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Chapter Twenty

"No, Mother, I don’t need you to stay here," I said for the millionth time.

"Are you absolutely sure? Didn’t I hear Josh saying he was going to be filming abroad for three months? And he’s leaving in a month? You’ll need someone-"

"Justin and Laura are right around the corner."

"I heard JC said they were going on tour," she argued.

"Not a concert tour, it’s a talk show tour. They’ll be back by the end of August! Plus, Hannah, Laura, and Kelly will still be here, not even 5 minutes away!"

"Well, can’t you-"

"I have a job, Mother! I can’t just fly up to Connecticut and stay with you and Daddy for three months."

"You got a job, and you’re just going to have to take off in a few months?"

"It’s an at-home job. I’m designing clothes for Justin to wear when he goes on tour in late-December," I explained, exasperated. "So I won’t even have to take off work. I’ll be right here to take care of Danny, and Johnny’s sure to give me a break once the time comes."

"Well…if you’re sure…" she said, sounding unconvinced.

"I’m sure!" I glanced at my watch. "You guys better get going, can’t be late!" I turned and called, "Danny! Come say good-bye to Grandma and Grandpa!"

He scrambled out of his room and past me, while Josh strolled out of the room and stood next to me, his arm around my waist.

"Bye Gamma! Bye Gampa!"

"Bye Sweetie," my mom said, scooping him up. "I love you."

"I wuv you, too."

"Bye Kiddo," my dad said, ruffling his hair. "See ya soon, right?"

"Yeah!" Danny exclaimed, suddenly very excited.

"Bye Mom, bye Daddy. Thank you for coming down here," I stepped in.

"Anytime sweetheart," my dad said, hugging me tight and kissing the top of my head.

"Yes, anytime. And congratulations. Just make sure you take good care of herself. Josh, make sure she’s taking care of herself." My dad nodded in agreement.

"Yes ma’am," Josh said, taking Danny from her arms so she could get her bags. "It was nice seeing you both again."

"And you, too son," my dad said, shaking Josh’s hand.

"Bye guys!" I called as they walked down the hall and boarded the elevator. I shut the door quickly and leaned up against it. "Thank you, God!" I said, locking the door.

"Glad they’re gone, Hun?"


Josh laughed as he walked down the hall, Danny asleep on his shoulder. "So," he said quietly, and he returned and followed me to the couch, "how’s about we ship Danny off to Justin’s or someone’s house for the weekend?"

"What for?" I asked, flipping aimlessly through the TV channels.

"I’m leaving next week…For three months…" he said, when I didn’t respond to his first reason. I continued flipping through channels. He proceeded to nibble and kiss on my neck.

"Ah, stop!" I whined.

"Answer me, then."

"You want me to abandon my baby again?!"

"You’re not abandoning him. It’s only for the weekend. Please Hol, I just wanna spend some time with you before I leave." He put on his best sad puppy face and even whimpered.

I sighed. "Fine! I’ll call Just tomorrow and see if he wants to spend some quality time with his little buddy."

"Yey!" he exclaimed, a huge smile on his face.

"Sweetie, we’re not six anymore. Let’s act a little more mature" He quickly stopped and put a serious look on his face. "Ok, you don’t have to be that serious." He smiled and reached over quickly, stealing the remote from me before I could even react. "Grr."

"Grr to you, too."

I laughed and laid down on the couch, my head in Josh’s lap. He stroked my hair as we sat in silence, watching TV.

* * * * * * * *

"Justy?" I asked when he answered the phone.

"Yeah babe?"

"How much do you love me?" I was trying to sound innocent.


"Thanks J."

"Haha, just kiddin’. What’s up?"

"Do you and Laura feel like watching Danny this weekend? Josh wanted some spend some alone time with me before he leaves next week."

"Are you kidding? We’d love to! Jonathan and Stephen are coming down, too, and my mom’ll be here practically all weekend, so the kids will have a blast!"

"You’re the bestest, Justin! *Muah* I’ll bring him around 6ish?"

"Sounds good."

"Luv ya, Just."

"Luv ya, babe."

* * * * * * * *

"I know! I can’t believe it. ‘Hol, I just wanna spend some time with you,’ blah, blah, blah!" I exclaimed to Hannah over the phone.

"He just left?"

"Yeah, I woke up this morning and found a note and a flower. ‘Hun, I’ll be back soon.’ That was, like, five hours ago!" I heard the locks clicking. I jumped off the bad and started walking down the hall. "Han, I think he’s home. I’ll call ya later."

