands on her hips, cocking her head to the side, “And what did you think Joshua?”

He cringed at the sound of his name, “I didn’t think anything.” He kept studying the ground.

“Liar.” Justin narrowed his eyes.

JC’s head snapped up and his jaw dropped. He glared hard at Justin, who looked down at the hand still clutching his collar.

“Liar?” Lyn’s head turned slowly to face JC.

“He said you were hot as hell and had a body that wouldn’t stop AND that you were wet and cold and we knew what that meant.” Justin was spilling his guts so quickly that Lyn was having a hard time keeping up. Justin smacked JC’s hand until it released his collar and then he ran hard into the hotel, leaving JC and Lyn standing there staring at one another.

Angela was helping Chris climb out of the pool and she whispered, “You think this will take as long as Lance and Stasia took?”

“Or as long as you and Joe?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Good point. I’ll be a good girl.” She smiled.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t make that same promise. I’ll try, but COME ON!” Chris smirked.

“Down boy!” Angela smacked his shoulder.

Lyn was sitting on a couch in the VIP section, holding her cell phone up for Stasia to hear the concert, when she felt someone settle next to her. She glanced over and smiled at Ryan. He pointed at the phone and she shouted, “STASIA!”

He laughed and nodded, and began laughing even louder, when they could both hear Stasia shouting, “WHAT? STASIA WHAT? WHAT DID I DO? LYN! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!”

Lyn moved the phone to her ear, “You didn’t do anything. Ryan was asking who I was on the phone with...Yeah...Lance said it. Just a second ago. I swear! Ask Ryan!” She laughed and handed the phone to Ryan, “She wants to talk to you.”

“Me?” He took the phone, “Hi Stasia....yeah...I’ve been here a few minutes. Um, a few seconds ago Lance said something about, ‘Here’s a special little song, and so it goes.’ and then they started This I Promise You...uh huh...I swear. Yeah OK. Can I have Lyn tell him? OK, thanks. OK. OK. Bye.” He closed Lyn’s phone and handed it back to her. “You’re supposed to tell Lance she loves him too.”

Lyn smirked, “Can do.”

He looked at her strangely, “What the heck is she talking about? He didn’t say he loved her.”

“Yes he did. He did it in code.”

“Code? Am I supposed to know about this?”

“They wouldn’t care.” She shrugged, “Whenever she’s here, or even listening, he makes sure to tell her he loves her. When Lance says, ‘And so it goes.’ he is telling her he loves her.”

“That is so romantic and sweet I think I’m going to throw up!” He laughed.

“I know, but when you’ve been through everything they’ve been through, you’d be disgustingly loving too!”

A girl pulled on Ryan’s sleeve, “Ryan?”

He turned and smiled, “Yeah?”

“OH MY GOD! IT’S YOU! Can I have your autograph?” She shoved a program and a pen at him.

“Sure. What’s your name?”

“Alexis. Will you write that you are in love with me?”

Lyn coughed loudly and Ryan looked at her desperately, “Sweetie, I’m sorry, but he can’t write that he’s in love with you. Everyone else would get jealous.”

“Who are YOU?” The girls eyes narrowed.

“This is one of my managers from Free Lance. Lyn, this is Alexis.”

“Do you know Lance?”

“Sure I do. We both work for Lance.”

“Get me his autograph.”

“I wish I could, but he’s on stage right now. If you’d like, I can take your address and try to send you one.”

“Yeah right!” The girl narrowed her eyes again, “Hey, were you at the movies today?”

Lyn swallowed hard, “Yes, I was at the movies this morning.”

“You were the chick hanging all over JC? Making out with him in the theater?” The girl’s jaw dropped.

“Well I was at the movie with JC, who happens to be my best friend. We weren’t making out. I was crying and he was comforting me.”

“Sure.” The girl turned on her heel and stalked off.

“Guess she doesn’t want my autograph anymore.” Ryan’s eyes were huge. “Why were you crying Lyn?”

“Because of the stupid movie. It was about best friends and one of them died, and I realized I was sitting there with my best friend and I COULD NOT deal with it if anything happened to him.”

“You want to go get something to drink?” He looked down at her.

“Sure. I know how this ends. Not to mention we have to be on the buses soon anyway. JC was all upset when we got here, so I promised I’d get his stuff onto his bus.”

He followed her back into the secure backstage area quietly. They went to the cafeteria, which was deserted because there was an amazing concert going on. He waited for her to sit down and then sat across from her. “I’m going to be blunt, because I don’t know how else to be, is that ok?”

She furrowed her forehead, “I’d prefer that you be as blunt as possible with me. What’s bothering you? What can I do to help?”

He smiled, “That just helped. Lyn, do you love him?”

“Excuse me? Do I love him...who?” She looked shocked.

