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Joshua was about to put the picture of Goldar into the device of their dreams when Jim asked, “Wait, what will the Villian do when it sees us?”

Gene said, “Nothing, the device of our dreams will bring all things to life in frunt of the old burnt house.”

Joshua asked, “Now how did you know that?”

Gene said, “Just put the picture in.”

So Joshua put the picture of Goldar into the device of their dreams and out came a beam of light. The light went to the burnt house just like Gene said. They were all like, Wow. Gene said, “Ok Joshua, put in the other pictures.”

So Joshua put another picture of Finster into the device of their dreams, and another beam came out. And the same happened when he put in the pictures of Squatt, Babboo and Rita. Corey said, “Now put in the picture of the Pink Ranger.”

Joshua put the picture of the Pink Ranger in but nothing happened again. Jim asked, “Now why isn’t it working?”

Gene said, “Because it only had enough power to use five pictures for now, But when it catches back up, it will only let us use one picture until it has to charge up again.”

Corey asked, “When will it be charged up again?”

Gene said, “Maybe in two hours.”

Corey asked, “Two hours, what are the Villians going to do whill we wait for two hours?”

Gene said, “Well, they will probably try to destory the city like they allways do.”

Corey said, “Oh.”

Then Jim asked, “Well what do we do until the two hours are up?”

Joshua said, “I have an Idea, to keep the Villians busy.”

Corey asked, “What?”

Joshua said, “Come on, follow me.”

So they all left the house to follow Joshua.