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February 12, 2002, New York, New York

“Hi. I’m Carson Daily and this is Inside NSYNC.” Carson sat back in his chair and eyed the group in front of him. “There has only been one other occasion that the guys in NSYNC have allowed anyone outside of the group to sit down to be interviewed along with them. They do their best to keep the people important to them out of the spot light, but today in addition to Justin, JC, Joey, Chris and Lance, we are joined again by Stasia Blake and we have a new person on the couch, Allyn McLachlan from Free Lance Entertainment.”

“The first time you guys broke form was to allow Stasia to join an interview when news of her relationship with Lance broke. At that time, it became clear that NSYNC was never going to try to lie to their fans. At the same time, Stasia established herself as a force in the inner circle that surrounds the five core members of this group.” Stasia rolled her eyes as her cheeks flushed.

Chris interrupted, “A force to be reckoned with!”

Stasia turned around, “SHH! Don’t interrupt when he’s saying nice things about me!”

Carson laughed, and then picked up where he’d left off, “It was a little more than a year ago that I sat down with Stasia, one on one to discuss her relationship with Lance, her stalker, the deaths of her mother, brother and sister-in-law as well as the trial that convicted the man that attempted to kill Stasia, Lance and a member of NSYNC’s security team.”

“In the year since that interview, there have been many changes in the NSYNC family, some minor, and some very major. A new album was released, Lance and Joey starred in a movie together, Stasia finished law school, Lyn McLachlan joined Free Lance and began dating JC. Chris had his first major Fu Man fashion show and Joey finished another movie that is coming out soon. I’m completely positive that, as usual, they will have a few surprises in store for the next two hours.” Carson’s last comment was met with a cough, a snicker, two sets of flushed cheeks and several smirks.

Carson leaned back in his chair and eyed his friends. He noticed that Stasia was sitting with her left hand in her lap, her right hand covering it. Lyn’s left hand was in her sleeve with just the tips of her fingers showing. He smirked at them and leaned forward, “Ladies first?”

Stasia and Lyn glanced at one another and Stasia shrugged, “Sure.”

“So Stasia, a lawyer huh?” He winked at her.

“Yep.” She grinned and nodded, “I finally finished law school.”

“You’re being modest. I happen to know that you not only finished law school, you passed the bar exams in four different states. That is no easy task.”

She flushed and shrugged, “I test well.”

Chris leaned forward, “She lies. She studied for months, she worked hard and earned the passing grade in every one of those states.”

“You’re licensed in which states?”

“Michigan, Mississippi, New York and Florida. At some point I’ll probably take the exam in California as well.”

“Pretty courageous. Now while Stasia was busy studying and kicking butt on her bar exams, Lyn was waging a legal war of her own and was getting her feet wet in the music management business. Lyn, you have been having quite a year haven’t you?”

Lyn nodded, “Yes I have.”

“Let’s start with the law suit. In the spring, news hit that you had filed a major lawsuit and that all five member of NSYNC were on your witness list. Can you tell me a little bit about that?”

“I was fired from my job, under what I felt were unfair circumstances. I filed a lawsuit against the man that arranged the whole situation and against the school that backed his decision.”

“You had quite a legal team didn’t you?”

Lyn nodded and smiled brightly, “I had the best legal team.” She looked over at Stasia, “Stasia and Jess McCullan were amazing, I couldn’t possibly have been represented by better attorneys.”

“You won didn’t you?” Carson smiled.

Lyn shrugged, “Actually we reached a settlement. You’d have to ask Stasia about all of the technical stuff.”

Carson laughed and turned to Stasia, “So Stasia, did she win?”

“The parties reached a very favorable settlement.” Stasia nodded.

Joey laughed flapped his arms, “STOP! You flipped her into lawyer mode. She’s going to get all legal on us now.”

“I am not!” She turned around and punched his knee.

Carson threw his hands up, “OK! OK! I’m changing the subject! Joe, what have you been up to this year?”

“Well, we did Pop Odyssey, and then released Celebrity. Lance and I did a lot of press for On The Line and now I’m promoting Big Fat Greek Wedding. Other than that I’ve just been trying to spend as much time as possible with my family and my girlfriend.”

Carson’s eyes lit up, “I believe that this is the first time you’ve ever actually offered information about your girlfriend in public. How long have you been together?”

“Over a year.” He laughed, “I’m not really offering information, I don’t like to talk about her in public, because she isn’t a public person. I want to insulate her from as much of the hype and hysteria that surrounds us as possible.”

“That’s fair.” Carson turned to face Justin, “So what have you been up to?”

