Charsi Briahna Grundy
12:20pm, October 14th, 2000
7lb 6oz , 20.5"
Rolled from her back to her side on day 1
20th October:
Starts chewing
21st October:
Cord fell off,
Watched the mobile go around,
Noticed she tries to put her dummy back in herself before complaining if she cannot,
Can support her head pretty good from an upright position, and is learning to lift it up when on her stomach
22nd October:
Starting to smile at people and things, rather than grimace,
Tries to push herself up when on her stomach,
Starts "talking"
Slept 7 hours last night, instead of the normal 4 hours
4th November:
Rolled over completely for the first time.
28th November:
I got sick - didnt affect Charsi at all
30th November:
Started supplementing with formula to avoid dehydration
2nd December:
Received Nannas gifts! Thank you!!! =)
Asked Charsi if she liked her new jumper, and she smiled
15th December:
Noticed hair growing back on her head - looks red!
17th December:
Noticed her saying gugu rather than just gurgling
22nd December:
Reached up and grabbed my breakfast bowl for the first time!
25th December:
Continues to sleep thru the night - is now sleeping 6-8hrs each night,
wakes for a feed then sleeps another 4
(but then is awake most of the day)
January 4th, 2001
Went in for our Doctors visit, said she was too small,
and booked an appointment for a lactation consultant.
January 5th
Went to our appointment, and heard some suggestions,
learnt that Charsi isnt getting enough to eat,
and am basically having problems BFing.
Started supplementing formula, and working on getting my milk supply back to where it should be.
January 10th
Has been 5 days now, and no change in the amount of milk im producing.
Is getting very stressful for both me and Charsi at feedtimes when she screams for more, then wont accept the bottle.
Has started grabbing at fingers waved in front of her.
January 12th
FINALLY accepts the bottle! Until now, weve had to pour/squirt the stuff into her mouth while she screams.
January 13th
Have learnt that she wont accept the bottle right after BFing,
so have started expressing my milk to feed to her thru a bottle.
January 14th
Back to the Doctors today, shes gained one pound in the last week!
January 17th
Charsi was upset, and I sat her up and asked her what was wrong.
I said "Are you hungry?" and she screwed up her face and fussed for a second,
then I asked "Are you wet?" and she gave me a smile.
So I checked her nappy, and was wet.
January 23rd
Has started wiggling her fingers when waved at, trying to imitate. Is kewl to watch her little mind at work figuring all this out!
Starts screaming - talking loudly! noisy baby!!
January 24th
I stop BFing.
January 26th
I regret stopping.
January 30th
I dont regret stopping anymore
February 4th
Showing interest in crawling!
February 6th
Asked her 'Wheres Mummy' and 'Wheres Daddy' multiple times thru the day and she turned her head towards mummy or daddy when asked.
February 8th
Noticed while playing everquest that she would hit the space bar on my puter and make my character jump. She liked it, so bought her a toy. :)
February 15th
Noticed that for the past week shes been sleeping from midnight thru till 10am.
Learnt how to take off my glasses =P
February 20th
Has formed a habit of sucking on her bottom lip. Is very cute and will try to get a pic asap!
February 24th
Got pix!!! Will be up soon =)
February 27th
Put pix up!
March 13th
New pix!
Had a 'reality check/wakeup call' when I read a webpage and now believe I know what it is to be a mother... At least have a much better idea than I did before. :) Is KEWL!! Am enjoying every minute with her now rather than wanting her to grow up.
March 15th
I learn that it can be difficult to try to talk on the phone with a baby that cries when told no....
March 17th
Has acquired a fascination for noses... Has woken me up twice now by grabbing my nose..
March 20th
Has been REALLY fussy for the past few days.. is seemingly no reason why.. She is tired.. but doesnt want to/cannot sleep.. Maybe she has started fighting sleeping. Or just cant for some reason. She seems to have trouble staying asleep too... she'll wake up in the middle of the night. Have felt her gums.. and looked and all, and havent felt or seen anything...
March 21st, 3:30am...
Has turned into an insomniac! She never sleeps anymore!!! =/ Am wondering what happened to my happy baby girl! And am hoping for more than 4 hours sleep for a change...
March 22nd
She sleeps!! At last, she sleeps!! :)
March 27th
New Pix!
March 29th
If there ever was a stinkiest poop award, She just won it!!! =PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
March 30th
Has learnt how to scoot on her back!
April 1
After listening to me do it for so long, she has finally learnt how to do it. It is on the new sounds page that I added yesterday! "An answer for everything"
April 3
Spills a full cup of water all over daddys keyboard. It doesnt work now, so she got herself a new toy. =)
Put the crib up, finally. She screamed when we put her in it.
April 5
Is getting used to her crib slowly... Using it for nappy changes and leaving her in it for a while each day. Will put her there at nap time when she gets more comfortable with it, and then maybe even bedtime!!! lol
Has started making soft 'talking' sighing noises, not screaming or grunting anymore.
More pix coming soon - either today, tomorrow or the day after, whenever I get the chance.
