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Curling up into a ball in the corner of the couch, with the dogs laying around her, Mor sighed and looked up and Brenna, “Were you ever angry?”

Bren sipped her coffee and raised an eyebrow, “Have you MET me? Anger is my middle name.” She smirked, “Was I ever angry about what?”

“About what happened to you. About being the victim. Letting someone screw up your life like that... Did it ever make you angry?” Morgan began chewing on her cuticle.

Brenna reached out and swatted Mor’s hand away from her mouth, “Seriously Morgan... First of all I never LET anyone screw up my life. Some asshole came in and did that for me. He took all of the control out of my hands at that moment, it’s how I handled it afterward that was my fault. Of course it made me angry that someone thought they could violate me like that. That someone could take advantage of me like that. I was angry as hell. But then, at Dev and Ryan’s wedding I suddenly realized that being angry and staying angry does nothing for you. It just makes you a bitter bitch. I had no relationship with my sisters, I had no relationship with my parents, everyone hated me.”

Brenna looked down at the Starbuck’s cup in her hands and sighed, “After everything happened with JC and Lyn and it became so clear that being a bitter bitch will never help me get back what that man did to me. Instead, it just makes my life harder. That was when I started counseling and I came to a decision in my life: I’m not going to let what happened to me dictate my future. I may have let it in the past, but I’m done letting him affect my life. It’s time to be ME. As soon as I figure out who ME is...or I am, to be grammatically correct.”

Morgan nodded slowly, “I don’t know who ‘me’ is either. My identity has always been defined by other people. I was born Dr. Northrup’s daughter, then I became Justin Timberlake’s best friend, then I became the victim...but I don’t know who the hell MORGAN is.”

Brenna smirked, “I do. I know who Morgan is.”

“Care to fill MORGAN in?”

“Sure.” Bren leaned forward resting her elbows on her knees and looking Mor square in the eyes, “Morgan is the person who was strong enough to walk away from the family that was hurting her, smart enough to take some time and space from her best friend to sort out her feelings and admit that friendship had changed into love. She is the person who was brave enough to seek help when she needed it. Morgan is kind and caring, smart and a major smart-ass. You may not know who you are, but I do. You are someone who was willing to give ME a second chance, when I never gave you any reason to trust me.”

“You reached out, and you offered. You didn’t have to do that.”

“Yes I did. I couldn’t let you go through the years of fear and pain I went through needlessly. I wanted you to know that there was someone who understood and who was willing to be there for you, no questions asked.” Brenna chewed on her bottom lip.

Morgan smirked, “Who knew we’d end up friends?”

“Not ME!” Brenna smiled, “We need to lighten the mood a little here. We’re both going to end up crying and being all pitiful.”

Mor nodded, “Right, you’re right. We need to...GO SHOPPING!” She smirked and reached into her pocket, “I have a shinny new credit card from Justin that needs breaking in.”

“Let’s find out what the limit is!” Brenna bounced up off of the couch.

Slowly sliding blue button down shirts along the rod in front of her Morgan shook her head and called back over her shoulder, “They don’t have a 6 Bren. Do you want to try a 4?”

There was a snort from the other side of the changing room door, “Yeah right. How about a different color?”

“Which different color?”

“Whatever. Just try to find a 6.” Bren stuck her hand over the door. Morgan shoved two shirts into her hand and then leaned against the wall, “So did I tell you what Justin said about school?”

“Uh uh. Does he want you to transfer back here?” Brenna emerged from the dressing room and did a little spin for Morgan.

“I like it.” She shifted her weight slightly, “No. He said if I want to finish out at UNH, he’ll go with me. He says he wants to write more and record for this solo thing he’s been working on.”

“You think this is it for the group? I mean it’s not like they can’t support themselves now. I think they could all do solo albums.”

Mor nodded, “They could, but they won’t.”

“You don’t think so?”

“No way. Lance has no interest in a solo career. I don’t think Chris really does either. Anyway, they aren’t done. They like doing it too much. I mean, I think Justin is going to do this album, and he’s probably going to do some sort of tour to promote it, but they aren’t done, they’re going to do this forever. I don’t think Chris was kidding when he said that they are going to have to drag his dead body off of the stage.”

“Thanks for THAT lovely mental image.” Brenna laughed, “OK, so back to Justin. He said he’d go with you?”