Six pairs of concerned eyes slowly turned to face their friend. Carson was reading the emotions of the group and could sense that there was something brewing with Justin, who simply smiled and answered, “Not much. I’m playing around with a few ideas. I’ve written a few songs for our next album, as well as a few for a solo project I’ve been kicking around for a while. Other than that....I don’t have much to tell you.”

“How do all of you feel about him doing solo stuff?” Carson’s eyes scanned all of the faces in front of him.

Lance leaned forward a little, “We all think it’s great. He has so much talent, why not use it? He has supported me with Free Lance every step of the way. He’s one of Fu Man’s biggest clients. He hasn’t missed one of Joey’s premieres. If JC’s stuck trying to write a song or when he’s producing, Justin is the first guy to offer some help. I guarantee that the first four copies of his album, will be purchased by the four of us.”

“So the rumors of a break-up aren’t true?”

Justin shook his head, “I would NEVER consider leaving this group. I love these guys, and if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be sitting here. Everything we’ve done, and will do, happens with the support and encouragement of everyone. If I thought one of them was even the slightest bit concerned, I wouldn’t even consider a solo project. I love being in NSYNC. I don’t want this group to ever break up. I get a lot of strength from these people. There are days I couldn’t function without this group of people.”

Carson nodded, “Well, I guess that settles that. Chris, how about you?”

“I’m not going anywhere. They are going to have to throw me out when I’m 100.”

Carson laughed, “No, I meant, What have you been up to this year?”

“I’ve been designing some cool new stuff for Fu Man, we have a lot of stuff in the works. I’m excited about the next few years. The company is still growing, but after making a few changes this year, we’re confident that we can move into the next phases and thrive.”

“And you are still with that amazingly beautiful woman?”

“Yeah, Dani and I are together.” Chris nodded.

Carson leaned back, “I have to give you guys credit, you have somehow found some of the most beautiful women in the world, and convinced them to date you.”

Lance smiled, “We are very lucky. Luckier in love than in business.”

“Well Lance, since you spoke up, I guess it’s your turn to be in the hot seat.”

“Oh man. Here we go.” Lance raised an eyebrow.

“So tell me, what have you been doing this year?”

“Free Lance and A Happy Place are both going really well. We have some really great talent at Free Lance and several great projects in the works at A Happy Place. Lyn’s brother-in-law, Ryan will be releasing an album this year, and Meredith will be releasing her second album. It should be a great year for both companies. Now that we have Lyn, things are running much smoother. We’ve been doing our best to relax after everything that happened last year, which was hard because Stasia and I spent a few months having an odd long distance relationship. She split her time between Michigan and wherever I was. It was tough, but we’re luckier than most couples in this business. Now we get to be together all of the time. And now that she has agreed to marry me, she’s not going to be able to get rid of me.”

“MARRY YOU?” Carson’s eyes grew wide.

Lance looked into Stasia’s eyes and he was met with the spark he loved, “Yeah. We’re getting married in October.”

“So as of October, there will only be four chances for a girl out there to live happily ever after with her NSYNC prince?” Carson laughed.

They all laughed and JC spoke up, “No Carson, there are only four chances now.”

Carson, who had been at JC and Lyn’s wedding, did an amazing job of faking utter shock, “What are you trying to say to me here JC?”

“Well, I caught Lyn at a weak moment and she was crazy enough to marry me.” JC dramatically grabbed Lyn’s hand and held it up to the camera to show off her ring.

“When did this happen?”

“January 12th, in Tipperary, Ireland.” JC rubbed his hand over his wife’s shoulder, “It was really cool. All of our family, and most of our close friends were able to be there, on very short notice.”

“How did you keep this a secret? I mean...there are pictures of you guys grocery shopping and going to church, generally you can’t go anywhere unnoticed. How did you manage to all be in the same place at the same time, for an event this important, without the press finding out?”

Lyn pulled on Stasia’s ponytail, “Our best friend is an amazing planner. You should have seen all of the effort she put into the whole thing. She set up flights with false names, flights under real names going in the wrong direction. It was really a huge plan, and in typical Stasia style, every piece fell into place perfectly.”

Carson smirked and looked at JC, “So you are a married man?”


“Did you guys go on a honeymoon?”

“After everyone else flew back to the States, Lyn and I drove to a castle in Scotland and stayed there for three weeks. It was great just being together. Learning to be married and bonding.”

Lyn flushed deeply, but nodded, “It’s very cold there this time of year, so we got to take long walks in the brisk air. It was picture perfect.”

“So Lyn, this makes you Mrs. NSYNC.”

She laughed, “Not really....just Mrs. Chasez.”

“I didn’t introduce you properly at the top of the show...”

“That’s ok, you didn’t know.” She winked at him.

“How long were you two engaged? How long did you keep it under wraps?”

“A little over three weeks.” Lyn said as JC nodded in agreement.

