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Chapter 4

Fighting with her bags, Mor slowly walked down a long hallway, looking for the right apartment number. She was clutching a piece of paper with an address written on it and a key taped to the bottom. Finding the number she was looking for, she stood in front of the door and sighed, “I guess this is home.”

She was looking down trying to wrestle the key back out of the lock as she stepped into the livingroom. Looking up slowly, she couldn’t help but burst into laughter. South had decorated the room with Hello Kitty party decorations. There were balloons, streamers and she had hung a huge sign that said, “Welcome home North!”

Dropping her suitcases in the middle of the room she began to explore the small apartment. Making her way into the dining room she found a note on the table. It was written on Hello Kitty note paper.


Welcome home kid! I’m so sorry I can’t be here when you get in, but I assume you would rather have me pay my half of the rent. There is food in the fridge and I put your stuff in the second bedroom. I took it upon myself to take the bigger room because I got here first and I’m bigger than you are. I should be home around 8:00. I’ll try to get here earlier but I can’t make any promises my boss is a huge ass.


Morgan smirked and thought about her friend. South was one of the funniest people she had ever met. She could give Chris on a high sugar day a run for his money. She was also frighteningly blunt.

Walking through the livingroom she looked at the sparse furnishings. It hadn’t made sense for Mor to actually move all of her belongings up to New Hampshire, but at this point, they only had two lawn chairs and some milk crates. If you took the lack of furniture out of the equation, the apartment was very cute. It was bright and sunny and very cheerful. It’s blue walls and white trim somehow reminded her of Stasia.

“Why am I thinking about Stasia?” She shook her head, trying to clear it, and walked toward the back of the apartment. She glanced into the first bedroom, which South had claimed as her own. The walls were pink and she had simple white bedding, not at all what she would have thought her friend would have chosen.

She stuck her head into the bright white bathroom. The shower curtain had tiny pink, blue and yellow flowers scattered all over it and there were pink, blue and yellow towels hanging on the hooks along the wall.

As she finally pushed the last door at the end of the hall open, she found her own room. Stepping into her new space, she smiled softly. The soft yellow walls and crisp white trim made the room bright and happy. South had neatly stacked her boxes in the corner, under the window seat. South’s room was much bigger, but Morgan was thrilled with this one. The light, airy white curtains that framed the window seat were blowing in with the breeze.

Sitting on the edge of the bed she took a deep breath, and decided to dig her stereo out of the pile of boxes before she did anything else. The silence in the apartment was starting to make her feel anxious. She wasn’t used to silence. After spending the summer surrounded by friends and music, fans and buses, the quiet was a little scary.

She plugged the stereo into the wall and dug her CD case out of the same box. Finding a CD that Stasia had made and that she hadn’t had a chance to listen to yet, she dropped it into the player and began the huge task of unpacking.

Minutes turned into hours and the room began to get dark. Opening the last box in the huge stack, she pulled out a photo album and several framed pictures, all neatly wrapped in newspaper. As she unwrapped a picture of Justin and his brothers swimming in his pool, a new song started and she listened as she starred at the picture.

So quiet
another wasted night,
the television steals the conversation
another wasted breath,
again it goes unnoticed.

Please tell me you're just feeling tired
cause if it's more than that I feeel that I might break
out of touch, out of time.
Please send me anything but signals that are mixed
cause I can't read your rolling eyes
out of touch, are we out of time?

Close lipped
another goodnight kiss
is robbed of all it's passion,
your grip
another time, is slack
it leaves me feeling empty.

She wrapped her arms tightly around the frame and curled up on her bed as a sob began to build in her stomach. She felt so alone and frightened. She wanted to turn to Justin for support, he was the person she had always been able to turn to, he was the person who had always held her up when she was at her weakest.

I'll wait until tomorrow
maybe you'll feel better then
maybe we'll be better then
so what's another day
when I can't bear these nights of thoughts
of going on without you
this mood of yours is temporary
it seems worth the wait
to see your smile again
out of the corner of your eye
won’t be the only way you'll look at me then.

“Hey North! Whoa! Hey! What’s with the crying?”

Morgan’s head lifted from her pillow and she smiled weakly, “Welcome home South.”

Her friend crossed the room and flopped down on the bed and hugged Morgan, “If you’re going to be crying all the time, I’m going to have to kill you.”

“No.” Morgan pushed the tears off of her cheeks, “I’m fine.”

“Oh yeah, you look fine. The first time I see you face to face in a couple of years and you’re all curled up crying. What’s that all about?”