"K, go easy on him."

"I’ll try. Bye babe!"


I turned the phone off and brushed past Josh to put it back on the cradle by the couch.

"Hi," he said, coaxing a response out of me.

"Oh! Look who’s home!" I said sarcastically, turning my back and walking down the hall and into the master bathroom.

"What are you doing?" He followed me.

"Running a bath. Problem?"

"Why are you mad?"

"Who said I’m mad?"

"You’re certainly acting like it."

I continued to run my bath and pour bubbles into the water, filling the air with a vanilla scent. "Are you just gonna stand there? Or are you gonna let me take my bath in peace?" He sighed and left the room.

I lit a few candles and settled down into the warm, bubbly water that filled the claw-foot tub. I closed my eyes and let all the troubles of life get washed away.

I didn’t hear the door open, but after ten or so minutes, Josh was sitting behind me, massaging my shoulders.

"Mmm, I’m sorry…" I whispered.

"For what?" He continued to massage my shoulders and moved up to my neck.

"Being a bitch. I was just really upset, ‘cause you left me for practically the whole day!"

"I know. I’m sorry." He leaned down and kissed my shoulders and neck all over. "I…Love…You…" he whispered between kisses.

"I love you, too. But you need…to stop…" He didn’t stop. "That tickles!" I swatted at him and he backed away. "You need to shave, and I need to finish my bath!"

"One more kiss?"

"One more kiss." He leaned over and kissed me gently, then walked to the vanity to shave. "You’re so good to me."

"I try." I sat quietly, just watching him. "Why are you staring at me?" he asked, glancing at me in the mirror.

"No reason…"

"Holly…" He wiggled his eyebrows mischievously. "You want me," he stated, continuing to shave.

"Oh yes…I want you; I need you. Oh baby, oh baby."


"*Muah!* You know I love you, but…you’re gonna hafta leave."

"Why?!" he exclaimed into the towel he was using to dry his face.

"’Cause I’m getting all pruned and yucky, and I’m tired!"

"So get out of the bathtub, and go to bed!"

"Are you still standing there?" I asked, reaching for the towel that lay by the tub.


"Well stop."

"Stop standing?"

"Stop standing there! Joshua, just get outta the bathroom!"

"Alright." He held his hands up in surrender. "I’m going, I’m going!"

I waited for him to close the door behind him before I got out of the bathtub. "God Mia," I said, putting a hand on my stomach. "I really love him."

* * * * * * * *

Laura and I walked quietly into Justin’s house, through the garage and into the dining room.

"I had fun, Lor," I said, putting my many bags on the table.

"Yeah, me too. But Justin’s gonna kill me when he sees how much I bought today!"

"Well, Josh is gonna kill me, so I guess neither of us will be lonely."

We had gone shopping for the entire day. We went out at 10 that morning and it was now 6:30 in the evening. Half the places we went to, I didn’t even know existed. She had dragged me all over Orlando.

I suddenly heard Justin’s voice coming from the living room. "A ring?! Well, lemme see it!"

"Sure…" Josh’s voice responded.

I gasped. "Josh?" I whispered.

"Wonder what’s going on," Laura wondered out loud. She started to walk toward the door that led to the living room.

"No!" I exclaimed, pulling her back. "Wait."

"It’s really nice, Josh. I gotta give ya credit," Justin said, obviously in awe.

"A ring?" I asked, though a little late.

"That’s what I heard…" Laura said. "Want me to go in and take a peek?" she asked excitedly.


"So," Josh’s voice rang out suddenly. "Do you think it’s too early? I mean…will she…?"

"Yeah! Of course!" Justin exclaimed. The room got quiet. "You make her happy, man," Justin said quietly, as if he was telling a secret. "I mean, really happy. Anyone who can do that…well, it makes me happy to see her happy, ‘cause I know she wasn't for a long time. So, uh…well, you have my blessings-"

"Thanks-" Josh tried to cut in.

"But! If you hurt her…ever!…I will find out, and I will hunt you down. It’s nothing personal-" I was getting madder by the second, "But she’s like my little sister, and like any big brother, I hurt anyone who hurts her."

Laura took this opportunity to burst into the living room before I punched something. "Hey boys!" she yelled a second before she threw open the door.

I followed after a second, trying to let the anger drain out of me. "Hey guys," I said, smiling.

