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Author’s Note: This chapter deals with sensitive issues, if you are uncomfortable, please refer to the resources at the end of the chapter.

I have to also give a shout out to Bean-Nay & Pa-Tay! I could not have gotten through this without you two!

Walking out into the hallway, Morgan turned her cell phone back on. She was slipping it back into her bag when Bob materialized in front of her, “Hi.”

She looked up and smiled, “Hi. Where’d you come from?”

“I was meeting with my math TA.” He held the shoulder straps of his backpack and rocked back on his heels a little, “What are you doing over here?”

“I just got out of class.” She hoisted her messenger bag up onto her shoulder, “So what are you up to now?”

“Not a thing. I’m done for the day. What about you?” They began to walk along next to one another.

“So how was your Thanksgiving?” Morgan looked up at him.

Grinning at her, he lifted his hat and pushed his hair back, before replacing his hat, “It was nice. I didn’t kill my little brother, so that was a bonus.”

“Issues with your brother?” She laughed.

“Only that he’s an idiot.” Bob smirked, “He’s too cocky for his own good.”

“Ahh. I see.” Morgan nodded.

“How was your’s?” He bumped her with his shoulder.

“It was nice. There was drama, as usual, but it was nice. I feel...more connected? If that’s the right phrase. I’m just at a good place right now...a place I should have been a long time ago.”

“Connected with who?”

“My friends. It was just good to be with everyone, without having our outside obligations pull us in a million different directions.” She tilted her head slightly, it was true that no one seemed to have time to be in the same place long lately, but that didn’t matter to her anymore, because she was finally feeling like she had the one thing she’d wanted forever without knowing it, a place in Justin’s heart.

Bob’s voice cut into her thoughts, “So where do they all go to school?”

Morgan’s eyes grew wide as she carefully considered how to answer his question, “Well, none of them are in school. I’m sort of the baby of the bunch, I’m the last one to decide what she wants to do with her life.”

He nodded thoughtfully, “Nothing wrong with that.” He stopped for a moment, “So I have another favor to ask.”

Turning around to look at him she cocked her head slightly, “And what is this favor?”

“Well...we have this Christmas Ball, and it’s a much bigger deal than the fall thing, and I’d like it if you’d give me a second chance. On my honor, I will not get drunk and stupid and pass out in your bed.”

Mor laughed, “I think this is a favor I can grant.”

He smiled brightly, “Awesome!”

“So I need to dig up another dress?”

“Yeah. A real fancy one.” he nodded.

“Not a problem.”

“This should be a lot of fun. I know Jack is taking South, those two seem to be getting close.”

Morgan rolled her eyes, “Yeah, I had to listen to her babble on for hours the other day because he introduced her to someone as his girlfriend. It was sick.”

“I can imagine.” He laughed and then threw his arm around her shoulders, “I’ll call you later and give you all of the specifics about the date and time and all of that.”

“Cool. I’ll call my friend and ask if I can borrow a dress.”

“So we just have a few weeks of classes left, are you ready for the term to end?”

Morgan sighed heavily and nodded, “Yeah, I have to make a trip home to Orlando next week, and then I will buckle down and get ready for finals. It seems like time has just flown by. I don’t know what happened, one second it was August and now it’s the first week of December.”

“Time flies when you’re having fun.” He grinned, “So why are you flying home next week?”

Again she had left herself open to have to answer questions about her life away from UNH. She never seemed to be able to keep her mouth shut. “I’ve got family business I have to take care of.”

“Anything interesting?” He was watching his shoes as they walked. She knew he was just trying to make conversation, but she wanted to change the subject quickly.

“Just some unfinished business.”

Smoothing the wrinkles out of the skit of her dress, Mor looked down at her watch, Justin was on his way to pick her up to take her to court. Today was Lyn’s big day, and they were all there for it. It had taken some maneuvering with her professor, but when she’d been able to produce a Subpoena proving she had to be in Court, he had given her a short extension on handing in a term paper.

Leaning against the back of the couch, she bent to buckle her shoe, she looked up with a smile when she heard Justin’s keys rattling in the lock, “Hey you!” He quickly crossed the room and pulled her up against his chest. His neck bent and his lips met hers, “I missed you.”

