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Dryad Saddle Mushrooms

Hi There! So you want to know more about Dryad Saddles? Dryad Saddles are wonderful mushrooms. The trick is to harvest them when their young. About 2 inches in diameter is best. Dryad Saddles are shelf mushrooms that grow on dying trees. They get their name from the fact that they look like saddles sticking out on the side of the host tree. They have a light brown mottled coloration that also gives them the name "Pheasants Back." They have another interesting characteristic. When fresh they have an aroma and taste like cucumbers or watermelon rind. I kid you not. The cucumber flavor disappears when cooked and a more traditional mushroom flavor takes it's place. When I dry my saddles I slice them into thin slivers. I have found that this adds in their dehydration and helps to make them tender and retain their flavor. Look for saddles in the spring when the white morel mushrooms begin to make their appearance. They usually fruit twice a year. Once in the spring and in late summer if temperatures and humidity are right.