“JC. Do you love him?” He was staring at her.

“With all my heart. I’ve already told you he’s my best friend, I’d die for him.” She said it so simply she even shocked herself.

“OK, but are you IN LOVE with him?”

“I don’t think so. Why do you ask?” She was feeling very awkward and confused.

“Because I’m going to ask you to go to an event with me, but I want it to be a date, I’m hoping you’d be willing to go on a date with me, and if you are or were in love with him, I’d back off. I don’t want to get in his way if you’ve got something going on.”

“You want to ask me out? On a date?”

“You know we have that big movie premiere dinner thing? The one where I have to perform and the proceeds are going to charity?”

“Yeah, I know the one.”

“Well I’m asking you if you’d be willing to go with me. As my date. It’s next week, but you knew that. And Lance and Stasia are going to be there. And I think the rest of the guys are going to be there too, so you won’t be stuck with me if I turn out to be an awful date.”

She laughed, “You couldn’t be an awful date if you tried. I think it would be a lot of fun if we went together. So if you’re still asking, my answer is yes.”


“No Ryan. Not seriously.” She rolled her eyes at him.

“Lyn, is it ok if I think of this as a REAL date? Like a guy/girl romantic date?”

“I’m willing to see what happens. I can’t promise anything, but I would really like to try with you.”

“Cool! Then it’s a date! I’ll pick you up...whenever my manager tells me to!” He winked.

“I’ll have to get back to you on that, I’m not sure what time you’re required to be there.”

“We better get going. We’ll talk about the details later. I’m really looking forward to this!”

“So am I! I’ll catch up with you later.”

“OK.” He left the room and as soon as she stopped hearing his footsteps, she flipped open her phone.

“Stasia Blake. This better be good!”

“Oh now that’s polite!”

“Caller-ID! What’s up Lyn?”


“Tell me what? Why do you sound all girly?”

“Stasia, would I get in trouble, or fired even, if I went on a date with Ryan?”

“Lyn, have I ever introduced you to my boyfriend? Yeah, his name is Lance and HE’S MY BOSS! I think we’d be a little hypocritical if we forbid you to date Ryan. Why are you asking me this?”

“Ryan asked me to be his date to the ‘On The L’ charity thing. I said yes. I’m actually excited, Stasia, do you KNOW how long it has been since I went on a date?”

“You haven’t been on one as long as I’ve known you!”

“I’m freaking! WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?”

“I have taken the liberty of picking out a little frock for you to try on. Do you mind? I was shopping for my dress and saw this and thought it would look amazing on you.”

“I don’t mind at all! You are like my little guardian angel!”

“I try! I’ll ship it out tomorrow morning. It will meet you at the next hotel, so if you need any alterations, you can ask Maggie to do it.”

“Do I know Maggie?”

“If you don’t, get to know her, she’s a sweetie and she’ll do anything for you!”

“I’ll have to go find her. But we’ve got to move. I promised JC I’d move his stuff onto the bus and they only have two songs left to do! Want to hear something odd?”


Lyn was jogging down the hall to JC’s dressing room, “Ryan asked me if I loved JC.”


She walked into JC’s dressing room and propped the phone between her shoulder and her ear as she neatly folded the clothes he had worn earlier. She placed them into his bag, made one last sweep of the room and zipped the bag, “Yeah, he asked if I’m in love with JC. He said he wouldn’t ask me on a date if there was something going on between JC and I.”

“OOOK. Why did he ask you that?”

“I have no clue. Maybe because a fan saw JC and I at the movies earlier, and he was holding me, because I was being a big, crying, sappy baby.”

“I won’t ask!”

“I appreciate that! OK, I’m going to go. I’ve got to get his junk onto his bus and then get on my own, and they are singing Bye Bye Bye . I’ve got to focus!”

“OK, well call me as soon as you get the dress! I’ll tell Lance he has to give you an honest opinion. So you’ll have to try it on for him.”

“I’m not sure about that, but I’ll call as soon as I get the dress. Thanks again Stasia!”

“My pleasure. I’ll see you next week. If you need anything, call.”

“I will. Thanks.” She hung up the phone and dashed out the door with her arms full.

Dani pushed her back down onto the bed, “SIT STILL ALLYN!” All of the girls had gathered at Stasia’s house in Mississippi, they were preparing for the black-tie, charity fund-raiser premiere of On The ‘L’

“You said you were almost done twenty minutes ago! If my face falls off or my hair falls out, I’ll KILL YOU!”

“Nothing will fall off, or out. Just SIT STILL or we’ll never be done.” Dani tucked in another hair pin, leaned back a little and said, “Stay. What do you think?”

Stasia walked around to the side of the bed Lyn was sitting on, “Zip me and I’ll tell you.”