Morgans arms snaked around his neck and she returned his kiss, “I missed you too. I missed this.” She kissed him again, “I had to leave too soon.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” He held her tightly against his chest, “I can’t believe I can do this.” His chin rested on the top of her head.

“I wish we could stay like this forever, but I don’t think we can be late today.” She kissed his neck just above his collar.

He took a half step back, without letting go of her, “So are you still sure you want to deal with me?”

“Positive. YOU, I’m not worried about, however I’m a little nervous about this whole trial thing, I’m still not sure why I was named as a witness.” “I don’t care if we tell our friends, but do we have to send out a press release?” She looked at him seriously.

He laughed, “No, I don’t think we have to alert the press, but I think Lance and Stasia did it right, if someone asks me who I’m dating, I’m not going to lie.”

“Fair enough.” She grinned and then smacked herself on the forehead, “Justin, I did a stupid thing.”

He smirked, “Again?” He kissed her neck lightly.

“Funny.” She rolled her eyes, “I sort of told Frat Boy bob I’d go to another dance with him. I mean, we had the ‘we’re just going to be friends’ and ‘I am in love with someone else’ talks, but now I’m thinking maybe I shouldn’t have said I’d go. I don’t think it’s a big deal...”

Justin shrugged, “Hey, don’t worry about it. I’m not concerned about you leaving me for Frat Boy Bob. Go. Have fun at the dance, CALL ME when you get home.” He winked at her.

“I can do that.” She kissed him again.

He pulled away and sighed, “OK, I hate to be an ass here, but we have to go.”

She nodded, “I know. You’re right.” She grabbed her purse and her sweater off of the couch and followed him out the door.

“That was the strangest end possible. I mean I knew about Amanda and that Reagan was going to get arrested, but after all of that build up, for the trial to just fizzle like that...” Justin tossed his suit jacket over the back of her couch and then sat down hard.

“I know. I don’t understand how all of that stuff works, there should be more excitement...court room dramas on tv are a lot more interesting than the real deal.” She sat down on his lap, “But the whole thing wrapping up quickly is good for me, I really do need to get back to school tomorrow.”

“What if I begged you to stay?” He kissed her neck.

Turning to cup his cheek she sighed, “Please don’t. I don’t know if I could say no to you right now.”

“And I’m not going to see you for Christmas...which isn’t fair. Who is going to sneak into my house to exchange gifts in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve.” He pulled her tightly against his chest.

“If you ask, I’m sure Chris will scale the side of your house.” She giggled when he rolled his eyes and let his head fall back against the couch.

“You’re funny.” He shook his head, “It’s not fair. I JUST got you, and I feel like I keep saying good-bye. This SUCKS!”

“Oh quite whining! You’ve had me for years and you’ll have me for a lot longer...this is just until May.”

“I know.” He yawned, “Mind some company tonight?”

“Depends on what you had in mind.” She raised an eyebrow.

Slowly running his fingers through her hair he smiled, “I want to sleep with you.”

“GOD JUSTIN!” She smacked his arm.

“What?” He looked completely confused until his eyes grew wide, “Oh. NO! Not like THAT! I want to SLEEP with you, and in SLEEP.”

The anger slipped away from her features and she smirked, “Oh, well ok then.”

He helped her to her feet and laced his fingers with her’s. Walking towards the bedroom he began laughing. She tugged on his arm and said, “What?”

“My Woman has a dirty mind.”

“OH SHUT UP! It was an honest mistake!” She pulled a pair of pajamas out of her drawer and walked to the bathroom, “Jerk.”

He was still chuckling to himself when she emerged from the bathroom wearing plaid pajama bottoms and a white tank top. He was sitting up in her bed with the sheets pulled up to his waist and smiled softly, “I’ve missed you.”

She crawled under the covers next to him and they both snuggled back into the pillows. She rested her head on his shoulder and her wrapped his arms around her, “Me too.”

He slowly rolled her onto her back and hovered over her, his lips almost touching hers, “You are the most amazing thing to ever happen to me.”

She smiled and ran her hands over his shoulders, “I’m not sure a bout that. You have a huge career, great friends, the best family ever, every possession you’ve ever dreamt of. I sort of pale in comparison to all of that, I’m just a girl.”

“You have that all wrong. None of that would be worth having, if I didn’t have you. You’re not just a girl, you are THE girl.” His lips finally touched her’s.

