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Hey everyone! My name is Beanie and I started reading Cherries’ stories about 4 years ago… In that 4 years I have been fortunate enough to get to know Cherries and am honored to call her my friend. We thought that it would be interesting for you guys to learn some more about Cherries and what makes her and her stories so interesting.

Q: You recently said that you started writing fan fiction on a dare… why pick Nsync?

A: I discovered NSYNC late. When MTV was doing all of the promotion for No Strings Attached they did one of those behind the scenes in depth specials and I fell in love with them, they all seemed so sweet and down to earth. So I started looking them up on line, one thing led to another, I found fan fiction and thought I could do it too. I didn't even think about it really, just gave it a shot.

Q: Interesting... that's kind of when I became a fan too... I’m going to take a wild guess and say that Lance is your favorite member of Nsync… Why?

A: I've always loved a sweet southern boy! In that same special he made some comment along the lines of, ' I don't have a girlfriend right now because I don't have time and when I do, I want to be the best boyfriend I can be.' Honestly, that may have been the comment that sparked And So It Goes...

Q: And what made you choose JC for your second story?

A: It was at the request of a friend. And he was a logical choice. I had to pick a member that hadn't been explored in depth in And SO It Goes...

Q: Your characters all seem so real… do you put any of yourself into them?

A: Most of them are based on the people I care about so they are very real to me. And yes, I suppose I am in all of them, but Stasia more than most.

Q: What qualities of Stasia do you think most resemble those in your own personality?

A: Her inability to stop working is all me. The fierce love and need to protect her loved ones. Her complete inability to keep her opinions to herself. Even her style is based on mine...oddly enough it just dawned on me that my wedding dress is EXACTLY the dress Stasia was wearing when Lance told her he loved her...except mine is white as opposed to her black....that's funny. I honestly JUST realized that

Q: You also add a lot of supporting characters in your stories like Jess, Lyn’s sisters and Ryan Tedder… Why do you feel these types of characters are important… and is Dev ever going to have her baby?

A: They are completely necessary to make the main characters real. In my mind, they had lives before I started telling their stories. Not in an insane way, but for them to be believable, they had to have a past and people in that past. The people around you, be they family or friends, speak to the type of person you are. Stasia fights against her insane past and has created a very important 'family of choice'. Lyn's sisters show her tight knit background. The fact that some of them have been challenging shows she is willing to put up with anything for someone she truly loves...which is the basis of her reconciliation with JC. They are all about giving personality. And YES, Dev will have her baby

Q: You’ve tackled some pretty heavy issues in your writing from Stasia’s murderer of a father to Lyn’s legal troubles and finally Morgan’s rape… what makes you want to write about these kind of situations verses just the sugary romance?

A: Because I like a bit of a mystery and drama. Plus, on a smaller less dramatic level, these things happen to people every day. Knowing people who'd been the victim of date rape and having dear friends who know people who have been raped made it very real and very important to me.

Q: Morgan’s rape was especially a hard topic to read about and I can only imagine to write… How did you deal with trying to write this? What was most important for you to get across to your readers?

A: It was draining. It was most important to me that I not gloss it over and make it fluffy. It was very difficult to write and I wanted people to see how easily it can happen, how someone you thought you could trust can turn in an instant. It was also VERY important to get across the point that it was NOT her fault. That control was taken away from Morgan and that she had nothing to be asshamed of.

Q: Wow... Okay let's try and move on to a little bit of a lighter topic after that... You also try to add a lot of humor into your writing… What is your favorite funny part?

A: I'm very fond of Lance walking in on Stasia listening to his spoken part in 'Everything I Own' over and over and over again...THAT is something that would happen to me. The scene where Chris realizes Lance and Stasia are sharing his bunk on the bus is a favorite and I CANNOT forget Stasia hog tying Chris.

Q: Okay the hog tying part happens to be a personal favorite... I think that is the first time I have ever actually laughed out loud while reading fan fiction... and still continue to laugh out loud every time I read it. Are the funny scenes your favorite to write? Do you have an overall favorite scene you've written?

A: I love writing the humorous scenes. My friends and I laugh A LOT and I love working humor into the stories. My favorite scene to write ever was Lance and Stasia's first kiss. I alos loved writing JC and Lyn's engagement. I think my best bit of writing is actually the scene where Stasia is attacked.

Q: You use a lot of music and song lyrics in your writing… who are your favorite artists?

A: OH LORD! I love music in general. I love John Mayer, Billy Joel, Sarah MacLachlan, Jonny Lang, obvioulsy NSYNC, Jewel, Michelle Branch, Ben Folds...good God the list goes on and on...

Q: What do you listen to when you’re writing? Is there something specific that inspires you to write more then not? Does the type of music you listen to change depending on the type of scene you are writing?

A: Sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn't. When I'm stuck and need to write a romantic portion, I'll pop in John Mayer or Norah Jones...Norah's song Turn Me On, or John's song Your Body is a Wonderland can get the romantic juices flowing. If it's humor I need to write it's all about the 80's upbeat and playful. But most of the time it's just the CD player loaded with my favorites on random....which means it's generally pretty mellow.

Q: You’ve won a lot of awards… Did you ever believe when you started writing that so many people would read and love your stories?

A: No. Never. I honestly didn't think anyone outside my circle of friends would even read them. Feedback was wonderful, awards stunned me.

Q: What is the best thing and the worst thing about being a fan fiction writer?

A: The best thing? The friends I have made...and having a creative outlet. The worst? The fear of letting people down and the pressure I feel when I'm having writer's block.

Q: How do you combat writer’s block?

A: Generally I have to enlist the help of the only person who knows what my plans are, I have to beg for ideas and pick her brain until I get past it. From time to time I have to completely toss something and start fresh...

Q: You’ve taken a bit of a hiatus… what makes you want to start writing again?

A: I HATE to leave anything unfinished. I love the characters and want them to have a fitting end to the stories. I missed actually writing.

Q: Okay, last question…What do your readers have to look forward to for the end of Near You Always? And the Leap of Faith Series Epilogue?

A: As for Near You Always, it's all about the happy ending! Lance and Stasia will have their wedding. Dev will FINALLY have her baby. Justin and Morgan will be on solid ground. The series epilogue will be a bit different for me...a bit of a twist that I think everyone will like!

Well that’s all folks! I hope that gave you a little bit insight into what makes Cherries tick and the stories and ideas behind the Leap of Faith Series. Enjoy the rest of the story everyone!