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Chapter 8

The nurse’s eyes narrowed, “Husband?”

“Yes. I am her husband.” JC’s hand went to Lyn’s shoulder.

“I’m very sorry Mr. McLachlan. I must have misread the form.” She began flipping pages.

“It’s Chasez, she’s stubborn about the name change thing.” He rolled his eye and the nurse nodded her head. “We’ve only been married a week, she probably marked the wrong box. Honey, do you remember what you marked?”

“You know, I wasn’t even thinking, I probably DID mark the wrong box.” Lyn blushed.

“OK you two. Follow me.” They started to follow her, Dre right behind them and she turned, her eyes narrowing again, “And I suppose he is you father.” She pointed at the huge man.

“OH NO! Don’t blame these two on me!”

JC smacked him in the stomach, “He is my security guard.”

“Your security guard.” She rolled her eyes sighing, “Oh my Lord in Heaven.”

“Dre, you can stay here. Nothing is going to happen at five am in the emergency room.”


“GUYS! I’m in A LOT of pain here.”

“I’ll stay here.” Dre sat down.

When the nurse had left them in the exam room, Lyn turned to face him with wide eyes, “HUSBAND?” She hissed through clenched teeth.

“It’s all I could think of.”

“Brother, had to pick HUSBAND!”

“I can go sit in the waiting room with Dre.” He started for the door, she grabbed his arm and he smirked, “Didn’t think so.” He hopped up to sit next to her on the exam table.

“I just couldn’t believe you said it.”

“Geeze Lynie! Would it be so bad to be married to me? My feelings are getting hurt here.”

“Well...with that hair I don’t know, maybe before the hair I wouldn’t have minded so much.”

“Listen brat, if you don’t behave, I’m going to leave you here alone.”

“No you won’t. You promised me you’d stay, you never break promises to me.”

“You’ve got me on that one.”

They both looked up as a young woman walked into the room dressed in scrubs. “Hello. I’m Doctor Weston.” She looked past Lyn, straight at JC.

Lyn looked from the doctor to JC, who was clueless. “Hello Doctor Weston. I’m Lyn McLachlan and this is Josh.”

“It says here you have a sore ankle.” She said more to JC than to Lyn.

Lyn leaned in front of JC, “Yes. I fell on it...twice.”

“Well let’s take a look.” Again to JC.

“OK. LET’S.” Lyn rolled her eyes and JC shot her a surprised look.

The doctor pulled her pant leg up and grimaced, “That does look bad. I’m going to order an x-ray. Which, at this hour should be very quick.”

“OK.” The doctor then grasped her ankle firmly and attempted to rotate it. Lyn let out a high pitched squeak, leaning back into JC’s chest.

His arms went around her protectively and he began to whisper in her ear, “It’s ok Lynie. It’s almost over.”

“OK, I’ve seen enough, all we need are the x-rays and we’ll be all set. Hop back into this wheelchair and I’ll take you down there myself.”

JC slipped down and picked Lyn up, placing her carefully into the chair. Before he could go far, she grabbed his hand and he smiled down at her. The doctor took the x-rays herself, chatting with JC the entire time. Lyn had rolled her eyes so many times that she had given herself a headache. She was finding it hard to believe that her doctor was flirting with JC right in front of her face.

They got back to the exam room and the doctor slipped the x-rays into the light box. She nodded her head, “Just as I thought.”

“What?” Lyn was growing tired and annoyed.

“Broken. We’ll put a cast on it and you’ll have to come back in a few weeks.”

Lyn looked at JC, who said, “We’re going to have to make other arrangements to have the cast changed and removed. We won’t be here.”

“For how long? I’m sure we can work something out.”

“No, our work will take us out of town for a very extended period of time.” Lyn rubbed her temples.

“Well, we’ll have to figure that out later. Let’s go put your cast on. Josh you don’t have to come with your sister and I if you’d rather stay here. This won’t take too long. While her cast sets I could show you where the cafeteria is. ”

Lyn’s eyes narrowed and her temper snapped, “I would prefer that my HUSBAND stay with while I get my cast. Thank you.”

“OH! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.” Dr. Weston’s cheeks flushed.

“Can we get on with this? I have several meetings, and Josh here has a very important event to attend today.”


An hour later, JC was pushing Lyn out to the van in a wheelchair followed by Dre who was carrying her crutches and the prescription for pain killers. JC had not stopped smiling since Lyn had bitten the doctor’s head off for calling him Lyn’s brother.