Justin rolled over and reached out for Morgan, but found the bed empty. He ran his hands over his face and realized that his lips felt swollen. He had spent the better part of the night making out like a high school kid. They had been wrapped up in one another, but it had stopped there, neither one of them willing to go too far. He leaned up on his elbows and looked around the room, “Mor?”

There was no response, so he threw back the covers and searched for his disguarded shirt. He pulled it on as he walked out onto the small balcony off of her room. Morgan was curled up in a chair sipping a steaming cup of coffee. Her hair was tied in a knot on the top of her head and she had put on a sweatshirt over her pajamas. Her bare feet were tucked under her and she was reading a book.

He sat down in the chair across from her and waited for her to look up at him. When she continued to read he cleared his throat, “Morning.”

She glanced up and smiled sheepishly at him, “Morning.” Her eyes immediately dropped back down to her book.

He sat there watching her read for what felt like a week before her reached for the second coffee cup and the carafe sitting next to it on the table, “What’s with the book?”he winced when the coffee burned the room of his mouth. It was at that point he panicked. He had a frightening case of de ja vu. His mind flashed back to the courtyard in Rhode Island. He had woken up that morning to an empty bed, and when he’d found her reading, she had told him that the night before had been a mistake. His chest suddenly felt tight.

Morgan slammed the book shut and smiled brightly, “Up with the book?” She cocked her head at him, he looked strange and she couldn’t put a finger on what could be bother him, he had JUST woken up, “I was just finishing my Political Science reading. I was hoping to finish it before you woke up, so I wouldn’t have to worry about it. I almost beat you, you woke up two minutes too early.” She stood up and took the two steps that were separating them. Dropping down on his lap she kissed the top of his head, “What’s wrong? You look...scared...or sick or something.”

Running his hand over his face he let out a sigh of relief, “Nothing is wrong, I just....I just remembered something I want to forget.”

Carefully studying his face she ran her fingertips over his forehead. His eyebrows were still slightly drawn together. Sighing heavily she kissed his forehead and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

“About what?” He cocked his eyebrow.

“Rhode Island.” She answered simply, “That’s what you were trying to forget, right?”

He let his head rest against the back of his chair and he looked into her eyes, “How do you know me so well?”

“I just do.” She caressed his cheek, “I wish I would have handled that differently. I wish I would have admit my feelings then. I wish I would have given you a chance to say what you wanted to.”

He rested his fingertips against her lips and smiled softly, “You weren’t ready yet. You’re ready now. You were worth the wait.”

“Saying sweet stuff like that just makes me feel guiltier.” She chewed on her bottom lip.

“You shouldn’t feel guilty. Mor, the timing just wasn’t right, that isn’t a bad thing.” He pushed a loose lock of hair behind her ear.

“I was just so scared. I think my biggest fear in life right now is losing you. And not losing THIS, you know what we have now, but losing everything.”

Justin slowly shook his head, “I’m telling you, YOU...WON’T...LOSE...ME!” He poked her in the stomach as he said each word, “You need to stop being so frightened, and enjoy this. Have you noticed lately we haven’t really been able to be ourselves? You never tell me I’m an idiot. I never tell you you’ve lost your mind. If it’s one thing we have always been, it’s playful, and we’ve some how lost that trying to hang on to a friendship. I miss us, I miss telling you EVERYTHING, I miss laying in the grass talking about the shapes of the clouds, I miss pulling practical jokes on everyone else.”

She smirked, “I’m sure they don’t miss it.”

“Who cares what they think. I’m saying, one of the reasons I fell in love with you is because you and I are easy. We just fit.”

She held out her hand and he laced his fingers with her’s, “Perfectly, we fit perfectly.”

The room went spinning by faster and faster as Morgan and South spun around holding hands. They giggled like kindergartners. They both plopped down on the floor and giggled harder as their dresses settled around them.

South stood up quickly, “We shouldn’t be flopping on the ground in Stasia’s dresses.”

Morgan shrugged, “The time she wore that one, she was wandering in a rose garden, and the time she wore this one she crammed it into the bottom of her suitcase. She wouldn’t freak out.”

“So where did she wear this?” South spun again, watching her navy gown billow out.

“To the Oscars.”

“Dear God! I cannot believe that she would let me, a total stranger, borrow her dress like this.”