“Yeah. He said he’d go too. That there has to be a studio he could record in somewhere nearby. So now I really don’t know what to do. I mean, I was enrolled in the classes I needed to graduated. It’s only a matter of three classes at UNH, it would be more back here in Florida, because I’d lose credits in the transfer.”

“That sucks.” Bren walked out of the dressing room with a stack of clothes draped over her arm.

“Have you got enough stuff there?” Morgan rolled her eyes.

Brenna nodded, “I’m working on a little...image adjustment.”

“Ahh.” They walked to the register and as Brenna paid Morgan began to laugh, “You realize you’re buying a bunch of stuff Lyn or Stasia would wear right?”

“I think they both look good.” Bren sounded defensive.

“THEY DO! But I’ve just never seen you in this type of stuff before. It’s a good change.” As they made their way out of the store, Mor looked back and forth, “Want to get a cup of coffee?”

Brenna eyed her carefully, “Are you sure? I isn’t going to be in a bottle or can or anything.”

Morgan nodded, “I can’t only drink out of sealed containers for the rest of my life. And I can watch them make my drink steps right?”

“Right.” Bren nodded, “You know, everyone always says, ‘baby steps’ and they’re generally quoting ‘What About Bob’, right?”

“Yeah.” Mor nodded as they entered the coffee shop.

“Did you ever stop to think that Bob was a serious NUT BALL?”

Morgan laughed, “Like I’m NOT?”

“Good point.”

They ordered their drinks, and Morgan watched the woman make her drink. Brenna made a point of ordering the exact same drink, and taking a long sip first. As they sat down, Morgan held the cup to her lips and took a small sip, “Hey, get me...I’m being normal.”

As if on cue, a young woman walked up and said, “You’re Justin’s friend right?”

Brenna smirked and said, “Oh yeah, TOTALLY normal.”

Morgan smiled weakly and nodded, “Yeah. I’m Justin’s friend.”

“Didn’t they leave today?”

“Yes they did. They should actually be arriving in London very soon.” Morgan nodded.

“Why are you here? Don’t you go, like everywhere he goes.”

“I have some personal stuff I had to stay behind to take care of. This isn’t a long trip, so he’ll be back before I’m done with all of my stuff.”

The woman looked at her funny, “Are you two fighting?”

Brenna glared at the girl, “You WISH they were fighting! They are so NOT fighting! Get your facts straight! She’s not his FRIEND, she’s his GIRLFRIEND! They aren’t fighting, they are living happily ever after!”

Morgan put her hand on Brenna’s arm, “Bren...”

“Hush Morgan! I’m just...”

Morgan smirked, “Regressing.”

Brenna looked at her with wide eyes and then took a deep breath, “Yeah. Yeah I was. Sorry.” She took a deep breath and turned back to the woman, “I apologize. I let my temper get the best of me.”

The woman grinned evilly, “It’s not a problem at all Brenna. My readers will love this story.”

As she turned and walked away Bren looked at Morgan, “How’d she know my name? What the hell was she talking about?”

“Her name is Beverly, she writes a gossip column for the Orlando Sun.” Morgan smirked, “I KNEW I recognized her from somewhere.”

“Oh shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, oh crap.” Brenna began to turn pale, “I really screwed up.”

Morgan laughed, “No. It’s not a big deal. We weren’t planning on putting out a press release or anything, but I don’t care if people know we’re together. I’m sure she’ll put a VERY interesting spin on this whole thing, but I don’t care, and Justin certainly won’t care. It’s not the first time his life has ended up in the newspaper.”

“I’m still sorry. I need to learn to keep my big mouth shut. I’m working on it.”

“I happen to like the fact that you just speak your mind. You may have gotten a bit...angry with her, but as it turns out, she deserved it.” Morgan shrugged, “You ready to head back?”

“Let’s get out of here before I spill more secrets.”

Curled up in his bunk, with his headphones on, Justin was scribbling on a notepad when Lyn’s head popped up into sight, “Hey. Just because JC and I are married now doesn’t mean were going to be rolling around the bus having sex. You can come out and socialize with us, I swear we won’t ask you to be in a threesome.” She grinned at him.

“Any chance you had of me coming out of this bunk was just blown to hell! I DO NOT want to hear about you to getting freaky...EVER, understood?” He shook his head.

“You’re no fun.” She laughed and nudged him until he made room for her to sit at the end of his bunk. The low ceiling made her sit slouched down, so she grabbed his pillow and shoved it behind her lower back for support, “So what are you working on?”