“THREE WEEKS! That’s it?”

JC chuckled, “It doesn’t sound like very long, but in reality we have known each other for years. We have love each other for years. We didn’t want to wait any longer, and if we had, we would have had trouble having the wedding where we wanted to have it, because we’re going to have a niece or nephew very soon and Lyn’s sister wouldn’t have been able to fly. It actually took a lot of the wedding craziness out of it because we just didn’t have time to stress about any of it. Lance and Stasia are the ones that are going to have to deal with the circus that surrounds us most of the time when they get married, but I give them a lot of credit for not being afraid to have exactly the wedding they want to have.”

“Your wedding was beautiful.” Stasia offered.

Lyn nodded, “Our wedding was exactly right for us. We both loved ever minute of it. I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”

“So two of you have serious, long term girlfriends, one of you is planning a wedding, and one of you has pulled off the secret wedding of the century. So Justin, I guess that means you’re it?”

Justin smiled weakly, “Looks like. But these guys make it hard on a guy. I mean....I want what all of them have, and that doesn’t happen every doesn’t happen to everyone.” Lyn’s eyes ran over his face and she reached over to take his hand. He turned to face her and smirked, “I have to admit having these two on the road with us helps a lot, a woman’s perspective comes in handy a lot.”

Lyn was laying on the couch in the sunroom of the house she and JC had just finished moving into. They had thirty-two hours before the Celebrity tour kicked off, which meant she had two hours to finish packing, make a list of phone calls, and prepare the dogs for the trip. JC walked in and flopped down next to her, “Why did we pick today to move?”

“We didn’t exactly have a lot of options. We are about to leave for two months, and then we are going to be in Mississippi for over a month for the wedding. If we didn’t move now, we would have a had big old empty house sitting here for months.” She reached for his hand, lacing her fingers with his, “Now we’re all settled in and the next time we’re here, we can just relax.”

“I could use a nap.” He yawned and stretched.

“You can sleep on the bus.” Her thumb brushed the back of his hand.

“I suppose.” He sighed and slid down so he was laying partially on top of her, his head resting on her stomach.

“What’s bugging you.” She gently brushed his hair back away from his face.


“Don’t lie to your wife.” She smirked at the phrase.

“Well, it’s just that we’re newly weds. I should have made arrangements to have our own bus.”

She smiled, “Snapdragon, we rode on the same bus as Justin before....besides, he needs his friends right now.”

“Why are you always the better person? You’re right.” He lifted his head and smirked, “I just wanted a little time to bond.”

“We bond often, you can control yourself when you’re in the presence of our friends. Trust me, I love bonding with you, but now is not the time to be changing bus assignments.”

“You’re right.” He laid his head back down, “I like our new house.”

“I do too. You’re sure that you aren’t upset that we didn’t buy the contemporary?”

“Nah. I had a contemporary, now we have a home.”

She roughed his hair up, “I love our home. Married life is pretty cool.” She laughed.

“With two people as cool as you and I, how could it not be?”

“Good point.”

“How long before we have to leave?” He lifted his head a little.

She lifted her hand, her fingers still laced with his, and looked at her watch, “And hour and a half.”

Laying his head down again, he began playing with the hem of her t-shirt, “Hey Sweetpea?”

“Yeah?” She wrapped one of his curls around her finger.

“We have come a long way.” His fingers gently ran along the soft skin between her waistband and her t-shirt.

“Yes we have.”

“Hey Sweetpea?”


“Do you love me better than chocolate?” He kissed her flat stomach.


“Hey Sweetpea?”

“Yeah?” She giggled.

“Do you love me better than ice cream?” He kissed her wrist and each of her fingers.

“Yes Snapdragon, I love you better than ice cream.”

“Hey Sweetpea?” His eyes peaked up over the hem of her shirt, they were gleaming and playful.

“Yeah?” She caressed his cheek.

“How long before we have to leave?”

She glanced at her watch again, “An hour and twenty-five minutes.”

“Hey Sweetpea?”


“Wanna bond with your husband for an hour and twenty-five minutes?”

“Yep.” She nodded her head vigorously.

“Hey Sweetpea?”


His eyes were suddenly serious when he looked up at her, “You make me strive to be a better person, so that maybe one day, I’ll deserve to be with you.”

Her eyebrows drew together, “My God JC! I love you. How can you think you don’t deserve me? That is just crazy. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You make me whole. Don’t ever think that you don’t deserve me. Please don’t do that. Please.” She pushed him back and began kissing him.

“You are amazing.” He whispered against her lips.

She shook her head, holding his face between her hands, “Nope. I’m just madly in love.”

I'd like to extend special thanks to Beanie, this story could not have happened without your help.

Please be sure to stick around for the third story in the series, Near You Always!