“She likes to see them get worn. Otherwise they just hang in her closet gathering dust. I am wearing the ‘lucky’ dress. She was wearing this when Lance said he loved her for the first time, and then our friend Dev wore it the night her husband asked her to marry him. All I had to promise was a picture of the two of us!” Her fingers slide across the black fabric.

South hugged Morgan tightly, “So what does your BOYFRIEND think about this hot date of your’s?”

Blushing Morgan stuck out her tongue, “I never said he was my BOYFRIEND.”

“So he’s the only guy you’re dating right?”


“And you’re the only person he’s dating right?”

Morgan smirked, “I BETTER BE the only person he’s dating.”

“He is SO your boyfriend! I cannot believe you settled for that big idiot.” South smirked.

“Yeah, he’s my boyfriend...but I never SAID he was...and TRUST me, I’m NOT settling. You’re going to hate him again aren’t you?” Morgan huffed.

“Well now that you guys have finally gotten together, I don’t have to be all, ‘go get him!’. You’ve got him, so now I don’t have to like him.” South shrugged, “I suppose I don’t hate him. I like that he seems to have made you happy, you are finally out of your little self-pity funk.”

“I was NOT having a self pity funk.” Mor glared at her friend, “I was confused.”

“Call it what you want, all I’m saying is that this mood is better.” South checked her make-up in the mirror hanging next to the door.

“Do you think I should TELL Bob that Justin and I are together? I mean...what’s the right thing to do?” Morgan sat gently on the couch, smoothing the folds in her skirt.

South turned to face her, “I don’t know. Wouldn’t it be sort of...cruel? I mean, we all know he’s interested in you, and you gave him the ‘I just want to be friends’ speech, so maybe the kind thing to do is just let it go. If he asks tell him, but I wouldn’t volunteer the information. God North, you somehow turned irresistible this year.”

Mor smirked, “I think there is a bout of insanity flying around. I’m really very obnoxious, they just seem blind to it.”

South sat down next to her, “You think you need to tell me that your obnoxious? I live with you, I’m well aware.”

Rolling her eyes, Morgan laid her head on her friend’s shoulder, “This should be fun. I’m so glad to be done with exams. I never thanked you for not bugging me too much about backing out of Christmas with your family.”

“Yeah, Justin never called to thank me!”

“Justin doesn’t know. I’m going to surprise him.” Morgan smiled.

South tilted her head to look into Mor’s eyes, “You know, this could be ‘it’. You may have finally realized who Mr. Right is.”

“This is it, and I did realize. Damn! How did I fall in love with JUSTIN?”

South laughed, “Sweetie, it was just a matter of time really. How many times have you seen When Harry Met Sally? Billy Crystal said it all, men and women cannot EVER really just be friends, it’s impossible. One of them, or both of them will always be attracted to the other.”

“You’ve seen too many movies.”

They both turned when there was a light knock on the door and Jack’s head popped into the apartment, “Hi!”

South stood up quickly and ran over, “HI!” She kissed him lightly.

Bob pushed in past the couple and smiled brightly at Morgan, “North, you look AMAZING!”

Morgan spun around, “What? This old thing?”

“I cannot believe that this hottie is with me!” Bob held out his hand to her.

Morgan rolled her eyes, “At least for the night.”

“My feet are killing me!” Morgan laughed as she danced around South.

“I know, mine too.” Her friend nodded.

Hugging her friend tightly Morgan yawned, “What time is it?”

South reached out for Jack’s hand and turned it slightly so she could see his watch, “12:30.”

Nodding Mor smiled, “Plenty of night left!”

“Heck yeah!” South spun away from her and into Jack’s arms.

Bob walked over smiling slightly, “Who knew being sober at one of these things could be fun?”

“Me.” Morgan winked at him, “So you’re not bored to death?”

“Not at all.” Bob danced next to her.

“You know, I seriously don’t care if you have a few drinks.” She spun around laughing.

“I promised. No drinking, just a great time.” He made a little cross over his heart, “I always keep my promises.”

“Well, that’s a great trait to have.” She kissed his cheek, “Thanks again for the invite.”

“I wouldn’t have dreamt of having anyone else with me tonight.”

The look he gave her was odd, and South had obviously heard the comment and seen the look because she raised an eyebrow at Morgan and then giggled before loudly whispering, “Hey North, should I request one of your boyfriend’s songs?”