“I was just unpacking and I was listening to this CD and I have PMS!”

“I guess so! What’s this?” She pulled the picture out of Morgan’s arms, “Oh God! Please tell me you’re not crying about the dork. Although, I have to admit, he’s looking much better these days. I saw him on some tv show and he was wearing these jeans that were hugging all the right places, I never thought I’d say this, but Justin almost looked hot.”

Morgan rolled her eyes, “No. I’m not crying about him. Please.”

“Oh God, you’re still a horrible liar. You didn’t try to lie to him about what happened did you? If you tried to lie about it, he totally knows the truth. You have never been able to lie convincingly. You turn all red and start babbling.”

“You are saying I babble. Have you listened to yourself lately?”

“I don’t babble, I just have a lot to say.” South pushed herself up, “OK, enough of this depressing crap. I say we dig into the half gallon of ice cream in the refrigerator.”

“Works for me.” Morgan sat up, “Um, South...”


“We have no furniture.”

“Yeah. I know. We’re poor college students.”

“No couch?”

“Nope. My roommate from last year stole it when he moved out of my old apartment.”

“He?” Morgan’s eyebrow bounced up and down.

“Oh God no! He was an ass. We split the rent. He hit on me, I said no and had my brother put a lock on my bedroom door.”

“How is your brother?”

They sat down at the table across from one another with the ice cream carton between them, “He’s fine. In the Coast Guard now. You wouldn’t recognize him.”

“I’d love to see pictures.”

“I’ll go get my photo album. Get your’s too, if you’re not going to get all weepy on me.”

Morgan rolled her eyes, “I’m fine.”

“So go get it.” After they returned to the table, South grabbed Morgan’s album, “So who’s who?”

Morgan craned her neck to look at the picture South was pointing at. It had been taken at the charity fund raiser showing of On The Line in Mississippi. It had been a crazy night, she had been JC’s date. Justin had gone with Meredith. She smiled at the memory of the enormous box of chocolates JC had sent her the following day because he had spent the entire night watching Lyn and then fighting with Stasia. “The beautiful blonde is Dani.”

“Chris’s girlfriend?”

“Yep. She is one of the most stylish people I’ve ever met. She is the official make-up artist for all of us. She’s the only one who knows anything about hair and make-up and stuff. Actually she did all of our make-up that night. She’s the best thing to ever happen to Chris. She brings balance to the little freak’s life.”

“Who’s the short one who could be a model, in the gray dress? Are her eyes actually that color? That really cool gray?”

“If she’s wearing gray, it has to be Stasia. Yeah, her eyes are really that gray, which is why she wears so many gray dresses.”

“With Lance right?”

“Lance’s better half. She is amazing. I mean, seriously amazing. She is easily the smartest person I’ve ever met. She has a goofy streak, is addicted to 80's music, completely understands Chris, gives the world’s best advice and makes Lance revoltingly happy.”

“She’s the one who had the stalker right?”

“Yeah. God that was awful! He almost killed her, twice. And then, as if almost getting killed isn’t bad enough, it turns out he was actually her father.”

“Sounds like a soap opera.” South shook her head, “She looks so normal.”

“Yeah.” Morgan nodded. “It was seriously horrible. She got fifteen stitches in her head, Lance almost got stabbed, his body guard got wacked on the head. Oh God, and then the trial. She is totally normal. Probably the most normal out of all of us.”

“That is unreal.” South pointed at the picture, “Who is this? God! I love her hair!”

“That is Lyn. Can you believe the curls and the color are real?”

“That is not fair! I’d kill for curl like that!” She leaned back in her chair a little, “Let’s see. Lyn is the teacher. JC’s friend.”

“Yeah. Well, no...sort of. She was a teacher...she’s working for Lance and Stasia now while she sues her old school. And she’s JC’s girlfriend now.”

“Ah. They hooked up huh?”

“It was only a matter of time with them. They are totally meant to be together. She is so strong and has been through so much in a few months with this law suit thing, but she has been worried about everyone else. She’s a really great friend. She and Justin are getting pretty close these days.”

South eyed Morgan carefully, “That’s very cool. So, by process of elimination, this girl has to be Angela.”

“Yep. Joey’s girlfriend. She is such a sweetie. I just love her to death. She is the most mellow out of all of us. She is really low key, I guess she levels Joe out some.”

South looked closer at the picture, “And what, is up with this dress you’re wearing Miss Hottie?”

