There is a higher purpose for our suffering and pain,
so perfection in our character we can attain.
As we persevere by the strength of God,
we develop stamina throughout the steps we've trod.
Every time we face a temptation or trial,
and seek God's help instead of giving into worry or denial.
We grow one step closer to what God intended us to be,
and become that much more useful to Him you see.
We learn that we can do absolutely nothing on our own,
and must lean on His strength as our Bible has shown.
We discover very quickly to fall instantly to our knees,
submitting as we ask Him to take over please.
Realizing He knows the end and what would be best for all,
so we never hesitate on Him to call.
It becomes the first thought to enter our mind,
as we learn it instantly brings us peace others can't find.
A higher purpose than we could devise on our own,
as we discern the truths our Bible makes known.
So the next time a trial comes your way,
give it to your Heavenly Father as you kneel to pray.
You'll have grown one step closer to what you should be,
when He brings us all home for eternity.
© Written by Barbara Philbrook
All graphics on this page were created by Lyn
DO NOT under any circumstances take them.
© 2001
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~ Lyn ~