Rolling her eyes Morgan shook her head, “I think I can live ONE NIGHT without hearing one of his songs.” It quickly became obvious that Jack was not at all shocked by the news that Morgan had a boyfriend, or who he was. She narrowed her eyes at South.

“IT’S JUST JACK!” She flushed, “I couldn’t very well NOT tell my boyfriend that my best friend has a new boyfriend!”

Bob looked confused, “Boyfriend?”

Morgan blushed, “Yeah. My friend Justin? Do you remember his picture?”

“Yeah.” He nodded slowly.

“Well...over Thanksgiving...”

“Thanksgiving? You never said a word.”

“I didn’t know how to tell you. I’m sorry.”

He shook his head, “No. No. It’s ok, I knew you wanted to be with him. You told me that.” He bent down and hugged her, “Congratulations!”

“Thanks.” She glared over his shoulder at South.

Her friend shrugged and mouthed, “I was TRYING to help.”

Bob set her down and smiled, “Wait! What did South mean request his song?”

Morgan glared at South again, “Well...Justin is...he’s Justin Timberlake.”

Bob looked at her for a moment before his eyes grew wide, “As in Boy Band Fruit Justin Timberlake?”

“Yeah. That Justin Timberlake.” She laughed and nodded.

He rubbed his forehead for a moment, “Wow. I didn’t see THAT coming.”

South walked over and threw her arm around Morgan’s shoulders, “Well, it’s not exactly something she wanted to stand on the roof screaming. He’s just Justin, who we’ve known forever, to us.”

“Wow! Ok then. Can’t compete with Mr. Multi-Millionaire Celebrity, so I guess I’ll just ask if you’re thirsty?” He grinned.


“What can I get for you?” He started toward the bar.

“Just a Coke please!”

“You’ve got it!” He disappeared into the crowd around the bar.

Morgan turned and glared at South, “THANKS!”

“WHAT? I was seriously trying to help! So Bob knows, big deal! He’s not going to run around telling everyone he lost a girl to NSYNC’s baby blue wearing, pelvis thrusting, Tearing Up My Heart goofball!”

Morgan’s shoulder’s slumped, “I swear to God South! Could you MAKE THIS MORE PAINFUL? I didn’t want to hurt Bob’s feelings! And Justin doesn’t wear baby blue anymore...EVER!”

South burst out laughing, “NICE COME BACK NORTH!”

Grinding her teeth to keep her temper under control, Mor rolled her eyes, “Thanks for the support.” She walked off to the Ladies Room.

Flopping down on the couch she pulled her cell phone out of her purse and quickly dialed Justin’s cell, “Hey gorgeous! Home from your party already?”

“In the bathroom.”

“Why do you sound pissed off?” She could here the leather of his couch squeak as he shifted his weight.

“South.” She huffed.

He laughed, “Go figure. What did the she-devil do?”

“She blurted out that I had a boyfriend, THEN basically blurted out WHO my boyfriend IS, THEN got mad at me for getting mad at her! I swear, it makes no sense!”

“Well, that doesn’t sound SO bad.”

“I think it hurt Bob’s feelings. I don’t care if people know...but I was trying not to hurt his feelings. SHE is the one who gave me the advice to NOT flat out tell him! She said, ‘Wouldn’t it be sort of...cruel? I mean, we all know he’s interested in you, and you gave him the ‘I just want to be friends’ speech, so maybe the kind thing to do is just let it go. If he asks tell him, but I wouldn’t volunteer the information.’” She mimicked South’s voice and then growled, “So then SHE tells him! It wasn’t pretty.”

“Woman, where is he now?”

“Getting drinks.”

“I wouldn’t worry. Maybe it’s better he knows. Don’t freak out about it! Enjoy the rest of the night, and play nice with guys are leaving together for her parents house tomorrow afternoon, Christmas is going to be AWFUL if you’re fighting.”

She sighed, “I want to be bad tonight. I’ll make nice tomorrow.”

He chuckled, “That’s fine. Now go have fun.”

“OK.” She pushed herself up off of the couch.

“I love you.” His voice was soft, “If you need me, call.”

“I know. I will. I love you too. Bye.” She hit end and smiled, Justin had calmed her down in less than ten minutes, she was beginning to really enjoy being in love.