Dani zipped the back of Stasia’s dress and then tucked a piece of hair back into the sleek up-do they had chosen to compliment her simple dress. “Thanks Dan. Now, as for Lyn here, I think it’s ALMOST perfect.”


“Lyn. I need you to take a deep breath for me. A very deep breath.” Stasia knelt in front of her friend, “You are going to be so excited when you see yourself. Ryan is going to die, but if you freak yourself out until you pass out, you aren’t going to have much fun. Now we are going to finish your hair. I was saying that the only thing missing are these Forget-Me-Nots from Myrtle’s garden.” She held out a handful of tiny flowers.

Dani tucked the flowers into the back of Lyn’s hair and then turned to Stasia, who hugged her tightly, “WE ARE SO GOOD!”

“Masters. We are masters.” Dani nodded.

Lyn started to stand up and attempted to look in the mirror before Stasia ran around and blocked her view, “OH NO! Not without the dress.” She held up the soft chiffon gown. It was the most remarkable shade of ice blue. Lyn took it gingerly and walked into Stasia’s walk-in closet, which they were using as their changing room.

Dani ran into the living room to grab her camera, while Stasia dug around in her jewelry box looking for the bracelet she wanted to give Lyn to wear. She finally found what she was looking for and knocked lightly on the closet door, she opened it a crack and shoved the bracelet into the opening. “Put this on while you’re at it.”

“Have you seen my shoes?” Lyn’s hand took the bracelet.

“They are right here.” Stasia picked the strappy sandals up off of the floor and gave them to the hand still sticking out of the closet.

Morgan walked in from the living room, “What’s taking so long?” She straightened the top of her two-piece, strapless, stomach baring dress.

Stasia pulled Morgan’s top up a little higher, and then hiked the skirt up a little higher as well. “MUCH better! Lyn is finishing up right now.”

Morgan rolled her eyes and called Angela, “ANG! Come on! Lyn’s almost ready.”

Angela ran in, “I think Ryan is here!”

“OH GOD!” Lyn screamed from inside the closet.

“What’s wrong?” Stasia laughed.

“I changed my mind. I can’t do this! I CAN’T!”

“Are you dressed?” Stasia’s voice was calm.


Stasia walked over and opened the door. Lyn was standing in the corner, with her forehead against the wall. Stasia closed the door behind her, “Have I ever told you about the time Lance and I made out in here?”

Lyn’s head rolled so she could see her friend, “In HERE?”

“Yep. Right there on the floor. We were here together, in Mississippi, for our first date, and he came here with me to get Noah’s journals. We were just realizing how much in love we really were then. It was so magical.” She pushed a loose lock of hair over Lyn’s shoulder.

“Do you think I’m going to have that with Ryan?” Lyn looked confused.

“I don’t know, but you’ll never know either if you stayed locked up in my closet. Lyn, you need to find out for yourself. Maybe Ryan isn’t ‘the one’ but someone is, and you need to be willing to try.”


“Lyn, we are all going to be there. You will not be alone. You have to ride over there with him and walk the red carpet with him, then we’ll be right there. Now are you ready to go show him how beautiful you are?” She ran her hands down her friend’s arms, “I will not let you out of my sight if you don’t want me to.”

“Thank you.” Lyn took a deep breath, picked her head up a little, straightened her back and said, “Let’s go.”

Dani was beaming and snapping pictures when they walked out into the bedroom. Morgan smiled, “He’s going to die.”

Angela ran over and hugged her, “Beautiful. You look beautiful. Ryan is waiting in the living room with Lance and the rest of the guys.”

Lyn looked over at Stasia, “EVERYONE IS HERE?”

“I’m sorry. But we are going to arrive together.”

Lyn looked at her nails, “So who is JC taking?”

“Me.” Morgan answered.

“What do you mean you? Then who is Justin taking?”

“Meredith.” Stasia answered as she straightened her dress.

“Meredith? Sixteen year-old Meredith?”

“Yep. He’s doing it as a favor to us. JC offered to do it after we told him Ryan had asked you, but we thought the age thing would be too big a deal. So There was a little date swapping.”


“Lyn. Quit stalling.” Stasia leveled look at her friend that let her know her patience was beginning to wear thin.

“OK, I’m ready.” She picked up her purse from the bed and started out into the living room.

Morgan grabbed her arm, “No silly. We go first. The guys waiting for us could care less, YOU need to make an entrance.”

Lyn stood there as the other girl walked out into the living room, she heard Morgan explain that she had gone back for her purse, that’s when she swallowed hard and walked out into the living room, “Hi.”

Ryan stood up straighter, “OH MY GOD! You look stunning!”

