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“It’s only a long weekend.” South, who was laying on her back in the middle of Morgan’s bed smirked as she watched Morgan rush around her room in a fevered attempt to pack for her trip to Mississippi, “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were excited and rushing to see the man you love.”

Morgan stopped cold and glared at her friend, “How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not in love with Justin anymore. It was like this momentary lapse in judgment. I’m over it.”

South tossed a pillow in the air and caught it, then tossed it again, “I said, ‘If I didn’t know better.’”

“Stop antagonizing me. I’m running late because of that stupid exam running over. I still haven’t called a cab to take me to the airport.” Morgan pushed her hair back with both hands and then zipped her hanging garment bag shut.

They both looked down the hall when someone knocked on the front door. South jumped up and jogged down the hall to see who was there. She stepped aside and grinned evilly at Morgan as she let Bob into the apartment.

Morgan said, “Hey! It’s Frat boy Bob! What’s up?” She turned back to her packing, and set a backpack in front of the picture of she and Justin on the dresser. She also tossed a scarf over the pictures of the rest of her friends on her desk.

“So Miss North, what are you packing for?” He sat backwards in her desk chair.

“I’ve got a wedding in Mississippi this weekend.” She turned her attention to South, “Would you mind calling a cab for me?”

South nodded, “Anything to get rid of you!”

Bob leaned forward a little, “I could take you.”

Morgan and South both turned to look at him and Mor shook her head, “No. You don’t have to do that.”

“I don’t mind at all. I’d like to take you.” He was obviously trying to act cool about it, not being overly excited.

“If you honestly don’t mind I’d appreciate it. I was getting nervous about getting there late.”

“Not a problem. I drove over here anyway.” He shrugged.

South raised an eyebrow, “Lazy much? We live two blocks from your house.”

Bob laughed, “Not even I am that lazy. I was on my way to the laundry mat.”

Morgan smirked, “Be careful, you may get more than clean clothes. I have some friends who fell in love in a laundry mat. I t must be the smell of soap in the air or something.”

South flopped down on the bed again, “Who fell in love at the laundry mat?”

Morgan shot her a dirty look, “Stasia and...” She paused for a second, “Jim.”

South’s eyes got wide, “Oh! Yeah, I forgot you told me about that.”

“Yeah, I thought I had.” Morgan rolled her eyes.

Bob looked at each of them strangely, “Umm, yeah. So North, are you all packed?”

“Yep! I’m ready to roll. I just need to double check that I have my tickets.” She reached for the backpack on the dresser, but when she noticed Bob watching her she moved to block his view of the picture.

After confirming she had her tickets and a book to read on the plane she turned, “I’m all ready.”

“Well let me grab this stuff for you.” Bob bent to pick up her suitcase and garment bag.

South helped them get everything loaded into the car and grinned at Morgan, “Now don’t forget to call when you get there. Say hello to the dork for me. Have a safe trip and I’ll borrow Jen’s car to pick you up on Sunday night.”

Morgan laughed, “OK mom.”

Slipping into the passenger seat of Bob’s car she smiled at him, “Thank you so much for doing this.”

“Not a problem.” He looked down at his lap for a moment as he shifted into gear, “Honestly, I’m kind of hoping you’ll feel like you owe me a favor.”

Morgan’s eyebrows shot up, “What kind of favor?”

“Well my fraternity is having this Fall Formal thing, and I was hoping you’d go with me. You know, to pay me back for the ride.” His eyes didn’t leave the road.

Her eyebrows drew together, “You want me to be your date?”

“Never mind.” He sped up a little.

“Clam down Frat Boy Bob! I was just checking. Sure I’ll go to your thing with you.” She laughed, “Did you think I was saying no?”

He gave her a crooked grin, “Yeah.”

“You’re a dork.” She nudged him with an elbow, “So when is this big event?”

“Two weeks from Saturday. You’re going to have to get a dress. I hope that you’ll have time.”

Morgan laughed, “Trust me. I’m sure I have something I can wear. Or I can borrow something this weekend from one of my friends.”

“Cool.” He smiled and turned up the radio a little.

Walking down the narrow jet way from the plane Morgan shifted her bags again as someone bumped into her. She shot the man a dirty look and was even more annoyed when he gave her an equally dirty look in return. As she stepped out into the terminal it suddenly dawned on her that she had no idea who was supposed to be there to pick her up. She had a feeling of panic that she way going to have to get a cab to take her to Lance’s house which was the last thing she wanted to do the day before a major event. They didn’t need a cab driver giving tours of Lance’s neighborhood.

