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The three kids, Joshua, Corey and Jim, are all set for their first day in the club. The meeting has begun. They are waiting for other kids to come. The club is only for people who like Power Rangers and can draw good. They sat there waiting and waiting for hours. Then the unexpected happened, a little girl showed up at the club. But she did not know how to draw.

Joshua told her, “This is a club for people who can draw.”

Then the girl asked, “Why do you need some drawings of Power Rangers?"

Jim told her, “Because we don’t have any pictures of the old Power Rangers.”

The little girl said to them, “Why don’t you try getting pictures off the Internet?” Then she walked away.

Joshua, Corey and Jim decided to change the club. It is now for people that like Power Rangers, know how to use the Internet and have a computer.

They sat down waiting a couple more hours.

Corey said, “I think I know why no one is coming, it is because we do not have signs up to let people know that we have a club here.”

Jim said, “Well let’s get to work then.”

They went to a photo copy machine to make copies of posters telling people about the club. Will they be able to find someone that knows about the Internet? To be continued..................