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Chapter Six

“Where is it?!” Justin asked himself as he rummaged through his car, looking for his basketball. “Oh, come on, I know I left it in here!” he told himself.

At that moment, Ashleigh and Jessica were walking down the street, coming right towards him. “Mommy! Mommy, look! Justy!” Jessica said seconds before she began to run towards Justin, who still hadn’t noticed they were there. “Justy!” Jessica exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his leg.

“What the…Jessi?! What are you doing here?” he asked as he looked around.

“Mommy take me to the park. Justy, I miss you.” He reached down and picked her up; as soon as she was close enough, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, as if she would never let go.

“Hey Justin,” Ashleigh said quietly as she appeared from behind his car.

Justin slowly lowered Jessica to the ground and walked towards Ashleigh. “Hey,” was all he could say. Come on Timby just tell her. Remember what C said: tell her that you love her. You know that’s how you feel!

“What’s up?” she asked, trying to make conversation. She hadn’t really believed he would be home, so she never thought of what she would say.

“Oh, nothing. I was just going over to Chris’s house to play some basketball. Him and Danielle broke up, and he’s been really down lately, so I’m trying to get him back on his feet.”

“Oh, well tell him I’m sorry-”

“Mommy, can we stay with Justin?” Jessi asked from her seat behind the wheel of Justin’s Benz.

Justin took Jessica out of the car and held her in his arms again. “Sure Kiddo! I mean, if your mommy says it’s ok,” Justin said before Ashleigh could say no.

“Please Mommy, please Mommy!” Justin and Jessica begged. Justin pouted his bottom lip and Jessica soon followed his example.

Ashleigh stared at the two and sighed deeply. “I guess that’s fine.” She laughed at the sight of the two of them together again.

“Justy!” Jessica squealed as Justin lifted her onto his shoulders. He took her over to the passenger side of the car and pulled her down into Ashleigh’s arms.

Ashleigh climbed into the car and sat Jessica on her lap. Moments later, Justin started the car and backed out of the driveway.

* * * * * * * *

“Hey Chris!” Justin called as the three of them walked in Chris’s front door.

“Hey I’m upstairs!” he answered.

Justin picked Jessica up and walked upstairs, followed by Ashleigh. “Hey man!” Justin greeted him. When he realized what Chris was doing, he asked, “Man, why are you still obsessing over her. She left, and you’re better for it. If she can’t handle you and your career, then why keep her around?”

Chris stared at Justin for a minute, his eyes wide. He threw the pictures he was holding up into the air, and they scattered all around the room.

“Umm…” Justin said, trying to make conversation. But lately that had been a hard thing to do with Chris.

“So, what did you wanna do tonight?” Chris asked cheerfully. Justin stared at him, speechless at his quick mood change. “Cause I was thinking we could go clubbin’, how’s that sound?”

“That sounds great. Hey Ash, you can take Jessi to my mom’s and come with us,” Justin suggested. He had found his chance to tell her how he felt about her and he wasn’t about to let it slip away.

“Yeah Ash, please,” Chris begged.

“You guys don’t want me tagging along while you’re trying to pick up girls.”

“Come on, please,” the guys said together.

Ashleigh looked at Jessica. “Well baby, would you wanna go to Mrs. Lynn’s for a while?” Jessica smiled and nodded her head. Ashleigh turned back to Justin and Chris. “Well then, I guess I’ll go,” she gave in.

“Great. We’ll take my car, come on!” Justin said excitedly.

“I have an idea!” Ashleigh exclaimed. “Why don’t we bring my friend Jennifer? We can pick her up on the way to your house, Justin.”

Justin agreed. They left Chris’s house, picked up Jennifer, dropped Jessica off, and were on their way downtown in 10 minutes.

* * * * * * * *

“I’m gonna get somethin’ to drink,” Ashleigh yelled to Justin over the blaring music. “Do you want anything?” Justin shook his head ‘no’ and she left the dance floor. They had been dancing for at least three hours straight and Ashleigh was exhausted.

“Hey Ash, what’s up?” Jennifer asked as she followed Ashleigh to the bar.

“Oh hey, I’m just getting something to drink.”

“What’s with you and Justin?” she asked suddenly.

“What do you mean?” Ashleigh asked, not really paying attention, as she was trying to get the bartender’s attention.

“He was totally grinding on you!” she exclaimed. “He’s been all over you for the past three hours!”

“Well, what about you and Chris? You wanna see grinding, just look at you two.”

“He’s lonely. I’m just helping him…get over Danielle.”

“And you’re doing a damn good job of it, too,” Ashleigh agreed, noticing Chris making a beeline towards them, followed closely by Justin.

“Hey ladies!” Chris said slyly as he draped his arm around Jennifer. “Y’all want somethin’ to drink?” Jennifer nodded and Chris called out, “Hey Mike!”

The bartender looked over and walked toward the group. “Hey Chris! What’ll it be tonight?”

“Umm, Jen here will have a…what do you want babe?”

“Uh, a margarita?”

“Sure thing, and you Chris? The usual, just a beer?” Chris nodded his head and Mike looked at Justin and Ashleigh. “And for you two?”

Ashleigh nervously waited for Justin to order something, but he didn’t. Finally, she spoke up. “I’ll just have a water.”

“Two waters Mike. Thanks man,” Justin said. He turned to Ashleigh. “Not much of a drinker, huh?”

“I’m kinda scared to drink too much, you know, with my dad being alcoholic and all.”

“Here ya go,” Mike said, sliding their drinks onto the bar.

Justin nodded a ‘thank you’ and turned back to Ashleigh. This is it man! Just tell her how you feel about her. Let it out. She deserves to know. “Oh man! I love this song!” Chris exclaimed as Mystikal’s ‘Shake Ya Ass’ began blaring on the speakers. “Hey Ash, ya wanna dance with me on this one?”

“Sure, do you mind Justin?”

“Nah, you two go have some fun. Me and Jen’ll dance!” The group went out on the floor once more, only to stay there for that one song before Ashleigh decided she needed to go home.

“You guys can stay, really. I insist. I’ll call a cab,” Ashleigh argued with Justin outside the club.

“Nah babe, I’m gonna take you to my house, pick up Jessi, take you home, then come up them. It’s simple!”

“Not! Justin, just stay here, I don’t want you to leave on account of me. I don’t wanna ruin your fun.”

“How could you ruin my fun?”

“By not allowing you stay here and mingle, since you are single again.”

Justin laughed, but inside, he was about ready to kill himself. Ash, I love you. It’s that easy to say!

Ashleigh whipped out her cell phone and proceeded to dial the number for a cab company, but Justin pulled her phone away.


“Ash, I love you,” he finally said.

Chapter Seven