As soon as she walked out of the bathroom, Bob waved and she crossed the room, gladly taking her drink from him. Taking a long drink she smiled, “Thanks, I needed that.” She set the half empty glass on the table.

He nodded and smiled, “Yes you did.”

The room was spinning again, but this time, Morgan was standing still. She had slowly started to feel lightheaded and now her stomach was getting upset. She held the back of her hand to her forehead and shook her head slightly, trying to clear it, “Bob, what time is it?”

“1:15.” He glanced down at her, “Hey, are you ok? You look sort of...funny.”

She shook her head, “No. I’m sorry. I’m suddenly feeling crappy.”

“Nothing to be sorry about. Let’s get out of here.” He slipped his arm under her’s and helped her to the coat check.

South’s eyes followed them as they walked out the main doors to the valet, “Shit.”

“Hmm?” Jack’s strong arms wrapped around her and he pressed a light kiss to her temple.

“Bob and North just left and she looked strange. I bet she is still pissed at me. I wasn’t trying to ‘expose’ her big secret. He was just being strange, so I tried to help.”

Jack hugged her, “She knows that. You guys will talk about it in the morning and then everyone will live happily ever after.”

“Did she look sick to you?”

“I didn’t see her, Sweetie. I’m sure she’s fine.”

South nodded, “You’re probably right.”

When Morgan was seated in the car Bob glanced over again, “How you feeling there?”

She starred at him blankly, as if his words weren’t sinking in. Morgan could hear what he was saying, but couldn’t force herself to respond. She felt as if her heart had slowed down to half it’s normal rate, and her eyes refused to focus clearly on anything.

Walking around to her side of the car, Bob took her purse off of her lap, “I’m taking your keys.”

Mor’s head rolled towards him and she grunted some sort of response. When he’d pulled her key’s from her bag he bent and picked her up, roughly hoisting her against his chest. He looked up and down the street and then carried her across and into the apartment building. Struggling with the lock for a moment, he pushed the door open and let it bang against the wall. It bounced back toward him and he kicked it closed with his foot.

Morgan felt as if she was in a dark tunnel. Bob’s voice was muffled and garbled. She knew he was saying something to her, but the words were trickling in slowly. Her hands felt ice cold and her stomach was churning. She felt pain shoot up her leg, and belatedly realized the pain was from the doorframe entering her room. Everything was suddenly moving in slow motion and she couldn’t seem to fight back to the surface.

Tossing Morgan on the bed, Bob slipped his jacket off and starred down at her. “Why did you have to complicate things? This could have been so much easier if you’d just given in on your own, but NO! You had to start dating Mr. Popstar...and not even a COOL popstar.”

Her eyes were blinking slowly, and from time to time she would squeeze them tightly shut, and if trying to clear her sight. He crossed the room to her dresser and picked up the picture of Justin and Mor, “So this is Mr. Wonderful.”

Her head slowly rolled towards him and she mumbled. He smirked, “Looks like you’re about ready.” He walked over, with the frame still in his hands, roughly grabbing her chin between his thumb and index finger, her jerked her face around and held the frame in front of it, “Want to give him a little kiss?”

She couldn’t understand him clearly through the ringing in her ears. Her peripheral vision was slowly beginning to creep in toward the center. Somewhere in here mind a voice began screaming at her, but she couldn’t make sense of that voice either.

Bob pushed her over onto her stomach and grabbed the pull on her zipper. He jerked down on it roughly, and it slid partway, and then stuck. Growling he grabbed either side of the fabric and pulled them in opposite directions, tearing it almost halfway down the skirt. Gathering the dress in his hands, he pulled it down and tossed it in a heap on the floor next to the bed. He bent at the waist and licked her tattoo, “Hot. This thing is hot.”

Grabbing her shoulder, he rolled her onto her back and smiled evilly leering down at her, “No bra. I like that. Did you do that for me?”

The voice in her head grew louder and she whimpered, “Just-in....”

Bob laughed loudly and he untied his tie, “Call me whatever the hell you want, but your Justin isn’t here! It’s just you and me, and my little friends.” He patted his pants pocket, which rattled quietly as his hand patted against the pills in their bubble packet.

