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Amanda Cappello

playing the part of Quince/Prologue

Mommy says I have to wear a helmet at all times!

The Amanda Cappello Story

Hi, my name is Amanda Cappello and I'm a robot! I was born in the year 1984 to my mother, Winston, and my father, and Apple II we lovingly call Alf. From a very early age, I became infatuated with television. In a way, it has kind of been a Big Sister to me. All of my fondest memories involve TV. When I lost my first tooth, it was from Dad throwing a TV at me. On my first day of school, I accidentally tripped, fell and peed on a TV. Even my first kiss- was with a TV. So naturally, when the producers of a poorly written, poorly acted movie series approached me to star in my very own movie that wouldn't do well with the critics or the box office, but would get re-run to death on a syndicated television, I said, "BLEEP" (Apple II for "okay"). I don't think I'll ever have enough RAM to think of a better time than I had on the sets of Short Circuit 1 and 2. I feel so lucky to have gotten a chance to work with such great actors. Those people are going places. Following my success in these important foreign films, my mommy said she wanted me to wear a helmet at all times. It did not compute, but it was stylish so I did it. Then, one fateful day, the phone rang. I knew what it was about right away. "No, we didn't order any pizzas, Domino's," I said in my firmest error message. Later that day, the phone rang again. This time, it was the WB, trying to contact Urkle about a new series where he is "mature and cool." Needless to say, I accepted. Following my conviction for fraud, the judge sentenced me to 5-10 years in the most God-forsaken high school this side of Urkle. That pretty much does it for me. Currently, I play Quince/Prologue in William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Shutdown. Thank you, goodbye.

Written by Joseph Earl Linnell. Approved by Amanda Cappello.

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