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Welcome To The Video Page

Here is a list of video's that the Fungiman currently has available

Hello. The video's that I've listed above are $20.00 each plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery. Walking with Wildflowers I and II deal with spring, summer and early fall wilflowers. Over 50 different wildflowers are featured with brief descriptions of each. Hunting White Morels is an excellent how to video for beginning mushroom hunters. You can learn how to recognize the various habitats that morels grow in and the types of trees that morels prefer. A Ginseng Hunt deals with the art of harvesting Ginseng roots for sale in the oriental markets. You'll learn the habitats and regulations concerning Ginseng and discover how you can make this a profitable hobby. Walking with Mushrooms is a more advanced video identification guide for edible mushrooms throughout the year. You'll learn how to recognize over twenty different wild mushrooms and their habitats. And finally, Mushrooms on Parade. Sit back in your easy chair and watch a variety of mushrooms march across your screen to the sound of nature. If your interested in any of these videos please send a check or money order to L.C. Hammond P.O. Box 67 South-Salem OH 45618 Thanks, The Fungiman.