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Justin pried his brothers apart for the tenth time in the last twenty minutes. "Please guys, I’m begging you. PLEASE stop fighting. You need to calm down, Morgan is going to be here soon."He held Stephen at the end of his right arm and Jonathon at the end of his left. The younger Timberlakes continued to lash out at one another.

Stephen kicked at Jonathon, "I hate him!"

Justin moved his hand to Stephen's shoulder, "You NEVER say you hate Jon. We are all brothers and we NEVER say we hate each other."

Jon rolled his eyes dramatically and huffed, "Grow up Steve!"

Justin turned to look at Jon, "He is only three and a half. You cannot expect him to act the same way you do. You are seven years old now, and you're very grown up."

"He is SUCH a pain!"

"How would you feel if I said you were a pain? You wouldn't feel very good would you?"

Jon's bottom lip shot out and Justin groaned, "Can we all just play the game?"

"I wan Mor-in." Stephen flopped down on the floor, "You said Mor-in was comin'!" Stephen rolled dramatically onto his side, knocking all of the game pieces off of the Candyland board.

Justin gave up and sat down on the floor next to Stephen, "She IS coming. Dre is at the airport picking her up right now. They will be here in a little while."

Jon pointed at Stephen, "I'm gonna tell Momma you didn't take a nap."

Stephen began screaming and holding his breath, Justin threw his hands in the air, "JON! Why would you do that? You knew he was gonna start crying!"

Jon put his hands on his hips, "He's a brat 'cause he didn't have a nap."

"You are BOTH being brats! Maybe you should BOTH take a nap!"

"I DON'T WANNA TAKE A NAP!" Stephen screeched.

Jon was beat red and breathing heavily, "I DON'T TAKE NAPS!" He flopped down on his stomach and began crying.

Justin flopped back and covered his face with both hands and whispered under his breath, "Kill me. Someone please kill me!"

He was suddenly met with the most amazing sound he had ever heard, "How are my three favorite guys? Looks like I got here just in time." Morgan was smiling brightly, looking down at the three Timberlake boys.

Without removing his hands from his eyes Justin grinned, “If I’m hallucinating you, don’t tell me.”

Morgan dropped her bag on the floor and kicked him in the side, “Do I feel like a dream?” She kicked him again.

Moving his hands from his face he laughed, “You LOOK like a dream, you feel like a bit…witch.” He caught himself.

“It’s good to know I’m loved.” She grinned.

Jonathon wiped at his eyes and lunged at her legs hugging her tightly, “MORGAN!”

Scooping the little boy up into her arms she kissed his cheeks, “Hi Little J.”

He wiped his cheek and made a face at her, “Mor-GAN! No kissin’!”

Morgan laughed and set him down so she could pick up Stephen, who wrapped his arms around her neck and rested his head on her shoulder, “Mor-in is here Jus-in.”

Justin laughed, “I see that big guy.”

Moving to sit on the couch Morgan helped Stephen settle on her lap, “So what was all of that fussing about when I walked in?”

All three Timberlake boys began talking over one another and pointing at the other two to illustrate their points. Mor shook her head and laughed, “OK, so you’re already getting on each other’s nerves? That’s no good! How about we pop some popcorn and watch a movie? That way you don’t have to talk to each other.”

Justin nodded, “Sounds like a plan to me.”

Jon did a perfect reflection of Justin’s expression, nodding, “Yeah. Sounds like a plan.”

Before the young Timberlake could stop her, Morgan reached out and pulled him over, covering his cheeks with kisses, “Jon Timberlake, I just love you to bits!”

Justin’s lower lip shot out, “HEY! I said it first!”

Jon was sprawled out, his head in Justin’s lap, breathing heavily in his sleep. Justin had one hand on his brother’s head, gently brushing his hair back. His other arm was draped around Morgan’s shoulders and his feet were stretched out, resting on the coffee table, crossed at the ankles. Morgan’s head was resting on Justin’s shoulder. She was curled up with Stephen’s head resting on her leg, his chest was rising and fall in perfect unison with Jonathon’s. Justin squeezed her shoulders a little as he whispered, “Did I lose you too?”

“Nope. I’m wide awake. I have to know what happens.” She giggled.

He laughed, “Mor, it’s Shrek, they get married and live happily ever after.”