As he picked her up and put her in the van she shot him a dirty look, “WHAT? What is so damn funny?”

He climbed in next to her and took the crutches from Dre. “You. You crack me up.”

“How?” She laid her head on his shoulder as they began to move.

“You were all freaked out when I told that mean old nurse we were married, but when the pretty young doctor said I was your brother, you flipped out at her, telling her I was your husband. I just thought it was amusing.”

“Shut up. I wasn’t thinking clearly, I was in pain.”

Dre burst out laughing.

They pulled up behind the hotel and Dre looked around. “JC, I’m going to carry Lyn in. I can get her inside faster. You and the crutches go first.”

“OK.” JC slipped out, keeping his head down. Lyn buried her face in Dre’s shoulder as they ran. As soon as the got safely into the building JC set the crutches down and held out his arms. Dre just shook his head and handed Lyn over. She yawned and he held her tightly.

Dre radioed upstairs to let them know they were on the way. He looked over at JC and Lyn, who were whispering quietly, “Brace yourselves. They know we’re back.”

“Oh boy. I’m not sure I’m ready for everybody.” Lyn sighed.

“You need to get some sleep and the buses are leaving soon, so I think you should ride with Justin and I. There aren’t any other people on your bus and you’ll need help.”

“But JC, that is a huge imposition, Justin may not want me around and isn’t Morgan riding with you guys.”

The elevator doors opened and Justin, Joey, Chris and Stasia were standing there. Lance was on his way down the hall, with his cell phone pressed to his ear. Justin took one look at the cast and said, “She’s riding with us right?”

“See. It’s settled.” JC grinned at her.

Stasia ran up, “She can ride with us. Lyn you poor thing! What can we do for you?”

JC held her closer to his chest, “She’s with Justin and I. Stasia, could you help me pack her stuff?”

“I can pack my own stuff.” Lyn’s lip jutted out like a small child.

“Sure, I can help.” Stasia made a bee line for Lyn’s room.

“I can pack my own stuff.” Lyn shouted after her.

“You need your rest.” JC whispered against her neck. She suddenly had chills running down her spine.

“I am tired. Thanks JC.”

“That’s what I’m here for. I’m going to put you in my bed while Stasia and I pack your stuff. Then we’ll take you down to the bus, sound ok?”

“Sounds fine.”

He tucked her into his bed and then went across the hall to help Stasia pack her things. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, “IT’S OPEN!”

She pushed herself up into a sitting position, and leaned to try to see who was walking in. She smiled when Ryan’s head came around the corner. “You did break it?”

“Yeah.” She pulled back the covers to reveal her large, white cast. “Pretty spiffy huh?”

“I heard JC took you to the hospital.”

“Yeah. This is about as far as I could make it. I hopped over here and he took one look at my ankle and said we were going to the hospital. He’s always taken very good care of me.”

“I bet.” He shrugged.

“What do you mean?” She was completely floored by his tone.

“I just mean that he seems to play a MAJOR part in your life.”

“He does. I’ve never hidden the fact that JC is, and always will be my best friend.” She shot him a look that let him know she was in no mood to be defending the people she cared about.

“I’m sorry, I know that. If you need help getting on your bus, or anything...”

“I’m going to ride with Justin and JC.”


“Ryan, what’s up with you?” She was tired, and in a lot of pain, and Ryan’s mood was not helping her feel better. “I broke my ankle, my friend took me to the hospital, I am riding on a bus with two friends, why do you seem all weird about it?” She sighed.

Ryan walked over and sat on the edge of the bed next to her, “You do realize I don’t just ask random people out on dates, right? You do realize that I am TRYING to date you. But I can’t date you AND JC, it just won’t work for me. I can’t compete with someone who YOU don’t even realize is in the game. I don’t know what could happen with us, or even IF anything could happen with us, but I thought we were thinking the same things. I thought we were going to find out what might happen.”

Before Lyn knew what was happening, Ryan leaned over and kissed her. His hand slipped behind her head, and her eyes flew open in shock. He eased the pressure of his lips on her and then sighed, “OK, strange new development. I need to ask you something?”

“LIKE LYN DO YOU MIND IF I KISS YOU?” She looked at him with wide eyes.

“No, like, Lyn did you feel anything just then?” His eyebrow went up.

She looked down at her hands where they were folded in her lap and slowly shook her head, “No.”

“Oh Thank GOD!” She looked up to see a huge smile on his face, “Neither did I. I had this big long conversation with Lance this morning about kisses and fireworks and stuff and it got me to thinking, and I really want that. I want the fireworks he was talking about, and now I hate to say this, but...NOTHING!”