Rolling his eyes, he shifted onto his side, propping his head up on his fist, “Make yourself at home LS.”

“Thanks. I already did. So what are you working on?”

“A song...I guess it’ll be a song, or not, I don’t know.” He shrugged.

“How are you holding up? Have you talked to Morgan since we landed?” She picked up a t-shirt that was balled up in the corner and began folding it.

“Yeah. She’s fine. I guess your sister blabbed about our relationship to a reporter, but other than that, she’s great. The thing she isn’t considering is that as soon as this hits the paper at home, the entire world is going to be parked outside of my house, she’s not thinking that far in advance.”

“She’s entitled to live in the moment for a while. Brenna blabbed?” She raised an eyebrow, “She’s trying so hard lately, that sort of surprises me.”

Justin sighed, “OK, I guess I didn’t give you the WHOLE story. She THOUGHT she was defending Morgan to some random rude person in the mall who asked if Mor was my friend and then asked if we were fighting. I guess Bren jumped in and said that we were NOT fighting and as a matter of fact we are in love...or something along those lines. Mor said it was actually really funny, and Brenna got all flushed and then freaked out after the woman said ‘thank you Brenna.’ or something.”

Lyn laughed, “Now that sounds more like Brenna. She has never had the ability to think before she speaks. I’m sure she wasn’t trying to out you guys.”

Justin nodded, “That’s the strange thing, I believe you. I believe she was trying to defend Mor. I have spent so much time hating Brenna because I thought I was supposed to because I am your friend, that I never thought she was capable of being a friend, especially not to Morgan.”

Lyn looked deep into his eyes, “A year ago, I would have thought she was up to something, that she had some sort of motive that was going to hurt someone I love, but I honestly don’t think that’s her anymore. I think now that she has been honest with herself and with everyone else about the rape, I think she’s finally begun to heal. Brenna is trying so hard to make up for lost time.”

“Yeah. I guess one of the reasons it bugs me is because Mor needs Brenna right now, she doesn’t need me.” He looked down at the page in front of him.

“I don’t think that’s true at all. I mean, yeah, I think Bren and Mor need EACH OTHER right now, but I don’t know if Morgan would be as far along right now without you. You have to remember that we all get different things from one another. We support each other in different ways. You can tell me things you wouldn’t necessarily be able to tell JC or Chris, but I’m sure there are things you talk to them about, that I don’t know anything about. I mean, sadly, Bren and Mor have something in common. They can understand the way the other is feeling, because they both have those same feelings, and fears. None of us will ever really understand that. Maybe Stasia...she was attacked and helpless too, and I’m sure Lance has a better understanding of your feelings than the rest of us.”

“Yeah.” He nodded, “I think I’ve been pushing Lance away.”

Lyn’s eyebrows drew together, “Why?”

“For two reasons...I guess I’ve been trying to make myself feel better by wallowing in self pity, you know the whole, ‘no one knows how I feel’ thing, and if I talk to Lance, he does know, so I can’t pity myself anymore. And I will never forget the pain on his face that day. That look of panic and being completely out of control and not knowing what to do or how to fix it. There is one thing I never want to see in his eyes again, and that’s the terror I saw that day. If I try to talk to him about all of this, I’m afraid it will take him back there. That he’ll feel those feelings again. There isn’t any reason for two of us to feel that way right now.”

“That isn’t fair. Did you ever stop to think that he might WANT to help? He might WANT to be there for one of his best friends? Do you understand how hard it is for ALL of us to have to watch and only help when we’re asked? You KNOW Lance, you KNOW this is driving him nuts. Justin, we’re all waiting for you to reach out. We’re all waiting for you to make a move. We’re not going to force you to let us in, but let me tell you, on behalf of everyone that loves you, WE WANT IN!”

“So what, you want me to send out invitations? ‘Hey! I’m having a pity party and...YOU’RE ALL INVITED!!! BYOB! RSVP by April first’.” He flopped back.

Lyn kicked him, “I’d like to RSVP on behalf of everyone, we’ll be there, SMARTASS.”

“Hey isn't this supposed to be the other way around? The BIG brother beats up on the LITTLE sister?” Justin dove forward and started tickling Lyn’s sides.

It wasn’t long after Lyn began squealing that JC showed up in the aisle, “J? Why are you molesting my wife?”