She lifted her head, being careful not to disturb Stephen, and then punched Justin in the arm, “THANKS A LOT!” She hissed at him in a harsh whisper, “I’ve never seen this!”

“OW!” He rubbed his arm, “It’s still a good movie.”

“Yeah, but now I know what happens!”

“You couldn’t have figured that out on your own?” He smirked, “It IS a cartoon.”

“You are so lucky these two fell asleep or I’d be kicking your butt right about now!” She poked the end of his nose with his index finger.

Justin jerked his head and lightly bit her finger. He smiled, with her finger still in his mouth. They both turned as Lance and Stasia walked through the door. Justin waved, but refused to release Morgan’s finger.

Morgan roll her eyes and tried to pull her finger away, but his teeth tightened slightly, “You know what’s funny? I can’t remember if I washed my hands after I went to the bathroom in the airport.”

Justin immediately released her finger and began spitting and wiping his tongue with his t-shirt. He glared at her, “You better be joking! If I get the plague or cooties, I’ll kill you.”

Stasia walked over and hugged Morgan tightly, “I don’t care if you have cooties! I’ve missed you!”

Lance kissed the top of her head and hugged her, “I’ll take your cooties too. How was your flight?”

“It was good. I slept most of the way, so it seemed quick.” She gently lifted Stephen’s head and slipped a pillow under it as she got up off of the couch. She motioned to the other room and whispered, “Let’s go in the other room so we don’t wake these two.”

The four of them moved into the kitchen and Lance looked around, opening a few cabinets, “Brit did a nice job with this house. I’m glad she invited us to stay here, I’m so sick a tired of hotel rooms.”

Stasia pushed one of the cabinets shut, with Lance’s hand still in it, “Stop snooping.”

He rubbed his hand and looked pitiful, “Who’s snooping?”

She narrowed her eyes at her and shifted her weight onto the opposite hip, “James Lance! You know very well that you cannot seem to resist going through other people’s cupboards and closets. You are the nosiest person I have ever known.”

“Not nosy...curious.” Lance blushed.

Justin punched Lance in the arm, “You better not snoop like this at my house every time you’re there.”

Lance smirked, “Once I’ve snooped, I don’t resnoop.”

Stasia slowly shook her head, “Jess caught him going through her medicine cabinet when we were there visiting. I was mortified.”

Morgan giggled, “Sometime you just can’t help yourself. Like it would shock you what some or our friends keep in there medicine cabinets.”

Lance slowly turned to face her and smiled, “Yeah. Every once in a while, you find something that makes you wonder if your friend is normal...or if they have...a problem...”

Morgan raised an eyebrow and smirked, “Or if they are just...freaky...about certain aspects of their lives.”

Justin and Stasia looked at one another, she cocked her head and he raised an eyebrow, they both turned and looked at Lance and Morgan and in unison they asked, “WHO?”

Lance and Morgan both smiled and said, “Joey.”

Stasia clapped her hands, “What does Joey have? What did you find?”

Lance looked down and said, “You wouldn’t be interested. I mean, after all, we found out about snooping. You wouldn’t want to know.”

Justin rolled his eyes, “We get it. You found out something cool, and we didn’t. Just spill it!”

Morgan blushed, “I so cannot say it out loud. I mean. It’s a guy thing. I feel bad, I’m sure he doesn’t want the world knowing he”

Justin’s eyebrows shot up, “Help? Help how?”

Lance cleared his throat and coughed once, “Performing.”

“What? Like he need drugs to get on stage? Does he have stage fright all of the sudden?” Stasia looked concerned.

Lance and Morgan both burst into laughter, “Stage fright! Good way of phrasing it, Darlin’!” Lance pulled her against his chest and kissed her forehead.”

She looked up at him with confused eyes, as Justin looked at Morgan and his jaw dropped open and his eyes grew wide, “You mean he can’t....he’s having trouble getting....OH GOD!”

Stasia still looked confused, “Harry! Is he ok? What’s wrong with Joe?”

Lance smoothed her hair back and looked into her eyes, “Darlin’ Joey has Viagra. He’s having...personal issues.”

Her jaw dropped open, “Oh GOD! Poor Joey!”

Justin shook his head slowly, “MAN! That SUCKS!”