Stasia was smiling happily, but she was also watching JC closely out of the corner of her eye. He looked more confused than she had ever seen him. Her smile grew. Lance looked down at the woman standing next him. His hand went to the small of her back and she turned her glowing eye up to meet his. “You’re beautiful when you’re scheming.”

“Thank you.” She leaned up on her toes and kissed him soundly.

“I hope you’re right about all of this.” He whispered against her lips.

“You doubt me?”


Ryan slowly crossed the room and took both of her hands in his own, “I feel like I’m picking you up at your parents house on prom night.”

“Oh no, trust me, this is much worse.” She winked at him and he laughed.

Morgan walked over to stand between Justin and JC, “Justin, don’t you think you should be going to pick up your date?”

Justin looked down at his watch, “CRAP! I’m late! Thanks Mor.” He kissed the top of her head, “I’ll see you guys there.” He ran out the door and quickly climbed into one of the limos waiting outside.

Lance looked at his own watch, “We should all get going. I guess it would be bad for Lyn, Stasia and I to be late for the event we planned.” He picked up Stasia’s wrap from the back of the couch and held out his arm for her to take, “Lyn and Ryan will be in the first car, alone. JC and Mor are in the next car with Stasia and I. Joey, Angela, Dani and Chris will be in the last car. Hopefully Justin and Meredith will arrive at the same time. So...let’s go.”

Ryan offered Lyn his arm, and she gingerly slipped hers through it, when he covered her hand with his own, JC cringed. It brought him back to one of the times he realized Lance and Stasia were meant to be together forever. They had been about to walk the red carpet at the Oscars, Stasia had been visibly nervous and shaking, but when Lance covered her hand with his, whispered a few words in her ear and smiled into her eyes, she had relaxed, held her head high and walked the red carpet like a pro.

Now, he was standing by watching Lyn draw that strength from someone else. He was her friend, she should be going to this event with him. She should be sitting at his table instead of at the Free Lance table. She would be sitting with the artists and management. At least Justin would be there to help her out.

Morgan laid her hand lightly on his sleeve, “Hey handsome, are you ok?”

“What?” He looked down at her, “OH GOD MOR! I’m sorry, I’m stand here in La La Land, I never even told you how good you look. This is going to sound so bad coming form me, but in that dress...or lack of dress, you look hot! Please don’t tell Justin I said that, because he will try to kill me.”

“JC, you have just made up for anything you have ever done to piss me off.” She kissed his cheek and the wiped the lipstick off with her fingertips.

The limos rolled up slowly in front of the building where the movie would be screened. Ryan looked over at Lyn, “You look a little nervous. You’ve done this sort of stuff hundreds of times with JC, it’s no different tonight.” He smiled, trying hard to put her at ease.

“I guess when you go to something with someone you’ve been friends with that long, it’s a little different, I really didn’t have to worry abut how I looked or if I was saying the right things. I was just there hanging out.”

“I honestly don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

“I don’t. I’m just starting to get used to the crowds, and honestly, I wasn’t expecting to see a crowd this size here. I’ll be fine in a few seconds. I’m really glad to be here.” The car stopped and when the chauffeur opened the door, Ryan slipped out holding his hand down for Lyn to take.

She was very relieved to see Stacy and Ford just a little further down the red carpet. Stacy waved and smiled brightly. Ryan led her in that direction, and it felt very good to be quickly hugged. Stacy was beaming, “You look radiant Lyn! This gown is amazing on you! It’s so...ROMANTIC!”

“Thank you!” Lyn hugged Stacy a little tighter.

Ford shook Ryan’s hand, “You may have caught one of the prettiest ladies here.”

“I think I did Ford.” Ryan smiled.

Lyn glanced over her shoulder to see Lance climbing out of his car, the crowd roared. As Stasia got out, another deafening cheer went up. The couple smiled at one another and then waved at the fans gathered. Stacy leaned over, “They love her move than they love him. Stasia is Mississippi’s adopted daughter. Northerners normally have a hard time getting the time of day here, let alone the love they have for her.”

“She deserves every bit of it.”

“And then some. When her entire story hit the press, Mississippi opened their arms wide and pulled her into the fold.”

“She is truly at her happiest when she’s here. I like being with her, because, as happy as she is in general, it’s even better when she’s here. She says Mississippi is magical.”

“I hope you like here as much as she does. We want you to feel like part of the family.”

“I do. Although at times I feel like our family is part of a traveling circus.”

“Oh it is! And we have more than three rings!”

The group slowly made it’s way into the building and they all found their tables. JC was sitting where he could see Lyn, who was laughing at something Ryan said. She seemed to be having a good time, and for some reason, it was driving him nuts.

“Lyn, I’m sorry, but I have to leave you here so I can get ready to perform. I’ll be back soon.” As he got up, he ran his hand across her bare back.