"Hey!" Justin exclaimed, trying to look innocent. "How long have you two been here?"

"Oh, we just got back," Laura lied, glancing in my direction. I had walked straight to Josh and he had me wrapped up in his arms.

"How much money did ya spend?" he whispered in my ear.

I giggled. "Probably too much, but hey, what the hell, right?"


"What are you doing here, anyway?" I asked.

"Came to get Danny. I wasn’t sure what time you would get back, and I thought I’d get him home and get him off Justin’s hands."

"Aww, I don’t mind having my little buddy here, you two know that!" Justin interrupted.

"Well, we better get going, right Hun?" I asked, nudging Josh.

"What? Oh, yeah, we should get home-"

"Can I stay longer, Mama?" Danny’s voice came from the top of the stairs.

"Baby, I think you’ve imposed on JJ enough for a while."

"He doesn’t impose!" Justin exclaimed. "Pweeze, Hol? I want him to stay another night." Justin pouted and stared at me with that puppy dog look on his face.

I glanced at Laura. "I don’t mind," she said, winking at me.

"Ugh, fine! One. More. Night," I stated. "Well, come give me a kiss goodbye!" He dashed down the stairs and jumped into my arms. "Bye Baby, me and Josh will come get you tomorrow, k?"

"K. Wuv you!"

"Love you, too. Be good."

"Be good, Kiddo," Josh said, ruffling Danny’s hair.

"Bye Josh!" Danny called as he ran back upstairs.

"Well, we’re gonna get outta here. I had fun, Laura, we’ll have to do this again!" I hugged her.

"Not anytime soon, I hope!" Justin said, stealing me from Laura and hugging me tight. "Bye Babe. Love ya."

"Love ya, too. We’ll see ya tomorrow."

"Yep. It was good seeing you Josh."

"You too," Josh said as we walked out the door.

Oh God, I thought, remembering the conversation I had just overheard. Please help me. What am I gonna do?

* * * * * * * *

"Holly?" someone whispered, dragging me out of a deep, peaceful sleep. "Holly?" There it was again. I opened my eyes, but closed them again because of the bright sunlight pouring in my window.

A kiss. I knew that kiss.

I opened my eyes and stretched my arms above my head. "Good morning," I said, smiling at Josh, who hovered above me.

"Good morning. How’d you sleep?"


He kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down into me.

"I gotta talk to you," he said, trying to sit back up.

"Shoot," I said, propping myself up on the pillows behind me.

"Ok…" He took a deep breath, and took my hand in his. I knew what was coming. "Ok, well you know I love you?" I nodded. "Good. Ok, well, I’ve been thinking, and…I don’t want to leave again, not without knowing that you’ll be mine…forever. I want us to be together, as a family. You, me, Danny…and the baby. Holly, baby? Will you marry me?"

He took out a black velvet box and opened it, exposing the ring that he had showed Justin the day before. It was gorgeous, simple, but gorgeous. A small, teardrop shaped diamond sparkled on the white gold band.

Tears formed in my eyes. "Josh…" He smiled at me, and my heart melted. "I love you…but I really don’t think this is the right time."

"Why?" he asked quietly.

"I want us to be together, too. But I don’t want you to do something you’re not ready for…we’re not ready for."

"Holly, we’re going to have a child together."

"I know, I know. But I don’t want you to feel obligated. I don’t want you to regret your decision later, if we don’t work out. I want to know that it’s for real. I think we should wait until after the baby is born to get married. Please don’t hate me."

"I don’t hate you." He kissed my forehead. "I don’t."

"I have been thinking, though…"


"Moving in together."

"I practically live here already!"

"I meant, get a house. I was out driving the other day, and I saw this gorgeous house on Cocoa Beach-"

"Why were you driving all the way out there?"

"I dunno, that’s just where I ended up. Anyway," I continued, "as I was saying, there’s this gorgeous house up for sale right on the beach. It’s a two-story, and the owners let me take a look around. Josh it’s gorgeous, I fell in love with it." I pouted.

He stared at me intensely. "I guess we can go take a look at it." I threw my arms around his neck. He hugged me back for a second, then pulled away. "I want you to hold on to this." He held the ring out, but I only stared at him. "Just as a promise ring. I promise we’ll get married someday, hopefully soon."

"Thank you." I took it and put it on the chain that Justin’s heart pendant was on, the put it around my neck. "I love you."

Chapter Twenty-One