“ME TOO!” Lyn laughed.

“I really thought we could have something going on, but then I started thinking about it, Lyn I like you, I like you a lot. I like working with you and I like hanging out with you, but I don’t think we’re right for one another.”


JC walked through the door, “You neither what?” ,p> Ryan laughed and looked up at JC, “WE don’t think we’re right for each other! Isn’t that great?”

JC looked from Lyn to Ryan and then back to Lyn, “I guess so?”

“You guess so what?” Stasia was craning her neck to see around JC.

“I guess it’s great that they don’t think they’re right for each other. What do you think?”

“I think as long as everyone is happy, I’m happy. I have to go gather my bags. I’ll be back to help you get her settled.”

Stasia casually walked to her room where Lance was folding a shirt. She grabbed the shirt and threw it in the air, “MILLIE! I just finished folding that!”

“THEY DON’T THINK THEY’RE RIGHT FOR EACH OTHER!” She hopped up on the bed and began bouncing. Sending all of Lance’s neatly folded clothes falling to the floor.

“Who doesn’t think they’re right for each other?” He asked with frustration as started to gather his clothes.

“LYN AND RYAN!” She squealed.

Lance hopped up next to her dropping the pile of clothes again, “WHAT? When did this happen?”

“Like thirty seconds ago! Harry! I can move in for the kill now, AND I have ANOTHER BRILLIANT idea!” She grabbed both of his hands.

“Let’s just be happy they have a chance now, before you hatch a new evil plan.”

“Darlin’ this one is already hatched and walking around!” Her eyes had the silver flecks he loved to see, the ones she got when she was truly happy.

Chris was walking by when he noticed the pair jumping on the bed, he came flying through the door and jumped up next to Stasia, “Why are we bouncing Stay-A?”

“Lyn and Ryan don’t think they’re right for one another!” She giggled and hugged him.

Chris stopped bouncing, “ARE YOU SERIOUS?”

“I swear it!”

Opening her eyes, she was confused as to her surroundings. Running both hands over her face, she squinted in the darkness. Lyn remembered being in JC’s bed in the hotel, but how she got into his bunk on the bus, she didn’t know. She knew it was his bunk because it smelled like his cologne and the pillow was lumpy, because it had his baby blanket shoved in it. She was familiar with the lumps, she was there the day he was packing for their first trip to Europe, when he was deciding what to take and what to leave. He had decided it would be embarrassing to have a baby blanket with him. She knew how much he had really wanted the little piece of home, so when he had left the room, Lyn had shoved it into the pillow case herself. He called from Germany to thank her.

She sat up as much as possible and yawned. Her foot was throbbing and she needed to go to the bathroom. Pushing the curtain back and swinging her legs out of the bunk, she decided she didn’t need to break her other ankle falling out of the bunk, so she stuck her head out into the hallway. She could see Justin standing in the lounge, looking through his CDs. “Justin?”

He immediately stopped what he was doing and jogged the few steps over to her, “Hey! How’s the ankle?”

“OK...a little sore I guess. Could you please help me get down? I need to use the bathroom.”

“Sure thing!”

She was going to put her hand on his shoulder to brace herself, when he simply scooped her up and carried her toward the bathroom, “YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO CARRY ME!”

“I was going this way anyway!” He pushed the door open with his foot and took a step into the tiny bathroom.

“OK! OK! THAT’S FAR ENOUGH!” Lyn was squirming.

“Calm down, I’m not stayin’. I’m just making sure you get here safely.” He gently set her on the floor, making sure she had a grip on the sink, before backing out of the room while closing the door.

Lyn stuck her head out into the hallway, “GUYS? Where are my crutches?”

JC walked out of the lounge, “They are actually under th couch, they kept falling, so we stashed them. How are you feeling? Did sleep help any?” He scooped her up and carried her to the couch.

Justin was sprawled on the floor and Morgan was laying next to him. They were sorting out CDs deciding which to put into the CD player. Lyn settled into the cushions, “I’m feeling OK. I think sleep at least helped me clear my head a little.”

Morgan looked up, “You know Lyn, this whole broken ankle thing is JC’s fault.”

Justin didn’t even look up, “She’s right.”

“WHAT?” JC spit water all over.

“If she hadn’t been helping you suck up to Lance and Stasia, because you had been such an idiot, she never would have broken her ankle.”