Meredith leaned across Justin, “Are you having fun with Ryan?”

“I’m having a great time. How about you and Justin?”

“I’m with the world’s biggest heartthrob. It’s hard to have a bad time.” Meredith giggled.

“Not a bad date you have there.”

Justin’s head popped in between their’s, “You’re talking about ME aren’t you?”

“You’re obnoxious Justin. How would you like to go swimming after this?” Lyn’s eyes narrowed.

Justin clamped his hand over his eyes, “I’ll BE GOOD! Just DON’T make me go swimming with you! I can’t take it!”

“You had better be on the best behavior of your life. You look at me funny, or you make one wise crack, and we will have a pool party.”

“Yes Miss McLachlan.”

Morgan poked JC’s side, “Hey, I was going to go to the bar, would you like a drink?”

“God Mor! I suck don’t I? You stay put, I’ll go to the bar, what can I get for you?”

“Could I please have a coke?”

“I’ll be right back.”

As JC stood up, Chris grabbed his sleeve, “I’ll go with you.”

The two of them walked over to the bar and Chris leaned his elbow on the brass railing, “JC, I love Dani.”

JC’s head slowly turned in Chris’s direction and a smile slowly crept across his face, “I know that.” He leaned both of his elbows on the bar.

“I'm going to get her back.” He said matter of factly.

“I know that too.” JC smirked.

“I never should have let her go in the first place.”

“I know.”

“You’re in love with Lyn.” Now Chris was smirking.

JC looked down at his hands and laced his fingers together, “I know Chris.”

“Don’t make the same mistakes I did. I lost a lot of time, I can never get that back, you have a chance to let her know how you feel.”

“Chris she’s dating Ryan. She is on a date with Ryan right now. She looks amazing FOR Ryan. I blew it before it started. I don’t have a chance.”

“Not if you don’t try. She hasn’t realized that she’s in love with you yet. Make her.” Chris picked up three drinks and nodded at three more.

JC picked up the other three and sighed, “How.”

“You figure it out. I just made sure you started thinking about it. Now I have to go make Dani realize she’s still in love with me.”

“She knows.”

“I hope to God you’re right.”

Ryan walked quietly across the stage with his guitar. He climbed up onto the stool lit only by a lone spotlight. He adjusted the microphone and settled the guitar on his lap. “I‘d like to dedicate this song to my beautiful escort tonight, not only is she part of the best management team in the world, she is an amazing person.”

Ever since your fingertips
Ever since your eyes
Talking with the light oh
Bluer skies

Even if I wanted to
How could I explain
Coming through my head now
This tidal wave

All your favorite eyelashes
All your bluest skin
Bring them and I'll meet you in
That room again

Even if I told it true
Why should they believe
Coming through my head now
This tidal wave

Tidal wave
Coming over Waterloo
Dreaming of your hands
Want to run away now
Foreign lands

Even as I lie with you
Listen to you breathe
Coming through my head yeah
This tidal wave
Tidal wave
Tidal wave

Lyn had a soft smile on her lips. Ryan stood up and walked backstage. Her hand moved to cover her mouth and her cheeks blushed.

Everyone at JC’s table slowly turned to look at him. Morgan gently took his hand in hers and squeezed it. His friends were silent.

Stasia looked from Lyn to Lance, who was looking slightly panicked. “Millie, I think your plan is NOT working. That was really romantic. REALLY romantic.”

“I know. Harry, we’re fine.” She patted his hand. It upset her to see JC hurting, but she knew it was necessary.

Dinner was served, conversation was happy and upbeat. Everyone wanted to know how the tour was going. Several reporters asked Lyn about Free Lance and about Ryan. Someone even asked her about her relationship with JC.

After dinner everyone moved into the screening room to watch the movie. After the movie, which was a huge hit, the group moved back to the main ballroom, where dancing had started. Lyn was having so much fun, she had no idea how quickly time was passing.

Lance walked over to JC, “Ask Lyn to dance, for the next song.”

“I’m not horning in on her date, and I’m really not in the mood to dance.”

Lance’s green eyes flashed, “JC, don’t argue with me. This song is ending, GO ASK LYN TO DANCE! Would you please trust me?”

Lyn was on her way back to her table with Ryan when JC tapped her on the shoulder, “May I steal one dance?”

Lyn looked over at Ryan, who grinned, “Have fun.”

JC offered her his arm, and she slipped hers through. Her hand resting on his sleeve squeezed his arm, “Are you ok? You look...out of it.”

“I am officially the worst date Morgan has ever had.”

“She said that?” Lyn looked shocked.

“No. But she’s just being polite. I have been zoned out all night.”