Morgan laughed, “Stasia kept pulling the top and skirt up higher. It was fun.”

“She’s like the mom, huh?”

“Oh God NO! More like the really cool, over protective big sister. She’d do anything for any of us.”

“They all sound really cool. You think they’ll come visit? It’d be cool to actually meet them.”

“Are you kidding? I’m surprised they haven’t shown up yet. I think Lyn is the only one who understands why I’m here.”

South eyed her friend carefully, “Don’t get me wrong, I could not be happier that you’re here...but North, why are you here?”

“What do you mean? I’m here to finish school.” Morgan looked at her friend.

“Bull shit. You can lie to your other friends, you can lie to Justin, you can lie to your parents, but do you honestly think you can sit here looking me in the eye and lie to me?”

Morgan stood up and walked into the kitchen, “Where do we keep the glasses?”

“Next to the sink...on the left side. Don’t try to change the subject. What are you doing here...I mean, let’s be real. I’m pretty amazing, and a blast to hang out with, but we’re sitting in New Hampshire North. This isn’t exactly the party capital of the world.”

Morgan filled her glass with iced tea and walked back to the table, “I don’t know. I needed to get away.”

“From what?”


“See now, in my English to Northrup dictionary, ‘life’ is the same as ‘Justin’.”

“Justin is not my life.”

“Not the entire thing, Just the majority.”

“Shut up.”

“Oh I’m sorry. I know you hate it when I’m right.”

“Can we drop this?” Mor looked down the hall toward her room when she heard her cell phone ring, “Saved by the bell.” South rolled her eyes

She jogged down the hall and grabbed the phone off of the dresser, “Hello?”

“Hey woman.”


“So I guess you got there.”

“Well yeah. What did you think happened?”

“I don’t know. I guess I just thought you’d call or something.”

“I’ve been unpacking all day. Then South got home and we’ve been catching up and looking at pictures.”

“Oh. I was just getting worried. I can let you go. I guess you want to talk to South.”

“Yeah. I’ll call you later though. Where are you?”

“On the bus. Oh, I forgot. Lyn said hi and if you need anything you should call her.”

“OK. I’ll call her later too.”

“Why? Do you need something? Are you ok?”

“Justin, I’m fine. I was just saying I’d call to thank her.”

“Oh. OK. So, call later...if you have time...or not...whatever.”

“OK. Bye.” She hung up and starred at the phone.

When Mor sat down at the table South was flipping through her photo album, “God! JC got hot. What the hell? When did that happen? Is he happy with Lyn? Does he need a little distraction? Could he use his own private roadie?”

“Eww. JC is not hot. He’s...JC. And yes, he’s very happy with Lyn. You are sick.”

“So who was on the phone?”


South smirked, “What did he want?”

“To make sure I got here ok.”

South laughed as Morgan’s phone rang again, “I guess he wants to make sure you made it to the dining room ok now.”


“Hi!” Stasia’s voice was light and happy.


“I just called to make sure you have everything you need. Do you need food, or sheets or anything at all?”

Morgan laughed, “No. We’ve got food and sheets. No furniture, but we have food and sheets.”

“What do you mean no furniture?”

“I mean we have two lawn chairs and four milk crates in our living room.”

“Mor! Honey, you can’t live like that!”

“Sure we can. It’s just the living room. We both have beds. We’re fine.”

“I’m coming to visit and you are going to get some furniture.”

“No we aren’t. We’re fine I promise you.”

“Lawn chairs are not fine. You need a couch. And a big over stuffed chair to read in. And a desk...”

“I have a desk. Calm down.” Morgan had to laugh, Stasia wanted her to feel at home and couldn’t understand how she could feel at home without a couch.

“How was your flight?”

“It was fine. I had a layover in Boston, but that wasn’t so bad. We’ve had longer layovers in worse airports.”

“God! Do you remember that night in North Dakota?”

“When Chris was running around the room screaming about fried chicken and ribs?” Mor laughed.

“I thought I was going to kill him.”

“We all thought you were going to kill him.”

Stasia was quiet for a little too long before she said, “I wish you were here. Justin is being a major pain in the ass. No one can deal with him. You’re the only person who can ever pound him back into shape when he’s like this.”

“I’m not so sure I’m the person you need right now. Have Lyn talk to him, if that doesn’t work, get his momma on the phone, if that doesn’t work, you’re gonna have to call in Jonathon or Stephen. He cannot stay in a bad mood when he talks to them.”