“EWW! I am not molesting her! Dude, that is just NOT RIGHT She's my LITTLE sister!”

Lyn got a twinkle in her eye, “Justin you have said LITTLE one too many times in the past few minutes!” Lyn launched herself back at Justin. Rolling his eyes, JC walked back to the lounge to finish watching his movie.

“This is all my fault.” Brenna peered through the curtains in the living room for th hundredth time in the last five minutes.

Morgan leaned over her shoulder and looked out at the gang of reporters gathered outside the gate, “No it’s not. We are the ones who hadn’t really said anything. It was going to come out sooner or later. I mean, think about it, they would have figured it out when we had a wedding, then kids.”

Brenna whipped around, “A wedding a kids! You seriously think this is it?”

Morgan laughed, “I’ve always know he was it. It was only a matter of time, now it’s just a matter of time until the rest falls into place. What? Did you think I was just killing time?”

“No! I mean, I ASSUMED you guys were going to be together forever, I just didn’t know if YOU knew it!” Bren leaned against the window frame, “I’m going to have to replace all of Justin’s flowers out front.”

“Justin can afford to replace his own flowers.” Morgan popped a grape into her mouth and chewed slowly, “That landscaper was on crack anyway, they never should have planted all pink flowers.”

“You have a point there.” Bren smirked.

As the gates rolled open Morgan rolled her eyes, “I should have seen this coming.”

“What? Did Justin send his mom?” Brenna turned to look out the window.

“No, Justin sent security. I can’t believe him. It’s not that bad.” She flipped open her cell phone as she walked into the entrance hall to open the door for Don. She hugged him as she waited for the other end of the line to be picked up.

“Hey you!” His voice was upbeat and he sounded excited to be hearing from her.

“Why is Don standing in front of me?” She was trying hard to sound annoyed, but as soon as he’d picked up the phone, all of the annoyance she’d been feeling melted away, and she had just felt happy.

Don glanced down at Brenna and lifted an eyebrow, “This could get ugly.”

Brenna nodded, “Yeah. Are you hungry?”

He laughed, “Are you cooking?”

“I’m reheating.” She grinned and slipped her arm through his, guiding him to the kitchen and away from Morgan.

Justin sighed heavily and started, “Now Mor, I know for a fact that there are a bunch of reporters camped outside, because I had Paul drive by, and...”

“And you’re only doing this because you care and you thought I might feel safer with Don here.” She smirked.

He paused, “Um, yeah.”

“Thank you for worrying, and I suppose I will feel safer with him here, but you could have called to tell me he was coming.”

“I figured if I told you...”

“I’d tell you that you were insane and I didn’t need Don.”

“Ah, yeah.” The confusion in his voice was amusing her.

“You know what? I’m not pissed off. I feel bad for Don, I’m sure he’d rather be with you guys, but it was sweet of you to worry and even sweeter for you to send him.”

“Mor?” He chuckled slightly.


“Are you feeling ok?”

She laughed, “I know. Check me out, I’m all mature now.”

“It’s freaking me out a little. I was all prepared to get screamed I’m just all confused. Wanna fight about something else?”

She smiled, he had always been so good to her and she’d never really given him credit for that. Justin had always put her needs before his own, and she’d never fully realized it. In that moment, she knew how lucky she really was to still have his friendship, let alone his love, “Nah. Let’s put off the fighting until your home and I can smack you around a little.”

“OH! Now you think you can take me?”

“I don’t think it, I KNOW it.” She couldn’t help giggling at the sound he’d made, it was somewhere between a snort and a laugh, “So what did you do today?”

Justin settled back grinning, “I wrote a little and had a long conversation with Lyn. You know, same old, same old.”

“What are you writing?” Mor glanced out the window and rolled her eyes as a pair reporters tried to perch on top of the wall in front of the house.

“I don’t know. Just a thing.”

“Very informative. Is this thing a song? Is it a poem? A short story? A journal entry? What’s it about?” She smirked, he’d always hated it when she pestered him.

He laughed, “I guess it’s going to be a song...maybe.”

“A song about what?”


“ME? What about me? And if this song has the word bitch in it, you’re in a world of trouble.”

He chuckled, “But if I take out ‘bitch’ I have to write a whole new bridge and refrain.”

“If you don’t want to tell me what it’s about, just say so.” She laughed.