“Hey lady, need a ride?”

She turned to see Justin standing half hidden behind a pillar, wearing his knit hat and a pair of sunglasses. She smiled brightly and walked quickly over to him dropping her bags and hugging him tightly, “HI!”

After being momentarily startled, his arms snaked around her back and he lifted her up off of the floor, “Hi yourself! I guess you missed me.” He gave her a slow smile.

She rolled her eyes as she bent to pick up her bags, shoving two of them at him, “Like I miss having the flu.”

“Nice Morgan.” He laughed. It seemed that his Morgan had walked off of the plane. There was none of the awkward tension that had been so strong between them before she left for school. She was happy and smiling, joking and...normal.

“OK. I guess I missed you a little.” She bumped him with her hip, “By the way. I’m sorry about the drunken call. I have no idea what I said, but if I embarrassed myself...well that wouldn’t be anything new.”

“Any more luggage?” He asked as they made their way away from the gate.

“Heck no. I learned a long time ago to only bring as much as I can carry through a crowded airport.” She grinned up at him.

He looked down at her. Her dark hair was literally tied in a messy knot at the back of her head. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a white peasant shirt. She looked adorable, “So how are your classes going?”

Mor rolled her eyes, “I thought I was going to miss a flight because I had an exam that ran over. But they are going well. I still can’t believe I’m going to graduate in May.”

As they walked through the sea of people she realized she could anticipate his every move. She was so used to him that she knew which way he was going to move when someone tried to cut them off or stopped short in front of them. He always walked with the same long strides, no matter who he was with or where he was going. Even thought they were in the middle of a crazy airport, he walked with his head up and shoulders back, Justin never hid.

They stepped out of the building into the bright sunlight and she slipped on her sunglasses. “And then what happens next...after graduation?” Justin pointed at Stasia’s car where it was illegally parked by the curb. He opened her car door for her.

“I have no idea. I suppose I should have that figured out by now. It’s time that I stop accepting support from everyone else.” She sighed as she fastened her seatbelt.

“You don’t have to make any decisions. And maybe some people like helping you.” He sounded a bit hurt.

“Trust me, I’m willing to mooch for a while. But I have to grow up right?”

He glanced sideways at her, “Why? I don’t plan on growing up.” He grinned, “Work for Lance and Stasia.”

Morgan laughed, “Not everyone can work for Lance and Stasia.”

“Work for Chris and Dani.”

“Are you trying to keep me under your control forever?” She teased him.

“Not under my control, just nearby. I don’t like you being in New Hampshire, you’re too far away.”

“Have I ever forgotten about you while you were on the road? I’ll be back in Florida in May.”

He decided he didn’t want things to even have a chance to develop into an argument so he changed the subject, “So what else is new?”

She laughed, “Funny thing happened today. A guy asked me to go to his fraternity formal with him in a couple of weeks.”

“What guy?” He moved the car into the turn lane.

“His name is Bob....”

“Frat Boy Bob? The idiot that made you do keg stands?” His head whipped around to look at her.

“How do you....” Realization hit her, “I guess I mentioned him when I was drunk.”

Justin turned back to the road, “So are you going?”

“Yeah. I mean, it should be fun and it’s not like he held me down and poured the alcohol down my throat.” She shook her head, “What else did I have to say?”

“It was understandable that you were upset. You told me your mom had called.”

“Margot is such a ray of sunshine!” Morgan slouched in her seat, “I did forget to call my dad on his birthday though.”


“No of course not.” She shook her head.

“So what’s the big deal?”

“Margot would make a paper cut a big deal. That’s just the joy of knowing my mother.” She rolled her head against the seat back to look at him, “So what’s new with you?”

“Um...tour is good. Every-fucking-one is madly in love and making me want to puke.”

“They are our friends, be happy for them.” She smiled at him.

“I know. I am. It just sucks.”

Morgan nodded, “I know. It does suck.”

As they pulled into the driveway Morgan sighed, “Only Stasia and Lyn could pull this off.”

“It’s like a wedding cake blew up over the house and this is where it all landed.” Justin shook his head, “Why do you guys get so into this shit?”

Morgan shrugged, “Don’t get me wrong, I think this is beautiful, but this is not how I picture my wedding day. All of this frilly crap would drive me nuts.”