“Lyn, then the other Lynne then the boys. Got it.” Stasia laughed, “Oh! Before I forget, did you get a dress for Dev and Ryan’s wedding yet?”

“No. I haven’t had time.”

“Oh good! Dani and I were shopping, and we found a dress that we both think would be perfect and I bought it, but then we couldn’t remember if you had a dress. But even if you don’t like it for the wedding, I think you’ll like it for something else.”

“Believe me, by now I have learned to trust your taste.”

“Wow. Thanks. I’ll ship it up to you so you can make sure it fits.”

“You’re the best.”

“Yeah....well...I try.”

“Still on the bus?”

“Uh uh. Hotel. Joey and Ang have already gone to dinner, JC and Lyn are in the next room looking at carry-out menus, Chris and Dani are working and Lance is sleeping and the dogs are sleeping and I’m...”


“Nope. Doing my nails.”

“I see.” Morgan laughed. Stasia was slightly transparent, but only because she had pulled this stunt with other people when Morgan had been with her. It was always Stasia’s belief that you had to get a person to talk for a little while to really be able to read their mood. “Stay...”


“I promise I’m fine.”

“Oh. I know. You already told me that. I’m just chatty. Sorry about that.”

“You know I love you.”

“But I should shut up now?”

“Pretty much.”

“OK. I’ll shut up. Expect that dress either tomorrow afternoon or the next morning.”

“I’ll keep my eyes open. Thanks Stasia.”

“Call if you need anything. Anything.”

“I will. Bye.”

Stasia shut her phone and looked at it for a few seconds.


Stasia’s eyes met Lyn’s and she tilted her head slightly, “She’s ok right now. I’m worried.”

“Me too.”

“You have no clue what’s going on?”

“I know she’s running. She’s running far, and fast.” Lyn, who had been pacing around the room as Stasia talked to Morgan, sat down hard on the couch, pushing her hair back with both hands.

“What is chasing her? What is she running away from?” Stasia chewed her cuticle.

“Or who?”

“Justin? But that just doesn’t make sense. They are a hundred times stronger when they get through stuff together. There isn’t anything that they couldn’t get through together.”

“I don’t know. Stasia, you should have seen his face when he told me she was moving to New Hampshire. He looked like he’d been punched in the stomach.”

“I’m sure that’s exactly how he felt. She really blind sided him with this whole thing. She blind sided all of us.”

“Something is really different with them. Strange. Strained.”

Stasia nodded slowly, “They’ve been weird for a few weeks.”

“Yeah. Since like...July.” Lyn pulled on a curl thoughtfully.

They both turned when Chris walked into the room,“Since Rhode Island.”

Stasia and Lyn looked at one another, “He’s right.”

“Of course I’m right. I’m right, because I know what happened.” Chris sat on the couch across from the two women.

Stasia’s eyes narrowed, just as Lyn’s were growing wider, “What do you mean, you know what happened?”

“I mean he told me.”

Lyn leaned forward, “Why haven’t you told us?”

“I promised I wouldn’t.”

“That’s never stopped you before.” Stasia rolled her eyes.

Chris looked at her and narrowed his eyes, “You happen to know that’s not true.”

“Sorry.” She looked down and nodded, “But you only secrets you keep are the ones that would hurt someone if they got out.” He nodded. “Chris, Who would get hurt?”

“I cannot tell you anything. I can’t do that.”

“So why did you tell us this much?” Lyn threw her hands in the air and scanned his face.

Stasia answered for him, “Because he knows we can figure it out, and either Justin or Morgan...or both of them need us to help.”

Chris stood up and patted Stasia’s head, “Give the little lady a prize.”

“So that was Stasia?”

“Yeah. “ Morgan laughed, “They send her in first to read people.”

South leaned back in her chair, rocking onto the two back legs, “Why do they think you need to be read?”

“Because they know me.” Morgan looked down at the open photo album. Her fingertips ran over the pictures of her friends.

“How long are we going to play this game North? I’d like to be able to say I’m one of your best friends...”

“You are.” Morgan nodded.

“And if you’re going to run away, I’m glad you had the sense to run here. But sweetie, I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

“I’m not running away from anything.”

South rolled her eyes, “Bull shit. This repeat conversation is already getting old. Why did you come here?”

“I needed to get away.”

“Jesus Morgan! Why?”

Morgan slowly turned to face her friend with tears rolling down her cheeks and whispered, “Because I fell in love with him.”
~Chapter 5~