“Maybe I’ll let you hear it when it actually is something. Right now it’s just a bunch of words and phrases, not so much a song yet.”

“That’s fair.” She glanced out the window again and her breath caught, “Justin, “I’ve got to go. I love you.” She immediately hung up the phone and watched the figure moving up the walk more closely. She had been expecting the unexpected, but this went beyond even the most unexpected possibilities.

Justin looked at the phone in his hand. The obnoxious sound of the disconnected line beeping in his ear. He knew Morgan well enough to know she would not have cut the conversation so short without a very good reason, but now he was ver curious. Looking down at the notebook in his hand he took a deep breath and decided to ask someone for help with the song.

Grabbing his keycard and a pen he left the room and walked quietly down the hall. The hotel was much quieter than it normally would have been. They’d been forced to leave the dogs at home, as well as some of the people they normally traveled with. This trip was going to be quick and paired down.

Standing in front of the partially open door, he listened for conversation or any indication that he should just leave and come back later. Just as he was about to knock, Lance’s voice drifted out of the room, “Hey J? Are you just going to stand there trying to eavesdrop or are you going to come in?”

Justin flushed slightly and walked into the room, “I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, I was just making sure you guys weren’t sleeping or...using your...private time...privately.”

Lance smirked, “We tend to CLOSE the door when we use ore private time privately.”

“Yeah. Makes sense.” He was now bright red and second guessing his decision to come down to talk to Lance.

Lance closed his laptop and pushed it aside, “What’s up? You look...weird.”

“Where’s Stasia?” Justin asked as he glanced around the room.

“She’s out shopping for wedding stuff with Lyn. Apparently there is better stuff in Europe than there is in Mississippi, Michigan, Florida, New York or LA. In all reality, this is just an excuse for them to go out, be girly, talk about JC and I and go shopping. I can tell her you stopped by if you want me to.” He eyed Justin carefully.

“No. I actually came down here to talk to you, well ask you to help me, if you have time.” The statement came out much faster than he had intended.

Lance raised an eyebrow, “I have all the time you need. What’s up?”

“Can you look at this for me and tell me what you think?” Justin shoved the pad of paper at Lance and sat down in a chair, tapping his fingertips together and staring at Lance.

Quickly looking at the page in front of him Lance tilted his head and looked Justin in the eye, “What is it?”

“I was thinking it’d be a song?” Justin continued to stare.

Lance nodded and looked at the short blurbs covering the page.

Girl I find you so amazing With everyday I learn more about you
The way you work day out and day in
And still find time for us too

Lately I’ve been questioning myself
Am I good enough for you?

Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough?
To maintain this love

I know that there’ll be times when I’ll be miles away
And you’ll be all alone

Lance looked up from the page, “I don’t suppose I need to ask where the motivation for this came from?”

Justin smirked, “Yeah, I’m a little obvious.” He leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees, “Think I can pull something out of it?”

Lance nodded, “I don’t think you have to do a lot of pulling. I think it’s pretty much all here, you just need to polish it and get some music worked out. Maybe JC would be a better choice to help you though...”

“I don’t think so.” Justin shook his head, “I think you understand the...emotion better.”

Lance’s strong green gaze locked on Justin. He was quiet for a long time and nodded, “So it’s more about having the strength to let the strength to love her in the first place.”

Justin shrugged, “In my case I guess it’s both.”

Lance nodded, “You realize even getting this out on paper is a huge deal right?”

“How did you do it?” Justin looked down at his hands.

Sighing Lance ran a hand through his hair, “I didn’t really have a choice did I?” He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, “J, there are still days that I can’t wrap my mind around the whole situation. Remember when she was sick a few months ago? When she had the freaky flu bug?” Justin nodded and Lance continued, “She was laying in the bed and she was pale and the light was funny and she looked just like she had when I first walked into her hospital room that afternoon. I sat out on the deck outside of our room crying for two hours. I guess it’s not the healthiest thing in the world that I honestly don’t think I could live without her. I’d die ten times over to take that one day away from her. But you know how that is.”

Justin nodded, “I think I could kill him.” His voice was barely a whisper.

“I know.” Lance looked at the top of Justin’s head, “To this day I could still kill him with my bare hands. I don’t know if that will ever go away. The worst feeling in the world is knowing you CAN’T make it better, no matter what you say or do, it’s not up to you. Stasia doesn’t like to talk to me about it. I mean, we’ve talked about it, but not like I have with you guys. It hurts her to know that it still upsets me. In her twisted mind it’s her fault that I’m hurt. Never mind the fact that it’s NOT HER FAULT. Will Mor talk to you?”