Justin smirked, “So what would you do?”

“If I were planning it right now it would be barefoot on a beach at sunset. Nothing frilly, no huge dress, just me the man I love and the people closest to us. Simple.” She shrugged, “That’s what I’d do.”

“Sounds pretty good to me.” He smiled and pulled her bags out of the trunk.

“Well, I guess I’ve always been the anti-girl girl.”

“True. But you have one hell of a jump shot for a girl, so it’s all good.”

As they made their way into the house the insanity hit full force. Stasia was dashing up the stairs with an arm load of tulle. Lyn was running out the backdoor with a stack of table clothes. Dani was fighting with all five dogs on the ends of their leashes. She could see Lance and Joey washing the windows in the kitchen. JC and Chris were standing in the middle of the living room looking very confused and holding several tuxedos on hangers.

Morgan walked into the living room and smirked, “What are you boys doing?”

JC’s face lit up, “Mor! Hi! How was your trip? I’d give you a huge hug, but my hands are sort of full.”

She shifted her weight, “I don’t even rate a hug anymore?”

Chris shook his head, “We’re afraid to move. If we do anything wrong, we will be beaten.”

“The girls have you pretty frightened huh?” She walked over and kissed each of them on the cheek.

Chris nodded, “We’re deathly afraid...and I had an unfortunate incident early this morning, so I’m behaving.”

“An incident huh?” She grinned.

“There was a scooter, a dance floor and a tent got ugly.”

Morgan squinted at him for a moment, “Tried to ride a scooter across the dance floor and knocked down a tent?”

JC laughed, “You’re scary. And technically it was not a scooter, it was a caterers cart.”

Morgan laughed, “I would have given it a shot.” She winked at Chris.

“THANK YOU!” He looked very satisfied.

“Well, you two stay put. I’m going to say hi to Joey and Lance and then find the women for my job assignment.”

JC yelled after her, “Hey Mor!”


“It’s good to have you back.”

“Thanks JC.” She walked through the kitchen onto the deck where Lance caught sight of her. He jogged over and scooped her up in a big bear hug, “Hey stranger!”

“Hey yourself!” Lance kissed her forehead, “We have missed you so much!”

Joey pushed Lance, “Share the love man!” Joey hugged her, “Tell me you’re going to stay. Please tell me school is overrated and you’re going to stay.”

“Sorry. I’m only gone until May and then you’ll have to put up with me while I try to figure out what I want to do when I grow up.” She hugged him back, “I don’t think I’ve seen Angela yet.”

Joey laughed, “There was a major napkin emergency so she was dispatched to the linen place with Cat.”

“I hate napkin emergencies!” Morgan shook her head slowly.

“Lance smirked when they were freaking out about the napkins, so he got the two of us stuck on window duty.” Joey glared over at Lance.

Morgan smiled brightly, “I would think you’d know better than to smirk about a napkin emergency.”

Lance hung his head, “I know. I know.”

“I’m going to find Stasia and Lyn to see where I can help.”

Lance shook his head, “It’s not too late for you. You could run. Run for all of us who didn’t have a chance.”

“Harry, I can hear you.” Stasia’s voice drifted down from the balcony above.

Joey covered his mouth with a hand to stifle his laugh. He whispered, “You’re in trou-ble.”

“I can hear you too Joe.”

Morgan giggled, “Hey Stay!” She bounced up the staircase at the end of the deck leading up to the second floor balcony.

Stasia ran to meet her, “You are a sight for sore eyes!”

“Boy. I should go away more often. I like this welcome.” Morgan hugged her friend.

“Things just haven’t been the same without you around. We have all missed you, but Justin...he’s been...”

“Out of control.” Lyn added as she walked onto the balcony from Lance and Stasia’s room.

Morgan leaned against the railing, “Is that so?”

“Oh yeah.” Stasia nodded, “He’s been...difficult.”

Lyn pushed her curls back with both hands, “He’s having a hard time adjusting to you being gone. He’s all snappy and cranky. JC locked himself in the bathroom on the bus to get away from him two weeks ago.”

“God.” Mor rolled her eyes, “I’ll have to talk to him. I have no idea what crawled up his ass and died.”

Lyn and Stasia exchanged knowing looks, “You did.” Stasia answered for both of them.

“Me? What did I do?” Morgan was genuinely concerned.

