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Heyz!! I guess since your here ya wanna know a lil' about me. Well, first of all...I'm 21 and a senior at Wright State University, majoring in Biomedical Engineering/Pre-Med. Blah, Blah..all that good stuff. I'm into RaViN, clubbin, Musik, dancin, writing, sports, playin my, all that kindsa stuff. Currently I am SINGLE and lovin my freedom :) IF i do settle down anytime soon the guy is gonna have to be pretty great cuz to be honest I'm real picky. I can't stand to date a guy...have him get all serious and then me not know what to do cuz I'm not as into him as he is me or whatever ya know....basically like most college kidz...I'm just tryin to have FUN right now :) :)!!! Well, that's pretty much it!! If ya wanna know more IM me, e-mail me.....whatever.




Lata Lataz!!!