Justin’s head hit the back of the chair with a soft thud, “What does she have left to tell me? I sat there while she had to relive the whole fucking nightmare and all I could do was cry. I was very helpful.” His eyes rolled.

“Hey, at least she wanted you there.” Lance’s voice had a cold edge to it, “I’ve never been invited to a ‘session’.”

“Yeah well, take it from me, not a fun way to spend an afternoon. I swear, if I was ever going to completely lose my mind it was at the very moment she said that she’d been calling me when he attacked her.”

“She’d been trying to make a phone call?” Lance’s eyebrows drew together.

Justin shook his head, “No. She was hearing me in her head telling her to fight and to not give in...she was calling out to me...and he...hurt her because of it.”

“Oh my God. I didn’t know.”

“Yeah. I guess I wish I didn’t know.”

“I don’t blame you.” Looking down at the lyrics in his lap, Lance smirked, “Hey what if you...”

“You’re all set Mr. Timberlake.”

Justin nodded, “Thanks...and it’s Justin. I dragged you out of bed in the middle of the night and you’re letting us use your studio, I think we can be on a first name basis.”

The man smiled, “It’s not a problem. I know how it is when inspiration hits. Are you sure you don’t want me to hang out and run the boards for you?”

Justin shook his head, “No. We’re cool. JC can handle any board ever built.”

JC glanced up from the panel and rolled his eyes, “I told you it was ok you woke me up, no need to lay it on so thick.” Looking back down he flipped a few switches and grinned, “I’m set.”

Lance scribbled out a word on the page in front of him and replaced it as he hummed quietly for a moment, and then nodded, “I think this is done too.” He handed the page to Justin who nodded and walked silently into the booth.

When he was sure he was alone with Lance and JC he slipped on the headphones and said, “Lance, will you play it on the piano the first time through so we can hear the lyrics with the music?”

Jogging into the room Lance sat behind the piano, “Again, this is more JC’s area.”

JC’s voice filled the room, “Again, I can only be in one place at a time.”

Looking over his shoulder at Justin Lance rolled his eyes, “I TOLD you we should have gotten him another cup of coffee before we left the hotel.”

“HA HA. Are you ready fuckwad?” JC grinned at Lance.

“Just waiting for you dipshit.” He grinned back.

Justin didn’t seem to hear any of the playful argument, “So let’s run through this.”

Lance placed his hands lightly on the keys and JC pointed as the ‘Recording’ sign lit up. Lance began playing the quiet melody and was slightly startled at the raw sound of Justin’s voice when he began Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Ohhh, Yeah, Yeah

Girl I find you so amazing With everyday I learn more about you
The way you work day out and day in
And still find time for us too, yeah

I love the fact that you’re there for me when I feel down
No matter what I’m going through
Lately I’ve been questioning myself
Am I good enough for you?

Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough?
To maintain this love
You’ve got me questioning (yeah)
Got me wondering (yeah, yeah)
Could I be that man?
That can keep you happy

I know that there’ll be times when I’ll be miles away
And you’ll be all alone
I constantly fight my insecurities
When I can’t reach you by phone

And, oh, Lord knows that I’m only human
So please forgive me if I ask so many silly questions
I know that you truly love me but
Fear has me second-guessing

Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough?
To maintain this love
You’ve got me questioning
Got me wondering
Could I be that man?
That can keep you happy

Girl excuse my ways (excuse my ways)
I’m not trying to push your love away (your love away)
It’s just that sometimes my imagination gets the best of me, yeah
I still love you baby everyday, yeah yeah

Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough?
To maintain this love (to maintain this love)
You’ve got me questioning
Got me wondering (you got me thinking about myself)
Could I be that man (am I good enough for you)
That can keep you happy (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough? (strong enough, yeah)
To maintain this love (to maintain this love)
You’ve got me questioning
Got me wondering (you got me wondering, yeah)
Could I be that man?
That can keep you happy

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
I wanna keep you happy

The room was completely silent for a long time, JC and Lance both looking at Justin, who’s eyes were still closed tightly. JC shook his head and said quietly, “That’s it, in one take. That’s it J.”

The lyrics in this chapter are Worthy Of by Justin Timberlake
~Chapter 22~