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A sister is someone
Who's been where you've been,
Who knows you
And what you're about...

Someone you know
You can call if you need to
When something's
Just not working out...

A sister is someone
Who's more than just family
Her friendship is
One of a kind...

And the closeness you've shared
Through life's laughter and tears
Is the deepest
That you'll ever find...

I'm fortunate to have
A sister like you.
I wouldn't trade our special relationship
For anything in the world...

Nothing is more comfortable
Or more reassuring
Than knowing that
You are always there...

And you make life so enjoyable
Just by being youself
You've always been the best kind of sister.
I just thought I'd say "Thanks."
I love you very much Sis!!!



**I do not endorse or have anything to do with the banners that
are placed on this page by Angelfire.
~ Lyn ~

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