“That’s not true. He didn’t ask me to fling myself on the floor. Not to mention the fact that I wasn’t wearing my own was a whole collection of odd events that led up to me being in this thing.” Lyn patted her cast.

Justin crawled forward on his stomach to grab his bag. After digging around in it, he pulled out a felt-tipped pen and scrawled his signature across the side of the cast. “I got to be first!”

Morgan punched him in the back of the leg, causing a charlie horse, “Not because YOU ASKED to be, you idiot! I swear! You are so RUDE! Lyn do you MIND if the IDIOT signs your cast?”

Lyn laughed as Justin rolled around on the floor wincing in pain, “No. I don’t mind.”

“COOL!” Morgan grabbed the pen and signed right under Justin. She held the pen out to JC, “Here.”

JC took the pen from her hand and thought for a few seconds before he smirked. He wrote a short message and then snapped the cap back on the pen. Lyn craned her neck to try to read what he had written, but it was upside down and she couldn’t make it out, “OK. What does it say?”

Justin sat up and read: To my loving wife, Get well soon. Josh Justin looked up at JC, “What the hell is that all about?”

“Lyn knows.” He threw his arm around her shoulders and she smiled up at him.

“OH NO! What does it mean? You DID NOT GET MARRIED! I KNOW you didn’t get married, because you can’t get married without a best man and I KNOW you would have asked ME to be your best man!”

“Oh yeah, that’s right, I wouldn’t ask my own brother to be my best man.” JC rolled his eyes.

“Tyler was so sweet. He kissed my cheek and welcomed me to the family. I couldn’t ask for better in-laws.” Lyn grinned.

“You guys are SO funny.” Justin flopped back onto his back.

“Justin, I’m sorry, but we have to have a few inside jokes.” Lyn smiled at him.

“Yeah whatever. See if I take you to the bathroom again.” His arms crossed over his chest.

Morgan rolled onto her side, resting her head on Justin’s stomach, “So Lyn. What’s up with you and Ryan?”

“Nothing. We’ve decided we’re good friends. That’s it. There’s just no chemistry between us.” She shrugged, “It just wasn’t meant to be.”

“But how do you know that? I mean, you only went out like twice.” Morgan squeaked when Justin pulled her hair, “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?”

“You’re bugging me.”

“I know, because when he kissed me, I felt NOTHING, Clover gets more of a reaction out of me.”

“WOAH! There was kissing?” Justin tried to sit up, but the weight of Morgan’s head held him down. “There was one kiss, and trust me, it wasn’t very exciting.”

“When was there kissing?” Morgan’s eyes narrowed.

“This morning.”

“WHAT?” All three of them screamed.

“This morning. He kissed me, said something about talking to Lance about kissing and we were both relieved that neither one of us is getting hurt, because we seem to agree.”

“BACK THE HELL UP!” Morgan was sitting up now, “He kissed you this morning. You better start spilling your guts! I can’t believe you dropped that on us, like it’s an every day occurrence.”

“Sorry. But once it happened, we realized we were friends and that’s all we would ever be. I guess I just don’t want that kind of relationship with him.”

“So what did Lance say to him?” Justin shot Morgan a look.

Lyn shrugged, “Pretty much the same thing Stasia said to me last night. They both believe that if you are with the right person, there will be fireworks in your head when you kiss.” She didn’t notice the looks being passed between the people around her. “Apparently, she has the fourth of July in her head every time he kisses her. I want that so badly! And believe me, I wasn’t getting it from Ryan at all.”

The driver called back and said, “We’re stopping for lunch. You have ten minutes to get ready.”

JC stood up, “What are you going to need? I’ll grab your stuff for you.”

“Thanks! I really just need my back pack. OH! And my shoe.” She grinned.

“You’ve got it!” He walked out of the room. Justin stood up and followed him out.

“Morgan can I ask you something?”

“Of course. And Lyn, re-do the ponytail.”

“Oh. OK. But, I wanted to ask you about something Ryan said to me this morning.”

“Sure.” Morgan dug her shoe out from under the couch and began to put it on.

“Something he said really bugged me, and I didn’t know how to respond to him.”

“I’m getting that, but Lyn, WHAT did he say?” She stuck her head under the couch, looking for her other shoe.

“He said that he was trying to date me, but he couldn’t date me and JC. What do YOU think he meant by that?”

JC started to walk back into the lounge, but Justin stopped him. “Shh. They’re talking about us.” He whispered.

“So you’re listening?” JC whispered back.

“Of course I am. Now shut up.” They both leaned closer to the door.

