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Picture Page 2: @ the shop

Here are some of Pics of the car at the shop.

Going to the shop. :-(

Here is a picture of the car getting loaded up on to the trailer before we took it to the body shop. To bad I ended up haveing to drive it down. The ramps got real wet, and every time I gave it a little gas, it started to slip off. The last thing I needed was for my car to fall off of the trailer. The other is my baby sitting out in front of the shop waiting for its make-over!

The Front

Here are a couple shots of the front of the car from both sides. It is not quite ready to get painted, but this was taken back in November, and I have not been down to see it since.

Repair To The Quarters

Also, here are a couple of the quarter panels. We were unable to find any rust free quarters, so he had weld in some new metal, and aluminum putty. Who really cares what it looks like now, it is the finished copy that counts. I’ll have more pics when it is all done, whenever that may be. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Picture page 3
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