Stasia leaned against the railing, looking out at the rolling lawn now partially covered by six huge white tents, “Mor, you kind of shocked all of us with this whole New Hampshire thing, but Justin...Justin felt like he should have seen it coming. He felt like he had really missed some big sign. And if he missed a big sign, is he really the friend to you that he thought he was?”

Morgan turned to look out at the yard with Stasia and Lyn moved to stand next to her as well, “It wasn’t anything he missed. He couldn’t have possibly have seen this coming.”

Lyn nudged Morgan with her shoulder, “I think you two need to have a long and serious discussion.”

Morgan’s head dropped and then landed on the railing between her hands, “I can’t talk to him until I know what to say.”

“What do you want to say to him?” Stasia threw her arm across Morgan’s shoulders.

“I don’t know.”

Lyn put her arm around Morgan’s waist, “You will. Give it a little more time.”

Stasia straightened up, “OK, we’re only happy today. No sadness, no confusion.”

Morgan turned to look at her, “OK. Give me a job to do!”

Stasia smiled, “There is a box of floating candles in the garage, can you take it down to the pool. Half of the candles will be in the pool, the other half are going to go out on the lake. So if you can get the box and take half of the candles out and put them somewhere near the pool so we can light them and float them tomorrow night, then do the same at the lake.”

“Sounds easy enough.” Morgan gave her a little salute, “Consider it done.”

Morgan was standing in the garage with her hands on her hips looking around confused. When her eyes landed on the box labeled ‘candles’ her jaw dropped. The box was wider than her arm span and half as tall as she was. “This ought to be interesting.” She raised an eyebrow. She opened the top of the box to see if it was the right one.

She pushed the box through the open garage door. She was attempting to shove it up the slight incline where the grass met the driveway when Justin ran up, “Looks like you could use a hand here.”

“Thank you. When Stasia said there was a box of candles, I didn’t realize that it would be big enough for three people to get in.”

Justin easily hoisted the box up off of the ground and then looked down at her, “Where to?”

“The pool.” She bounced along next to him, “What were you doing?”

“Trying to avoid washing windows.” He grinned evilly. He had taken off his hat and sunglasses and she was able to see his eyes for the first time. He looked tired. The look in his eyes scared her a little.

She directed him to set the box down on one of the lounge chairs. As she began taking candles out of the box she looked up at him, “You ok?”

“Yeah. Why?” He shot her a confused look.

“You look a little tired.” She began neatly lining up the candles along the edge of the pool.

Back on the balcony Lyn called Stasia, “It worked.”

“What worked? Stasia walked out of her bedroom folding a length of thick white satin ribbon.

“Sending Morgan to move that box. He immediately went to help her.” Lyn pointed to the pair working near the pool.

“Those two need all of the help they can get.” Stasia shook her head and walked back into her room.

Morgan smiled at her reflection in the full length mirror in Lance and Stasia’s guest room. She was very proud of the way she had pulled together her look for Dev and Ryan’s wedding. She had chosen a navy dress. It’s strapless top and the flowing fabric of the skirt were perfect for the warm, autumn Mississippi day. The skirt fell in long layers to her ankles and moved gracefully when she walked. Her hair had chosen to behave and was laying shiny and perfectly straight. She sat on the edge of the bed to fasten her strappy sandals and only half glanced up when Justin let himself into the room.

He was looking down at his own chest, attempting to tie his own tie, “Mor, can you tie this for me? Stasia is busy and told me to learn to tie it myself...”

He stopped short when her hands slid into his view, taking the fabric between her fingers, “She’s right you know. You should learn to tie your own tie.”

He watched as her fingers made quick work of tying a perfect knot, “I know how to do it. You guys just do it better...” He finally completely looked at her and his breath caught slightly, “Wow. You”

When her cheeks blushed slightly, she looked even more stunning, “Thanks.”

Moving to sit on the edge of the bed he slowly shook his head, “Wow.”

“It’s not like this is the first time you’ve ever seen me dressed up.” She reached for her earrings.

“Yeah, I know. But you look really...pretty.” he held out both of his hands.

Placing her hands in his she took a step closer to him, “I’m glad you approve.”

He moved the top layer of fabric on her skirt with a finger, “How are you going to keep this closed?”

“Who said I wanted it to stay closed?” She winked at him.

His jaw dropped and he nodded, “Well ok then.”