Her worried eyes searched his face as the got to the dance floor, “What’s wrong? Are you sick? All of this flying can’t be good for you.” She placed a cool palm on his forehead.

“I’m not sick. I just lost something I didn’t think I’d miss until I lost it. Now I’m feeling like the world’s biggest dunce.”

“Do you know where you lost it?”

“Right in front of my face.”

She was so confused by his behavior, “It can’t be all that bad. I promise, we’ll find it.”

“I’m not so sure. I’m changing the subject.” He forced a smile, “What kind of flowers are these in you hair? They’re very pretty.”

“Stasia stole then out of Myrtle’s garden, they are forget-me-nots, .” She smiled.

“Sweetpea, I couldn’t forget you if I tried. You’ve got a piece of my heart.” He winked down at her.

Lyn giggled as the music started and she watched his eyes slam shut. He silently pulled her into his chest and they began to move together. He broke the silence as he began singing quietly next to her ear.

There are places I'll remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

Lyn leaned back in the circle of his arms. His voice was deeper than normal. His eyes were still closed. She tightened her arms around him. Her friend was hurting, and she didn’t know why, she wanted to take that pain away.

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more

His eyes opened and met hers. She looked desperately at him and whispered, “I’ll never leave you.” He continued singing quietly, pulling her closer and relaxing as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
In my life I love you more

JC squeezed her tightly, “I don’t deserve you.”

“I am only as good a friend to you as you are to me.”

He smiled, “Thanks. Now go back to your date.”

“Are you sure you’re ok?”

“I’ll be fine. Now I’m going to go suck up to my own date and hope she speaks to me after tonight.”

“Mor will forgive you. Just find something chocolate for her, that’s her weakness.” She winked at him as she walked away.

JC walked over to the table where Lance was sitting whispering to Stasia, whose cheeks were flushed. Chris was walking out the door into the courtyard with Dani on his arm. JC grabbed Lance and Stasia each by the ear and pulled them in the direction of the courtyard. “Chris, COME HERE!” He shouted as he pulled the couple through the door.

“You need back up JC?” Chris’s eyebrows began bouncing. “Whatever they did, I’ll help you punish them!”

“Shut up.” JC glared at him.

He released Lance and Stasia and they looked at him like he was insane. Lance pulled Stasia tightly against his side with one hand and rubbed his ear with the other, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“All three of you...” He glanced at Dani, “I assume you had something to do with this too, so you listen up as well.” Dani took a step behind Chris and he held her against he back. “All FOUR of you, I know you’re trying to help. I KNOW you want what’s best for me, but if Lyn wants to be with Ryan, I have to deal with that. WE ALL HAVE TO DEAL WITH THAT! Do you have any idea how painful it was to stand there with her listening to that song? Please don’t help me anymore, I CAN’T TAKE THE PAIN!” He turned on his heel and stalked back into the building.

Lance closed his eyes and bought Stasia into his chest, “Shit.”

Chris looked dumbfounded, “I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!”

Stasia’s arms slipped around Lance’s waist, “It’s ok guys. I’ll talk to him.”


“I’m fine. I made this mess, I’ll clean it up.” He kissed the top of her head as she walked back into the building.

JC was sitting alone at his table, she quietly walked over and put her hand on his shoulder, “May I please talk to you?”

“Stasia don’t.” He closed his eyes.

She reached for his hand and pulled him to his feet, “Come on. It’s just me.” She led him into a little sitting area where she sat on a love seat and pulled him down to sit next to her.

“JC, this is my fault.”

He laughed cynically, “You made me fall in love with my best friend the day she decided to fall for someone else?”

“You love her?” Stasia’s gray eyes suddenly became liquid silver.

“I don’t know.” He clutched the sides of his head. “Yes.”

“JC, I don’t know what to say to you. When did you realize?”

“As soon as Ryan started hitting on her. I starting getting jealous. How big of a pig am I? I didn’t even think twice about her until someone else wanted her.”

She took his hand, “You aren’t a pig at all. You couldn’t be a pig if you tried. You have got a good heart, a kind heart. That’s why you don’t want us meddling, you care about her so much, you just want her to be happy. You just needed someone to open your eyes. I know you think I’m a pain in the ass, and I know you aren’t going to believe this right now, but she loves you too.”

“Stasia, you’re way out of line here. As far as dating and relationships go, I’m supposed to believe the woman who didn’t know she was in love with Lance until she had been with him for months? I’m supposed to believe the person who had so little faith in her relationship, that she tried to run away? If Lance hadn’t chased you back to Michigan, you would not be together today. Face it. You got lucky. You are lucky that your relationship worked. I’m supposed to take advice from a person who is away from the person she supposedly loves for the next two months? You are the last person I want to hear about dating from.” He stood up and walked away.

