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(1 month before)

“B, how many times am I gonna have to tell you? I didn’t do anything with that fan. She attacked me. WHY WON’T YOU BELIEVE ME? I…love…you,” Justin Timberlake said slowly to his girlfriend, Britney Spears.

“Justin, I'm not a child, so don’t speak to me like one!” she exclaimed.

He winced at the harshness of her voice. “Well, maybe you shouldn’t act like a child, and I wouldn’t have to speak to you like that. Jeez Brit, you’re letting little things get to you. You don’t really wanna end this relationship.”

“You wanna bet? You are the one who let’s little things get to you. You’re the one who believes all that crap you read in tabloids.”

“Yeah, but you can’t look me in the eye and honestly say that you didn’t hook up with Ben Affleck or any of those other guys for that matter.”

“Yeah, you’re right, I can’t. But it’s your own fault. You were too busy to care about me. One-night stands are much easier to take than real relationships, cause it doesn’t matter if the other person doesn’t care about you. I can’t do this anymore.”

“Yes, you can Brit. WE can make this work. I can’t lose you babe.”

“Ya just did BABE. We can’t make this work J. I’ve tried, you’ve tried, and we’ve tried. And I guess the conclusion I’ve come to is that we’re just not meant to be. We can be friends, but we can’t have a relationship beyond that.”


“J, you’re my best friend, you know that. But we can’t have a romantic relationship. It would never work out. We’re too busy with our own things to even think about the other person. I can’t live with that.”

“FINE! But just remember, you’re the one who threw away the best thing either one of us ever had, so don’t think you can come crawling back!” he yelled and ran out the door.

He immediately jumped in his Benz and started it, but he didn’t make a move to leave her house. He stared at himself in his rearview mirror.

“No one wants you, Timberlake. Face it. Now that Brit’s through with you, no one’s gonna want you, either!” he scolded himself. “No one’s ever gonna want you again.”

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