Lance nodded, “Well, I’ve heard that if you’re under a lot of can have trouble.”

“What stress does Joe have, that all of us don’t have?”

Lance shrugged, “I’m just saying.”

Stasia held out her hand, “OK. We need to stop. We shouldn’t be talking about this. This is very private...this is between Joey and Angela.” She paused for a moment, “Oh poor Angela! That has to be HORRIBLE! I can’t imagine if Lance couldn’t....” She blushed when she realized what she was saying.

Morgan turned slowly and looked at Stasia and Lance, “I don’t know what you do to her but she is...different now.”

Stasia flushed, “I think I over shared.”

Lance kissed her forehead, “Not at all Darlin’. When you’re bragging about me, it’s never an over share.”

Justin threw his hands in the air, “We are DONE talking about sex! This is SICK! I don’t want to know about Joey and...LITTLE JOEY! And I SURE AS HELL don’t want to hear about the two of you doing it either!”

Stasia grinned, “So yeah, I’m beat.”

“Me too.” Lance wrapped his arms around her shoulders and rested his chin on top of her head.

Morgan rolled her eyes, “You guys are old!”

Justin laughed and nodded, “She’s right. The least you guys could do would be to take poor Morgan out, since I have to stay here with the boys.”

Lance pulled back to look at Stasia who nodded, “You take her out. We’ll stay here with the boys...since we’re so old!” He shot Morgan a dirty look.

“Seriously?” Justin’s eyebrow shot up.

“Go. Be young.” Stasia nodded.

Justin grabbed Morgan’s hand and dragged her toward the door, “Run before they change minds!”

Stasia pushed herself up off of her stool and grabbed one of their bags, “I’m going to run up stairs and change. I’ll be right back.”

He watched her run up the stair and his heart swelled as the light caught her engagement ring. No one in his life had ever made him feel the way she made him feel. Stasia made him alive and whole. In his mind, she was the most perfect creature. He thought about the moment he asked her to marry him, and He walked into the room where Justin’s brother’s were sleeping he sat down on the couch between the boys. He covered Jonathon with a blanket. Stephen’s eyes opened and he smiled, “Hi Lance.”

Lance smiled warmly and pushed the boys hair back off of his forehead, “Hey buddy.”

Stephen crawled toward Lance and pushed at him until Lance was in the corner of the couch, with Stephen’s little body draped against his chest, and his head on Lance’s shoulder. He immediately fell back asleep. Lance wrapped his arms around the little boy and smiled.

Stasia pushed at a tear that was rolling down her cheek. Lance slowly stroked Stephen’s back. Walking silently into the room she sat on the coffee table across from Lance and pushed at another tear, “Millie, Darlin’! What’s wrong?” He whispered as he sat up a bit, trying to reach for her.

She held her head and shook her head slightly, “No. I’m fine. I just love you.”

“What?” He looked at her with confused eyes.

“I had this major flash of our future...of you, with our little boy.”

He smiled softly, “Who says we’re having a little boy?”

She raised her eyebrow, “You want a girl?”

He nodded, his eyes dancing, “One just like her mother.”

They stared at one another for a long moment, and then Lance gestured down at Stephen, “Can you carry him up the stairs? I’ll get Jon.”

She nodded and gently took Stephen from his arms. After the boys were safely tucked into bed. They made their way back down to the living room. Lance set a bottle of wine on the table with two glasses. Stasia poured the wine and handed Lance his glass. He smiled at her, “So you were thinking about the two of us having kids?”

Her expression changed and her lower lip began to quiver. She looked away and her breathing became very uneven. She nodded, then shook her head. Putting his palm against her cheek he turned face back to his. The tears were falling rapidly. He tried to brush them away, but they were coming too fast, “What is it?”

“Maybe we...maybe I shouldn’t.”

Lance was completely lost, but he knew whatever was bothering her now was very important, “Maybe we shouldn’t what?”

She shook her head rapidly, “Maybe I shouldn’t have children.” She whispered.

His eyebrows drew together, “Why shouldn’t we have kids? We aren’t going to be working like this forever. We’ll stay in one place, and they will have a totally normal childhood, I promise you.”

“No. It’s not that. I shouldn’t. What if...”

“Stasia, first of all. You need to get this straight right now, if YOU don’t have children, then I am not having them either. Whatever it is that has you this upset, we are in this together.”