Lyn watched Stasia walk quickly out into the courtyard, and she may have been crying. She was about to go check on her friend when she saw Dani holding her. Lance and Chris were both crouched in front of her, and she had decided not to intrude. It wasn’t until Lance had stormed into the room, looking furious, that Lyn got worried. Lance made a bee-line for JC where he was dancing with Morgan, growled something into his ear, and then went back to Stasia. Lance, Stasia, Chris and Dani left immediately after that.

Lyn was in the ladies room when Morgan walked in, “Hey. How are you and the hottie doing?” Morgan grinned.

“Ryan is a great date.”

“Someone should be a good date.” Morgan rolled her eyes as she fixed her lipstick.

“Do you have any idea what is wrong with JC? He seems out of it.”

“I have no clue what the hell is going on, but I can tell you I have never seen Lance as angry as he was when he came up to us. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever really seen Lance angry before at all. And the weird thing is, it didn’t even seem to phase JC at all. Lance walked away and JC shrugged and that was it.”

“He wasn’t upset that Lance was angry?”

“Nope. And Lance wasn’t just angry, he was angry AT JC. I’m not sure what happened, but I know JC made Stasia cry. That’s why they left. Stasia is on her way back to Michigan. They are stopping at Lance’s and she’s leaving, TONIGHT! Lance is pissed, and we all fly out to Cincinnati tomorrow. Lance was talking about going with her to Michigan and driving to Ohio tomorrow.”

“WHAT THE HELL?” Lyn looked frightened.

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen any of them like this. I’m going to get back to him. I’ll see what I can find out.”

“Thanks Mor.” Lyn shook her head, “I wish you were having more fun.”

“Hey, I love the drama, keeps things interesting!” She shrugged as she left the room.

The guys were waiting at the venue for Lance to show up. JC had been locked in his dressing room since the bus rolled in. Lyn knocked quietly on the door, hoping not to wake him if he was napping.


She stuck her head into the room. He was sitting on a chair, with his notebook in front of him. He was still violently scribbling, and didn’t bother looking up, “JC? Are you ok?”

“Not now Lynie.”

“I’m worried about you.”

“Don’t be.”

“I know SOMETHING happened last night. Lance isn’t even here. JC, this isn’t like you.”

He slowly raised his tired eyes to meet hers, “Lyn, please don’t do this. Everything will be fine.”

Lance walked by the open door, wearing his sunglasses and a hat. He had Jake tucked under his arm and a bag thrown over his shoulder, he was walking quickly. JC got up without a word and chased him down the hall. Lance was setting Jake down as JC walked in.

He leaned against the doorframe. “Is she ok?” His voice was quiet and he didn’t notice that Lyn was standing behind.

“No, she’s not ok.”

“I’m sorry...”

Lance stood up and cut him off, holding up both hands, “Don’t tell me. I’m not the one who you were cruel to. I’m not the one who you said all of that shit to. SHE was out of line last night? She was trying to help, she may have been misguided, but her heart was in the right place.”

JC closed his eyes, “Lance, we’ve been friends a long time...”

“Which is why I am standing here talking to you right now, instead of slamming the door in your face. But JC, don’t make me choose sides in this, because I won’t think twice. Now I need to shower, or we are going to be late tonight. I really don’t want to deal with this right now.” Lyn’s jaw dropped. Lance never got angry, he was never nasty. He never said a harsh word. But the look on his face was one of barely contained rage.

“OK.” JC turned to see Lyn standing there, he walked away without a word.

She followed him back to his dressing room, he still wasn’t talking, he picked up his phone and hit a speed dial number.

After a few seconds a deep male voice answered, “Hello?”

“Hi Ron. It’s JC. Can I please talk to Stasia?” He sat next to Lyn on the couch resting an elbow on his knee and holding his head in his hand.

“Sure thing. I’ll go get her.” It was quiet for a few seconds, “Sorry JC. She’s...studying right now. She said she can’t talk.”

“Ron, I really need to talk to her.”

“I’m sorry man. Maybe later.”

“Yeah. Maybe later. Bye.” He hit end and then dialed another number right away.

“Stasia Blake.”

“Stasia...” he heard the beep of the ‘end’ button being depressed on her cell phone. He hit redial, and got the message that the phone he was trying to reach was currently either out of service or turned off.

“What’s going on?”

“I was an ass and now one of the people I care about most will not speak to me.”

“Stasia has thick skin, whatever you said couldn’t have been that bad. She’ll talk to you when she can.”

“She hung up on me.”

“She probably didn’t mean to hang up on you, maybe there’s something wrong with her phone.”

“Lyn, she’s pissed, and she has every right to be pissed at me.” He looked at his watch, “I’ve got to go to sound check.”

He left her sitting there confused. She ran her hands through her hair, “What is going on around here?”