She rolled her eyes, “The under layer is sewn shut. No free shows today.”

Justin stood and wrapped his arms around her, “I’m glad you came.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it.” She squeezed him.

Lance walked into the room and clamped his hand over his eyes, “SORRY! I’M SO SORRY! I’m having a really hard time moving around my own house without seeing...ok, I’m leaving.”

Justin and Morgan both laughed. Mor gave him a lop sided grin, “You seen lots of hugging today?”

Lance stopped and sighed, “Hugging?”

Justin rolled his eyes, “What did you think? We were getting it on half an hour before the wedding?”

“’s just that JC and Lyn were tux was wrong...and then you guys...” He sighed, “You know what? I’m shutting up now.”

“That might be a good idea.” Justin smiled, “You ready to go mingle Mor?”

“Yep.” She slipped her arm through his and winked at Lance as they walked past him out of the room.

Lance stood there shaking his head, “Why did I come in here?” He looked around shrugged and left the room.

The wedding had been very emotional and very touching. JC, Lance and Lyn had all given wonderful toasts and the party had moved to the dance floor. Morgan leaned against the bar sipping her drink and watching her friends. She felt at home with them, completely relaxed.

Most of the guests had left and only the younger people remained. She laughed as Chris and Stasia danced together to Get Down Tonight by KC and The Sunshine Band. She couldn’t help laughing, the pair had some unbelievable dance moves.

Lyn was dancing with Dev, Cat and Lis. The sisters were hugging one another and gladly opened their circle slightly when JC and Ryan danced over.

Dani and Angela were sitting at a table at the edge of the dance floor laughing hysterically about something.

It was when her eyes fell on Joey and Justin that her pulse quickened. Justin had removed his tie and jacket, rolled up his shirt sleeves and unbuttoned the top few buttons on his shirt. She was a little stunned to see him smile when she looked at him. He was watching her. Joey turned to see what he was looking at and smirked a little. Justin motioned for her to come over and she walked across the dance floor to join them.

Justin draped his arm over her shoulders, “Hey you. What were you doing over there by yourself?”

“Watching people.” She smiled.

“See anything interesting?” Joey leaned against a table.

Morgan sighed, leaned against Justin’s side and slipped her arm around his waist, “Just family.”

Justin kissed her temple lightly, “Suddenly homesick?”

“Nothing sudden about it.”

Joey tossed his tie on the table, “You could come home.”

Morgan laughed quietly, “Have you guys ever noticed we don’t talk about home as a specific place?”

Joey cocked his head slightly and then said, “Well yeah. Of course not. Home is where you’re loved and surrounded by your loved ones. We all happen to have home.”

Justin nodded in agreement, “Yeah. I guess that’s the way I look at it too. Home is where these people are.” He gestured to their friends.

Mor sighed again, “Why am I always the last one to figure this stuff out?”

Joey cupped her cheek slightly, “Think of it this way, it’s a good thing you’re pretty.”

She rolled her eyes, “Thanks Joe.”

“Anytime. I’m here to help.” He walked away to talk to Angela

Justin turned to face Morgan fully, “If you ever want to come home, you just say the word and it’s done. No questions asked.”

“I know.”

He turned as the song ended and a slow song began, “Dance with me?”

“Sure.” She smiled brightly.

He slipped his hand into hers and led her to the dance floor. They were not talking as his arms pulled her tightly against his chest. She let her head find his shoulder and his chin rested on top of her head.

I don't get many things right the first time
In fact, I am told that a lot
Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls
Brought me here

And where was I before the day
That I first saw your lovely face?
Now I see it everyday
And I know

That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest

What if I'd been born fifty years before you
In a house on a street where you lived?
Maybe I'd be outside as you passed on your bike
Would I know?

And in a white sea of eyes
I see one pair that I recognize
And I know

That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest

I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you

Next door there's an old man who lived to his nineties
And one day passed away in his sleep
And his wife; she stayed for a couple of days
And passed away

I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way to tell you that I know we belong
That I know

That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest

Justin slowly leaned back to look into Morgan’s eyes. He seemed to move without thinking, his hand moved to caress her cheek and he slowly bent his head to kiss her lightly. It was soft and sweet and she kissed him back with equal tenderness. His thumb caressed her cheekbone and he smiled slightly, “Can we talk?”

The song Justin & Morgan dance to is The Luckiest by Ben Folds
~Chapter 8~