Morgan rolled back and wrapped her arms around her knees, “I think I understand this better than anyone else would.” She sighed, “You and JC are a lot like Justin and I. I think what Ryan meant is that you and JC are tight. People really seem to have a hard time dealing with a girl whose best friend happens to be a guy. It’s the whole

When Harry Met Sally theory. GUYS don’t believe that guys and girls can be just friends. They don’t believe that the GUY doesn’t want more from his female friend. So when he is trying to date you, he feels like, no matter what, you want more with JC and would never be completely his. Guys do the same thing with me. THEN they find out the Justin who is my best friend, is Justin Timberlake, well that does them in. I mean, they feel they have to compete with him. I assume it’s the same with JC.”

“Yeah. I guess so. But you know what’s really twisted? If they had to compete with JC...they’d never be able to.”

“I know, no one could compete with Justin either.” Morgan rested her chin on her knees.

“Morgan, what’s wrong with us? Why is this all so complicated?”

“WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME? You’re older, you should have more answers.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t.”

“It’s like they say, you can’t pick your family. But you can pick your friends. Well, Justin isn’t a friend to me, and JC isn’t a friend to you, they ARE FAMILY. We’re stuck, and if guys never understand, at least we have each other.”

“So we are destine to have the best friends in the world, but never be in love. That’s a happy thought.”

“People say you should marry your best friend.” Morgan sighed.

“People say a lot of things, but you can’t marry someone who isn’t in love with you, even if they are your best friend.”

“You’ve got a point. I could easily spend the rest of my life with Justin, but it would KILL me knowing that he didn’t love me like... like...”

“Lance loves Stasia.” Lyn’s head flopped back against the couch.


“I love Lance and Stasia. I love seeing them together and happy, they deserve it. But it hurts to see them too. It’s sort of like someone holding a big sign in front of your face that says, ‘THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT...BUT CAN’T FIND!!!!’ I would never want anything to pull them apart, but do they have to be so damn perfect?”

“The two of them can’t help it. They are the nicest, most giving, loving people in the world. And they make me want to throw up!” Morgan giggled.

Justin looked over at JC who was staring at Lyn, “We’ve ruined their lives.”

“I know.”

JC turned and walked back to the front of the bus and Justin followed him. JC flopped down at the table and hugged Lyn’s shoe to his chest.

Justin sat across from him, “What do we do? They can’t date because of us. They can’t fall in love because of us. They can’t have normal lives because of us.”

“I know.”

“They are willing to give it all up for us. They are willing to give up love for us.” Justin’s eyes were wide, and he ran a hand over his non-existent curls.

“I know.”

“If you say, ‘I know’ again, I’m going to punch you. You are not helping. Not at all.” He threw his hands in the air.

“What do you want me to say? I’m sorry Justin, but things with you and Mor are not the same as with me and Lyn. It’s different.”

“How JC? How is it different?”

JC looked up, “I don’t want her dating anyone else, I don’t want her to love anyone else. I don’t want her to be happy with anyone else. I want her to do all of those things with me.”

“This is great!”

“Oh it is, is it?”

“Of course! You guys are made for each other!”

“Justin, she has never given me any indication that she has any feelings for me outside of friendship. She looks at me like a brother.”

“Whatever! She loves you.” Justin said matter-of-factly.

“That is so easy for you to say. But if you started dating Mor, and things didn’t work out, how would you feel? You would lose not only a girlfriend, but your best friend. I’m not sure I’m willing to risk that.”

“So you’re just going to ignore the fact that you love her?”

“Maybe it will go away.”

“That is easily the dumbest thing I have ever heard you say!”

“Shut up J.”

“Fine. I’ll shut up, but you are being a dumbass.” Justin got up and walked straight back to the lounge.

JC walked in right behind him and held Lyn’s shoe down for her to take. She slipped it on and quickly tied it as they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. Lyn leaned down to pull her crutches out from under the couch and Justin stopped them with his foot. “How about a piggy-back ride. That way we don’t have to contend with the crutches inside.”

“I’m going to have to get around on my own at some point. It might as well be now.” She tried to pull on them again, and Justin kicked them out of her reach. “Justin!”

He squatted down in front of her, “Hop on!”

Morgan smacked the top of his head, “You wish someone would hop on you! Lyn has higher standards!”

Lyn hopped over and jumped on his back, “Aww. Poor Justin. You are above my standards.”

“Did you hear that woman? I’m ABOVE her standards!” He ran toward the front of the bus, with Lyn bouncing on his back.