Her breath caught in her throat and she sobbed, “I don’t deserve you.”

“Don’t start that crap.” He said firmly, his eyes were serious, “Now what is it? What are you so worried about?”

“What if it’s genetic? What if my children have...what if they are like my father? What if they can’t help it? I could pass that on to our children. It’s not fair to you. It’s not fair to them.”

Lance sighed and pulled her against his chest, “That could never happen.” He kissed her temple.

“You don’t know that, what if...”

He covered her lips with his fingertips, “YES, I do know that. It could never happen, because YOU will be their mother. They will have the same genes as you, and Noah and your mom. Stasia, our kids are going to be happy, healthy children. Plus, I’m going to be their dad. They are going to be Bass children, no one with the Bass has ever done anything wrong, ever. I promise you. We are going to be home room parents, we are going to chaperone field trips and dances. We’re going to be a happy suburban family.”

She laughed tearfully, “If we chaperone dances, they are going to HATE us!”

“No they won’t. We are going to be the world’s coolest parents.”

“Well, we are the world’s coolest couple.” She nodded.

“True.” He kissed her forehead, “Seriously Honey, I promise you. It’s going to be fine. We can call some genetics people if you want, if that would make you feel better.”

“You would do that?” She leaned back to look at him.

His eyes locked with hers, “In a second. Darlin’ we are going to do whatever is best for you. We will do whatever you need us to do to make you feel confident.”

She shook her head, “No. Now we do what is best for US.” She sighed, “I’m sorry. I just have so much fear. I’m so afraid that HE is in me.”

“You want to know what I think?” She nodded, “I think, the only good that man had in him went into you and Noah. You guys got it all, and there was nothing good left in him. So you and Noah were pure and kind and caring and THAT is why IF we have children, which is something WE will decide together, they will be pure and kind and caring and just like their mother, their uncle and their grandmother.”

She sniffled, “You suck. Every time I try to fall apart and be all irrational, you say the sweetest, most loving things. Thank you.” She leaned in and kissed his lips.

He smiled, “We have a lot of time to decide about kids...”

“I want to have them, but only if you want to.”

“Only a dozen or so.” He laughed into her hair.

“I was thinking three or four.”

“Sounds perfect to me.” He nodded.

She kissed him again. He shifted and she stretched out along his entire length. She slid her fingers into his hair and her lips went to his neck and she lightly licked his adam’s apple. Lance groaned and laced his fingers in her hair. Stasia ran her hand down his side, finding the waistband of his warm-up pants. He was pulling her shirt out of the waist of her pants when Justin and Morgan burst into the room.

Morgan was on Justin’s back and they were laughing loudly. Morgan had a white bakery box, wrapped with red string hanging from her fingers, “We brought dessert for...” She stopped short and began giggling, “Guess we interrupted dessert already in progress.”

Justin set Morgan down quickly, and yanked Stasia up by her arm, “Would you control yourselves! Good GOD! I swear you two are like rabbits lately!”

Lance crossed his arms over his chest, “We are not. We were having a very serious conversation, we came to a resolution and we were just starting to...”

“I know what you were starting to do. You knew we would be coming back.”

Stasia yanked her arm out of Justin’s hand and scowled at him, “We didn’t think you’d be back so soon.”

Morgan threw her head back and laughed, “God I miss you Stasia!” She draped her arm around Stasia’s shoulders, “So, who wants cheesecake? It’s caramel apple.”

Stasia smiled, “I’m in!”

Justin tossed a FedEx package at Stasia, “The guy was out front when we pulled up.”

She tossed the package on the table and shrugged, “Cake then mail. I don’t want to work right now.”

It was several hours later when Lance picked up the FedEx, “Millie, do you want me to open this and flip through the mail?”

Stasia yawned and shrugged, “Go ahead.”

He ripped open the package and his eyebrows both went up, “Millie Darlin’, I think you’re going to want to open these on your own.”

Flopping down next to him, she took the envelopes from him, “What have you got here?”

“Some of your bar results.” He smiled.

Her smile dropped, “Oh God.”

Justin and Morgan ran in from the kitchen, “Did you say her bar results came?”

Lance nodded, “Yeah. Looks like Michigan, New York and Florida.”