He tossed his tie down on top of her dress and quickly unbuttoned his shirt. Adding it to the pile of discarded clothing. He stared down at her as he pulled his t-shirt over his head, and leaned down to slowly run his fingertip down the center of her body to the top of her panties. Kicking his shoes off, he laughed as she limply tried to push his hand away from her. “This is going to be amazing. I’m going to enjoy every second of would be better if you were awake, but this will do.”

She whimpered again and a tear rolled down her cheek. Grabbing the thin material of her panties he began peeling them back, but stopped briefly when she blinked rapidly and faintly said, “No.”

Rolling his eyes, he huffed, “No? What are you going to do North? I’m in control here. You can’t do anything to save yourself. I’M IN CONTROL!” He smacked her with the back of his hand.

She whimpered again, “Justin.”

“He’s not HERE.” He pulled her panties down and tossed them on the floor, his hand roughly grabbed her knee.

The voice in her head had somehow managed to bring her thoughts a little closer to the surface, but her stubborn body refused to respond. She wasn’t completely aware of what was happening, but she KNEW she wanted it to stop. She felt cold and frightened. She mustered every ounce of strength in her body and focused it on pushing Bob away. He barely moved, and glared down at her. He was pinning her hands above her head when she said, “NO!” This time much more clearly.

Looking deeply into her eyes, he slowly shook his head, “This would all be over faster if you just let the drug do what it’s supposed to.”

He never heard a noise, he couldn’t have possibly suspected it was coming, suddenly his body was slamming against the wall across from Morgan’s bed. Jack was standing between Bob and the bed, breathing heavily.

South was screaming at the top of her lungs, “GET AWAY FROM HER! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER YOU SON OF A BITCH!” South threw her body over her friend’s and she took Mor’s face between her hands, “MORGAN! MORGAN! TALK TO ME! CAN YOU HEAR ME? DEAR GOD! PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES!”

Bob fought to get to his feet, and Jack punched him solidly on the jaw, “Get out of here you fucking freak!” Jack growled between his teeth.

South pulled a blanket over Morgan’s body and turned to glare at Bob, “What did you give her?”

“Nothing! I didn’t do a damn thing to her. She invited me in here.”

Jack picked up Bob’s jacket from the floor and quickly checked all of the pockets, “It really looks like she wanted you here. We HEARD HER SAY NO!”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bob glared.

South was completely calm when she crossed the room, “WHAT DID YOU GIVE HER?”

“Nothing!” Bob sneered at her.

Her knee quickly connected with his groin and he doubled over. South reached into the pocket o f his pants and pulled out the packet of pills, “What ARE THESE?”

“Roofies.” Bob squeaked, “She only had like half of one...she’s fine.”

“Jesus!” Jack looked over at Morgan laying on the bed.

South rushed back and tried to lift her friend, “JACK! Help me get her in the bathroom!”

Jack carefully lifted Morgan, and the blanket covering her and carried her to the bathroom. He gently held her as South pushed her fingers into Morgan’s mouth, together they supported Morgan as she emptied her stomach into the toilet.

The room was bright and voices brought her back to reality, “I don’t know what we should do Jack, the hotline said since she vomited, she should be fine, the drug just needs to work out of her system.” South rolled her eyes and growled at him, “Oh YEAH! Thank God! Fuck that Jack! If I hadn’t been such a bitch about telling Bob about Justin this wouldn’t have happened!”

“He’s a freak. He might have just drugged BOTH of you!”

Morgan blinked rapidly and watched South pace across the room again. She tried to ask what was going on, but the pounding in her head stopped her.

South turned quickly when she heard Morgan trying to sit up, “Mor! Thank God!” She sat on the edge of the bed and pushed Morgan’s hair back.

Jack stood up from the chair at Mor’s desk and said, “I’ll get her a drink of water.”

South smiled weakly, “Good afternoon sleepyhead.” She pressed her hand to Morgan’s forehead.

Slowly pushing herself up to a sitting position she winced at the throbbing in her head, “What the hell happened?” She squinted, “Did Bob...did he...”

Jack walked in with a glass of ice water and held it out to her, “How are you feeling?”He smiled warmly.

“I have a hell of a headache.” She tried to smile, “Tell me that I was having a nightmare.” She looked at South.

South looked up and Jack, who squeezed her shoulder supportively, “Bob tried to rape you last night. He drugged your drink.”

“What?” Morgan looked from South to Jack who nodded.

“Jack and I got here before he...he hadn’t...I were...”

