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Starting Lineup 1989 Football FS/FT

Site Updated on 8-26-00

Allen $44 Banks $110 Bavaro (2) $65 Bennett $74 Blades $150 Brister $60 Brown E. $44 Brown T. $89 Bryant $44 Burt $150 A. Carter $45 Chandler $140 Covert $325 Dixon $125 Dorsett $115 Elway $190 Esiason $39 Everett $25 Ferrell $350 Fulcher $125 Givins $69 Gordon (2) $150 Haley $240 Hinkle $379 Jackson K. $44 G. James $50 Jones S. $119 Kelly $75 Kosar $40 Krumrie $150 Lott $100 Manley $30 Mann $40 Marino $185 Marshall $115 McMichael $350 Millard $90 Miller (3) $50 Minnifield $95 Minnifield(er)$150 Montana $109 Moon $64 Munoz (2) $215 Nattiel $44 Noonan $149 Pueller (2) $95 Simms $34 Singletary $35 Slaughter $45 Stephens $45 Stouffer $50 Swilling $69 Tippett $50 Toney $36 Toon $34 Veris $350 Wilson W. $120 Young $350

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