Stasia closed her eyes, “I don’t want to look.”

“MILLIE! You’re killing us here!”

She handed each of them an envelope, “You guys do it.”

Lance looked at the outside of the envelope, “OK, Florida.” He tore it open and scanned the letter inside. He smirked, “The Bar of the State of Florida would like to welcome you to it’s membership...”

Stasia’s eyes flew open, “I passed?”

“You PASSED!” He hugged her tightly.

Justin ripped his envelope, “New York...PASSED!”

Morgan clapped and tore the top of her envelope, “Michigan says, ‘Welcome to the State Bar of Michigan’. You’re in!”

Stasia stared at Morgan with her jaw hanging open. Morgan rushed over and hugged her tightly, “So if I need legal advice, I know where to come.”

Justin laughed, “This is great. I’m firing all of my attorneys now. Free legal. This ROCKS!”

“Who said I work for free?” Stasia had finally surfaced from her haze.

Lance threw his head back and laughed, “THERE’S my girl!”

Shaking her head slightly, Stasia grinned, “I have to tell Lyn and JC!”

“Well call!” Lance smiled at her.

“Can we go over there?” She blushed, “It’s Lyn. I want to see the look on her face!”

. “We can do whatever you want. But YOU have to clam JC down after you wake him up.”

Jumping up she looked at Justin & Morgan, “You guy want to come?”

Justin shook his head, “Heck no! I’m not going over there to wake him up with you. He’ll kick my ass.”

She shrugged, “Suit yourself! Mor?”

“I’ll stay here. I need to get some sleep.”

Stasia laughed, “Who can sleep?”

Lance raised an eyebrow, “I’m guessing I’m not going to get much sleep.”

Justin growled, “what did I tell you about the sex talk?”

Lance shook his head, “Who’s talking about sex. I was just saying she’s all wound up. She’s going to babble the night away.”

Stasia shot him a dirty look and then grabbed his hand, “We’ll discuss THAT comment in the car! Let’s go wake up JC and Lyn!”

Morgan and Justin watched as the couple walked out of the room laughing, “Do you think she knows it’s like three in the morning?”

Morgan shrugged, “I doubt it. But who cares. This is major. Not even JC can get mad about this.”

Morgan sat down on the couch and pulled Stephen into her lap, “Now let’s get those shoes tied.”

The little boy rested his head back against her shoulder and smiled, “I miss you Mor-in.”

She kissed the top of his head, “I miss you too. I swear you’ve grown six feet every time I see you!”

He laughed, “I didn’ grow SIX FEET! I have TWO!”

Hugging him tightly, “I couldn’t possibly love you any more right now!”

He shrugged, “OK.”

Finishing with his shoe laces, she set him down on the ground, “Do you think we should check and see how your brothers are coming along with their salad?”

“Yeah.” He nodded and held up his hand for her to take.

They walked into the kitchen and she lifted Stephen onto a stool at the edge of the counter. He rested both of his elbows on the counter and then set his chin on top of his fists, “Is it ready?” “What?” The little boy’s face lit up.

“It would really help if someone got out the big bag of croutons from the cabinet over there.”

Stephen held out his arms so that Morgan would set him back down on the floor, “I’ll do it!”

“GREAT! Thanks buddy!”

Morgan walked around the counter and grabbed a knife, “Pass the peppers. I’ll work on those.”

Justin pushed a large pile of green, red, yellow and orange bell peppers at her, “Have at ‘em. I suppose you and I should have done this last night.”

“We didn’t have time.” She smirked, “OK, I guess we had time, but it was more fun just hanging out.”

“You’re right, but now we’re going to be late.”

She laughed, “Face it, it’s you and I. They HAVE to be counting on us being late. Which is why Lance and Stasia drove separately.”

“Good point.” He nodded.

They made quick work of the pile of vegetables and were all loaded into Justin’s car and on their way to JC’s in less than forty-five minutes.

Justin jogged up the steps as Morgan wrestled with Stephen’s car seat. She had to laugh as Justin stood on the top step hugging Lyn, “Happy Thanksgiving L.S.!” Justin spun her around.

“You seem to be in a great mood.” She kissed his cheek and the squirmed until he put her down.