Put lotsa pix up today! Youll notice 2 new pages.. but the vidcam battery went dead so more coming soon... =)
April 6
Went to Kings Island, a big amusement park here. The visit was not long enough, and we thought the queues were great - not too long. (This was the preview day before the season actually started here). This theme park holds the record at the moment for the worlds tallest, fastest, and only looping wooden coaster, so of course, hadta ride it! Was the best coaster I have ridden too. Was quite unpredictable, a wonderful thing.
April 8
Grandma stayed another couple of days, and Chuck and I went back to the theme park today. We bought a season pass (the amusement parks here are only open from april thru October to avoid the snowy icy seasons), and found that if we bought a pass before may sometime, we got a gold pass for the normal season pass price. These have been our first outings alone since she was born! Was highly enjoyed by both of us.
The queues were a lot shorter today than they were yesterday! We were both impressed, and made for a very nice day, riding all the coasters one to three times. Tried getting up early to make the period between 9-10am where the park was only open to gold pass holders, but just cant get up that early... LOL! But the park was still surprisingly empty all morning, and will just have to catch it on a different day if we want to! Ended up leaving early (2 hours before close time) because of pure exhaustion.. (and sore feet!!!)
April 9
She waved at me when I waved hello!!!
She is getting very mobile, rolling easily from her back to her belly and scooting around.. Not crawling yet.. she scoots on her back and when she rolls onto her belly she gets upset because she gets herself stuck and cant reach anything... still working on trying to roll back onto her back.
oh and around the 4th sometime, she discovered that banging her dummy/binkie on the table makes noise.
And the baby milestones page Im looking at says by 6 months, only a few kids can drag things towards them.. Charsi has been doing this for maybe a full month now - that page cannot be right...
April 10
Is learning how to scoot around on her belly.. not actually crawling yet, but I can see it coming. :)
April 12
Very fussy today and the past few nights.. When she gets tired she doesnt want to eat, sleep, stay awake..and when I put her down now for anything - to fix her food, she gets fussy too, which is very unlike her, she is most patient. Have been putting her in her crib to sleep at night for a few nights now.. and this new fussiness started at about the same time, come to think of it. hmm. Went into a chat and they said seperation anxiety might be starting now, which would be quite appropriate actually - as soon as we decide to try get her to sleep alone..... :/ haha.
April 15
April 16
Is very talkative on the phone, and even holds it to her ear like we do.
April 19
Went to the doctor for her 6 month check up and shots today.. Only screamed while they were being given. She weighs 17.2 pounds now, which is a great weight for how tall she is, and is in the 75th percentile for height. She is 27 inches long/tall however you want to say it. =)
April 20
Fever of 101F (38.33C).. gave her some tylenol. A temp is normal after shots so am not so worried, and tylenol brought it back down.
April 23
Again, VERY fussy past couple of days. No clue why.. still cannot see or feel any teeth in there... Am starting to think its just a consequence of having such a happy baby most of the time... shes just gotta be fussy sometimes... =/ lol
April 29
Learns how to kiss!
April 30
Gave Daddy and I a kiss!
Woke up screaming last night at 4am.. a cry Ive never heard before. Am thinking either nightmare or teething.. Brought her into our bed for a little while calmed her down and she went back to sleep.
Realised I have seen her grinning over the past couple of days but her eyes were in pain.. so yes, I believe shes teething.
May 11
Has taken to saying "dadada" in the highest pitch her voice will allow.
Is getting hairy!! and looks like she is going to be blonde.
May 22
Teeth!! Two little bottom teeth have just sprung thru the gums!!
May 23
Took her to the Dr for her little eye infection, and he gave us some stuffs to fix it. She weighs 20pounds now.
May 26
Eye infection gone, and shes learnt how to whisper! Is now whispering "dada".
Has a wider vocabulary now, consisting of dada, bobo, nana. Still has not said mama. =P But is saying everyone elses name, so maybe I'm next.
May 29
Was quiet until dad came home from work, when she looked over at him, back at me, and said "dada" with a big smile.
May 30
Might just learn how to crawl after all. Noticed that when reaching for something in front of her that is just out of her reach, she will use her feet to try to push herself forward enough to reach it. Still needs to work on co-ordination, letting her hands know what her feet are doing.. she fell on her face when her feet got a successful push!
June 30
She has learnt to wave when we say "Hi!" !!!
Waves at the baby in the mirror!
July 9
Has started standing up!! She will use either mum, dad, or the side of the crib to stabilize herself with, and will pull herself up to a standing position! =)
July 11
Is trying to stand up using anything that looks high and stable enough. Wont stand up on her toys, but will use furniture. Will stand up when being read her bedtime story. =)
July 12
Put her down for her nap, and 5 mins later, she starts screaming. I think this is odd, so I walk in and check on her, she is standing up. I guess she didnt know how to get down!
July 16
Is crawling now very well!
Seems to enjoy crawling off the mattress, and then back up onto it. Will prefer playing with her toys on the floor, than on the mattress..
Will take steps forward when she stands up to get closer to what shes leaning on.
July 17
Said mamamamama WOOT!!!!
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