“SHE’S JUST BEING NICE TO YOU!” Morgan screamed after them.

Justin bounced down the stairs and ran over to Chris. Morgan was still yelling something at him, but he couldn’t hear her, so he just kept running. Morgan was hanging from JC’s neck like a cape when he casually walked over with his hands in his pockets, Morgan flopping against his back. Lyn reached out and tapped him on the shoulder. “JC, you seem to have some growth on your back.”

“I guess I should go see that doctor you went to this morning.” He winked at her.


Lance and Stasia walked up holding hands. Chris grabbed Stasia’s hand, “Lance we’re switching chicks. You get to give Dani a ride.” He bent down in front of Stasia.

“That sounded bad, even for you Chris.” Stasia said as she hopped up on his back. “HEY! Lyn, who signed your cast?”

“The people on my bus.”

The group walked toward the restaurant, Dani came running from the bus and jumped onto Lance’s back. He laughed and smiled, “Hey Dani.”

“Hey handsome.” Dani kissed his cheek.

“HEY HEY HEY! Watch the lips there blondie!” Stasia teased.

The group walked into the lobby of the restaurant. The host standing near the entrance looked them up and down. He looked at the group of young people, laughing loudly and shouting at one another, then at the huge men surrounding them. The young people, all dressed in jeans or sweat pants, didn’t look like the type of people that should be walking into his restaurant. His arms crossed over his chest and he leveled them with a look.

Joey, the only guy without a girl on his back, stepped forward. “We have fifteen people. Do you have enough room for us?”

“I’m not sure that we can accommodate your group.”

Stasia smacked Chris’s shoulder, “Down.” Chris released her legs and she straightened her shirt. Walking forward, she narrowed her eyes.

Justin whispered to Lyn, “This guy is in TROUBLE!”

“Sir? May I ask you a question?” When he didn’t respond, she continued, “I happen to have noticed your establishment is not what I would call crowded. Now, it seems to me that a group the size of ours would be a very GOOD THING for an empty restaurant. Are you concerned with our appearance? I don’t think your LACK OF patrons will mind.”

“Miss, I don’t think you understand. This is my restaurant, and I can do whatever I wish to do in it.”

“That’s true.” She shrugged and turned to the group, “Anyone else want to go somewhere else?”

Chris stepped up next to her, “McDonald’s sounds more appetizing to me than this place.”

They were turning to walk out the door when there was a screech from behind the man, “OH MY GOD!”

“Jenna! Stop screaming! What in the world is wrong with you?” The man looked at her.


Chris smiled, shook her hand. “Yes we are. It’s nice meeting you, but we were just leaving.”


“We...can’t stay.”

“But Daddy’s is the best restaurant in the city! You have to stay!”

Stasia walked forward, “I’m really sorry. But apparently, our group is too big.” She smiled at the man standing there with his jaw hanging open. “Are you coming to the show tomorrow?”

“Yes! My friends and I have tickets.”

“How many of you are there?”


Stasia walked over to Lance, who smiled and nodded at whatever she said. He kissed the top of her head. She walked over to Ron, who laughed, dug around in his pocket and then produced her what she’d asked for. She walked back up to the girl and handed her four backstage passes. “I’ll let them know at the gate that they should find me when you get there, we’ll give you the grand tour.”


“It’s not a problem. We look forward to seeing you there.” With that, she turned and the entire group walked out the door. Leaving the man there to explain to his daughter, why NSYNC couldn’t stay.

Joey walked out of the elevator, carrying Lyn. “I’m serious, I really can move around myself. That’s what the crutches are for, so I can get around alone. You guys don’t need to carry me everywhere.”

“Shut up and enjoy the ride.”

“The space ride?” Lyn teased.

“SHUT UP Lynie! I’m carrying your bags here.” JC grinned over Joey’s shoulder.

Joey carried her into her room and set her down on the bed. Stasia followed them in and said, “We’re going to have a meeting in here in a few hours, is that ok?”

“Sure thing. I’m happy to host.”

“We’ll be down at six.”


Joey winked at Lyn, “And I’ll be back after that!”


“Yuck!” JC set her bags down. “What are you going to do the rest of the day?”

“Get settled, call my parents and preparing for the meeting.”

“Eight o’clock, I am bringing your get well gift.”

“You don’t need to get me a gift. Taking me to the hospital, and not leaving me alone was the best gift in the world.”

“We’ll see.” He smiled and walked out of the room.

~Chapter Nine~