“I couldn’t be happier. I have you here, I have the guys, and look who else I decided to force to join us.” He pushed the door open completely and Lyn immediately lunged at Morgan who had Jonathon holding one of her hands and Stephen perched on her hip.

“HI!” Morgan winked at Lyn, “Have enough food for three more?”

“Always! JC made me buy a ridiculously huge turkey.”

Justin smiled, “I’ve got a salad in the car big enough to feed fifty.” He ran back out to his car as Lyn led Morgan and the boys into the house.

Lyn held out her arms and Stephen jumped to her, “HI!”

“Hi yourself!” She kissed both of his cheeks, “Are you hungry.”

“UH HUH!” His little blonde head bobbed up and down.

Justin returned with an enormous bowl heaped with salad. Lyn smiled brightly, “I wish the fans could see this. You guys having a traditional pot luck Thanksgiving. No fancy restaurant, no bedazzled clothes. Just family and friends enjoying a meal together. This is the stuff they miss out on, you guys being human.”

Justin looked at her thoughtfully, “You know what? This is the stuff I don’t want to share. Does that make me horrible?”

Lyn shook her head, “Not at all. That makes you even more human.”

They all walked into the kitchen. After they all exchanged hugs and Lance and JC inspected Justin’s salad they began telling stories of their favorite Thanksgiving memories.

Stasia’s story about Noah trying to carve his first turkey was interrupted by the doorbell. JC went to answer and led Joey and Angela into the kitchen. Lance had appointed himself bartender, so he took drink orders while Stasia and Lyn checked pots and pans as they bubbled on the stove. Joey was dipping his finger in the pasta sauce and Justin was helping his brothers steal cookies from the counter. JC stood back and smiled taking in the chaotic scene around him. This was exactly why he had bought this house, so he could have all of his loved ones around whenever he wanted.

Morgan immediately began setting the long dining room table with Stasia. Standing at the end of the table, Mor could see into both the kitchen and family room. She loved seeing their friends gathered for nothing more than a real family style Thanksgiving. No demands, no interviews, no cameras, just people they loved.

JC, who had run to answer the door again, led Dev and Ryan to the back of the house where Justin was trying to find the football game on the TV. All of the girls giggled and felt Dev’s stomach as the guys discussed the outcome of the Lions/Greenbay game earlier.

The chatter and laughter stopped abruptly when Chris and Dani walked into the large family room adjacent to the kitchen with Amanda. Justin froze with his finger on the channel button, the TV silently flipped from one station to the next. Joey dropped his cookie to the floor and Angela gasped loudly. The silence was broken by Morgan who squeaked, “What in the HELL?”

Stasia stood up and pulled Amanda into the room by her elbow, “I take it you all remember Amanda.”

Justin’s cold eyes flashed, “She isn’t someone we’ll ever forget.”

Joey looked carefully at Chris, “What’s she doing here?”

Stasia looked at Joey, “I invited her.”

Morgan sat down hard, “What have I missed?”

Justin shook his head slowly, “Mor, I have no clue.”

Lance smiled at Amanda, “What can I get you to drink? A glass of wine? A soda? I think we’ve got a full bar.”

“Yeah we do.” JC agreed.

“I would love a glass of wine.” Amanda barely whispered.

“I would love an explanation.” Justin’s head whipped from Lance to Stasia.

Stasia cocked her head, “Justin, I invited her, isn’t that enough?”


Stephen looked up at Justin, “Daddy says it’s not nice to curse.”

Justin looked down at his little brother, “HUH? OH! Yeah. Sorry buddy.”

Lance handed Amanda a glass of wine and she took a sip and then looked at Justin, “I’m here to help.”

“Help what? Finish Stasia off?”

“JUSTIN!” Stasia glared, “Amanda is here to help with Lyn’s case and to make amends for what happened to me. Now I would hope that you would think enough of my judgment to realize that I thought very carefully about all of this before inviting her to be here.”

“Right now I think your judgment is questionable.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, but it doesn’t change the fact that I invited her.”

JC walked up next to Stasia, “J, she’s a guest in my home and she can help Lyn, you’re going to have to deal with this.”

Morgan lightly touched Justin’s hand, “Need a walk?”

“Yeah.” Justin stalked out of the room.

Morgan stopped as she passed Amanda, “Sorry about that. He’ll be fine when we get back.”
~Chapter 13~