Lyn saw Dani walk by out of the corner of her eye, “DANI!” She got up and ran after the other woman.

Dani smiled brightly, “Hey Lyn. What’s going on?”

“I have no clue. That’s what I was going to ask you about.”

Dani stopped walking, “What do you mean?”

“What happened last night? Stasia is refusing to speak to JC. Lance is angrier than I have ever seen him and JC is just acting strangely.”

“I wish I knew. Last night was confusing. JC had a fit and then Stasia went to talk to him, after that she came back crying and Lance was the only one who could understand her. Lance went to yell at JC, then we left. Chris and I took the two of them to the airport and that’s all I know.”

“What was JC’s fit about?”

“I have no idea. He was saying something about butting out of his business. I have NO CLUE what that was all about, I guess I missed the beginning of the whole thing.”

“Everything was fine when we left for the party. Everything was fine when I danced with him. I can’t think about this right now.” They began walking again, “So Dani tell me, what’s going on with you and Chris?”

She blushed, “Um...”

“ in you LOOOVE him?” Lyn bumped Dani with her shoulder.

“Um as in, I never stopped loving him and he’s working very hard to help me remember why I started loving him in the first place.”

“Do you think you guys are getting back together?” They walked through the doors leading to the floor of the arena.

Dani smiled the brightest smile Lyn had ever seen out of her, “I THINK that we are back together already.”

Lyn stopped abruptly and threw her arms around Dani. “Oh my God!”

“Yeah.” They both giggled.

Joey came rolling up on his scooter, “Hey Lyn. I have no idea how this happened, but I have your cell phone, and I answered it, because, well, I thought it was mine.” Lyn pulled the phone out of her pocket and turned it on, the display lit up, LITTLE JOE.

“I don’t know what happened, but here you go!” they switched phones.

“Call Bethany. She said it was very important.”

“Beth called? Wow! Thanks Joe.” She leaned up on her toes and kissed his cheek.

Lyn excused herself and went to the back of the arena where she could call Bethany back. She dialed her friend’s number. Bethany picked up the phone on the first ring, “HELLO?”

“Beth? Are you ok? It’s Lyn.”

“OH THANK GOD! Lyn, I freaked when a guy answered the phone.

“No need to worry. It was just Joey.”

“Joey? As in JOEY FATONE?”

“Yes, as in Joey Fatone.” She laughed, “So what can I do for you Beth, Joe said it was important.”

“It is. Lyn, I over heard a conversation today, one I was NOT supposed to hear. Powers was talking about you. Lyn, he was bad mouthing you. I’m not sure who he was talking to, but the things he was saying were awful. Lyn, he HATES you. I think he is trying to make sure you never teach in Orlando again.”

“He already forced me out of hazelwood, why would he want to keep me from teaching anywhere else? As long as I’m out of his hair he should be happy.”

“I have no idea, but you should try to do something to shut him up.”

“I don’t know what I could do.”

“I just wanted you to know. I’m sorry I am calling for such an awful reason.”

“It’s not your fault. Thanks for watching out for me. I am going to have to do something.”

“If you need anything, you call me right away.”

“Thank you Beth. I’ll call you soon.”

She turned off her phone and sat down in the nearest seat, “What a day.” She sat and thought for a few seconds and then dialed the phone before she could change her mind.


“Ron, I need to talk to Stasia, it’s an emergency.”



“Hang on.” Lyn crossed her fingers and prayed that Stasia would talk to her.

“Lyn?” Stasia sounded a little stand offish.

“Stasia I need your help. It’s a legal thing.”

“What kind of legal thing?”

“It’s Mr. Powers in Orlando. I have to do something. I got a call from My friend Bethany, I guess he is trying to keep me from ever teaching again.”

“That guy is nuts.”

“I’m aware of that. Is there anything I can do?”

“Lyn, sweetie, there are a lot of things you can do. I’ll tell you what, let me call Jess and then I’ll call you back. But this could be tough. This guy is not about to roll over and die, I have a sick feeling he is going to play dirty.”

“Yeah well, he doesn’t know about my secret weapon.”

“What’s that?”


“Flattery will get you everywhere. Sit tight, I’m about to start the ball rolling.”

Lyn hung up and looked up at the stage. JC was singing scales checking the sound levels, she glanced at the door where Ryan was talking to some of the technical people. She wasn’t sure what was going on in her life, suddenly she felt like she wasn’t in control anymore, but she knew she had to stand up for herself. She looked down at her hands, “Please God don’t let this be a mistake.”

Lyrics used in the chapter are: Ryan's song.... Tidalwave David Gray from Lost Songs 95-98 JC & Lyn dancing...In My Life The Beatles from Rubber Soul

~Chapter Seven~