Morgan looked around her room, noticing Stasia’s dress laying across the dresser, the tear in the skirt was visible, “He took my clothes off?” She covered her mouth with her hand, “Oh my God. I was naked?” She looked up at Jack.

Jack shook his head quickly, “I didn’t see a thing, I was busy throwing Bob across the room.”

Her eyes were wide, “Why would he do that to me?” She pulled the blankets up under her chin, “Oh my God.”

They all jumped when Morgan’s phone rang. South picked it up and looked at the display, “It’s Justin.”

Morgan shook her head violently, “No. I can’t. I can’t talk to him right now.”


“I can’t. I can’t right now.”

South nodded and flipped the phone open, “Hello?”

“Who is this?”

“It’s South. Who is this?”

“Laura! It’s Justin. Where is Mor? Why are you answering her phone?”

“Oh. Hey Justin, what’s up?”

“What’s up is that I want to talk to Morgan.” He was clearly annoyed.

She looked nervously at her friend, “She’s still asleep. She left the party early because she didn’t feel well, I don’t want to wake her up.”

“If you tell her it’s me, she won’t care.” The annoyance in his voice was growing thicker.

“Justin, I’m not going to bug her. I’m turning her phone off now. I’ll tell her to call later.”

“Lau...” She hit end and then the power button.

“Morgan, you’re going to have to talk to him. He has a right to know what happened, he cares about you.”

“I’ll talk to him later.” Morgan stared blankly at her friend, “I don’t understand...”

South sat back on the edge of the bed, “I know. But this isn’t your fault. We need to call the police.”

“WE CAN’T!” Morgan looked horrified.


“We can’t! I refuse to call the police. I don’t need this getting out into the press, which it will, and I don’t need to tell some cop that I was too stupid to realize I was drugged. I’m not calling the police.”

South shrugged, “Fine then I will.” She picked up the phone and began to dial.

Morgan instantly began sobbing, “Please. Please don’t. Laura, I’m begging you, please don’t call them.”

South hung up and searched her friend’s face, “What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to go home. I’m going to spend the break with Justin.”

South sighed, “I know he will do everything possible to help you, but I really don’t want you flying home alone.”

Mor’s eyes glassed over slightly, “He didn’t succeed. I’m fine, spooked, but fine. I just need to see Justin and then I’ll be ok.”


“Seriously, I’m fine. I’ll even talk to Margot about the affects of the drug when I’m in Orlando, if that will make you feel better.”

South nodded slowly, “I don’t like this.”

“I’ll be fine. You have to go though. You and Jack should be halfway home already.” She threw back the covers and began moving toward the bathroom.

South looked at Jack, “What do I do?”

“I think it will be best for her to go home, if that’s what she wants to do.”

South nodded, “I think you’re right.”

It was only after Morgan produced a plane ticket with a departure time in the evening that South was willing to leave for her parents house with Jack. Morgan had watched her friend climb into her boyfriend’s car and drive away before she picked up the phone to finally call Justin. He picked up the phone on the second ring, “Morgan?”

“Hi Justin.”

“Are you ok? Laura said you were sick. What’s going on?”

She sighed heavily, “I’m fine. It was just a quick bug. South’s mom is already spoiling me, I’ll be back to 100% by morning I’m sure.”

“So you got there safely?”

She pushed the tears off her cheeks as she sank deeper into her bed, “Safe and sound. Listen, I just wanted to make sure I called you back. Dinner is almost ready, so I’ve got to go.”

“I understand. Say hello to South’s parents.”

“I will. Bye Justin.”


“What?” She fought to keep the tears out of her voice.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” She hit end and turned her phone off.

Date Rape, and Date Rape Drugs are both very real. For information on “Date Rape Drugs” and suggestions on how to protect yourself from being the victim of a date rape drug, check these links:

The Word on "Date-Rape Drugs" Is Dangerous By Tejas Amin, Staff Writer

Date Rape - What is it?

National Women's Health Information Center - "DATE RAPE" DRUG (Rohypnol)

If you think you or a friend has ever been the victim of a “Date Rape Drug” you can find information on how to get help at these links:

Standing Strong Against Sexual Violence

The Rape Crisis Center

RAINN - Rape Abuse & Incest National Network

Please be safe. ~Cherries
~Chapter 15~